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My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected (light novel)
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Mar 22, 2019 3:16 AM
Jun 2017
Best scene: the infirmary scene between hikki and yukino.. thats a sweet one... can 2 awkwards fall in love with each other? Hahaha

Highlight: hayato- well no one knew what he will he picking up for college and i do have an idea, it maybe because of the expectations surrounding him thats why he is not telling to everyone. He is one of the most popular in the school and girls around him so in short many people are looking at him.

Great episode... and that class bonding is the best...

Question: did yukino change based from her season 1 up to this season 2? Well its a yes...
Apr 4, 2019 6:00 AM

Jan 2018
I hope that Hachiman and Yukino are going to end up together . They're really matching each other . They will form a perfect cute couple .
Apr 4, 2019 7:27 AM

Nov 2016
And some say there's no romance in this series.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 7, 2019 11:14 PM

Apr 2016
It's so good I don't want it to end
Sep 23, 2019 9:17 PM

Jul 2009
Finally backed after a month or so break.

Things are much more smoother now. No more over dramatic and tantrums being thrown around.

I guess they have to. They are going to college.

Still, Why would you limit yourself to just Liberal Arts or Science? What about Business like Accounting/Finance?

Also, when did Miura started having feelings and wanted to have everyone? Didn't she ignored Yukino and Hikki for the most part other than some group projects and all?

Last 2 episodes!
Jan 19, 2020 4:28 PM
Apr 2016
Oh my, the scene with Yukino and Hachiman was beautiful, it was so adorable!
Feb 24, 2020 11:27 PM
Jul 2014
Damn. At this point, I don't know who he should pick, I'm guessing he won't pick anyone, and would rather keep everything the same. I'm rewatching Oregairu, in preparation for season 3, and I'm feeling a lot more connected with almost every character compared to my first time watching.
Mar 11, 2020 7:05 AM

Aug 2018
Yuki's glasses scene steals the show. So adorable and vulnerable and...genuine....the way she looks at him.

Somehow it's even more touching than Yui's tearful confession in episode 4 -a scene that just about destroyed me.
Mar 20, 2020 11:57 PM
Jul 2019
That "checking" Iroha did, too cute! Also for that good luck, Iroha best girl!

The infirmary scene, they had a staring contest, that was so long, I felt kinda awkward.
Apr 28, 2020 1:14 AM
Oct 2019
Yui got most of screen time this season but last 3 episodes Yukino male the show her own. Every scenes she appears or her reactions are all so damn adorable.
Jun 19, 2020 2:31 PM
Nov 2015
What with the Blonde Guy ? Why is he like that ?
Jun 20, 2020 8:04 PM
Jul 2018
A rumor has spread that Yukino and Hayato are dating, and he's not happy about it at all.

Yukino, お誕生日おめでとう (it's not her birthday today, but it is in this episode)! For some reason, Iroha's moe self is there (I've seen her in the OP for some episodes now so it makes sense) and Hachiman wonders why she's there. She goes out of her way to say when her birthday is to Hachiman even though he didn't ask lol.

It's stuff like in this episode why I say Iroha is moe. It's just an indescribable feeling of simultaneous fawning and disgust lol.

This is the first time Yumiko has ever entered the club room! Props to Yukino being as cool as a cucumber during that confrontation. Like I said before, some people really don't know the difference between a conversation and a confrontation. Now it's up to Hachiman to figure out what career Hayato will choose. The latter doesn't tell him though when he asks him.

I'm glad Yukino's fine ass sister knows she's fine.

Anyway, I don't know if this...

was on purpose or accident, but regardless this is another Iroha moe moment for me.

During the marathon, Saika and the other tennis players create something of a barrier to keep the other runners from catching Hayato and Hachiman. Then, when they're at the halfway mark Hachiman lets loose.

He tries to convince Hayato to go into the sciences so he can distance himself from the things that keep him down. Whether that's others' expectations of him, the women, etc. It would also give a convenient end to the group so no one has to get hurt. Hayato admits he and Hachiman can never be friends and that he hates him because feels inferior to him. He wants to be equals so that he can accept losing to Hachiman. At first blush, it seems confusing hearing that coming from Hayato, but I understand what he's implying now.

