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Jun 10, 2021 8:15 PM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Don't have time to watch the episode at the moment, but making this post so that I can edit the title. Mod Edit: Modified title for clarity and/or easier searching. |
anime-primeJul 14, 2021 5:28 AM
Jun 10, 2021 8:42 PM
alrighty, so that took an unexpected turn where dou dou started doing some moves LMFAO??? laughed a bit when dou dou punched her, and laughed again when our trio came in all dressed up www happy ending for the family, i'm glad that it did not end brutally. seems like that was just a beginning introduction to a more serious case that we have on our hands now.. welcome back emma, we all missed you! this is fine, there is most definitely going to be an unhappy ending for this series (in which i hope as well ngl), this is a youtube link to cheng xiaoshi's character pv. the thing that stands out to me the most is the sequence in the beginning with all of the case files of our main trio.. is anyone able to translate the text? i am most worried about how it says 'all information contained is most confidential, please destroy in one week' |
Jun 10, 2021 9:04 PM
WaterzBailed54 said: Don't have time to watch the episode at the moment, but making this post so that I can edit the title. This time I stayed awake to watch (it's past midnight here). First let me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Emma! ...feeling better. Now we can finally say that the cracks appeared. It's not easy at all to write a story like this without created a lot of holes and other small details that you can noticed an ruin the experience for you. There where some here. For example, Xiaoshi went into the photo, to the past, and was seen by Xiao. When they went back to the present was like this didn't had happened in their current present. Xiao mentions that he was outside the country making an explanation impossible, her friend even phoned him to make sure he didn't had got back to the country. Xiaoshi appearance should had left a big impression on that moments diminishing greatly the memory of Doudou getting kidnapped. The chances of Xiao forgetting the incident and feeling no regret are strong, and she could very well blame her failure to act on Xiaoshi. When she talked and asked forgiveness to the father was like this didn't had happened, nothing had changed, but then letter the story tells you that the past in fact changed, Xiaoshi was even catch by the cameras allowing the detective to discover their powers. This is a plot hole. Now, there's other that it's arguable... After they discovered's Doudou photo, wasn't the case immediately solved? Just looking into the photo, even with Doudou drugged Lu would be able to describe a sketch of the kidnapper face. There are a number of ways how they could solve this case. But when Xiaoshi entered the photo... he could just not be kidnapped, right? The goal was this, save Doudou. There was a right possibility that he was already dead after three years so the best alternative was to enter the photo and just walk back inside the store. Done, Doudou saved. This is a moment when the lack of exposition may makes things more complicated to the anime. We didn't see Lu and Xiaoshi discussing about how to do the work, what would the best way to do the work, we didn't see and can't say it didn't happened, but the way they acted makes us doubt. Instead of discovering what happened with Doudou or saving him, instead of doing what the father asked them to do, they did their own thing, try to get the kidnapper. What they did was wrong, just getting information about her identity to give the police would risk Doudou life if he wasn't alive anymore in the original present. Xiaoshi saved the day half by accident, by his impulse (MASTER SIWEN!). Maybe scaring the kidnapper that way saved his life. They saved his life but it was half by accident. They're not very good at their jobs. One reason I'm giving a lot of thoughts to this is that if you think by another angle what they did had the biggest positive effect they could achieve. Not only Doudou's life was assured, by making the kidnapper do the contrary and take care of him probably saved a lot of other children lives. This change in the story probably prevented a lot of other kidnappings to happen, but the problem is like I already described if this happened by accident and was not their intention. We don't have how to know because there's no exposition in this anime. No we'll probably enter "the plot". The detective knowing about their power is a great upset to the status quo, they'll probably be forced to collaborate from time to time. The remaining cases must be all about the serial killer in the city, ending with Emma's case and all the personal conflict involving her death. Xiaoshi probably saved a few lives in this episode, but all lives of people he don't know, will never know. Now to be followed to discover one person whose life ended because of him... |
Jun 10, 2021 9:15 PM
AHHH! We're really going back to (hopefully save) Emma! I thought her return would be hinted for a couple more episodes since I thought the last couple of episodes would be the last arc to cover Emma. Since I thought Emma's case would be the last major arc, perhaps it will be a 3-4 episode arc (or 2-3 episodes if episode 5.5 counts towards the 11 episodes)? I bet Lu Guang will decline the case for the sake of Cheng Xiaoshi... only for Cheng Xiaoshi to eventually find out somehow. I feel like it might take the whole next episode for them to finally accept the case. Edit: The kidnapper waking up was stuff of nightmares. Reminds me of Queen Vanessa in the Hat in Time video game. Also, I find it a bit sad that the picture of Emma shows her as very tired/overworked. The eye bags even makes me want to rest my eyes. |
ChaosK9Jun 10, 2021 9:28 PM
Jun 10, 2021 9:27 PM
This episode felt lackluster compared to the other ones because it featured the same old 'bad person gets caught' trope, even complete with the 'bad person starts to repent' part. Previous episodes actually felt unexpected and as a result more fulfilling. Also, during this episode the concept of time travel, which inherently produces a lot of plot holes in just about any story, are beginning to reveal possible inconsistencies and glitches in this show, as noted above by PaninaManina and refuted below by multiple users, although you could technically point out glitches in the previous episodes too. Adding on to the fact that the production team appears to be making up the story as it goes along, this difficulty of working with the genre of time travel might be setting the stage for a problematic ending. Unless Haoliners manages to pull off some miracle, which isn't impossible. Despite its possible problems, I'm still looking forward to seeing how the main trio joins the investigation. |
