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The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat (light novel)
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Jan 7, 2022 11:01 PM

May 2021
It might just me but I don't really get the good part of the anime
My personal opinion: Its kinda generic and off most times most of the time it stands out to be medicore or just downright boring.its just a normal isekai with a lot of useless dialogue that doesn't seem like its going anywhere anytime soon.The writing also (generic bad guy who I have no idea who is he) man character appears behide him.proceeds to go back to normal.what exactly was the point of that exactly.I mean most of the parts are sorta like these sometimes when the mc shows hes op then proceeds to never use that op power he learned.So why did he learn it if even the learning process was also boring.A few of the good parts is with the godess however it becomes predictable after the introduction.The animation doesn't stand out at all even if silver link was involved.It just looks like they put minimum effort into this because its most likely just a another isekai they don't have to out budget int and be able to pass produce. Ofc this just my personal opinion
The "bad characters" have the evil for just the sake of it with no backing about it there just evil for no reason a absolute fuck ton of the main character lines are cringe or attempting to sound cool or some shit and excessively long sometimes
This is just a generic isekai with a harem.I don't see the greatness of the plot or anything special about it
The "smart things he does" are things that even I can do.Also most of the times there so beyond simple theres nothing "smart" about it
his harem members don't even have a personality
Some episodes a lot happens.some episodes they just straight up just take a literal stroll for the entire episode (he does this in ep 10). the progress is kinda weird like this
And also forced dialogue happens often. Like what do you mean in his past life he was never affected by killing anyone.but now he is??? What? Why? Maybe cuz I straight up cant focus and don't see the difference between his past and present self but ive seen nothing no changes in his character so Why??
The girls are just randomly attracted to him no matter what he does (its a harem so im fine with that) but then why waste so much time on what you call "romance" when there just generic harem members
90 percent of this anime is full of random dialogue that adds nothing to the entire story other than just taking screen time

Its writing,progression,story,characters,are all bad and the animation doesn't help it when it doesn't really have anything special (ex:demon slayer has some trash story but ufotable's animation makes it popular) this doesn't have that
Im not even complaining about the 0.00001 percent cgi they use :( because I even tried to enjoy but I just can't
The music is perfectly fine though
Karva1Jan 7, 2022 11:35 PM
Inhales oxygen
Jan 7, 2022 11:28 PM
Dec 2021
Underrated πŸ™‚πŸ‘½
Jan 7, 2022 11:40 PM

May 2021
I would like to see what people think is good about this anime exactly
Inhales oxygen
Jan 7, 2022 11:41 PM

May 2021
opDYNO said:
Underrated πŸ™‚πŸ‘½

Dude you favorited rent a girlfreind lmao
Inhales oxygen
Jan 7, 2022 11:45 PM

May 2020
Karva1bestalt said:
opDYNO said:
Underrated πŸ™‚πŸ‘½

Dude you favorited rent a girlfreind lmao


Jan 7, 2022 11:47 PM

May 2021
Why did i even write this in the middle of the night
While half asleep
Inhales oxygen
Jan 7, 2022 11:56 PM
Dec 2021
Karva1bestalt said:
opDYNO said:
Underrated πŸ™‚πŸ‘½

Dude you favorited rent a girlfreind lmao
, seriously tq for telling, i was new to this app when I was just randomly openings animes πŸ˜… and that underrated was joke , u took it πŸ‘€
Jan 7, 2022 11:56 PM
Nov 2020
Karva1bestalt said:
It might just me but I don't really get the good part of the anime
My personal opinion: Its kinda generic and off most times most of the time it stands out to be medicore or just downright boring.its just a normal isekai with a lot of useless dialogue that doesn't seem like its going anywhere anytime soon.The writing also (generic bad guy who I have no idea who is he) man character appears behide him.proceeds to go back to normal.what exactly was the point of that exactly.I mean most of the parts are sorta like these sometimes when the mc shows hes op then proceeds to never use that op power he learned.So why did he learn it if even the learning process was also boring.A few of the good parts is with the godess however it becomes predictable after the introduction.The animation doesn't stand out at all even if silver link was involved.It just looks like they put minimum effort into this because its most likely just a another isekai they don't have to out budget int and be able to pass produce. Ofc this just my personal opinion
The "bad characters" have the evil for just the sake of it with no backing about it there just evil for no reason a absolute fuck ton of the main character lines are cringe or attempting to sound cool or some shit and excessively long sometimes
This is just a generic isekai with a harem.I don't see the greatness of the plot or anything special about it
I respect your opinion, but I would have to disagree. This anime didn’t really feel generic to me, it’s not anything amazing at the moment, but it definitely is good. Reverse incantation of regular words was an interesting thing to do for magic, him being an assassin, and training constantly to have a chance a defeating the hero, who could potentially be hard to kill. Not to mention he really isn’t OP, for him to have to create the stuff he needs to know the exact measurements and materials, while also being able to put out enough energy. The animation for this anime was good. “Bad Characters being evil “ it was explained for the most part of why the characters were “Evil” or the fact that they needed to be killed, also your looking at characters through the view of an assassin, and the fact that Lugh even took an extra measure to see if they really are “Evil” shows they needed to be killed. Dialogue lines then really find any of them to be cringe. Harem yeah, but it’s not as heavy as other Harem animes nor is it really as repetitive.
Jan 8, 2022 12:06 AM

Apr 2021
Ok so this anime was mid imo
Here's why
1. Half baked story. While the story's potential was the only saving grace of this anime, even that wasn't made with precision. For example the parts about the moisturizer business were very badly written, and the author clearly didn't have any idea on what he was writing about.

