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May 2, 2020 9:14 PM
Apr 2020
My heart hurts 😭 I can’t wrap my head around it like whyyyyyyy did it had to be this way, I still loved it. The ending will have you in tears. I’m happy that she finally got the chance to be see colors. I still hoped some how the they all would have reunited in the future but nope🥺.
May 7, 2020 6:06 AM
Sep 2016
disappointed ending . I want to see future yuito and the member of the club. well 10/10 for animation and music. story 8/10
May 16, 2020 11:43 AM
May 2017
I was disappointed by the ending. I get that the purpose of the granny sending her grandkid back in time was for her to be able to see colors, but I think it's a bit mean to send her back in time to fall in love just to rip the two apart from each other. I would think my grandma was an asshole if she did that to me. They could have at least shown the two reunited even if the dude is old now (and maybe the dude has his own wife and grandkids now too), but they don't even show any of the characters and you have no idea if they're even alive or dead. They show a grave at the end but it's implied during the episode that the grave is her mom's grave.
May 26, 2020 5:49 AM

Mar 2020
10/10 from me, I'm waiting for an OVA since I think the ending should has a closure episode or meet up episode.
Jun 7, 2020 2:50 AM

Nov 2013
This was a really nice anime!
Morale of the story, time is only precious because it’s limited... I really felt that with this anime, especially with the last few episodes.

Irozuku wasn’t perfect, there were a lot of plot points that I wanted addressing — the yellow fish, more backstory with the mother, more backstory with Yuito, also the romance bits seemed at times contrived. However, they did the execution of the ending quite well, I’m glad she went back to her own time after gaining some valuable life changing memories with her friends.

I’m a bit sad we didn’t get to see the old members in the future, perhaps they all passed away which was why she visited a grave, which is quite a shame. I also wish we saw a scene of her trying to reconcile with her mother.

But all in all, pretty good!
Jun 14, 2020 3:33 PM

May 2019
It was great when Kohaku said that it all was in the destiny because she received Hitomi when she was young, the typical time paradox.

Because if not, what she did would be CRIMINAL. Send her granddaughter to the past without her consent.

Im just sad for Yuto who died virgin and drawing for kids.

But by his personality, he would stay that way even if never met Hitomi, and giving up of drawing.

The craziest thing is that all the club members and Kohaku probably keep the friendship for life and was paying attention when hitomi was born, but they knew they could not interfere to try to bring more joy to Hitomi's childhood.
Rob7Jun 14, 2020 6:44 PM
Jul 16, 2020 10:36 PM
May 2020
Rorek said:
Asagi&Shou and Kurumi&Chigusa Granddaughter
are you sure about that?
Aug 2, 2020 1:12 PM
Oct 2016
Rorek said:
Asagi&Shou and Kurumi&Chigusa Granddaughter

had to go back to ep1 because they looked familiar and sure enough
Aug 12, 2020 7:10 PM

Sep 2016
Disappointed because they didn't even try to meet again in 2078.
(No, in fact they should've been around her since she was born. Imagine the twist, all the familiar faces she met since she was little were the friends she made back then...)

That's the least they could've done.

The most would've been Hitomi traveling back and forth for a while to visit (let's say once a year), since she has huge magic capability (walking on water without magic powder in super early episodes, etc).

Them separating like that and never seeing each other again is more than sad. Catastrophic.
Kohaku is basically the only one getting to see her again. It's unfair.

The scene with the mutual love confession followed by the irreversible, absolute, farewell, is devastating. It reminded me of a certain scene of Mawaru Penguindrum. Fuck. I have to not cry ;_;

Still gave 8/10 because I'm weak against this shit.
With a proper reunion it would've been a 10.
FullyChargedAug 12, 2020 7:23 PM
Aug 25, 2020 9:14 PM

Aug 2018
bittersweet as expected.
I aways absorb the sadness over the happiness on this kind of thing, so i don't like it a whole lot, but i would recommend this!
Even if it makes you sad, still good. I think.
I think I don't know wtf I'm doing. Maybe. Probably.

