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Attack on Titan
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Mar 13, 2022 9:45 AM
Feb 2021
"Oh, here we go again! ANOTHER AOT thread." Yeah, I know what that's what some people are thinking after seeing this lol, but I just wanna see your thoughts to this.

So far as a series, AOT's story has developed till this point positively and negatively to the fandom as a whole. So, I wanna pose this at y'all. Which developed or drove the story more: the plot or the characters?

Thanks as I see your responses.
Mar 13, 2022 9:53 AM
Feb 2018
deg said:
“There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.”

― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

so the 50 Year Plan is still the best

War will happen if there's participant, and there are factors that can starts the war. One of fundamental factors is the existence of humans itself, a creature that able to cause the war. But what if a madlad decide to wipe everything clean so there's no fucking war? That madlad is Eren, "theres no racism if there's no race left" is indeed sounds corny, but that's logical. Let's say Paradis who survives because of Rumbling is variable A,and those who oppose is variable B.

A(Paradis) + B(Opposition) = Clashing

It was stated by Jean that there's no need another bloodshed they got to through if they simply accept Eren mad idea. But there's this free-will and morale from Armin and Co. viewpoint. They continue this war with the alibi to end the war, but Yeagerist and Paradis also have alibi and it's the same end, it's to end the war. A will still being A if there's no B, and B literally establish their own existence with their very awareness.
Mar 13, 2022 9:55 AM

Sep 2020
AishaBi said:
ZXEAN said:
Why you keep on repeating same shit again and again bro. Yeagerist which is run by bunch of immature trainee can't do a shit against 4 Titan shifter and an Ackerman.
bruh wtf are you talking about? Not everyone are immatured trainees among Yeagerists. And doesn't matter how weak they are but there's no way yeagerists will lose dealing ABSOLUTELY ZERO DAMAGE.
I understand your complane but the defeat of the Yeagerist with 0 casualty from Alliance side is nothing surprising. This supprise attack was lead by the Alliance with proper planning. Imo Annie and Reiner alone could defeat the Yeagerist.
Mar 13, 2022 9:56 AM
May 2016
KneelBeforeMe said:
adnan_ said:

It's almost like they are just following what Scouts have already done? To always fight for "humanity"? Ig Scouts should apologize to you for being loyal to what they stand for. It also ain't like they were happy good shoes with Magath LMAO. If not for hange in the previous episode. A conflict would have started. It's not about killing their comrade but more about opposing xenophobia and supporting what Scouts stood for.

And Many of them are rookie recruits, a few of them cowards, like Daz, you can see it in their expression, for many of them the only real battle experience they had was in Marley. In addition, the weapons they have are old, the dispersion is greater than current weapons. All these factors justify the few secs of slow response from the soldiers, just before Mikasa shows up. It's not a big deal.
The scouts fought for humanity within the walls. not outside. Also, "opposing xenophobia", uh? We were literally shown guards in Marley in the previous episode that were still heavily racist and xenophobic towards Annie's dad and other eldians. Not to worry though, the savior Armin will bridge the differences between eldians and the rest of the world!

Again, allying with Marley because you want to prevent omnicide is understandable but it's still illogical in regards to what the scouts have put forth in terms of alternative solutions so far. But hey, now that Magath's home is about to get fucked without lube he suddenly regrets his warmongering against Paradis and we're suppose to feel bad for him and support his alliance with the scouts. Right.
abhiiinaav said:
totally agree with whatever you said
"whatever you said" is a good summary of op's argument.

The scouts fought for humanity within the walls. not outside. Also, "opposing xenophobia", uh?

"The scouts fought for humanity within the walls. not outside."
That's a very selective interpretaton. The scouts fought for freedom, the Garrison fought for humanity within the walls in a literal sense. They always fought for the advancement of humanity in the form of knowledge, that's ultimately what Erwin fought for: to find out the secrets of the basement and to prove his father's theory of humanity surviving beyond the walls. It's a presumption on either side to argue that the Scouts that died would support Eren or oppose him, I thought that was obvious because of the scene last week coming from Hange's perspective, of course there's bias: she was given the title of leader of the scouts for a reason by Erwin, I believe it was because of her bigger interest in wanting to understand the titans over eradicating them, why wouldn't she believe fighting to save the world in order to be able to understand it better is what the Scouts would do? The anime did a poor job by not showing chapter 123 to add to Hange's line last week "We can't go back to being the ignorant demons behind the walls." They lived in the outside world and got to learn there was so much else out there beyond just themselves. Why wouldn't she fight to oppose Eren's easier option of embracing ignorance?

>We were literally shown guards in Marley in the previous episode that were still heavily racist and xenophobic towards Annie's dad and other eldians.
We were also shown guards in the internment zone that were kind to Gabi and Falco enough to show concern for their safety during the raid. Is it so hard to believe prejudices can be overcame?