ilalocheziaJun 11, 2021 8:41 AM
Jun 10, 2021 10:42 PM
Well I'm glad doudou is okay. I was waiting for something bad to happen, but it didn't. It was predictable like someone said, but thats okay, a situation like this one deserves a happy ending. I see people talking about plot holes. I don't agree with some of them personally, such as Qiao Ling seeing Xiaoshi in the past would make her care less about witnessing doudou. Its obvious that moment was very important to her, letting a kidnapper getaway vs unexpectedly seeing a friend don't seem to be on the same level, the latter is definitely not something that would eat away at her for years. It seems the purpose of the mission was to find out where doudou was, not prevent him from being kidnapped. So it makes sense to me why they had to go through with the kidnapping.If they just didn't let it happen there would be drastic changes. Which also explains why Xiaoshi needed to go into the picture- to get the identity of the woman. Having her name is much more useful than a description for a sketch anyway. I do like how every major thing does have a consequence and is not just forgotten about. Im personally not really excited about Emma's case. But that cop does seem a bit sketchy, wonder why he's so concerned with Xiaoshi & not both of them. And it was veeeeerrry hilarious when Xiaoshi started punching the lady lmaooo. |
Jun 10, 2021 11:50 PM
glad dou dou was back safely. his dad couldve gave the picture earlier tho since he can just look at when the pic was taken but whatever, another nice episode the scene where he's taking her id card was really scary. and that ending tho oof thats the girl they unintentionally killed right ... wonder how cheng xiaoshi would react to that |
Jun 10, 2021 11:53 PM
looks like the police authorities are slowly unravelling the power of this group! 5/5. |
Jun 11, 2021 12:06 AM
I'm glad this arc reached happy ending. Doudou was saved. Evil was punished. However, Emma's problem is continuing. Seems a step of truth. |
Jun 11, 2021 12:33 AM
PaninaManina said: Now we can finally say that the cracks appeared. It's not easy at all to write a story like this without created a lot of holes and other small details that you can noticed an ruin the experience for you. I agree there were a few smaller problems but overall I feel like it did a pretty solid job. PaninaManina said: like this is a plot hole, but it's very small because the only affect it has is character motivation. It would have been good to have been shown how his presence affected her perception of the event in some way, but all in all not having it there didn't ruin the entire episode for me.For example, Xiaoshi went into the photo, to the past, and was seen by Xiao. When they went back to the present was like this didn't had happened in their current present. Xiao mentions that he was outside the country making an explanation impossible, her friend even phoned him to make sure he didn't had got back to the country. Xiaoshi appearance should had left a big impression on that moments diminishing greatly the memory of Doudou getting kidnapped. The chances of Xiao forgetting the incident and feeling no regret are strong, and she could very well blame her failure to act on Xiaoshi. When she talked and asked forgiveness to the father was like this didn't had happened, nothing had changed, but then letter the story tells you that the past in fact changed, Xiaoshi was even catch by the cameras allowing the detective to discover their powers. This is a plot hole. that said PaninaManina said: I think you have to remember the rules of this show. Now, there's other that it's arguable... After they discovered's Doudou photo, wasn't the case immediately solved? Just looking into the photo, even with Doudou drugged Lu would be able to describe a sketch of the kidnapper face. There are a number of ways how they could solve this case. But when Xiaoshi entered the photo... he could just not be kidnapped, right? The goal was this, save Doudou. There was a right possibility that he was already dead after three years so the best alternative was to enter the photo and just walk back inside the store. Done, Doudou saved. This is a moment when the lack of exposition may makes things more complicated to the anime. We didn't see Lu and Xiaoshi discussing about how to do the work, what would the best way to do the work, we didn't see and can't say it didn't happened, but the way they acted makes us doubt. Instead of discovering what happened with Doudou or saving him, instead of doing what the father asked them to do, they did their own thing, try to get the kidnapper. What they did was wrong, just getting information about her identity to give the police would risk Doudou life if he wasn't alive anymore in the original present. Xiaoshi saved the day half by accident, by his impulse (MASTER SIWEN!). Maybe scaring the kidnapper that way saved his life. They saved his life but it was half by accident. They're not very good at their jobs. One reason I'm giving a lot of thoughts to this is that if you think by another angle what they did had the biggest positive effect they could achieve. Not only Doudou's life was assured, by making the kidnapper do the contrary and take care of him probably saved a lot of other children lives. This change in the story probably prevented a lot of other kidnappings to happen, but the problem is like I already described if this happened by accident and was not their intention. We don't have how to know because there's no exposition in this anime. The outcome will not change unless a node is changed. Lu himself is the only character capable of perceiving which events are nodes, and so since he had no problem with their actions, we can surmise that the overall outcome is the same. This cannot apply to the above plothole with Xiao since apparently motivations and context for the events can change within this node (like the kidnapper changing her ways). The main point is that he can't not get kidnapped because that is an obvious node that would cause a paradox. If he never gets kidnapped, his father never comes to them, and they never enter the photo. Since there has never been a paradox in this show, we don't know what the consequences are and we can assume that that is to be avoided at all costs. This is basic stuff that was outlined and emphasised heavily in the country basketball arc (I don't know what else to call it so I'll stick to that). does this help you understand a bit more? Overall the plot is pretty tight, it's just with Xiao's reaction at the end where she didn't mention Xiaoshi's interference at all that is a bit of a problem. We can assume they discussed it offscreen but it was something we needed to see. on an alternative note, with that ending we can assume the entire plot has come full circle. The consequences of ep 1 have caught up with them and I really like how it's reintroduced into the story. A good example of Chekov's gun. |
