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Oct 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, Eris didn't really hope back much emotions this episode, whether it's crying or showing her usual attitude.

Got to see more of what the Dedoldia tribe lifestyle is like, which I think it's kinda interesting. It seems the show is expanding on its world fiction and different cultures. Chill episode and I sure hope Eris learned something herself from all this experience.
Oct 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Jun 2019
Rudy, Eris, and Ruijerd are here at the Dedoldia race village and they're considered there as heroes. Soon they found out that the village belongs to Ghislaine and Gyes is the older brother of Ghislaine and marked her as the shame of their village and race. Eris, as expected wasn't gonna take that as she loves Ghislaine so much and started arguing with them. Eris is just so cute. I can see why she doesn't want anyone to badmouth Ghislaine.

Also, it was nice seeing that Eris has grown so much as a character. She gets along with everyone fine aside from the Ghislaine incident and nice to see that she's teaching Minitona who's Gyes's daughter the swordsmanship skills. Overall, another great episode from the storytelling viewpoint. On to the next destination.

Oct 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
That's some nice fanservice at the episode's opener while Rudeus does his usual sexual arousal in front of the Scared Beast and Gyes.

The Slow Life in Doldia Village, where law and order has been restored, and both the Dead End party of Rudeus, Ruijerd and Eris, and beastkin live in harmony while enslaving Geese for the destruction of the Doldia Village (though that's not his fault).

Eris teaches language to Gyes's daughter Minitona and Tersena, while the topic of Ghislaine both surprises and shocks the younger brother. As someone who betrayed their community, Ghislaine has a reason, and Eris is the result from that, but Gyes will not take from both Eris and Rudeus's word of how Ghislaine was like outside of the Great Forest. To see Minitona and Tersena follow Gyes's word at a young age, I understand from a parent's perspective not to inflict wrongdoings passed down to the younger generation. But Eris has trained extensively under Ghislaine before, so it's quite the stark contrast of "respect" between the beast race and humans like Eris and Rudeus.

Learning swordsmanship for both Tona and Tersena under Eris, and it's all good. Rudeus arounsing the Sacred Beast like both dog and human, and it's easy to misunderstand the thought process. A little simple tantrum feud between Tona and Eris about them staying, but they can't stay in the Great Forest forever and have to move on. Learning of Ghislaine's relations with Gyes, he couldn't stand her in her early rebellous days, but what all that's happened from the smuggling to the ray of light in the 1st Cour that looks as if it decimated her, only regrets show. As for the children, making those small figurines help remember their presence.

It's time to leave the Great Forest for the Dead End party. But before that, Gyes requesting a short sparring session with Eris to test of her swordsmanship skills that has been passed down from Ghislaine, and it looks like she has got his seal of approval (don't worry Rudeus, some didn't get it either). The monke man Geese also follows them on their way out, and onward to the next destination of the Holy Town of Millis while laying low.

A relaxation of an episode before going back to hell.
KANLen09Oct 24, 2021 9:40 AM
Oct 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Feb 2018
Rudeus, Ellis, and Rujierudo were into the Dordia villahe. Ellis rejoices when she learns that the village is Guillene's hometown, but Guillene's older brother, Gyges, throws her out as a mess of her clan, and the two get into a rush. Besides the sword and practice scenes, in this episode, Eris is also seen taking a bath, and woah she's so sexy. I don't know why this week I saw a lot of anime bath scenes. I don't like it and obviously I like the bath scene. For some reason the local language is quite complicated even though subtitles are provided. Can't read the sub that too fast :") No wonder Eris hates learning, lol. Unlike Roxy who is smart and skilled in magic, Eris is only good at swords. And I like Rudeus when Eris take a bath, lol. That's cool, Rudeus can make Action figures, lol. It must be selling well if the model is a sexy elf girl :") Where there is a meeting there will be a separation. It was an intense battle, is Eris really the current sword master huh. W? Next oyako genka.

Oct 24, 2021 9:20 AM

Nov 2019
sigh They grow up so fast..She is teaching them how to speak Japanese and how to sword-fight just like Ghislaine once taught her. Meanwhile, Rudeus is still a degenerate

Oct 24, 2021 9:25 AM

Feb 2021
Damn that was such a good episode, they managed to make a "Slow life" episode fun and interesting, it feels like Eris just gets better and better with each episode, what a character development she had.

As far as fantasy stories goes Mushoku tensei is probably one of the best I have ever seen, everything on it is just so perfectly crafted it feels. Can't wait for next week.
Oct 24, 2021 9:26 AM

May 2020
Yeah anyone can smell lust from Rudeus, that's just how he is.

