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May 12, 2020 12:26 AM
Jun 2014
watanoharaya said:
You might be right but I’m inclined to believe her message means more. Suetsugu is no careless author and if I were her and two fans messaged me one talking about Arata and the other about Chiharata, I would have answered only the 1st if I wanted to just acknowledge TEAMARATA instead of acknowledging the second's message and telling them to wait and see.

Hmm, but if she's not careless as you say, then why would she reveal such a thing where anybody can see it? Kinda risky, no?

I'm not sure my answer ca be any interesting..I feel different from you guys, i'm reading "Suetsugu Yuki's story" nothing more.

Well, I found it very interesting. It's always good to have a variety of point of views... so please keep 'em coming...

I'm not expectant of anything, I most probably don't wish for a certain course of the story, i'm just reading it, I like what I like and I hate what I hate.
Taichi's drama is a bit too much but the manga overall is so entertaining, and Suetsugu Yuki's Arata is very interesting, my most favorite element in her creaction, I say this because I don't try to impose my wishes upon how Suetsugu consructs him, I rather receive him the way he is, look at him however he is and wait to see where things are going.

So you don't feel that Sensei has kept him very restricted when it comes to interacting with others? For example, Mizusawa members... I would have loved to see some positive interaction between them, considering he's a childhood friend of Tai-Chi and one of the best players of the game they all love... There was a scene where Arata hands the box of sweets Taichi left to crying Chihaya and Mizusawa members are curiously looking. It would have been nice to see them sharing the contents of box with each other and interacting a bit... and Arata consoling Chihaya... Oh well...

I couldn't recognize Arata in his 1st match against Taichi either because he felt different from what I understood about him before but I was willing to wait patiently to see and with the third match I realized that it was still the same Arata experiencing a new thing and his final conclusion about this experience was very satisfying and IN CHARACTER.

Do you think Arata in the third match was somewhat 'real' Arata, one who's not possessed by his grandpa, cause Murao and others kept commenting that they've never seen him like that. Even Suo mentioned it during their second match... although, he might be playing mind games...

My point: I don't expect more focus on Arata than usual in what's to come... maybe some other important moments that will remain in the memory but nothing long or detailed like Taichi for example, because Arata was never supposed to be like Taichi.

With only 25 or so chapters remaining, I'd rather Arata have bit more screentime than before, sorting out his grandpa issue, coming to Tokyo, spending some quality time with Chihaya, and of course, their magical rematch...

Let’s be fair, Chihaya isn’t the only one being cold to the other, Arata is, too, preoccupied with himself, he remembers Chihaya just as little as she him.

Yes, of course, Arata is not blameless. He never bothered to tell her why he never replied to her messages (maybe that's why she stopped sending them). Even after finding out Tai-Chi are not dating he only sent one text to her. Two if you count 'I made a team', but it also included Taichi. I already mentioned it took 200 chapters for him to give her a call. So, just two texts and one phone call since they reunited (almost 3 years)! Also when he visited Harada-sensei recently for practice, he didn't bother to tell Tai-Chi. You know there's a scene where his mom (or dad) asks him if he's staying in contact with his Tokyo friends and they might forget him if he doesn't. And he replies 'I don't think they would.' To that, his dad tells him 'You got a phone, might as well use it.' But as we know, he hardly ever did... It just occurred to me that he never wished Taichi on his B'day and neither have Tai-Chi ever wished Arata... what kind of friends are these? Haha.

I mentioned Chihaya because I find some of her current behavior towards him puzzling. After Taichi left, the pain she went through made her more considerate towards others. We see her being very caring towards her teammates, and who can forget her emotional hug to Hyoro. Even before all that, she was already being very mindful of Taichi. So considering all that, her being oblivious to Arata's outburst and 5-0 loss feels very odd. One could say that she was preoccupied with Taichi, but it has continued in the later chapters also. Her being clueless about what's bothering him during (3rd year) Individual matches, her one-sided support to Taichi during challengers, bragging about defeating him on TV, and when he called her on new year, first thing she blurts out is 'you lost to Shinobu'. Look how her expression changes when he mentions his recent losses were to Taichi and her. It's as if she's perplexed about why is he still talking about that 6-month-old loss? It didn't seem to occur to her that those losses might have hurt him? All this doesn't make sense to me, because she was always considerate towards him in the past. I hope I'm not the only one puzzled by this.

Arata & Chihaya are star crossed lovers but they need a bridge/ a magpie/ a kasassagi to be able to communicate; That is Taichi. Maybe that bridge also starts to form from Chihaya's side, so she must be in good terms with it.

I thought their bridge was Karuta! And if they can't communicate without Taichi-the-magpie, how will their relationship work? Or is it only until Tai-Chi fix their problems?

Whether we like it or not, Chihaya will need to restore her relationship with Taichi 1st to be able to "look" at her true feelings … Taichi is like family and if you think that you destroyed your family, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy your love until that family is back to normal… Thus, I wouldn't be surprised if we get more Taichi x Chihaya moments until everything between them is back to normal, when that happens I’ll start waiting to see what Suetsugu will write about Chiharata.

I don't have any problem with Chihaya x Taichi moments as long it doesn't turn romantic, which I guess you are not worried about. So I'm gonna ask you the same as I asked Mashima-kun, please share what you're seeing that we pessimists are not able to. So we could stop worrying :)

I said i will wait for Arata’s issue to be addressed and for me, it might also include resolving his situation with Chihaya, it's a possibility, because he might start to apply that lesson “let go and fight” for her that he was persistently confronted with for some reason; So he surely realized he is far from her but did Arata ever give up on something he wanted even if he is clumsy and awkward, I think he is someone who does something about his issues real fast, So he might be the one to take that role, I have no idea but I am not worried of anything.

I hope seeing Chihaya running out crying will wake him up. His expression does suggest so. Sometimes I wish he would focus on Chihaya as he has plenty of time to get Meijin title... but then he challenged Suo, so...

You see this any different from how Chihaya and Taichi always were?

Well, not from Taichi's side but Chihaya's... our pessimistic minds (and countless Taichi fans) see it as Chihaya developing (romantic?) feelings for him and pining for him...

The last page from the Chihayafuru Chuugakusei-hen?
I think that's where I saw it, if i'm right, it's not an official illustration and it's not canon for me.

Thanks. If it's not canon, then I guess I won't bother with it. Those Illustrations were beautiful though...
AvishMay 21, 2020 1:58 AM
May 12, 2020 2:14 AM
Jun 2014
Hananofuru said:
Another thing is something I remembered reading in one of sensei's interviews about the trio "when one takes action, the other 2 don't know what to do" or smth along those lines. Considering how Arata was the one missing first, Chihaya's thoughts were on him. Now that Taichi is gone, I guess it's his turn to catch Chihaya's track of thoughts.

But it's not fair to Arata... If Sensei wanted to make him suffer like Taichi did, she should have given him more time with Chihaya. She barely lets them spend few moments together and now that Chihaya is missing Taichi, she's ignoring Arata even during those precious few moments they get to spend. Poor guy.

He became the person he wanted to be, he became acknowledged by Arata, now only Chihaya is left.

About this, you know Chihaya has been trying to reach out to him, but he keeps shutting her out. I didn't like how he treated her during qualifiers. Either he just ignored her or cut her off rudely. And she just takes it. Poor girl.

Speaking of future events has it been mentioned if Taichi will study med abroad? or in Tokyo?

I don't even remember where manga mentions him wanting to study med. haha

and yes Chihaya and Arata would play karuta a lot lol. You know I imagined the other day a crazy scenario where Arata moves to Tokyo and Chihaya with him so they can split the rent lmao fun karuta times.

Nice topic for fan-fic ;)

And well Taichi be the Satou-san (I believe that was the name of Master Wataya's rival) for Arata.

But how will he find time if he becomes a doctor?

Ahhh I really wanna see the Chihaya/Arata rematch!

Me too. I'm still pissed at their previous one. Sensei can be very cruel sometimes... haha.

It's from the middleschool manga, it's the ending of the whole thing. I don't think it's sensei art though.

Nice! Thank you for the images. I checked the wiki and it is Sensei's art. Is it available anywhere in English? I'd like to read Arata's volume you mentioned.
AvishMay 12, 2020 7:18 AM
May 12, 2020 2:31 AM
Jun 2014
Hananofuru said:
Sorry for the spam but I just thought about something. I don't know if any of you felt off when Misuzawa won 5-0 against Fujioka, I was very thrown off the result. But now I think I know why Chihaya had to win against Arata, I think it's because it shows from early point that Chihaya is able to beat Shinobu. We have been discussing if she'd win against her or not in the queen matches, I think we all can see her winning 2 matches but some see her losing the last match. With her win against Arata it shows that if Chihaya focus then she can be able to beat Shinobu, considering Arata is stronger than her, and if Chihaya "empties herself" she can be very strong, another hint of this was her match against Sudo in the tournament after the meijin/queen matches in S3. I think the foreshadowing exists, and tbh it'd be weird for me to have end the manga with a timeskip and saying "yeah Chihaya lost to Shinobu that one time but she became queen years later".

Nah. I hated it when she won like that against Arata. What's the point if you can't even remember how you won? That didn't stop her from bragging about it on TV though. Haha

I keep forgetting asking you... about poem 43 you mentioned before... you said it's the only poem left now for Ara-Chi... but I'm not able to recall where in the manga it was used... can you elaborate on its significance?
AvishMay 12, 2020 7:07 AM
May 12, 2020 3:51 AM

Nov 2018
    Sorry cause I can't answer about everything for now but This!!
    Avish said:
    I noticed Sensei likes to create parallels

    None spoke about it before so I thought i'm the only one who noticed..
    I believe it's a very importnat aspect of this manga that can even allow us to predict the future IF WE CAN UNDERSTAND THESE PARALLELS WELL
    but it's not that easy I know, we only know for now that most of these parallels are used to make Taichi and Arata go through similar situations (or rather even if different we can still feel the similarity and seeing one scene makes us think of other one)

    If it's Arata's turn to be "developed" then can we expect to see Arata in some spots where Taichi was before?
    What can these Taichi moments be in your opinion guys?

    Hananofuru said:
    Sorry for the spam but I just thought about something. I don't know if any of you felt off when Misuzawa won 5-0 against Fujioka, I was very thrown off the result. But now I think I know why Chihaya had to win against Arata, I think it's because it shows from early point that Chihaya is able to beat Shinobu. We have been discussing if she'd win against her or not in the queen matches, I think we all can see her winning 2 matches but some see her losing the last match. With her win against Arata it shows that if Chihaya focus then she can be able to beat Shinobu, considering Arata is stronger than her, and if Chihaya "empties herself" she can be very strong, another hint of this was her match against Sudo in the tournament after the meijin/queen matches in S3. I think the foreshadowing exists, and tbh it'd be weird for me to have end the manga with a timeskip and saying "yeah Chihaya lost to Shinobu that one time but she became queen years later".

    Don't worry about "spamming" ... this was my initial thought about this thread, I wanted it to be a place where I can leave my thoughts, remarks, reminders etc... everything on my mind, even quoting things from anywhere on the net and commenting on it the way I see it if I don't want to discuss it with the original posters (happens a lot, I find things I strongly disagree with but I know arguing with those who thought it is just useless)
    So feel totaly free to leave here anything you want while it's related to Arata and chihayafuru, this is the home for it all!!

    For what you said, it makes sense, personally I wasn't upset with the result of the team because I see things the way Arata's teacher does: it's conceited to think they should have won, it's looking down on those teams that are older, worked longer and harder...Fujioka did really great by arriving there alone the result doesn't matter...
    Chihaya's match vs Arata is what felt weird to me too, well no, I would have thought it was normal if they didn't keep saying that Arata is his usual self because he wasn't, Arata was pained and alienated he was concentrating on making his opponent see him instead of playing his usual way...
    Still they kept saying that, dunno if it's because they couldn't really see Arata's feelings (as he is very good at concealing them) or the author really meant that his play was usual and here i'm surprised and I fail to see this intention.
    As for Chihaya, I believe it's as you said, Arata's 18 cards difference with Taichi imo serves a same purpose, She is strong, very strong, she gets swept sometimes by different feelings, but when she concentrates, she is is a monster (Arata's demon state is also a state where his concentration is at its sharpest, I believe that was the strongest Arata ever)
    Chihaya forgetting about the details of playing Arata imo is a weird excuse to ask for the re-match (that I still think will be around the end of the manga)

    Avish said:
    I checked the wiki and it is Sensei's art.

    Really? I doesn't look like hers, and I thought that whole manga was drawn by someone else, sensei only drew some illustrations which were the four covers?

May 12, 2020 9:18 AM

Jan 2020
I'm glad sensei answers some chiharata/arata fans tweet. Did you guys see that she tweeted a present from a chiharata fan the other day?

I saw it.
She also retweeted this for Arata's birthday:

Avish said:
Hmm, but if she's not careless as you say, then why would she reveal such a thing where anybody can see it? Kinda risky, no?