Jun 11, 2021 12:51 AM
this anime just keeps getting better and better. i'm loving it so much aaAAa "see, i told u had unremarkable presence" lmao i can't wait to see more of them <3 im really glad dou dou was safe and reunited with his parents. also cheng xioshi, lu guang and qiao ling wearing dou dou's favorite character's masks and saying the lines was so wholesome <33 im getting bad vibes from the cop his attitude towards not acknowledging lu guang sort of ticked me off. also emma's case finally came back. there was foreshadowing done in episode one. and now since lu guang already knew about emma being dead, kinda scared how cheng xiaoshi reacts. lol him having to run around looking for the kidnapper and even climbing a hundred something steps multiple time(ep 5.5,) give him a break lmao. i have a feeling this new plot might cover two more episodes i guess. i want to see more of lu guang like we laterally know nothing about him :(( |
Jun 11, 2021 1:08 AM
It's like a scene out of a scary movie the way she silently disappeared from the bed, then reappeared and bared face in front of him. That dragon punch made me crack up so hard. |
Jun 11, 2021 1:40 AM
Playing the familial ancestor card was actually quite a great idea. The talisman in the bag is probably what gave Xiaoshi the idea, though him also whooping the kidnapper is definitely what sold it. To her, there is no way she wouldn't have believed that Doudou was possessed by a disapproving ancestor, especially when she witnessed him revert back to normal after Xiaoshi left. Looks like the final arc is bringing us back to the Episode 1 cliffhanger. |
Jun 11, 2021 2:43 AM
Can we just talk about how the little changes within the cases show how much humane this is? They didn't go for not explainable perfection which is impossible just because it is a show, they decided to include errors and I find it beautiful. As long as the main events do not change within the past, the changes that they do will result to a different future since their starting point was what happened inside the picture till the last moments. Now, we have witnessed cases turning wholesome (the two women), turning alright, Doudou, which actually scared me quite a bit! I legit thought for a second that she would try to murder him for what he did! And we have cases that had what we call, unintentional bad ending. Emma's case from episode one. Now, it was a great way to start the series, showing us that it won't make the viewers wear rose tinted glasses and that their job is serious. The hints that Emma's case will come back were strong and here we are! My question is, Lu Guang knows that she died since he saw that in the news but I doubt whether he told Cheng Xiaoshi, not wanting to burden him with ghe *hey that person died because you were nice enough to talk to their parents for them* so when Lu Guang stopped the (probably will try to guiltrip Cheng Xiaoshi policeman with evidence that she visited them or sth) from giving Cheng Xiaoshi only his case, did Cheng Xiaoshi know that she died? Will he see the file next episode or will lu guang just refuse and drag him away? It is inevitable that they will take the case but how will it play out? Will the trio talk about the little paradox that happened when lu guang and cheng Xiaoshi were not in town and yet she saw him? Why did the policeman try to keep Lu Guang out of the loop? Seriously people this show gets better and better! I still want to know how did they start, the basketball court scene was before they were partners, did someone made them partners? How did they meet? Are there others like them, with unique powers? Im concerned about the police abusing this knowledge and dragging them into cases. Sorry for the huge rant! -edit: can we also talk about how Lu Guang is a real life existing photographer- |
HelerWzJun 11, 2021 2:58 AM
Jun 11, 2021 3:39 AM
theGodde said: that said PaninaManina said: I think you have to remember the rules of this show. Now, there's other that it's arguable... After they discovered's Doudou photo, wasn't the case immediately solved? Just looking into the photo, even with Doudou drugged Lu would be able to describe a sketch of the kidnapper face. There are a number of ways how they could solve this case. But when Xiaoshi entered the photo... he could just not be kidnapped, right? The goal was this, save Doudou. There was a right possibility that he was already dead after three years so the best alternative was to enter the photo and just walk back inside the store. Done, Doudou saved. This is a moment when the lack of exposition may makes things more complicated to the anime. We didn't see Lu and Xiaoshi discussing about how to do the work, what would the best way to do the work, we didn't see and can't say it didn't happened, but the way they acted makes us doubt. Instead of discovering what happened with Doudou or saving him, instead of doing what the father asked them to do, they did their own thing, try to get the kidnapper. What they did was wrong, just getting information about her identity to give the police would risk Doudou life if he wasn't alive anymore in the original present. Xiaoshi saved the day half by accident, by his impulse (MASTER SIWEN!). Maybe scaring the kidnapper that way saved his life. They saved his life but it was half by accident. They're not very good at their jobs. One reason I'm giving a lot of thoughts to this is that if you think by another angle what they did had the biggest positive effect they could achieve. Not only Doudou's life was assured, by making the kidnapper do the contrary and take care of him probably saved a lot of other children lives. This change in the story probably prevented a lot of other kidnappings to happen, but the problem is like I already described if this happened by accident and was not their intention. We don't have how to know because there's no exposition in this anime. The outcome will not change unless a node is changed. Lu himself is the only character capable of perceiving which events are nodes, and so since he had no problem with their actions, we can surmise that the overall outcome is the same. This cannot apply to the above plothole with Xiao since apparently motivations and context for the events can change within this node (like the kidnapper changing her ways). The main point is that he can't not get kidnapped because that is an obvious node that would cause a paradox. If he never gets