Three of them are still in village, and looks like Ghislaine too was once a part of this village, but her being badmouthed by older brother Gyes, as expected didn't got well with Eris. Good to see just how much respect Eris has for Ghislaine, and Rudeus too.

Nice to see things being calmed after the events of last episode, and now they are on their way onto the next one.
Oct 24, 2021 9:30 AM
Feb 2021
It’s was an ok ep in my opinion, this season is not as good as the last one, I think the LN is way better than the anime at this point
Oct 24, 2021 9:31 AM

Oct 2017
It's only been two episodes with the new op song but I'm loving it.

Eris looks so adorable with twin tails, nya. It was fun watching the kids having fun and good to know more about Ghislaine. The duel was quite epic and dun worry Rudeus I didn't get what happened either. The lore at the end was quite interesting and Rudy jinxed himself for sure.

It was great to have a laid back episode like this for a change of pace. Things will proly get more serious in the later half of this cour.
Oct 24, 2021 9:32 AM
Oct 2020
God, why does each Mushoku Tensei's episode feels so short. Every time the credit rolls my heart suddenly feels empty and wanting more of it.
Oct 24, 2021 9:34 AM
Jan 2021
As usual, MT doesn't disappoint. Amazing episode
Oct 24, 2021 9:40 AM

Dec 2010
I can never get enough of the scenery porn in this show. I'd gladly watch an entire season of them inside the Great Forest! Tersena oppai loli fanservice was a nice addition.
Oct 24, 2021 9:50 AM
Oct 2016
Always nice to have a slow calm episode after back to back craziness. Just taking some time to enjoy these characters in this unique environment at the village. Eris seems to love the place even more than Rudy does. Her getting to spend time with kids her own age whom aren't Rudy. Seeing how far Eris has come as a character is truly great, shes grown a long way from that bratty kid whom beat Rudy to a pulp. Eris became close to the little girls at the village training Tona in sword play. Of course this being the village that Ghislaine is from she was bound to come up in conversation. It sounded like Ghislaine left the village on bad terms but the Ghislaine we knew is very different from the one her family knew a long time ago. Eris definitely misses Ghislaine and didn't appreciate them bad mounting Ghislaine but Rudy understood that people can change and they were basically talking about two different people. I loved seeing the bonding between Eris and her new friends. It was very sweet but sad when they had to part ways. Geese tagging along with our heroes as they left. Some HEAVY foreshadowing talking about the seven great powers and meeting one would mean death.
Oct 24, 2021 9:52 AM

Jan 2021
While I like the emotional scenes, still a little sad they skipped some of the details, especially the setup for
Oct 24, 2021 9:55 AM
Jul 2018
What happened in that spar? Were they too fast that Rudeus wasn't able to see what happened? Lol! Can someone explain to me why please.

Also, that Newbie guy. So funny lol. Anyways, we wait for another 7 days. Augh.
Oct 24, 2021 10:00 AM

Nov 2011
Man outside of the typical POS Rudy moment Jobless was amazing this week. Eris' development has been amazing and it was nice to see some Ghislaine development as well. We also can't overlook the fact that Ruijerd was saving people from Drowning in the village as well Rudy also being able to read the room for once was also nice.

They brought up the 7 Powers as well which obviously will play a major role some how in this anime in the future.

Animation was smooth as butter again this week. So beautiful.

I am excited for next weeks episode!!!
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Oct 24, 2021 10:04 AM

Aug 2019
Notes from the author:
- Geese was released normally, he was joking about busting out.
- Ghislaine was a bigger problem than Eris was when she was young.
- In the rainy season, the number of monsters will increase, and children who have fallen into the water will drown and die. Ruijerd was watching closely so no one died this year.
- Episode 16 & 17 are going to be hype!
Oct 24, 2021 10:06 AM
Feb 2020
can someone give me a good site to watch the latest episodes on thanks!
Oct 24, 2021 10:07 AM

Apr 2018
These animal girls are very cute (not in a sexual or furry way btw)
Oct 24, 2021 10:09 AM
Apr 2016
zaza1234 said:
It’s was an ok ep in my opinion, this season is not as good as the last one, I think the LN is way better than the anime at this point
As it has always been... This episode was basically 70% anime original.

