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May 23, 2020 3:42 AM

Nov 2018

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May 23, 2020 3:44 AM

Nov 2018

    [Chihayafuru Official Comic book by author Suetsugu Yuki, released on March 13, 2019] .

    Chapter1 "Introduction", Pages "16/20":

    Wataya Arata's character was again introduced by the author of Chihayafuru, he is the SECOND character be it the child or the current Arata. (the 4th is Hyoru)

    More info about Arata according to Suetsugu sensei:

    • High School: Fukui Prefecture Fujioka East High School
    • Karuta Society: Fukui Nagumo Society, Class A
    • Birthday: 1st of December (Sagittarius)
    • Blood Type: O
    • Height & Weight: 177cm / 65kg
    • Favorite Food: Habutae Mochi, Sauce Katsudon
    • Dislikes: Speaking as a Representative
    • Hobbies: Karuta, Reading
    • On a day off: Karuta practice.
    • What would you take with you to a deserted island?: Karuta cards ("Torifuda" the player ones)
    • What you’re looking for in a Partner: An honest person.
      PS: This is probabaly where this answer came from:

      This was also translated to "A docile and gentle person" that I couldn't figure where it came from so I asked a native friend and they said it's "An honest person" for sure and there is nothing about a docile person in the used expression.)

May 23, 2020 6:21 AM

Feb 2019

This, many Chiharata shippers said, describes very well what they like in the dynamic between Chihaya and Arata.

May 23, 2020 6:22 AM

Feb 2019

    |QUOTE| This is an interesting analysis of Arata's role in Chihayafuru, maybe it seems like a unique way to look at it but I bet many Arata fans felt it (including myself) and thanks to a special tumblr blogger, here is a wonderful way to express the feeling and explain it:

    𝓘𝓷 𝓭𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓪𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓭
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    By @khaleesirin on tumblr

    I love Arata. I know other folks who love Arata as much as I do. I know he isn’t that loved in the larger fandom. When Arata was young, he was treated an “outcast”, and even now some remnants of this “being-out-there-but-not-here” still play both in-universe and among fans. What is, then, the difference between an “outcast” and a “god”, when at the end of the day no one seems to touch the person casted for this role? No one seems to want to reach out for them because they are located in the different world? Arata is there but *also* not there; embodying a “deathspace” that seems to obscure our image of him. “Where is Arata?” is both an illuminating and heartbreaking question—first, because Arata is struggling in a world that already rendered his life fixed, and second, this seems to be something Chihaya has forgotten in her desire to be *seen* by Arata as well.

    The introduction of Arata is also “fixed”; he provided a ground for the rest of the characters who are fluctuating on their desire. Yet, his story is about “being left out,” as if his story is already complete the moment he first opened his mouth. While the entire Karuta world welcomed him as the new Meijin, prefiguring his position, the story also “doesn’t support him.” There is a different sort of loneliness in a life prefigured for you. His story is “set aside” the moment he circulated the central theme of the story, and I still consider this the *very* strength of Chihayafuru. How do you encounter a figure like Arata who is made both an “outcast” and a “god” in a story that is about belonging and being seen as *equal*?

    If this story is about circularity, Chihaya’s insistence to be acknowledged by Arata *is* the wrong path. To find Arata is to make “Arata” disappear—for us to remember that Chihaya is the first person to “include” Arata in her world before she prefigured him a “karuta god.” Chihaya made Arata *appear* in a world that do not know him, or knew him as someone else’s. Here, then, Chihaya was right in her “struggle” to see Arata as the karuta god—and a continuing mistake on her part to still see him this way even after years of reconnecting with him. Their disconnection, the loud static noise, this distance they have, is also because this acceptance of “I am far away from you.” In Chihaya’s case, it’s always this insistence that Arata is “too far ahead,” that she’s the one being left out. Ditto for Arata. If the story is about finding the “balance”—it’s this “becoming balance” that is the nucleus of Chihaya and Arata’s story.

    Ok, this seems to be a Chiharata post than an Arata-centrict one, but this is exactly where I locate their “problem” which Suetsugu is not glossing over, but is deliberately doing to tell a different love story—one in which, I want to believe—that gives more “centrality” to the characterization that will lend itself to a connection in a series of “failed attempt” to complete one’s sentence. To desire, to wish for something or someone you don’t have is a romantic gesture—something blatantly articulated in Chihaya’s story (from Karuta to Arata) but always something withheld from Arata. Gods cannot desire, and when he does it’s always “to come” (“let’s play Karuta again” to “I will wait, we still have more time”) as if part of him is already *dead* in the present. What comes after winning the Meijin title for Arata? Is his *win* his rebirth? Is winning the death of the karuta god, so we can meet Arata again, so Chihaya can meet Arata again? The person who worked so hard, remembering that at a young age he was already doing “labor” as a newspaper delivery boy, while practicing memorization. That he was, and never is, talented. That his existence is born out of his own struggle to be someone, and to consider him “god” is to render all his struggles null. Arata’s story is about “unfixing” him—I still think Chihaya is there to do that.

    I love Arata, because I tend to love characters who are always admired, but never loved.

May 23, 2020 6:33 AM

Feb 2019

Seeing this picture (that was taken from an exhibition in Kyoto), I feel like these two official illustrations show exactly the way I see Chihaya's feelings for both Arata & Taichi.

    For me, Chihaya is very comfortable around Taichi, she likes him enormously and enjoys life with him to its fullest (the life of a teen with her limited interests ofc)
    and in my opinion, if anyone ever asked her if she wants her relationship with Taichi to develop further in a better way, she will answer that there is no better way
    because her bond with Taichi is just perfect,
    she sees it that way (maybe she will want him to explain things to her more as she often finds it hard to understand him) but the way Taichi is is enough for her she doesn't wish for more...
    (This reminded me of when she cried over his smile when she was preparing chocolates for him, her feelings then were the clearest and the strongest (and the most precious in my eyes), and soon 2 chapters after, she rejects the idea of "boyfriend Taichi" )
    Taichi the close friend is the perfect thing.... it's enough for her

    But in Arata's case, she is restless around him, there are lots of things she doesn't know, she feels weird feelings she doesn't understand ...
    she admires Harada sensei for his greatness in karuta (and more), she knows what admiration is, but the way she looks at Arata is different and it's uncomfortable...
    when he is around she acts a bit awkward...she might treat him very normally when she is focused on something urgent but when she is her normal relaxed self, she will hesitate and feel a bit lost, she isn't like that with anyone else even if they are people she meets and speaks to as little as she speaks with and meets Arata but Arata's case is really different..
    she would hug Hyoro very casually when she is emotional, and Nishida, and Taichi but Arata? she won't be as bold, she would only tug at his shirt or briefly touch his shoulder ..
    because She is conscious of him as a man.
    If she was asked that same question about whether she wants her relationship with Arata to change to something better I bet she will blush and she won't even know why, she will only feel restless again and she will say "I want to play more Karuta with him" 😆😆

This is the way I see it, but sharing it on Facebook made me realize that it's actually what's meant to be felt by fans because most those who read it said that they, too, see it the same way, even Taichi fans.

May 23, 2020 7:21 AM

Feb 2019

    Regarding Suetsugu sensei's latest Interview (HERE) ...
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    specifically this part:

      I felt a disappointment within Arata fans? and a bit of relief in Taichi's fanbase?
      I get where Taichi fans are coming from because when you are a shipper in a love triangle specifically, you'd still prefer an open ending to an ending where the other ship wins even if yours doesn't happen either ..
      But for me, this very reaction says it louder:

      The manga before the interview was heading towards a "Chiharata" ending !!

      It's true that it isn't intense and aggressive like Taichi's feelings, not cliche like those relationships where the two characters need to meet frequently and experience things together to fall in love,
      And surely not one of those love stories where the guy should be a bodyguard or a shadow or even a guardian angel of the girl where she will be engulfed in his endless care and favors to fall for him ...

      Still, even Taichi fans could feel it, Chihaya and Arata are drawn and tied to each-other by "some things" which are the most important things in chihayafuru: "making something big of yourself" & "Karuta"!!

      It was an unusual story where Arata didn't bat an eyelash when he witnessed her immense beauty ... he didn't need anything aside from "her passion, karuta and what it revealed of her personality" ...
      Where Chihaya didn't bat an eyelash either when Taichi's perfect self and kindness was all over the place, she rejected the idea of her being in any romantic connection with him while she couldn't say "sorry" to Arata even though she couldn't form a final decision regarding his "proposal" either ...she couldn't let go of him! because, unlike Taichi, she still can see herself in a romantic relationship with him..
      She doesn't let go of him even though she has something else she wants so badly to concentrate on (the 1st Important theme of Chihayafuru: Achieving the goal and becoming something important!),

      But she doesn't say yes either and this isn't a bad thing imo because there is an issue not with Arata's confession she was happy with it... the issue is with that pure boy's rushed Proposal !!!
      and this is what Suetsugu sensei was talking about in the interview so for me, it didn't feel wrong at all!

May 24, 2020 5:04 AM

Feb 2019

Theory 41
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    Chapter 145, page 21: Why did Chihaya have that kind of distant look when she saw the set of Karuta cards with the number “41” on it?

    Fans have been analyzing this since the chapter was out, and reading some of the theories, we thought we should write about the way we see it and what we think makes better sense according to what we know.

    First, Chihaya's look.
    While some say it's melancholic, I, and for the lack of a convenient word in my limited vocabulary, think that this look is rather that of someone who wants something but cannot have it because of something else, a pleasant wish in a harsh reality;
    another example coming to my memory for now is this panel where Chihaya learnt that the pleasant wish of having Kana in her club is blocked by Kana's persistent refusal because of Chihaya's failure in understanding her karuta-liking.

    This look is not pure sadness or melancholy, if we want to see how her sad face features look like and see the difference, we can look at page 5 from the same chapter (145).

    Two, The number:
    41 is the number of the poem (Koisu cho)

    It is true I love,
    But the rumor of my love
    Had gone far and wide,
    When people should not have known
    That I had begun to love.

    A possible scenario was: Chihaya drops a set, card 41 falls separately and Chihaya stares at it distinctively.
    BUT this and nothing similar happened, the card wasn't shown, only the number. This might be because this card isn't wanted to be seen as a karuta card and for the focus to only be on the poem.

    Some fans thought that the poem is about Taichi (because the second verse in Japanese starts with "TACHI") and that Chihaya started to develop feelings for him which I love because it means
    • they acknowledge that Chihaya never had romantic feelings for him before.
    • and that all her tears for him and her care weren’t because of romantic feelings but strong platonic feelings Chihaya always felt for Taichi
    • they need to present things different than that to prove any romance from Chihaya's side

    BUT I still have to disagree because the poems in chihayafuru are used for two purposes:
    1. to refer to a “person” like poem 16 “Tachi wakare” which always referred to Taichi, “Watanoharaya” --> Arata etc, and
    2. to convey a “meaning” and in this case the author didn't use them randomly and rather followed some rules like sometimes focusing on the background story or the meaning of the words, sometimes including the poem alone to be interpreted commonly and sometimes she includes her desired meaning among the alternative meanings (usually less popular); She also pays attention to the theme of the poem: scenery, known or hidden love, summer or autumn poem hinting to an end or a beginning etc.

    41 is a love poem. In this case, it is used for its MEANING but before I say what I think it hints to, let’s go back and see what happened in the chapter:

    1. On page 5 of the chapter, Chihaya remembered Taichi in all those wonderful moments she had with him but her look was clear sadness even with the dreamy background, there was no blushing no warmth, Chihaya is simply sad because Taichi quit.

    2. Taichi's love was old and known to almost everyone but hidden from Chihaya herself, so this definitely isn't about his feelings.

    3. If Chihaya started to feel "love" for Taichi, the rest of the poem after "it is true I love" doesn't make sense because it is not discovered, what went wide and far is actually the word of her "rejection".

