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Nov 7, 2020 2:12 PM

Aug 2015
KANLen09 said:
DAYUM, this episode, literally is the last episode of Angel Beats or any sad episode of Violet Evergarden all over again. Not close, but we're getting there.

Inazami's episode, and Youta's desire to help her is only accelerated because of Hina, otherwise this boy has no guts whatsoever. Even rowing Izanami's father out of the house just for cheese, that seems like a hard task.

The strained Izanami Family relationship of an estranged father, a passed-away mother and a lifeless daughter (calling her a kuudere would be far-fetched). Hina replicating the voice of Izanami's mother wasn't such a surprise, but the closing messages of their mother during her hospitalized years before her death was a good send-off to move the family forward.

Quote of the episode: "Beeee Happyyyy!" - Ms. Inazami

SORRY YOUTA, you got friendzoned by your lack of self-confidence! 11 days to go.
I wouldn't go that overboard ,
Angel Beats

spoiler tag added
CareBearNov 7, 2020 6:11 PM
Nov 7, 2020 2:32 PM

Oct 2012
Evidently, Hina is making Youta help people out with their personal problems. It's reminding me of Clannad and Little Busters, how Tomoya and Riki helped out the cast to accomplish something in the end.
And nice, the insert song is a vocal version of the first OST heard in EP 1. Also, after Youta doesn't confess, an upbeat version of the piano song is heard.

Grontan said:
Did you guys notice that at the last part Hina saying my heart is stirring (or sth like that) when she thinks youta is gonna confess again. Isn't it strange? I wonder your opinions on this.

I think people might be thinking that she likes Youta, but I think it has something to do with time shenanigans or prediction shenanigans. Not sure, but I don't think it's romantic.
I'm starting to think that Hina's powers aren't to predict, but to manipulate the world.



EpicCh33seNov 7, 2020 3:02 PM
Nov 7, 2020 2:33 PM

Oct 2017
Finally a wonderful episode that's right on tone for everything.
Meaningful character development on Izanami.

I hope they have good resolution for Yuta and Ashura too.
Nov 7, 2020 2:33 PM

Jun 2017
Eh it was okay but the lack of proper story direction really kills my enjoyment here, the episodes are all over the place. I just hope everything will make sense at the end somehow.

One thing felt refreshing though, Izanami's dad not being an asshole about the whole thing (because that's the template most of the time with these dead wife plots).
Nov 7, 2020 2:42 PM
Jun 2020
Probably the best episode so far!! Loved the drama and the speech she gave after seeing the video her mother left... also when yota said: "i couldnt say it" i legit laughed my guts out... that scene was just built so funny....
Nov 7, 2020 2:43 PM

Jul 2020
Brace yourselves, the feels are starting to come in.
Nov 7, 2020 3:01 PM

Aug 2018
Seems to be the start of a more typical Jun Maeda story although the fact that he just didn't make extra recordings of the tapes doesn't make sense and its not really explained how his wife dying led him to become a hikkikomori
_______I like rocks__
Nov 7, 2020 3:33 PM

Nov 2013
I had tears of happiness.

And take care of your parents.
Nov 7, 2020 3:41 PM

Oct 2012
Atlos said:
its not really explained how his wife dying led him to become a hikkikomori

I'm... not sure if this really needs that much explaining. If my spouse died, I wouldn't want to go outside for 10 years either. Everyone handles grief differently.
Nov 7, 2020 3:43 PM

Mar 2019
I am not crying, you are crying. Actually we are all crying.

The feeling part has began...and it started with the story of her mother and Izanami's family. It already got me.
Actually it reminded be a bit of Kakushigoto with the age boxes, only we have only videos with ages here...

Cheese is not the solution to everything!
Nov 7, 2020 4:07 PM

Jul 2017
I definitely enjoyed this episode, but the more I think about it in-depth, the more criticisms I have.
I get what it was going for, and despite this show not being realistic in the slightest, I was putt off by passing a synthesized voice off as her actual mom.

I feel that the dad choosing to leave his house and later opening up to Yota was both paced too fast and odd. I get that this storyline could only really work in one episode, but I personally feel the dad was persuaded to leave far too easily.

And I feel the heavy emphasis on "magic" in the emotional scene was a bit too forced. I think it would've been perfectly fine if the mom just used words normally. Nevertheless, I won't be too harsh on this aspect since everything else in the scene was great.