kidnapped, his father never comes to them, and they never enter the photo. Since there has never been a paradox in this show, we don't know what the consequences are and we can assume that that is to be avoided at all costs. This is basic stuff that was outlined and emphasised heavily in the country basketball arc (I don't know what else to call it so I'll stick to that). does this help you understand a bit more? Overall the plot is pretty tight, it's just with Xiao's reaction at the end where she didn't mention Xiaoshi's interference at all that is a bit of a problem. We can assume they discussed it offscreen but it was something we needed to see. on an alternative note, with that ending we can assume the entire plot has come full circle. The consequences of ep 1 have caught up with them and I really like how it's reintroduced into the story. A good example of Chekov's gun. I'm glad somebody pointed this out because i was just about to do so myself - i'm not sure how anybody can watch this show and come to the conclusion that not changing the past is a plot hole, when the one thing the show has tried to hammer in its entire run so far is that the past should not be changed. Would that, on a very surface level, be the easiest way to avoid a tragedy? Sure, but it'd also go against both the previously established lore and the characterisation, especially Lu Guang's. That wouldn't get rid of a "plot hole", that'd just create continuity issues. I will agree tho, that they're not very good at their jobs, but for completely different reasons than stated here lmao PaninaManina said: For example, Xiaoshi went into the photo, to the past, and was seen by Xiao. When they went back to the present was like this didn't had happened in their current present. Xiao mentions that he was outside the country making an explanation impossible, her friend even phoned him to make sure he didn't had got back to the country. Xiaoshi appearance should had left a big impression on that moments diminishing greatly the memory of Doudou getting kidnapped. The chances of Xiao forgetting the incident and feeling no regret are strong, and she could very well blame her failure to act on Xiaoshi. When she talked and asked forgiveness to the father was like this didn't had happened, nothing had changed, but then letter the story tells you that the past in fact changed, Xiaoshi was even catch by the cameras allowing the detective to discover their powers. This is a plot hole. As for this part, let's remember that this moment doesn't exist in a vacuum. Qiao Ling has lived with these events for 3 years already, her seeing Cheng Xiaoshi is something she could've easily justified as soon as she had learnt about their abilities, none of that even compares to the very immediate guilt of being faced with the consequences of her (in)actions. Something else happening alongside the original event doesn't change the fact that she could've - or at least feels like she could've - prevented a a child from being kidnapped and honestly? Very few things could possibly trump that in somebody's mind. |
Jun 11, 2021 5:01 AM
First time has failed, but never give up hope God this episode has been very intense and epic I won't deny that the last one gave me a bit of cringe, but the reconciliation has soothed my soul. Also the ending, we finally have a connection to previous episodes 5/5 |
Jun 11, 2021 7:41 AM
ChaosK9 said: AHHH! We're really going back to (hopefully save) Emma! I thought her return would be hinted for a couple more episodes since I thought the last couple of episodes would be the last arc to cover Emma. Since I thought Emma's case would be the last major arc, perhaps it will be a 3-4 episode arc (or 2-3 episodes if episode 5.5 counts towards the 11 episodes)? I bet Lu Guang will decline the case for the sake of Cheng Xiaoshi... only for Cheng Xiaoshi to eventually find out somehow. I feel like it might take the whole next episode for them to finally accept the case. Edit: The kidnapper waking up was stuff of nightmares. Reminds me of Queen Vanessa in the Hat in Time video game. Also, I find it a bit sad that the picture of Emma shows her as very tired/overworked. The eye bags even makes me want to rest my eyes. Nah i doubt Emma would be saved cause Gu Lang said you can't change death (hence episode 5). Also maybe it's just me but the killer probably got some connections with Gu Lang |
Jun 11, 2021 7:45 AM
Guys, stop pointing plot holes it hurts my eyes. Good episode doe, and am i probally the only one thinks the killer is connected to Lu Gang ? |
Jun 11, 2021 7:59 AM
ilalochezia said: This episode felt lackluster compared to the other ones because it featured the same old 'bad person gets caught' trope, even complete with the 'bad person starts to repent' part. Previous episodes actually felt unexpected and as a result more fulfilling. What? This kidnapper is the first real "bad person" in this story. The executive in the first episode was a "shitty" person. The other stories weren't about bad or good anything at all. ilalochezia said: Adding on to the fact that the production team appears to be making up the story as it goes along, this difficulty of working with the genre of time travel is really setting the stage for a bad ending. I don't think this is the case. |
Jun 11, 2021 8:12 AM
theGodde said: I think you have to remember the rules of this show. The outcome will not change unless a node is changed. Lu himself is the only character capable of perceiving which events are nodes, and so since he had no problem with their actions, we can surmise that the overall outcome is the same. This cannot apply to the above plothole with Xiao since apparently motivations and context for the events can change within this node (like the kidnapper changing her ways). The main point is that he can't not get kidnapped because that is an obvious node that would cause a paradox. If he never gets kidnapped, his father never comes to them, and they never enter the photo. Since there has never been a paradox in this show, we don't know what the consequences are and we can assume that that is to be avoided at all costs. This is basic stuff that was outlined and emphasised heavily in the country basketball arc (I don't know what else to call it so I'll stick to that). does this help you understand a bit more? The rules don't cover this. In other thread I talked a bit about what I think how the time changing works. What is a "node"? I think it's only about what affects both of them, and only that. It's not about "the world", is about them. Also, the Baseball Arc. I also discussed a bit about this. Remember that Xiaoshi never met the client before the job? In the end of the arc he goes to the story to reveal the photos and talk with Xiaoshi and it's