    4. on the pages (20 & 21), Chihaya's look wasn't sad, she didn't react immediately when Tsuboguchi mentioned her rejection, she kept placing the sets of cards and when she put 41 she reacted ... (We can also think that Tsuboguchi wasn’t talking to her and she didn’t even hear him because the way the panels are ordered suggests it)

    5. Now seeing the number, was anything in her reaction expressing sadness? Taichi is gone, if she had started to feel something for him wouldn't it be more suitable to feel anxiety because she rejected him, the warmth doesn't make sense then.

    6. But it can make perfect sense if the "it is true I love" is about someone else related to the rejection, someone else that Chihaya had unclear feelings for but around that rejection she discovered were feelings of love and they are made known not only to her but to lot of people around her. The look can be explained if we think that Chihaya at that moment remembered Arata who made her love known to the point it chased Taichi away, a pleasant feeling but harsh effect of its existence..Taichi shouldn't have know about her love, and her love caused a bigger change than what love usually causes, its effect "went wide and far"!

      It can also mean Arata’s love which is newer than Taichi’s, it was just discovered by Chihaya and she reacted to it warmly (the same as when Taichi was confessing and her mind went to Arata’s love, Chihaya & romance always invokes Arata to the current events),

    7. Suetsugu recently re-tweeted an analysis similar where poem 41 was also mentioned (and we can safely say that SHE AGREES ON THE CONTENT of the tweet.)
      The original tweet itself is a commentary on a screening about Chihayafuru Musubi (the movie)
      I didn’t watch it, but I understand that the last scenes were about Taichi, Arata, the romance and the result of the matches?
      because the person who tweeted the commentary was talking about the use of these two poems at that moment:

    (40: Shinoburedo)
    Though I would hide it,
    In my face it still appears--
    My fond, secret love.
    And now he questions me:
    "Is something bothering you?"

    & (41: Koisu cho)
    It is true I love,
    But the rumor of my love
    Had gone far and wide,
    When people should not have known
    That I had begun to love.

    the retweeted post said that these two poems represent
    a) Taichi’s hidden love by the use of 40:Shinoburedo.
    b) Arata’s rumored love which poem 41 tells about
    + also the overlapped wins and losses in the battles of fate hundreds of years ago with now referring to the contest held in the past where these two poems were recited at the same time but 40 won the contest even though 41 was sees as a wonderful poem too.
    In other words: Arata even though he is so great Taichi won (this idea is the one used in the live action not in the original work but Suetsugu still acknowledges it because it sets another possibility for the plot but doesn't contradict the facts about the characters: The poem about hidden love suits Taichi, and the poem about rumored love is about Arata.)
    If 40 was also shown in this scene, we could have though of Taichi's possibility to win but only 41 was hinted to, so it's definitely Arata, either his own feelings for Chihaya or even Chihaya's feelings for him.

May 24, 2020 11:27 AM

Nov 2018

Seeing Taichi's illusion means having romantic feelings for him.
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    I read this a lot lately because Chihaya saw Taichi's illusion in the shrine, and Taichi hers.
    it reminded me of another time Chihaya saw Taichi's illusion and how Mr. Tarareba explained it, the explanation and commentary were retweeted by the author herself and she more than once urged her fans to read his comments (Mr.Tarareba being Suetsugu's friend/acquaintance who is very knowledgeable in hykunin Isshu /and is also a Taichi enthusiast/ )

    The scene in question is from chapter 154 p5/6 and was reproduced in "MUSUBI" where apparently the director decided to -unlike the manga- associate a poem with it and Mr.Tarareba spoke about why it was a very good choice.

    This is another scene fans took for a hint about Chihaya being unconsciously in love with Taichi and the ultimate realization they all wait for or another step in the path of developing romantic feelings for him but Suetsugu says to read Tarareba san's deep comment, it's about the live action not the manga but why would she urge readers to read if it's not related? or worse, contradicts her work?

    I believe it's because it's exactly what this scene means in the manga too.
    So here is what Tarareba says (warning: a rough translation!)

    Tarareba said:
    4th tweet: The poem Chihaya finds in the club room is "81: Hototogisu" (he writes the poem) & the big point about it is that this is NOT a love poem.
    5th tweet: In the club room, we see Chihaya say "Eh, Taichi?", she thought she heard his voice but when she turned, he wasn't there, it was but an illusion, this poem was there instead: Looked for it, couldn't find it, it's painful, and it's the same (with Chihaya at that moment), but this screenplay allows a further deeper consideration.
    6th tweet: Hyakunin Isshu has many love poems (43 ones), "Chihayafuru Musubi" is a youth movie, and that scene is also a scene related to romance, so we could easily expect a love poem, "Se o hayami" or "Aimite no" would have been a good choice. However, it was not like that.
    7th tweet: What Chihaya found that made her burst into tears is "Hototogisu" which is about "early summer", "change of seasons" and Hototogisu is a bird that calls "I want to go home". That scene, for Taichi, was unmistakably "love" (maybe he means that Taichi being the cuckoo who calls I want to return, his wish to come back is because he is in love). But it was different for Chihaya.
    8th tweet: For Chihaya in that scene, the poem to find there couldn't have been about "love". end of spring, I want to go home cry, and feeling lonely with the moon of dawn.. it had to be a song about loneliness because there is not a companion to tell “oh the moon is beautiful”
    9th tweet: ...Chihaya's tears in that scene are because of her loneliness in addition to her dream of "having the trio reunite again" collapsed and also Taichi's call that sounded like "never come back"....

    • The use of "81: Hototogisu" for that scene is approved by the author.
    • Tarareba's analysis of what already happened is also approved.
    • "Se" or "Ai mite no" were better fit if Chihaya -in that scene- had any romantic feelings so they weren't used even though Taichi was definitely in love and the reason is that Chihaya at that point in the story didn't develop these feelings for Taichi.
    • "Hotogisu" is not a love poem and the whole scene isn't romance related for her, Arata might even be a part of it because she wished for the trio to always be together.

    In short, seeing Taichi's illusion in the shrine proves nothing, and remembering Mizusawa after that THEN crying means that seeing Taichi there, even though she cares about him so much, meant he was only a part of a whole, a group of people who supported her in her journey to this holy place, Taichi was probably no more than what he was in chapter 135 when she cried while thinking of him and reciting "That kind strong and hard worker ...I want him to smile"
    I say this while having in mind that this scene comes after what fans thought is a hint to Chihaya's love in Chapter 145 (see post above) which means that neither at that point nor at this point, Chihaya still doesn't love Taichi romantically so anything that can be used to prove otherwise shouldn't be taken from chapters prior to 155 at least.
May 27, 2020 6:17 AM

Nov 2018

The Kiss & What I think about it.
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Chihayafuru (vol26/chap138): Taichi placed his lips on Chihaya's.

" Taichi was very hurt and Chihaya didn't seem to try to understand just how intense his pain was at that moment, she kept pushing and ignoring his wound so he did it, he punished her, it wasn't to satisfy his desire of kissing her, it was a punishment that Chihaya deserved..."

"He wasn't punishing her, he was just making her realize what she refused to see, that he is serious and his pain is real!"

"It is not a big deal, it was Chihaya's idea to begin with, she told him he will kiss the winner on the Taichi cup and Chihaya "won" so he kissed her."

    is what I heard from fans about that kiss...

    Chihayafuru for me is a SLICE-OF-LIFE manga so I will always go back and forth between it and REALITY.
    And Taichi for me is not just a "whatever character in some story"; He is ME, a "personality", a set of virtues & convictions, a bunch of "expected" & "desired" steps towards growth & maturity..

    That's why the way I look at it isn't as careless, or is simply different... Maybe I even look at it from two angles:

    1) Taichi's point of view:

    I keep saying that I relate to Taichi and I do, so my feelings about the kiss are similar to (or worse than) what Taichi felt when Arata kicked the cards in the face of the caring Chihaya who was trying to lighten the mood.
    Or what he felt when some guy (Suo) wrapped a scarf around naive Chihaya (that he directly judged as a wrong romantic gesture).
    Either because it's generally wrong, or because Chihaya is his "DO_NOT_TOUCH_HER" girl that he loves, in both cases Taichi refused the way she was treated and hated it because:

    1. in Arata's case, it's true that Arata was very hurt (to the point he quit his most beloved thing: Karuta) and that Chihaya didn't respect his wish to be left alone and kept pushing and favoring her own wishes, BUT! Chihaya was trying to help AND she didn't know about his pain SO explaining it to her instead of kicking the cards would have been way nicer

    2. in Suo's case, I can't think of a single positive reason for Taichi to chase the Meijin away apart from him thinking of Chihaya as his own and this is very wrong in itself, maybe Suo would have been the best partner Chihaya could ever have and Taichi decided to prevent her from meeting him, maybe if Chihaya dated him, he would have taught her more than she could ever learn from any younger boyfriend, Chihaya should have been free and acknowledged to take her own decisions concerning him and any other guy (this reminded me of the other one Taichi blocked his number on her phone), if Taichi "knew" that Suo wasn't a good candidate, he should have spoken to her about it and explained things to her, that's how caring with respect look like.

    My point is, Taichi felt that Chihaya was taken advantage of or was disrespected by those two so he got angry ... I too, hate Taichi's kiss so much because Chihaya was disrespected at that moment (Arata too by the way).

    2) Taichi's general ethical principles:

    First of all, characters in Chihayafuru represent US and we are human beings so we will certainly get hurt or angry, feel desperate, depressed... We all go through such things so Taichi getting upset is nothing to object to, but what makes us different is what we do when we go through these unsettling emotions or as I prefer to call it: what we ALLOW ourselves to do in those situations ...

    "If Arata was in a tight spot during a game", Taichi concluded, "Arata will never SWEAR" , because that's who he is, it's a part of Arata's "integrity" as a person!
    If someone wrote a fanfiction where Kana-chan got angry and "spat on someone", would anyone think this is "In Character" for her? It's not!

    There are limits to how people react to their strong negative (& sometimes even positive) emotions and that's what makes them different and makes some reactions classify as better or worse ...

    And these reactions take their "possibilities, shapes or limits" from everyone's ethical depths.
    So for me, what Taichi allowed himself to do when he was hurt reflects his integrity and how deep is his respect for people's rights and dignity, for Chihaya's specifically, how deep is his disapproval of explicitly non-consensual sexual contact (or simply "assaults") in all their forms...

    If Taichi witnessed the same act but Arata (for example) was the one doing it he would have surely punched him in the face because he theoretically knows how wrong it is and refuses it but not deep enough to still include it on the list of IMPOSSIBLE-TO-FALL-DOWN-TO reactions that he will never resign to when agitated.

    My point is: Taichi (to whom I relate) showed a very ugly side when he was troubled, I wait for his apology, I still do, I wait for him to also mention this kiss when he thinks of himself as "Not much of a person" besides of what he confessed about "feeling good knowing that Chihaya suffers because of him"
    Taichi is a vengeful person, he regrets it sometimes but when the damage is done, he needs to learn how to atone for it, and what I care more about is that he should revise and adjust his convictions and deepen the sense of respect of others in himself (by the way, when he said at the east qualifiers that he came to mess with everyone, that too, shows how lightly he considers people's value & respect.)

    I included Arata in the list of people disrespected by that kiss because:

    Another thing I want to mention about the kiss scene that I find very interesting is that
    1. I consider myself an attentive reader of Chihayafuru (except for things I purposefully ignore), so I find it important that I was easily reminded of another situation Arata went through that was similar in its phases, outcome & purpose and
    2. Taichi was compared to him -like in many other cases- and
    3. also that Arata did better

    Thinking about it, I even dare make this impression:
    If the boys want Chihaya to always smile:
    1) Arata needs to keep loving Karuta
    2) Taichi needs to stay the friend he always was.

Jul 24, 2020 6:41 AM

Feb 2019

Explaining ❝ Chihaya's Bitter STRONG tears❞
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    Ch207, Kana was preoccupied with the face Chihaya made after Arata's & Taichi's last match on chapter 205 & the tears she shed then.
    On page 7, she described those tears with these words:
    TDX translation:
    "Chihaya chan's BITTER tears"

    Accepting this translation, the fandom got a strong belief that Chihaya felt "bitter" because Taichi lost (or even as some said: because Arata won, aka: she didn't want Arata to win!), some fans made "conclusions" about Chihaya's change of heart concerning her feelings towards Taichi & Arata & by consequence "assumptions" about the end of the manga.