And I really don't get why did they decide to keep Geese behind the bars. That makes Doldia tribe look like pricks, for arresting the hero who helped defeat Gallus
Oct 24, 2021 10:12 AM

Jul 2017
Another really good episode from this series, a slow life episode that I actually found to be pretty damn enjoyable and refreshing for a change. I liked the little details too like with Eris having her hairstyle be the twin tails to fit with being in the Doldia Village, I remember from season 1 where while asking for Rudeus to teach her magic, she did the twintail gimmick and the meow, Beast tribe style after Sauros told her to ask for his help properly on her own.

Speaking of Eris, it's really nice seeing how much she's grown in her conversational skills with others, and growing to the point of teaching her Beast friends her language, and even training Tona in swordfighting for the few months she was there. Kind of a nice way to keep her own skills and body in check with training and not get too rusty, since she was stuck there for a few months without anything to really fight (helped that Ruijerd made sure the village was safe with his protection during the rainy season period).

Good to also learn a bit more about the Doldias and how they viewed Ghyslaine, looks like she's grown a lot on her own adventures too, grow in her own skills to become a Sword King and even willing to learn too from others like Rudeus. She had a bad reputation among the village but after leaving it, she managed to change herself and grow into a much more commendable person, even if she's still flawed in her character and still has rooms to grow overall. Fits in line with the theme of the show, where while Rudeus isn't perfect by any means, he's growing on his own pace and in his own way for the better.

Visuals looked nice as usual, do prefer the previous episode in that department but Studio Bind continues to excel in making the fantasy setting feel so magical, here being the forest tribe itself and how everyone would live during the rainy season when they can't travel as the area gets flooded. It looked gorgeous too. The music also continues to really complement the show really nicely in general too. The food looks nice too, better than what I would expect from there.

Overall while it's not as plot heavy as other episodes other than some background details, characterization and minor teasing for the future like with Geese describing the Seven Great Powers, and more, this was still such a relaxing and entertaining watch that showed some real nice progress for Eris' character compared to how bad she was with talking to others in the past. Helps though that she just loves the adventuring setting a lot and having freedom to do her own thing compared to how restricted she was in her previous household, although she loves her family enough to be wanting to go back home once the rainy season was done.

The next episode or two should pick up the intensity and plot a lot more, and boy am I excited for that after a light appetizer in this episode. Compared to how 86 was with its uneventful episode that left me bored and underwhelmed, this was such a pleasant and consistently engaging watch with loads of really good moments in a subtle manner.
Oct 24, 2021 10:12 AM

Jan 2021
JanPri said:
zaza1234 said:
It’s was an ok ep in my opinion, this season is not as good as the last one, I think the LN is way better than the anime at this point
As it has always been... This episode was basically 70% anime original.

And I really don't get why did they decide to keep Geese behind the bars. That makes Doldia tribe look like pricks, for arresting the hero who helped defeat Gallus

Se the note 4-post above
Oct 24, 2021 10:15 AM
Apr 2018
Except ERIS & TONA scenes, liked the entire episode.

RUIJERD is so strong. Let's see if someone stronger than him appears anytime soon.

Liked the OP & ED songs.
Oct 24, 2021 10:16 AM
Nov 2020
To everyone saying it's a filler, it isn't. This chapter is in the novel and it was cut off from the manga, which is a bad decision.
Oct 24, 2021 10:16 AM
Apr 2016
Altter said:
JanPri said:
As it has always been... This episode was basically 70% anime original.

And I really don't get why did they decide to keep Geese behind the bars. That makes Doldia tribe look like pricks, for arresting the hero who helped defeat Gallus

Se the note 4-post above
But it wasn't implied nor shown in the anime, was it? How could a person who watches just the anime know that? It seems like a BS. I bet the guy made it up
Oct 24, 2021 10:26 AM

Jan 2021
JanPri said:
Altter said:

Se the note 4-post above
But it wasn't implied nor shown in the anime, was it? How could a person who watches just the anime know that? It seems like a BS. I bet the guy made it up

It was 4 post when I started typing. Someone posted in-between so the number was incorrect. Was talking about Geese.
Oct 24, 2021 10:28 AM

Jun 2019
One thing I really like about this series is how natural the conversations feel. It helps make the relationships between characters (like Eris and Tona in this episode) feel more sincere even if nothing new is being done. Nothing but great episodes so far.
Oct 24, 2021 10:29 AM
Apr 2016
Altter said:
JanPri said:
But it wasn't implied nor shown in the anime, was it? How could a person who watches just the anime know that? It seems like a BS. I bet the guy made it up

