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So I'm a Spider, So What? (light novel)
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Jun 18, 2021 8:59 AM
Jun 2021
The mechs sure came as a surprise, but no way near the "wtf is this doing here". I mean come on, since the first introduction of the admins it was clear that the "fantasy world" stuff is sketchy. Remember mobiles, auto-translate, and what not? This show is clearly not the "classical" one-way isekai. It's like saying Blood-C is your average slice-of-life school series. Details, guys, details.
Jun 18, 2021 9:02 AM

Apr 2017
... I wonder why they never, like, TALK about what you want to do? Convince Shun maybe? Talk to him about what's happening??? You guys were classmates right? FUCKING TALK? NOT FIGHT TO DEATH????

This is so fucking stupid.

Also can the animators please decide if they want to go full 3D or 2D? Don't mix and go 3D and go back to 2D the next second then 3D again then 2D again HOLY FUCK MAKE UP YOUR MIND.
Jun 18, 2021 9:02 AM
Sep 2016
Maruseru93 said:
Inugirlz said:
I was rooting for Sophia.

Shun's group is cringe.
sophia and wrath are more cringy losers in the old world and reborn as craty powerfull monster edgelords in new world acting all high and mighty and looking down on the other reincarnations so cocky

Do you even know what Sophia and Wrath had to deal with in their new lives?. They werent just reborn as powerful monsters, think of all the shit Kumo has went through to be strong. And honestly, Shun's group are just a bunch of fools, they are being treated how they deserve.
Jun 18, 2021 9:05 AM
Jul 2018
Father forgive this animation for it has sinned
Jun 18, 2021 9:07 AM
Nov 2016
How anyone can posibly think this was a good episode? seriously how!? And I'm not talking about the story (that was handle horribly and changed in this episode) but the animation, more importantly the direction of the scenes. 3D or CGI animation when done right is really good (Ufotable, spiderverse, etc) and combining 2D with d can be good as well (Beastars) but this "thing" was somehow worst than episode 21, let me explain.
the fight between Hugo and the hero was soooo boring and badly done, the fight with Sophia where she's 3D almost al the time and randomly changes to 2D, the arrival of the elves that appear some GIFs pasted onto the scene, the mechas, the troops, the action secuences like when Wrath shouts "shun i won't let you" and appears to be running at full speed but the model is obviously still and the they cut to a shot of the elves and then Wrath is with Sophia like WTF? what was the point of that then?
Who is the director of this mess? please ban the person for workin on more anime

totally hate it along side episode 21
Jun 18, 2021 9:08 AM

Feb 2012
Maruseru93 said:
Inugirlz said:
I was rooting for Sophia.

Shun's group is cringe.
sophia and wrath are more cringy losers in the old world and reborn as craty powerfull monster edgelords in new world acting all high and mighty and looking down on the other reincarnations so cocky

Wrath only just appeared and you know his whole backstory in this world just from how "cocky" he is? He and sophia are confident, but at least they have a reason to be so.
Jun 18, 2021 9:11 AM
Feb 2021
Adding a mecha, sci-fi-esque plotline to this story was a bit too much. The fantasy world is already underdeveloped as is and this doesn’t help in the least considering the animation quality dropped in comparison to last episode which borders on unwatchable.
Jun 18, 2021 9:15 AM

Jun 2015
Using the frontal assault as a decoy while sending another force for a decap strike was sound strategy on Ariel's part. While Hugo has the titles and skills he's unaccustomed in using them in battle. Schlain on the other hand has both genuine experience earned in combat and a determination to protect his friends. Sophia's strength though was on a whole other level entirely when compared to Hugo. Compared to how he was at first Schlain really has changed so much as a person. But its too bad his determination was cut short by another fellow classmate who's the enemy. Its amusing how the author managed to insert mecha units into his story as well. Curious how this will end next week though. But overall a sold ep that combined excellent action with some great expansion on Sophia and the world. Though i wasn't too much of a fan of the human side of the story i have to say theirs's is the better one now.
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Jun 18, 2021 9:16 AM
May 2016
Siegfried10 said:
Maruseru93 said:
sophia and wrath are more cringy losers in the old world and reborn as craty powerfull monster edgelords in new world acting all high and mighty and looking down on the other reincarnations so cocky