    However, the most valuable reaction was from the fans who felt a disconnection between Chihaya being "dissatisfied" with Arata's win/Taichi's loss & the fact that the author wrote the entire chapter 207 to make "the bitter tears" about Kana & real life.
    So what really happened?

    Asking another translator, a native person or making a quick search on the net, you'll find out that "苦い涙" is what Japanese people use to express "BITTER tears" while Suetsugu Yuki used the word: "強い" instead which doesn't translate to "bitter" in any case (unless it's used in a more suggesting contest which is not the case in chapter 207), Kana's words were a simple description & the words used are rather "STRONG TEARS"
    Taking this into consideration now, we encourage anyone to go reread the chapter & see for oneself how it makes better sense.

    Personally, I believe that the "Strong tears" wasn't meant to be Taichi centric in any way, nor Chihaya's, it's just what happens in real life, when we walk towards a dear goal, we end up liking other things along the way, and when farewell comes, we feel sad, but we never slow down our pace, Chihaya too, after she shed those strong tears, she didn't seem reluctant to move forward, she didn't seem like she wanted to go back and stay behind with what she had to miss now, she rather doubled her efforts and started to walk faster to where she always wanted to be. Like Kana chan, even if we leave something "dear" we still have great amount of courage to still move forward BECAUSE WHAT LIES AHEAD is worth it, maybe even "DEARER"!!

Aug 1, 2020 10:08 AM

Nov 2018
    Further to the previous post:

    Chihaya's shocked face from chapter 205.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Trying to understand this reaction (and how it is connected to what came after to make a coherent scene), we consider two things:

    1) This face wasn't originally in the author’s plan :

    What she planned was rather what she drew in her NAME (which she SPECIFICALLY singled out of all the other chapters to include in her official Comic Book for some reason)
    Her NAME presents her "complete" idea of what should happen, she left some panels empty for when she draws the chapter itself but those would be for panels that are just connecting other scenes not relevant to the content of the chapter (because anything relevant should be included in the NAME and the editor will have to accept or refuse it before the mangaka draws the final form).

    Also before posting the part in question from the NAME, it’d probably be useful to mention how this chapter is special for Suetsugu sensei, and why we think that if “the shocked face of Chihaya” was of any relevance to her plot then she wouldn’t have forgotten it in the NAME.

    Suetsugu worked so hard on this chapter, even broke the deadline and went to think so hard about it, she drew 5 additional pages & she begged not to remove them beside her not meeting the deadline + 3 double pages (6 pages) are mostly the same hug drawn with small differences, If Suetsugu meant to tell us that Chihaya didn't want Arata to win (or that she preffered if Taichi won instead), she had enough room to draw it and do what she did with the real shocked face Chihaya made when Suo won against Harada: Suetsugu meant that scene, she drew a follow up, she explained it & used it for the next events of the story.)
    As for Arata winning, we were already shown that Chihaya wanted it, she wanted Arata to be there when she competes for the Queen title, he was a part of her dream.

    She still didn't draw that shocked face:

    So Chihaya was coherently keeping the same face she was making throughout all the time she was watching the match: she was analyzing, wondering, even a bit concerned about Taichi (I wouldn't be surprised to see a sister worried for her brother -who worked so hard under her watch- be crushed by her genius boyfriend for example, a different example but same feeling!)
    And for any Karuta expert (including herself), according to the analysis Chihaya made, Taichi's loss was highly expected unless a miracle happens. So a shocked face at an expected loss wouldn't make sense either.

    2) It was still approved by the author :

    It was drawn by her, even if it was suggested by someone else, she still added it so we can safely conclude that a certain feeling is wanted to be conveyed but what is it?

    Here is what happened: The shocked face wasn't only drawn in the empty panel originally left by Suetsugu to fill later, she even removed Arata and replaced it with the same panel of Chihaya's face, the second is a closer look at the first.
    And then Arata started speaking, he pulled Chihaya out of her "preoccupying thought" so she looked at him then when his words sunk in, she cried.

    We aren't told more than this, so what feeling should we expect Chihaya felt then? A worrying feeling that was lifted OR exposed by Arata's words making her tears fall.
    No one can really say except the author herself but what that scene made us think (which doesn't contradict anything else + supports everything else) is what I trust is the meant feeling.

    These are no "facts" but what we believe are reasonable possibilities:

    • Possibility ONE: is that Chihaya might be the first who realized that it's the end of their journey together, that they will now become 2 & 1, Arata exposed that feeling by bringing up the past, the start of the journey that ended now, and when Arata brought out how it was a "wining" journey even for Taichi, Chihaya had to be strong, face & accept the fact that it's really over for Taichi & she will now leave him behind and move forward with an incomplete TRIO, that's why she was crying the strong tears while having a face of someone who tries to still be strong.

    • Possibility TWO: comes from my personal concern because of Taichi's loss:
      Taichi lost few times but you'd feel like he loses all the time because of the great focus on his defeats compared to his wins, it doesn't end with the loss, he becomes so depressed and few chapters after would often be about his sadness and how to confort him (which is giving me headaches) so seeing him lose, I was worried about the content of the next chapters where he might be depressed again.
      So, wouldn't it be understandable if Chihaya was scared of Taichi getting depressed, quitting karuta & going on his own again? That shocked face will make sense if this idea downs on her especially that he lost to Arata of all people (SHE KNOWS! remember when Arata won the west challenger last year, she refused to congratulate him after she remembered Taichi (& Arata, implying their rivalry - see chap112 p18/19), She is aware of how Taichi feels about losing to Arata, or losing in general when Arata wins)
      Her tears After Arata's speech then would be for two reasons completing each other like in the previous possibility: Relief because Arata's confession is what Taichi needs NOT to feel so bad about his loss. AND then she still cried because this friendship, what Taichi won today, The 3 of them coming a long way somehow together will still end here and she needs to get a grip, to leave it all behind to keep going.

    Last remark: Fans who consider this a sign of Chihaya favoring Taichi over Arata aren't to blame actually. You need to be very attentive to see it otherwise and imo, it is wanted by the author.
    Lately, there is a persistent focus on the existence of a rift between Chihaya & Arata, it is INTENTIONALLY drawn, it is set as a problem and problems in Chihayafuru get solutions later, we believe that this might be Taichi's "final" role.
    So let's be patient and see.

Sep 12, 2020 10:53 AM

Nov 2018

❝ SoRrY FOr StANdinG In YOur WaY ❞
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About Chapter 205 :
(Click on the pic for full-size)

T'm not saying that Taichi is directing an ill will intentionally towards Arata,
but he is a very self-centered character, who most of time loses sight of what's in front of him.
Maybe a lingering feeling about what he said previously "I came to mess up with everyone"
Taichi tends to totally overlook the fact that those he plays are people with valid feelings, efforts & dreams
and instead, only sees himself, his own suffering, his own wishes, his own judgement on things.
Sensei calls Taichi "the most Selfish"

and I rather think that "self-centered" is better suited.
So maybe, he means his apology, and even if he doesn't, for someone who wants to become a better person,
this apology is a right thing to do.

Oct 14, 2020 5:43 AM

Feb 2019

❝ Tai/Chihaya, Yoshinokai, Wind & support ...❞
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    Yoshinokai final match was one of the moments where Chihaya's bond with Taichi was given so much focus. The match was less about Karuta & more about poetic description & look at the hearts of the two (...or maybe not really the two?)

    So what happened in Yoshinokai?
    And what did the poems say ?
    And who-was & what-was-the-role-of the "updraft"?

Nov 21, 2020 10:01 AM

Nov 2018

Suetsugu Yuki's Interview on Sep 17, 2020
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      !! This is not an official translation !!
      it's only listing the points spoken about in the interview (a bit detailed but not a literal translation)
      + a fan translation of some chosen parts that I personally found very interesting.

      Again, this is only my own efforts with my unsophisticated knowledge in translating
      so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or missing thing.

      The original Interview in Japanese: PART I || PART II
Nov 21, 2020 10:58 AM

Feb 2019

Arata, Chihaya & the history of poem 6
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    (6: Kasassagi) is one of the poems used to describe the relationship between Chihaya & Arata.

    When I see that bridge
    Spanned by flights of magpies
    In my feeling making it
    As white as hoar-frost,
    Then the night is at its end.

    Seeing it again on chapter 226 made me go back to check the history of its use (I ignored the moments where I couldn't see any symbolism but anyone curious to know them, you can contact me.)

    • On ch45, card 6 was drawn when Chihaya told Arata that phones are like their kasassagi (on Xmas Eve which is in Japan a special occasion for lovers)
    • On volume 8 cover: vol8 covers chapters (42 - 47)
      + Suetsugu sensei has the habit of including a poem on the folded part of the cover;
      she chooses a poem used in a significant moment in the volume (& She didn’t choose poem 40 that was exceptionally explained & used on ch44 for Taichi’s feelings or on ch46 where we are beautifully introduced to Shinobu’s love for the 100 cards since childhood (both moments were included in the ComicBook too);
      She rather chose poem6 as the poem of volume 8 because of the moment between Arata & Chihaya)
    • On ch56, Arata said that phones aren’t their kasassagi but something else that he didn’t reveal (I believe this will have a continuation)
    • On ch68,Chihaya’s opponent compared her to Vega’s Orihime, the star representing the woman in the legend of Kasassagi's Tanabata ( Before he sees in her another legendary star: Bellatrix's Female warrior" (and imo, that's because he was rather her opponent in a battlefield, a place unrelated to Arata/Altair, the other star of Tanabata)
    • On ch86, When Arata praised Chihaya & she was delighted, she had a background where space+milky way+Vega star was drawn while Arata had the complementing background with the Altair star behind him
    • On ch95, Nikuman was making fun of Chihaya who wrote another poem about karuta saying:
      "I face karuta
      with the voice from that magpie
      Acting as my charm."
      We already know that a voice from a magpie for Chihaya is a phone call, and she just had a phone call with Arata few days ago (on chap93) where his words charmed her "again" and gave her more passion for karuta.
    • On ch112, when Chihaya called Arata to wish him good luck for his next match at the challengers (vs Harada sensei) Chihaya, through her own words failed to express any support so Taichi intervened and corrected her message and then the sky was shown with the milky way and the summer triangle (Orihime, Hikoboshi & the magpie bridge). Taichi in this scene was the one who conveyed Chihaya’s real feelings for Arata’s upcoming match.
    • On ch137, (now this one might be really unrelated but i'm curious about it so here, i'm adding it to remember it if it ever gets explained or something :p) Chihaya’s team on Taichi-cup was called MAGPIE (not peasant, not deer, not plover, not grass hopper and not double_flowered_Sakura which was Taichi's team.)
    • On ch213, we saw Chihaya look at the sky when Arata called her and we can compare it with the panel from ch45 to see that it’s very similar with the phone and the look
    • On ch221, (even though this might seem unrelated but i find it adding to all the other moments), when Arata asked Chihaya about her kimono and then felt awkward, he expressed his inability to reach her which reminded us of the distance between the two again even though they are physically close which means that their story didn't reach an end yet.
    • On ch225, this card was next to “15/Kimi ga tame ha” which was used in ch219 to represent Taichi who worked to push Chihaya to happiness and this was indirectly brought up again in ch225.
    • On ch226, Kasassagi falls down alongside 51 while Arata was trying to reach Chihaya.

Nov 24, 2020 12:41 PM

Nov 2018

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"What goes through minds & hearts while we read is what we read.."
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So, this is an index to save my kind of DETAILED CHAPTER REVIEWS that I post in "C.O.M.M.E.N.T.S".
Please feel free to discuss and add anything in the said thread.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 225 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 226 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 227 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 228 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 229 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 230 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 231
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 232 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 233 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 234 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 235 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 236 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 237 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 238
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 239 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 240 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 241 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 242 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 243 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 244 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 245
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 246 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 247 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 248 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 249 || 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 250 ||

MashimaTaichi_Jun 17, 2022 11:39 AM
Dec 25, 2020 3:49 AM

Feb 2019

The history of poem "77" in Chihayafuru
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So swift is the flow
of a cascading stream against
an obstructing rock,
I know that its parted waters
must meet again in the end.