like he doesn't know him. So there's a strong impression there that Baseball Arc Client never went to the studio before that moment in the altered present. This is a problem with this anime, again, the lack of exposition makes us waste time discussing this trying to understand. In the end I don't think it's that relevant, it only gets in the way of telling the stories they want to tell. (and there's a lot of important questions to be made, like, how much they ask for the job? And if happens that the present is changing leading to the client not going to their studio anymore, how they are paid? I had thought they charge before hand, but in those cases the money would disappear. They're handling this problem the best way they can, not addressing it in any way) Oh, by they way... elany said: As for this part, let's remember that this moment doesn't exist in a vacuum. Qiao Ling has lived with these events for 3 years already, her seeing Cheng Xiaoshi is something she could've easily justified as soon as she had learnt about their abilities, none of that even compares to the very immediate guilt of being faced with the consequences of her (in)actions. Something else happening alongside the original event doesn't change the fact that she could've - or at least feels like she could've - prevented a a child from being kidnapped and honestly? Very few things could possibly trump that in somebody's mind. I also go with this answer. In the intervening years Qiao (it's with Q, not X, her name?) thought about that. |
Jun 11, 2021 8:15 AM
Now something for people to think about: Lu Guang is the "Hidden Last Boss". Joking, but I think he is hidden something from Xiaoshi. Remember a past episode that he had a flashback/nightmare with his missing parents? I suspect that in the past Lu used their power to do something about this and went very wrong. Or even Xiaoshi himself did and Lu knows. I have a suspicion that Lu rules about not asking questions is because of some past incident that affected them personally. |
Jun 11, 2021 8:36 AM
PaninaManina said: ilalochezia said: This episode felt lackluster compared to the other ones because it featured the same old 'bad person gets caught' trope, even complete with the 'bad person starts to repent' part. Previous episodes actually felt unexpected and as a result more fulfilling. What? This kidnapper is the first real "bad person" in this story. The executive in the first episode was a "shitty" person. The other stories weren't about bad or good anything at all. ilalochezia said: Adding on to the fact that the production team appears to be making up the story as it goes along, this difficulty of working with the genre of time travel is really setting the stage for a bad ending. I don't think this is the case. You may be correct. The episode feeling lackluster was just my personal opinion, and for the second point there technically is no evidence to back up my claim. Thanks for pointing out issues with what I've said, and note that I have now revised my original comment to reflect the uncertainty of my points. |
ilalocheziaJun 11, 2021 8:44 AM
Jun 11, 2021 8:38 AM
PaninaManina said: theGodde said: I think you have to remember the rules of this show. The outcome will not change unless a node is changed. Lu himself is the only character capable of perceiving which events are nodes, and so since he had no problem with their actions, we can surmise that the overall outcome is the same. This cannot apply to the above plothole with Xiao since apparently motivations and context for the events can change within this node (like the kidnapper changing her ways). The main point is that he can't not get kidnapped because that is an obvious node that would cause a paradox. If he never gets kidnapped, his father never comes to them, and they never enter the photo. Since there has never been a paradox in this show, we don't know what the consequences are and we can assume that that is to be avoided at all costs. This is basic stuff that was outlined and emphasised heavily in the country basketball arc (I don't know what else to call it so I'll stick to that). does this help you understand a bit more? The rules don't cover this. In other thread I talked a bit about what I think how the time changing works. What is a "node"? I think it's only about what affects both of them, and only that. It's not about "the world", is about them. Also, the Baseball Arc. I also discussed a bit about this. Remember that Xiaoshi never met the client before the job? In the end of the arc he goes to the story to reveal the photos and talk with Xiaoshi and it's like he doesn't know him. So there's a strong impression there that Baseball Arc Client never went to the studio before that moment in the altered present. This is a problem with this anime, again, the lack of exposition makes us waste time discussing this trying to understand. In the end I don't think it's that relevant, it only gets in the way of telling the stories they want to tell. (and there's a lot of important questions to be made, like, how much they ask for the job? And if happens that the present is changing leading to the client not going to their studio anymore, how they are paid? I had thought they charge before hand, but in those cases the money would disappear. They're handling this problem the best way they can, not addressing it in any way) The way I took it was that the overall events will not change regardless of interference as long as particular nodes are stuck with. It is directly about the world, and not about them. As long as a particular event that Lu classifies as a node takes place, the sequence of events will not change. You saying that it only applies to them is an inference. The show is indifferent either way so I don't think you could surmise either way. At the end of the day, I think that time travel stories will always have these kinds of flaws, and depending on the person you will either care or not care. I'm usually pretty nitpicky, but when a show this good has me lost in the characters and the plot I don't really have the time or the focus to care about the plot holes. I think the storytelling was good enough to make up for the time travel flaws (for me). Maybe not so much for you. |
Jun 11, 2021 8:40 AM
ilalochezia said: for the second point there technically is no evidence to back up my claim. ah well, we'll be able to find out when the show ends. For me the first few episodes were really strong focused stories. I am kinda feeling second act fatigue with the overall plot atm. The latest episode just wasn't quite as good as the previous stuff. Hopefully this new case will be much better since it involves the first episode, meaning we can get a lot that will tie in together. |
Jun 11, 2021 8:42 AM