She did not reveal anything.
You said she only acknowledged the "Arata" part and I said she is promising even chiharata moments.
What I meant is:
when she sends signals, she knows what will be understood from them, she acknowledged both Arata and Chiharata fans which imo means she is telling both parties that more is coming (and it's what happened, more Arata and more Chiharata moments even if you say they are not satisfying for you, they still are there),
At the same time her message never meant "chiharata will be end game" so no revelation whatsover. Just "keep reading Arata and Chiharata fans cause I'll draw more panels about both that you should enjoy."
Even though, I feel more than that, but let me not jump the gun.

Hananofuru said:
I wish I could see things the way you do! but I guess I'm too biased to look at it that way. Well I shall respect sensei's decision of the love triangle, whatever it is, it's her story after all.
Avish said:
please share what you're seeing that we pessimists are not able to. So we could stop worrying :)

Not sure how to pass it to you sorry, I think it's because FOR ME these are facts:
1) No "romance" is intended in Chihayafuru, if a couple is decided, their romance will have Kana/Koman's shape which is almost shapeless.
2) Chiharata is the canon "couple" wanted by the author till the end but their "romance" won't be the focus either, them bonding over karuta rather is.
3) Taichi's love is his main role but it is meant to stay unrequited and for him to grow up alongside it.
4) Chihaya's feelings for Taichi are non romantic but very strong and should be acknowledged for what they are.
5) The trio will progress together.
Avish said:
I thought their bridge was Karuta! And if they can't communicate without Taichi-the-magpie, how will their relationship work? Or is it only until Tai-Chi fix their problems?

6) (Arata[karuta]Chihaya) isn't the main combination in Chihayafuru, Arata and Chihaya had that "special" moment for both only one time at the start when he taught Chihaya about karuta. That might be continued in their re-match and if they ever end up together and become one they will have those "intimate" moments more often and that will be after everything is roselved with Taichi who can finally lead his own untroubled parallel life (And let me remind you that Chihaya thought that their kasassagi is the phone and Arata thought it was something else but none said it was "karuta".)
The real combination that took over the whole manga is (Karuta: Chihaya[Taichi]Arata) : Two chasing their karuta dream and a third who is filling the voids in their paths while growing himself. Until their relationships are good, there won't be any official Chiharata, but after that I believe the moments you all wish for will come (if the author ever intends to get there).

Avish said:
I hope seeing Chihaya running out crying will wake him up.

For a sec, I rather imagined him coming to see her but found her in Taichi's arms comforting her, he then gets back inside, loses his two next matches and before the last match, Taichi who realizes what's going on, fixes things and then I came back to reality and preferred to keep my eyes on what Suetsugu is writing (see? even when I let myself imagine: it's all based on "Chiharata-end is a fact")

Avish said:
Well, not from Taichi's side but Chihaya's... our pessimistic minds (and countless Taichi fans) see it as Chihaya developing (romantic?) feelings for him and pining for him...

That's exactly why I can't pass my "optimism" to you guys, because I believe all of you up until a certain point all believed in point (2) above and suddenly, you started to doubt it because of THINGS I CANNOT SEE.

Yes Chihaya cried bitterly for Taichi, she sent him "SE", she couldn't see Arata in front of her until she saw Tachi, she lost track of Chiha, she was ok if Chiha is not there as long as Taichi is there, she "blushed??" in frustration cause she wanted to take care of Taichi herself but was occupied, She saw his illusion in the shrine before her most important moment towards her dream, what else?
and so what?
This was the way Chihaya always felt towards Taichi, he was always close so she took him for granted and never had the chance to show this care before, now that she knows he is very troubled and that SHE IS THE REASON behind it, how can she not feel so desperate?
Chihaya is such a caring person, very caring, even Shinobu that she barely know, her thoughts are no longer "defeat Shinobu to become queen" they are all about: "I want to be with Shinobu on the top where she is lonely", I want to save Shinobu like Arata did to Taichi...
In my own dictionary, Taichi is like her "duty" and Arata is her "selfish desire", how can a person like Chihaya abandon her duty for her desire, she cannot.

Hananofuru said:
I'm conflicted about the spin off ........

I only read some parts, I don't consider it canon and it doesn't add up to the main story an doesn't affect the next events so i'm not interested, sorry if this doesn't help.

Hananofuru said:
I just wish he got as much as panel time as Taichi.

He was never supposed to I believe, Arata is not Taichi.
Taichi's bare feelings are all over the place because he is an over-thinking character.
Arata on the other hand is a character who is quiet and doesn't share much, he is supposed to be mysterious and reserved, most his feelings are concealed, he reacts mostly by just staring, imagine "more scenes" where Arata acts like himself (stares a lot) ...
Suetsugu will need to change him or make him ordinary so that he fits the need to "appear a lot" and Arata will no longer be Arata I suppose; Or maybe it's just me...

Hananofuru said:
tbh it'd be weird for me to have end the manga with a timeskip and saying "yeah Chihaya lost to Shinobu that one time but she became queen years later".

you mean like in the movie?
I don't think this will happen. the author can write even a great loss, she only needs to decide that it's the end. I mean she can write "weird" things, but those, she comes back to them and explains them later. but when it's an end, I don't think she will make anything unconvincing.

May 12, 2020 10:10 AM

Feb 2019
(the third page @Avish lol), glad to see such a rich discussion!!
Welcome fellow Chiharata shipper @hananofuru (hanano-chan?) and welcome back Hayama-Mizuki and Sweetangie *waves*

Taichi-kun, you are not the only one believe me but we have needed passion to still come back and try to participate right? (We love you this much Arata honey (แด— อœส– แด—) )
(By the way, you forgot to mention re-doing the topics with Unicode titles and the crediting in the Gallery lolol)
Aaaand Taichi’s obsession lol : let me teach you Hanano-chan, I learnt my lesson and I started to follow any example he uses (lol), I usually quote his replies๏ƒ delete the Quote tag๏ƒ  modify the content๏ƒ  and post it aaand TADAAAA xD (see me do that in this post too lol)

@Avish, I visited Mangafox sometimes but I wasn’t invested in chihayafuru as I am now so I saw some things yes but I wasn’t a part of it.

Someone mentioned Sumere chan?
Hey there, I’m another Sumere fan too ok? add me to the list!!!
She is not my most favorite but I definitely see her the way you do and I admire her! I also am interested in Tamaru … something makes me compare these two with Taichi… I think the fact that most of us (if not all) agree that they were annoying at first and we all cannot deny their efforts and the difference between how they were and how they are now makes them different from Taichi? because for Taichi, I got the feeling that I was ordered to sympathize with and support him from the start, his mistakes and legit criticizable actions, I was obliged to look away from them and focus instead on the excuses I read everywhere, while Tamaru and Sumere are different, I got plenty of time and right to express my annoyance with them and none stopped me or disagreed, and then little by little, their own actions and efforts were the reason I started to look at them differently and NOT the sadness and emotions pushed on me from every side where everyone in their way tried to emotionally black-mail me… I mean, let me stop here before I go somewhere unnecessary …

Chapter 25:

ONE: Taichi, you said it before me, for some reason “Me” is always there in these big matches, I remember for example:

- ch134: Taichi’s 1st take from Arata in their match.
- ch172: when Arata was trying to leave the old him & the room, “Me” was highlighted in his match vs Shinobu and he won by taking it.
- ch218: “Me” was the first card read in the queen/Meijin tournament and it was taken simultaneously from Arata & Chihaya by their opponents. Chihaya lost her 1st match but she thought the reason of her loss was exactly because she couldn’t take “Me”.
-and now ch225: Chihaya lost her second match by losing “Me”

Why is this, I wonder …
“me” is a poem about meeting an old friend who leaves right away, like an old friend you cannot reach for some reason…

Who else remembered what Taichi said in his confession about hating the Chihaya who is thinking about Arata when he saw their illusion in the shrine? Did he or did he not turn his eyes away from the scene: there was a happy-looking Chihaya standing next to Arata, he maybe knows that that’s how Chihaya will become next to Arata, and he said before that he hate it … the Chihaya who thought about Arata was most of the time a Happy Chihaya and Taichi said he hated that.. was he able to look at that happiness and feel less bothered with it now? How much did he grow…


Taichi-kun you are right, it’s like Chihaya lost the queen title because she lost 2 matches out of three, but will Shinobu’s request in her path to become professional save her rival too?
I really don’t know who I want to win but I believe both are capable, and Hanano-chan, that might be exactly the purpose of those scenes, lot of fans might object Chihaya's victory if it comes just like that, so the author needs to back her decision with something.
The world where only sound counts, @TaichiMashima_ you said something about it and that conference right? correct me if i forgot something but you said that Suetsugu-after talking about the meaning of the poems and all- said that focusing on these details means losing tthe match because it interferes with reacting directly to the sound and that the strongest karuta is played where only the sound counts? if I didn't misunderstand anything, this feels like empty-Chihaya that Sudou said "sound resonates better in empty spaces) (this sounds fun: empty-Chihaya vs demon-Arata lol)

And Arata… did anyone else feel like he was shocked that Chihaya lost? is it because he thinks that his and Chihaya’s chances to win are similar and if she is losing it means he too is in danger?
Or is it related to what Chihaya did when she lost earlier, when she averted her eyes from him? if he picked on what Chihaya was feeling, he should know that now she wouldn’t afford to look at him even more … can he be afraid of that?

How is his match..still leading despite the reader being Yamashiro-san … is Suo not motivated really? He was very happy when he knew she will read, he would have made an effort for her at least …
This makes me believe that Suo was really expecting something from Arata but Arata disappointed him, maybe he really wanted demon-Arata to defeat him …
And what was that “I will move the cards” then “No, I won’t move them”? was he about to make an effort to fight back but he gave up when he saw his aunt? did seeing her discourage him instead?

Wow!! so many things to wonder about, it’s really amazing when a character is mysteriously handled, when his matches are cut and his feelings are hidden (Both Arata & Suo are a bit alike here), he fills your mind with questions and theories …like Taichi-kun said before: I’m also on the edge of my seat! I can’t wait for the next chapter!!!
(And Taichi-kun, did you notice that new “stares & ellipses” moment? Arata was staring at Suo as if he was looking at his soul, I really hope he figures things for himself and that he doesn’t rely on Taichi’s message to deal with Suo)

Avish wondered about whether Arata can win in his demon state, I believe he can! Suo’s games with Harada sensei were close, Arata was also close with him, and with the demonization, his powers were even sharper so Arata can really and believably defeat Suo imo.

Most Chiharata poems are shared by Taichihaya:
This is something I noticed too but i wasn’t really bothered with it either because the way I see it is how Taichi-kun explained it… even though I think “Ai mite no” will never be used for Taichihaya … it’s that special happiness that happens once in your life to make you feel like a new person like Suetsugu explained more than one time before, Chihaya already went through that change because of knowing she is loved by Arata so I don’t think she will feel like a new person AGAIN …but let’s see.
Speaking about “Ai mite no”, in a recent tweet (on April 29), Suetsugu sensei was revising the poems talking about “meeting again /wanting to meet again” and she motioned poems (Wabi 20; Ara/za 56; kimi ga tame/o: 50; Sumi no e:18; Nanishi: 25 ; Naniwa/ga: 19) and then she said (After all I think my favorite is always Ai mite no).

Arata is the embodiment of "Chihayaburu'
This, I can’t argue with but my views are pretty much similar to Taichi-kun’s (wew dude, why? do we share same mind or something? or because we share same MBTI? xD) … Arata is mainly related to Se & Chiha, but Chiha is used for several ideas throughout the story and now it took another message to convey....

Arata's appearnce:
I’m also worried and uneasy but I don’t want Arata to have more screen time because I think one of the things that drew me to him was his mysteriousness and the constant longing to him, when he appears, his appearance to me is worth 10 volumes of Taichi’s appearance, that he has “QUALITY APPEARANCE” if I can say, so yes even now i wish for his “quality screen time” to be back because we are seeing him in ordinary and simple moments that don’t fit what we know and are used to about him, he is shown like Komano or nishida or even many of Taichi’s ordinary scenes and they don’t fit Arata.

The cards symbolism & our worries:
This is mainly about Chihaya's focus on Taichi and the queen over her past preoccupation with Arata right?
For some reason, I think Chiha is very related to what's going on with Chihaya, but I will need to look at all the data you guys shared about it thank you very much!
Wataya-kun, Im looking forward to read more about the poems in the Comic book & Taichi-kun, I want to see that comic book too if it's possible?

I think there is nothing we can do apart from waiting the author and what she plans but guessing is fun, you hear that Taichiiiiii :D

I also second Wataya kun’s remark, this part is very interesting:
MashimaTaichi_ said:
But as iNameless said, “Se” might be the special poem.
It is not related to the game of Karuta specifically, it’s rather about meeting again, wishing to meet again, asking to meet again etc, this is the first card Chihaya ever took from Arata (Notice that she kept wishing to see/meet him for a long time after that),
After Taichi left, Chihaya sent a message to him telling him about qualifying for the nationals and that the last card read was “SE”, Taichi explained that the meaning wanted there was “Asking fate for a chance to meet again” …Chihaya wanted to meet Taichi again, she was preoccupied with the desire to meet but this time, it’s Taichi not Arata,
Until her match with Arata who took back that card from her (he targeted it desperately), with the card gone from her to Arata again, Taichi came back and her wish was fulfilled,
Now I believe Arata is the one to miss Chihaya and feel lonely.
and as @watanoharaya remarked before, these three cards weren’t placed on some old & recent covers unintentionally: Arata’s card (11), Chihaya’s card (17) and “SE” …My guess is that “Se” will appear a lot in the future or be used in a significant Chiharata moment.