It was 4 post when I started typing. Someone posted in-between so the number was incorrect. Was talking about Geese.
Yeah, me too. Just because some random guy says that "Geese was released normally" doesn't make it true. It wasn't shown in the anime nor there was anything that would imply it. And he didn't even leave a source, so I think he made it up. In the anime he was treated by Doldias like a vile criminal despite saving their ass
Oct 24, 2021 10:29 AM
Sep 2021
Oct 24, 2021 10:34 AM
Oct 2011
I'm glad they dedicated an entire episode to cover 3 months of the rainy season since it does make anime watchers sort of realize that passage of time. Interesting how they showed Gull/Gal pick up Ghyslaine, really didn't remember those parts. Though I wish they also showed how the chief and Ruijerd hit it off while drunk.
With this we move on to reunion.
Oct 24, 2021 10:37 AM

Jun 2014
A much slower episode this time around, but it was nice to see Eris bond with the animal girls. We also learned that Ghislaine is the sister of Tona's dad (which was pretty easy to figure out). That reminds me, I miss Ghislaine :( lol Rudy, don't worry, I was confused about the sword fight as well. Oh, and of course at some point those Seven Powers will surely be relevant. You can't just casually drop info like that, followed by an obvious jinx from Rudy, and then never show them or bring them up again, right?
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 24, 2021 10:43 AM
Apr 2021
Finally rudeus and party, return the journey to comeback Eris home 🔥
Previously, rudeus and party can not next the trip Because in dedolia race forest rainy season, because of that they are can not leave the forest
Can not wait to see episode next week
Oct 24, 2021 10:45 AM
Apr 2013
Sooo with this show:

character-heavy, slow meditative, world-building episodes > action-heavy episodes

In my opinion.

That was great.

Eris has really matured.

Oct 24, 2021 10:45 AM

Apr 2018
Another really good episode, relaxing one this time. Rudeus, Eris and Rujierd are at Dedolia Village and seems like they're getting treated very well. Of course, they saved the village. I waited for this moment, they finally get to know that the village is Ghislaine's hometown. And that Gyes is the older brother of Ghislaine. On the other side, Eris is teaching the kids some new things. She's just adorable. Also didn't hold back her emotions. After all the training and talk, it's finally time to leave the Great Forest because they can't stay there forever. It's time to go to the Holy Town of Milis. And you don't know how scared I am for the next few episodes. Hopefully the anime will do a good job! The little fight between Eris and Gyes was dope!

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Oct 24, 2021 10:45 AM

Feb 2014
I hope Ghislaine will come visit the tribe one day
Oct 24, 2021 10:52 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Rudeus peeking at the girls having fun in the water until one of the girls’ father catches him and he immediately bows down and says sorry was a funny scene xD. ‘If you ever lay a finger on my daughter…’
Seems Ghislaine has some history with the Dedorudia trive and is now hated as she abandoned her duties. I’m happy Eris gets along with the other girls in the tribe and she is also their Japanese language instructor it seems. Rujierd also made a friend as well! I find it so amazing every time I hear the language that they especially made for this show as well! They are now heading for the country of Milis.

Really loving the 2nd cour a lot so far! Looking forward to the next episode!
Oct 24, 2021 10:53 AM

Jan 2021
JanPri said:
Altter said:

It was 4 post when I started typing. Someone posted in-between so the number was incorrect. Was talking about Geese.
Yeah, me too. Just because some random guy says that "Geese was released normally" doesn't make it true. It wasn't shown in the anime nor there was anything that would imply it. And he didn't even leave a source, so I think he made it up. In the anime he was treated by Doldias like a vile criminal despite saving their ass

Well, all of them are actually posted by the author. For the Geese's one:

And he's supposed to be the joker type of character. The truth should come out somewhere in the next 2 episodes, at least I hope so, that's a big character moment for him there.
Oct 24, 2021 11:04 AM
Apr 2016
Altter said:
JanPri said:
Yeah, me too. Just because some random guy says that "Geese was released normally" doesn't make it true. It wasn't shown in the anime nor there was anything that would imply it. And he didn't even leave a source, so I think he made it up. In the anime he was treated by Doldias like a vile criminal despite saving their ass

Well, all of them are actually posted by the author. For the Geese's one:

And he's supposed to be the joker type of character. The truth should come out somewhere in the next 2 episodes, at least I hope so, that's a big character moment for him there.
He wrote he just thinks that. Because that's how it was in his LN. I seriously doubt Rudy wouldn't notice him wondering around if he was released
Oct 24, 2021 11:05 AM

Oct 2021
This episode is pretty tame. That's what I expected after just seeing the title last week.
Oct 24, 2021 11:29 AM

Mar 2016
This and 86 this week are in their transitional episodes, which is perfectly fine by all means. Mushoku Tensei has the edge in that it's always been able to keep itself immersive even with the slow episodes, whereas 86 doesn't have the same exact purpose, even though THAT episode was also dropping some nice intel and imagery as with any 86 episode.

