May 28, 2020 1:01 AM
Aardwolf94 said: ssjokg said: Yeah eating burgers because it reminds you of slaughter is the pinnacle of writing. What? Don't worry I didn't expect you to get it. And trashing FSN with memes... How original. |
Jun 22, 2020 4:23 PM
Madara_Uchiha_30 said: I seriously find sakura creepy, angsty, whiny and unbereable with Shinji matou being about equally worse? Is this just me or anyone feel the same? Mod Edit: Modified title for clarity and/or easier searching. It's just you...she's the best!!! AND BEST GIRL!!! |
Jul 25, 2020 7:18 AM
DoruCatana said: Madara_Uchiha_30 said: I seriously find sakura creepy, angsty, whiny and unbereable with Shinji matou being about equally worse? Is this just me or anyone feel the same? Mod Edit: Modified title for clarity and/or easier searching. It's just you...she's the best!!! AND BEST GIRL!!! No I am also feel same Sakura matou is creepy and she is the type girl who destroys protagonists life and his thinking Like Emiya shiro |
Jul 25, 2020 7:57 AM
Abhinandan2002 said: DoruCatana said: Madara_Uchiha_30 said: I seriously find sakura creepy, angsty, whiny and unbereable with Shinji matou being about equally worse? Is this just me or anyone feel the same? Mod Edit: Modified title for clarity and/or easier searching. It's just you...she's the best!!! AND BEST GIRL!!! No I am also feel same Sakura matou is creepy and she is the type girl who destroys protagonists life and his thinking Like Emiya shiro She's a victim of bad and tragic circumstances...I WILL NOT BLAME A DOG FOR BITING SOMEONE AFTER HE GOT KICKED. |
Jul 26, 2020 7:23 AM
She's a victim of bad and tragic circumstances...I WILL NOT BLAME A DOG FOR BITING SOMEONE AFTER HE GOT KICKED.[/quote] By the here sakura is not dog she the man who kick the dog Means you understand after watching the movie You say that she had tragic past so even she do anything that could accepted by pitying or sympathies her. After havens feel part 2 Shirou betrayal to his father and in two serise Fate stay night and Fate stay night unlimited blade works main motivation was changed in 1 minutes which is don't change pervious route in at any dangerous circumstances. It's the reason I hate shiro and sakura after this movie |
Abhinandan2002Jul 26, 2020 7:43 AM
Jul 26, 2020 1:47 PM
Analysis skills non-existent. Amazing. |
Jul 28, 2020 7:35 PM
Abhinandan2002 said: By the here sakura is not dog she the man who kick the dog Means you understand after watching the movie You say that she had tragic past so even she do anything that could accepted by pitying or sympathies her. After havens feel part 2 Shirou betrayal to his father and in two serise Fate stay night and Fate stay night unlimited blade works main motivation was changed in 1 minutes which is don't change pervious route in at any dangerous circumstances. It's the reason I hate shiro and sakura after this movie I don't want to be rude...but I don't understand what you want to say because of your english skills... But I will make a point by saying that it's ok to not like them as persons...but as characters...Sakura and Shirou are explored and developed the most in this route...wich is considered the best because of this...completing their characterisation...among other things that HF does best. |
Nov 5, 2020 4:30 AM
Abhinandan2002 said: She's a victim of bad and tragic circumstances...I WILL NOT BLAME A DOG FOR BITING SOMEONE AFTER HE GOT KICKED. By the here sakura is not dog she the man who kick the dog Means you understand after watching the movie You say that she had tragic past so even she do anything that could accepted by pitying or sympathies her. After havens feel part 2 Shirou betrayal to his father and in two serise Fate stay night and Fate stay night unlimited blade works main motivation was changed in 1 minutes which is don't change pervious route in at any dangerous circumstances. It's the reason I hate shiro and sakura after this movie I guess you don't get her character.. I will explain. Her reactions are very realistic for a victim of sexual abuse. They just don't care anymore about themselves and just endure it. So sakura start blaming herself instead of shinji or zouken and pretending everything is fine (even she's suffering so much). The first monstrositys that raped her body are the crest worms. If you remember about fate/Zero, zouken told Kariya about sakura's cry and how she resists. He basically broke her will to fight back.. So she never got a choice in her life. After that, she was only an empty shell because of her suppressed emotions. It's definitely a defense mechanism to avoid a mentally breakdown. You also can't blame her for the murders. If you pay attention, she is influenced by the "worlds all evil" (the shadow) which also starts to change her personality. In lost butterfly, we can experience her way to madness and how she gets one with the shadow. She is basically like a "gate" for the grail. In other words: angra mainyu use sakura to consume mana of servants and human beings to grow. Another factor that influence Sakura's personality are the crest worms. They increase the Lust of the host.. So she basically lose the control over her sexual feelings. Sakura also feel dirty because of her abuse and hate herself for losing control. It's more like a curse (in the scene where she touch herself you can also see her crying). Furthermore, she really loves shirou for a long time... So its even harder to control her feelings at this point. The sex scene is not only relevant for the deep bond of sakura's and Shirou's relationship, it's also a way to show the concept of mana transfer in the lore. It's possible in many ways, like the exchange of body fluids (You can also see her drinking Shirou's blood). Crest worms can not only expand a natural magical circuit, they can also work as articial one after a certain incubation time. Once the artifical cricuits are activated, the worms need continuously a