Sep 16, 2020 6:53 PM
Apr 2020
I see that there is a genre of romance and drama, does the MC and heroin at the end stay together or separate?
Sep 19, 2020 11:03 AM

Nov 2009
Fantastic finale, Made the journey worth it in the end. 6/10
Sep 27, 2020 4:16 PM

Mar 2018
As far as the grave Hitomi visited, I interpreted it in that when Hitomi would discuss her mother in Ep.8 and how she was the first in the family line who couldn't use magic but Hitomi grew up to develop skills in magic and how she 'left' her was metaphor for her committing suicide because she felt she failed her family after discovering her own daughter could use magic but this may be a slight reach considering she phrases it more as if she moved away and kinda wouldn't make too much sense considering she would most likely be happy to see her daughter develop in magic although one could argue she was overcome with doubts of her own being if she couldn't do magic and her daughter could, potentially suffering from a lack of belonging due to that realization

I'd like to think the show has a lot more impact interpreting it in that way as it makes the trauma that Hitomi was experiencing that much heavier
Celest__Sep 27, 2020 8:03 PM
Oct 16, 2020 7:18 AM

Jun 2013
I did like the ending, it didn't feel sad to me... Lots left for imagination as well.
Really liked this series, would be in my extended favourites if I'd ever made one. Hitomi was so cute! The animation was beautiful as well.
9/10 :)
~Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him!~
Oct 28, 2020 11:18 AM
Aug 2020
Anyone else cry like a baby when they showed the author of the book she could see in color? 😭😭😭
Nov 21, 2020 11:51 PM

Apr 2020
So that's why Hitomi can't see colors because she doesn't have feelings of happiness, when she feels happy, she can see colors.

And now I wonder how Aoi looked when he is old
Nov 24, 2020 2:09 PM

May 2013
Wow... What a bittersweet ending, I expected as much, but it still hit the mark.
Dec 31, 2020 12:33 AM
Jul 2020
I want season 2 arghhh
Jan 17, 2021 1:15 PM

Apr 2012
Solid finale for a solid show.

When I remember Nagi I definitely feel a shorter format streamlined the drama, everything was tight and focused here, more efficient if you will. Good stuff.
Jan 28, 2021 9:53 AM
Jan 2021
Lelouch0202 said:
Good finale, ended the way I expected it to but with a little sudden dramatic turn of events in the middle which I personally thought was unneeded.

Watching everyone say goodbye to Hitomi was sad but I think the real emotional part was Hitomi's reunion with her grandmother Kohaku who was finally able to open up to her about everything. The narration of the picture book that Yuito wrote was extremely well done especially the ending with "What color am I?" part was quite emotional.

I wish there was more time spent in the montage of Hitomi learning to live her life in the future and I would've loved more stuff with the old gang meeting a young Hitomi like that one shot of Yuto giving little Hitomi his picture book. Anyway, it was a good way to end the show.

Overall, it was a pretty good show. The premise of the series showed great promise on paper, the idea of an introverted depressed girl travelling back in time to rediscover the joy of life sounds like something that would feel really rewarding and uplifting to watch but unfortunately I think that turned out to be my biggest problem with the show , I expected a different side of the show to be in the limelight, something more like what this episode was about to be the major focus of the entire series but unfortunately this element was downplayed a fair bit. It's not the show's problem but my mistake having expected another 3-Gatsu no Lion. I suppose my biggest issue is that the parts that I really wanted to see were kinda scattered in the middle of regular high school drama which didn't exactly have the greatest execution. It wasn't bad but perhaps it could've been better in the sense of showcasing how Hitomi grows as a character instead of how it's just narrated in the finale. The visual presentation was absolutely fantastic, P.A. Works outdid themselves with the visuals. The characters were good, Kohaku carried this show more for me than Hitomi which may not entirely be a good thing because of what the premise is. However, all said and done this is still a pretty good show.

which episode that has thr one shot of yuito and little hitomi? I think i missed it :(
Mar 7, 2021 11:59 AM
Dec 2018
I believe he is talking about the scene that was talked about here;
Mar 21, 2021 8:56 AM

Jun 2015
i knew it, that guy was hitomi grandfather xD
Apr 19, 2021 10:46 PM
Jan 2021
Trash Anime nadeah
Jan 11, 2022 9:04 AM
Jan 2021
Good ending, but it wasn't enough for me. :( I'm a sucker for epilogues. I always want to have a canon ending for us, and not something open ended. You'd think they'd do like, a small get together to celebrate Hitomi returning to the present and we'd see the club members and their family. Though, it seems her two classmates are the grandkids of the two couples, it still would have been nice to see the club members on screen.