It makes so much sense and if it’s true, it means, there would be another important moment between Arata & Chihaya where SE is again involved… maybe in a match were both will react after hearing “se” but then they will smile when they realize it’s a dead card and the missing thing should end there because they can finally connect
(Here I go too, creating my own fanfiction like You Hanano-chan and Wataya-kun, but honestly Wataya-kun, yours is full of drama for an optimistic person like you haha but I enjoyed both ^^)

… Taichi being the bridge … I have been having this feeling since Taichi came back and Chihaya finally saw Arata, she then said: “I can play Karuta with Arata again” as if she wasn’t playing him few minutes ago, that passion came back with Taichi…
even the cover Hanano chan asked about made me get that feeling too, Taichi as a reader, can Chihaya & Arata play without a reader? no match no Karuta between these two without a reader (ofc, there is a way, but where the trio is concerned, they will progress together and Taichi will be a bridge between the two)
This sits well with my logic ..............
May 12, 2020 10:20 AM

Feb 2019

By the way, there is another set of Ayumi chan's chiharata fan arts that i will try to post in the Gallery, please go see them they are wonderful, and if you can, visit the artist's account and show them some love (if you can I repeat ^^)

May 12, 2020 11:19 AM

Feb 2019

I'll share these here because I find them interesting, the first post is by Taichi-kun (you know you should add this to "worth a read" because it is imo
and the second is by a fellow member in Aratafuru, she is not with us here to share it herself...


May 12, 2020 1:09 PM

Jul 2012
iNameless_ said:
(the third page @Avish lol), glad to see such a rich discussion!!
Welcome fellow Chiharata shipper @hananofuru (hanano-chan?) and welcome back Hayama-Mizuki and Sweetangie *waves*

Hi @iNameless_! Thank you! We have such an interesting discussion here! I hope that after Chihayafuru manga/ anime ends we’ll still find something to analyze and discuss.^^

… Taichi being the bridge … I have been having this feeling since Taichi came back and Chihaya finally saw Arata, she then said: “I can play Karuta with Arata again” as if she wasn’t playing him few minutes ago, that passion came back with Taichi…
even the cover Hanano chan asked about made me get that feeling too, Taichi as a reader, can Chihaya & Arata play without a reader? no match no Karuta between these two without a reader (ofc, there is a way, but where the trio is concerned, they will progress together and Taichi will be a bridge between the two)
This sits well with my logic ..............

Taichi being the bridge is a good point! It made me remember the scene where they were children: Chihaya fought with Taichi for calling her ugly and collided with Arata. I love how her playful mood changed to serious right after she met eyes with Arata. So it’s like Taichi pushed Chihaya to meet Him. Many boys tend to insult the girls they love in order to look cool in front of their classmates. These jokes costed a lot for Taichi.

The way Chihaya won the match with Arata could be the only possibility for Chihaya to win. She was 100% concentrated on the game without noticing her opponent. It was a team match where she had to win without Taichi as a member. She was left alone without his support and had to focus on herself. If she noticed Arata from the beginning, she would lose, because of her feelings to him. Even if she got distracted by Taichi at the end, she already had taken enough of cards from Arata to lead. It was a relief for me that she did realize who she was playing with in the last seconds.
It’s intriguing that Chihaya defeated both Taichi and Arata in official matches. Luck was on her side in both cases. However, Chihaya never had luck in the games with Shinobu so far. Only Chihaya’s hard work can give results when she plays with her.
May 12, 2020 2:32 PM

Apr 2020
I'm so happy the thread has a lot to discuss off! Let's hope we arrive at 5 pages hehe. This might be long so maybe I'll have to split into 2.


But it's not fair to Arata... If Sensei wanted to make him suffer like Taichi did, she should have given him more time with Chihaya. She barely lets them spend few moments together and now that Chihaya is missing Taichi, she's ignoring Arata even during those precious few moments they get to spend. Poor guy.

Going by the analysis by the others in this conversation it would be a bit ooc for Arata's character to have been suffer in the same way as Taichi. Since Taichi is a more dramatic character. And I guess that's true but I still want some moments with him and Chihaya.

About this, you know Chihaya has been trying to reach out to him, but he keeps shutting her out. I didn't like how he treated her during qualifiers. Either he just ignored her or cut her off rudely. And she just takes it. Poor girl.

Their relationship is awkward atm and neither of them want to address the confession or just other things get in the way. Sensei really likes to delay stuff...I still wish we hadn't had this subplot of him not being in this moment for Chihaya considering he cares about her.

I don't even remember where manga mentions him wanting to study med. haha

It has though? in the manga there are a lot of conversations about him following his father's steps, since his dad is a doctor and his grandfather is the director of a hospital. I can't remember the exact chapters though

But how will he find time if he becomes a doctor?

Dr. Harada did it though.

Nice! Thank you for the images. I checked the wiki and it is Sensei's art. Is it available anywhere in English? I'd like to read Arata's volume you mentioned.

Not in english but I can post a link to the spin off in the other thread.

Nah. I hated it when she won like that against Arata. What's the point if you can't even remember how you won? That didn't stop her from bragging about it on TV though. Haha

I keep forgetting asking you... about poem 43 you mentioned before... you said it's the only poem left now for Ara-Chi... but I'm not able to recall where in the manga it was used... can you elaborate on its significance?

Like I said earlier sensei likes to keep the reader expecting stuff, we all wanted to see a match about Chihaya and Arata but maybe sensei only has 1 chance to do it properly, so having Chihaya distacted was the way to say "not now, there is smth better coming. But now it's not the time". This is a fearful thought but I see this the same way as Sensei maybe making Taichi's rejection ambiguos (as if it was really Chihaya who said "sorry" or was just the Chihaya in Taichi's mind). About her bragging on TV I don't remember that but if she did I think at the time she was buildign her "confident persona" influenced by Inokuma and Watarai, like her creating her social media account. That's how I see it.

Poem 43 was adressed after Arata's confession, it was brought up by Kana when she saw Chihaya looking at the white dove in episode 15. There is also the karuta card with them and that poem has it (the picture is in the club gallery) As for the significance I think Kana words it better than I so you should check that scene ^^ (I could explain but my english is pretty basic and I'm afraid I can't find the words) but it's a love poem that it's one of sensei's favorite as mentioned by watanoharaya in the next replies.

None spoke about it before so I thought i'm the only one who noticed..
I believe it's a very importnat aspect of this manga that can even allow us to predict the future IF WE CAN UNDERSTAND THESE PARALLELS WELL
but it's not that easy I know, we only know for now that most of these parallels are used to make Taichi and Arata go through similar situations (or rather even if different we can still feel the similarity and seeing one scene makes us think of other one)

If it's Arata's turn to be "developed" then can we expect to see Arata in some spots where Taichi was before?
What can these Taichi moments be in your opinion guys?

The parallel between Taichi and Arata is something I saw coming. Chihaya's "core" for me it's 2 people like I think Taichi's mom? said one: Taichi and Arata. She loves both boys, but in different lights. When one of them is absent, she craves for them. Arata was gone, she misses him, Taichi is gone, she misses him. Both are part of their life and the only difference is that with Arata is more of a romantic feelings, isntead of Taichi who I see more of a sibling love since they have known each other since childhood (earlier than Arata). However I think us trying to decipher the true meaning of those parallel is exactly what sensei wants, and any author. Because a scene can be interpretated in different ways I guess authors can change their mind quickly about the resolution because the build up of one of those choices is there without compromising.

I'm not sure if exactly Taichi's moments because the parallels of Taichi have been paralleling Arata. The first thing that comes to my mind is the "we'll meet a match" present Arata leaves to both in season 1.

For what you said, it makes sense, personally I wasn't upset with the result of the team because I see things the way Arata's teacher does: it's conceited to think they should have won, it's looking down on those teams that are older, worked longer and harder...Fujioka did really great by arriving there alone the result doesn't matter...

True. A team world is an entire different world than individual karuta. Arata did good but unfortunately he didn't had the same luck (or was it fate?) than Misuzawa. If you think about Misuzawa is a pretty solid team, you have a passionate Ace in Chihaya, a great leader in Taichi, an strategist in Komano, "the rock" Nishida who you can rely on to get a win, Kanade the emotional support whose knowledge in the poems helps the other get more associated with the cards. I know Sakurazawa-sensei has talked about Chihaya and Taichi but I wanted to praise the others members too.

Chihaya forgetting about the details of playing Arata imo is a weird excuse to ask for the re-match (that I still think will be around the end of the manga)

Lol I guess but at least there will be a rematch!

Really? I doesn't look like hers, and I thought that whole manga was drawn by someone else, sensei only drew some illustrations which were the four covers?

I'm pretty sure it's not drawn by Sensei. The art style looks very different.


For a sec, I rather imagined him coming to see her but found her in Taichi's arms comforting her, he then gets back inside, loses his two next matches and before the last match, Taichi who realizes what's going on, fixes things and then I came back to reality and preferred to keep my eyes on what Suetsugu is writing (see? even when I let myself imagine: it's all based on "Chiharata-end is a fact")

If Arata were to see the 2 hugging I would honestly cry lol it's just that I can almost feel the Taichihaya fans celebrating and saying it's over for chiharata. I don't want Arata to see that, I know he is strong and will accept Chihaya's decision but that's just too cruel to the guy who has been the most sincere and straightforward about his feelings in the manga.

He was never supposed to I believe, Arata is not Taichi.
Taichi's bare feelings are all over the place because he is an over-thinking character.
Arata on the other hand is a character who is quiet and doesn't share much, he is supposed to be mysterious and reserved, most his feelings are concealed, he reacts mostly by just staring, imagine "more scenes" where Arata acts like himself (stares a lot) ...
Suetsugu will need to change him or make him ordinary so that he fits the need to "appear a lot" and Arata will no longer be Arata I suppose; Or maybe it's just me...

That's true...they are both very different characters and Taichi's is more vocal and emotional.

you mean like in the movie?
I don't think this will happen. the author can write even a great loss, she only needs to decide that it's the end. I mean she can write "weird" things, but those, she comes back to them and explains them later. but when it's an end, I don't think she will make anything unconvincing.

Never watched the LA but I've heard that it ends in an open ending but this is me so I'd like to see the match where Chihaya wins.


Aaaand Taichi’s obsession lol : let me teach you Hanano-chan, I learnt my lesson and I started to follow any example he uses (lol), I usually quote his replies๏ƒ delete the Quote tag๏ƒ  modify the content๏ƒ  and post it aaand TADAAAA xD (see me do that in this post too lol)

lol so far the only pain has been the quote button that asks you the name of the person and the message. I think it's faster just writing [ quote ] but otherwise it saves a lot of time in other aspects. I just wish the replying boxes where bigger...

All hail Sumire! I'm glad she is not hated anymore. And Tamaru is also a very interesting character, I wish the other 3rd years got the same amount of develop but there is no time, gotta focus in our main trio haha

My problem with Taichi's character, and especially in the anime since it exaggerates all his scenes, is that a lot of them are the same, him just mopping. People telling how selfless he is, how much bad luck he has, trying to set him with Chihaya, him being jealous of Arata, crying. All the same during 3 seasons. Even with his whole "villain" persona he went back "let's feel sorry for Taichi, he is such a good boy who deserves the world" when he fought against Harada-sensei in the last qualifier. Idk, it's just...I'm tired of all the focus being on him lmao

Who else remembered what Taichi said in his confession about hating the Chihaya who is thinking about Arata when he saw their illusion in the shrine? Did he or did he not turn his eyes away from the scene: there was a happy-looking Chihaya standing next to Arata, he maybe knows that that’s how Chihaya will become next to Arata, and he said before that he hate it … the Chihaya who thought about Arata was most of the time a Happy Chihaya and Taichi said he hated that.. was he able to look at that happiness and feel less bothered with it now? How much did he grow…Who else remembered what Taichi said in his confession about hating the Chihaya who is thinking about Arata when he saw their illusion in the shrine? Did he or did he not turn his eyes away from the scene: there was a happy-looking Chihaya standing next to Arata, he maybe knows that that’s how Chihaya will become next to Arata, and he said before that he hate it … the Chihaya who thought about Arata was most of the time a Happy Chihaya and Taichi said he hated that.. was he able to look at that happiness and feel less bothered with it now? How much did he grow…

tbh I never thought of that part of his confession in that scene, right now all I can feel about that scene was that discussion about Taichi still believing Chihaya will be happy with just Arata only, and that there is no place for him where the other 2 are in his eyes.

And Arata… did anyone else feel like he was shocked that Chihaya lost? is it because he thinks that his and Chihaya’s chances to win are similar and if she is losing it means he too is in danger?
Or is it related to what Chihaya did when she lost earlier, when she averted her eyes from him? if he picked on what Chihaya was feeling, he should know that now she wouldn’t afford to look at him even more … can he be afraid of that?