huge amount of mana. Otherwise the body of the host will die. The worms in Sakura's body are special. Zouken matou use the worms, to implanted fragments of the holy grail into sakura's body. He wanted to create a vessel like illya..only to make his wish for an eternal life come true. Furthermore, the sex scene between shirou and sakura was very painful and beautiful at the same time. Sexuality was never equal to happiness for her, but the relationship to Shirou changed everything. It's a really innocent and cute lovestory in a world full of madness. I really appreciate this idea and I absolutely love the scene in the rain. It was the first step for Shirou's character development and i nearly cry all the time, when I watch or read this scene. Sakura even wants to kill zouken by herself, because she feel responsible for shirous decisions. She don't want him to give up his dream and even told rider not to kill him, in case he's deciding against her. So how is that selfish? To sum it up: she was being raped, influenced by angra mainyu and got abandoned by her family. Shirou is basically one the only persons who doesn't treat her like trash or abuse her in any means. So its obvious why she's in love with him. It's not you're typical "I can overcome everything with the power of friendship" cliche. It's believable. Shirou was never faced with a smiliar decision in ubw or fate.. So there was no reason he would change his way. Maybe characters with psychological problems are just not you're cup of tea. It doesn't make any sense if sakura would act normal (like nothing ever happen before) after her past. It's the same for shirou.. Some people don't get his character and say he's just dumb. Shirou emiya is basically a "good" kirei. After his traumatic experience of the big fire, he's become an mentally ill person. He suffers from a survivors guilt, ptsd and an martyr complex.. His decisions are often irrational, but only because he don't have any self worth. He is basically psychopathic, what become more obvious after reading/watching heavens feel. Hope that helps to get the whole picture! If you still don't like her.. That's you're opinion after all. |
TypeMercury94Nov 5, 2020 6:14 AM
Nov 5, 2020 4:34 AM
ssjokg said: Analysis skills non-existent. Amazing. I agree! It's really annoying when people don't get the story and just hating on false information. |
TypeMercury94Nov 5, 2020 5:39 AM
Nov 5, 2020 5:16 AM
Aardwolf94 said: Dull_Lull said: Aardwolf94 said: Dull_Lull said: Aardwolf94 said: Dull_Lull said: Aardwolf94 said: Dieshouri said: Aardwolf94 said: Dieshouri said: Aardwolf94 said: ssjokg said: Aardwolf94 said: Congrats, you just proved that you cant comprehend what others are posting. ssjokg said: Oh look still the same stuff you posted a hundred posts ago. Sigh. How sad that when even the authors come out and talk about how they wrote some characters in Zero, you still believe that they are well written. Or at least better than their counterparts in FSN. So if you think they are not well written and F/Z is so bad why did you counting them to your favourites and gave both seasons high ratings? lol, seems like you are confused here. I think F/SN fanboys just can't handle how so many people prefer F/Z ("just" a prequel). Get over it! All I'm seeing is shitty excuses for F/SN's bad and cliche writing while nitpicking over F/Z and then acting like your questionable opinion is a fact. Typical smug F/SN fanboys You could literally flip the shows in that sentence to describe what you're doing lol what a shitty argument. Unsurprisingly you (a F/SN fan who got mad and insulted me over my opinion so lets not act like your type has been acting mature) would say that..which was my point from the beginning. We won't agree here anyway so there is no reason to get upset and discuss this. I mean from what I've been reading people have just presenting you with facts and examples while you just say "no u I'm right" and present blatantly false info. I'm also not really sure you're in a position to determine who's "upset" when you've been writing in the same way. But yeah there is no point you've proven you won't listen to reason and that you ignore the obvious which is why I'm just enjoying this instead constructing any kind of argument. Well of course a rabid F/SN fanboy would think that, no surprise here. Every argument in favour of/praising F/SN is a "fact" while every complaint is "false" and ignoring the I'm sure someone who dislikes F/SN and prefers F/Z would agree with me. There are reviews here about UBW and even HF mentioning similiar flaws so its not like I'm saying something your type has never heard of. Ok. I'm done here anyway although I'm sure the next time I trash F/SN again a few F/SN fans will get butthurt again. Man... you don't even realize you're literally describing yourself except in reverse lmao. And you couldn't even respond anymore cuz u know you were presented with facts you love to deny so much. Please... zerotards taking the L again. Except it fits you better than me but you are delusional enough to think otherwise despite literally doing everything I described. No I was presented with more bullshit excuses from F/SN tards who can't stop sucking off their beloved Harem protagonist and his cliche dumb story that no one really takes seriously outside of dedicated hardcore fans. Awww you're very cute denying yourself like that. It's only bullshit because you refuse it anyway so why do I even care at this point. You've pretty much reiterated literally the same points in the entire thread so I should have expected this from a zerotard. Y'all watched 1 anime and now think you know how shit works in that universe lmao pls No actually I have watched plenty of Fate anime, all trash apart from F/Z. Don't act like this is some complex "universe" in the first place lol. F/SN tards smugness never ends. You are so much smarter than us haters for playing a porn game