I'm on the side of the grave being Yuito's. Her mother was said to run away, and Hitomi said she would go find her with Kohaku. If her mother was dead, I don't think it would only be Hitomi visiting the grave. But if it was Yuito, it would make sense for her to be doing a solo visit. As Kohaku most likely knows where his grave is (club members were probably still pretty close friends as they got old, since she would have been invited to his funeral (Kohaku could have asked Sho, who would have been there 100% as a childhood friend of Yuito), and let Hitomi go by herself for privacy.

Otherwise, if Yuito was still alive, Hitomi probably would have tried to visit him to see what he has drawn over the last 60 years, aside from the penguin book.
Apr 11, 2022 10:03 PM

May 2018
I love this, such a beautiful ending. To think that Yuito was already helping her in her childhood, surprised me. I was happy and sad with the ending, and without a doubt I really love this.
May 8, 2022 11:06 PM
May 2022
I just watched this anime, and I found it really relatable and enjoyable. Finding the colors of emotions through positive times is very important, and remembering these feelings makes life meaningful. I bawled like a child the last episode especially with the picture book. I wish she could meet all of her past friends but it has been 60 in the future when she returns. I thought it was brilliant.
I am super happy that Hitomi started reaching out to her classmates and even joined a school club. I also cried when she visited a grave, which I am assuming was Aoi's grave. I like how it was open ended for interpretation as well.
Needless to say this was one of the best anime that I have watched in a minute. I felt so many emotions. I laughed, I cried, and I also gained a feeling of hope in the world. The world is so dark, but anime really brings in color.
Jul 1, 2022 12:12 PM
Dec 2021
Fantastic anime. I really loved aio and the MC.
Jul 15, 2022 2:32 PM

Jun 2020
Karan00072 said:

Grandma Kohaku level 77. So sweet yet funny xD

Is that suppose to represent the grandma's age?
Sep 25, 2022 8:19 PM
Feb 2022
i see a lot of people made it all the way to the end and hated the entire series. i guess people are all very different and like different things.

i started watching anime late in life with close to no interest because i wanted to learn japanese and i heard it will help a lot (it does).

i never imagined id get drawn into experiences like this that are so full of art and emotion. im not the kind of person who was into art and photography courses growing up. quite the opposite. there wasnt a whole lot in this for me to relate to.

still, i absolutely loved it. im even okay with how it ended. i was blown away by everything in this, the art, the sound, the music, the story, and the characters, all the way from the start. for that reason to me it is a masterpiece. 10/10
Oct 16, 2022 3:09 AM

Dec 2014
The ending got me thinking about grandma's frustration of not being able to save her daughter which she clearly expressed regretting.
She was not skilled enough or had the time (wait for 60y) to gather quality ingredients.
Further the moment when her grand-daughter express her desire to look for her mother together felt heart warming.

Nov 30, 2022 10:57 PM

Oct 2022
I really loved the ending, the picture book was a excellent goodbye letter for Hitomi, the only thing I would want is to have a glimpse at what all their lives are now, it would be nice, but either way I still give this series an 8/10