> Again, allying with Marley because you want to prevent omnicide is understandable but it's still illogical in regards to what the scouts have put forth in terms of alternative solutions so far. But hey, now that Magath's home is about to get fucked without lube he suddenly regrets his warmongering against Paradis and we're suppose to feel bad for him and support his alliance with the scouts. Right.
It's illogical more from the perspective that they're going against a ridiculously huge threat that is the Founding Titan and the Rumbling itself. It's not illogical at all for the characters to find the guilt of being the sole survivors on earth after just recently having their understanding of the entire world flipped on its head. We've seen throughout the final season, through his interactions with the warriors, Tybur, last episode and this episode too how Magath's views on Eldians have changed despite being one of the old guard (remember that the Great Titan War ended 100 years ago in the current timeline, its very likely Magath's family was actually affected by Eldian subjugation, I don't think people get that his lingering resentment isn't that unrealistic nor is it portrayed as right.) so it's not at all sudden. That's why Marco's words were the focal point of the last episode, to show how stupid their conflicts based on pre-judgement and fear are when ultimately if we were just able to communicate better things wouldn't have to get as bad as they did. Its repesentative of the real world as well, WW2's end didn't end war for good but that doesn't mean the soldiers that died for the allies' victory died for nothing. There's always a better solution than omnicide, and I think the characters have plenty of reason to believe that as well.

Also just a general thing but I was needlessly rude to you in previous weeks' episode discussions, my apologies for that, I do respect your viewpoints regardless.
Mar 13, 2022 9:57 AM

Nov 2020
KneelBeforeMe said:
The scouts fought for humanity within the walls. not outside. Also, "opposing xenophobia", uh? We were literally shown guards in Marley in the previous episode that were still heavily racist and xenophobic towards Annie's dad and other eldians. Not to worry though, the savior Armin will bridge the differences between eldians and the rest of the world!

Again, allying with Marley because you want to prevent omnicide is understandable but it's still illogical in regards to what the scouts have put forth in terms of alternative solutions so far. But hey, now that Magath's home is about to get fucked without lube he suddenly regrets his warmongering against Paradis and we're suppose to feel bad for him and support his alliance with the scouts. Right.
Bro What?πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€Can u give me a panel where Erwin, Shadis or any scout member ever said, they were fighting for JUST the humanity inside walls? Bc they have always fought for humanity as a whole and before Basement, it was just that their whole world was paradis while it is the whole Earth now. Scouts WERE NEVER NATIONALIST.

Sigh bro like we were not shown in literally that same episode that they wanna remove ignorance, wanna talk and know both sides to remove that xenophobia. BTW since u r bringing guards what about the guards that protected gabi? I mean according to u they all are xenophobic, right?

Hange quite literally had one and an extremely plausible one at that. And no boiling down to a character to feel bad for him or feel like shit for him is only u not trying to see the diverse writing of his character. Magath has been shown to evolve as a person throughout the flashbacks and the present, where we got to witness a racist man that felt like a cog in the machine and followed his role as a general of the imperialistic and fascist nation of Marley while at the same time having the dilemma of sending countless Eldian children into battle and the regret that eventually came with it, which allowed for him to try to change the way his own country operated, so even though Magath is a piece of shit, he still has a lot of depth and moral dilemmas within his character that actually makes him interesting. "Suddenly regrets" already explains ur understanding of his character and his dilemma.

Ignorance is the main problem of the narrative here. Ignorance bc Willy as you can see set up Paradisians as ultimate evil to free outer eldians as he himself said and there's a reason Hizuru declined hange's proposal. They declined bc it could have worked and Paradis would have got more allies due to which Hizuru's monopoly and a worldwide attack on them and Willy DoW would also be impossible. It would be more of a World war situation. The world was ignorant that's why they came for them. They were engulfed in propaganda woven by Marleyans and then Willy. You can see how world leaders reacted when Willy told them the truth of who actually saved the world but then he proceeded for more propaganda. Willy would have never needed to orchestrate so much stuff and sacrifice himself if "the world is coming for them no matter what".

Guess what scouts stand for. yeah, it's "Anti Ignorance". Add the whole Children in the forest theme here and u can get the answer yourself.

Lemme say a bit more wHaTeVeR
CamelBowMar 13, 2022 10:07 AM

You're going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road.
It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn't it?
I'm sure you'll overcome this.
You'll walk again... soon.

Mar 13, 2022 9:57 AM
Jan 2021
ZXEAN said:
AishaBi said:
bruh wtf are you talking about? Not everyone are immatured trainees among Yeagerists. And doesn't matter how weak they are but there's no way yeagerists will lose dealing ABSOLUTELY ZERO DAMAGE.
I understand your complane but the defeat of the Yeagerist with 0 casualty from Alliance side is nothing surprising. This supprise attack was lead by the Alliance with proper planning. Imo Annie and Reiner alone could defeat the Yeagerist.