where you get to fuck your waifu's Great storytelling, very mature! Oh baby... if it ain't that complex then you wouldn't be losing hairs over the concepts and stuff that happened in FSN in the first place and yet here we are regurgitating the same arguments that's been done for years already. Self-drag honey... just admit you can't comprehend the writing of a show, I won't hold it on you. Clowning yourself like this ain't cute. Lol imagine thinking a dumb porn game has complex writing that is difficult to comprehend. Maybe watch some actually complex shows before acting smug? Like this is just sad. No one is confused here. Its just clear that F/SN is badly written cliche garbage and inferior to F/Z. You can't handle someone having that opinion (although thankfully many share it) and get butthurt. End of story here. Now this is getting boring so we are done here, I don't have have much time to waste with insecure people (never seen a more salty and insecure fanbase tbh)! You can keep replying when I trash F/SN again because it will definitely happen. Lmao! The fate/stay night visual novel got only a few(4-8%) h-scenes during the complete story. Only because the game got erotic content, doesn't mean it's bad quality content as a whole. I guess you're talking about the "nukige"(most focus on erotic stuff instead of a story) genre which is very narrow-minded. Fate/zero is a great addition to f/SN as a prequel.. But i personally prefer stay night as a complete package. And talking about complex storys: you even gave Bakemonogatari a 4/10 and madoka 2/10.. I don't need to say anything right? A different opinion is fine but you claim that you're own is based on facts. |
TypeMercury94Nov 5, 2020 5:25 AM
Nov 5, 2020 5:59 AM
Rose_Player said: I'm waiting for the 3rd Heaven's feel movie, but yeah... It's not my favorite turn of events, and it's all because of her. BECAUSE OF THE MESS SHE'S DOING, MC AND RIN DON'T END UP TOGETHER BRUH 1.) It's not her fault if you look at the whole picture.. 2.) If you prefer Rin overall, it's definitely a matter of taste, but I guess you will love the last movie! You will see Rin in action. |
TypeMercury94Nov 5, 2020 6:07 AM
Dec 1, 2020 3:34 PM
Agreed. Sakuras a very bad character |
Dec 17, 2020 7:36 AM
This Discussion went for too long, In my Opinion Sakura is a really well written character And because she is so well written she is so Controversial There are some who sympathise and pity her character because of her Past and some who just hate her because she is damn annoying I am one of the haters(Because her voice is annoying, she says too much senpai, gets way too jealous, and many other reasons) but I still think she is a well written character and a human-like character Hope I will be safe from Sakura Fans |
Dec 17, 2020 11:32 AM
Dec 24, 2020 12:38 PM
Its fine not liking the character but saying its dark for the sake of dark is just stupid. It shows you don't follow the story or remember anything in FZ. When you dont ship the pairing of some characters its always going to look wrong. So just admit you ship something else, thats how braindead anime fans are. Always biased when they dont ship the pairing and end up going away from facts. There's reasons why she is like that. Everything taken away from her. I dont think I dont need to explain to an old thread tbh. Also, SakuraxShirou isn't even my favourite ship. Not even your Rin either. |
Feb 1, 2021 11:50 AM
Samt_ said: who cares about plot and characters, its the fights that matter lol hazarddex said: people arguing about whose best girl in fate/stay night should stop and ask the real question. which is where the fuck is that tsukihime Visual novel they promised 11 years ago. thats not a question anymore, its just a meme Mod Edit: Removed quote of a deleted post. Tsukihime remake go brrrrr |
Feb 1, 2021 12:10 PM
Jjjjjerry said: Samt_ said: who cares about plot and characters, its the fights that matter lol hazarddex said: people arguing about whose best girl in fate/stay night should stop and ask the real question. which is where the fuck is that tsukihime Visual novel they promised 11 years ago. thats not a question anymore, its just a meme Mod Edit: Removed quote of a deleted post. Tsukihime remake go brrrrr Damn bruh, you reminded me of this awful thread a year and a half later. I see a certain FZ secondary went wild. |
Feb 1, 2021 1:36 PM
Samt_ said: Jjjjjerry said: Samt_ said: who cares about plot and characters, its the fights that matter lol hazarddex said: people arguing about whose best girl in fate/stay night should stop and ask the real question. which is where the fuck is that tsukihime Visual novel they promised 11 years ago. thats not a question anymore, its just a meme Mod Edit: Removed quote of a deleted post. Tsukihime remake go brrrrr Damn bruh, you reminded me of this awful thread a year and a half later. I see a certain FZ secondary went wild. Tsukihime is not a meme anymore, rejoice |
Feb 2, 2021 2:17 AM
Jjjjjerry said: Samt_ said: Jjjjjerry said: Samt_ said: who cares about plot and characters, its the fights that matter lol hazarddex said: people arguing about whose best girl in fate/stay night should stop and ask the real question. which is where the fuck is that tsukihime Visual novel they promised 11 years ago. thats not a question anymore, its just a meme Mod Edit: Removed quote of a deleted post. Tsukihime remake go brrrrr Damn bruh, you reminded me of this awful thread a year and a half later. I see a certain FZ secondary went wild. Tsukihime is not a meme anymore, rejoice Ye, I've heard. Hopefully it won't be a disappointment either. |
Feb 11, 2021 8:30 PM
No. After HFs , i think she’s a well written character , She became my favorite out of the 3 female leads. But that wasn’t so hard as i didn’t had a favorite before , Neither were very appealing to me. HFs is just the best , Both Sakura and Shirou truly caught my eye this time and despite all the issues with their relationship , I cannot deny It’s the pairing i prefer atm |