Finally, I am dreading Odin possibly seeing Yuta in a romantic light. I can't help but feel it's going to cause drama that isn't necessary. I'd be all for it if it was familial love though. I think that would fit right in with the themes of the show.

It may seem like I had a lot of criticisms to share, but I really did enjoy this episode otherwise. It was leagues above last week's, that's for sure.
Even though the last episode, and to and extent this episode did fall flat in some areas, I still think highly of this show.
I just hope it improves from here on out.

Minor Nitpick that is irrelevant
Hina criticized Yota for suggesting a hostess bar even though she tried to set him up with a grown woman in the previous episode?
This detail annoys me more than it should.
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Nov 7, 2020 4:14 PM

Mar 2019
Jun yet again pounding the feels directly into our hearts yet again. Hina seems to be developing some sort of feeling for Yota, and we all know that doesn't end well (most of the time).

Nov 7, 2020 4:23 PM

Oct 2017
Atlos said:
Seems to be the start of a more typical Jun Maeda story although the fact that he just didn't make extra recordings of the tapes doesn't make sense and its not really explained how his wife dying led him to become a hikkikomori

Um it makes sense because the point is she want them to move on instead of constantly thinking about her and mopping about it.
Nov 7, 2020 4:25 PM

Oct 2017
zamandzoe said:
I definitely enjoyed this episode, but the more I think about it in-depth, the more criticisms I have.
I get what it was going for, and despite this show not being realistic in the slightest, I was putt off by passing a synthesized voice off as her actual mom.

I feel that the dad choosing to leave his house and later opening up to Yota was both paced too fast and odd. I get that this storyline could only really work in one episode, but I personally feel the dad was persuaded to leave far too easily.

And I feel the heavy emphasis on "magic" in the emotional scene was a bit too forced. I think it would've been perfectly fine if the mom just used words normally. Nevertheless, I won't be too harsh on this aspect since everything else in the scene was great.

Finally, I am dreading Odin possibly seeing Yuta in a romantic light. I can't help but feel it's going to cause drama that isn't necessary. I'd be all for it if it was familial love though. I think that would fit right in with the themes of the show.

It may seem like I had a lot of criticisms to share, but I really did enjoy this episode otherwise. It was leagues above last week's, that's for sure.
Even though the last episode, and to and extent this episode did fall flat in some areas, I still think highly of this show.
I just hope it improves from here on out.

Minor Nitpick that is irrelevant
Hina criticized Yota for suggesting a hostess bar even though she tried to set him up with a grown woman in the previous episode?
This detail annoys me more than it should.

I understand what you mean.

The pacing seem abit too fast.
His dad's "trauma" seems to resolved so easily.
His daughter was never able to convince her dad to go out, yet Yuta seems to resolve this situation way too easily/ conveniently.
The second half is done much better, however.

I think Violet Evergarden has the exact same problem because most of the side characters' problem need to be resolved in 1 episode which feels forced / too fast pace/ too convenient in the end. That's why the OVA feels way better when it comes to side character development.

Ventus_SNov 7, 2020 6:43 PM
Nov 7, 2020 4:30 PM
Jun 2019
I Love this show guys
Nov 7, 2020 4:31 PM

Apr 2015
Oi, who started cutting unions????

Honestly, this is making me worried for what's to come. If this episode already briefly started the waterworks, I don't want to think of what the ending will have in store for us.

Such a powerful episode with the Izanami family as the focus.
Nov 7, 2020 4:32 PM

Sep 2014
Great episode.

That said, it left me wondering... why would they ever decide to waste episode 4 on mahjong instead of showing Izanami's past? Seeing her backstory and her mother still alive would have made this episode hit much harder.

Will the rest of the story make me look back and think "yeah, episode 4 was absolutely necessary"? Considering the opportunity they decided not to capitalize on, I feel it absolutely should... but I don't know that it will.

Maybe episode 4 will somehow be important enough in the long run and the comedy was good enough to justify it for those who understand mahjong... but yeah, I find it a bit odd that they chose not to focus on the emotional impact of the show, which is Maeda's strong suit.
Nov 7, 2020 4:44 PM

Mar 2014
Jun Maeda strikes again with the emotional episodes. I loved the focus on Izanami and her father, I hope the latter starts moving forward from now on.. seeing Izanami smile was so precious. I think Youta was correct in not taking advantage of Hina's powers to ask Izanami out again. It will be interesting to see how their relationship will develop though, platonic or not!

