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Jun 11, 2021 10:09 AM

Dec 2016

Queen Kayla's room

Kaitlyn's room

Mikaila's Room

Piano Room

Event Hall 1

Event Hall 2

Sakura_megamiMar 30, 2022 9:27 AM
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Jun 11, 2021 10:14 AM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

The two would walk several miles east before a mist took over them. Mikaila used his fairy magic and before they knew it, they were in the enchanted forest. "What do you think"
Jun 11, 2021 10:46 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan would follow Mikaila, getting a little blinded by the beautify of the place. He exhale slowly in amazement, then said "I guess someone as beautiful as you needs to come from a beautiful place"
Jun 11, 2021 10:55 AM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

He blushed and clinged to Morgan’s arm as they walked through the forest and headed towards the castle. There his mother would be awaiting them. ”don’t make me blush as soon as we get here. Besides, I think you are just as beautiful if not more than me” ^~^ Ofcourse to him his lover was the most beautiful and bravest person in all of their world.
Jun 11, 2021 11:11 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan chuckle and got really quiet as they approached the castle.
Jun 11, 2021 11:16 AM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

The two of them got to the castle, the door was opened for them as they got closer. The guards and servants of the castle would make two lines on opposite sides and bow before them ”welcome back home, my prince” they would say. Mikaila smiled as he knew it was only a matter of seconds before his mother showed up.
Jun 11, 2021 11:20 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

As they entered, Mikaila was treated like a royal prince. He felt out of place again, also, felt guilty that he would do such naughty stuff to such an important person.
Jun 11, 2021 11:21 AM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

Kayla walked down the lines of servants and knights and hugged her son. She would have ran but that was un-ladylike and not queen like. She would kiss Mika on the forehead before pouting, ”It took you way to long to come visit me. Come I have prepared a nice brunch for you and your friend”

She would look over at Morgan, ”Its nice to meet you. Thank you for taking care of my son. My name is Kayla, what is yours?” She knew Morgan’s name from some of mikaila’s letters but she figured it would be nice to have him introduce himself.
Jun 11, 2021 12:01 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan flinch once the queen turn his attention to him, he would bow and kept his head down while saying "Nice to meet you, my name is Morgan O'Kuki and I'm here to ask your son's hand in marriage!" He would stay in the bow position but look up to the queen with determination.
Jun 11, 2021 12:26 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

"ehhhhhhhhhhh???!!! Your dating a man?" She would look at Mikaila and their rings. She than thought about how women never wanted to date her son because they were intimidated by his beauty and refused to go out with someone that looked better than them. "well women have always been intimidated by your beauty so I understand having to date a man" She would look in her sons eyes as she said this.

Kayla would than look at Morgan, "From what I have heard.. you have always protected my son so I will give you credit for that. You will have my blessings on the condition that Mikaila sleeps with a women to bare a child
Jun 11, 2021 12:30 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"Mom, this man is my soul mate. It has nothing to do with his gender, things fell into place and one thing lead to another and we fell in love. It was never planned. I love this man and I cannot be with anyone else but him. What you are saying is insane. I refuse to sleep with a women"
Jun 11, 2021 1:07 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

It might not have been the best way, but Morgan wanted to be honest and upfront. Seems it might have work when the queen decided to bless the marriage. He stood straight only to hear her condition. They could see his face of a mix of sad, shock and giving up. He had force his lover into a sexual relationship, only for Mikaila to say that is he really didn't wanted it he would have push Morgan away. Now, stealing the queen only son, there weren't going to be an inherit to the throne. He didn't wanted Mikaila to sleep with anyone else, that man was his alone. But, right now, his opinion wasn't important, or so he felt that way. He didn't wanted to oppose the queen, but didn't wanted to do something that would upset Mikaila. So he kept silent, with all this thoughts in his head.
Jun 11, 2021 2:16 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