Feb 17, 2021 1:19 PM
I didn't find her annoying at all. She's a very tragic character. Should've tortured that fucker Shinji. |
Mar 21, 2021 2:47 PM
WhaleCostume said: Sakura has always been the least favourite of the 3 heroines. You could have figured that out by looking at the character favourite stats: Saber: 23,500 Rin: 11,700 Sakura: 1,500 MeisterDM said: Why do people hate sakura? She’s so kind and sweet. She’s “angsty” because she’s been suffering at the hands of Zouken and Shinji for ten years. Being raped by those worms will fuck up her of course. I completely agree with what @shayon said. “Equally as bad as Shinji”. In what alternate universe do you live in, OP? Shinji is a rapist scumbag and is literal human garbage. It all comes down to empathy. People dislike what they don't understand and people do not understand Sakura. End of story. and now look who is the most favorited Type-Moon character on Anilist : |
Mar 27, 2021 5:41 PM
To many stupid fate haters these days. If you don't like deep and complex characters like sakura. Go watch your shallow trash MHA, Naruto, One Piece. Seriously, why do stupid shonen fanboys even try. Your taste sucks and it will always suck. Sakura is superior to your favorite character. |
Mar 27, 2021 5:45 PM
I prefer Rin and Saber but I still love Sakura and she's amazingly written and perfect for the HF route |
Mar 27, 2021 5:48 PM
Aardwolf94 said: Dull_Lull said: Aardwolf94 said: Abhinandan2002 said: Aardwolf94 said: She and Shirou both suck ass. The story of HF actually had potential and would be good with two better leads. I'm rooting for Kirei! 😆😆 If shiro totally like his father kiritsugu then When he know she dangerous for society then he instantly killed sakura. Who know kirei do what in next serie.I hope he he killed shiro or sakura,one of them. lol that would have been the right thing to do but Shirou prefers pussy over saving people after annoying us with the hero crap for the whole UBW season. Kirei needs to murder them both and achieve his goal ASAP Not at you trying to oversimplify all the context than went to that decision and comparing both routes that have drastically different approaches regarding the plot. Like girl you seem like the pretentious intellectual so I kinda expected more solid stances you know... but all we got here are 4chan levels of criticisms. I doubt you even know what Kirei's goal is lol. Chill, I'm just making fun of the series lol. No need to get mad here. I never claimed to be a "pretentious intellectual" Also I never liked Shirou and HF only makes it more clear how obnoxious he is. Remember in UBW (or Fate from what I have seen of the Deen anime) Shirou doesn't get "tested" once, he keeps preaching about bullshit ideals and sticks to them but HF shows clearly that if he was put in the same position (like imagine if it was Rin in a similiar situation in UBW) he would still pick her over countless of innocents dying. And then of course he is even rewarded for it and gets a happy harem ending (I looked up the VN ending on youtube), there are literally zero consequences. This confirms that F/Z is really the only good part of the Fate franchise (waiting for you to bash it now and insult me more, already had this type of discussion a few times here) So another secondary who likes edgy shonen garbage. It seems idiots like you only desire instant gratification who enjoys brain dead fights in Zero and low intellectual dialogue like in Zero. UBW and HF are to psychologically imparting for a monkey such as yourself. Stick to your MHA, One Piece, Naruto and Demon Slayer trash stupid shonen fanboy. |
Apr 20, 2021 5:13 PM
Well for me, I just like Sakura even though she suffered throughout her whole life she still the cutest and kindest girl in the series. Like some people above said her actions are just the result of her trauma and her guilt, Shinji though is just scum. |
May 10, 2021 7:20 AM
I hate Sakura, all little sisters should be tortured and killed. |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
May 10, 2021 7:25 AM
She is,not only she make me almost rage quitted in the vn playthorugh in yt,making me forget the timestamp by making me almost punching my own laptop,making me can't finish fate hf, i even dont care who it is i will 7 page muda them if they dare to have sakura in their favs, big cring |
butterflyeffecttMay 10, 2021 8:49 PM
May 11, 2021 6:54 AM
This thread is one of the most cancerous things I've ever seen |
May 11, 2021 6:56 AM
Kytren said: She is,not only she make me almost rage quitted in the vn playthorugh in yt,making me forget the timestamp by making me almost punching my own laptop,making me can't finish fate hf, i even dont care who it is i will 7 page muda them if they dare to have sakura in their favs, big cring I really have to add her to my favs now huh |
Apr 17, 2022 5:10 AM
removed-user said: Nah, it isn't just you. She's over-the-top angsty and has quickly become my least favorite thing about this arc. Her character is completely unappealing, unlikable and unrelatable. It's as if she is made into a dark character for the sake of being dark and that's all there is to it. You motherfaqer! People like you are the reason why she is like that. The damn lack of empathy in this world is unbelievable. It's just an anime but real life is not much different. I've hated this world for this lack of empathy. It's so easy yo abondon, judge people just by ignoring what they have been through, right! I hope you are living a bad life so you can relate a little bit to other people |
Jul 26, 2022 10:33 PM