TruongfromVN said: ChaosK9 said: AHHH! We're really going back to (hopefully save) Emma! I thought her return would be hinted for a couple more episodes since I thought the last couple of episodes would be the last arc to cover Emma. Since I thought Emma's case would be the last major arc, perhaps it will be a 3-4 episode arc (or 2-3 episodes if episode 5.5 counts towards the 11 episodes)? I bet Lu Guang will decline the case for the sake of Cheng Xiaoshi... only for Cheng Xiaoshi to eventually find out somehow. I feel like it might take the whole next episode for them to finally accept the case. Edit: The kidnapper waking up was stuff of nightmares. Reminds me of Queen Vanessa in the Hat in Time video game. Also, I find it a bit sad that the picture of Emma shows her as very tired/overworked. The eye bags even makes me want to rest my eyes. Nah i doubt Emma would be saved cause Gu Lang said you can't change death (hence episode 5). Also maybe it's just me but the killer probably got some connections with Gu Lang This case may be a bit different? Since they may have been the ones to cause the death (unless Emma was going to die regardless, which we don't really know), they may be able to fix it. Also maybe Lu Guang is also lying about changing death. |
Jun 11, 2021 9:06 AM
Finally! I'm really hoping they'll focus on Emma's case for the last 4 episodes to bring closure. Also, I'm a little worried about what the detective will do now that he knows about the pair's ability. |
Jun 11, 2021 9:07 AM
TruongfromVN said: ChaosK9 said: AHHH! We're really going back to (hopefully save) Emma! I thought her return would be hinted for a couple more episodes since I thought the last couple of episodes would be the last arc to cover Emma. Since I thought Emma's case would be the last major arc, perhaps it will be a 3-4 episode arc (or 2-3 episodes if episode 5.5 counts towards the 11 episodes)? I bet Lu Guang will decline the case for the sake of Cheng Xiaoshi... only for Cheng Xiaoshi to eventually find out somehow. I feel like it might take the whole next episode for them to finally accept the case. Edit: The kidnapper waking up was stuff of nightmares. Reminds me of Queen Vanessa in the Hat in Time video game. Also, I find it a bit sad that the picture of Emma shows her as very tired/overworked. The eye bags even makes me want to rest my eyes. Nah i doubt Emma would be saved cause Gu Lang said you can't change death (hence episode 5). Also maybe it's just me but the killer probably got some connections with Gu Lang I am so curious about Lu Guang as well! Like, he is the only character in this anime with abnormal hair and i doubt that he added the color himself, what if he was experimented on as a child? We never got his backstory. The killer could be sent by someone who knows that emma went to them and traced it back to him ( this is just me being paranoid dont mind me~) i really think though that there are other people with abilities out there and we may get to see one as an antagonist of sorts (?) |
Jun 11, 2021 9:24 AM
PaninaManina said: theGodde said: I think you have to remember the rules of this show. The outcome will not change unless a node is changed. Lu himself is the only character capable of perceiving which events are nodes, and so since he had no problem with their actions, we can surmise that the overall outcome is the same. This cannot apply to the above plothole with Xiao since apparently motivations and context for the events can change within this node (like the kidnapper changing her ways). The main point is that he can't not get kidnapped because that is an obvious node that would cause a paradox. If he never gets kidnapped, his father never comes to them, and they never enter the photo. Since there has never been a paradox in this show, we don't know what the consequences are and we can assume that that is to be avoided at all costs. This is basic stuff that was outlined and emphasised heavily in the country basketball arc (I don't know what else to call it so I'll stick to that). does this help you understand a bit more? The rules don't cover this. In other thread I talked a bit about what I think how the time changing works. What is a "node"? I think it's only about what affects both of them, and only that. It's not about "the world", is about them. Also, the Baseball Arc. I also discussed a bit about this. Remember that Xiaoshi never met the client before the job? In the end of the arc he goes to the story to reveal the photos and talk with Xiaoshi and it's like he doesn't know him. So there's a strong impression there that Baseball Arc Client never went to the studio before that moment in the altered present. This is a problem with this anime, again, the lack of exposition makes us waste time discussing this trying to understand. In the end I don't think it's that relevant, it only gets in the way of telling the stories they want to tell. (and there's a lot of important questions to be made, like, how much they ask for the job? And if happens that the present is changing leading to the client not going to their studio anymore, how they are paid? I had thought they charge before hand, but in those cases the money would disappear. They're handling this problem the best way they can, not addressing it in any way) I'd say the nodes have been not just explained very well, but also the show went to great lengths to showcase how they work in various circumstances, and no, they don't really have anything to do with what affects them specifically. They're very simply a point in the progression of events that would change the outcome and we see that in action again and again. Eg in the basketball arc the node was (presumably) the earthquake itself or the people dying, and so cheng xiaoshi was allowed to do almost anything short of actually getting the people to evacuate, because nothing would've stopped the earthquake. The node, quite literally, almost could not be changed. By comparison the first case was more dicey because many things could influence the final outcome - and that's what happened. Replying to Emma's parents was a node and we've seen the results of changing it, but not all nodes will inevitably cause a paradox, there's just a chance that they might, which is why Lu Guang is so adamant about not changing the past. You asked what happens if the present has changed and the client doesn't come to them anymore and have reached the conclusion that they're dealing with these questions by not addressing them, but every single time Lu Guang says that the past must not be changed he's specifically addressing this very problem. Like @theGodde has said, we haven't seen a paradox in this series (yet?) and that's because Lu Guang is working damn hard to prevent one. They're not ignoring