CAAAP. I, myself said that 4 shifters + ackermans vs untrained troopers can have this result, but them surviving all, not very convincing. And LMAOOO, Annie and Reiner get both clapped in the next episode. So if they were alone vs the yeagerists, they would have been obliterated instantly
Mar 13, 2022 9:57 AM

Jun 2015
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.
Mar 13, 2022 9:57 AM
Nov 2020
BigHomieTrapa said:
"Oh, here we go again! ANOTHER AOT thread." Yeah, I know what that's what some people are thinking after seeing this lol, but I just wanna see your thoughts to this.

So far as a series, AOT's story has developed till this point positively and negatively to the fandom as a whole. So, I wanna pose this at y'all. Which developed or drove the story more: the plot or the characters?

Thanks as I see your responses.

plot was awesome
characters like eren and reiner are awesome
Mar 13, 2022 9:59 AM

Sep 2020
imbAF said:
ZXEAN said:
I understand your complane but the defeat of the Yeagerist with 0 casualty from Alliance side is nothing surprising. This supprise attack was lead by the Alliance with proper planning. Imo Annie and Reiner alone could defeat the Yeagerist.

CAAAP. I, myself said that 4 shifters + ackermans vs untrained troopers can have this result, but them surviving all, not very convincing. And LMAOOO, Annie and Reiner get both clapped in the next episode. So if they were alone vs the yeagerists, they would have been obliterated instantly
I mean in worst case scenario, it's nothing surprising if Isayama had take that route.
Mar 13, 2022 10:00 AM
Nov 2020
Nycro said:
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.

care to explain how?
just cause it's not action doesn't mean its bad
Mar 13, 2022 10:00 AM
May 2016
imbAF said:
Modernoir said:

By communicating. Did you not watch the last episode at all? How the group has come together despite being enemies because they've been united by something as objectively awful as GLOBAL GENOCIDE? Wars unite countries one way or another, and all wars end with the two conflicts having to talk. Imagine how few lives would be lost if that talking point happened sooner rather than after nukes or in this case pure unfiltered mass murder. Eren is killing people who have NOTHING to do with the conflict related to Eldians, he's worse than the titan that ate his mother at this point. Any solution is better than a genocide on this scale.

By communicating..hmmm? Like in chapter 123 where IT WAS POINTED OUT CLEARLY that different world leaders didn't want to have a discussion with the people in Paradis. Yeah...go read AOT again...By any solution is better then this, you mean, it's ok to kill the Eldians, because there are more racists in the world then there are Eldians?

It's a better plan than killing the entire fucking world, the majority of which have no stake in the current conflict despite Eldia subjugating the world for over a thousand years prior. Hange's plan to use the rumbling briefly to destroy Marley's forces would serve similarly as a nuclear deterrent like you see in the real world. It wouldn't erase fear of Eldians, but it'd buy them more time. They'd only just made contact with the rest of the world, diplomatic proceedings take time, but country's views on their enemies CAN and WILL change with time. Do we still hate the Germans for WW2? Then why is it harder to believe in a solution beyond omnicide?
Mar 13, 2022 10:00 AM

Nov 2020
Nycro said:
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.
Funny how previous and this episode and episode after ymir's backstory were fking GREAT bc of how they moved forward the narrative and expanded the Children in the forest theme

You're going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road.
It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn't it?
I'm sure you'll overcome this.
You'll walk again... soon.

Mar 13, 2022 10:00 AM

Jan 2009
rach1m4n said:
deg said:
“There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.”

― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

so the 50 Year Plan is still the best

War will happen if there's participant, and there are factors that can starts the war. One of fundamental factors is the existence of humans itself, a creature that able to cause the war. But what if a madlad decide to wipe everything clean so there's no fucking war? That madlad is Eren, "theres no racism if there's no race left" is indeed sounds corny, but that's logical. Let's say Paradis who survives because of Rumbling is variable A,and those who oppose is variable B.

A(Paradis) + B(Opposition) = Clashing

It was stated by Jean that there's no need another bloodshed they got to through if they simply accept Eren mad idea. But there's this free-will and morale from Armin and Co. viewpoint. They continue this war with the alibi to end the war, but Yeagerist and Paradis also have alibi and it's the same end, it's to end the war. A will still being A if there's no B, and B literally establish their own existence with their very awareness.

there are 2 kinds of idea with nature and that is competition and cooperation

the point of human society is cooperation or coexistence as much as possible

Armin said it himself even if Paradis is the only human society that is left then war will still happen because of the titan curse so the problem is the titan curse itself

the 50 year plan and the advancement of anti titan weapons will make titan powers obsolete so it might become a different situation like in the real world today with Nuclear Deterrence like imagine every nation has Titan Powers too its similar to nukes right now anyway
Mar 13, 2022 10:00 AM
Jan 2021
Nycro said:
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.