DeltaF-x said: To many stupid fate haters these days. If you don't like deep and complex characters like sakura. Go watch your shallow trash MHA, Naruto, One Piece. Seriously, why do stupid shonen fanboys even try. Your taste sucks and it will always suck. Sakura is superior to your favorite character. Serious, you can't blame the readers alone. It is Nasu's fault. He writes his story as a huge puzzle. He splits a info into many parts and hides it in many places in his novel. Not only that, he keeps trolling and trying to make our readers misunderstand. Normal logic isn't work in his novel, and he doesn't even care to warn us about it. When reading HF route ( novel), I feel like I am watching Lord of The Rings of Peter more than Tolkien. Why do we think Frodo is the boring and useless character in LOTR ( movie)? It is because Peter simply deleted every scene when Frodo thinks about himself and everyone. What happened to Sakura is exactly as same as what we saw in LOTR movie. No one there to explain to us what is going on, while Nasu just cares to fool us again and again. How many guys read VN and realize that it is Sakura who is resisting and stopping Shadow from killing more people? Very very and very few. leev said: Its fine not liking the character but saying its dark for the sake of dark is just stupid. It shows you don't follow the story or remember anything in FZ. When you dont ship the pairing of some characters its always going to look wrong. So just admit you ship something else, thats how braindead anime fans are. Always biased when they dont ship the pairing and end up going away from facts. There's reasons why she is like that. Everything taken away from her. I dont think I dont need to explain to an old thread tbh. Also, SakuraxShirou isn't even my favourite ship. Not even your Rin either. FZ doesn't work here. To understand what is going on in HF, you actually have to read FSF, Mahoyo and Case File. Read Mahoyo to realize that Rin actually lied very many times. |
Feb 22, 2023 5:19 AM
sadly, I feel like Sakura is the most relatable women to our modern society right now. there's a lot of women with that kind of backstory nowdays. compared to Rin or Saber, they're still too good to be true, and as far as I live, I've never met a Tsundere women like Rin. |
Sep 5, 2023 12:20 AM
If there's a thread like this. Just reply with "yeah but tohsaka is trash". And then they will reply you again with 690 word about what they hate about sakura. If it become like this just leave, because that guy is clearly haters. Because haters = trash. |
Sep 7, 2023 11:25 PM
Not only Sakura in this HF route, but even Rin was mad annoying in her own route. The characters in Fate are mostly mid for me anyways lol, apart from maybe Kiritsugu and Saber ig. |
Mar 15, 2024 3:17 AM
Reply to Adatius
Levi_Ackerman_30 said:
She is angsty, whine too much for fearing of losing shirou and creepy for extreme obssession for Shirou . Despite is extremely annoying too much emo and whiny. If you watch properly she whines, angsty and creep more than total of my fingers and thumbs combine over 20 times.
I hate her too much emo and angsty teenager mode.
For your information I already all know that and I still find her extremely annoying.
Shayon said:
her character isn't meant to be sunshine and rainbows, and there are good reasons for her to turn out the way she did
spoilers for these two movies and UBW anime:
her real family abandoned her, worm rape happened, Zouken, she has a dickhead brother who takes out his own misery on her, her sister didn't try to help her all this time, the person she loves keeps getting hurt because of her, etc.
she has something called "All the World's Evil" negatively affecting her mind, taking the form of the shadow. it's actually impressive that she could withstand something like that for such a long time, especially given her unfortunate circumstances
how so? she "whined" only once at the end of the second movie, if you consider that whining
you think she's equally as bad as Shinji? despite everything that happened to her, she still has a caring and affectionate side, unlike that evil asshole who would target innocent people in the grail war(Mitsuzuri in the first movie and everyone in the school in UBW), attempt to kill his closest friend, attempt to rape Sakura and probably Rin if Lancer arrived later in UBW, all this without feeling any remorse for his actions
her character isn't meant to be sunshine and rainbows, and there are good reasons for her to turn out the way she did
spoilers for these two movies and UBW anime:
Levi_Ackerman_30 said:
I seriously find sakura creepy, angsty, whiny and unbereable with Shinji matou being about equally worse? Is this just me or anyone feel the same?
I seriously find sakura creepy, angsty, whiny and unbereable with Shinji matou being about equally worse? Is this just me or anyone feel the same?
her real family abandoned her, worm rape happened, Zouken, she has a dickhead brother who takes out his own misery on her, her sister didn't try to help her all this time, the person she loves keeps getting hurt because of her, etc.
she has something called "All the World's Evil" negatively affecting her mind, taking the form of the shadow. it's actually impressive that she could withstand something like that for such a long time, especially given her unfortunate circumstances
how so? she "whined" only once at the end of the second movie, if you consider that whining
you think she's equally as bad as Shinji? despite everything that happened to her, she still has a caring and affectionate side, unlike that evil asshole who would target innocent people in the grail war(Mitsuzuri in the first movie and everyone in the school in UBW), attempt to kill his closest friend, attempt to rape Sakura and probably Rin if Lancer arrived later in UBW, all this without feeling any remorse for his actions
She is angsty, whine too much for fearing of losing shirou and creepy for extreme obssession for Shirou . Despite is extremely annoying too much emo and whiny. If you watch properly she whines, angsty and creep more than total of my fingers and thumbs combine over 20 times.
I hate her too much emo and angsty teenager mode.
