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Apr 19, 2022 2:06 AM
Mar 2018
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.
Apr 19, 2022 2:20 AM
Nov 2015
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

you sure you really saw the anime bro?
Apr 19, 2022 2:22 AM
Aug 2021
Highonthighs said:
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

you sure you really saw the anime bro?

I think she was wrong.
Apr 19, 2022 2:23 AM

Nov 2021
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

rei was a b*tch!! i f*cking hated her
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Apr 19, 2022 2:23 AM
Nov 2015
Mishikawa said:
Highonthighs said:

you sure you really saw the anime bro?

I think she was wrong.

she sure is lol

she hasn't seen it for sure
Apr 19, 2022 2:25 AM
Mar 2022
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.
u must've not seen the anime as to how everyone else saw it. rei really cheated on our boy takashi. takashi had to slap rei because she wasn't listening to her and had to let her see reality. wdym for no reason? lol. how do you think it would feel if u got cheated on?
Apr 19, 2022 2:30 AM

Jul 2015
You're right.
I won't discriminate.
I hate every single character in this show and I endured 12 episodes of this abomination simply because I wanted to see them being torn apart by zombies, which would honestly somewhat redeem this show, but nah.

Pink haired bi*ch is especially repulsive.
It's really hard to make a character so annoying and unlikable from the very first line they speak in the show.

Apr 19, 2022 2:33 AM

Apr 2020
Yeah, worst of all, I think Rei got her feelings hurt once too. Poor poor girl.
Apr 19, 2022 2:35 AM
Mar 2018
Piromysl said:
You're right.
I won't discriminate.
I hate every single character in this show and I endured 12 episodes of this abomination simply because I wanted to see them being torn apart by zombies, which would honestly somewhat redeem this show, but nah.

Pink haired bi*ch is especially repulsive.
It's really hard to make a character so annoying and unlikable from the very first line they speak in the show.

Wow now tell us how you really feel
Apr 19, 2022 2:35 AM
Mar 2022
how can u say poor girl to someone who actually fakes her love to someone who loves her?
Apr 19, 2022 2:36 AM

Jul 2015
JP64 said:
Piromysl said:
You're right.
I won't discriminate.
I hate every single character in this show and I endured 12 episodes of this abomination simply because I wanted to see them being torn apart by zombies, which would honestly somewhat redeem this show, but nah.

Pink haired bi*ch is especially repulsive.
It's really hard to make a character so annoying and unlikable from the very first line they speak in the show.

Wow now tell us how you really feel

I definitely don't feel like repeating myself.

Apr 19, 2022 2:37 AM

Jan 2021
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

well she hurt the mc too, ever thought of how he would've felt from his perspective
Apr 19, 2022 2:41 AM
Mar 2022
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

Rei cheated on takashi
Apr 19, 2022 2:54 AM
Mar 2018
Zezul said:
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

Rei cheated on takashi
cheated??? did I miss something
Apr 19, 2022 2:55 AM
Mar 2018
_-ShiroNeko-_ said:
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

well she hurt the mc too, ever thought of how he would've felt from his perspective
I guess so, but the boobs thing...
Apr 19, 2022 2:57 AM
Mar 2018
rian_ngworld said:
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.
u must've not seen the anime as to how everyone else saw it. rei really cheated on our boy takashi. takashi had to slap rei because she wasn't listening to her and had to let her see reality. wdym for no reason? lol. how do you think it would feel if u got cheated on?
when did she cheat, I'm sorry but I don't remember that.
Apr 19, 2022 3:01 AM
Mar 2022
clearly u haven't seen the show lmfao. she cheated on takashi for hisashi. she literally faked her love for takashi and made hisashi her girlfriend. rewatch the show
Apr 19, 2022 3:01 AM
Mar 2018
rian_ngworld said:
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.
u must've not seen the anime as to how everyone else saw it. rei really cheated on our boy takashi. takashi had to slap rei because she wasn't listening to her and had to let her see reality. wdym for no reason? lol. how do you think it would feel if u got cheated on?
the reality? he could have pushed her and her bf along with him without the slap, it just seemed like he was using it as an excuse to be violent because she rejected him, at least he grew away from that (the fact her bf died probably helped lol)
Apr 19, 2022 3:03 AM
Mar 2022
did u not see how rei was talking shit all the time to takashi?? jesus christ man. She literally talk shit out of takashi with all the teacher and their classmates around.
Apr 19, 2022 3:04 AM