Ouchie! Hachiman got a boo-boo (lmao). Anyway, he heads to the infirmary to disinfect it, where he finds Yukino! She treats him and when she's finished they're like really close at eye level and freeze for a good minute before they break off.

Maybe this was supposed to be a cute scene. But I'm a Yui guy when it comes to her and Yukino, fella. Fella... FELLAAAAA!!

Oh yeah, the final dialogue between Hayato and Hachiman was nice
Jun 25, 2020 1:06 PM

Aug 2014
another great episode. Glad to see the blonde chick getting some development. I just hope we can get some scenes with her and Hachiman, that would be interesting.

I do agree with Hachiman, in that once you move up a grade or graduate, or are in a different setting, your previous friendship are pretty much over. A setting also defines a friendship. You are only close to your neighborhood friends as long as you live in the same neighborhood. Same with school friends, or being in the same grade, etc. To this I can relate.
oooo3333Jun 25, 2020 1:11 PM
Jul 5, 2020 2:54 AM

Feb 2020
Shit. Yukinon had so much chance there. First time episode of Oregairu that did not gave a fuck about a fair share of alone time the two girls had. Poor my Yui must seen the last moment after the marathon! Fortunately they won't had some courage to do that, i mean Hachiman whom don't had that encouragement. Lmao, you fuckin bastard! But, erh, sorry, i mean, you deserved that shit. Seriously, after so much sadness you risked it, that moment really deserved to you. However, there was still 2 parts, so maybe i could get some respectable moment for Yui only in the next episode. Maybe....

In the mean time, Iroha seems to had so much bond to Hachiman, after christmas event. Look how she just do a nonstop teasing, like Haruno do after that. Lmao, those girls had so much amusement on their personality. So, i didn't mind some romantically outer the two main girls with that situations. Lol.

Actually, i dont give a fuck with Hayato and Miura's problem. They were all sucks, and their group must be destroyed. However, shit, you were a kind person, eh, Hachiman? So, yeah, its obvious, unfortunately. Hayato's reason for not chosing everything was so wisely. Its ironic. However, like the title said, he needed to reached out their expectations. Thats it.
badabassJul 5, 2020 3:02 AM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jul 26, 2020 11:24 PM

Feb 2019
I'm glad he realized he was selfish, but forgot to add that he was too full of himself too and prideful to boot.
Aug 2, 2020 12:28 PM
Apr 2019
Sad we might never get a kissing episode
Oct 1, 2020 5:04 PM

Jun 2020
The infirmary scene was the best one that really I thought that I was gonna die...I can't believe that Yui was just standing there it must have been painful anyway great episode.
Oct 23, 2020 9:25 PM

Aug 2018
Im guessing Hayama confessed to Yukino in the past or something

Nov 12, 2020 10:51 PM

Aug 2017
I really like Hayato's development this season, I sincerely understand his concern but he ends up looking fake as a person hahaha. I read they cut some important Yumiko scenes...I just don't care about her so I'm glad, I guess?

I'm probably in the minority here but I don't like Iroha as a love interest for Hachiman, she's just Yui but more annoying. That infirmary scene was quite intense while Yuki's with glasses was kinda cute!
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 24, 2021 7:44 PM

Jun 2020
Seeing how much content was cut really pains me. I mean, sensei saying that Hachiman could be a teacher???? How could they not adapt that?! I hope it’s not completely left out & eventually brought back.

Come on 8man, she so wanted you to kiss her ♡_____♡

Hayama & Hachiman telling each other they don’t like each other. Kings of reinventing friendship norms LOLLLLOL

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Feb 18, 2022 2:43 PM

Mar 2019
Forget about Haruno, Hayama has to be the most confusing character. What happened in this episode, lol. Since not even Hachiman knew what Hayama was talking about with Yukino at the end in that after-party, there's no way I could know, lol.