For your information I already all know that and I still find her extremely annoying.
talk about an exaggeration lul
"I don't like how a person who has mentally and physically suffered a lot in the past, and continues to suffer now, complained about it", is what you're saying
the entirety of the rain scene was her trying to push Shirou away because she considers herself dirty and dangerous, she knows Shirou will be hurt if he stays around her and tells him that, despite the fact that deep down, she wants to be accepted by him
maybe psychological characters with emotional weaknesses or mental issues are just not appealing to you in general, which is fine i guess
@Adatius everyone in the fate series have tragic past, STOP pitying just 1 character. Talk about whining lol Absolutely hate fans who keep pitying 1 character, even servants have more tragic past. Keep coping, any sane person who has watched even 1 route finds Sakura unbearable, there is a reason why so many people dislike her. She is a pure simp, just like her brother has no goals. |
Mar 15, 2024 12:50 PM
Reply to _PEAK
@Adatius everyone in the fate series have tragic past, STOP pitying just 1 character.
Talk about whining lol
Absolutely hate fans who keep pitying 1 character, even servants have more tragic past.
Keep coping, any sane person who has watched even 1 route finds Sakura unbearable, there is a reason why so many people dislike her.
She is a pure simp, just like her brother has no goals.
Talk about whining lol
Absolutely hate fans who keep pitying 1 character, even servants have more tragic past.
Keep coping, any sane person who has watched even 1 route finds Sakura unbearable, there is a reason why so many people dislike her.
She is a pure simp, just like her brother has no goals.
@Ihate_sadendings Huh, what do we have here? A retarded secondary who replies to 4 year old posts. You must be about as intelligent as the monkey in your profile pic. >who has watched even 1 route >watched Lmao, secondaries. |
May 26, 2024 1:04 AM
If I had to put it into words, I hate Sakura as a character on multiple levels. Not the sort of hate where your angry at the character, but the sort of disdain hate where after seeing everything else the series has had to offer so far, the only response you can really come to is "why do you exist and why do you think you're special enough to deserve your own arc?" Note that I have never read the VN and I have not watched the third movie yet (but I did spoil myself years ago reading about the grail war on accident). On a more meta level, she feels like the age-old "subversion for the sake of subversion" trope in that the writers want to write sufferporn and want you to like her despite her having all the blacklisted tags. The writers are demanding you like her rather than letting you come to like her on your own terms. If the story followed the daily life of Shirou and Sakura for a while, or actively kept Sakura in-frame and part of the build-up it might not be so bad, but instead it's like the writers are explaining to you why you have to like her. From what I've been told, even the way the VN introduces her arc is hamfisted in that it forces you on this path after UBW. Watching Heaven's Feel is like watching an alt-universe where the main heroine gets forgotten even by the writers until they need to use her for relevance and to make you feel a certain way. I understand the resistant reaction from others towards disliking her though because "she's the one who's suffering from all of this, it's not her fault" but I feel like this reduces Sakura to a one-dimensional character if you do this to her, and who wants a one-dimensional girl as the main heroine? In my lived experience, people with Sakura's traits (not traumas, traits) are usually emotional vampires that will pull you down to their level, so I feel physical aversion to her presence on-screen as a natural defensive mechanism even if 2D =! 3D. No, you can't fix her. She's broken and she's gonna stay broken until she stands on her own two feet. When she climbed into Shirou's bed was the first time I had sympathy for her since the opening scene of her showing up at Shirou's house uninvited; because she was making a decision on her own and standing on her own two feet instead of being meek and allowing crap to happen as it were. I actually started cheering for her until she started wallowing in her whole "wait you really will listen to my selfish demands? But I'm broken! I have to remind you that I'm broken!" spiel which made me hate her again. With the ending teasers, I'm hoping Sakura actually grows a spine in the third movie instead of continuing to be sufferporn. Going back to her character though, even if you separate her from her traumas, she is still a meek girl that lets others walk all over her. There's a difference between feminine subtlety/passivity and being a punching bag. It's not about her past, it's about how she chooses to simply "exist" like a puppet being dragged along by others instead of having the courage to reject or accept her circumstances and stand on her own two feet with resolve to say "yes this is my baggage and this is who I am, I deserve my story too." Up until this point in the story if I were to split Sakura into a love interest and BBEG character as separate characters in the story, the plot would change very little because her only claim to being both in her actions/mannerisms is that the authors are telling you she's both and to get over it. She's a hanger-on. In another series this may be ok, but it's not as if she's the only character who's suffered in the grimdark world of Feito. You can't walk back after seeing Zero and go "yeah, her circumstances are exceptionally bad compared to everyone else." I think Kirtsugu is a crap sufferporn character too, but I don't have active disdain for him the way I have for Sakura since at least he tries to forge his own fate. Maybe she has a character redemption arc coming in the third movie but most writers don't have the kind of skill to walk back terrible characters into good characters like that and I've yet to see that level of writing in the other Fate series I've seen so far so I have low expectations next week. Anyways yeah, I guess the tl;dr is that after four hours of this story, I still find Sakura almost irrelevant to her own arc compared to Seibah and Rin in their respective arcs. In Stay Night/UBW she was just sort of "there" and I didn't dislike her character even being aware of her traumas even if I cracked jokes with the boys, but in HF she's just insufferable with the constant sufferporn schtick and seeming to never grow as a character. Whenever she does grow it's more like her entire personality cracks and I have to question if she's having another author-induced mental break or if she actually did finally grow as a character and most of the time I'm disappointed in her just relapsing back into her meek emotional vampire form. I don't have "I can save her" syndrome, sorry. If Sakura wasn't called out as an MC she'd be no different than any of the other mobs with tragic backstories that die a dog's death in this series so she just feels hamfisted at every stage. Uncle Kariya from Zero feels more real and his character can be summed up as "I can save her" when in reality he's just a little bitch. |
Feb 20, 12:17 PM
I adore Sakura. Despite Rin being my favorite, I find Sakura the most interesting out of the 3 main heroines. |
"Leaning on the side of wonder." |
Feb 26, 2:00 AM
Mar 15, 7:21 PM
Reply to Gatalis
If I had to put it into words, I hate Sakura as a character on multiple levels. Not the sort of hate where your angry at the character, but the sort of disdain hate where after seeing everything else the series has had to offer so far, the only response you can really come to is "why do you exist and why do you think you're special enough to deserve your own arc?" Note that I have never read the VN and I have not watched the third movie yet (but I did spoil myself years ago reading about the grail war on accident).