Do you even know what Sophia and Wrath had to deal with in their new lives?. They werent just reborn as powerful monsters, think of all the shit Kumo has went through to be strong. And honestly, Shun's group are just a bunch of fools, they are being treated how they deserve.
Yes, how dare they be reincarnated as humans and in a environment where they don't really need to fight, the nerve
Jun 18, 2021 9:17 AM
Jun 2021
xtrememorph said:
Wasted the original manga, with nonsense story and even worst animation.

Original Manga ? Oh you mean the adaptation that makes no sense, that has no story, garbage designs and doesn't follow the Light Novel ?
Jun 18, 2021 9:18 AM
Oct 2016
I've been pretty adamant about waiting to see where the human goes before passing any major judgements but things here have kind of come to a stand still. Firstly the animation looks super rough. With the anime coming to its close you can tell that the staff are stretching the resources thin. The CG has looked great in the past but here it looks wack. It just doesn't look right, things don't flow well the editing is not as good as it has been in previous fights. The backgrounds look barren, its supposed to be the elf forest but it looks like the elf wasteland. Theres just nothing but a near flat desert looking place. The robots at the end were a huge Wtf, they didn't look great either. The fight with Sophia felt important but didn't get much care from the production. I'm at least glad that Shun got pulled out of there at the end to face the real threat of Ariel. I hope things can come together for the finale next week.
Jun 18, 2021 9:35 AM

Oct 2018
again a not pretty CGI unfortunetly. i missed the first episode. I'm a little dissapointed by the animation for the end of the season
Jun 18, 2021 9:39 AM
Nov 2018
curvedtree said:
Bad episode, bad CGI, bad plot, I love kumoko, but this present part is really stupid.

I Could not agree more.
Jun 18, 2021 9:59 AM
Jun 2020
Ringa said:
Maruseru93 said:
sophia and wrath are more cringy losers in the old world and reborn as craty powerfull monster edgelords in new world acting all high and mighty and looking down on the other reincarnations so cocky

Wrath only just appeared and you know his whole backstory in this world just from how "cocky" he is? He and sophia are confident, but at least they have a reason to be so.
i know wrath backstory who cares if gone through a lot of shit in my life but i didnt became a snooty brat like him and the reason they are so confident is because they have 2 literaly cheas on their side
Jun 18, 2021 10:00 AM

Mar 2016
Ulas_Sar said:
Millepensee has single handedly ruined this adaptation

I've enjoyed the foreshadowing that the human-side of the story has been presenting until now, but the past few episodes where they should finally be getting a chance to shine has just fallen off a cliff with how half-assed the production and choreography has been.
Last week it was stuttering-level frame rates and pixelated characters, this week you have sword fights where they stand on the spot and allies sit on the sidelines and vomit out huge amounts of shounen commentary.

Hopefully the finale is enough to keep the interest for a S2 being approved, but Millipensee has to be kept well away from it.

Would be disappointed, but not surprised if the author went "f*** it" and just left with what I expect will be a big increase in book sales with how poorly the second half of the adaptation has been handled.
Jun 18, 2021 10:21 AM
Dec 2017
Original creator - literally responsible for the series composition.
MAL users - REEEEEEE, Millipensee ruined a story.
Jun 18, 2021 10:26 AM

Dec 2015
Bored battle, boring hard headed hero and no explanation of what happens/happened in the world.

8/10 > 6/10
Jun 18, 2021 10:31 AM

Aug 2012
why do they do these time jumps? really confusing. The manga is better using proper order of events
zDoug said:
Bored battle, boring hard headed hero and no explanation of what happens/happened in the world.