I still never get why he keeps saying that he and Hachiman could never be friends. Why? What, from your conversation, made you say that and what was all that about being intrusive, unless he knew someone told Hachiman to ask Hayama and that's what he meant but that can't be it. This whole episode about him being "not the good guy everyone thinks he is" and him knowing everything and why not felt weird but a still good episode.

If I had to guess, he hates him and could never be friends with Hachiman because Hayama always felt somewhat inferior to him? And if I got it right, Hayama, Hachiman and Yukino would go on the same road which is nice!
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Jun 4, 2022 4:02 AM

Jun 2019
Ah, the way she looks at him... ("¯ ¯)
Oct 31, 2022 12:22 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
The rush is expected, they have always been rushing across the LN adaptation, but I feel anime onlies wouldnt notice that, you have to know the source material.
Props for this episode for doing Yukino scene even better than the source material, while the ost will never be something more than just plain background noise, the direction itself is still really good and sells the scene so well.

We wont get vol10.5 adapted in this season but at least there is an OVA for that, which I cant wait to watch.
Apr 13, 2023 4:58 PM

Feb 2022
the infirmary room scene was flawless, this show is getting better and better each episode since season one ep one, i am impressed
i'm starting to get why it's so highly rated 
now to find something to fill the hole this episode has carved in my heart
                                                    slice of life anime, my precious. >3
Apr 14, 2023 4:12 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
In the first season, Hachiman caught himself subconsciously seeing himself as an inferior to Hayama. And now here, Hayama straight up says he feels inferior to Hachiman. So what does this guy want? An escape from the pressure of having to be just shy of the perfect human? Hachiman tries to help Hayama with that during their run, but Hachiman fires back and says NAH, he'll be making his own choices thank you very much. Also where did these rumors of Hayama X Yukino pop up from? Did they bump into each other somewhere, other than that awkward meeting we had at the end of the last episode? If they did, they didn't show such a scene, and made this whole brief rumour fiasco seem kind of random tbh. What IS the deal between these two anyway, because the script sure is giving us next to jack sh*t on it. If it's not too much to ask, I'd like even just a brief backstory on their elementary school life to at least clear some things up. 

All we really know for sure is that Hayama doesn't see himself as a "nice person", they've hammered down that line a total of three times already. I guess deep down inside, he's actually a demon lord set on destroying the whole world. At the rumours were pretty much cleared up in the same episode they were introduced, as Hayama calls out Miura during his speech and not Yukino. Miura's happy for now I suppose, having wondered what has gotten into Hayama, and if he truly was with Yukino and if their history was still influencing them both to this day. Thankfully for her the latter does not seem to be the case, but what HAS caused Hayama to be a bit down in the dumps lately, or was this just an ongoing thing that continued to build up? I still want that backstory. For now though, it doesn't matter TOO too much. Because Hachiman kinda helped him get back to his chill self for the most part. He started by tearing him down a little, even shaming him for using Miura to keep other girls at bay and maybe give himself some temporary peace. But that tearing down allows Hayama to pick himself back up, similar to what Hachiman did to red-haired-chick-that-nobody-likes (I forgot her name sorry) at the end of the first season. Everyone's laughing and having a good time, so maybe it's not worth dwelling on and overthinking on for now. I STILL want that Hayama backstory though.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 14, 2023 6:58 AM

Oct 2021
That infirmary scene between hachiman and yukino was intensely sweet, poor yui she was definitely holding her tears behind the door before getting caught by hachiman, big F for cuckgahama lol. 5/5 episode
Dec 9, 2023 8:38 PM
Jul 2018
Well that was something else
May 29, 2024 6:50 PM
Apr 2018
I highly suspect it was Haruno who created the rumor that Yukino was going out with Hayama.

We get more Hachiman x Yukino this episode, which is a joy to watch.

That being said, things aren't over. Even if Hayama seems to have been backed into a corner by Hachiman.
Nov 30, 2024 12:56 PM

Jul 2007
Nice scene for Yukinoshita shippers yay, I am glad.
Jan 22, 1:27 PM

May 2020
Hikigaya and Yukino have amazing on-screen chemistry, but it took the girl 11 episodes to do anything this season. Yui deserves better.

I still don't really get Haruno.
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