The rushing stream, of course, is a metaphor for the passion of two lovers, which can only be temporarily interrupted by any obstruction. Rhetorically, the first three lines constitute a descriptive jokotoba preface that leads up to the word warete (“divide”), where the superimposition of human concerns begins. The poet's own determination to meet his lover again is then reflected in the emphatic last line, which also corresponds to the logical outcome of the cause adduced in the first line ("because the rapids are swift, its waters will surely meet again").
Translation & comment by Mark Jewel

(77: Se o hayami) is one of the poems holding the greatest roles & meaning in Chihayafuru; When included in the Comic book, the author dedicated two pages for it (she did the same with only Chiha & Tago).
The history of the poet is more than the small introduction made by Mark Jewel and Suetsugu sensei seems to have been using this cards for the poet itself too (contrary to even Chiha) but this is not a post for the poet's background, this will be a mere history of its use in Chihayafuru (anyone who notices a forgotten scene/moment, i'll appreciate it so much to be told about it, I'll make sure to add it):

  • On ch1 (moment included in the Comic Book): Card 77 was the 1st karuta card Chihaya ever took in her life. When she witnessed Arata's passion, and felt the helplessness against his wonderful moves, she didn't get depressed, she rather felt greater desire to win and SE was one of the cards she already learnt, a 1 syllable card, it was read, she heard the 's' sound before Arata and she took it with her left hand.
    She was frustrated by the fact that she only won that one but Arata in a passionate way made her realize that karuta is fun and it can give them an opportunity to become the best in the world.

  • On ch14, Kana read this poem with a clear reference to a romance between two separated lovers when she noticed that Chihaya is texting Arata a lot and Nishida told her about him being her childhood friend that she wants to meet at the Nationals (& he added that it’s why she probably created the club)
  • On volume 3 cover: vol3 covers chapters (12 - 17): The choice of this poem seems to be because of that one scene mentioned before because I couldn't find another one in this volume?
  • On ch22, 1st card Arata showed his grandpa to try to remind him of karuta.
  • On ch33, it was the last card with Taichi in his match vs Nishida, it was a luck of the draw & it wasn’t read.
  • On ch41/42, it was initially shown on Yuumin's formation. Chihaya was looking at it with others saying that the cards she is good with are all where she can attack but it got taken from her.
  • On ch79, Chihaya sent it to Rion after Rion let her take two cards easily because of Chihaya’s injury…it was read 2 cards later, she took it using her middle finger touching the corner like Shinobu who was watching.
  • On ch89, Taichi’s plan vs Rion was to sacrifice all of the one syllable cards including this card..
  • On ch97, 2nd year, Yoshino-kai, round 4: Taichi took it just after Arata took 76 but Arata contested it and Taichi gave it up, 'Se' was chosen as a one syllable card to show that Taichi has gotten faster with them.
  • On ch100, Chihaya vs Haruka- it was next to Chiha when Chiha was read & Chihaya took it.
Dec 25, 2020 3:50 AM

Feb 2019

❝ Arata is NOT popular with girls [PART I]❞
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    Who would be attracted to a boy like him?
    so clumsy, physically unattractive (I mean he doesn't wear glasses out of fashion right? he is almost blind!) & he doesn't make efforts to look good either, he is inexperienced in most areas, so naive and even though his frequent "tomato moments" are funny, he is just too shy & awkward, he stutters when he talks, he isn't even there in sport events where most interesting boys are, he can't, he is no good at that, a mere karuta idiot ...


    Risa Yamamoto got a chance to be close to him and found in him what to be fascinated with.
    On her 1st year, she still didn't belong to a club for some reason but Arata created the one she would change that for. She learnt to work hard for someone and something, she got to experience walking with a team alongside a passionate leader towards a dream that should have been impossible for a team of beginners but this clumsy captain's honest and clear emotions were an admirable push. He made her desire to become a better person alongside him.
    the straightforward & daring "Yamamoto san" found herself asking Arata out after less than 3 months of knowing him.

    Wakamiya Shinobu, the lonely but sarcastic Queen with a dishonest character who most of the time puts up a strong face while being angry inside or at least having given up on most desires people her age had because she was always told that it's the only way to "exist"...
    With such complicated character and despite being "NOT" a love interest for Arata in canon, fans still found a good base to ship Arata and Shinobu.
    They found them in the unique way Arata could enter Shinobu's guarded & out of reach world and the way the uninterested Queen found herself unable to ignore him..
    She even set goals and made enemies for Arata, She wondered about "what he felt & why" when he showed interest in something ...
    Fans saw a special bond between these two very different people
    In how they understood each other,
    how they care and how they hide it ..
    and how they show it when we least expect it ... more surprising when Shinobu shows that unusual honest kindness reserved only for him.

    Ashino Yuu is another exception..
    the girl who saw Arata's every side, the beautiful & the ugly... the perfect and the most imperfect..
    Yuu was described in the manga as Arata's sibling (with Murao's words which Arata didn't react to in any way suggesting otherwise) but Yuu's reactions to lot of Arata's actions/reactions/emotions/decisions etc suggests that she sees in him more than the clumsy guy or even the perfect god everyone sees and some fans found in this another 'solid' base to ship them.
    I don't but I can clearly see how Yuu treasures Arata and why he gained that feeling ... Yuu could see Arata from so close too and he certainly isn't uninteresting for a girl like her.

Apr 22, 2021 6:30 AM

Nov 2018

Arata is an unfortunate character.
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No, he is NOT!

    But if we wish to make him one, then we don't need one fifth of the effort put into making Taichi the "sad" character that most fans keep labeling as "Poor Taichi", and Arata would have been then the most unfortunate character in Chihayafuru. All we need is a good mangaka (Suetsugu is!) & the intention to make him draw sympathy (the whole point), simply because Arata’s story is well packed with good material serving the purpose.

    1. Starting with the fact that he was an almost blind child … Like “looking through a magnifying glass”, hearing voices outside but being unable to see anything~ A child who had to wear glasses from the age of 3, any writer can make this a touching story if so they wished -But Suetsugu sensei did not want to.

    2. Growing up as a weak boy who is a letdown in everything most boys do, crying alone when he fails to fit in, disappointing his father who kept pushing him to go outside and be “normal” like all the other children all while letting go of Karuta that he was confirmed to have liked since he was very young. Writing a bit of his struggles to find a place for himself within the norms could have made readers cry a lot.

    3. His grandfather thankfully extended his hand to him, offered him a place where he can be himself; But that too, created a situation where he maybe had to take a side & deal somehow with the other side because his grandfather & his father had a fight and he can only be torn between them. I’m no writer myself, but I can make this sentimental.

    4. Then his father took him away to Tokyo where he had to be a part of a poor family, and not only to cancel his needs & desires (like for example having different outfits for school instead of the few he will be noticed to wear frequently) but to also work sometimes to support his parents, to wake up before school time in the early mornings when other children are probably sound asleep in their warm beds, to go outside in the cold, to earn some cash and to give it to his parents … I read some real sad stories with this idea. So yeah, Arata could have been one of the saddest characters if Suetsugu wanted him to be.

    5. And not to mention being bullied and laughed at for not only his impoverishment (which he can hope to change) but for his identity (as a boy from Fukui speaking a “weird” dialect). He received all this with lot of patience, and tried to comfort himself by himself with his grandfather’s “gift”, how it was a refugee for him.

    6. Any writer can make a sob story out of Arata’s unspoken loneliness & yearning for home, his grandpa & for playing his beloved Karuta properly.

    7. Or out the fact that he couldn’t make any friends in his new school either (he was confirmed to never have real friends since his childhood through the fact that he struggled to fit in + he stayed like that even after he grew up (like Murao said), and he is not someone who doesn’t care about having friends because he was confirmed to almost worship his bond with Taichi & Chihaya, Taichi specifically even though their friendship isn’t really a comforting one; he longed for friendship however it is!)

    8. He enjoyed that friendship nonetheless, he might even have felt like he was compensated for everything he wished for through it but he was soon robbed of all of it as he was separated from these friends & while he could still enjoy a bit of it through correspondence (at least Chihaya kept in touch), he wasn't as untroubled as needed for that because he was about to lose his precious grandfather.

    9. And the process of losing him wasn’t something to take lightly either. Having busy (or rather negligent?) parents made him (a boy not even 14 years old) a caregiver for an old man who suffered from paralysis on the right side of his body and later dementia, not as simple as that, he had to watch what his most beloved & respected person turn into day & night, when he worked “really hard” (as stated in the manga) with his rehabilitation exercises, when he helped him with his baths, he massaged his limbs, he fed him, constantly talked to him & showed him Karuta cards to “keep him” in this world. And when it's too much for him, he goes outside the room and cries bitter tears silently, all alone!

      And Arata actually suffered from PTSD for over a year & half, any psychologist can easily recognize that from the fact that he quit Karuta, refused to touch & hated to see the cards (I stress on this), how he answered Chihaya when she called him, how the calm & patient him (that we knew from his childhood) was agitated & treated her rudely when she insisted on playing a match. And it was all confirmed in Arata’s last words in the same chapter: “I wanted to see you, I always had, but I didn’t want you to see me like this” (in the official tr), he knew that he wasn’t himself (contrary to what Taichi thought, his friend who decided to abandon him instead of trying to help. Chihaya still had faith in him but Taichi was louder -ch10)

    10. Still, thanks to Chihaya, Arata was back to his beloved Karuta, though we all questioned how much fun he really felt while playing again, how much of him was involved with the game now. And eventually, he himself expressed the pressure (not the fun) he felt while playing. What took his passion away, what turned the feelings of a Karuta baka into mere obligation, this also is good content for an emotionally charged story, it only needs the intention of the writer.

    11. And he shone in the world of Karuta. YET he was never “proud” of it, that was never received as anything special. When he comes back home, none really cares (or at least, none shows any enthusiasm), he goes to the western-challenger qualifiers and his parents won’t even go watch, won’t even prepare some food for him, he comes back home late & finds none, and prepares everything by himself (apart from Yu’s help). His parents pray for his defeat, meaning that his DREAM to become Meijin/be strongest in Karuta doesn’t mean much to them, and he knows it, and he was never shown telling them the news like when you want to share a happy one. Arata’s mother -before giving up after acknowledging Arata’s dedication- wanted his defeat even though there was enough money to support him, the lack of money being the excuse she & her husband claimed to be the reason of their lack of support.

    12. The support system Arata lacks isn’t only in his family. Since the death of his grandfather he seems to stand alone in Karuta too. Murao was the only one who spared some time for him but only after he realized how “alone” he was and took pity on him. Murao's realization implies that the training Arata was doing at the Nagumo society didn’t really count for what he really needed. Kuriyama sensei (being expected by fans to be the “Harada” in Arata’s side) was almost useless & he himself expressed his confusion about what to do with him & how to help him. We never saw him particularly guide him in any way either. "Experiences" & "taking chances" were two factors that helped Mizusawa members for example to grow a lot, but these chances are doors without knobs & we know that they were opened for them by adults who were taking care of them in a way or another + being friends ensured that they encouraged each other then proceeded with every idea they got to learn & experience more. Arata lacks both these sources (adults around him rather burdened him with their expectations) so he kept training on his own mostly & we saw how it felt frustrating to him to be relying only on his solo training & an "image" encouraged by a long-dead teacher, he realized the toll of lacking real opponents in practice with whom he can measure his abilities & correct his mistakes to grow stronger. Support can also be emotional. Did Arata ever receive particular emotional support? I can only remember panels where the people worried for him kept watching him from afar while he dealt with it on his own.

    13. Yu was an exception but even her support was written in a way suggesting that Arata was prepared to go on without it. Because with time, Arata learnt to "not expect much" which is also a very interesting trope for a sad story.

    14. And he was described as “a lonely player on top” but this was never elaborated to show how it felt like to be one for Arata himself. This idea is also brilliant for melancholy if the author wanted fans to sympathize with Arata but she didn't go beyond praising Chihaya who could somehow reach him & Shinobu chan.