Lmao how was this episode downhill? You trippin bro?
Mar 13, 2022 10:01 AM
May 2016
adnan_ said:
Nycro said:
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.
Funny how previous and this episode and episode after ymir's backstory were fking GREAT bc of how they moved forward the narrative and expanded the Children in the forest theme

Nothing makes me happier than seeing the adaptation's helped bring more people forward who can appreciate these chapters for what they bring and expand upon in the story.
Mar 13, 2022 10:02 AM

Nov 2020
imbAF said:
Modernoir said:

By communicating. Did you not watch the last episode at all? How the group has come together despite being enemies because they've been united by something as objectively awful as GLOBAL GENOCIDE? Wars unite countries one way or another, and all wars end with the two conflicts having to talk. Imagine how few lives would be lost if that talking point happened sooner rather than after nukes or in this case pure unfiltered mass murder. Eren is killing people who have NOTHING to do with the conflict related to Eldians, he's worse than the titan that ate his mother at this point. Any solution is better than a genocide on this scale.

By communicating..hmmm? Like in chapter 123 where IT WAS POINTED OUT CLEARLY that different world leaders didn't want to have a discussion with the people in Paradis. Yeah...go read AOT again...By any solution is better then this, you mean, it's ok to kill the Eldians, because there are more racists in the world then there are Eldians?
U r wrong here lol bc if Paradis would have gotten co-operation from Hizuru. A diplomacy was greatly plausible. Ignorance is the main problem of the narrative here. Ignorance bc Willy as you can see set up Paradisians as ultimate evil to free outer eldians as he himself said and there's a reason Hizuru declined hange's proposal. They declined bc it could have worked and Paradis would have got more allies due to which Hizuru's monopoly and a worldwide attack on them and Willy DoW would also be impossible. It would be more of a World war situation. The world was ignorant that's why they came for them. They were engulfed in propaganda woven by Marleyans and then Willy. You can see how world leaders reacted when Willy told them the truth of who actually saved the world but then he proceeded for more propaganda. Willy would have never needed to orchestrate so much stuff and sacrifice himself if "the world is coming for them no matter what".

You're going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road.
It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn't it?
I'm sure you'll overcome this.
You'll walk again... soon.

Mar 13, 2022 10:03 AM

Oct 2020
Kiyomi > Floch

10/10 episode.
Mar 13, 2022 10:04 AM

Nov 2020
Modernoir said:
adnan_ said:
Funny how previous and this episode and episode after ymir's backstory were fking GREAT bc of how they moved forward the narrative and expanded the Children in the forest theme

Nothing makes me happier than seeing the adaptation's helped bring more people forward who can appreciate these chapters for what they bring and expand upon in the story.
I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED how many people here are crying about OOOO Alliance bad, Eren good but gonna ignore the biggest theme of this arc which is children in the forest. Advocating directly for what Scouts stood for. Trying to remove ignorance and bud relation so we can build bridges instead of walls.

You're going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road.
It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn't it?
I'm sure you'll overcome this.
You'll walk again... soon.

Mar 13, 2022 10:06 AM
Jan 2021
ZXEAN said:
AishaBi said:
bruh wtf are you talking about? Not everyone are immatured trainees among Yeagerists. And doesn't matter how weak they are but there's no way yeagerists will lose dealing ABSOLUTELY ZERO DAMAGE.
I understand your complane but the defeat of the Yeagerist with 0 casualty from Alliance side is nothing surprising. This supprise attack was lead by the Alliance with proper planning. Imo Annie and Reiner alone could defeat the Yeagerist.
surprise attack means nothing if your opponent is more prepared than you. Annie and Reiner can't do shit against 100s of thunder spears at a time.
Mar 13, 2022 10:09 AM

Sep 2020
AishaBi said:
ZXEAN said:
I understand your complane but the defeat of the Yeagerist with 0 casualty from Alliance side is nothing surprising. This supprise attack was lead by the Alliance with proper planning. Imo Annie and Reiner alone could defeat the Yeagerist.
surprise attack means nothing if your opponent is more prepared than you. Annie and Reiner can't do shit against 100s of thunder spears at a time.
Ok I take back my last statement about Reiner and Annie but overall I am still sticking to my previous statement.
Mar 13, 2022 10:10 AM

Oct 2020
Can I get eye cancer from reading dumb comments?
Mar 13, 2022 10:15 AM
Jan 2021
Modernoir said:
imbAF said:

By communicating..hmmm? Like in chapter 123 where IT WAS POINTED OUT CLEARLY that different world leaders didn't want to have a discussion with the people in Paradis. Yeah...go read AOT again...By any solution is better then this, you mean, it's ok to kill the Eldians, because there are more racists in the world then there are Eldians?