When he called her before he was confident the 2 of them would win. But then again right now Idk when Arata is himself or when he is his grandpa! (remembering the "is it really the time to be worrying about others?") please sensei can we just address the whole grandpa deal already...right now I want Arata to lose a match but let's see how sensei executes that and by what motive.

This makes me believe that Suo was really expecting something from Arata but Arata disappointed him, maybe he really wanted demon-Arata to defeat him …
And what was that “I will move the cards” then “No, I won’t move them”? was he about to make an effort to fight back but he gave up when he saw his aunt? did seeing her discourage him instead?

I think he kinda admited he was disappointed and wanted demon Arata. As for the moving cards it has been talked in other places and it's pretty much that before he was willing to do nasty tricks like this and make the opponent commit faults but when he saw Yukiko-chan he decided to play the honest way, he prolly remembered her words and how she wanted him to be.

Ai mite and Kaze sagi are the 2 only Chihaya/Arata poems I think. The others have been shared with the Taichi/Chihaya ship.

I might edit this if I'm missing smth (wow so much to talk about)

May 12, 2020 2:52 PM

Apr 2020
Ok so I read everyone's replies and I wanted to separate this and talk about Taichi "being the bridge between Chihaya and Arata" and that reminded me of something.

Have you guys heard or read about the summer triangle? the summer triangle talks about the starts vega and altair, as we know Chihaya and Arata have a poem about this.

From the wiki:

The Summer Triangle is an astronomical asterism in the northern celestial hemisphere. The defining vertices of this imaginary triangle are at Altair, Deneb, and Vega, each of which is the brightest star of its constellation (Aquila, Cygnus, and Lyra, respectively).

So far we have been hinted that Arata would be Altair, Chihaya as Vega and we have one left: Deneb, the missing peace of the triangle, which would be: Taichi.

I was reading another manga with a love triangle and the author used the summer triangle as a base. I also watched another analysis in which said that Deneb was "observer" star and also in some tales Deneb is the one who makes the reunion between Orihime and Hikoboshi happen. I think all you have say about Taichi being the one to connect Chihaya and Arata applies to this.

From this article:

Deneb was thought to mark the location of the bridge across the Milky Way like a stepping-stone.

And from here:

When the time came for her to see him again, she ran to the Milky Way, but she found out that she could not cross. A flock of magpies heard her crying and came to see what was the matter, when Orihime told them what happened they made a bridge for her so she could cross and see Hikoboshi. The flock of magpies are represented by the star Deneb to commemorate their act of valor.

There is also another potential hint about this though I haven't verified it. Remember I talked about the light novels? I haven't read them but I have found some pics, and one of those include Taichi in a date with his ex-girlfriend with a telescope, presumibly watching the stars. Could it be the author coincidentally included Taichi looking at the summer triangle?

We also have the anime making Arata looking at the night sky, that has the constellation in the same episode the kaze sagi poem is brought up. The pic is taken from an edit from the tumblr user churrocigar

The post is here

I actually find this new connection to the characters and Tanabata, to Taichi fascinating. I don't know if it's 100% something sensei attempted but it's very fitting. What do you guys think?
May 13, 2020 2:43 PM

Jan 2020
Hayama-Mizuki said:
So it’s like Taichi pushed Chihaya to meet Him

Nice catch of that scene, it really fits the image in my head.

The way Chihaya won the match with Arata

Arata can be a cause of distraction to her if she didn't empty herself from him, she probably wouldn't have won that special match, her last match as a team.

Hananofuru said:
as Sensei maybe making Taichi's rejection ambiguos (as if it was really Chihaya who said "sorry" or was just the Chihaya in Taichi's mind).

Why do everyone say this? Chihaya's rejection was clearer than water.

Chihaya bragging on TV about her win against Arata

She did ONCE.
it was something she needed to use to make her statements about wining Shinobu worthy to be heard, everyone would have only laughed at her if she didn't have that record. About whether Arata would have felt pain because of it or not, I believe he wouldn't have.
Arata is not Taichi, and Chihaya knows it and knows that he rather reacts like this to challenges:

he doesn't get depressed, he gets angry & fired up!
She is a considerate person please believe this, and she wouldn't have done that if she wasn't sure it won't affect him negatively (just like when Taichi lost to Arata, she was worried but she kept playing him very seriously because she was afraid if she goes easy on him, he will be upset)

the only poem left now for Ara-Chi
Hananofuru said:
Ai mite and Kaze sagi are the 2 only Chihaya/Arata poems I think. The others have been shared with the Taichi/Chihaya ship.

Poem 18: "Su".
Another poem used for Chiharata that I don't remember was used for Tai/chihaya.
Kaze sagi? you probably made some typo? because I don't recognize this poem...


We should then consider Taichi's scenes and how they might be used with Arata?

If Arata were to see the 2 hugging I would honestly cry lol it's just that I can almost feel the Taichihaya fans celebrating and saying it's over for chiharata. I don't want Arata to see that, I know he is strong and will accept Chihaya's decision but that's just too cruel to the guy who has been the most sincere and straightforward about his feelings in the manga.

Who cares what Taichihaya fans think??
I mean isn't it nice to be laughed at and then things turn around at the end?
I would love to see a bit of drama, I want Arata to feel in a tight spot where Chihaya's feelings are concerned and I want him to act very differently from how Taichi acted because he always did and I always was proud.
Anyway, might sound like a sad fanfiction but in my head with more details, it's a nice story I promise.

My problem with Taichi's character, and especially in the anime since it exaggerates all his scenes, is that a lot of them are the same, him just mopping. People telling how selfless he is, how much bad luck he has, trying to set him with Chihaya, him being jealous of Arata, crying. All the same during 3 seasons. Even with his whole "villain" persona he went back "let's feel sorry for Taichi, he is such a good boy who deserves the world" when he fought against Harada-sensei in the last qualifier. Idk, it's just...I'm tired of all the focus being on him lmao.

Not "your problem", it's OUR problem ไน( โฐอก ฤนฬฏ โฐอก ) ใ„

right now I want Arata to lose a match

Don't worry, he will.
Maybe two consecutive losses too.
Next reader should be Kur-kuzuryu? (what was his name again?)
How is Arata with his reading I wonder
and after that, it should be Kyoko tan again...
There was a certain focus on the readers at the start, Kuzuryu specifically, I wonder if one of them will cause one of the player's win/loss... Kyoko doesn't seem to help Suo much now, will things be different in the 4th match?

he was willing to do nasty tricks like this and make the opponent commit faults but when he saw Yukiko-chan he decided to play the honest way

Moving the cards and placing them in some ways to win is also an honest karuta if it's done legally and the opponent sees and knows it. that's what Chihaya have been doing.
Unless it's a 1st step to other tricky moves then maybe even though the way he averted his eyes from his aunt makes me doubt it.
and I want to see Suo using his tricks as much as he can against Arata, I want to see how Arata will react to it because for me and looking back at his match against Taichi, I see that Taichi lost because of two factors:
1) The stamina.
2) He relied mainly on mind tricks, all Arata needed to defeat that was calmness and he had a hard time to regain focus because Taichi was a friend but in Suo's case, he can stay totally relaxed right?

the summer triangle?

I heard of it, poem 6 talks about it, Chihaya and Arata were compared to Orihime & Hikoboshi, Chihaya thought that the Daneb (bridge) is a phone, Arata said it's something else but didn't say what else, we fans assumed it was karuta but .......
Daneb was a bull in the Chinese version of the story (read it, it's sweet: HERE)
Deneb sounds like "Karuta" here, Altair was left with nothing but the bull, it's like Arata who has nothing but karuta and it's thanks to that that he could become something.
The music can be the "karuta" too and Daneb could be Taichi, Daneb was given a power to save that relationship by Vega herself. so it's like he is a savior from her side but who is also an old friend of Altair, Taichi can fit that role.

Remember I talked about the light novels? I haven't read them but I have found some pics, and one of those include Taichi in a date with his ex-girlfriend with a telescope, presumibly watching the stars. Could it be the author coincidentally included Taichi looking at the summer triangle?

Can I see the rest of the images? have the link if possible? because that's definitely Suetsugu's art style!!
And maybe yes, he looks at the two stars and whether he needs to go patch them together ...but we can really not confirm these things.

"kaze sagi" ! never mind my question about it, you mean "Kasassagi" it's poem 6. and yes, this makes them 3 poems (43-6-18)

May 13, 2020 4:35 PM

Apr 2020
Why do everyone say this? Chihaya's rejection was clearer than water.

I thought so too when I read the manga, but the anime gave the possibility. In the end we can't really push aside the possibility, because as a love triangle, it needs to be dragged until the end with giving hope to both sides. I still think the 3 words she said were "gomen ne, Taichi"

Poem 18: "Su".
Another poem used for Chiharata that I don't remember was used for Tai/chihaya.
Kaze sagi? you probably made some typo? because I don't recognize this poem...

Yes it's the kasassagi poem, my bad. I still have a hard time memorizing all the poems hehe ^^' oh when was Su used for them? I think it has been also used for Taichi/Chihaya, I have seen lots of taichihaya use that poem but maybe it was never really brought up for a scene, the only thing I remember was Taichi telling Chihaya not to lose any of the S cards in the challenger matches.

Who cares what Taichihaya fans think??
I mean isn't it nice to be laughed at and then things turn around at the end?
I would love to see a bit of drama, I want Arata to feel in a tight spot where Chihaya's feelings are concerned and I want him to act very differently from how Taichi acted because he always did and I always was proud.
Anyway, might sound like a sad fanfiction but in my head with more details, it's a nice story I promise.

Lol mind tell me all the details? personally I have been always been one to care about other's opinions, I still have to work on that.
Don't worry, he will.
Maybe two consecutive losses too.
Next reader should be Kur-kuzuryu? (what was his name again?)
How is Arata with his reading I wonder
and after that, it should be Kyoko tan again...
There was a certain focus on the readers at the start, Kuzuryu specifically, I wonder if one of them will cause one of the player's win/loss... Kyoko doesn't seem to help Suo much now, will things be different in the 4th match?

I could have sworn Kuzuryuu was a woman! maybe they are a guy, honestly idk. All we know is that Chihaya has been interested in that. We have been told they haven't been reading since 10 years I think? and what Kana and Desk collected was from years ago, so maybe both Arata and Suo will have some difficulties.Yes, it's also puzzling to me that Suo is losing with Yamashiro, I hope we can get back to that match to see why.
Moving the cards and placing them in some ways to win is also an honest karuta if it's done legally and the opponent sees and knows it. that's what Chihaya have been doing.
Unless it's a 1st step to other tricky moves then maybe even though the way he averted his eyes from his aunt makes me doubt it.
and I want to see Suo using his tricks as much as he can against Arata, I want to see how Arata will react to it because for me and looking back at his match against Taichi, I see that Taichi lost because of two factors:
1) The stamina.
2) He relied mainly on mind tricks, all Arata needed to defeat that was calmness and he had a hard time to regain focus because Taichi was a friend but in Suo's case, he can stay totally relaxed right?

Moving the cards is allowed but I think Taichi says Suo does that to annoy his opponent and he was in the middle of using some of his tricks. And I agree with your reasons of why Taichi lost, mainly stamina and how Suo said that the real him didn't play like Suo.
Daneb was a bull in the Chinese version of the story (read it, it's sweet: HERE)
Deneb sounds like "Karuta" here, Altair was left with nothing but the bull, it's like Arata who has nothing but karuta and it's thanks to that that he could become something.
The music can be the "karuta" too and Daneb could be Taichi, Daneb was given a power to save that relationship by Vega herself. so it's like he is a savior from her side but who is also an old friend of Altair, Taichi can fit that role.

A sweet read indeed! interesting to read this portrayal of the story. My favorite part was the explicit analogy of the milky way to a "river" and how the tatsuta river might be a reference to that. It brings back the Chiha poem to also be meaning for Chihaya->Arata, one of its many uses in the story. I still believe Taichi as Deneb who will unite them, how so? I'm not sure yet! but maybe Taichi won't do anything explicit, rather than coincidentically, like how when he was kid the fact they all isolated Arata brought him to Chihaya.
Can I see the rest of the images? have the link if possible? because that's definitely Suetsugu's art style!!
And maybe yes, he looks at the two stars and whether he needs to go patch them together ...but we can really not confirm these things.

It's just speculation on my part, but the pics help to feed that train of thought lol so far only the first novel has been translated. I have been looking for all of them but I only found a site with broken links since it was from 2013. As for the pics, I got them from an album in a Chihayafuru russian fansite. Here is the link:

I would like to ask a japanese fan if they can summarize the second to last novels. I'd really like to see if Taichi was looking at the summer triangle or not.

May 14, 2020 3:44 AM
Jun 2014
@watanoharaya san, I really envy your conviction... I tend to overthink and worry... no wonder I'm already turning grey... haha

And let me remind you that Chihaya thought that their kasassagi is the phone and Arata thought it was something else but none said it was "karuta".