    15. And while playing on his own (or working part time to support himself), taking care of himself, he met his two precious friends again (they were the only selfish desire Arata has openly expressed throughout the series). But what he felt is that he was left behind & that he was the only one so far away. And he was. They got to experience so many things he didn’t, they made new friends & new bonds & he didn’t, they got closer to each other & he didn’t… At the end he went back to be the outsider & them the two old childhood friends. If the author wrote just a little bit more about these, if she highlighted these facts they could have made a good drama.

    16. Love is the main reason Taichi is "felt for" (because he progressed in karuta but not in Love ..not yet at least). Arata is also a part of the love triangle in Chihayafuru, and if we try to summarize it with the intention of making it sad, then let's go, there is enough to say for that, we just need a good writer (which I'm not sadly).
      Still in short: Arata seems to have started to develop feelings for Chihaya a long time ago but he had to keep that in check because he thought she was dating Taichi & he kept his distance out of respect for that assumed relationship even though he craved at least connecting with his old friends. When he came closer, Chihaya was interested in him but he never knew, the enthusiasm she showed him was not different from how she is with everyone, no, Taichi received special treatment, while for him, every time he tries to say something to her he is cut off somehow. Everything seemed to be against them getting close. Later Chihaya seemed to have ultimate fun with Taichi too, maybe that was the only thing he thought he could give her, now she didn't need it. Maybe he had that thought again when she praised his game against Harada sensei that's why he confessed but soon, She is once again so far away, she seemed to need Taichi to function properly, he understood that & he used that to cheer her up in her most important tournament. He wanted badly to play with her again to only be totally iced, he couldn't even be seen by her, he was so far away, she belonged to where he wasn't part of (& even her friend kana found a way to express her disapproval of him)
      Can we not make a drama out of this?

      Or out of his stuttering, awkwardness & introversion? Or maybe the fact that his parents don't understand him? And did anyone alse feel that in most of Taichi's mother's appearances, we got this feeling that Taichi is a son who should be cared for while when Arata's parents appeared, many times, we can feel how Arata was used to highlight their feelings as individuals & he was drawn there as the member of the family who had to pay attention to that?
      Anyway, every single one of these points alone is very good material for a "tearjerker" so what about all of them combined? because they are all facts from Arata's reality.

    Again, all we need is a good writer (we have it) & the intention to make it that way which isn't there. Suetsugu decided instead to put double the effort to make Taichi the "sorrowful/anguished" one because Arata is not a character written to feel sorry for or to commiserate. He is rather written for the most part of the manga as an inspiring one, an aspiration, to be a drive & a goal.
    So despite having all the above circumstances, he is instead written as a character who keeps to himself, doesn't complain, hides his hardships, makes it seem that he fine when he notices that someone is watching, tries to focus on what he has & be happy with it however little or simple.
    That's why it's easy for him to forget & forgive, easy for him to recover & stand up again because there are other characters who need him there as an example, who think that he is perfectly fine so they should only focus on themselves and thus, Bildungsroman can be used for them.

    And finally-
    what were Taichi's problems again?
Apr 22, 2021 12:52 PM

Nov 2018

Why fans can still hope for Arachiha:
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    1) Chap 165 was the peak of "Chihaya doesn't see Arata because she is full of Taichi" trope yet that wasn't enough to sink the other ship, we got back to strongly expect an Arachiha end be it Arachiha shippers or even so many non-arachiha shippers which says a lot about how this trope wasn't enough vs what Arachiha has.
    This can be also said about when Chihaya chose to go watch & cheer for Taichi over watching Arata's match vs Shinobu. Fans back then thought that it was a clear indication of who was truly in Chihaya's heart but few chapters later Chihaya rejected Taichi & while thinking of Arata too.

    2) Arata was the reason Chihaya stopped worshiping Chitose. Chitose will come & see her & he will be there playing in the same time as her. Chitose was told by Taichi that he was rejected & she didn't tell him to have hope as Chihaya is stupid & might realize her feelings like Kana said before. What she told him instead is to stop wasting his time because Chihaya's strongest desire lies within karuta & we all know that Taichi is not as invested in the sport as her.

    3) Arata being written till now to give up Chiha (vs blunderer & Shinobu, Chihaya even witnessed that & was worried) & to avoid thinking about her when he is in his grandpa mode - Now Arata is being developed into a person different than Wataya hajime, a person who wants to fight for his seat & desires. to stop being "selfless" & to become Taichi's serious rival who takes action for what he really wants. (& we learned that he really wants to hug Chihaya & before that to become someone she deserves to be hugged by)

    4) Arata "wanting to be himself" which was linked to "i'm not my grandpa" & "love love love" out of the blue (which is not out of the blue if we think about it carefully), we saw how he defied his grandpa's illusion for Chihaya's sake for example in 226.

    5) "Chiha" that both Arata & Chihaya keep losing (while Taichi won it), Chiha "hating" both (coz both lost their initial passion i'd say). Is it not natural to think that winning it will be after fixing something probably shared by both?

    6) Again Chiha being there when Chihaya said "I will always love Arata & karuta" (which I believe isn't a forgotten/meaningless confession" + being there in Arata's confession (practically being the starting point of the confession while it was absent in Taichi's confession.)

    7) Chihaya saying that Tare is Taichi's card for her & Tare being NOT a love poem but a poem about the friend who knows what's in her heart which is the perfect description for Taichi in Chihaya's heart & journey.

    8) Arata's unanswered confession left for the end where Chihaya did NOT ask for time to be more experienced and stuff like that which can suggest asking for years, but she asked him to wait until she defeats the queen + Chihaya's feelings about not being able to love & be loved until it's someone she can sit across in karuta + her wanting to return the passion she got from Arata + how would Suetsugu write Arata's rejection at the end of the manga, bc if he wins the title, that'd crush his happiness with his win, & if he loses the title, that'd be even worse. How many chapters are still left to write him getting over it?

    9) Also Arata coming to tokyo that was explicitly linked to being "near Chihaya", he said that to her twice, in his confession & when she asked him to wait. He wouldn't come to become a 3rd wheel in Taichi's & Chihaya's relationship would he? Arata is already written as a guy who would keep his distance from Chihaya not to interfere between her & her boyfriend (when he though she was dating Taichi).

    10) Taichi's rejection being given plenty of time, now he seems to have accepted it better (I believe he still has feelings for her but he can live with it healthily now unlike few months ago & it's easier to write him getting over it bit by bit that, all this, Arata won't get.)

    11) Arata's place in Chihaya's life after he no longer is a love interest.
    Taichi is well set as the closest friend. Arata WAS written as a childhood friend, a love interest, an admired karuta figure & a rival. Now the rival seat is fully taken by Shinobu chan, the childhood friend doesn't have much effect for a main character after Chihaya got closer friends who are constantly pushing her back now; the admired karuta figure is also gone after she defeated him (or maybe even clearer after she witnessed him losing to her final rival: Shinobu). If Arata is no longer a love interest, what then? He would be better off the title of a main character which Suetsugu is not giving up. She will balance the trio somehow & Arata will be given an important place in Chihaya's world as important as Taichi's & I can't think of anything without "romance" at least not in the short remaining time of the manga.

    12) Poem6, is also still telling an incomplete story of two lovers who can't meet without the bridge of magpies.

    13) Arata's attachment to card 77 "Se o hayami" which is clearly between only him & Chihaya (for him), this is another story I believe is incomplete and it is related to only the bond between Chihaya & Arata.

    14) The rematch that will most likely be in the Oe Cup. while it can be an ordinary re match, it can also be one to end the manga by going back to it's very end which is the subject of Chihaya transforming from an empty fan girl to someone with overwhelming PASSION and that, she got it from Arata. Also the 1st volume has lot about what changed in Chihaya's feelings that was brought not by having Taichi around but by meeting Arata, him not going easy on her, him taking her seriously & being straightforward with her & him being a source of passion too. Suetsugu said that she will link the end with this volume. (This makes me expect a good closure between Taichi & his mother too).

May 2, 2021 10:12 AM

Feb 2019

❝ The history of Chiha in Chihayafuru ❞
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Poem "17/Chiha" is the number one poem of Chihayafuru. it's Chihaya's card after all.
And like every other poem/card used in the manga, there seems to be a specific way in which Suetsugu sensei used it.
Like for everyone else, we always felt like trying to understand this might give us more insights about where the manga is going & what some moments here & there were meant to say from the start.
And like everyone else, I tried to understand, I read people's thoughts, I discussed it with others but at the end I can only see Chiha as what it looked to me since the beginning so i'm sharing my recorded history & what I thought about things here & there.
Here you go:

The manga is still ongoing & this history should only grow & even though I pretty much drew my kind of conclusion about the chiha card & its use, but I'll leave it for everyone to do the same with the collected data.

As I said, I might come back to edit it whenever I find something worth adding/editing.

iNameless_May 27, 2021 9:52 AM
Jun 13, 2021 1:43 PM

Feb 2019

"The disappearance of Chiha"- An interesting theory.
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(By @timshel_11 on Twitter)

    timshel_11 said:

    The absence of the Chiha card for Chihaya has been a long running theme in Chihayafuru. My current theory is that the Chiha card represents to Chihaya her first dream to become queen. I believe this connects best with the various motifs that have been brought up with the card.

    I think the hardest aspect to answer in any theory with the Chiha card is why does it reappear in Game 1 vs. Shinobu? My first focus was on the card’s role within this chapter. When Shinobu takes the Chiha card, her precious card, it’s used to demonstrate her complete dominance.

    She’s the strongest queen, and this is her stage. It’s almost as if this capture was taunting Chihaya- her dream is within reach, but Shinobu asserts that it will always be her title. This panel from early makes the connection of the card to her journey to queen quite explicit.

    The time window of the disappearance of the Chiha card is large. The last time we saw the Chiha card in play before game 1 was in her match vs. Suo. This is when he said “You won’t” to her. While that may have contributed to the disappearance, I don’t think it’s the main factor.

    I believe the primary factor was Chihaya seeing Shinobu break down and lose one of her queen games in part because of Chihaya’s broken promise to her. This is the first moment that Chihaya sees the depths of Shinobu’s loneliness, and she understands what her role/duty is.

    I think we can pinpoint this as the moment when Chihaya began to start playing to “save” Shinobu, rather than fulfilling her personal dream to become queen. Chihaya realizes this herself explicitly later, and also refers to not leaving Shinobu alone as her duty.

    The concept of one’s duty when introduced by Kana is contrasted with one’s passion, shown by her decision to go with economics over literature. While it’s clear that saving Shinobu is important to her, it is not the same type of bright red passion described by the Chiha card.

    This change in her was added to by Taichi leaving the club. Chihaya had to become the captain and leader that Mizusawa needs, rather than playing a more egotistical style as herself. However, even when Taichi’s back the first time, she’s still shown to be missing the Chiha card.

    Taichi has a deep understanding of Chihaya’s motivations. He said that the answer of how to win laid with Chihaya, how she tried to win not for herself. Him saying it’s her key to winning echoes Watari’s idea that maybe Chihaya has been winning BECAUSE the Chiha card isn’t there.

    Another connection between the Chiha card and her dream to become queen is how when she first saw Omi Jingu she connected the bright red of Omi Jingu and the bright red of the Chiha card. This place she’s longed for has the same imagery in her mind as the card.

    So why does it reappear in game 1? I think there’s several factors. I think that Chihaya was very starstruck by the environment. She’s nervous and stiff throughout a lot of the game because she’s finally at the place she has dreamed of and longed for.

    There are several moments prior to this match where she recalls her first dream with Arata and reiterates that sentiment of achieving it together. I think in the first game she’s thinking about how she’s finally reached this place of her first dream and is overwhelmed by it.

    One of the most significant descriptions of the Chiha card is that it’s “the source of passion”. For the Mizusawa members, it began when Chihaya put up the flyer to start the club. For Chihaya, it was that day with Arata that she learned of his passion and discovered her dream.