Hina's heart stirred in the end, that's definitely a hint for her starting to have romantic feelings for Youta.
Nov 7, 2020 4:57 PM

Oct 2020
as expected Maeda will not disappoint me. Best eps for Kamisama Ni Natta so far, hopefully the next eps can be better than this.

Izanami's past also made me sad in this eps, and why is Yui Ishikawa always voicing sad girl ?? but she's the best to voice the sad girl honestly, and I hope Izanami also has feelings for youta next eps because I ship them so hard :)
Nov 7, 2020 5:09 PM
Jun 2017
10/10 for todays episode...
I am just loving this episode right from the start up to the final part...

This time.the focus is about Izanami and her father. And for me i just love that part when they both are watching the last video their mother has done...
Nov 7, 2020 5:12 PM
Jan 2017
AHH the feels i feel it, it's so close.
Almost teared up
Nov 7, 2020 5:23 PM

Apr 2020
KANLen09 said:
DAYUM, this episode, literally is the last episode of Angel Beats or any sad episode of Violet Evergarden all over again. Not close, but we're getting there.

Inazami's episode, and Youta's desire to help her is only accelerated because of Hina, otherwise this boy has no guts whatsoever. Even rowing Izanami's father out of the house just for cheese, that seems like a hard task.

The strained Izanami Family relationship of an estranged father, a passed-away mother and a lifeless daughter (calling her a kuudere would be far-fetched). Hina replicating the voice of Izanami's mother wasn't such a surprise, but the closing messages of their mother during her hospitalized years before her death was a good send-off to move the family forward.

Quote of the episode: "Beeee Happyyyy!" - Ms. Inazami

SORRY YOUTA, you got friendzoned by your lack of self-confidence! 11 days to go.

Completely agree. I got Angel Beats feels and the ending reminded me of the "Dear Ann" episode from Violet Evergarden.

I knew Youta wouldn't have the spine to confess to her. He should've asked to take her out for her birthday instead.
Nov 7, 2020 5:27 PM

Jun 2019
Well the emotional episodes are now starting, but this one didn’t hit the mark. It was reminiscent of a Violet Evergarden episode, where it was executed far better. That isn’t to say that this episode completely failed to make me feel emotion. It is more to say that the emotional impact that it left was far less than what it tried for.

Also, the change that it caused in Izanami and her father was far greater than how it would be in actuality. People just do not change that quickly.
Nov 7, 2020 5:35 PM

Dec 2015
For an 'emotional episode', this one was a bit... bland. I hardly even know these characters, so it's difficult for me to feel sad for them,and the fact that the first half of the episode is entirely comedy is not helping either. Would have been much better if it was spread over 2 episodes.

Maybe I've seen too much to be moved by something of this magnitude... or maybe I'm just dead inside... Will rewatch the episode to make certain.
Nov 7, 2020 5:52 PM
Sep 2017
That was a beautiful episode. Last week for me was kinda meh, but this one more than made up for it. Definitely got choked up and teary-eyed. Man - the mom made those messages over a loooong time. Started with her 7th birthday to her 18th?!? Was she in the hospital all that time? Sure looked like it. So sad. But what a lovely way for her to wish happiness to her family - it was sure obvious how well she knew them, especially her husband. In their place, though, I could never destroy that video.
Nov 7, 2020 6:01 PM

Feb 2017
So why is there no 6 score option here? jks a side
Damn this episode was out of the world. Definitely my favorite episode so far this season among all 13 others I've watched. Not every day I see when a single episode can make you tear a bit.
Nov 7, 2020 6:41 PM

Jan 2011
just wanna say unrelated to the show ,that i fucking hate these subs that have been happening lately and the localization of them since it seems to be getting worse.

one of the more noticeable changes was Inazami saying "thanks for the food" at the start but they just said "i'm going to study" like what??

while heartwarming and a bit sad i'd say it be a bit much to say i was moved to tears it just didn't land that strongly not to say it was bad granted i think We Never Learn had a better late passing parent message to their daughter episode

still think it was pretty cruel of her dad to not show her those videos for 10 fucking years like what i'd kill if some of late that i knew had left behind something like that for me and to be denied seeing it over someone elses own
grievance is awful
Nov 7, 2020 6:47 PM

Oct 2017
Such a great episode and reminded me of Violet Evergarden episode 10 with all the letters. This episode made me tear up ;-;
Hikki_a1Nov 7, 2020 6:51 PM
Nov 7, 2020 7:10 PM
Apr 2017
megumeerul said:
tenshibeat said:
Man the show is starting to pick up properly. Maeda wan't lying about this being the saddest anime ever, considering I've already (lightly) started the water works 5 episodes in. Plus with Hina starting to have her heart stir, this is going to be interesting.