Dec 27, 2022 12:39 PM
Mar 2021
A lot of people think the ending is good, but I see it differently, I just cried the entire last episode, couldn't it have just stayed there?  or be sent back?  she lost all her friends within a few seconds and her love and the fact that yuito is no longer alive in her time breaks my heart i wanted them to get together they are so cute together i want a 2 season an ovr or a movie  no matter what but let Hitomi come back and that she gets together with Yuito this confession of the two that they love each other and what the other gave everything for the other it can't end they have to get together so please P.A.  Works grants us this wish 😩
Mar 7, 2023 1:33 AM
Nov 2020
jujur bagus sih anime dengan tema cinta dan waktu, terus hati yang tergerak karena seorang perempuan buta warna yang akhirnya bisa melihat warna karena menemukan seniman yang tepat
Mar 7, 2023 1:34 AM
Nov 2020
jujur bagus sih anime dengan tema cinta dan waktu, terus hati yang tergerak karena seorang perempuan buta warna yang akhirnya bisa melihat warna karena menemukan seniman yang tepat
Jun 7, 2023 9:20 AM
Nov 2022
the best anime, best story, best animation, really good at expressing enotions and capturing moments
Jul 31, 2023 1:01 AM
Jul 2023
I really liked this show. I teared up a bit during the this episode, but I cried way too many times this series. I wasn’t expecting this to be so sad. But I wish we got a bit more of Hitomi’s present day/future. I’d say the show ended well, I wouldn’t be opposed to another season if they’d expand on her in school in color, falling for Aoi's grandson maybe? Either way I loved it. Definitely was a bit of a slow burn, but I finished it in one day.
Aug 3, 2023 8:26 AM

Feb 2019
A pretty good ending to a pretty good anime.

I'm glad we got a confession. Almost thought we weren't going to get it for a while there.

One thing I'm disappointed about is we didn't get to see everyone in the future meeting Hitomi again. Like a short scene where they all gather together at Kohaku's house for a reunion on the day they knew she was going to go to the future and back would've been really nice. Would've loved to see if Shou x Asagi and Kurumi x Chigusa happened, especially the former. And I assume the letters Asagi mentioned were somewhere in the time capsule, but it would've been nice to see that too. Like letters Asagi wrote over the years.

And whose grave is that? It's probably not her mom's, and from her tears and just from the story it really points towards Yuito... it's so sad that he died before he could meet Hitomi again ;-;

And looks like Kohaku married the guy from the magic bookstore. Kind of saw it coming. Was expecting some sort of reaction from Hitomi when she met him for the first time in the past, but the fact that the scene even exists is quite a tell. Just interesting.

Also saw the Yuito storybook coming from when she said there was a special storybook that she loved when she was little (and I think she mentioned that she could see colours only in it?).

Overall 7/10. Felt like some things could be better, and sometimes it just misses the mark a bit from where it's trying to hit emotionally but it was overall enjoyable.
Aug 18, 2023 3:31 AM
Aug 2023
ALYOU55EFAug 20, 2023 1:38 AM
Dec 2, 2023 6:06 PM

Nov 2022
Should've at least had a goodbye kiss but overall this anime been too damn good. Hitomi going back is basically an eternal loop that is meant to happen for Hitomi to see colours. Love the concept!
Dec 25, 2023 4:30 PM
May 2021
bagusss sangad asli
May 6, 2024 7:59 PM
Aug 2023
Honestly this anime teaches us about redemption when going back to the past before she was born and met her young grandma make memories friends and fall in love and found colors in her vision of a colorless world 8/10 it was a wholesome happy and sad anime and don't want another season I am fine with how it ended with her going back to school and reforming the club with new friends.
donovaneme89May 6, 2024 8:02 PM
Jun 23, 2024 11:21 AM

Feb 2020
Seems like a fitting ending. Bittersweet.
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Aug 3, 2024 9:02 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Cried a lot throughout the last episode ;_;
Sep 27, 2024 5:43 AM

Jun 2020

I don't remember anything about the plot, but I remember that I didn't cry when I watched it for the first time, so I re-watch everything with zero expectations and, hell, now I cried a lot. I already watched the last episode few days ago because I was curious and I cried, now I can finally truly watch it and I cried again. Totally heartwarming and bittersweet.

The story theme and concept, the animation's compositions, and the music... everything about this anime is just simply beautiful.

So, about this last episode. I think Hitomi visited Yuito's grave and not her mother's grave. To remember that they can't even meet in the future... that's sad as heck (gosh I may cry again). Kohaku's husband aka Hitomi's grandfather might me that guy from Yanagidou's Magic Bookstore since he looks similar.

I'm giving it a solid 7/10 at first, but now it got 7.5/10 from me. Though, I'll increase it to 8/10 with the plus point from the nostalgic feelings I got while re-watching it. I adore it.
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