On a more meta level, she feels like the age-old "subversion for the sake of subversion" trope in that the writers want to write sufferporn and want you to like her despite her having all the blacklisted tags. The writers are demanding you like her rather than letting you come to like her on your own terms. If the story followed the daily life of Shirou and Sakura for a while, or actively kept Sakura in-frame and part of the build-up it might not be so bad, but instead it's like the writers are explaining to you why you have to like her. From what I've been told, even the way the VN introduces her arc is hamfisted in that it forces you on this path after UBW. Watching Heaven's Feel is like watching an alt-universe where the main heroine gets forgotten even by the writers until they need to use her for relevance and to make you feel a certain way. I understand the resistant reaction from others towards disliking her though because "she's the one who's suffering from all of this, it's not her fault" but I feel like this reduces Sakura to a one-dimensional character if you do this to her, and who wants a one-dimensional girl as the main heroine? In my lived experience, people with Sakura's traits (not traumas, traits) are usually emotional vampires that will pull you down to their level, so I feel physical aversion to her presence on-screen as a natural defensive mechanism even if 2D =! 3D. No, you can't fix her. She's broken and she's gonna stay broken until she stands on her own two feet.
When she climbed into Shirou's bed was the first time I had sympathy for her since the opening scene of her showing up at Shirou's house uninvited; because she was making a decision on her own and standing on her own two feet instead of being meek and allowing crap to happen as it were. I actually started cheering for her until she started wallowing in her whole "wait you really will listen to my selfish demands? But I'm broken! I have to remind you that I'm broken!" spiel which made me hate her again. With the ending teasers, I'm hoping Sakura actually grows a spine in the third movie instead of continuing to be sufferporn.
Going back to her character though, even if you separate her from her traumas, she is still a meek girl that lets others walk all over her. There's a difference between feminine subtlety/passivity and being a punching bag. It's not about her past, it's about how she chooses to simply "exist" like a puppet being dragged along by others instead of having the courage to reject or accept her circumstances and stand on her own two feet with resolve to say "yes this is my baggage and this is who I am, I deserve my story too." Up until this point in the story if I were to split Sakura into a love interest and BBEG character as separate characters in the story, the plot would change very little because her only claim to being both in her actions/mannerisms is that the authors are telling you she's both and to get over it. She's a hanger-on. In another series this may be ok, but it's not as if she's the only character who's suffered in the grimdark world of Feito. You can't walk back after seeing Zero and go "yeah, her circumstances are exceptionally bad compared to everyone else." I think Kirtsugu is a crap sufferporn character too, but I don't have active disdain for him the way I have for Sakura since at least he tries to forge his own fate. Maybe she has a character redemption arc coming in the third movie but most writers don't have the kind of skill to walk back terrible characters into good characters like that and I've yet to see that level of writing in the other Fate series I've seen so far so I have low expectations next week.
Anyways yeah, I guess the tl;dr is that after four hours of this story, I still find Sakura almost irrelevant to her own arc compared to Seibah and Rin in their respective arcs. In Stay Night/UBW she was just sort of "there" and I didn't dislike her character even being aware of her traumas even if I cracked jokes with the boys, but in HF she's just insufferable with the constant sufferporn schtick and seeming to never grow as a character. Whenever she does grow it's more like her entire personality cracks and I have to question if she's having another author-induced mental break or if she actually did finally grow as a character and most of the time I'm disappointed in her just relapsing back into her meek emotional vampire form. I don't have "I can save her" syndrome, sorry. If Sakura wasn't called out as an MC she'd be no different than any of the other mobs with tragic backstories that die a dog's death in this series so she just feels hamfisted at every stage.
Uncle Kariya from Zero feels more real and his character can be summed up as "I can save her" when in reality he's just a little bitch.
On a more meta level, she feels like the age-old "subversion for the sake of subversion" trope in that the writers want to write sufferporn and want you to like her despite her having all the blacklisted tags. The writers are demanding you like her rather than letting you come to like her on your own terms. If the story followed the daily life of Shirou and Sakura for a while, or actively kept Sakura in-frame and part of the build-up it might not be so bad, but instead it's like the writers are explaining to you why you have to like her. From what I've been told, even the way the VN introduces her arc is hamfisted in that it forces you on this path after UBW. Watching Heaven's Feel is like watching an alt-universe where the main heroine gets forgotten even by the writers until they need to use her for relevance and to make you feel a certain way. I understand the resistant reaction from others towards disliking her though because "she's the one who's suffering from all of this, it's not her fault" but I feel like this reduces Sakura to a one-dimensional character if you do this to her, and who wants a one-dimensional girl as the main heroine? In my lived experience, people with Sakura's traits (not traumas, traits) are usually emotional vampires that will pull you down to their level, so I feel physical aversion to her presence on-screen as a natural defensive mechanism even if 2D =! 3D. No, you can't fix her. She's broken and she's gonna stay broken until she stands on her own two feet.