It's a better plan than killing the entire fucking world, the majority of which have no stake in the current conflict despite Eldia subjugating the world for over a thousand years prior. Hange's plan to use the rumbling briefly to destroy Marley's forces would serve similarly as a nuclear deterrent like you see in the real world. It wouldn't erase fear of Eldians, but it'd buy them more time. They'd only just made contact with the rest of the world, diplomatic proceedings take time, but country's views on their enemies CAN and WILL change with time. Do we still hate the Germans for WW2? Then why is it harder to believe in a solution beyond omnicide?

You must have reading comprehension problems. LEADERS OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD REFUSED TO HAVE PEACE TALKS WITH THE PEOPLE OF PARADIS.They simply flat out refused to give them the chance for dialogue. They, having will as a representative, declared war on them. What are the philosophical bullshit u tryna sell? THe world declared war, paradis has to do something, what should that thing be,if it's not to fight for their survival
Mar 13, 2022 10:15 AM
Feb 2018
deg said:
rach1m4n said:

War will happen if there's participant, and there are factors that can starts the war. One of fundamental factors is the existence of humans itself, a creature that able to cause the war. But what if a madlad decide to wipe everything clean so there's no fucking war? That madlad is Eren, "theres no racism if there's no race left" is indeed sounds corny, but that's logical. Let's say Paradis who survives because of Rumbling is variable A,and those who oppose is variable B.

A(Paradis) + B(Opposition) = Clashing

It was stated by Jean that there's no need another bloodshed they got to through if they simply accept Eren mad idea. But there's this free-will and morale from Armin and Co. viewpoint. They continue this war with the alibi to end the war, but Yeagerist and Paradis also have alibi and it's the same end, it's to end the war. A will still being A if there's no B, and B literally establish their own existence with their very awareness.

there are 2 kinds of idea with nature and that is competition and cooperation

the point of human society is cooperation or coexistence as much as possible

Armin said it himself even if Paradis is the only human society that is left then war will still happen because of the titan curse so the problem is the titan curse itself

the 50 year plan and the advancement of anti titan weapons will make titan powers obsolete so it might become a different situation like in the real world today with Nuclear Deterrence like imagine every nation has Titan Powers too its similar to nukes right now anyway

Every Titan possible has been unleashed and walked away from Paradis.

1. Pure Titans that just turned because of Zeke scream is already eliminated, and if not Jean and Co, who killed them there's still skilled enough soldiers that able to kill them
2. Every wall titan literally marching far away
3. Zeke/Eren Founding is literally locked inside of Eren
4. Shifters has their own sense, theyre in complete control, technically Eren is able to control them too

Besides, Eren is the one who wanting to get rid both titans and humans, logically by the time he possess Founding Titan, he's basically Godlike. So there are only "humans" Paradisians left. War is indeed still gonna happen between them but there's one factor that makes the number of chance inner conflict/war less than it was before, and it's diversity. In sociology, diversity is one of big reasons conflict happen, and one of the way to end the conflict is by arbitrary way, which is Yeagerist do with their militaristic government. When the time comes when the problem inside Paradis is close to zero, theyre literally living in their utopia.
Mar 13, 2022 10:17 AM
May 2016
imbAF said:
Modernoir said:

It's a better plan than killing the entire fucking world, the majority of which have no stake in the current conflict despite Eldia subjugating the world for over a thousand years prior. Hange's plan to use the rumbling briefly to destroy Marley's forces would serve similarly as a nuclear deterrent like you see in the real world. It wouldn't erase fear of Eldians, but it'd buy them more time. They'd only just made contact with the rest of the world, diplomatic proceedings take time, but country's views on their enemies CAN and WILL change with time. Do we still hate the Germans for WW2? Then why is it harder to believe in a solution beyond omnicide?

You must have reading comprehension problems. LEADERS OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD REFUSED TO HAVE PEACE TALKS WITH THE PEOPLE OF PARADIS.They simply flat out refused to give them the chance for dialogue. They, having will as a representative, declared war on them. What are the philosophical bullshit u tryna sell? THe world declared war, paradis has to do something, what should that thing be,if it's not to fight for their survival

You'd benefit 10x more from discussions by reading posts instead of dismissing them as "philosophical bullshit", you act like leaders and nations can't change their views with time, and in this case, a showing of force through a demonstration of a partial rumbling like I just told you.
Mar 13, 2022 10:18 AM

Feb 2021
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Can I get eye cancer from reading dumb comments?