    Her passion has, of course, grown far beyond this now in scope, and she has dreams of making Mizusawa a powerhouse and becoming a teacher. But I think her returned focus on her very first dream, rather than her duty to Shinobu, is likely what brings it back in the first game.
    There is a significant line in this game where Shinobu refers to the Chihaya’s focus on the Chiha card as being a weakness of hers. The magnetizing imagery. Similar language has been used with this panel that showed the Chiha card and then Arata, as well as the imagery of Tago.

    Showing Arata here with the Chiha card is consistent with it being about her dream because at this time Chihaya’s dream still had not become “tangible” and to her the pinnacle was Arata. The title of “queen” is enticing and distracting and will always draw you to it.
    It’s echoed in a similar theme about how the thought running through Arata’s head of “One more game and I’ll become the Meijin” becomes his downfall and he faults on Chiha. I believe getting caught up in capturing the title of queen is the same, which is why Shinobu says this.

    I think there will be several factors to the Chiha card coming back in game 5. One is the “Taichi has always been here” realization. We’ve seen at Nationals that Chihaya was unable to play as herself when she was preoccupied with absence of Taichi and trying to fill that gap.
    But, now she’s realized that no matter if he’s physically there or not, he will always be a part of her and source of strength. I believe feeling secure in that aspect and no longer feeling the weight of his absence will allow her to play fully as herself.

    Additionally, Arata and her will be on the same level. Chiha is back in game one when they’re both at 0-0 and ready to achieve their dream together. After their losses, they both are embarrassed and cannot face the other, but now they’re both at equal footing of being 2-2.

    This is significant given that one of Chihaya’s goals has been to reach Arata and match his passion. Considering the narrative from a meta perspective, we already know that the Chiha take prompts Chihaya to flashback to 6 years ago, when she didn’t know anything about passion.

    She said that day what she learned was not Karuta, but about Arata’s passion. Given that it’s extremely likely Arata will also be on the stage taking the Chiha card
    at the same time, I think this will be the moment where they’re truly equal in their strength and passion.

    Other reasons Chihaya may reach this state of playing fully for herself require some speculation. She may have a significant conversation with Shinobu between game 4 and 5. Seeing Chihaya go all out against her despite her injury could ultimately disprove Ise-sensei’s words.

    If she already has achieved her goal of saving Shinobu, this would allow her to play game 5 for herself. It’s also possible Shinobu realizes Chihaya sees it as her duty and disproves of that mindset. It could happen many ways but they will likely have a significant interaction.
    Overall, there are multiple things that could lead Chihaya regaining this passion, but I believe that it’s clear that the return of the Chiha card and Chihaya successfully taking it will be made possible because of her fighting passionately for herself and her very first dream.
Nov 18, 2021 11:21 AM

Nov 2018

Expecting a special mention of Wata No Hara Ya in the 5th match:
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    Chihaya spectacularly won her 1st Queen match vs Shinobu by taking what she called "Taichi's card" which is not his main card "16/Tachi" but "34/Tare".
    Many could understand the heaviness of this card's theme (the close friend who knows what's in her heart) in defining how Chihaya sees Taichi and how remembering that position pushed her back greatly.

    Later, she tried to take "60/Oe" (which is Kana's card) but failed (and Kana was purposefully drawn with a strong reaction about it with the two other Mizusawa members clearly disappointed), then later, she won her second match by taking "13/Tsukuba" after a clear display of the three remaining cards forming two groups: Two cards taking Shinobu's side (shown in the form of their poets) and one that wasn't which was later shown to represent Chihaya's supporter Desktomu (Was this a special display of Desktomu's individual importance which should mean that Nishida & Sumire for example will also have their chance to be referenced? or, was it rather a reference to Mizusawa as a whole? I think it's the second to say that Chihaya's supporters from her surrounding are more real than Shinobu's & that's why the karuta box was shown in the next panel and Chihaya wondered about this: she has supporters so what about Shinobu? Please pay attention at the fact that Shinobu saw the card as a poet but ut transformed into Desktomu & this transformation means that the way Chihaya sees the cards is more helpful- Something similar happens in chap239 about how Chihaya was seeing Chiha &nd how it's fixed.)

    But if you look closely, you'll find "11/Wata-Ya" also drawn clearly and I believe it's a hint at its turn coming next (or being one among the cards coming next).

    There is also this key visual that sensei drew initially for her 1st ever Art exhibition which she also used since as her Twitter account cover:

    Tare, Tsuku, Oe are all there.
    and there is also: "Chihayaburu" which is currently being focused on in episodes..
    and lastly, there is "Wata-ya"

    I believe that this was always a hint about the last poems that will play a significant role in Chihaya's most important moments in her tournament.
Dec 10, 2021 5:26 AM

Feb 2019

Chiharata FACTS#1
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Jan 2, 2022 7:48 AM

Nov 2018

A closer look at what sensei thinks about "LOVE"
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    I was just asked about this because I wrote a bit about it before and I swear I thought I made this post here too but turns out I posted it elsewhere so i'm just copying it here now.
    This is about ❝ Chihayafuru & Little Women (2019) ❞ and about Suetsugu sensei who wrote a thread of tweets after she was recommended to watch the movie.

    The person who recommended the movie to sensei is a chihayafuru fan and the insisted she watches it because she is the author who created "Ayase Chihaya"
    I understood that there is some similarity so I watched the movie and i actually found some interesting similarities! (I guess the fan meant the feminist touch contained in the movie & sensei is considered to some degree a feminist too) but for me personally, there are more similarities than just that.

Jan 2, 2022 9:46 AM

Nov 2018

Chihaya has feelings for Arata: Another confirmation! + other!
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    These are the 6 waka poems chosen for the waka corner in Chihayafuru's new & ongoing art exhibition; every poem has a commentary explaining it and its role in the story.
    Before I post them, please know that Suetsugu sensei supervised this exhibition:

    The poems are:
    1) "17/Chihayaburu" + the scene where Kana explained it to Chihaya and told her that it's a poem about a bright red love"
    This poem however did not have a commentary, I believe that it's both because Kana's explanation was good enough for its meaning and this card's role is being explained little by little in the remaining part of the manga so it's saved for the end.

    2) Next to Chiha, we find "57/Meguri aite" + the scene where Chihaya was studying in a train next to Kana and then mentioning this poem, she compares its story to her & Arata's relationship.
    The commentary is another & RECENT confirmation of Chihaya's romantic feelings for Arata (I asked a Japanese friend to make sure native fans also get the same meaning, and she confirmed it to me!) It makes perfect sense: Chihaya's feelings of "friendship" are not "unconscious", her admiration too, so this was a reference to other feelings she has for him that she didn't realize yet at that stage which can only be her romantic love that she discovered a bit more in the hospital scene.

iNameless_Jan 18, 2022 8:51 AM
Jan 18, 2022 8:49 AM

Feb 2019
Copying this here until combining a more elaborate post (hopefully)

Chihaya: "I can't sit across the one I like before I work hard in karuta to become better"
Arata: "The girl I like is working hard behind me (on tatami playing karuta)"

This is a clear parallelism (not the first between Chihaya & Arata) and even more; It's a continuation of what Chihaya said back in chapter 93 (She said that she wouldn't be able to sit across the one she likes unless she is strong in karuta (meaning she wants his acknowledgement) and she says that she will achieve that through hard work)
and now it's like ARATA IS ANSWERING HER and saying that he sees her and sees her hard work, in other words, Chihaya reached what she wanted back in 93;
He only needs to tell her that directly.

Jan 19, 2022 12:27 PM

Nov 2018

Chapter 239, Chihaya, Chiha & Ariwara No Narihira:
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    I just realized that these two pages from chapter 239 are actually a ONE SPREAD!

    And I was thinking.

    One theory said that the two shrine scenes plus the meaning of the two poems (17 & 16) is the culmination of Taichi’s & Chihaya’s love story; Taichi being “Ariwara No Narihira” the guy madly in love with the woman. And Chihaya, the woman who went to the side of the Emperor but who is in fact, also in love with her past lover Narihira. The theory says that the take of “Chiha” in the 5th match will confirm this soon.

    BUT through this chapter, what I saw is rather Suetsugu sensei saying that:
    Chihaya was exhausted,
    Arata noticed,
    wondered "silently" how to help,
    Chihaya told him to keep her tasuki despite knowing that he didn't put it on in his previous match (and jokingly thinking: "if you don't want it then return it to me"), she wanted him to keep her tasuki with him, the tasuki she thought before that it's ok for Arata to have it as long as he is doing what he likes.
    Arata understood without hearing a word from her.
    He patted her on the shoulder while meaningfully staring into her eyes,
    a whole page where they looked at each other intently, Chihaya receiving what's happening with a surprise on her face
    and then he puts the tasuki on after having her full attention on him.
    Chihaya was pulled out to her surroundings with the phone buzz sound and she remembered that she was hearing too much but what did she start hearing after Arata's actions?
    it's her heartbeats (when her state shocked her at first, she also started to hear her heartbeats, but Miyauchi sensei helped her with the water, she cooled down & calmed down, the heartbeats stopped being very loud, why did Chihaya's heart start to beat loudly again now? even though the game didn't start yet, she didn't tire her body again after cooling it and it was only one phone buzz contrary to before when all sorts of sounds were heard?)

    And then Chiha no longer "hates her", Chiha Appeared like a sign saying: "you are on the right path now". It appeared next to "1/Akino" the first poem in the hyakunin Isshu, the 100 poems that she befriended as Harada sensei told her after she explained to him how Chiha is "Chihaya" for Arata.

    Chihaya's thoughts were not "Chiha is here, chiha finally appeared", her thoughts were about Arata, what Arata told her about Chiha, how she grew up now to know what Arata was really telling her back then: "Chihaya, please love karuta",

    he was her example of the beauty of karuta and despite the fact that Chihaya realized that it was a lie, she decided to reject the "truth" about this card and embrace his lie that led her here. We see Ariwara No Narihira FADING AWAY and Arata's words "this card is Chihaya" replace it, this is very meaningful!

    Chihaya rejects the story of Narihira and rejects the way Shinobu sees the card and decides to keep her own way where she rather embraced Arata's offer: "it's me!"
Jan 29, 2022 4:59 AM

Nov 2018
Further to the previous post and to this one:

Shinobu sees the poets, Chihaya sees her friends.
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    It seems like a new THEME for Chihaya's recent arc: The way Chihaya sees the card SHOULD stay different from the way Shinobu sees them,
    for Chihaya, it's:
    "Every single one of them is given to me by someone else".

    In a recent interview on Twitter spaces, Suetsugu said that:

    "Chiha" for Chihaya is different from "Chiha" for Shinobu. The most important card for each character is different, so how to find the "Chiha" for Chihaya in an important game is a very important theme.