2. Characters. Let's just say the flawless family and perfect nature of the MC are just very ass. If he were to remain like this I'd have preferred the guy in his previous world that would've made for a better story. Also where's 'following my own wish'?

3. This is an unpopular opinion, but i found RUNNING as a means of transport to be ridiculous. Also the way they're running makes me laugh.

4. Gonna add the fact about the Harem but I didn't cuz well it's a harem and like a wise.guy once said: depth isn't a necessity for harem romance

What's good

1. The MCs mother is quite the hottie, too bad she doesn't have much screentime

2. It you're into OP MCs you're gonna enjoy this. I'm not and I didn't

3. The opening is decent

That's pretty much it. Overall BAD
CreepHazardJan 8, 2022 12:14 AM
Jan 8, 2022 12:10 AM

Jun 2021
It was bad imo but not overrated
It had somewhat potential to be one of the good generic isekais yeah they converted it into one of the shittiest mc op fantasy in the last episodes
Jan 8, 2022 12:12 AM
Jul 2018
Instead of making this thread why don't you just make a review
Jan 8, 2022 12:16 AM
Jul 2021
Imo the anime is good, the problem with it is that it focuses too much on tryna be another mushoku tensei type isekai, but unfortunately instead of making the slice of life moments important, it just makes em boring. I think this would've been a lot better if it focused on the actual goal of the series, which is killing the hero, rather than focusing on random slice of life moments that barely have any impact on the story or character development. I get that this might've just been a sort of prologue and the rest of the series may get better, but so far, it's just another fairly enjoyable isekai for slice of life fans.
Jan 8, 2022 12:30 AM

Aug 2017
totally agree with this
Jan 8, 2022 12:35 AM

Jul 2021
Every anime is overrated anyways though you know there is such thing as "Write a review" as you're stating the good and the flaws of this show in your own opinion so it's quite pointless to make a thread and calling it overrated which the term itself depend on the rating or the common opinion/reasoning from other people to why they praises the show but you disagree with their opinion/reasoning.
Jan 8, 2022 12:52 AM

Oct 2021
Karva1bestalt said:
I would like to see what people think is good about this anime exactly please

Just go read the reviews dude, but yeah I agree this anime is just ur average isekai and it feels like the show is self-aware bcause of literally flashing panties in the first episode lmao. Then proceed to show how badass our stereotypical assassin is. So yeah it's quite laughably edgy.
Jan 8, 2022 1:11 AM
Jun 2021
Its a isekai male power fantasy with harem written by the redo of healer guy what do ya expect a death note or hunter hunter nah its suppose to be shit and just enjoyed for how unapologetic its male power fantasy is imo but I totally understand why you didn't like it I didn't even like it that much but just thought I'd throw it out there
Jan 8, 2022 1:17 AM
Oct 2015
I'll try and keep it short on why I personally enjoyed it a lot. This show does nothing unique or different in the Isekai genre. I watched it to satisfy that generic Isekai itch, and left with that itch being fully satisfied. That is all. If you like waifus, you got them. If you like a non cringe MC that is actually confident and assertive, you got him. Essentially it checks all the marks of a generic modern Isekai and did what it was intended to do. I don't see how it's "overrated", sure its higher on the seasonal list but I wouldn't say everyone is talking about it. If anything I thought Takt op Destiny is more fitting of the overrated category because people were hoping the studio collab.
Jan 8, 2022 2:14 AM
Mar 2021
LN was way better than the anime but the anime isn’t bad they just missed a lot of source and it’s very slow paced
Jan 8, 2022 2:53 AM
Feb 2021
πŸ‘€ tf .. Ppl just spit whatever they want πŸ˜•.
Jan 8, 2022 5:40 AM
Apr 2021
100% mf is the bravest of us
Jan 8, 2022 5:53 AM
Jul 2018
I see your point, but I disagree. In my opinion, it's a good isekai for the following reasons:

1) The protagonist is actually the antagonist of his world instead of the usual stereotypical hero. He kills for living and manipulates people for personal gain. Right off the bat, definitely not generic.
2) Lugh is mature, calculative, and smart thanks to his previous life's skills and experience. There is no need for melodrama and over-the-top virgin stuff (god I hate those).
3)The magic system is decent to me, I love its creative part like the spell weaver.
4) The harem makes sense. Lugh is charismatic, handsome, confident, respectful, and the prince with the shining armor to these girls. He's not the usual loser with daddy and mommy issues, not that he'd be bad but let's get real... How many boys with those attributes have you seen being surrounded by a bunch of potential lovers?
5) I found the dialogues solid, nothing felt out of place to me. It explored the relationships between the characters and served as a tool for exposition.
6) Lugh has normal parents! It sounds stupid but it's important to me. I don't think it requires an explanation.
7) I don't recall seeing someone evil for the sake of being evil. Every bad person had a strong motivation for doing those horrible things, from money to status.
8) The animation and sound were pretty decent for me.