I'll be joining you buddy. The comments are so lame πŸ˜‚
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
Mar 13, 2022 10:19 AM

Jan 2009

put spoiler tags on that comment of yours

anyway you talk sociology but do not know about Contact Theory?

A longstanding line of research that aims to combat bias among conflicting groups springs from a theory called the "contact hypothesis." Developed in the 1950s by Gordon Allport, PhD, the theory holds that contact between two groups can promote tolerance and acceptance, but only under certain conditions, such as equal status among groups and common goals. Since the theory's inception, psychologists have added more and more criteria to what is required of groups in order for "contact" to work.

science and technology is the great equalizer so is Nukes that is akin to Titan Powers right now, again Nuclear Deterrence works
Mar 13, 2022 10:19 AM

Feb 2021
Nycro said:
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.

What substance are you consuming to be this high?
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
Mar 13, 2022 10:20 AM
Feb 2018
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Can I get eye cancer from reading dumb comments?

I really dissapointed, i thought you were open-minded. I really admired you back then but now youre here mindlessly hating an opinion that opposes you, shame, really, it's sad.
Mar 13, 2022 10:25 AM

Nov 2016
imbAF said:
FMmatron said:
Great episode. The tension was real and I take this over the manga any day.

This is a laughably inadequate comparison since Eren wants to kill the entire population including countless innocent people, wanting to stop that is absolutely understandable. It's not like Connie shot Daz in cold blood. He was struggling with tears in his eyes and lost it. There wasn't much of a choice when Daz and Samuel got in the way of their mission. Besides, another second of hesitation could've costed his and Armins life. I will admit, tho, shooting Samuel was overkill and seemed to happen in the heat of the moment. Alas, they're soldiers and if you pick up a weapon you gotta be ready to face the consequences.

But you don't seem concerned with the world wanting to kill every single eldian. That's not a genocide I guess, right? Or is it and it's wrong? And something should be done to prevent that, and if killing the people who want to kill you is no good, then how does Paradis survive? Clue me in

Two wrongs don't make a right, especially not when Eren is about to kill every single human except for the Edlians and trying to prevent him from doing something so radical on a global scale is justified. You can always come up with an alternative plan later or attempts to convince the opposing factions (looking at other comments reminded me that this didn't really happen in the first place) But when nothing is left it's too late for that. That's why I am with the alliance. As for the situation at hand. Connie was fighting for his justice, Daz was fighting for his justice, that's all there is to this. So yeah, pretty hypocritical to get all judgemental.
FMmatronMar 13, 2022 12:06 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 13, 2022 10:25 AM

Sep 2020
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Can I get eye cancer from reading dumb comments?
You can get by reading your own comment.
Mar 13, 2022 10:26 AM

Apr 2013
rach1m4n said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Can I get eye cancer from reading dumb comments?

I really dissapointed, i thought you were open-minded. I really admired you back then but now youre here mindlessly hating an opinion that opposes you, shame, really, it's sad.
Huh, open minded? He's probably the biggest aot fanboy on MAL. Literally nothing Isayama wrote or drew can be critiqued according to him, it's the gospel. Also, "admired" is not a term I would use in this case.
Mar 13, 2022 10:27 AM
Jan 2021
Modernoir said:
imbAF said:

You must have reading comprehension problems. LEADERS OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD REFUSED TO HAVE PEACE TALKS WITH THE PEOPLE OF PARADIS.They simply flat out refused to give them the chance for dialogue. They, having will as a representative, declared war on them. What are the philosophical bullshit u tryna sell? THe world declared war, paradis has to do something, what should that thing be,if it's not to fight for their survival

You'd benefit 10x more from discussions by reading posts instead of dismissing them as "philosophical bullshit", you act like leaders and nations can't change their views with time, and in this case, a showing of force through a demonstration of a partial rumbling like I just told you.

Partial rumbling which would require children eating their parents in orderto pass down the titan powers? And why should a child be bound to this fate? Maybe that child has dreams and goals, why should it suffer in agony,pain and fear, while being chewed up like bubble gum so so nobody, oblivious of the sacrifice taking place, live and continue to be a racist against the eldians? Oh and btw, since you clearly have never read AOT, in chapter 92 it was pointed out that now weapons can kill titans. If they would have gone with the 50 years plan. That means they should have at least destroyed Marley. You think the rest of the world would simply sit down and do nothing to prevent that from happening to them? Exactly, they would have accelerated inventions and innovations in weaponry in order to produce soemthing similar to the atomic bomb and wipe em all out. Your 50 years old plan doesn't work. What it would have worked, would have been the world letting go of the past. That would have been enough. But now that titans are coming for them, like they did for the people in paradis for the last century, now genocide is bad
Mar 13, 2022 10:30 AM

Apr 2014
This was a tough episode to watch. I am crying mentally very badly. I am sure someone or anyone must’ve done something like this in real life. Both sides have different goals. However should one goal be very different from the other and make a big debate about it. They are likely to kill each other or even worse. And that’s what is happening right now. Dang. War with different viewpoints is very tragic. And it is never justified. At the same time nobody can be wrong depending on how you see it.
Mar 13, 2022 10:32 AM
Feb 2018
deg said:

put spoiler tags on that comment of yours

anyway you talk sociology but do not know about Contact Theory?

