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Oct 22, 2020 1:01 PM

Dec 2016

same menu as ihop
Sakura_megamiOct 22, 2020 1:11 PM
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Oct 22, 2020 1:16 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

Rose lead Lana to ihop, it was definitely one of the better places to eat in this city that was dedicated to training and protecting. ”They have so many good sweets here. I don’t know whether to get pancakes or waffles. Do you have an idea of what your getting?””
Oct 22, 2020 2:13 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

Enters with Rose and waits to be sited, then looks over at the menu while answering "Hmmm, not sure but breakfast for sure~ We can share the pancakes and waffles so you can get some of each if you like" Smiles

Oct 22, 2020 3:34 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

"That is a great idea Lana The two girls would be guided to a table by one of the waiters. They would be seated and given a menu. the waiter would ask if they wanted anything to drink to start off and Rose ask for an Oreo shake
Oct 22, 2020 6:04 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

Lana requested an orange juice, then looked back at the menu and said "Great, then I guess we are settle~ I'll ask for white eggs and turkey bacon as well, oh, and some fruits as well~" Smiles just thinking of the yummy food

Oct 22, 2020 6:10 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

"I will have mine with smoked sausage and scrambled eggs" The waiter came with their drinks and took their food order. "Do you have any hobbies like painting or singing?"
Oct 22, 2020 6:22 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

She order the food and then turn to Rose to answer her question "Not really, I guess I'm not different than Lanz. Hehe. But I like people, so I can adapt pretty quickly on thing if someone shows interest. What about you?" Smiles

Oct 22, 2020 6:29 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

Yeah you guys aren't that different, your just more honest with your feelings and more social ^.^ eventually the waiter would come with their food. "Ive done a lot including singing, dancing, painting, reading books. I don't mine showing you any if ur ever interested" ^.^
Oct 22, 2020 6:38 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

Lana giggle and said "I'm taking that as a compliment~" She then gasp when Rose said all the hobbies, she then nod and said "Yes, I'll love to see them~"

Oct 22, 2020 6:43 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

"Im sure I can get you into drawing for fun.. like a sip and paint with wine a nice scenery and trying to paint that scenery" She would take a bite of her sausage. The waiter would give Rose the pancakes and Lana the waffles. since they were sharing it didn't matter.
Oct 23, 2020 3:49 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

Soon the waiter arrived with their drinks and food. Lana made sure to exchange part if the waffle with her pancakes. Lana would giggle at Rose comment, then say "Sure, I'll give it a try~" She started to eat while smiling.

Oct 23, 2020 6:02 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

"Just remember the little people when you become a grand artist" she would giggle and try both her half of the waffle and her half of the pancakes. She was so satisfied with the food that her eyes were sparkling
Oct 23, 2020 6:38 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

She kept eating, first the eggs then the bacon then the pancakes and waffles and finally the fruits. Once she ate al that, she drank her juice and gasp in satisfaction. "Waa, that was really good~ Did you enjoyed yours?" Smiles

Oct 23, 2020 6:42 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

"Mhmm! It was all so good, but not as good as your company" Rose took the bill this time and paid for everything. "What should we do today?"
Oct 23, 2020 6:50 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

Lana smiled as she listen to Rose, then she gasped when Rose asked her what they should do next. She then said excited "The new ability! We should go try them out since Lanz should be able to summon his 3rd animal and we should be able to summon our 3rd fusion!~" She scream lowly in excitement

Oct 23, 2020 6:53 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

She would clap for Lana "I can't wait to see how it looks~
Oct 23, 2020 7:08 PM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

She giggle, then said "We can also see your new ability" Lana was also curious about it.

Oct 24, 2020 6:42 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

"Mhmm!! I am so excited. Lets go!" Since she had already paid, Rose grabbed Lana's hand and went back to the mansion.
Oct 25, 2020 8:47 AM

May 2009
Lana Brothood

Lana followed Rose with a smile and also excited.

Nov 12, 2020 6:26 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

Rose lead them to shop since it was close and the food would remain hot by the time they got home. "Im thinking of getting Turkey bacon, pancakes and eggs for Lana. Ill get smoked sausage, scrambled eggs and hash browns. maybe fruits too and two Oreo shakes. what do you want, Ill get the food for us."
Nov 12, 2020 6:42 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lanz entered with Rose after a horse ride, then Rose had an idea of what Lana would eat. He looked at the menu and said "I'll have scramble eggs with steak and fruit as well"

Nov 12, 2020 6:47 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

Rose Would put in the order for the food and pay for it. Now they just had to wait for it. ”do you play any sports lanz?” :3
Nov 12, 2020 6:50 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

He wonder and then answered "Well, I like to swim and hit the gym to lift weight."

Nov 12, 2020 6:54 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

”oh so that’s why you always go swimming in the morning. That’s pretty cool!” before long the food was ready. She would grab the bag and the two would head back to their house.
Nov 12, 2020 6:57 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Once the food was ready, he helped Rose carry their food and went to the house.

Nov 27, 2020 8:23 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mika led Morgan to shop where they got a table for two. He would order a strawberry lemonade along with pancakes, sausage, eggs and hash brown. "What got into you yesterday Morgan? I just don't understand"
Nov 27, 2020 8:28 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Mikaila lead them to a restaurant, where they got sited. Mikaila order food and a drink, but Morgan simply remain silent for now. Once the waiter left, Mikaila spoke. Morgan wasn't sure what to say, so he said "Do I have to say it?"