Really? When did Maeda say that?

He said it in one of the preview livestreams, i don't remember which one, but it might be the first original reveal.
Nov 7, 2020 7:19 PM

Jan 2017
Nice. A huge change from the shitty episode last week.
Nov 7, 2020 7:31 PM
Mar 2020
Grontan said:
Did you guys notice that at the last part Hina saying my heart is stirring (or sth like that) when she thinks youta is gonna confess again. Isn't it strange? I wonder your opinions on this.

Probably Hina started to like Youta. a little jealousy. it was further confirm when he said Hina was relieved but then flustered.
Nov 7, 2020 7:38 PM
Mar 2015
Watching Mom's video message was amazing
Nov 7, 2020 7:40 PM
Mar 2016
best episode so far.
Nov 7, 2020 7:41 PM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
This was a step up from Angel Beats! in my book since it managed to convey all that emotion with minimal melodrama. Great job, Key + P.A. Works.
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
Nov 7, 2020 8:03 PM

Jul 2017
Revoltage1022 said:
KANLen09 said:
DAYUM, this episode, literally is the last episode of Angel Beats or any sad episode of Violet Evergarden all over again. Not close, but we're getting there.

Inazami's episode, and Youta's desire to help her is only accelerated because of Hina, otherwise this boy has no guts whatsoever. Even rowing Izanami's father out of the house just for cheese, that seems like a hard task.

The strained Izanami Family relationship of an estranged father, a passed-away mother and a lifeless daughter (calling her a kuudere would be far-fetched). Hina replicating the voice of Izanami's mother wasn't such a surprise, but the closing messages of their mother during her hospitalized years before her death was a good send-off to move the family forward.

Quote of the episode: "Beeee Happyyyy!" - Ms. Inazami

SORRY YOUTA, you got friendzoned by your lack of self-confidence! 11 days to go.
I wouldn't go that overboard ,
Angel Beats

spoiler tag added
FYI, please read what I've said in the following sentence: "Not close, but we're getting there."
I don't mean anything that's near Angel Beats-level of intensity, but it's damn close in a push-pull heartstring.
Nov 7, 2020 8:14 PM

Mar 2015
For an 'emotional episode', this one was a bit... bland. I hardly even know these characters, so it's difficult for me to feel sad for them,and the fact that the first half of the episode is entirely comedy is not helping either. Would have been much better if it was spread over 2 episodes.

Maybe I've seen too much to be moved by something of this magnitude... or maybe I'm just dead inside... Will rewatch the episode to make certain.

If you don't care about the characters not even Clannad can make you feel something.
To prove it, some people can't stop crying watching Ghost(the old movie), while some people watch it and say "how come people cry watching this?"

I think it's less like an emotional investment and more like you have to care about what is happening, or maybe both things.
Nov 7, 2020 8:23 PM

Jul 2016
Like when you have the episodes to build up a moving and compelling mini-arc surrounding Izanami's character and the way how she has been dealing with her mother's death but you decide to have said episodes being focused on Baseball, Mahjong and Ramen houses instead.
So yeah, sorry but I didn't feel anything regarding this supposed "sad" episode since I barely know these characters and as someone else said, the first half being basically comedy didn't help in setting a proper tone either.

