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Nov 2, 2021 11:24 PM
Jul 2018

You probably didn't even read my profile LMAO
I've my own reasons to create this account

You don't even understand how hard is it to find Anime fans in my region let alone city. Most of them are Casuals and have rarely heard of any forgotten Anime from 1990s and 2000s.
I used random Recommendation videos and websites to discover Hidden gems until I opened an account here.

My signature speaks for itself
If you can't tolerate other's tastes
Kindly, don't create an account, use Reddit or Discord instead where you can get downvoted or banned for not following the Hive Mind
Nov 2, 2021 11:31 PM

May 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:

You don't even know anything about Writing, or you wouldn't like Demon Slayer

If you've watched thousands of shows you'll easily able to identify flaws in the writing or Cliche' and your scores will automatically go down because your enjoyment will also drop. I've also written blogs about what I consider good writing. I acknowledge everything is Subjective unlike you who doesn't even believe how much Anime a person can watch in a decade. And how difficult is it to properly construct your profile.

Anime isn't for you, go watch cartoons instead.

Every single negative comment, reply and messages always comes from a Naruto fan who imagines himself as the King of Anime.
Don't you Naruto fans ever feel bad about the surrounding stigma around Naruto fanbase. You're even worse than JoJo Fans.

You just said you acknowledge that everything is subjective, yet if I "knew anything about writing I wouldn't like Demon Slayer." Knowing literary techniques and devices doesn't disqualify someone from loving an anime bud. My level 300 college courses in writing and literature say otherwise though.

"Every single negative comment, reply and messages always comes from a Naruto fan who imagines himself as the King of Anime." - Buddy I responded to YOUR hate comments. My poor eyes are displeasured every time I open up a Kimetsu-related forum because almost all of them have a hate comment from you. I haven't once posted a negative comment on any anime on this website. I didn't even say anything bad, lmao. I just asked if the hundreds of anime you "watched" 5-7 years ago are more forgettable than Kimetsu, since you claimed Kimetsu was going to be forgotten. I mean, I guess you answered that yourself considering you said it's SO hard to remember whether or not you watched them, yet you're on the Kimetsu forums daily. Clearly you'll never forget kimetsu!

You're full of contradictions. I also find it funny how you lump me in with a fandom. I'm not part of any group of people bud, group-think is for smooth brains. Maybe I should say, "It's always the HxH fans with their elitism ruining the community for everyone!1!!!" Anime are cartoons btw. You're going to continue to see me as long as you're shitposting hate comments on KnY forums btw.

RealKurapikaTard said:

You probably didn't even read my profile LMAO
I've my own reasons to create this account

You don't even understand how hard is it to find Anime fans in my region let alone city. Most of them are Casuals and have rarely heard of any forgotten Anime from 1990s and 2000s.
I used random Recommendation videos and websites to discover Hidden gems until I opened an account here.

My signature speaks for itself
If you can't tolerate other's tastes
Kindly, don't create an account, use Reddit or Discord instead where you can get downvoted or banned for not following the Hive Mind

Lmao I have not once shit on your taste. You're literally the only one here who has done that... multiple times. You're the definition of a hypocrite. So no, your signature does not speak for itself in this situation. Though, just maybe, if you knew about writing and had any modicum of reading comprehension, you wouldn't have said that. Lmao.
My Candies:

Nov 2, 2021 11:36 PM
Jul 2018

I never said your taste is bad
My initial reply was that Demon Slayer will forgotten like Among Us video game
Among Us gained immense popularity last year
What happened now??
Who even has Among Us installed in their computers or mobile phones?

It has nothing to do with tastes lmao

HunterXHunter is still remembered even after a decade of its airing for setting the benchmark for a Masterpiece, a deconstruction of Shounen
Nov 2, 2021 11:46 PM

May 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:

I never said your taste is bad
My initial reply was that Demon Slayer will forgotten like Among Us video game
Among Us gained immense popularity last year
What happened now??
Who even has Among Us installed in their computers or mobile phones?

It has nothing to do with tastes lmao

HunterXHunter is still remembered even after a decade of its airing for setting the benchmark for a Masterpiece, a deconstruction of Shounen
I'm sorry, but again, you lack basic reading comprehension. Nowhere did I say that you claimed my taste was bad (even though you actually have). I said that I haven't shit on YOUR taste, since you claimed that I am somehow being "intolerant" of your taste. You're also failing to follow along with the conversation - or rather ignoring it because you can't possibly argue against what I've said.

YOU are the one that said I can't tolerate others' tastes, when I have quite literally never once shit on your taste in anime. YOU however, have done that multiple times, like I've said before.
My Candies:

Nov 2, 2021 11:48 PM
Jul 2018

Can we end this meaningless discussion here
Why don't you enjoy your own Anime without interfering in other's enjoyment?
Nov 2, 2021 11:52 PM

May 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:

Can we end this meaningless discussion here
Why don't you enjoy your own Anime without interfering in other's enjoyment?