Yes, I remember, but, isn't it safe to assume Arata was alluding to Karuta? Cause I doubt he was thinking Taichi... and I'm not denying your theory, just wondering what Arata might have meant...

For a sec, I rather imagined him coming to see her but found her in Taichi's arms comforting her

This is spooky, I imagined the exact scenario... but mine went blank after that... haha
And he has already witnessed similar scene when Chihaya cried on Taichi's chest, but we don't hear his thoughts... so dunno how much it bothered him... if it did...

She is a considerate person please believe this, and she wouldn't have done that if she wasn't sure it won't affect him negatively

Yes, I understand why she did it and I know she is a considerate and kind person, but, she also tends to be oblivious about things... and I'm not so sure she knows the current Arata that well... I remember a scene when Arata lost in qualifiers (1st year) and Chihaya is staring at his number on her phone and thinking, "Arata, how do you feel? Do you feel frustrated? There're so many questions I want to ask you..." and more recently, she imagined Arata smiling after he lost to Shinobu, but the reality was totally opposite...

Poem 18: "Su". Another poem used for Chiharata that I don't remember was used for Tai/chihaya.

I think that was the poem Taichi showed Chihaya when she was struggling against Momo during challengers...

Poem 43 was adressed after Arata's confession, it was brought up by Kana when she saw Chihaya looking at the white dove in episode 15. There is also the karuta card with them and that poem has it (the picture is in the club gallery) As for the significance I think Kana words it better than I so you should check that scene ^^ (I could explain but my english is pretty basic and I'm afraid I can't find the words) but it's a love poem that it's one of sensei's favorite as mentioned by watanoharaya in the next replies.

@Hananofuru san, yes, thank you. That was a beautiful scene. And @iNameless_ san touched upon its significance in her post... so no worries.

@MashimaTaichi_ kun, parallels... let's see... we've had a 'coward' parallel, 'I made a team' parallel, 'we'll meet in a match' parallel, 'black cards' parallel, 'Chihayaburu' parallel... I'm sure there are more... and what might Arata go through now which Taichi has gone through... hmm... he might get rejected? Hahaha... I dunno... I can't think of anything... what about you?
AvishMay 14, 2020 3:58 AM
May 14, 2020 7:14 AM

Jul 2012
Hananofuru said:
Why do everyone say this? Chihaya's rejection was clearer than water.

I thought so too when I read the manga, but the anime gave the possibility. In the end we can't really push aside the possibility, because as a love triangle, it needs to be dragged until the end with giving hope to both sides. I still think the 3 words she said were "gomen ne, Taichi"

Chihaya’s rejection was clear before this conversation: it happened when it turned out that she had to kiss Taichi after she won the competition. Chihaya was unpleased and quickly challenged him to play another match instead. The face she made clearly shows that she doesn’t want to kiss him at all. I didn’t pay attention at this scene when I was reading the manga. In anime it was even more obvious. Taichi noticed it and it led him to this depressive talk.

Yes, Chihaya definately said "Gomen" . She was shocked from two things: the confession of Taichi and realization that Arata's words meant proposal. That's why she lost her voice. She was truly sorry that she didn't understand both Taichi and Arata.
May 14, 2020 10:47 AM

Apr 2020
Hayama-Mizuki said:
Hananofuru said:

I thought so too when I read the manga, but the anime gave the possibility. In the end we can't really push aside the possibility, because as a love triangle, it needs to be dragged until the end with giving hope to both sides. I still think the 3 words she said were "gomen ne, Taichi"

Chihaya’s rejection was clear before this conversation: it happened when it turned out that she had to kiss Taichi after she won the competition. Chihaya was unpleased and quickly challenged him to play another match instead. The face she made clearly shows that she doesn’t want to kiss him at all. I didn’t pay attention at this scene when I was reading the manga. In anime it was even more obvious. Taichi noticed it and it led him to this depressive talk.

Yes, Chihaya definately said "Gomen" . She was shocked from two things: the confession of Taichi and realization that Arata's words meant proposal. That's why she lost her voice. She was truly sorry that she didn't understand both Taichi and Arata.

I don't think it was that Chihaya didn't want to kiss him, she just wasn't thinking about the kiss and the meaning of her winning at all, she was just being competetive. Besides Chihaya is quite considerate of Taichi's feelings, after him leaving the club even more.
May 14, 2020 11:45 PM

Jul 2012
@Hananofuru, if it was about Arata, she would think about it. I'm sure!
May 18, 2020 3:56 AM

Nov 2018

So I unlocked it, I couldn't help myself because if this isn't a new hint for the pessimistic fellow fans here, I don't know what is!
Remember the illustration sensei drew few days ago about how our Chihayafuru heroes lives their lives during quarantine? And she drew one about Taichi and Chihaya? (go to the news thread for details)

Today she drew 4 more ones, and one of them as I expected is about Arata.
He was on video chat with Chihaya who was surprised cause he is using smart phone (lol) (And not his pink phone xD)

You know what's the difference between the two illustrations:

Taichi said he came to see if Chihaya was doing fine, Chihaya reacted to this statement incredulously so he changed his answer saying he came to see if "everyone" are fine
While, Chihaya asked Arata to pull down his mask so she can see his face, he froze and blushed!
Suetsugu sensei's comment about Arata's illustration is along the lines of: "it's painful to look at what You used to travel to see when you can no longer go see it, but the closeness of hearts makes us move forward"
The bookstore owner then said to Arata: "Close contact is not allowed, not even close heart contact"
and Arata was like: What is close heart contact anyway??? (then whispering) I think it'll be all right.

I'll try to post the pictures with more details on the rest later, for now you can see them on sensei's twitter or Instagram.
May 18, 2020 12:45 PM

Apr 2020
MashimaTaichi_ said:

So I unlocked it, I couldn't help myself because if this isn't a new hint for the pessimistic fellow fans here, I don't know what is!
Remember the illustration sensei drew few days ago about how our Chihayafuru heroes lives their lives during quarantine? And she drew one about Taichi and Chihaya? (go to the news thread for details)

Today she drew 4 more ones, and one of them as I expected is about Arata.
He was on video chat with Chihaya who was surprised cause he is using smart phone (lol) (And not his pink phone xD)

You know what's the difference between the two illustrations:

Taichi said he came to see if Chihaya was doing fine, Chihaya reacted to this statement incredulously so he changed his answer saying he came to see if "everyone" are fine
While, Chihaya asked Arata to pull down his mask so she can see his face, he froze and blushed!
Suetsugu sensei's comment about Arata's illustration is along the lines of: "it's painful to look at what You used to travel to see when you can no longer go see it, but the closeness of hearts makes us move forward"
The bookstore owner then said to Arata: "Close contact is not allowed, not even close heart contact"
and Arata was like: What is close heart contact anyway??? (then whispering) I think it'll be all right.

I'll try to post the pictures with more details on the rest later, for now you can see them on sensei's twitter or Instagram.

awww Taichi-kun I'm so glad we got that! finally some Arata! and Chihaya asking to see his face is the most adorable thing ever. ahh why do these two make me so happy with such a little action? and sensei's commentary about the hearts close to each other in distance! so romantic!! I'm in heaven right now <3!
HananofuruMay 18, 2020 4:52 PM
May 18, 2020 1:27 PM

Feb 2019
@Hananofuru I usually hesitate in jumping to conclusions when it comes to something I wish but seeing my fellow Japanese Arata fans I know the meaning is something serious, Ayumi chan (the artist) said that sensei's comment is really important ...They were celebrating and some of them even made cute continuations:

I think, even if you try to be neutral while looking at the two illustrations, you'll find them expressing exactly what's going on in Chihayafuru:
1) Taichi is in an unrequited love, he said his feelings for Chihaya are fading, so this is how his relationship with Chihaya will look like after to goes back to "normal", Chihaya wouldn't miss when he says anything suggesting he stilll is in love with her, and she wouldn't want it.
2) Arata too, when they start communicating more after Arata's issue is resolved, they will talk about Karuta mainly but with that longing to and need for the other that neither felt for any other Karuta player (if karuta was really the only reason behind their affection as some like to say):
(because Arata was talking about the National tournament that was canceled and was asking if Mizusawa were doing club activities online, Chihaya answered by saying that she wants to rather play in a real tournament soon, then Arata answers that it's hard because of the situation and that's when Chihaya said that it's really a new era where Arata finally got a smart phone and is making now video calls. She then asked him to pull the mask so she can see him and he was startled, still he pulled it But he turned his face away when the manager came shouting asking who is on the phone and that closeness is not allowed even heart closeness.. Arata the dumb baby (lol) asked what is the meaning of it anyway? haha.)

Taichi-kun, I'll post them because you are late xD,
you can make another post with more details and translations.

Speaking of Ayumi chan, go see her latest illustration "Tadaima!" and Chihaya is in Arata's arms ...soooooo cute!!
Also she prepared something for May 23rd which is kiss day in Japan xD.

May 18, 2020 7:43 PM

Apr 2020
iNameless_ said:
@Hananofuru I usually hesitate in jumping to conclusions when it comes to something I wish but seeing my fellow Japanese Arata fans I know the meaning is something serious, Ayumi chan (the artist) said that sensei's comment is really important ...They were celebrating and some of them even made cute continuations:

I think, even if you try to be neutral while looking at the two illustrations, you'll find them expressing exactly what's going on in Chihayafuru:
1) Taichi is in an unrequited love, he said his feelings for Chihaya are fading, so this is how his relationship with Chihaya will look like after to goes back to "normal", Chihaya wouldn't miss when he says anything suggesting he stilll is in love with her, and she wouldn't want it.
2) Arata too, when they start communicating more after Arata's issue is resolved, they will talk about Karuta mainly but with that longing to and need for the other that neither felt for any other Karuta player (if karuta was really the only reason behind their affection as some like to say):
(because Arata was talking about the National tournament that was canceled and was asking if Mizusawa were doing club activities online, Chihaya answered by saying that she wants to rather play in a real tournament soon, then Arata answers that it's hard because of the situation and that's when Chihaya said that it's really a new era where Arata finally got a smart phone and is making now video calls. She then asked him to pull the mask so she can see him and he was startled, still he pulled it But he turned his face away when the manager came shouting asking who is on the phone and that closeness is not allowed even heart closeness.. Arata the dumb baby (lol) asked what is the meaning of it anyway? haha.)

Taichi-kun, I'll post them because you are late xD,
you can make another post with more details and translations.

Speaking of Ayumi chan, go see her latest illustration "Tadaima!" and Chihaya is in Arata's arms ...soooooo cute!!
Also she prepared something for May 23rd which is kiss day in Japan xD.

I'm not sure if the illustration are around the current events, I think it's in a time where both anime and manga readers can understand. Taichi still has long hair, and the dynamic are kind of the same although I did find curious that Taichi was openly flirty with Chihaya. After reading your comment maybe he is confident enough to joke about his previous crush on her but who knows. Either way I still can enjoy this <3

I'm so happy the japanese fans are celebrating! I don't know exactly what they illustration says but if they are happy then it must be a huge thing for the ship! I hope we can get a full translation soon.

Oh I love Ayumi-san's art! so beautiful! Everyone is making wonderful art of this, I think what makes the happiest about this is how connected the Arata fandom became. Kiss day huh? I'm excited to see the content prepared for that ><

Btw guys I don't know if you had listened to it since it's old but I found the first Drama CD, it's divided in parts because it's from tumblr (originally from niconico but the link got deleted). I'll leave the link of the first part below, the other links of the rest of the parts are in the same post:

From what I get the Misuzawa team and other characters (Arata+Retro and others) are set in the old era, they are "playing" a tale where Chihaya is a princess, her obsession with karuta still exists and there are constant wall breaks where recalls some stuff from the modern times, she even calls the characters by their name and gets corrected (for example she calls Desktomu and he corrects her saying he is her father). Apparently she is bound to marry and has to meet suitors? karuta is involved, Taichi is a prince and I believe Arata is one of his attendants or something like but the moment Chihaya sees them both she gets a "nostalgic" feeling as if she already knows them. Well that's what I got anyway xD
HananofuruMay 18, 2020 7:52 PM
May 18, 2020 9:03 PM

Jan 2020
I'm so happy the thread has a lot to discuss off!

I get lost when lot of stuff is being discussed at once though …
I can go back to contribute only when I want to share something but now I shared more than I ever did and I find myself drawn to explain what I said and to answer everything you guys mentioned!
You involved me in this @Avish, take responsibility! Make a list of the main points we discussed and what we agreed on to pass to other things dawn it (โ–€ฬฟฬฟฤนฬฏฬฟฬฟโ–€ฬฟ ฬฟ)๏พ‰ ๏ธต โ”ปโ”โ”ป'
(Hope it didn't sound like a bad joke)

Anyway, about the illustrations, I still fail miserably to see any Taichi/Chihaya moment as threatening or romantic or whatever.
These illustrations are set in unknown time compared to the original but her 1st illustration ever is about Chihaya and Shinobu from their Queen matches.
Also, in the tweet about the illustration where Chihaya was backing with her mom, the author said "the National tournament is canceled, so if Chihaya was a 3rd year she would have cried a lot until the color oh her sleeves change -she means because of wiping her tears with them I understand?-, And now the tweet about Chihaya and Arata talking about the cancellation of the tournament, means this is about the heroes in their 3rd year in high school around the tournament if Taichi didn't leave the club.