    Seeing the lost Chihaya, Arata advised her to leave Shinobu's arena and play her own karuta (Because Chihaya went deep into Shinobu's world and even started to see the cards the same way as her);
    Arata also mirrored Taichi and did the "MI-zusawa" call to remind Chihaya of her team which he learnt from few encounters gives her a great stability and strength.
    The next match Chihaya plays, there is a great focus on her friends' cards:

    228: a reminder of how much Chihaya cares about Mizusawa.
    - starts with this comment: "The path that led us here shines brightly now" (Chihaya's path is bright after what Arata did & the thought of her friends is again vivid in her mind)
    - Kana hoped that her card (60/Oeyama) gets read to help Chihaya (but it wasn't),
    - instead 34/Tare was read and she won by taking it after she told us that for her, Tare (and 16/Tachi) is Taichi (But 16/Tachi wasn't used instead because 34/Tare describes Taichi's place in Chihaya's mind better: a friend not a lover like 16/Tachi says)
    - Chihaya was clearly thinking that every card is given to her by someone else. (i.e. the cards are not only poems left by great poets (like Shinobu sees them) but they are gifts from friends, ways of being always connected with her friends because the cards for her are a way of making bonds.)
    Shinobu was wining, Chihaya was considering her possibilities but placing 77 next to 24 to provoke Shinobu was no longer a choice because she decided not to upset Shinobu or the cards (which she made into friends like Harada told her in the past). She was in a pinch, she needed to do something and SE was attracting her attention and it was placed next to 20/Wabi Nureba - 71/Yu sareba. (Wabi expresses Chihaya's dire distress, she wants to meet "the salvation" at any cost and Yu Sareba tells about gentle knocks and autumn breeze coming in-in reference to the arrival of "the salvation". And ofc, while Chihaya remembers some of the teachings Taichi helped her with, he arrived at Omi Jingu.
    - Chihaya noticed Taichi and thought "Taichi is here" then remembered when he said that his feelings might fade away and she was confused why she remembered that the moment she saw him there and we got again the panel with 20-71-77 while Chihaya was thinking "that's not it". Like in the TARE vs TACHI in 229, Taichi's arrival and Chihaya's happiness with it is NOT related to "romance". Chihaya was unconsciously worried that Taichi won't care anymore and won't come to watch her after his feelings fade away. and seeing him there made her realize that it's not true: She was in dire, she wanted to meet the other friend (who is very special yes but is also a part of mizusawa that she regained dedication to fight for, the "gentle knocks" were heard (Taichi's scent play nicely the role of these), and then he came in & the reunion in poem 77 happened!). Chihaya kept repeating: "That's not it" though, to keep this all about her connecting with Mizusawa, her friends who pushed her during her karuta path and Taichi for now is exactly that. We also notice that "34/Tare" is also there above the 3 cards to reinforce the meaning.
    - After sending "18/SU", splitting the s cards on her field, Chihaya moved "77/SE" into the middle of her upper row where it serves as a distraction to Shinobu which she succeeded in provoking because Shinobu lost her calm & started to wonder about poets (while Chihaya was seeing her bonds with her friends, Shinobu was looking for anything connecting her with these very ancient beings that are no longer in this life). Shinobu was troubled wondering about the cards’ voices and specifically Sotoku In’s whom she doesn’t know whether he is happy or angry, blessing or cursing them after everything she read about him/them since a very young age.
    While on the opposite side, Chihaya was having nice thoughts about SE, when she spoke about it with Taichi as they cleaned the club, She said that SE is one of Taichi’s best cards despite her wining it more than him, simply because as Taichi said, he likes it.
    - The reading of cards continues, the "S" sound was heard and Chihaya knew the right one & took "18/SU". This is an answer to Taichi's "message" from chapter 200: "Don't lose any S cards". That was also after Taichi said that his feelings might fade away and Chihaya realized that even if it's true, Taichi was always there, even her take just now was related to how he always supported her. Chihaya finally made peace with Taichi remaining on her side despite all distances.
    - She sent "SE". Shinobu was triggered and decided to "treat the cards as cards" instead of waiting for what they want and for them to call out to her and she took SE. Chihaya still couldn't take SE apparently because there is another meeting that should happen. That, we will have to wait and see about it.
    - Chiha was a dead card, Chihaya thought that it won't help her or Arata and thinking about Chiha automatically led her to think about "Narihira" which never happened since Kana told her about its backstory. Then we see her breath and more hatching was used on Narihira's figure as if to say that it's pushed back This is important because it says that the image of the poets isn't persistent for Chihaya, when she breaths (i.e relaxes) that's not what the cards are about for her.
    - 60/Oe was read later, determined Shinobu took it and the three Mizusawa main members are shown, Kana more than the two others shocked that Chihaya lost her card (a hint that Kana's support will take another form later)
    - Another important moment is when Shinobu focused , for a split second, on Sei Shonagon's promise to go to her and grunt her the win if she can only take all the other cards before it's read, Chihaya snatched "13/Tsukuba" before Shinobu even realizes that Yamashio started reading it. Chihaya started to explicitly talk about the cards as symbols of her bonds/friends, that Oe is Kana, Tsukuba isn't Tsukuba's but Tsukue's. When Shinobu collected the fallen card (13) it was in the form of its poet but suddenly transformed into Komano setting the difference in the way the two girls see them clearer than ever and even showing that Shinobu herself is influenced by Chihaya's strength and started to see what she sees the cards as.
    - We also notice "11/Wata-ya" falling down with 13/Tsuku in reference to Arata's role to be referenced through the cards.
    - Chihaya later remembers Mizusawa while holding the cards thinking: "Two wins for mizusawa". Then she started to wonder about Shinobu's supporters. The cards for Chihaya are her friends and her friends are real but it's not the case for Shinobu.
    - Kana takes her new role for Chihaya (board-girl), the blush on Chihaya's face few panels later says that she is definitely moved by seeing her that close to her during these tough times.
    - While Shinobu & Chihaya were exchanging their thoughts about how to make the future better, Kana is shown holding her card (60/Oe) while doing her best to perform her role efficiently (Maybe this is saying that Kana and her card are the same, whoever helps is fine)
    - Shinobu's focus on the "poets" started to falter, She started to look more at Chihaya herself and think of both of them as "us". There is -again- a comparison between the support CHihaya has and Shinobu's involvement with the poets (which are once more ditching her and looking at her opponent instead). At that moment, Chihaya took Murasaki Shikibu's 57/Meguriaite and it was something she couldn't do before. She even sent her Sei Shonagon's "62/Yo o komete" as if to say that even this one isn't a real friend of Shinobu. and Indeed, the poets told her that she isn't special, they go to whoever looks interesting to them.
    - Here, Chihaya sends "CHIHA". I find it interesting that we are back to talking about Chihaya's goal as being: "To become Queen". Chihaya is totally engrossed in her goal to win as Mizusawa & to turn her club into a powerhouse right? Her being "particular" about wining this title was kind of denied by Kana in chapter 228, but now, it's brought up again with "CHIHA". This -I believe- is because becoming Queen is a personal/selfish desire of Chihaya which comes from meeting Arata the same as the Chiha card.
    - Chihaya was too stressed that she can't forget the placement of the cards from her previous match, but hearing the "CHI" sound she directly went for the chiha she sent to Shinobu chan. Thankfully Arata's speed at sending 42/Chigi -na flying made her stop at the last second. (Arata's speed again confirms his ability to tell Chiha apart from the other Chi cards).
    And ofc there is a silent exchange between Arata & Chihaya, then watching him calmed her & organized her thoughts, the next card read is "69/Arashi" and she took it (it starts with Ara, i believe, in reference to Arata) with a cross-sweep too. The link to Arata is well clear that Taichi noticed it.

    As we can see, now Chihaya's vision of Narihira where Chiha is concerned is being corrected to replace it with the next "bond" Chihaya created through the hyakunin Isshu. Arata & Chiha. (In parallel, Arata's link with CHiha is also being explored bit by bit. I'll try to collect the data about it in the recent chapters in the next post.)
MashimaTaichi_Jan 29, 2022 9:38 AM
Feb 14, 2022 6:33 AM

Nov 2018

Vol 48: Cover+Back cover+Poem.
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Apr 6, 2022 7:36 AM

Nov 2018

Chiha-Chihaya-Arata & Taichi
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    I have always felt something unsettling for Chihaya in Chapter 184.

    it was a similar feeling to when -in ch63- Arata told her that he didn't care about team matches and she answered directly & kind of enthusiastically that she will win her individual matches, but a very short panel in between makes it feel that something was off but it was brushed off rather quickly at the time to only be revealed later and we learnt how much it was NOT OK for Chihaya.

    When Chihaya said: "Taichi is here" as a consolation for not having "Chiha", the face she made made me personally feel sad for her.

    And now, seeing the bigger picture, I think I know why I did.

    Back then Chihaya said: "Taichi is here" but she remained generally "unhappy" and even Chiha refused to help her despite having the precious Taichi around.
    But thanks to MAINLY Arata, Chihaya's unhappiness dissolved little by little and she eventually regained "Chiha which is herself" and Taichi also CAME, only then Chihaya, I believe, realized that she didn't need Taichi to always be around, to be "Here", he is "here" whether present or not.
    People say that she finally realized that she love him romantically while I think she came to realize that she can let him go now because she can be herself and be happy even if he is not physically around.

    I think, the main theme for the "CHIHA" card can be "being one's self", because after Arata led Chihaya to be herself, free from her sister AND from Taichi, Arata also decided to be himself and keep "Chiha" contrary to what he was charmed by in Chihaya who told him she "will let go to attack for".
    Now Both Chihaya & Arata should be able to take Chiha side by side!
    (Arata & Chihaya always felt to me like two parallel lines, but the distance between them was never really defined and now I think, there is no real distance between them.)
MashimaTaichi_Apr 6, 2022 7:41 AM
May 9, 2022 2:28 PM
Jan 2022
Further to the previous post:

I just wanted to add to your point, that it's not the first time that this happens -

pretty much every time that Chihaya tries to put Taichi above her own needs, she thinks it's fine, but it's not, really.

    Here are three more examples:

    • In the second year high-school tournament (chapters 88-91), Chihaya decides not to watch the Class A final between Arata and Shinobu in order to watch Taichi's match against Rion in Class B. She says to herself that seeing Taichi achieve class A is her priority, and there is no doubt she is very happy when this happens, but when it's finished and they go to the Class A match, something else emerges: Chihaya is actually scared to watch the match between Arata and Shinobu. She needs a little push from Sakurazawa-sensei to do so, and when she finally watches Arata play, she is blown away by the match, and she likens Arata's karuta to a spinning top like it's mentioned her namesake card - Chihayaburu. It was obvious that, in the end, watching Arata and Shinobu play was what she truly wanted to do (and Taichi knew this).

    • In chapter 200, in the Meijin/Queen qualifiers, she says 'I'm not good with Makino-san's reading. But it's fine as long as Taichi can pick up cards. It's fine.' - but her face looked nothing like she was fine. A few pages later, we see Chihaya taking the Wata-ya card, that's when she thinks she's starting to find her rhythm.

    • In chapter 234, Chihaya uses Se as an ukifuda against Shinobu, thinking it's one of Taichi's best cards, a card that he likes. Yet, she can't take the card from Shinobu - is it because she forgot the meaning of Se in her own journey? As Arata pointed out, Se was the card that started everything for Chihaya back in chapter 1, the first card she took from Arata, so maybe she needs to think about Se in the context of her own journey, like she did with Chiha?

    Se is still in the playing field in the 5th match, and it has already featured quite prominently in the 5th Meijin match, being passed from Arata to Suou, and now back to Arata. The build-up is there to be a big dual take, and I'm really curious to see how sensei is going to play it out.
MashimaTaichi_May 26, 2022 9:26 AM
May 16, 2022 1:30 PM

Sep 2012

Suetsugu Yuki's Hyakunin Isshu study guide -Some Info:
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    Hello. Some of you may have heard about the study guide created that contains Suetsugu's own personal notes on the 100 poets. It's over 200 pages long and has a lot of text. I got poems 11 and 16 looked over and here's some of the info I got.

    • Poem 16/Tachiwakare: The poet is the half-brother of Narihira, they have different mothers. Poem 16 was apparently composed for those who gathered to see Yukihira (the poet) off before he left on his journey to Inaba since he was appointed governor there. But there's a theory that the poem was actually given to the people of Inaba after his job there was done. Inaba has two meanings, one is Inaba province and the other means "If I am to leave". Matsutoshi also has two meanings, matsu as in "pine tree" and "to wait". It's a pun/play on words that don't translate well into English. This poem is also the first of parting/separation in Kokin Wakashu (a collection of poems that dates back to the 10 century!). The poem "Tachiwakere" is a spell/charm-if you write it on a piece of paper and stick it on a plate, your missing cat will return.
    A side note in the page says: "Tachiwakare→Taichi" where it seems that Suetsugu decided to associate this poem with Taichi.

    • Poem 11/Wata no hara-ya: The poet (Ono no takamura) excelled in Chinese poetry and was highly valued by Emperor Saga. He earned the nickname "wild manic" due to his tendency of saying whatever he thought/felt. At the age of 37, he was appointed as an envoy to the Tang dynasty, but fell out with the ambassador Fujiwara Tsunetsugu and did not board the ship, claiming illness. The emperor got angry and exiled him. This was around the time the poem was written. "The fishermen on the boat are free yet I am a sinner" was his powerful way of bidding farewell. There's also an interesting tale in Konjaku Monogatarishu-that he was in communication with the Great King Enma (king of the underworld) and served at court by day and went to hell at night. Legends say there was divine spirituality flowing through his blood.
    So there are no personal notes on the actual manga, at least when it comes to these two poems. I will be having poems 17 and 77 looked over in the near future! (for now, it seems that poem 77 is studied mainly for the backstory of its poet "Sotoku In" and whether he composed the poem out of "grudge" or not.