LMFAO I'm convinced you're trolling me now. "Why don't you enjoy your own Anime without interfering in other's enjoyment?" - literally coming from the guy who goes onto forums calling various anime "garbage." Literally the whole point of me replying to you was BECAUSE you were doing that yourself. But yes, I'll drop this argument. See you in the next Kimetsu forum you leave a hate comment on!
My Candies:

Nov 4, 2021 8:59 AM
Jan 2016
You have to realize that the "made for everyone" target audience ironically deters particular audiences who want something more and are willing to gatekeep. Also I have to reject your premise. Demon Slayer is shounen, so its target audience is young boys yet to reach full maturity, not everyone.
Nov 4, 2021 9:33 AM
Jul 2018
MikitoList said:
RealKurapikaTard said:

Can we end this meaningless discussion here
Why don't you enjoy your own Anime without interfering in other's enjoyment?

LMFAO I'm convinced you're trolling me now. "Why don't you enjoy your own Anime without interfering in other's enjoyment?" - literally coming from the guy who goes onto forums calling various anime "garbage." Literally the whole point of me replying to you was BECAUSE you were doing that yourself. But yes, I'll drop this argument. See you in the next Kimetsu forum you leave a hate comment on!

Hahaha while you were fighting with me my profile got invaded by a member of your fandom
Take a glimpse of my comment section
That guy created an entire account just for attacking me
Nov 4, 2021 4:00 PM

Apr 2019
I haven't encountered pure hatred yet. I mean, people write that this is a overhyped anime but it is not hate, but an opinion. I also consider this series to be overhyped, and the manga to be average, but the anime is nice to watch anyway because it has nice animations and music. The characters are also quite bearable (except Zenitsu) XD
There is no need to worry about it, because hate will be anyway, and hardcore fans will defend this series even if it was terrible, so everything will be in balance anyway xD

Nov 4, 2021 4:29 PM

May 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:
MikitoList said:

LMFAO I'm convinced you're trolling me now. "Why don't you enjoy your own Anime without interfering in other's enjoyment?" - literally coming from the guy who goes onto forums calling various anime "garbage." Literally the whole point of me replying to you was BECAUSE you were doing that yourself. But yes, I'll drop this argument. See you in the next Kimetsu forum you leave a hate comment on!

Hahaha while you were fighting with me my profile got invaded by a member of your fandom
Take a glimpse of my comment section
That guy created an entire account just for attacking me
I thought we were done, so why are you trying to rope me into this? Lol, but I'll comment I guess. Maybe if you actually wrote a respectful analysis of the show, rather than that very hateful and biased shitpost, people would be able to better digest your low rating and dissatisfaction of the show. I don't think anyone actually cares that you dislike Kimetsu. It's the fact that, like @Scordolo stated, you're only posting negative reviews and posts to enrage the fans of said show. You said yourself that the reason you wrote the review was literally because people like the show. And you're telling me I need to not interfere with others' enjoyment of anime?

I also find it ironic how your go-to response to people is to call them 12 year olds, when both your demeanor and prose is of the level of a 12 year old. Just trying to help you out here, but maybe if you developed a more respectful and mature attitude towards others, you wouldn't be getting attacked. That's actually something you could learn from Tanjiro! Lol. Although, I'm sure you enjoy the negativity, which is why you so often initiate it.
My Candies:

Nov 4, 2021 6:20 PM
Jul 2018
MikitoList said:
RealKurapikaTard said:

Hahaha while you were fighting with me my profile got invaded by a member of your fandom
Take a glimpse of my comment section
That guy created an entire account just for attacking me
I thought we were done, so why are you trying to rope me into this? Lol, but I'll comment I guess. Maybe if you actually wrote a respectful analysis of the show, rather than that very hateful and biased shitpost, people would be able to better digest your low rating and dissatisfaction of the show. I don't think anyone actually cares that you dislike Kimetsu. It's the fact that, like @Scordolo stated, you're only posting negative reviews and posts to enrage the fans of said show. You said yourself that the reason you wrote the review was literally because people like the show. And you're telling me I need to not interfere with others' enjoyment of anime?

I also find it ironic how your go-to response to people is to call them 12 year olds, when both your demeanor and prose is of the level of a 12 year old. Just trying to help you out here, but maybe if you developed a more respectful and mature attitude towards others, you wouldn't be getting attacked. That's actually something you could learn from Tanjiro! Lol. Although, I'm sure you enjoy the negativity, which is why you so often initiate it.