When she climbed into Shirou's bed was the first time I had sympathy for her since the opening scene of her showing up at Shirou's house uninvited; because she was making a decision on her own and standing on her own two feet instead of being meek and allowing crap to happen as it were. I actually started cheering for her until she started wallowing in her whole "wait you really will listen to my selfish demands? But I'm broken! I have to remind you that I'm broken!" spiel which made me hate her again. With the ending teasers, I'm hoping Sakura actually grows a spine in the third movie instead of continuing to be sufferporn.
Going back to her character though, even if you separate her from her traumas, she is still a meek girl that lets others walk all over her. There's a difference between feminine subtlety/passivity and being a punching bag. It's not about her past, it's about how she chooses to simply "exist" like a puppet being dragged along by others instead of having the courage to reject or accept her circumstances and stand on her own two feet with resolve to say "yes this is my baggage and this is who I am, I deserve my story too." Up until this point in the story if I were to split Sakura into a love interest and BBEG character as separate characters in the story, the plot would change very little because her only claim to being both in her actions/mannerisms is that the authors are telling you she's both and to get over it. She's a hanger-on. In another series this may be ok, but it's not as if she's the only character who's suffered in the grimdark world of Feito. You can't walk back after seeing Zero and go "yeah, her circumstances are exceptionally bad compared to everyone else." I think Kirtsugu is a crap sufferporn character too, but I don't have active disdain for him the way I have for Sakura since at least he tries to forge his own fate. Maybe she has a character redemption arc coming in the third movie but most writers don't have the kind of skill to walk back terrible characters into good characters like that and I've yet to see that level of writing in the other Fate series I've seen so far so I have low expectations next week.
Anyways yeah, I guess the tl;dr is that after four hours of this story, I still find Sakura almost irrelevant to her own arc compared to Seibah and Rin in their respective arcs. In Stay Night/UBW she was just sort of "there" and I didn't dislike her character even being aware of her traumas even if I cracked jokes with the boys, but in HF she's just insufferable with the constant sufferporn schtick and seeming to never grow as a character. Whenever she does grow it's more like her entire personality cracks and I have to question if she's having another author-induced mental break or if she actually did finally grow as a character and most of the time I'm disappointed in her just relapsing back into her meek emotional vampire form. I don't have "I can save her" syndrome, sorry. If Sakura wasn't called out as an MC she'd be no different than any of the other mobs with tragic backstories that die a dog's death in this series so she just feels hamfisted at every stage.
Uncle Kariya from Zero feels more real and his character can be summed up as "I can save her" when in reality he's just a little bitch.
@Gatalis I'm gonna have to disagree with this post on basically every level though I do appreciate how much thought you put into this post in general rather than just saying "she's annoying" or something to that effect. To your first point Sakura is not at all presented as sufferporn first and character second. In the movies her suffering isn't really even made clear until the second movie. The introduction to the first movie is literally just seeing Sakura and Shirou form a bond before the start of the HGW with Sakura coming out of her shell and giving value to Shirou's life in ways he struggles to fully appreciate due to the fixation on his ideals. Her lack of relevance in the first two routes isn't just for subversion, but also reflects the hypocrisy of Shirou's ideals that despite his fixation on "saving everyone" he never noticed a girl so close to him. Showcasing her abuse and any sort of gratuitous impact that could have is never really the main focus of the story. Rather the story puts the entire focus on Sakura's emotional journey when it comes to dealing with her trauma. There is no cheap sympathy that the story is trying to elicit when it presents what could be considered negative character traits resulting from her abuse (possessiveness and jealousy for example) before even getting to the attempted rape scene at the end of movie 2 that properly explains it all. Sakura is also a far less passive character within the context of the story than she initially appears. Sakura literally saves Shirou's life multiple times throughout the films (first example is when Rider saves Shirou from Assassin), Sakura is constantly trying to repress the influence of the Shadow, and Sakura is much more forward in her relationship with Shirou (You already brought up the sex scene, but there is also the heater scene when Sakura first tries to open up to Shirou). This is before even getting to Dark Sakura. Her agency within the context of the story is muddied for the mystery factor, but also because this reflects the muddy relationship that victims of abuse have with their own sense of power and autonomy. Sakura is 'meek' because that's how she got through life. The hollowed out version of her in the beginning of film one shows how Sakura withstood all the abuse by completely disassociating herself from her emotions. Part of her character is that Shirou is both someone dearly important to her, but also an emotional vulnerability that is exploited by her abusers. Sakura is both a love interest and a villain precisely because she's an imperfect victim. This contrast exists because she's a complex character with multiple different layers and contradictory emotions. Her development is hinged on her finding hope for the future and accepting the support from the people she loves around her. If she was just a simple damsel in distress character with easy straightforwardly likeable personality traits then she would be far easier for most people to understand and enjoy. Instead she's one of the most human characters in Fate and a fantastic parallel to Shirou's own personal conflict within the Heaven's Feel route. This isn't even getting into the other aspects like the heavy Jungian aspects of her character arc, the symbolism of death and rebirth, or even how Heaven's Feel bucks the easy male power fantasy approach by having Rin be integral to her development. |
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