Jan 2021
Duberr said:
_-ShiroNeko-_ said:

well she hurt the mc too, ever thought of how he would've felt from his perspective
I guess so, but the boobs thing...
Duberr said:
_-ShiroNeko-_ said:

well she hurt the mc too, ever thought of how he would've felt from his perspective
I guess so, but the boobs thing...
boobs.......I do feel sorry for that lmao, but that's supposed to be the ecchi+comedy part of it right ?
Apr 19, 2022 3:04 AM
Mar 2018
Piromysl said:
JP64 said:

Wow now tell us how you really feel

I definitely don't feel like repeating myself.

Ok, don’t quite see that as reason to go through the effort of watching something all the way through when you clearly don’t like it but hey to each their own.
Apr 19, 2022 3:10 AM
Mar 2022
Duberr said:
rian_ngworld said:
u must've not seen the anime as to how everyone else saw it. rei really cheated on our boy takashi. takashi had to slap rei because she wasn't listening to her and had to let her see reality. wdym for no reason? lol. how do you think it would feel if u got cheated on?
the reality? he could have pushed her and her bf along with him without the slap, it just seemed like he was using it as an excuse to be violent because she rejected him, at least he grew away from that (the fact her bf died probably helped lol)

Dude its a good thing takashi slapped her by waking her up and that what makes him a good leader
Apr 19, 2022 3:14 AM

Jul 2015
JP64 said:
Piromysl said:

I definitely don't feel like repeating myself.

Ok, don’t quite see that as reason to go through the effort of watching something all the way through when you clearly don’t like it but hey to each their own.

I literally said I wanted to see them being torn apart by zombies.

Apr 19, 2022 3:14 AM
Mar 2018
Zezul said:
Duberr said:
the reality? he could have pushed her and her bf along with him without the slap, it just seemed like he was using it as an excuse to be violent because she rejected him, at least he grew away from that (the fact her bf died probably helped lol)

Dude its a good thing takashi slapped her by waking her up and that what makes him a good leader
will smith lol, but I guess he did help her and everyone a lot so that kinds makes sense, I still it was very unnecessary but this is ecchi anime
Apr 19, 2022 3:21 AM
Mar 2018
Piromysl said:
JP64 said:

Ok, don’t quite see that as reason to go through the effort of watching something all the way through when you clearly don’t like it but hey to each their own.

I literally said I wanted to see them being torn apart by zombies.

Still a lame reason but like I said to each their own
Apr 19, 2022 5:10 AM

Mar 2011
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

This show ain't that deep, bro.
Apr 19, 2022 5:48 AM
Dec 2021
Welp, this is when Saeko became Best Girl
Apr 19, 2022 5:58 AM
Feb 2022
i liked the show it was fun to watch
Apr 19, 2022 7:05 AM
Dec 2021
Duberr said:
I don't know if I feel like this because I'm a girl, but I feel Rei went through some shit ngl. Losing her boyfriend, being stuck with a guy she actually really don't like but kinda HAS to like because he keeps saving your life and that makes you like him (this sentence makes sense trust me, also Takashi slapped her in the first episode for no reason bro, at least he chara development), getting the most boob damage (like bro????), getting shot AFTER having your boob over-stimulated (shit must HURT). She was rly going through it and no one gives her credit for that lol.

Please don't take this show seriously I'm not hating it I've given it a 5 star rating but this is the fantasy of an otaku describing how a apocalypse should go acc to him
Apr 19, 2022 10:22 AM
May 2021
Rei was a awful character throughout the anime and manga
Apr 20, 2022 12:31 PM
Feb 2022
That's a reasonable take. I will say it was a bit trashy to throw herself at Takashi the same day her boyfriend died. It was also shitty how she hit him with the guilt trip for putting Hishashi out of his misery (which Hishashi specifically asked him to do).
Apr 20, 2022 12:34 PM
Feb 2022
Duberr said:
Zezul said:

Rei cheated on takashi
cheated??? did I miss something

Well the cheating wasn't explicitly shown, but the scene in ep 1 or two shows Takashi look across the street, suprised and hurt, to see Rei flirting with his best friend.
Flashbacks also show that Takashi thried talking to her about what was wrong and she just said "you wouldn't understand."

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