But: doesn't it still speak volumes about the romance? because Suetsugu seems to think of 3rd year Chihaya as "still has that special affection to Arata and acts on it & isn't responsive in any way of Taichi's feelings."
This is Chihayafuru in general for the author: Chihaya doesn't have romantic feelings whatsoever for Taichi and that's what I always understood from her chapters over and over.
May 19, 2020 10:50 AM

Feb 2019

I don't know exactly what they illustration says but if they are happy then it must be a huge thing for the ship! I hope we can get a full translation soon.

No, it's what I summed up, the Japanese fans are happy because they understand better the meaning of Suetsugu's comment and it looks like it's a clear message about Chihaya and Arata having mutual romantic feelings.

Oh and there is a continuation to one of the fan comics

I get lost when lot of stuff is being discussed at once though …

xD, I feel that!
Make a list of the main points we discussed and what we agreed on to pass to other things dawn it (โ–€ฬฟฬฟฤนฬฏฬฟฬฟโ–€ฬฟ ฬฟ)๏พ‰ ๏ธต โ”ปโ”โ”ป'

Don't flip that table young man!! (:D)
I like the idea though, so here is what we spoke about (with a bit of summary and more of my thoughts xD)

I might come back to add what's still missing ... also anyone can add other points I forgot, I think, this way things will be more organized.

May 19, 2020 12:20 PM

Nov 2018
    Glad the illustration about Arata made you happy guys.

    Thank you Hanano chan for the link, I can't download for some reason but maybe I tried it quickly and I made some mistake somewhere, I'll try later because the idea sounds very fun and cute too.

    Thank you iNameless-chan (you know you need to give me an easier name to call you here instead of this long username :p), Thank you for the fanarts, soo cute indeed!

    Wataya-san, I like your long comments, calm and rich!!
    so keep writing, iNameless wrote already most the points so I'm looking forward to read more.

    iNameless, thank you very much again for the list, and also the new thoughts, I just wanted to comment on something for now:

    1) "Se o Hayami" is an important poem in what is coming”:

    When Chihaya sent "Se" to Taichi he didn't come back right away, it makes me think that it's because that love poem rather belongs to Arata (that's why he took it from Chihaya after she tried to use it to bring Taichi back) and another point is that "se" is a love song BUT the author did not allow us to interpret it like that as she included the right meaning behind it in that scene, it means imo that in that "Tai/chihaya" moment, "Se" wasn't a love poem.

    This reminds me of a comment made by Mr-Tarareba", someone knowledgeable in Hyakunin Isshu and close to Suetsugu sensei (she even retweeted that comment and said to read it because she might even cry for those words (how true they are)).
    Mr Tarareba (who is a Taichi enthusiast by the way) was commenting on the scene where Chihaya was in the club after Taichi left and then she saw his illusion in MUSUSBI (the 3rd part of the LA series)
    I didn't watch so I don't know but tarareba it was about the choice of the poem "Hototogisu", I roughly translated his 3 tweets as follows:

    (1) in the clubroom when Chihaya saw Taichi but then it was an illusion, the song can be looked at deeper!
    (2) as you know, there are 43 love poems, that movie is a youth movie so you’d expect a love poem to be invoked (at that moment) like “Se o Hayami” and “43: Ai mite no” but it wasn’t
    (3) it was rather "Hototogisu" that tells about the beginning of summer, the change of seasons with the calls of the cuckoo a bird that call “ want to return”, about “future return”, for Taichi it was certainly love, but for Chihaya it's not.

    Everyone knows that Chihaya doesn't have romantic feelings for Taichi even when she saw his illusion (I stress on this because for some reason people say that seeing the other's illusion certainly is a sign of love (they mean the shrine scene for Chihaya)"
May 19, 2020 1:35 PM

Apr 2020
@iNameless_ I'm glad the celebration is still on-going and yay for artwork!

@MashimaTaichi_ you're welcome. I'm always happy to share what I have found and speaking of that I leave the link for some videos about the seiyuus talking from past season if any of you is interesting. Ofc they are in japanese and no english sub so far but it's still interesting to watch

When Chihaya sent "Se" to Taichi he didn't come back right away, it makes me think that it's because that love poem rather belongs to Arata (that's why he took it from Chihaya after she tried to use it to bring Taichi back) and another point is that "se" is a love song BUT the author did not allow us to interpret it like that as she included the right meaning behind it in that scene, it means imo that in that "Tai/chihaya" moment, "Se" wasn't a love poem.

I've noticed that sensei uses love poems for platonic moments too. With Se what you said made me think that there was an explicit different meaning when Chihaya sent Taichi the text. It was something like "it was not for missing, but for asking for fate to meet again" or smth like that...

Se was definitely used romantically for Chihaya and Arata because we got Kana reacting to Chihaya texting Arata. I think her first ship was chiharata before noticing that Taichi liked Chihaya lol

Everyone knows that Chihaya doesn't have romantic feelings for Taichi

Except the Taichihaya fans lmao. With Taichi and Chihaya's moments, it's hard for people to believe they can be platonic. Chihaya's love for Taichi is platonic and it's an important love, it deserves to get impactful moments to show how much Chihaya cares for him but people don't seem to understand you can love a friend as much.

I was re-reading the manga again and @watanoharaya was right, the Su mi no e was used for Chihaya and Arata. The reason I didn't remember was because that part was cut out of the anime. The moment is in chapter 28

I like Kana's comment about how most of the poems are "I want to see you" ones followed by Chihaya's monologue about wanting to see Arata not just in her dreams.

oh OH OH and before I forget...someone in reddit translated some of the new illustrations from sensei's collab regarding COVID. So far they translated the Misuzawa team one and the Fujisaki team and in the future the others, that includes the Arata one!

HananofuruMay 19, 2020 1:45 PM
May 21, 2020 2:45 AM
Jun 2014
You involved me in this @Avish, take responsibility!

Hey, hey, hey, I only asked you a question @watanoharaya san... rest is all on you! :D
I'm kidding, of course, I'm glad I did, so please keep on writing :)

Make a list of the main points we discussed and what we agreed on

I see that @@iNameless_ san has already made a list, so thank you kindly for that :D

I don't have much to contribute, but something's been bothering me, it's a small, trivial thing, but little things bother me, so here it is: During the recent qualifiers, I remember Chihaya received a mail before she turned off her phone, but I don't remember it being mentioned again... who sent it or what was it about... Did I miss it or did Sensei forgot about it? Do any of you remember it being mentioned again?
AvishMay 21, 2020 2:50 AM
May 21, 2020 3:22 AM

Feb 2019
Avish said:
Chihaya received a mail before she turned off her phone, but I don't remember it being mentioned again... who sent it or what was it about... Did I miss it or did Sensei forgot about it? Do any of you remember it being mentioned again?

do you remember which chapter?

Hananofuru said:
oh OH OH and before I forget...someone in reddit translated some of the new illustrations from sensei's collab regarding COVID. So far they translated the Misuzawa team one and the Fujisaki team and in the future the others, that includes the Arata one!

Thank you very much, but it looks like that person stopped now?
May 21, 2020 8:49 AM

Apr 2020

I don't have much to contribute, but something's been bothering me, it's a small, trivial thing, but little things bother me, so here it is: During the recent qualifiers, I remember Chihaya received a mail before she turned off her phone, but I don't remember it being mentioned again... who sent it or what was it about... Did I miss it or did Sensei forgot about it? Do any of you remember it being mentioned again?

Don't you mean Arata? He is the one I remember receiving a text from Taichi before the matches.

Thank you very much, but it looks like that person stopped now?

dunno, guess we'll have to wait to see what happens.
May 21, 2020 9:09 AM
Jun 2014
@iNameless_ san, I think it's 179, her phone buzzes and she turns it off without checking... it happens just before she sees Taichi and calls him, but he ignores her...

@Hananofuru san, nope, not Arata. I'm talking about Qualifiers not Finals.
AvishMay 21, 2020 9:16 AM
May 22, 2020 8:05 AM

Nov 2018

    @Avish, I re-read chapter 179 and I might be careless but Chihaya used her phone many times after that, could she use it as aften without noticing the notification about that mail?
    I don't think so, I think it's just a move to make Chihaya turn and see Taichi who passed by...

By the way guys (especially @Avish who doubts some things xD), there is this tweet from sensei today that makes me wonder....
She tweeted about being in the process of drawing Chapter 227 and then she wrote a second tweet:

I wonder what she means?
why a sudden unrelated idea if it's unrelated?
who is the hero and who is the heroine?
And what is the despair they are facing?
Could it be related to Chihayafuru? Chihaya & "???" are having a through tough time simultaneously?
Who could it be?

May 22, 2020 8:54 AM

Apr 2020
MashimaTaichi_ said:

By the way guys (especially @Avish who doubts some things xD), there is this tweet from sensei today that makes me wonder....
She tweeted about being in the process of drawing Chapter 227 and then she wrote a second tweet:

I wonder what she means?
why a sudden unrelated idea if it's unrelated?
who is the hero and who is the heroine?
And what is the despair they are facing?
Could it be related to Chihayafuru? Chihaya & "???" are having a through tough time simultaneously?
Who could it be?

I just read the tweet and my first impression was that she wasn't talking about the manga but about her previous tweet of her losing confident. I think the hero & heroine tweet referes about people in general?

Though if it talks about Chihayafuru, we know for sure Chihaya is the heroine, as for the hero I believe the malelead or at least the "hero" is Arata. In manga the hero is one who saves the day, in Arata's cases he will save karuta, by defeating master Suo, someone who doesn't love karuta. I think someone who loves Karuta like Arata defeating Suo, an "antagonist" like in karuta is very hero-like tale. Also because the story was about Chihaya and Arata in the first place. But we if take in consideration the "why do they despair" it can go about 2 things:

1. Since she was talking about chapter 227, two chapters after the last we might get to Arata losing and questioning grandpa's karuta and not knowing what to do, that could be a despairing moment.
2. If we talk about a track history of despair after despair then I guess that would be Taichi. Though tbh Taichi doesn't strike ME as the hero, maybe to the people who believe both him and Chihaya are the main leads it might be. But because we know the story was about Chihaya and Arata, Taichi being the hero is not much likely.
HananofuruMay 22, 2020 9:07 AM
May 22, 2020 3:08 PM

Feb 2019

    in the first tweet, according to Google, sensei says that she feels that same stress she used to feel before when she draws (being afraid of not finishing in time etc) But that she still can feel better hope to finish, about 2% of confidence that she will be fine.

    I don't see a connection between this content and the other tweet... so I lean to think it's really about Chihayafuru and how Chihaya and Arata will be in chapter 227, I say Arata because I agree with Hanano chan, Arata is more a hero like character than Taichi (at least at this stage where we are going back to the main and first idea of Chihayafuru)

    @Avish, I also checked that panel from chapter 179 and I don't think it means much, I don't know but when something is meant to hint at something, it is usually better highlighted I guess?
    This panel felt very normal and complete in time, I mean, she needed to look at the direction where Taichi was so the phone buzzing is a good excuse?
    Do you have an other impression?

    By the way guys, i repeat this question that wasn't maybe noticed,
    Does anyone know how Taichi fens see "Chiha" as "Taichi"? and how he is Ariwara No Narihira for the empress? even though the difference between the stories is striking, how could they relate them?
    I'm curious!
iNameless_May 22, 2020 3:12 PM
May 22, 2020 4:33 PM

Apr 2020
By the way guys, i repeat this question that wasn't maybe noticed,
Does anyone know how Taichi fens see "Chiha" as "Taichi"? and how he is Ariwara No Narihira for the empress? even though the difference between the stories is striking, how could they relate them?
I'm curious!

I don't understand your question, you mean why Taichi fans relate the Chiha poem as Taichihaya? We've discussed that the Chiha card is used for many meanings depending on the characters. It's funny though, they do think that Taichi/Chihaya is endgame because Taichi is "Narihira" who pins for his loved one, Chihaya the "empress" or queen in karuta, Arata is the "emperor" whom the empress in bound to marry, and Arata being the meijin fits the emperor role. However there is a big flaw in this point of view, and it's that in the tale both the empress and Narihira have mutual feelings and the empress does not love the emperor, but such is not the case in Chihayafuru. Chihaya has feelings for Arata, not Taichi. And even more so, Chihaya HERSELF has related the Chiha card to Arata.

- Arata introduces us to the Chiha card first. He talks how it's Chihaya's poem, and the beginning of her karuta journey.
- When Chihaya learns from Kana the true meaning of the Chiha card, a deep red love. She thinks she wants to tell Arata that Chihayaburu is a poem about a deep red love, and in that same moment the story focus in an Arata panel touching the very Chiha card. In the anime it's even more clear the meaning of this scene, since it gives Arata the deep red tone of the sun setting.
- In the first team tournament, against Sudo, Chihaya says that no matter what, Chiha is her special card and that she is drawn by as if it was a magnet and we get the image of Chihaya thinking about Arata.
-Finally we get Chihaya's realization that she will always love karuta and Arata in the hospital. The Chiha card here is explicitely shown after Chihaya confesses she loves Arata, and the image showing it's the chiha card dropping into water.