8/10 > 6/10

They do a lot of time jumps but basically the elves are responsible for most of the bad things in the world like in most stories. Is confusing because they keep jumping past and future. The kumoko section is basically in the past and the human section in the future. They cut a lot of kumoko story and the story of little vampire girl Potimas was trying to kill a few eps back now coming for Potimas head as an adult
nightcrawlercypJun 18, 2021 10:35 AM
Jun 18, 2021 10:39 AM
Feb 2017
zDoug said:
Bored battle, boring hard headed hero and no explanation of what happens/happened in the world.

8/10 > 6/10

Watch again the infodump with tabboo skill.
Jun 18, 2021 10:49 AM

May 2015
nightcrawlercyp said:
why do they do these time jumps? really confusing. The manga is better using proper order of events
zDoug said:
Bored battle, boring hard headed hero and no explanation of what happens/happened in the world.

8/10 > 6/10

They do a lot of time jumps but basically the elves are responsible for most of the bad things in the world like in most stories. Is confusing because they keep jumping past and future. The kumoko section is basically in the past and the human section in the future. They cut a lot of kumoko story and the story of little vampire girl Potimas was trying to kill a few eps back now coming for Potimas head as an adult

For the thousandth time THE MANGA IS NOT THE SOURCE. The anime is following the Ln(Though poorly at times) not the crappy manga
Jun 18, 2021 10:51 AM
Jun 2015
This episode had a lot of potential. Sadly, it seems the studio is hell bent on squandering every last drop of it. And I'm not talking about the animation. In the spirit of dragging the show out so they can end it on a certain scene, they've completely ruined the scene in question, as well as the prelude to it.
Jun 18, 2021 10:58 AM

Jan 2018
We've had episodes since the beginning talking about: MA Energy, W System, Administrators, D using Cellphones to communicate with Gulie-Gulie. Then you watch the episode today, go read the discussion on it, and there's people going: WTF, MECHAS? TECHNOLOGY? SINCE WHEN IS THIS SCI-FI, GARBAGE STORY.

Lmao. I guess some people really can't think very well, huh?
Jun 18, 2021 11:00 AM
Mar 2021
Man the animation gets worse every episode. The CGI was fine when basically every enemy was a monster, but for the human fights, it's disgusting.
Jun 18, 2021 11:01 AM
Sep 2016
Satsukichan said:
Siegfried10 said:

Do you even know what Sophia and Wrath had to deal with in their new lives?. They werent just reborn as powerful monsters, think of all the shit Kumo has went through to be strong. And honestly, Shun's group are just a bunch of fools, they are being treated how they deserve.
Yes, how dare they be reincarnated as humans and in a environment where they don't really need to fight, the nerve

Thats not even the problem with them lol. Them letting the elves and Potimas manipulate them so much is the problem, and Shun been a damn moralfag who would fight them despite knowing that.
Jun 18, 2021 11:02 AM
Jul 2020
It was alright but it mostly focused on shun and his friend when i wanted my cute and scaryain character to show on screen
Jun 18, 2021 11:03 AM
Sep 2016
giovgiac said:
We've had episodes since the beginning talking about: MA Energy, W System, Administrators, D using Cellphones to communicate with Gulie-Gulie. Then you watch the episode today, go read the discussion on it, and there's people going: WTF, MECHAS? TECHNOLOGY? SINCE WHEN IS THIS SCI-FI, GARBAGE STORY.

Lmao. I guess some people really can't think very well, huh?