"It would be a one time thing and you guys can even do some form of Threesome... well just think about it. Adoption is nice and all but ahem, it is good to have your own child." Kayla would lead them around the castle and introduce Morgan to all the different areas in the castle.
Jun 11, 2021 4:35 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan wasn't paying a lot of attention, since he was lost in his own thoughts.
Jun 11, 2021 5:55 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"Ok, we will think about it.." He would say that but he was dead set on not touching anyone but Morgan or letting anyone else touch him. He would sigh since he knew his lover would not be able to enjoy this tour. I wonder where Kansis is.
Jun 11, 2021 6:05 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

"So Morgan, Mikaila, tell me about some of the adventures you two have been on"

Princess Kaitlyn"

"Big brother!!! You are home!! I missed you so much" Kaitlyn would hug Mikaila from behind.

Queen Kayla

"Kaitlyn How many times do I have to tell you, no skates in the castle!"
Jun 11, 2021 7:07 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He gasp as he was brought to reality, he turn to look at the queen and gave her a nod. He wasn't much of a talkative person, but he was quieter.
Jun 11, 2021 7:19 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”Are most recent adventures have not been that great. We have been dealing with a gang and they’ve been a pain. We did manage to save some fairy’s and elves from them a couple of days ago. I hope we don’t have to deal with them for a while so we can have a more fun story for you sister” Mikaila carried kaitlyn on his back. Ofcourse Morgan was on the back of his mind. Mikaila knew he must not feel to great.
Jun 11, 2021 7:23 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

"Mikaila you have both your dad and my powers in you. It is important you make good use of mine and learn to control your dads. Unfortunately he is not hear to guide you which is why I sent you to the institute. Demon powers are very dangerous and could corrupt you if you are not careful" she thought about how quite Morgan was compared to her son.

Princess Kaitlyn"

”yayyyy big brother is a hero. Can we play hide and seek? He can join us!" she pointed to Morgan and giggled
Sakura_megamiJun 11, 2021 7:47 PM
Jun 12, 2021 4:50 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan was glad the queen didn't found it rude that he didn't speak. Now, the princess wanted him to play with her. Honestly, he just wanted to be alone, but he thought that would be rude. So he just nod in agreement to play hide and seek.
Jun 12, 2021 11:07 AM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

”sweetheart you can play hide and seek after dinner” The group of them would arrive at the dining room where there was a beautiful feast layed out in front of them. There was a huge table where all the food was and the table where they would be seated. The whole room was filled with beautiful cherry blossoms. ”please take a seat.” she would sit.

Princess Kaitlyn"

The little girl would pout when her mother did not allow her to play. ”fine! But brother is all mine after dinner" kaitlyn would walk over to a chair and sit down. She patted the seat next to her and looked at mikaila.
Jun 12, 2021 2:00 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Seems the queen was against the idea of them playing, with he was thankful. He sat down in one of the empty chairs, but he didn't felt like eating.
Jun 12, 2021 5:06 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would sigh and then start to eat the food that was placed in front of him by the butler.
Jun 12, 2021 5:14 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He would stay quiet and still, sometimes observing if they started to speak.
Jun 12, 2021 5:22 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

Kayla noticed the atmosphere was a bit heavy. She could only guess it was because of the earlier conversation about mikaila having a child. The queen and princess would eat until they finished with their food. ”you should eat something Morgan. You guys are free to settle in misaki’s room once your done with your food”

Princess Kaitlyn"

”but I want to play~ Fine I am going to get changed and come back but you guys owe me atleast a couple of hours of playing with me" she pouted and left to her room

After kaitlyn left, Kayla would comment, ”what do you guys say about having a threesome to conceive a child. I’ll pay the girl”
Sakura_megamiJun 12, 2021 8:03 PM
Jun 12, 2021 5:27 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