Nov 27, 2020 8:32 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”you don’t have to do anything, Morgan. You choose to do things. You can choose to leave things like this between us” he had a sad expression but he wasn’t going to let Morgan have his way, specially when he was acting the way he did last night
Nov 27, 2020 8:40 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan grunt frustrated, rub his hair with both of his hands, then said "Ah, why are you asking what got into me yesterday? You were well aware I was piss off and angry. What else you want me to say?"

Nov 27, 2020 8:42 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”yes and it is ok to be angry and frustrated but its not ok to take it out on me. I did nothing to you.
Nov 27, 2020 8:51 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan frown and said with a voice that was increasing in anger "I kept telling you to shut up cuz you kept saying stuff that made me more angry, but you just kept talkig"

Nov 27, 2020 8:58 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"I am always going to have something to say because I am my own person and you can't control me or my actions"
Nov 27, 2020 9:02 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan snap, stood up and bang his hands on the table. Then said "Fine, be your own person alone then" He left piss off, Mikaila wasn't able to do the one thing he was asking until he was calm. Morgan though it was selfish since there was stuff he did just for Mikaila's mood.

Nov 27, 2020 9:10 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila’s eyes watered when Morgan said he could be alone. That sounded like a break up which made his heart sink to the bottom. He wasn’t used to dealing with a person as aggressive as Morgan. He only wanted to talk about it so it could be squashed. His food eventually came, since he wasn’t hungry anymore he paid for it and gave it to the waitress
Nov 30, 2020 8:06 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila didn’t want to associate this place with bad memories so he decided to come here and hopefully the two could create a better memory here than the ones ones from before "let’s try this date again~ the food looks sooo good, I can’t wait to try it. The waiter would sit them in a booth and give them the menu. Mikaila immediately ordered a strawberry lemonade, hash browns, smoked sausage, and scrambled eggs. His food came with two pancakes.
Dec 1, 2020 4:37 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan entered with Mikaila, surprised that the man picked this place. He then understood why when Mikaila said he wanted to change the memory. Morgan smiled and nod. Once sited and given the menus, Mikaila order right away. Morgan would order a steak, scramble eggs and tots with orange juice. He then gave the menu back and told Mikaila "I'm glad to see you back to your usual self" Smiles

Dec 1, 2020 12:37 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"How can I not? I am here with the two things that make me the happiest. You and food~" Mikaila's eyes would sparkle as the food soon came and got put infront of them. "oh yeah, the first guy that was annoying did attack me, I am so getting him back'
Dec 1, 2020 7:55 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan chuckle hearing Mikaila speak about loving him and food. Then the food came while Mikaila spoke about another guy. Morgan would start to cut the steak while asking "Are you talking about the guy at the Festival?" He took a bit and ate it.

Dec 1, 2020 8:03 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

He would take some bites of his hash browns and eggs than reply, He attacked me on the last day we were here, right before I got into the dorm building. Damn brat.. I’ll show him” he got agitated for a second but since there was food in front of him. He would soon go back to enjoying his food.
Dec 1, 2020 8:06 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan kept eating as he heard Mikaila cursed at the guy. Morgan would reply after he swallow the bite "How are we going to find him?" He then resume to cut a piece of the steak and eat it together with a portion of the eggs.

Dec 1, 2020 8:11 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”idk.. hmm if I was an idiot, where would I be. He’s probably chasing after girls since he obviously doesn’t have one and wants one” he continued to eat his sasuke eggs and hash brown as he thought were he would find girls
Dec 1, 2020 8:16 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Honestly, Morgan wasn't really enjoying the talk. First Mikaila mentions a guy and then that he wants to find him. He sigh exhale after he swallow the bite, then said "Right... Wasn't enough that I used my ability on the guy for revenge? Do we have to find him again?" He waited for an answer instead of keep eating.

Dec 1, 2020 8:22 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”i mean your right. If he comes and bothers us then we have to get him good. No using that ability though, we can’t have the school convict us of a crime”
Dec 1, 2020 8:27 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan nod in agreement, then said "In my defense, I initially didn't use it but he got way out of line. But, your revenge, we will do it your way" He smirk and kept eating.

Dec 1, 2020 8:31 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”mhm! I’ll figure something out eventually” he would continue to eat his food. He finished his hash browns, eggs and sausage and was to full to eat the pancakes. He was just going to take them to go
Dec 1, 2020 8:33 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Mikaila stop eating first, getting full before eating the pancakes. Once Morgan finished his food, he would ask Mikaila "Um, could I eat one of the pancakes?"

Dec 1, 2020 8:36 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”you can have them both, I am super full. It doesn’t taste the same ones it gets cold” he would pass them to Morgan along with the syrup
Dec 1, 2020 8:39 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He nod and said while he grab the plate and pulled it closer to him "Thanks" He actually didn't used the syrup, but spread the butter on top between the pancakes and then started to cut small pieces and eat it.

Dec 1, 2020 8:42 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

He should have figured that Morgan wouldn’t use the syrup, he leaned back as he thought about what an idiot he was.
Dec 1, 2020 8:46 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Once Morgan was done eating, he would say "They are good, no wonder why you ask for them. To bad you got full and weren't able to eat them" He drank his juice, then continue on saying "So, what else would you like to do? I guess we can do the mission tomorrow, I want to give you another night to sleep"

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