I mean, we were already on the second cour and there were people who still didnt realize there were two timelines. It seems thinking and paying attention to details is hard this days... not like the shitty animation helps either.
Jun 18, 2021 11:07 AM

Jul 2015
I can't stand Shun anymore.. dude pisses me off so freaking much.. he's the most generic, bland MC i can imagine..
This episode was so bad.. i don't even know what to say.. bad animation, bad cgi.. and to top it all.. where is our spider-chan? where the hell is Kumoko..
Jun 18, 2021 11:08 AM

Jan 2018
Siegfried10 said:
giovgiac said:
We've had episodes since the beginning talking about: MA Energy, W System, Administrators, D using Cellphones to communicate with Gulie-Gulie. Then you watch the episode today, go read the discussion on it, and there's people going: WTF, MECHAS? TECHNOLOGY? SINCE WHEN IS THIS SCI-FI, GARBAGE STORY.

Lmao. I guess some people really can't think very well, huh?

I mean, we were already on the second cour and there were people who still didnt realize there were two timelines. It seems thinking and paying attention to details is hard this days... not like the shitty animation helps either.

Oh yeah. The animation is definitely subpar. No clue why they gave such a good LN to this studio, very sad. But really gotta love the comments like: THEY DIDN'T EVEN EXPLAIN WHERE THE MECHAS COME FROM.

Lol, it's like watching the first episode of Attack on Titan and going: WTF, GIANT NAKED HUMANS? NO EXPLANATION, GARBAGE SHOW. Like, relax folks... this show has been doing a good mix of secrets/explanations so far, no need to request so much spoonfeeding.
Jun 18, 2021 11:08 AM
Sep 2016
UkRs said:
I can't stand Shun anymore.. dude pisses me off so freaking much.. he's the most generic, bland MC i can imagine..
This episode was so bad.. i don't even know what to say.. bad animation, bad cgi.. and to top it all.. where is our spider-chan? where the hell is Kumoko..

The thing here my friend, is that Shun isnt an MC. You are rooting for the wrong guy.
Jun 18, 2021 11:10 AM

Nov 2016
So our human group finally met Kyouya and he's a commander, Hugo learend that he was used and waifu Kumoko about to make a move? It was a slower episode, but seeing her in action would make up for it. Expecting a lot from the season finale. Tho, sucks that there will be only one more episode for now.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 18, 2021 11:12 AM
Sep 2016
giovgiac said:
Siegfried10 said:

I mean, we were already on the second cour and there were people who still didnt realize there were two timelines. It seems thinking and paying attention to details is hard this days... not like the shitty animation helps either.

Oh yeah. The animation is definitely subpar. No clue why they gave such a good LN to this studio, very sad. But really gotta love the comments like: THEY DIDN'T EVEN EXPLAIN WHERE THE MECHAS COME FROM.

Lol, it's like watching the first episode of Attack on Titan and going: WTF, GIANT NAKED HUMANS? NO EXPLANATION, GARBAGE SHOW. Like, relax folks... this show has been doing a good mix of secrets/explanations so far, no need to request so much spoonfeeding.

This isnt anything new, anime only people usually dont have the patience to wait for the explanations to happen. This doesnt happen just with Kumo but many LNs adaptations and even mangas.

Admittedly, the anime did screw up the introduction of the scy fi elements. In the LN they first appeared in Volume 6 and they started explaining it properly from there.
Jun 18, 2021 11:19 AM
Apr 2021
Maruseru93 said:
thats it the anime gets from me a 6/10 more does it not deserve i mean robots in a fantasy world? thats so stupid and those 2 sophia and wrath are so cocky their arrogance knows no bounds it triggers me so hard just because they were reincarated as monsters they act all high and mighty especially sophia who was back outside and inside ugly ass hell is still ugly inside
yeah but i also find shuns justice and we got to keep fighting even though we cant win bullshit really fucking annoying
Jun 18, 2021 11:19 AM

May 2015
Siegfried10 said:
giovgiac said:

Oh yeah. The animation is definitely subpar. No clue why they gave such a good LN to this studio, very sad. But really gotta love the comments like: THEY DIDN'T EVEN EXPLAIN WHERE THE MECHAS COME FROM.

Lol, it's like watching the first episode of Attack on Titan and going: WTF, GIANT NAKED HUMANS? NO EXPLANATION, GARBAGE SHOW. Like, relax folks... this show has been doing a good mix of secrets/explanations so far, no need to request so much spoonfeeding.