Next week for both series is gonna be crazy for sure, especially here given how even the author is hyping up the next episodes.
Oct 24, 2021 11:29 AM
Dec 2019
Another good episode. It's nice to see Rudeus having fun with the Sacred Beast. Rudeus also got caught peeping. The friendship between Eris an Tona was pretty well done.
Oct 24, 2021 11:30 AM

Apr 2021
This episode honestly felt like a filler, along with the last episode. These two just felt unnecessary. Also the dialogues, scenes and Eris' reaction when Ghislaine was bad-mouthed (seriously) was pretty cringe. From the side of technical work and character design it was really good but just didn't really feel too good. I'm hoping we're gonna get back on track with the next episode, I kind of have a feeling.
CreepHazardOct 24, 2021 11:38 AM
Oct 24, 2021 11:40 AM

Nov 2014
JanPri said:
Altter said:

Se the note 4-post above
But it wasn't implied nor shown in the anime, was it? How could a person who watches just the anime know that? It seems like a BS. I bet the guy made it up

Animators have to fight time to choose and decide which parts to show each episode in order for it to fit the eps time span, they can't fit each fragment of information from the LN or author notes in there without compromising it. Im pretty sure those small details aren't important enough for them to need to be shown. Personally i think its ok since the way he says it adds kind of a funny tone to that particular scene. Obviously something not to be taken so seriously.
error5000Oct 24, 2021 11:47 AM
Oct 24, 2021 11:42 AM
Aug 2017
Ok episode for me. I did not liked the beast people plot, could not care less about Eris and her old sword mentor drama.
Really hope for a more exciting adventure next in the chapter of this narrative. I'm really wanting that they get back for their kingdom already, when everything looks more interesting.
Oct 24, 2021 11:42 AM

Mar 2016
Altter said:
While I like the emotional scenes, still a little sad they skipped some of the details, especially the setup for

Assuming that stuff afterwards volume 8 is going to be adapted
Up next, comes something I've been expecting. Millis reign, here we go!
el_morrisOct 24, 2021 11:46 AM
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Oct 24, 2021 11:45 AM

Jul 2015
That title of next episode! can't fucking wait!
Oct 24, 2021 11:52 AM
Jul 2021
Such a great and wholesome episode with a little bit of Rudeus' Pervy side. That dad is a Savage! Loved seeing Eris express some emotions and care for her teacher and defend her. And become a teacher herself! That was sooo awesome to see how far she's come! I seriously love EVERY single episode, the only problem is when I love a show like this and it's done so well, the episodes FLY by. It felt like 7 minutes and it was over. I recently read this before the season premiere (just from the end of part 1 and to the end of leaving here) and I think they did a great job although it could have been way longer(at least 2-3 episodes) if they really wanted to do everything and flesh it out, but they probably want to get to the bigger stuff) Can't wait for next week.
Oct 24, 2021 11:54 AM
Apr 2016
error5000 said:
JanPri said:
But it wasn't implied nor shown in the anime, was it? How could a person who watches just the anime know that? It seems like a BS. I bet the guy made it up

Animators have to fight time to choose and decide which parts to show each episode in order for it to fit the eps time span, they can't fit each fragment of information from the LN or author notes in there without compromising it. Im pretty sure those small details aren't important enough for them to need to be shown. Personally i think its ok since the way he says it adds kind of a funny tone to that particular scene. Obviously something not to be taken so seriously.
It's one thing "to choose and decide which parts to show" and other thing to make a completely anime original scenes and replace the canon ones...

70% of this episode was original and not in the LN. They could have shown at least Geese being released. Really, that's the least they could have done
Oct 24, 2021 11:55 AM
Nov 2016
A whole slice of life feeling episode. I can't believe how interesting it is to watch even though the story is progressing kinda slow. At this pace I expect to get many many wonderful new seasons to keep me entertained for years.
Oct 24, 2021 11:55 AM

May 2018
Good episode. That 3 month transition was way too sudden though xD

Rudeus should marry the sacred dog already lol
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