After the queen said that comment, Morgan couldn't help but slam the table with both of his hands. He then close his hands into a fist while still laying them on the table. He exhale sharply, then said "You know, I think Mikaila sells me for a better person than I am. But the truth is, I'm not. I don't gave a crap that you won't have a grandchild from him or if you bless our marriage. Honestly, we came here to let you know what's going to happen, not to ask you for any kind of permission. I wanted to try and be the good person that your son sees in me, but, I guess I don't give a fuck if you see it or not. As long as he knows how much I love him, that's enough for me. So, if you think someone else would touch a single hair of my Mikaila, you are really mistaken" He then turn to look at the queen with a glare of pure anger by the idea of Mikaila being with someone else.
linetteJun 12, 2021 8:12 PM
Jun 12, 2021 8:21 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

The queen was astonished that someone would dare to even go against her. She had never had someone yell at her and was used to people kissing up to her. Kayla figured that this man should be trying to win favors with her not the opposite. ”mikaila! How can you be with someone so rude and mean. He is the opposite of who you are and you don’t need that” she would stand and look at her son dead in the eyes. Ignoring Morgan since she was over him
Jun 12, 2021 8:24 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Within a matter of seconds, Morgan let lose everything that he was feeling. To a certain point misaki did realize that he kept Morgan from being an asshole. ”mom! Think about what you are asking me and this man to do! she would grab Morgan and guide him to his room.the two would now be in his room
Jun 12, 2021 8:27 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan was so fill with rage, he would keep a dead glare and his hands close into fist. He didn't even felt bad for saying all that, he did try to think about it logically and not let his bad habits get to him. But, in the end, he still did the same old thing. He was glad he hadn't use his powers on her, that would have been really bad.
Jun 12, 2021 8:34 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

He would hug Morgan, ”it’s ok, I won’t let anyone touch me or you. I’ll figure things out with my mom
Jun 12, 2021 8:36 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He flinch as he felt the warmth of his lover, he let out a long exhale then hug him tightly. Morgan said lowly "Sorry... I fucked it up" He lay his head against Mikaila's shoulder, not letting their bodies be apart for a moment.
Jun 12, 2021 8:42 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila hugged him tight. ”I love you and I said I stick with you every step of the way. It’s ok, I will deal with my mother. She will accept it” he had determination in his eyes
Jun 12, 2021 8:45 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan closed his eyes as he moved his hands to explore Mikaila's body. Just thinking that someone may do a slightly touch drive him mad. His expressions, moans and sweets spots; he just couldn't control himself. He held Mikaila close, rubbing their lower half against each other.
Jun 12, 2021 8:50 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

He kissed Morgan whole feeling his hands all over his body. He than broke the kiss to say ”I have to go talk to my mom or things will really get ugly.”
Jun 12, 2021 8:54 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He really didn't wanted to let Mikaila go, but he removed his hands and distance himself from his lover. Then asked "Should I go with you?"
Jun 12, 2021 8:57 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”stay here, I’ll be right back. I’ll try to win us some favors in her eyes” he’d wink his eyes before leaving and saying that he will be right back
Jun 12, 2021 9:00 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan didn't liked the idea, but decided to do as Mikaila asked. Meanwhile, he just noticed he was in Mikaila's room, so he snoop around to see what he could find of his lover's childhood.
Jun 13, 2021 11:59 AM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila went to his mothers room and sat down with her in her bed to have a conversation with her.

Queen Kayla
I do not approve of this man mikaila. He is the complete opposite of you and he is rude. Does he not know I’m your mother and have been with you your whole life. Yet how long has he been with you? The disrespect! Your bubbly and sweet, he is mean, rude and quite. I don’t even see how your personalities match.”

Mikaila Blossoms
“I know we are complete opposites, but I don’t need him to be like me. I love him just the way he is. I know he is mean to the world but he is sweet to me. If I am honest, I kinda like that a lot. It makes me feel precious in the eyes of the one I love. Morgan was trying to do his best to be nice to you for me. You asked him to let another person touch me. How is that fair? I love you and I don’t ever want to choose between you and him. Would dad have let another person touch you?”