This isnt anything new, anime only people usually dont have the patience to wait for the explanations to happen. This doesnt happen just with Kumo but many LNs adaptations and even mangas.

Admittedly, the anime did screw up the introduction of the scy fi elements. In the LN they first appeared in Volume 6 and they started explaining it properly from there.

I'm just annoyed how they went about introducing the Gloria's and Sophia's reaction too them.
. I've enjoyed this adaptation but gotta admit I think they dropped the ball story wise this episode(gave up on the animation long ago lol) Oh well let's see how they pull off next week, and only one month left till v12
Jun 18, 2021 11:23 AM
Apr 2021
Had so much hope to see some fire fights today, what did I got, a teenager having a stick fight in cgi that looks like it's from 2014.worst episode yet imo
Jun 18, 2021 11:30 AM
Nov 2018
They should put a warning when it's a human only EP.
I mean it's so bad, I had to skip so many things that I didn't understand much lol
Better just download the subs and read it geez...
Jun 18, 2021 11:31 AM
May 2016
No Kumoko today but Aoi Yuuki did have a part (read the credits to find out who) ;)

I didn't think the CG was too bad, just feels completely unnecessary.
Jun 18, 2021 11:32 AM

Aug 2012
billybub said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
why do they do these time jumps? really confusing. The manga is better using proper order of events

They do a lot of time jumps but basically the elves are responsible for most of the bad things in the world like in most stories. Is confusing because they keep jumping past and future. The kumoko section is basically in the past and the human section in the future. They cut a lot of kumoko story and the story of little vampire girl Potimas was trying to kill a few eps back now coming for Potimas head as an adult

For the thousandth time THE MANGA IS NOT THE SOURCE. The anime is following the Ln(Though poorly at times) not the crappy manga

1. I understand it follows the LN . I was just pointing out that unlike the anime with all these stupid confusing time jumps the manga has a consistent time line
2. why is the manga crappy? Jumping from past to present to future without explaining anything is good story telling in your opinion?
Jun 18, 2021 11:37 AM

Jun 2015
wow, I don't get it, why some of you are so surprised and angry about robots? I have not read ln/manga but in a system where admins/gods are messing around with worlds, this kind of thing is easily explainable!? probably one of admin maybe admin D gave them to elves? (or something like that)
and again with any series with a little bit of mystery in it some ppl are jumping to conclusions and calling everything bullshit! maybe you should just w8 and see what's going on. or maybe mystery series are not made for you and you shouldn't watch them.
Jun 18, 2021 11:51 AM

May 2015
nightcrawlercyp said:
billybub said:

For the thousandth time THE MANGA IS NOT THE SOURCE. The anime is following the Ln(Though poorly at times) not the crappy manga

1. I understand it follows the LN . I was just pointing out that unlike the anime with all these stupid confusing time jumps the manga has a consistent time line
2. why is the manga crappy? Jumping from past to present to future without explaining anything is good story telling in your opinion?

The manga is crappy because it literally leaves out half the story, not to mention the terrible character designs (Kumoko looks like an ant, Wrath looks nothing like he's supposed too, and Don't even get me started on
) If you actually pay attention the time skips are not difficult to figure out in the least.
Jun 18, 2021 11:54 AM
Aug 2017
Am I the only one who feels they're really stretching out the end to the human timeline? When episode 21 was revealed to be human only I was expecting it to end with the Wrath/Kyouya reveal. But instead, we only got to the Hugo-Shun faceoff, another 5 minutes in episode 22 of them facing off that could really have been omitted entirely because it added nothing and now another full episode which seemed very dragged out and only finally reached Kyouya near the end. Only to then suddenly bring out the Glorias which I don't remember being revealed at this point.