A longstanding line of research that aims to combat bias among conflicting groups springs from a theory called the "contact hypothesis." Developed in the 1950s by Gordon Allport, PhD, the theory holds that contact between two groups can promote tolerance and acceptance, but only under certain conditions, such as equal status among groups and common goals. Since the theory's inception, psychologists have added more and more criteria to what is required of groups in order for "contact" to work.

science and technology is the great equalizer so is Nukes that is akin to Titan Powers right now, again Nuclear Deterrence works

Yeah that's the reason why Alliance was formed, but still not the reason why one should hear another one reasonings, because theyre not in equal status at all. Armin fears of Eren destroying things, meanwhile Yeagerists fears of getting destroyed. Armin and Co. joined Marley for the sake of helping, that's why we see Gabi, Magath, and Falco begs. Alliance was there to stop Eren going further, but Yeagerist merely there to let Paradisians survive in the end. Theyre not heading on the same path, one decide to move forward but one decide to move backwards.
Mar 13, 2022 10:35 AM

Jan 2009
rach1m4n said:
deg said:

put spoiler tags on that comment of yours

anyway you talk sociology but do not know about Contact Theory?

A longstanding line of research that aims to combat bias among conflicting groups springs from a theory called the "contact hypothesis." Developed in the 1950s by Gordon Allport, PhD, the theory holds that contact between two groups can promote tolerance and acceptance, but only under certain conditions, such as equal status among groups and common goals. Since the theory's inception, psychologists have added more and more criteria to what is required of groups in order for "contact" to work.

science and technology is the great equalizer so is Nukes that is akin to Titan Powers right now, again Nuclear Deterrence works

Yeah that's the reason why Alliance was formed, but still not the reason why one should hear another one reasonings, because theyre not in equal status at all. Armin fears of Eren destroying things, meanwhile Yeagerists fears of getting destroyed. Armin and Co. joined Marley for the sake of helping, that's why we see Gabi, Magath, and Falco begs. Alliance was there to stop Eren going further, but Yeagerist merely there to let Paradisians survive in the end. Theyre not heading on the same path, one decide to move forward but one decide to move backwards.

if de-escalation of world genocide is what you call moving backwards then ok i totally disagree
Mar 13, 2022 10:37 AM
Feb 2021
Ngl this is getting hard to watch those last 3 episodes the writing took a nose dive to an all time low, hopefully things start to improve but it’s not looking likely, a shame really
Mar 13, 2022 10:43 AM

Oct 2020
rach1m4n said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Can I get eye cancer from reading dumb comments?

I really dissapointed, i thought you were open-minded. I really admired you back then but now youre here mindlessly hating an opinion that opposes you, shame, really, it's sad.

A dumb opinion is a dumb opinion. Freedom of speech is overrated.
Mar 13, 2022 10:44 AM
Feb 2018
deg said:
rach1m4n said:

Yeah that's the reason why Alliance was formed, but still not the reason why one should hear another one reasonings, because theyre not in equal status at all. Armin fears of Eren destroying things, meanwhile Yeagerists fears of getting destroyed. Armin and Co. joined Marley for the sake of helping, that's why we see Gabi, Magath, and Falco begs. Alliance was there to stop Eren going further, but Yeagerist merely there to let Paradisians survive in the end. Theyre not heading on the same path, one decide to move forward but one decide to move backwards.

if de-escalation of world genocide is what you call moving backwards then ok i totally disagree

I was trying to say that Alliance is the one who keep moving forwards, just like Eren, but the purpose is to stop him meanwhile Yeagerist choose to move backwards and just live in their small world if the Rumbling left unbothered, but Rumbling is bothered thus Yeagerist have no choice but to react. Yeagerist reacting Alliance opposing them is logical and make sense, because they just should or doom waiting them all(this is literally what Floch alarming 69420 times).
Mar 13, 2022 10:46 AM
Feb 2018
I_Am_Freeballing said:
rach1m4n said:

I really dissapointed, i thought you were open-minded. I really admired you back then but now youre here mindlessly hating an opinion that opposes you, shame, really, it's sad.

A dumb opinion is a dumb opinion. Freedom of speech is overrated.

That's rude of you and far from being open minded and understanding, i thought Alliance is all about understanding. You lost my respect there, buddy. i'm sorry.
Mar 13, 2022 10:47 AM

Aug 2014
Nycro said:
Funny how the series went really downhill the moment Annie came back.