Overall, it was a pretty disappointing episode. The idea of Izanami believing she could actually talk to her deceased mother via smartphone was absurd beyond words but having that moment as the basis for the "video messages" scene with her and her father later on was even worse. That and the fact of her father being persuaded so easily to leave his house, not by his daughter but by Youta, were just some examples of how rushed and forced the execution of this episode was.
Also by the way, I couldn't help but think that the narrative during the hella cheesy conclusion was trying way too hard to seek that easy tear from the audience but maybe it was just an impression of mine.
Nov 7, 2020 8:42 PM

Sep 2012
Happy family nonsense surely is a test for one's suspension of disbelief, but normatively and quality-wise it definitely was a good episode with some decent character developement. Taking crash's dad on a walk is kind of non-cliche too i guess, felt fresh.
Nov 7, 2020 9:21 PM

Jun 2020
that was definitely a touching episode ಥ﹏ಥ

i feel like people are nitpicking at this point.

her dad being able to leave the house after being persuaded by youta - he already mentioned that although he's a shut-in & doesn't come out much, he does leave his home to go to the convenience store. and obviously he wasn't persuaded solely by youta, he wanted to help pick a birthday present out for his daughter's sake. i don't see what's so unbelievable about that.

their struggle to move on being resolved "so quickly" - they are taking the first steps to heal & move on, just like at the start when she asked him to visit her mum's grave together & they managed to. you mean you really want to watch 5-6 episodes worth of content of them moving on so that it's "realistic" and resolved "properly"? sometimes in life when you make a decision to heal it's as simple as that, you just do, you take the first steps.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Nov 7, 2020 9:28 PM
Jul 2018
This episode felt like an entire VN route crammed into 20 minutes. Had we even seen the father before this point?
Nov 7, 2020 9:33 PM

Jun 2020
Ok is this Violet Evergarden episode 10? It really feels like this was Violet Evergarden but on technology.

Anyway this episode was serious and most likely they put more focused on Izanami's past and drama on it.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this like, I know that this will have a pretty sad ending, more and more episode is probably gonna be serious.
Nov 7, 2020 9:41 PM

Aug 2013
I was in tears. But this anime I love and I can’t wait to see what the rest brings. :”)
Nov 7, 2020 9:50 PM

Aug 2020
Izanami's father is voiced by Takeuchi Ryota (Elias Ainsworth in Ancient Magus' Bride) and Izanami's mother is voiced by Ohara Sayaka (Ezra Scarlett in Fairy Tail, Yuigahama's Mama in Oregairu)
Nov 7, 2020 10:13 PM

Apr 2020
A guy that locked himself in his house for years after his wife died, and is left to take of their daughter? Sounds familiar.
Nov 7, 2020 10:49 PM

Nov 2013
Oh look here we goes again with the super sad backstory without actual effort and depth attached to it. Sasuga Maeda

Nevertheless, I always find it kinda silly that a broken relationship can fix itself in an instant, but it is what it is.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Nov 7, 2020 11:05 PM

May 2020
This episode reminds me of the anime Violet Evergarden episode 10.
__Yatagarasu__Nov 7, 2020 11:30 PM

Nov 7, 2020 11:18 PM
May 2020
What an emotional episode, got little tears there, but it's still episode 5. What a legend.
Nov 8, 2020 12:05 AM
Nov 2018
Damn Izanami she lost her mom I couldn't believe it felt like she really connected with her mom if my friend gave me a phone that can talk to people who passed away I would like to call my mom she passed away by cancer after watching this weeks episode made me cry so much my happy that Izanami got to see her mom one last time.
Nov 8, 2020 12:27 AM

Dec 2018
Finally, the sad scene has come!
As usual, Jun Maeda is great when it come to this kind of scene. Great episode so far, I'm sure another more emotional episode will coming up soon.
Nov 8, 2020 12:55 AM

Jul 2019
EpicCh33se said:
Evidently, Hina is making Youta help people out with their personal problems. It's reminding me of Clannad and Little Busters, how Tomoya and Riki helped out the cast to accomplish something in the end.
And nice, the insert song is a vocal version of the first OST heard in EP 1. Also, after Youta doesn't confess, an upbeat version of the piano song is heard.

Grontan said:
Did you guys notice that at the last part Hina saying my heart is stirring (or sth like that) when she thinks youta is gonna confess again. Isn't it strange? I wonder your opinions on this.

I think people might be thinking that she likes Youta, but I think it has something to do with time shenanigans or prediction shenanigans. Not sure, but I don't think it's romantic.
I'm starting to think that Hina's powers aren't to predict, but to manipulate the world.



Yea, I don't think it's romance. It's probably related to what Hina means about "World's End". It may be Hina will die in 30 days or Hina will forced to go back in time in 30 days because of some reason we don't know yet.
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