P.S: I don't enjoy isekai. In fact, it may be one of my least favourite anime genres. But there are a few good ones like this here and there.
Jan 8, 2022 5:59 AM
Sep 2020
Karva1bestalt said:
opDYNO said:
Underrated πŸ™‚πŸ‘½

Dude you favorited rent a girlfreind lmao
dude you gave an 8 to kuzu no honkai
Jan 8, 2022 8:32 AM
Apr 2020
Karva1bestalt said:
It might just me but I don't really get the good part of the anime
My personal opinion: Its kinda generic and off most times most of the time it stands out to be medicore or just downright boring.its just a normal isekai with a lot of useless dialogue that doesn't seem like its going anywhere anytime soon.The writing also (generic bad guy who I have no idea who is he) man character appears behide him.proceeds to go back to normal.what exactly was the point of that exactly.I mean most of the parts are sorta like these sometimes when the mc shows hes op then proceeds to never use that op power he learned.So why did he learn it if even the learning process was also boring.A few of the good parts is with the godess however it becomes predictable after the introduction.The animation doesn't stand out at all even if silver link was involved.It just looks like they put minimum effort into this because its most likely just a another isekai they don't have to out budget int and be able to pass produce. Ofc this just my personal opinion
The "bad characters" have the evil for just the sake of it with no backing about it there just evil for no reason a absolute fuck ton of the main character lines are cringe or attempting to sound cool or some shit and excessively long sometimes
This is just a generic isekai with a harem.I don't see the greatness of the plot or anything special about it
The "smart things he does" are things that even I can do.Also most of the times there so beyond simple theres nothing "smart" about it
his harem members don't even have a personality
Some episodes a lot happens.some episodes they just straight up just take a literal stroll for the entire episode (he does this in ep 10). the progress is kinda weird like this
And also forced dialogue happens often. Like what do you mean in his past life he was never affected by killing anyone.but now he is??? What? Why? Maybe cuz I straight up cant focus and don't see the difference between his past and present self but ive seen nothing no changes in his character so Why??
The girls are just randomly attracted to him no matter what he does (its a harem so im fine with that) but then why waste so much time on what you call "romance" when there just generic harem members
90 percent of this anime is full of random dialogue that adds nothing to the entire story other than just taking screen time

Its writing,progression,story,characters,are all bad and the animation doesn't help it when it doesn't really have anything special (ex:demon slayer has some trash story but ufotable's animation makes it popular) this doesn't have that
Im not even complaining about the 0.00001 percent cgi they use :( because I even tried to enjoy but I just can't
The music is perfectly fine though
ok. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Jan 8, 2022 10:54 AM

May 2021
Spoopy69 said:
Karva1bestalt said:

Dude you favorited rent a girlfreind lmao
dude you gave an 8 to kuzu no honkai

The yuri though

It had yuri and i was horny very deserving of an 8 lol
Inhales oxygen
Jan 8, 2022 11:04 AM
Sep 2020
Karva1bestalt said:
Spoopy69 said:
dude you gave an 8 to kuzu no honkai

The yuri though

It had yuri and i was horny very deserving of an 8 lol
i can't say much i gave the same score to domestic girlfriend both are peak fiction
Jan 8, 2022 3:00 PM
Dec 2021
It's the same for me. It was a normal "boring" isekai with no surprises. Still gave it a 7 ig.. I'm not so serious with that.
Jan 8, 2022 3:06 PM
Aug 2021
I just don’t understand what people want from an isekai anymore. This anime focuses on a reincarnated assassin and heavily focuses on honing assassination techniques, with most “slice of life” moments being for the sake of him developing an alternate persona to go undercover. The MC is not necessarily the good guy in this world, tasked with assassinating the hero and, you know, his general assassinations of people. Is it perfect? No. But it puts a refreshing spin on the very tired seasonal “Overpowered hero MC with perfect morals” bs. But you’re damned if you do or don’t I guess, and no one can ever be satisfied on here so idk why I waste my breath 🀷🏻‍♂️
Jan 10, 2022 2:37 PM

Sep 2019
Mostly agreed.
For me between average and fine, but definitely nothing outstanding
I'm not reading any replies or comments directed at me at all. I know my truth and if you disagree: that's fine but i couldn't give a damn about :)

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