Hahaha check my reply to the post on the other thread that OP just said "It doesn't deserve the Rating"
I have my own standards
I don't want to interfere in others enjoyment you are free to enjoy and rate your Anime in your own way
But the fact that a member from your fandom, came to my profile to go beyond tastes, and harass my entire nationality just because of a Review. (Although I had a good laugh instead because it shows how pathetic and toxic those fandoms can be)
Nov 4, 2021 6:38 PM

May 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:
MikitoList said:
I thought we were done, so why are you trying to rope me into this? Lol, but I'll comment I guess. Maybe if you actually wrote a respectful analysis of the show, rather than that very hateful and biased shitpost, people would be able to better digest your low rating and dissatisfaction of the show. I don't think anyone actually cares that you dislike Kimetsu. It's the fact that, like @Scordolo stated, you're only posting negative reviews and posts to enrage the fans of said show. You said yourself that the reason you wrote the review was literally because people like the show. And you're telling me I need to not interfere with others' enjoyment of anime?

I also find it ironic how your go-to response to people is to call them 12 year olds, when both your demeanor and prose is of the level of a 12 year old. Just trying to help you out here, but maybe if you developed a more respectful and mature attitude towards others, you wouldn't be getting attacked. That's actually something you could learn from Tanjiro! Lol. Although, I'm sure you enjoy the negativity, which is why you so often initiate it.

Hahaha check my reply to the post on the other thread that OP just said "It doesn't deserve the Rating"
I have my own standards
I don't want to interfere in others enjoyment you are free to enjoy and rate your Anime in your own way
But the fact that a member from your fandom, came to my profile to go beyond tastes, and harass my entire nationality just because of a Review. (Although I had a good laugh instead because it shows how pathetic and toxic those fandoms can be)
Lol you didn't listen to a single word I said. Also, like I said before, I am not a "member of a fandom." I'm a person who happens to like KnY, along with many other anime. Should I @ you the second I see a HxH fan say something stupid?
My Candies:

Nov 4, 2021 6:47 PM
Jul 2018
MikitoList said:
RealKurapikaTard said:

Hahaha check my reply to the post on the other thread that OP just said "It doesn't deserve the Rating"
I have my own standards
I don't want to interfere in others enjoyment you are free to enjoy and rate your Anime in your own way
But the fact that a member from your fandom, came to my profile to go beyond tastes, and harass my entire nationality just because of a Review. (Although I had a good laugh instead because it shows how pathetic and toxic those fandoms can be)
Lol you didn't listen to a single word I said. Also, like I said before, I am not a "member of a fandom." I'm a person who happens to like KnY, along with many other anime. Should I @ you the second I see a HxH fan say something stupid?

But you don't even understand my intentions.
I never interfere in others enjoyment.
Why did you pick with a fight with me btw???
My initial post was that it'll be forgotten like Among Us, because people were mindlessly hating it.
I have no personal grudge against KnY fans, I only used a mild statement and didn't even mention anything relating to the fans and somehow you got offended as if I said something about your lineage or nationality or linguistic community and race.
Nov 4, 2021 7:04 PM

May 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:
MikitoList said:
Lol you didn't listen to a single word I said. Also, like I said before, I am not a "member of a fandom." I'm a person who happens to like KnY, along with many other anime. Should I @ you the second I see a HxH fan say something stupid?

But you don't even understand my intentions.
I never interfere in others enjoyment.
Why did you pick with a fight with me btw???
My initial post was that it'll be forgotten like Among Us, because people were mindlessly hating it.
I have no personal grudge against KnY fans, I only used a mild statement and didn't even mention anything relating to the fans and somehow you got offended as if I said something about your lineage or nationality or linguistic community and race.
Wdym I don't understand your intentions? Your intentions are spelled out very clearly by every negative and hateful comment you post about the show, among many others. In regard to your review, you literally stated the reasoning for you making it. Are you actually trying to insinuate that you have good intentions or something?
By shitting on Kimetsu in every forum that shows up, you are ruining others' enjoyment. Nobody likes to see the thing they like constantly being shit on.

You say that your post was mild, when it literally involved insulting the show. And you say it had nothing to do with relating to the fans, but the very first sentence of your post actually did... On the contrary, my response to you was actually very mild. In response to me, however, you insultingly referred to me as a 14 year old. Don't pretend like this argument was entirely caused by me, rather than your own shitty behavior.
My Candies:

Nov 4, 2021 7:17 PM
Jun 2021
Demon Slayer is very very overrated, but it definitely isn't bad i really liked the first season and though i thought the movie was very overrated and the manga down the line is kinda bad at times it's still a decent series that doesn't deserve all the hate, but just saying it isn't that great of a show if you dig into it but if you stay surface level then i agree it is a very fun series to watch
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