To be clear, I don't hate the human parts or anything like a lot of people, I just feel like these last 3 episodes have really dragged out their conclusion way more than was necessary. There should be 2 major events left to adapt in the spider timeline and they're clearly not going to cover them both in one episode, especially with more left in the human timeline too.
Jun 18, 2021 11:59 AM

May 2018
The extremely boring human side of the story is really holding this anime back. It's so generic and cliched there's absolutely nothing special about it. Every episode being the same with Kumoko killing shit to get stronger would have been so much better than this trash.
Jun 18, 2021 12:04 PM

Mar 2015
This episode was so lame as is all the 'human' screen time. 'Hero' is always so righteous and annoying.

Judging from the previous comments, the anime shows us different time periods. So gotta ask, that sophia is the same one Kumoko saved right? I hate how it just kept going back and forth without a single explanation throughtout the series so I've been confused and have slowly been piecing it together.
Jun 18, 2021 12:06 PM

Dec 2015
nightcrawlercyp said:
They do a lot of time jumps but basically the elves are responsible for most of the bad things in the world like in most stories. Is confusing because they keep jumping past and future. The kumoko section is basically in the past and the human section in the future. They cut a lot of kumoko story and the story of little vampire girl Potimas was trying to kill a few eps back now coming for Potimas head as an adult

Thanks, the order of the stories in the anime isn't that confusing, the problem is that they don't have anything relevant in the story
Jun 18, 2021 12:11 PM
Nov 2016
Inugirlz said:
I was rooting for Sophia.

Shun's group is cringe.

You are correct. Human side is boring, weak characters who rely only on their friends and morals. Who gives a crap. If you get a second chance at life with great potential why not rule the world? Stand above all others.
Jun 18, 2021 12:21 PM
Dec 2020
Not great that it's getting rather convoluted right before the last episode....6/10 for me at this point.
Jun 18, 2021 12:23 PM
Nov 2016
Maruseru93 said:
Inugirlz said:
I was rooting for Sophia.

Shun's group is cringe.
sophia and wrath are more cringy losers in the old world and reborn as craty powerfull monster edgelords in new world acting all high and mighty and looking down on the other reincarnations so cocky

Why should they waste their potential and join the friendship club? And least make ur life fun and become the "bad guy". You get to feel good every day when all the heroes can't even come close to beating you.
Jun 18, 2021 12:28 PM
Apr 2020
MenchiK1 said:
No Kumoko today but Aoi Yuuki did have a part (read the credits to find out who) ;)

Ah, glad I checked!
Jun 18, 2021 12:35 PM
Oct 2017
I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship with this show. After every episode I finish I feel terrible but I keep watching because, "Maybe the next one will actually be good?" but it hardly ever is. Kumoko is literally the only reason I've stuck with the show this long but with how little screen-time she actually gets it feels more like Shun is the MC and he is absolutely the most milquetoast isekai protagonist. This episode is just more of the same, showing the hero party which I could not care less about and relegating Kumoko to a simple cameo. The worst part of all is this is the second-to-last episode so all the human episodes I suffered through in the name of "plot" probably won't pay off at all because I doubt this show is getting a second season. I came to watch, So I'm a Spider, So What?, not, So I'm a Side Character In My Own Anime, So What?
Jun 18, 2021 12:56 PM
Mar 2021
Lol using Friendship Power doesn't work at all in this world.

How stronger Sophia can handle Shun and his friends alone. Poor Merazophis's clone, you need to train your clone first before war. Wrath is so cool and ofcourse he's strong too. Damn Potimas, you have mecha-army in other world, that's cheating. Wait, Potimas said "my little girl" don't tell me it refers to Demon Lord Ariel, right? Oh we get some info in this episode instead of good action. XD

Where is Kumoko? I see you there.
Jun 18, 2021 12:59 PM
Jun 2021
Shopia you've a chance to kill em all but hell yeah you're cocky 😌 Like every bad guys in the movies always wasting their opportunity 😌
Shun? I'll glad to watch kumoko 1hr than 1min of you 😌
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