All these moments reinforce my idea that in the story, Chiha is used to describe Chihaya's deep love for Arata. A love so passionate that no matter the distance, still preserves and becomes strong, strong enough to dye the tatsuta river red, the river that symbolizes their distance. Since sensei herself in interviews has said that romance in Chihayafuru goes according to Chihaya only, then Chiha in the romantic sense is about Chihaya's feelings, and who does she love? Arata.
May 23, 2020 3:26 AM

Nov 2018

    For Suetsugu sensei's tweet, the use of "&" in "hero & heroine" means she speaks about two people so this can't be about her and her confidence improvement I believe?
    I can swear it's about Chihayafuru, and according to what we will see in ch227, we will know for sure who Suetsugu calls "a hero & a heroine"

    For the question about Chiha I think ,I have the same question, Hanano chan, you said it, this theory has a CLEAR flaw so how can some Taichi fans (especially those who are usually interested in the symbolism) think it refers to Taichi and Chihaya's love?

    I was wondering too if they for example see the poem from another angle? and I think this is what @iNameless_ means too?

    Also, @iNameless_, the last images in the Gallery are stunning!!
    I thought the hug one was real haha
    and the kiss, is this the one you mentioned before? it's really nice, I especially like the fact that it happens on tatami again, Arata is holding Chiha (did they have a match and Arata took it? xD)
May 23, 2020 4:29 AM

Feb 2019
    @Hananofuru, yes this is what I meant:
    For the question about Chiha I think ,I have the same question, Hanano chan, you said it, this theory has a CLEAR flaw so how can some Taichi fans (especially those who are usually interested in the symbolism) think it refers to Taichi and Chihaya's love?
    I was wondering too if they for example see the poem from another angle? and I think this is what @iNameless_ means too?

    Using Ariwara's example doesn't make sense to me if the story is considered just as it is because Chihaya is clearly NOT in love with Taichi, even Taichi fans know it and they hope that she "is starting to feel something for him now" which proves even more that they KNOW she never loved him romantically before.
    We all know how strong Taichi's love is but it doesn't fit Ariwara's because Ariwara's is mutual and Taichi's is unrequited.
    I could have agreed a bit if they said that the feeling in question isn't "romantic love" but "deep concern and caring" would have fit just a bit because Taichi is the one who left here and the separation started from his side.

    Chiha is used to describe Chihaya's deep love for Arata.

    I wonder about that...
    I rather think it's a larger love with many layers but her love for Arata is in the center of it...
    I'll try to explain later..

May 23, 2020 8:34 AM

Apr 2020
MashimaTaichi_ said:
For Suetsugu sensei's tweet, the use of "&" in "hero & heroine" means she speaks about two people so this can't be about her and her confidence improvement I believe?
I can swear it's about Chihayafuru, and according to what we will see in ch227, we will know for sure who Suetsugu calls "a hero & a heroine"

For the question about Chiha I think ,I have the same question, Hanano chan, you said it, this theory has a CLEAR flaw so how can some Taichi fans (especially those who are usually interested in the symbolism) think it refers to Taichi and Chihaya's love?

I was wondering too if they for example see the poem from another angle? and I think this is what @iNameless_ means too?

At first I thought hero and heroine just referred to general men and women. But If it's chihayafuru related then it can't be other than Chihaya and Arata, Taichi being the hero feels odd because we meet Arata from the beginning, he is the one with the dream, he is the one with the passion that spreads to chihaya. Or maybe it's because we are Arata fans that it's obvious for us?

I still think that in chapter 227 we'll have Arata's struggle, so he is definetely the hero to me.

Yes, they do see things with other eyes. They believe Chihaya has started to love Taichi, heck some even think that she has loved Taichi all along but just realize it now (funny how this plot is used for chihaya/arata). Taichihaya fans really like to look deeper into any number, poem, even when it's not even implied. For example they believe a hint of their ship being endgame is the fact that Tachi and Chiha are next to each other in number. And even funnier is how they say that Chihaya's longing for Taichi is a hint when that same longing for Arata in the beginning means absolute nothing to them and dismiss it as just an "idol crush". To me, Chihaya missing Taichi makes sense, Chihaya has been shown signs of hating loneliss, she feels off if one of the boys is missing out of the picture, and Taichi has a weird relationsip with her now, he doesn't wanna be there but Chihaya wants him to be part of her life, her dream, as her dearest friend. She loves the 2 boys, but Arata is her love partner, and Taichi is her bestfriend. And if they bring the cards number so much then it makes sense Chihaya sees Taichi platonically, the authors of poem 16 and 17 were brothers, does it mean maybe Chihaya sees Taichi as a sibling?

I wonder about that...
I rather think it's a larger love with many layers but her love for Arata is in the center of it...
I'll try to explain later..

That could also be it, the passionate love could be Chihaya's love for her 2 friends or her love for everyone. She is a passionate girl after all.

So I wanted to know your thoughts about the hospital scene, the part where Chihaya says she'll always love Arata. Isn't it strange how we got that but not answer after Arata's confession? this makes me think that, because this manga is a flashback, could have those words been by future Chihaya and not the Chihaya in the hospital? what are your thoughts about this? because I find strange how after Arata's confession it's clear both have mutual feelings but dont' say it.

HananofuruMay 23, 2020 9:33 AM
May 24, 2020 2:07 PM

Nov 2018
    I still think that in chapter 227 we'll have Arata's struggle, so he is definetely the hero to me.

    I think so too and I feel so impatient now lol
    Many Tai/Chihaya shippers are unhealthily obsessed yes and they use double standards *sighs*...
    Anyway, I also knew long ago that poem 16 & 17 were written by brothers and that's why I could always feel that vibe from Chihaya mainly and I never saw any Tai/Chihaya moment as romantic.... Ok, so Taichi's love was FOR ME (who sees the relationship from Chihaya's perspective) out-of-place thing but remembering that in Eden no Hana the end game couple is a brother & sister I know Suetsugu can fuse relationships however she wants so... yes, at least Chihaya's feelings for Taichi are written as those about dear "family"... And no, I don't think Suetsugu will write another "Eden no hana" because the settings around the two relationships are very different, that heroine from ENH was clearly meant to be taken under her brother's care forever and turning her romantic interest towards him was the only way in a shoujo manga but Chihaya is very different.

    Isn't it strange how we got that but not answer after Arata's confession?

    am I the only one who doesn't expect an answer before the very end?
    wouldn't it be weird if she answers now? how will the story continue if she accepts? Taichi is supposed to stay close because he is one of the main trio (By the way, in the interview you sent me, I couldn't understand much from the first read but I know the author said that she initially wanted to write a story of a Meijin and a Queen, but then Taichi worked hard and he gained his place in the main characters, so now Chihayafuru is about the trio.) How will Taichi be if Chihaya says yes?
    And how will Arata be developed further if Chihaya says no... Or no, the problem might be in Taichi again, if he gets Chihaya's love, what remaining role might he have?
    So I never expected Chihaya's answer now.

    What I got from Suetsugu's manga is that Chihaya now is VERY INVESTED in her match against Shinobu chan, and I think this is a very realistic reason (I almost cut all ties with my family members when I was working on a very important project and they are my most precious people), Also beating Shinobu is not easy, she needed to prepare very seriously and continuously, and it wasn't just about how to beat her but how to lift her loneliness and save her too and this, I believe, need very careful preparation.
    Chihaya doesn't have time to think about any confession for now;
    There is also what Chihaya said once (that still means much imo): "If I don't become strong in karuta, I can't sit across anyone I might like", this sentence relates her achievements in karuta with the person she likes, Taichi doesn't fit this idea imo, Arata does perfectly even if she doesn't say it, and her averting her eyes from him after she lost is another hint to what she said, she cannot think about love while she isn't even capable of beating Shinobu whom he always won against.

    Bonus: This is how Suetsugu commented on Arata's response to Chihaya's words concerning the confession in the comic book.

May 24, 2020 5:50 PM

Apr 2020
I think so too and I feel so impatient now lol
Many Tai/Chihaya shippers are unhealthily obsessed yes and they use double standards *sighs*...
Anyway, I also knew long ago that poem 16 & 17 were written by brothers and that's why I could always feel that vibe from Chihaya mainly and I never saw any Tai/Chihaya moment as romantic.... Ok, so Taichi's love was FOR ME (who sees the relationship from Chihaya's perspective) out-of-place thing but remembering that in Eden no Hana the end game couple is a brother & sister I know Suetsugu can fuse relationships however she wants so... yes, at least Chihaya's feelings for Taichi are written as those about dear "family"... And no, I don't think Suetsugu will write another "Eden no hana" because the settings around the two relationships are very different, that heroine from ENH was clearly meant to be taken under her brother's care forever and turning her romantic interest towards him was the only way in a shoujo manga but Chihaya is very different.

Me too! I wanna read it!!! I think chapter 226 will feature mostly the end of Arata's second match and Chitose POV.

Taichihaya fans are really something else, but my problem is that they just have a really warped view on Arata, like saying he has always looked down on others, has no development, or how is so insesitive for rejecting Risa or treating Yuu, the worst is when they say Chihaya "rejected" Arata in 173 and how Arata "pressures" her for answer, such lies! Arata is an honest person, and that's why Chihaya likes him <3 also they love to make anything about Taichi. They are kinda hopeless anyway, they don't even like Chihaya.

I have only skipped through some chapters of EnH but seems like an enterily different story from Chihayafuru. Chihayafuru seems more innocent and youthful, and EnH has very mature romance scenes. Also doesn't the protag end up with the first guy she meets in a fated encounter?

am I the only one who doesn't expect an answer before the very end?
wouldn't it be weird if she answers now? how will the story continue if she accepts? Taichi is supposed to stay close because he is one of the main trio (By the way, in the interview you sent me, I couldn't understand much from the first read but I know the author said that she initially wanted to write a story of a Meijin and a Queen, but then Taichi worked hard and he gained his place in the main characters, so now Chihayafuru is about the trio.) How will Taichi be if Chihaya says yes?
And how will Arata be developed further if Chihaya says no... Or no, the problem might be in Taichi again, if he gets Chihaya's love, what remaining role might he have?
So I never expected Chihaya's answer now.

I mean, we all do, for the sake of the love triangle dragging. But I just find it strange Chihaya hasn't even remember those words at all, which is why I wonder if that thought was from present Chihaya or not.

Considering how little panel time Arata has, I agree that if he doesn't end up with Chihaya and doesn't end up meijin (I love how ppl say "he is going to get it all, isn't he?" when it was way hinted that this story was about chihaya and him) he would feel like a more of an empty character. I know Arata is supposed to be away because love poems, and distance, and "I want to see you", also because he is the goal they other 2 have to reach but it seems that everything goes to side with Taichi. And it's sad because there wouldn't be any story without him. I really, really, really hope that sensei picks up his relevance after this, Taichi's character arc is amost over, so it's time to focus in Chihaya and Arata but unfortunately ppl don't seem to understand that it's time for Taichi to sit back.

A lot of ppl say that Chihaya/Arata is the "easy way out" in the romance but I believe the opposite, Taichi/Chihaya to me is the easy route. Just have guilty trip Chihaya into falling for Taichi after causing so much pain to her, oh and Arata will be fine, because he is mature, he will move on because he can actually take a heart blow and he isn't even that close to them, also he can get with Shinobu. It's so easy to set that, but I want to believe that sensei's "love that cannot be undone" is that despite the distance, despite everyone not wanting them together, despite Taichi might hurt, they still love each other and want to be together.

Chihaya doesn't have time to think about any confession for now;
There is also what Chihaya said once (that still means much imo): "If I don't become strong in karuta, I can't sit across anyone I might like", this sentence relates her achievements in karuta with the person she likes, Taichi doesn't fit this idea imo, Arata does perfectly even if she doesn't say it, and her averting her eyes from him after she lost is another hint to what she said, she cannot think about love while she isn't even capable of beating Shinobu whom he always won against.

I agree, it has to be Arata. He has been in her thoughts for so long, he is always the special one. Man the waiting for their rematch is agonizying lol. Speaking of that match I hope we get, I can only imagine this beautiful scenario of Chiha card being in Arata's side, ending with the two of them touching it at the same time, but because it's in Arata's side he is the one who takes it. A symbolism of Arata wanting Chihaya. It's also a call back from their last match together (when he was moving) and both him and chihaya touched the card at the same time. That time it was on Chihaya's side.

About the databook panel I like how the word "gradually" is there, Arata is going to take it slow with Chihaya, he doesn't wanna pressure her. He wants to be with her, spend time with her, play with her, get to know all sides of her and make up for the time missed.
May 26, 2020 7:48 AM

Jan 2020
Avish said:
so please keep on writing :)

I'll probably do that.