the possibility of it happening, they're just preventing it for the time being. Like, these are all things that have been addressed by the show already, time and time again in some cases. Just because somebody isn't giving us a powerpoint presentation it doesn't mean the show isn't showing us everything we need to know. Haha you joke, but a while ago i also made a joke about lu guang being a glitch from a different timeline who's been homura-ing their lives for years, and by this point i wouldn't be entirely surprised if that's actually the case lmao But yeah, he seems strangely protective of their current lives and like you said, it really feels like something must've happened in their past that made him almost paranoid. The insistence on not changing the past is reasonable ofc, but he seems especially fixated on not wanting to lose what they have right now and it just seems like there could be something there. edit: what was that overseas trip about? sgdlr please, give us some answers, the people need to know! |
elanyJun 11, 2021 9:36 AM
Jun 11, 2021 10:44 AM
The example I used in the other thread was Isaac Asimov's "The End of Eternity". The protagonist works on a job for a group that manipulates all human story (it's for a very good reason). The goes to a specific point in the recorded time and changes something to alters the course of story, but the changes are explained like waves on a lake's surface. In the beginning the changes are big, but with time the effects disappear and it can't change that much after a certain point. I think this is what happens with their little changes. Again, the anime choose to go with the best solution, ignore. Not only because would be hard to give a good explanation, but also to not over complicate the story, right? So it's best for us to ignore. If this was another series I would be annoyed, but this is one of those that earned our trust. Moving on, unfortunately I don't think Emma will be saved. Would go against everything the anime said until now. The dead are dead, and what they do is for the living. (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣) It'll probably be more about meeting her parents and addressing their pain. |
Jun 11, 2021 4:51 PM
more anxiety than this I don't need, I really was afraid from this episode but I'm glad I watch it. good ending with a new case. I have to say I really love LG character more and more. he is overprotective in his own way and he is so interesting not really care about Emma that much but oh well XD here we go to the murder case |
Jun 11, 2021 5:42 PM
i was so on edge while doudou(xiaoshi) was going through the lady's purse. but i'm so glad he was able to reunite with his parents in the end! |
placeholder text |
Jun 11, 2021 8:31 PM
Well I'm glad this didn't have a grim ending and Duo Dou lived. I guess it's a good thing the kidnapper was so superstitious. Kind of have to suspend your sense of disbelief, no way something like this is realistic when it comes to child human traffickers. That's why I was expecting that Duo Dou would either be dead ,sold into child prostitution, organs harvested, who knows. This is set in China after all. I found it weird how the episode was acting like a horror anime, and then jumps straight into slapstick comedy when Duo Duo starts beating up the kidnapper, like whaa??? it was kinda goofy. I'm glad this arc was only 2 episodes. Now the the remaining episodes should focus on the "real" plot of the show by bringing back Emma's murder into the story, which was pretty clear it was gonna happen. I do agree if you really start to analyze this how, you can find plot holes here and there. But that's pretty hard to avoid with any story that uses time travel and time manipulation. I also agree that LG and CX can be kind of bad at doing their job lol. Makes me wonder how long they've been doing this. They always end up making so many mistakes. |
giveup-the-ghostJun 11, 2021 8:42 PM
Jun 12, 2021 12:25 PM
soughtflower said: alrighty, so that took an unexpected turn where dou dou started doing some moves LMFAO??? laughed a bit when dou dou punched her, and laughed again when our trio came in all dressed up www happy ending for the family, i'm glad that it did not end brutally. seems like that was just a beginning introduction to a more serious case that we have on our hands now.. welcome back emma, we all missed you! this is fine, there is most definitely going to be an unhappy ending for this series (in which i hope as well ngl), this is a youtube link to cheng xiaoshi's character pv. the thing that stands out to me the most is the sequence in the beginning with all of the case files of our main trio.. is anyone able to translate the text? i am most worried about how it says 'all information contained is most confidential, please destroy in one week' I saw that... I think that the policeman will collect information on them. He obviously found it interesting, I first thought of it as an intelligence report or something of sorts lol.Also in Cheng Xiaoshi's PV there's a smiley if you look closely at the running notes written in that report. I think the person who is collecting info on them ( my guess : that specfic policeman or someone higher than him)kinda likes to do so? I feel that they wrote that line "All information is the most......"because it is a top secret. I am guessing in the name of help the police will learn more and more about the trio,which is unsettling. What do you guys think? |
Jun 12, 2021 9:05 PM
I am SO excited for the serial killer plot to come back and for the boys to help out the detective. Oh man oh man oh man. Such an unexpectedly good show. Incredible background art too. |
Jun 13, 2021 2:02 PM
I find it fairly easily to relate / perceive the characters' struggles and emotions; so I find this series really enjoyable, even though Chinese animations are usually not my preference. |
Jun 14, 2021 11:35 PM
Personally this is the only show I'm really invested in at the moment and I really hope they're able to wrap up the story in a way that makes sense or hold suspense and keep us guessing until a cliffhanger for a season 2. I really love the vibe of the show so I would hate to see the ambitious concept squandered during the last arc. I'm still really hopeful. |
Jun 15, 2021 5:37 PM
skulaathens said: Personally this is the only show I'm really invested in at the moment and I really hope they're able to wrap up the story in a way that makes sense or hold suspense and keep us guessing until a cliffhanger for a season 2. I really love the vibe of the show so I would hate to see the ambitious concept squandered during the last arc. I'm still really hopeful. If you're liking this plot/mystery than you better watch Odd Taxi. Man, such a thrill, that one is also a refreshing crime/mystery anime. I watched during the weekend and I'm impressed. |