    • Poem 39/Asajiu no: Suetsugu sensei associated this manga scene with poem 39:

    The poem saying:
    Bamboo growing
    Among the tangled reeds
    Like my hidden love:
    But it is too much to bear
    That I still love her so,

    confirms yet again Chihaya's feelings for Arata that she couldn't contain anymore and blurted through her words: "I wanted to see you"

    • Poem 36/Natsu no yo wa: A poem about summer nights. The page for Poem 36 includes this Chihaya panel from chapter 173. Suetsugu did not include any doodles or notes for this poem, just the poem & this panel.

MashimaTaichi_May 26, 2022 9:26 AM
The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you will be free.
Jun 17, 2022 11:38 AM

Nov 2018

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Jun 26, 2022 4:27 AM
Jan 2022

    My thoughts on why Chiha disappeared for Arata and Chihaya and why it came back
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    I just wanted to share my thoughts regarding Arata and Chihaya’s emotional processes around the Chiha card, and what their recent dual Chiha take means in terms of their relationship. I know that a different analysis re: the disappearance of the Chiha card has already been posted in this thread, but I wanted to share my own view, from a slightly different angle: while I agree that Chiha represents Chihaya’s first dream of becoming Queen, I think there is also another layer to it, which relates to Arata and Chihaya’s love for each other and their desire to be together.

    I was re-reading chapter 26 and it’s interesting to look at it knowing what we know now. Chihaya was facing Shinobu for the first time in the high school individual tournament, and really struggling and thinking there is no way she can take even one card. Then, she remembers it’s not the first time she faced someone so strong, she had faced Arata before and was able to take a card from him, ’Se’. She then recovers and manages to take her first card against Shinobu, ‘Fu’, and then subsequently takes ‘Chiha’.

    We can see, then, very clearly, the connection between Arata -> her 12yo self > Chiha. It’s interesting to note how, just in the previous day, Arata had come to the Omi Jingu, and despite the fact that she wasn’t feeling well, they had shared a moment and he had left the box of sweets saying they would meet in a match. She was, therefore, feeling connected to Arata through his presence and promise that he was coming back to the karuta world.

    Why, then, Chiha disappears later?

    We can find a clue on chapter 114, when Chihaya watches the Meijin qualifiers between Arata and Harada-sensei.

    We can see how she recognises that her elementary school self - that we now know is Chiha - would be fully backing Arata. However, she can’t forget her middle school and high school self who got so much support and guidance from Harada-sensei. That’s just life and, as we grow, things become more complex: we form new relationships and alliances, the web of our lives become more intricate and that can take us in different directions. It’s like the exhibition said: sometimes life becomes so busy that we don’t have time to catch up with an old friend.

    As for Arata, he blames his defeat on being obsessed about the Chiha and Fu cards, thinking that his grandpa wouldn’t approve of it. At this point, we can see he’s still under his grandpa’s shadow, and not allowing himself to be his own person. It’s interesting to note how he confesses to Chihaya soon after that: talking to Chihaya brings him back to himself, to his own memories of the time they spent together, and his love for her emerges and finally gets voiced. It’s when he realises he needs ‘love, love, love’, he needs to feel his feelings. This makes it clear there is a dichotomy inside Arata: on one hand, the desire to honour his grandfather’s legacy. On the other hand, the desire to be himself, which is closely linked to his desire to be with Chihaya.

    Fast forward to the third year high school tournament, and what could have been a great occasion for Arata and Chihaya’s relationship (finally able to play each other as a team), is overshadowed by the pain of Taichi’s absence, which affects both of them. Arata had formed his team so he could finally play Mizusawa, but what he finds is an incomplete Mizusawa, with Chihaya undertaking both the roles of leader and ace at a huge personal cost. They do play each other, but it isn’t a satisfying game for neither of them: Chihaya is only focused on the team, while Arata ‘plays as usual’, fixating on the past - they played but they couldn’t reach each other emotionally because they were carrying too much emotional baggage. It’s not a coincidence what brings Chihaya back is the acknowledgement of ‘Chiha’ as a dead card. Again, we see how she goes back to her 12yo self after Chiha gets read (happy to see both Taichi and Arata there), but it’s a fleeting moment, leaving a sense of dissatisfaction which leads her to ask for a rematch the following day. The rematch ends up not happening, and it’s interesting to note her face when she realises that Chiha had helped Kana and Sumire, but not Arata:

    In the Eastern Representative tournament, Chihaya sees that Chiha helped Taichi, and she thinks she’s glad but her face doesn’t seem glad: Chiha continues to be a dead card for her, and that makes her suffer.

    In the Western representative tournament, Arata had received back Chiha from Koishikawa, but he had decided not to target it, and Koishikawa committed a fault reaching for Chiha instead of ‘Chigiri’. We see, then, the establishment of a pattern: Chiha helps Taichi, but not Arata and Chihaya. Why? I will not go into what Chiha represents for Taichi now, but to me this shows that Taichi’s Chiha is different from Arata and Chihaya’s, his struggles are different and for him Chiha is part of his own, separate emotional process. This is even clearer in the Western/Eastern qualifiers, when once again Chiha helps Taichi, but not Arata and Chihaya. Taichi’s Chiha’s take, while very beautiful, wasn’t enough to reconnect Chihaya to ‘Chiha’, as she points out when she’s training with the former Queens:

    Then the Queen and Meijin matches come around, and once again Chihaya and Arata face their own struggles: Chihaya is hyper-focused on understanding Shinobu, and still not sure where her friendship with Taichi stood, feeling like her team was incomplete. Arata was still borrowing strength from his grandfather. Neither of them was connected to their inner selves, and they both acknowledge that Chiha wasn’t helping them:

    So, what made Chiha come back? In my opinion, the fact they finally managed to come to terms with their own emotional issues during the first four matches helped a lot, but the turning point was this:

    Arata wearing Chihaya’s tasuki, the visual confirmation that, after a long road in which they both battled their own demons, they are finally together, they are finally re-connected through their shared passion and the dream they established as children. It’s not a coincidence that Chiha re-appears soon after, and the view from Arata’s back wearing her tasuki is a prominent feature:

    As for Arata, wearing and touching her tasuki means the reassurance he is finally free to be himself:

    Therefore, connecting to each other is also connecting to their inner selves, because that’s the very basis of their relationship: as kids, they shaped each other lives and saw each other in a way nobody had seen before. Arata gave Chihaya the passion for karuta, a place where she could shine and show her talents away from her sister. Chihaya gave Arata the space to be himself, and not the Meijin’s grandson. Their connection is such that, the more they are connected to each other, they more they are connected to their innermost selves, and their own passion and strength. Because of this, they were able to finally take Chiha together.
MashimaTaichi_Jun 26, 2022 11:07 AM
Jul 12, 2022 6:39 AM

Nov 2018

Things sensei said (1)
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    This is from a live streaming on fourzerostudio in August 2021.

    "People were very impressed with the scene where Arata’s father was struggling with his emotions, and to that Suetsugu-sensei responded “Maybe he was trying to give up, maybe he was serious. Some people will get ignored completely, and you will be kicked out if you don’t have what it takes. You can’t half-ass it, you need all or nothing. It’s tough.” 
You can’t be together unless you are somewhat at an insane level. Can’t say for sure if it was a good thing that Arata was at that insane level.

 Harada sensei is based on a real person, Maeda-sensei who is the chairperson of the Fuchu Shirotaekai and even though Maeda-sensei has three kids, none of them played karuta. 
His feelings were way too strong, in his mind “let’s play karuta because it’s fun!” was not good enough, if you were going to play karuta you had to become a professional. You had to share the same level of passion if you want to be with him, Arata’s grandfather is like that. 

    Chihaya and Taichi are much easier to draw/write. Suo and Sudo-san are hard. I don’t want to add too many lines but I make sure they are good-looking. In the case of Sudo-san, you can see the character’s improvement over time, you see them changing slowly. You fail to see their changes and depth unless you pay attention. They are pure. I’d love to draw a purely evil character someday.

I also tried drawing Arata’s grandfather when he was young, but then I drew his eyes too dark and I changed him to Sudo-san halfway through. I ended up not writing about the grandfather in the end. I think I’ll be too nervous to draw Hajime’s younger-years episode."

    Credits to @possession1981 for the help in translating this.
Jul 12, 2022 6:40 AM

Nov 2018

Things sensei said (2)
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    In the same live streaming on fourzerostudio in August 2021, Suetsugu sensei said that Suo Hisashi is modeled after Japanese vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter "Koshi Inaba 稲葉浩志"
    He looks a lot like Suo right?

Jul 12, 2022 9:01 AM

Nov 2018

What would Chihaya talk about with Arata if he was close?
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    This question was already answered in the manga.
    According to Japanese fans, Suetsugu sensei commented on this scene

    Saying that in fact, the last words are Chihaya's and not Arata's. Chihaya is the one who says that she doesn't want Arata to be this distant god but a close friend.

    Later, we learnt that she did not stop writing to Arata like she always did despite feeling the distance as if she wanted to erase it.
    So what was Chihaya telling Arata in her mails?


    in Chapter 18, Arata checked his e-mail and found a bunch of emails from her where Chihaya told him all sorts of things that happened with her: starting with what we all expected: "karuta" to her tests, to her mood, Harada sensei's mood (aka how she spends her days at Shiranami), she told him about leaks in her room, SHE EVEN SENT HIM PICTURES OF HER ROOM! She talked to him about her Hakama too (maybe that's why Arata always paid her hakamas a special attention)

    In many occasions, Arata proved to be someone who is good at reading people (Like sensing Taichi's cowardice as a real problem and not as a one time thing bc he mentioned it again after they met in Fukui, knowing directly that Taichi was lying about his height, knowing that Taichi won his A class title without hearing a word from him & just from his expression, Knowing what Shinobu waned to say when she gave him the tasuki even when she couldn't speak her mind, feeling Chihaya's need to sense Taichi's presence and doing the "MI" call etc),
    so with everything Chihaya shared about herself, we can only deduce that Arata is not ignorant about Chihaya's personality and life in general.
Jul 18, 2022 11:29 PM
Jan 2022

Hey everyone, I hope it's OK to post this awesome analysis from Haley @aWorthyRival on Twitter. Here's the original link of the thread, which has been liked by Yuki Suetsugu herself, as well as her good friend Tarareba.

#chihayafuru 246 analysis: The visual language's love letter to the trio. A thread.
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Sensei created unity between Arata & Chihaya's panels by drawing them w/ the same framing & expressions. This adds tension, as we wonder if they'll be able to stay on the same wavelength & win together. Later on, a key moment about Taichi is what keeps this pattern.

Sensei put an emphasis on a pattern of thirds: we got three sections of SE memories, three callbacks of their name cards, and two key instances of splitting the panels into three main sections. All of it keeps three in our minds and further symbolizes the trio.

In the establishing-the-dream memory, Sensei blurred the two of them out while keeping Taichi in focus and centered. This shows that they're reframing the memory by remembering his presence in it. The focus is solely on him & his importance to both

In the third section of the page, Sensei put the thought bubble over the line. It takes up space in both Chihaya and Arata's similarly framed panels. This manga convention shows they're thinking the same thing: "since the beginning, he's been by my side"

What makes the key visual so satisfying is that sensei set up Chihaya & Arata connecting to their child selves. It is Taichi who's been disconnected from his child self. His inner child joins theirs, in touch with his passion for karuta and his friends.

It is through Taichi's love for them that he's able to return & through their love for him that they're able to win. Taichi keeps them connected in one thought and one final key action. With these beautiful visual details, the love letter to the trio & their bond is complete.
MashimaTaichi_Jul 19, 2022 1:56 AM
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