Queen Kayla
“How dare you get your late father into this….. he would have never let anyone else touch me but our situation was different because we could have kids.

Mikaila Blossoms
“Dad would have never let anyone else touch you regardless if you could have kids. And you know this. I know Morgan shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that but you are more in the wrong than he is and I plan to stick by him”

Queen Kayla
Your dad would of probably had Morgan’s same reaction”
she sigh in defeat since her husband was that same way. He would have fought the whole world even his family for her… which he did. ”alright I will let the you two get away with not having your own kids, but please adopt when the time is right. Morgan is still not in the clear for lashing out like that. He hurt my feelings!..”

Misaki gave his mother a big hug and smiled at her. ”If you apologize than he will too”

Meanwhile Morgan could find a lot of stuff about mikaila in his room. Including an old album with pictures of mikaila as a child and as he got older. The album even had pictures of the whole family when mikaila’s father was alive. He also found a book of misakis old drawings. There was also a novel he had made as a kid. He had a ton of beautiful kimonos and gorgeous accessories. He had a bunch of board games and puzzles he used to play with as a kid.

Sakura_megamiJun 13, 2021 12:38 PM
Jun 13, 2021 1:19 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

After observing Mikaila's stuff for a while, he said to himself "So cute, I wonder how he would look if he had look more like his dad..." He wonder if he would love him anyway, most likely he would. After he was satisfied, he lay down on the bed and waited for Mikaila to return.
Jun 13, 2021 5:30 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms
“Give Morgan some space and maybe you can apologize later on during dinner or afterwards. I will let him know that everything is fine Ofcourse”

Queen Kayla
“As you wish my child now come here and give your mother some love. I have not seen you in forever”
she would take him in her arms and cuddle with her child.


Princess Kaitlyn"

Kaitlyn would knock on misakis room which Morgan was in.
Jun 13, 2021 5:50 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He was starting to feel restless when he hear a knock, he got up and open the door. Then looked down to meet eyes with the princess. He would just stare while thinking Yeah, she can bare the queen's children... Unless she likes girls in the end
Jun 13, 2021 5:57 PM

Dec 2016
Princess Kaitlyn"

”Where is big brother? Can you play with me until he gets back?"
Jun 13, 2021 6:28 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan would say as he stared at the girl "He went to have a talk with your mother. And no"
Jun 13, 2021 6:38 PM

Dec 2016
Princess Kaitlyn"

"Don't be mean, I wanna play. Mikaila used to play with me all the time before he left. Are you scared of being beaten by a child?" She pointed to the board game
Jun 13, 2021 6:41 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He sigh and answered "Obviously I'm not your brother, plus..." He looked away and said lowly "I don't know how to play" Morgan childhood was pretty isolated, since everyone was afraid of his abilities.
Jun 13, 2021 6:49 PM

Dec 2016
Princess Kaitlyn"

"But if you like big brother than that makes you like my big brother, baaaka"" Kaitlyn went and got the game "Don't worry, I will teach you!" She would explain the game to him and all the rules than lay it on a table for them to play :3
Jun 13, 2021 6:56 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan was amazed to see their resemblance, even catch phrases used. He decided to give in and play with her, which wasn't s good since he was knew to the game and had a lot of questions.
Jun 13, 2021 6:58 PM

Dec 2016
Princess Kaitlyn"

Princess Kaitlyn played a test round with Morgan in which they were going over how to play the game as they played.
Jun 13, 2021 7:00 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would enter the room surprised to find his little sister there playing games with Morgan. "Are you two having fun?"
Jun 13, 2021 7:04 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He would frown since there was a lot to memorize, he did gave it his best since he didn't like losing. He would look up to Mikaila and answered "Ah, you are back. She wanted to play with you, but since you weren't here, I was your substitute" He got up and looked at Mikaila wondering how the talk went and when they were going to leave.
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