Jun 16, 2021 1:07 AM
Seems like even if they change or alter something drastic, it can still conform back to their timeline/reality, so long as they do not intervene something that they already know will happen (especially a node). So, anywhere outside of their knowledge zone is a black box and they are kinda free to do whatever they want so long it does not directly affect the zone. Kinda like Schrodinger's cat, where in the present, you wouldn't know if Doudou is alive or dead, or whatever is happening to him (but you know he is in the box). Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi's ability is to go back in time and enter this box together with Doudou, alter whatever they need to, as long as it doesn't affect anything outside of the box. This way, your current present timeline will never be altered and when they open the box, they can get the result they want. Surely Cheng Xiaoshi will discover that one of his action earlier causes Emma's death. Can't wait to see how that will turn out. Great episode, I had to pause and laugh when he sucker-punch the lady. |
Jun 16, 2021 10:28 AM
jr_paperbag said: Seems like even if they change or alter something drastic, it can still conform back to their timeline/reality, so long as they do not intervene something that they already know will happen (especially a node). So, anywhere outside of their knowledge zone is a black box and they are kinda free to do whatever they want so long it does not directly affect the zone. Kinda like Schrodinger's cat, where in the present, you wouldn't know if Doudou is alive or dead, or whatever is happening to him (but you know he is in the box). Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi's ability is to go back in time and enter this box together with Doudou, alter whatever they need to, as long as it doesn't affect anything outside of the box. This way, your current present timeline will never be altered and when they open the box, they can get the result they want. Surely Cheng Xiaoshi will discover that one of his action earlier causes Emma's death. Can't wait to see how that will turn out. Great episode, I had to pause and laugh when he sucker-punch the lady. Such a refreshing way to phrase it! It makes total sense. Can't wait for friday! |
Jun 16, 2021 10:54 AM
I knew it , Emma's story arc is not over yet , I don't think they will able to save her but they are going to catch the culprit for sure , |
Jun 16, 2021 12:39 PM
the girl was back there in the cameras too so how did they single out the dude as the guy going back |
Jun 16, 2021 12:41 PM
Biyle said: the girl was back there in the cameras too so how did they single out the dude as the guy going back They probably watched the videos before since they were investigating the case |
Jun 16, 2021 12:42 PM
Gween_Gween said: Biyle said: the girl was back there in the cameras too so how did they single out the dude as the guy going back They probably watched the videos before since they were investigating the case can they even perceive the changes in time? shouldn't the guy be there initially tho since it was in the past or did i miss something... |
Jun 16, 2021 12:49 PM
Biyle said: Gween_Gween said: Biyle said: the girl was back there in the cameras too so how did they single out the dude as the guy going back They probably watched the videos before since they were investigating the case can they even perceive the changes in time? shouldn't the guy be there initially tho since it was in the past or did i miss something... idk i hate time travelling because it depends on the writer rules, other reasoning could be that the guy was acting sus in the cameras |
Jun 17, 2021 10:16 AM
PaninaManina said: Now something for people to think about: Lu Guang is the "Hidden Last Boss". Joking, but I think he is hidden something from Xiaoshi. Remember a past episode that he had a flashback/nightmare with his missing parents? I suspect that in the past Lu used their power to do something about this and went very wrong. Or even Xiaoshi himself did and Lu knows. I have a suspicion that Lu rules about not asking questions is because of some past incident that affected them personally. I personally think that Xiaoshi really changed the past with Emma a bit. Maybe if she wouldn't go meet with her parents she would die another way. Like, she was supposed to die anyway because they can't change that, but maybe in the original timeline there was no killer responsible for her death and that's the case. Remember when Xiaoshi asked Lu Guang about changing the past after exiting the photo? |
Jun 17, 2021 6:54 PM
giveup-the-ghost said: Well I'm glad this didn't have a grim ending and Duo Dou lived. I guess it's a good thing the kidnapper was so superstitious. Kind of have to suspend your sense of disbelief, no way something like this is realistic when it comes to child human traffickers. That's why I was expecting that Duo Dou would either be dead ,sold into child prostitution, organs harvested, who knows. This is set in China after all. I found it weird how the episode was acting like a horror anime, and then jumps straight into slapstick comedy when Duo Duo starts beating up the kidnapper, like whaa??? it was kinda goofy. I'm glad this arc was only 2 episodes. Now the the remaining episodes should focus on the "real" plot of the show by bringing back Emma's murder into the story, which was pretty clear it was gonna happen. I do agree if you really start to analyze this how, you can find plot holes here and there. But that's pretty hard to avoid with any story that uses time travel and time manipulation. I also agree that LG and CX can be kind of bad at doing their job lol. Makes me wonder how long they've been doing this. They always end up making so many mistakes. I actually read somewhere that this child's kidnapper base on a real one in china that never being found or lock up. not sure if it's true or not but if it does, man this is so scary to think about! |
Jun 17, 2021 8:21 PM
Not gonna lie, this episode almost got me ...could feel the tear ducts getting activated!! Good episode, good series! |
Jun 21, 2021 9:09 AM
Well I saw the latest episode and i can't understand why they think that lu Guang does everything and cheng xiaoshi is useless i mean lu Guang should get credit but i think that cheng xiaoshi does more things so why is he called useless |
Jun 22, 2021 9:29 AM
Jun 22, 2021 10:59 AM
faiithfulli said: Have you watch ep 6 after ep 5.5 . You might have missed that episode.I’m actually a lil bit confused on the moves part did I miss a episode or was that old man’s punchin move thing something we will see later? |
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