Hi guys !
So, I wanted to share with you some discussion that I feel like could help you figure out a bit some stuff about yourselves.
I'd like to start with this subject : how does our brain work ?
Vast question ! ^^
I'm not obviously qualified to give you a complete and decisive answer on the subject...
...but a bit of research can actually give some interesting results ;p
So !
How do we know how this thinking and feeling and all of that weird stuff works ?
Well, the field dedicated to it is called neuroscience, I'm pretty sure you guys also know about it.
(notice it has a multidisciplinary approach combining such fields as molecular biology, computer science and mathematics, so it's usually pretty solid stuff science wise)
What does neuroscience tells us about our minds, generally speaking ?
Well, it says the same thing most sciences do : there are objective mechanics underlying our material reality we can figure out and explain.
In this case, brain mechanics.
Take cognitive neuroscience for example :
This field of neuroscience tells you that, beyond what you're conscious about, there exists underlying functions of your brain you are not aware of.
Freud, although controversed, spoke about an unconscious mind.
To be fair, the field of neuroscience is still evolving quite a bit, so it's often subject to change about our understandment of our minds.
But, whether our consciousness or unconsciousness is the greater part of it, it's pretty safe to say today that they probably have both some role in it.
You are not entirely in control of your thoughts and choices.
Those have also an underlying reason to exist, something you can't have power over when you're having them.
This is why you shouldn't feel responsible for every one of your thoughts, as bad as they can be.
These are yours indeed, and you are indeed creating those yourself.
But these thoughts were not only born from nothing, they had also a material reason to exist.
So, since we're trying to help each other out here, this is really interesting !
We can't change each other conscious minds, of course, but...
...we may have a chance at changing the material reasons behind our thoughts ;p
This is why I believe it would be a good idea to study your situations a bit, and try acting on those unconscious mechanics by changing your environment, following what scientific knowledge we can gather about those.
How do you guys feel about that ? :)
Feel free to express your doubts about this, I'm not here to judge you and won't feel upset if you do ^^ |