@iNameless_ Thank you for the list, very useful.
I want to add number 9 (because it's actually point 9 not 8):

9) Chiharata moments aren’t deep:

Someone mentioned that Chiharata moments are mainly cute scenes and blushing and they aren’t enough.
I say:
In an interview, Suetsugu sensei said that she wanted to write a story of a Queen and a Meijin (but Taichi kept working herd so he gained his place and the story now is about the three of them) so I also believe -as I said before- the romance wasn’t meant to be developed in Chihayafuru, Suetsugu sensei in her recent works, writes romance between adults and our heroes are not, BUT she wanted to ESTABLISH a love between (the Meijin) Arata & (the queen) Chihaya with those moments.
So the role of these moments is NOT to shape/ describe/develop that love but to just “found” it, that’s why I also agree that if the ending is gonna be open, then Arata will be the clear partner of Chihaya’s future because he will come closer, become an adult next to her and work for that love while Taichi exhausted his efforts in his current days, the moment he becomes adult, he will start a new life.
Still, I think we will get other moments that only those who acknowledge the importance of Karuta between the two will recognize for what they are, for their importance and deepness because this whole manga is about Karuta.

The tweet about a hero & a heroine (and whether Suestgu might be referring to Arata & Chihaya as ones):

Basically it's like this:
at 4:06 (and according to google)-> "I"m working on cha227, i'm stressed like always cause i'm afraid i might not finish on time, but now, there is 2% of less fear or more confidence in finishing, with the stress of the past and 2% of confidence I move forward."
at 4:12 ->"you get rogh times because you are a hero & a heroine"

I could have done that if I was reading some story where the hero & heroine are going through hardships but wanting to say that after just 6 minutes of reading? And Suetsugu is someone who doesn't say limited messages like these, she would have spoken first about what she is reading and who the hero & heroine are.
So I too strongly believe the two tweets are related and it's about Chihaya & Arata from chapter 227.
She wrote other tweets about how hard finishing he "name of that chapter" so I expect it to be a very interesting one.
But let's wait for the chapter and see...

16 & 17 are written by brothers: I knew it a long time ago too, maybe this is another reason I felt no threat whatsoever from Chihaya's affection for Taichi, I always saw it as a sibling's, she doesn't have a brother so I can easily imagine that if she had a caring/supporting one, she would have treated and treasured him just like she is with Taichi now.
(And while Taichi fits perfectly, of course Arata doesn't fit in the least in that picture right? speaks volumes!!)

May 26, 2020 9:40 AM

Jan 2020

Some things that caught my attention when I was checking some things, chapters mainly:

watanoharayaMay 26, 2020 10:37 AM
May 26, 2020 10:35 PM

Apr 2020

I always wondered, since sensei uses Sakurazawa to be a referent to Chihaya of who she wants to be like, makes me wonder if Chihaya like her will decide to marry at her age?

And the mistranslation of chapter 207 clarifies a lot of things, I'm glad it wasn't "bitter tears" but "tears of strength" and the connection to the trio now becoming 2 and 1 makes even more sense.

Re-reading chapter 225 before the upcoming chapter, I noticed there is a page in which Chihaya focus her eyes in 2 poems in her match against Shinobu: poem #71 and #34. The first one is about autumn scenary while the second one has been used before to represent Chihaya's loneliness in the beginning of her highschool year, where she misses both Arata and Taichi.Coincidentelly, the 2 poems refer to Takasago, known for "pine forests". I believe this is clearly a Taichi reference, whoever the platonic one. If you focus in poem 34, about missing people, at first Chihaya had a lot of missing people supporting her but little by little they were coming, except Taichi and well Chitose, but Taichi is prolly the intention here. The autumn one prolly refers to the trio or Taichi, I say the trio because the maple leaves have been used for all 3 characters at some point. And since poem 34 is all about missing friends it kinda reinforces that Taichi is one of those dear friends. We have had a lot of Taichi and Chihaya panels but no poems have been brought up to those scenes, which is interesting.

Well that's all I have to say for now, I'm kinda anxious about chapter 226. I think we'll get a Chitose POV but I'd like for Arata to go cheer Chihaya along with Taichi.
May 27, 2020 5:29 AM
Jun 2014
MashimaTaichi_ said:
By the way guys (especially @Avish who doubts some things xD)

Avish the doubter? Haha! Well, I'm happy to tell you that you guys have pretty much destroyed whatever doubts I had regarding Chiharata! So, big thank you for that! :D

watanoharaya said:
9) Chiharata moments aren’t deep:

Someone mentioned that Chiharata moments are mainly cute scenes and blushing and they aren’t enough.

That someone was me I guess, and although your theory seems to make sense, I feel that my point was misread or misunderstood, so I'd like to clarify that my remark 'Chiharata moments feel weaker compared to before' was limited to the Chiharata moments AFTER the Taichi incident. Your point makes it sound like I was talking about the whole manga, which is definitely not the case :)

Also thank you for clarifying about 'bitter tears'. Changes the whole meaning. I copied the word "ๅผทใ„" to google and it translated just like you said 'strong'. It also wrote the pronunciation of the word as "Tsuyoi" and after watching 300+ anime, even I know that it means 'strong. :) Makes me wish I could read Japanese...
May 27, 2020 7:55 AM

Nov 2018
@Watanoharaya, Thank you very much for the all the remarks, Sakurazawa being an example for Chihaya is already drawn in the manga, but her waiting until she 39 to get married is unlikely, I believe Suetsugu would want Chihaya to be a successful wonderful karuta queen while being a wife, a mother and a teacher ...
For the mistranslation, I also had a problem understanding chapter 207 at first, but now things are really different!!
it's weird coming from TDX because they always did an amazing job.
Speaking of the translations, I also take these recent translations carefully because although i'm infinitely thankful for the translator's efforts but she is still a beginner and some things are lost in her translations.

For Chiharata moments that aren't as strong as before, I agree with both you and Avish kun, but I accept it because I very much understand Chihaya's situation, I understand the changes she is facing, lot of "immediate" concerns are taking over her heart and she is not an empty girl who will try to throw them away Or on the guy she loves, she will deal with her issues till the end and then she will look properly at her "selfish desire".
Arata could have been the one to try and get closer to her while she is in the middle of her storms, but he too is another hero in this story, he has a goal of his own and some fears and issues too... They could have met in the middle and helped each other but that would be the end of Taichi, I don't know how Suetsugu will do it but the three will progress together, Taichi the bridge should be there and Chiharata will be end game, I still believe in this so strongly.

and @Avish, i'm very glad you started to see things positively (even though I can't guarantee the perfect ending you desire because remember: a pen and a piece of paper lol, but I can at least tell you why those things Taichi fans make look threatening are not.)

@Hananofuru, All the poems read between Chihaya & Shinobu are like this:
poem 15 (kimi ga tame ha: It's for your sake) looked like a same time take but Chihaya took it
poem13 (tsukuba ne no /Tsukuba's card) Chihaya looked like she was targeting it but
poem56 (Arazaran) was read & Chihaya took it then sent -->
poem 60 (Oe yama / Kana's card)...Kana was shown here, then
poem 16 (Tachi wakare: Taichi's poem and this was another mistake from the translator because there is no such poem that reads "Tara wakare") this poem was read after Taichi decided to look for Chitose instead of leaving but it was a dead card, Chihaya was rather focused on-->
poem 34 (Tare o ka mo /Who among my old friends still knows what's in my heart) -->that was next to
poem 71 (Yu sareba: a gentle roaming autumn breeze enters poems hut ) But 34 was directly read & Chihaya took it.
poem 35 (Hito wa isa): she was very focused on it too but another poem was read instead which is -->
poem 75 (Meguriaite): Shinobu took it and won the match.

The choice of all these poems can immensely enrich the scenes, Taichi definitely is meant (Kana too), the need for friends, the dead cards maybe refer to what should happen but doesn't, like Taichi to be there next to Kana but he isn't, and as we already said, the issue with him is not resolved yet and it's clearer BECAUSE Arata & Chihaya cannot connect, the trio is incomplete.
But actually, Tarareba san wrote a series of tweets about it (that Suetsugu retweeted) where he explained the choice of the important ones, and it's pretty much what I thought too, it's all about the rivalry between the poets referring to the rivalry between Chihaya and Shinobu
May 27, 2020 8:49 AM

Apr 2020
@MashimaTaichi_ thank you so much for always providing deep anaylisis and insight, I saw you recent post in the data thread and i'm awlays amazed by the dedication to make graphics and tables with the info. Great work! much appreciated!

Also thank you for the poem listing, is amazing how much the poems can tell of the story! I also read Tarareba-san series of tweets and the one with Chihaya at the ending crying took my attention:

Tarareba-san says Taichi is the key,or rather friends! all of Chihaya's friends have come and given her strength and guided her closer to victory. After Kana-chan arrived with Mayuichi-sensei and Chihaya got her kimono she started getting back to the game and almost won against Shinobu, she is close. This means that once Chihaya gets Taichi and Chitose support she will be on the attack! An interesting thing is how he referes to Taichi as nakama, as in team mate, so in order for Chihaya and Arata to win then Team Chihayafuru has to be complete.
May 29, 2020 6:53 AM

Apr 2020

HananofuruMay 29, 2020 7:01 AM
May 29, 2020 8:46 AM
Jun 2014

Whaaaaa??? What's happening here?!!!!
May 29, 2020 3:47 PM

Apr 2020
From google translator:

- Arata notices Chihaya left. He wins by 2 cards
- Arata sees Chihaya is outside barefoot, worried he carries her inside.
- Chihaya cries that she is unable to win
- Arata talks about how only he knows Chihaya's beginning, and he is the only who Chihaya at her strongest moment (their team match).
- Arata has some monologue about grandpa's "image" advice but idk exactly
- Arata's dad tells him about the text from Taichi, Chihaya checks her phone but no texts from Taichi for her.
- Chihaya looks away from Arata and tells hersef to focus
- Chihaya has a talk with Harada-sensei about Shinobu's match with Arata?
- Apparently Arata tries to encourage Chihaya to win the next 3 matches thinking back to the misuzawa team and I think he joins in the team rally of "MI-ZU-SA-WA GO!" taking Taichi's place...but Im not sure about this.

May 29, 2020 11:53 PM
Jun 2014
Thank you @Hananofuru san. I tried using google translator with that page you shared, but couldn't make much sense. I think it translated Arata as something else...

Looks like a very interesting chapter. Can't stop smiling about Arata! Dude just goes and does outrageous (in a good way) things! Haha! I wonder whose idea was 'Mizusawa Go!' and how Chihaya feels about Arata taking Taichi's place in it? Does he also tell her 'three wins'... that'd be a nice parallel...
May 30, 2020 3:41 AM

Feb 2019
    he almost stopped my heart when he confessed and now he did it again but in the best way ever!!!
    "outrageous" you are right Avish kin, really outrageous hhhhhhhhhhhh I can't contain my satisfaction with this boy though, I can repeat it again and again! he never disappointed me!

    Thank you Hanano chan for all the links an spoilers!
    A wonderful chapter I'd say (as long as it is exactly how the spoilers describe it)

    More spoilers I guess:
    Suo and Yukiko talk, she notices his eyes' condition
    Suo learns from her that Taichi is the one who brought her/Invited her here.

    In Chihaya's waiting room, Harada compares Chihaya's match with Arata vs Shinobu, compares the techniques, what CHihaya done etc.

    In the corridor when Arata's father calls Arata informing him about Taichi's message, Chihaya hears and Checks her hone and nothing.
    (Dunno if Arata heard his father, if he checked the message and learnt about Suo's handicap?)
    At that moment, Chihaya noticed Arata and looks away, she thinks: I should focus etc..
    She also thinks: "I haven't quit but I feel a bit ...."
    Arata then grabs her by the hand and tells her that only he knows how she started and how strong she is and that he also knows Shinobu's strength ..
    He adds more about how Shinobu has her own strength and hw Chihaya has her own too and that shouldn't she rather show her own strength?

    He then says: "Mi"
    the other members say: "ZUSAWA"
    then Chihaya shouts: "Fighto"

    He then adds that he lost to the captain of Mizusawa who didn't give up even when they had 0 wins, and that Chihaya should now win 3 wins too like in those mizusawa matches!

    By the way, someone mentioned a card fallen from Arata and it was "Se", if it's true then it's just how we predicted, "Se" is being used for Chiharata again.

May 30, 2020 5:55 AM

Feb 2019

    By the way, I found a comment by a Japanese fan wondering who Suetsugu was referring to by "A hero & a heroine"
    They say that the heroine is definitely Chihaya but seeing how Arata is wining he might not be the hero but rather Suo who struggled?

    I say, I'm glad this tweet is actually about Chihayafuru,
    and I disagree about Suo being the meant hero because it doesn't make sense and he doesn't even seem to struggle.

    He might start fighting seriously now so Arata will lose both round 3 & 4, Kyoko tan should be the reader for round 4 as far as I remember?

    After that, everything will happen in round 5.
    There is also the issue with "Chiha"
    neither Arata nor Chihaya were able to win it lately, so an issue should be resolved (I believe it will be Taichi and before round 5 starts) when team "Chihayafuru" is back to normal, they will both take it.

    Maybe Chitose will have her own role for round 4, she will give a push to Chihaya to win it too.
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