So if Annie told you that she wanted to form a romantic relationship with you with her both human and titan, what would you tell her?
Mar 13, 2022 11:09 AM

Oct 2020
rach1m4n said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:

A dumb opinion is a dumb opinion. Freedom of speech is overrated.

That's rude of you and far from being open minded and understanding, i thought Alliance is all about understanding. You lost my respect there, buddy. i'm sorry.

I'm just showing you how Floch does things. I'm not sorry. *shoots you*
Mar 13, 2022 11:12 AM

Apr 2017
Episode was aight I guess.

Shit will get fr interesting when (important) people actually start dying.
Mar 13, 2022 11:12 AM
Feb 2018
I_Am_Freeballing said:
rach1m4n said:

That's rude of you and far from being open minded and understanding, i thought Alliance is all about understanding. You lost my respect there, buddy. i'm sorry.

I'm just showing you how Floch does things. I'm not sorry. *shoots you*

Now i just cant take you seriously, youre basically meme-ing and literally misunderstood his character, oh wait, youre just seeing what you want to see based on your flawed moral, in top of that, purely subjective withour proper logical reasonings. Try again.
Mar 13, 2022 11:13 AM
Nov 2020
Worst episode of AOT
Mar 13, 2022 11:19 AM

Oct 2020
rach1m4n said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:

I'm just showing you how Floch does things. I'm not sorry. *shoots you*

Now i just cant take you seriously, youre basically meme-ing and literally misunderstood his character, oh wait, youre just seeing what you want to see based on your flawed moral, in top of that, purely subjective withour proper logical reasonings. Try again.

I like Floch actually. He is just a lunatic and that's a fact.
Mar 13, 2022 11:22 AM
Sep 2021

-AoT fans writing essays on the series after saying they're done with it and think it's shit.
Mar 13, 2022 11:24 AM
Feb 2018
I_Am_Freeballing said:
rach1m4n said:

Now i just cant take you seriously, youre basically meme-ing and literally misunderstood his character, oh wait, youre just seeing what you want to see based on your flawed moral, in top of that, purely subjective withour proper logical reasonings. Try again.

I like Floch actually. He is just a lunatic and that's a fact.

Okay, but i'm surprised that you invalidates and dismiss everything "good" about him just because he's lunatic as you said. Kinda childish if you ask me. I see you do this thing a lot of times, so yeah, youre not even telling that youre in massive confusion like i did when i analyze Mikasa, youre just simply expressing that you think certain character is something and refuse to elaborate further, so yeah, i really should stop taking you seriously since you just not worth to take seriously. Adnan can do better.
Mar 13, 2022 11:27 AM
Nov 2010
imbAF said:

You think the rest of the world would simply sit down and do nothing to prevent that from happening to them? Exactly, they would have accelerated inventions and innovations in weaponry in order to produce soemthing similar to the atomic bomb and wipe em all out.

If Eren can use the founder's power to fully brainwash Tybur's kids then i can see the possibility. Because Tybur's family is very wealthy and popular/convincing, then they can claim that they will build an advanced military research base to develop anti-rumbling weapons and rally the world's scientists into this base. And since eldian scientists exist in marley then several of these scientists can also be on the research team in that base. Then some years later, on the verge of success , Tybur's kid will sabotage this base while transferring the research and knowledge to Eren(or next Founder candidate), which is a process that's already began since the beginning of the research.
kensionMar 13, 2022 11:31 AM
Mar 13, 2022 11:29 AM
Sep 2021
I wish this thread would realize that a lot of motherfuckers aren't here for discussion as much as they're here to collectively take a shit on AoT while closing their ears to any other ideas.
And naturally, you guys keep taking the bait.

I mean, really. What makes any of you think a guy named KneelBeforeMe, with a Sukuna profile is a guy who won't spout shit takes.

Just move on with your lives and don't let other people bring down your enjoyment of a series.
Mar 13, 2022 11:31 AM
Dec 2020
imbAF said:
deg said:

the global alliance is the lesser evil so lesser murderers in this case

So I guess if 1000 people want to kill you and your family for no reason at all, you will let them have their way with your family members, simply because they are more in number? You gonna tell your mom to take it because it's more virtuous to do so? Ok Jesus Christ

But that's not a true comparison is it.
Eren isn't just killing the people who want to destroy Paradis.
Eren is also killing millions if not Billions of innocent civilians who have nothing to do with Paradis.

A better comparison would, if someone wanted to kill your family. And you killed him, his wife, his children, his brothers and sisters, his parents, his cousins, anyone even remotely related to him just to be sure that there won't be any future retaliation.

And if you're willing to do that then in my opinion, you're wrong. Because I would never do that.
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