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Oct 3, 2009 10:24 PM

May 2009
a beautiful place of many different flora, this is a place of peace and commun.

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Oct 3, 2009 10:37 PM

May 2009
Mei walked around and sighed of relief.
"Whew they are finally gone, now to rest in----"

Guards: "We found her!!! Come on Miss Mei! It's time for your meeting!!"

Mei ran and hid in the woods to hide from the reality that bit her in the ass.
She breathed heavily and tore off her kimono (Still in her undergarments mind you) and sat quietly in the stream

"Adlai, are you there?"
Adlai appeared from the water.

"What is it this time Mei?"

"Can you keep those guards off my case for awhile? I am tired and want to sit in the stream for awhile."

Adlai: "I will try my best"
And with that she was off.

Mei sat in the stream and waited.
Oct 3, 2009 10:42 PM

Dec 2008
*appears from the woods and notices mei* Hello who are you?

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 3, 2009 10:58 PM

May 2009
"I am Mei, First Princess and Heir to the throne, And You? Who are you might I ask."
Oct 3, 2009 11:04 PM

Dec 2008
"A princess? Ya right. Like a princess would be walking around like that." He says pointing to Mei's clothes, or lack of them. After this it hits him that he's looking at her when she's like that band turns around embarassed saying. "Sorry."

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 3, 2009 11:12 PM

May 2009
Mei points to her expensive Kimono laying on the ground.
"You think I like to walk around all day wearing that?!?!?!? Or at least be in this stream for that matter. All Princess have a guardian based on what they like to do, mine happens to be Adlai, Goddess of water because we are the same...Don't you have a guardian sir?"
Oct 3, 2009 11:17 PM

Dec 2008
"I wish I just had a regular guardian. But I'm not so lucky. You see I'm something called a Half-demon. Half of me is human and the other half is demon. My guardian is my demonic side. The problem is that it's pure evil and it's idea of protecting me is to take over my body and use it to slaughter and feast on everything and everyone it finds." He explains in a voice not asking for sympathy. A voice just saying the truth.

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 3, 2009 11:24 PM

May 2009
"So in other words I shouldn't talk to you, but for some reason you intrigue me..When does your 'Demonic side' come out? Will I be able to see it? I am a great swordswoman, and also a great magician, and I would like some practice."
Oct 3, 2009 11:36 PM

Dec 2008
Looks back at Mei with an expression saying your an idiot if you think you can defeat it, you'll die in a heartbeat. "It only comes out when my life is in danger or I'm exhausted. It constantly tries to take control but I can hold it back as long as I'm not very wounded or exhausted. But don't even think about fighting it. If it comes out you must run as fast as you can. Only a god would have enough strength to stop it, and I'm still not sure a god would have enough power," he informs her in a voice filled with sadness. The sadness of already having seen hundreds of people slaughtered who were foolish enough to face his other half.

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 3, 2009 11:47 PM

May 2009
"Wow, I get it. I won't try and fight it, but I have every god of this land looking after me because I am the First Princess and if anything happens to me and it's you fault, they will all try and kill you in a heartbeat."

The sound of thunder pierces their eardrums and it begins to rain.
Mei looks happy.

"It never rains here...I wish Adlai were here to see it. Isn't it wonderful?"
Oct 3, 2009 11:58 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan looks sad and whispers quietly but not so quietly that Mei can't hear him. "I'm not sure they could kill me."

After this He looks up at the rain and his expression of sadness lifts. "I guess it is beautiful."

(This is an interesting way to rp. It's fun :D)

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 12:14 AM

May 2009
(Yeah sorry, I like to visualize what I am rping. Lol)

Mei got up and started to dance.
"Don't you wish it would rain everyday? Like in the stories we were read as a kid?"

She stopped and looked at the sky, a beautiful dark blue with small streams of yellow when the lightening would strike.

"Sometimes, I like to come down here just to get away from my duties as a princess, but I don't care about that, as long as my country is peaceful and full of life I am happy. But I guess a ruler shouldn't think the way I do...I should think politically."

Mei glanced at her toes as little tadpoles were nibbling at them, and she giggled.
Oct 4, 2009 12:24 AM

Dec 2008
"Don't say that. Wanting your country to be happy and full of life is a good thing. In fact you shouldn't just do what other people tell you to do just because your a princess. Your life is yours to live as you see fit. If you want to rule your country then by all means do so, but if you just want to get away from it all and relax down here... well that's a good choice too," said Nathan in a comforting voice. Sadness flashed behind those clear brown eyes of his again and he spoke one more, this time with sadness in his voice... sadness and tightly coiled rage. "People shouldn't have to be forced to do things just because they were born nobility. And People shouldn't be treated differently for what they are. It's who the person is that matters, not what they are. People have treated me as a monster all my life because of what I am and that's wrong. Just like it's wrong to force all the duties of a princess on you if you don't want them," he finished then a look of realization covered his face. "Woops I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lecture you or anything. I just hate it when people are treated differently because of things they can't control."

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 12:31 AM

May 2009
Looks at him in total dismay.
"No one's ever talked to me like that, it's always 'Mei don't do that! That is not how a princess should act!' I hear it from everybody. Maybe if they laid off my case a little I could try harder, only Adlai understands me fully..."

The rain silently came to a halt as they realized it was getting late.
The bells rung in the high tower and the clock struck nine.

"Oh my it's getting late. It was nice meeting you Sir Nathan but I must be on my way!"
She dashed off quickly picking up her drenched kimono and skipping off into the darkness.

(This is where I leave you, I must be off to bed ^^ Teehee, people tell me I should be a writer :D)
Oct 4, 2009 12:44 AM

Dec 2008
(that was fun!... well good night :D)

Nathan watches as she slowly skips off into the darkness, 2 thoughts chasing each other around and around in his head. She needs to realize that it's her life and that she shouldn't listen to how other people tell her to live it. And the second thought that ran through his head was: I hope I can meet her again. I want to help her as mush as I can.

And with those two thoughts in mind he let his wings burst forth and flew off into the darkness of the night sky, eager for the next day to begin in hopes of meeting the princess named Mei once more.

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 3:11 AM

Mar 2009
Oct 4, 2009 1:37 PM

May 2009
Mei looked around the Palace and sought out her many hiding places. Today is her day off from Princess duties, though yesterday she took a break too. She took her lantern and a book and sat under the stairs silent in thought as she read her favorite book.
Oct 4, 2009 2:42 PM

Dec 2008
He snuck into the palace, careful to not be seen. Using his control over air he sought and found the princess in her hiding spot. Suddenly appearing behind her he spoke to the girl he had met the day before. "So you don't always go around in only your undergarments after all." Smiling in a joking fashion he continued to speak. "So is that a good book?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 2:45 PM

May 2009
Without looking up she answered.
"It's an amazing book, and it's my favorite book of all time...Though for some reason in the whole kingdom I am the only one, besides you now, that knows it exists, Why can you see it and not them?"
Oct 4, 2009 2:50 PM

Dec 2008
His eyes changed after hearing her answer. They went from their usual brown colour to blood red with black slit's for pupils. No white shone through the red and black of his eyes. "Probably because my eye's aren't those of a humans. My eyes are the eyes of a demon and cannot be fooled easily. That's probably the reason why." After his response his eyes went back to their usual brown colour, no different looking than any other human's.

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 2:55 PM

May 2009
Mei looked at him unfazed by what happened.
"My eyes are normal though..." She stood up and walked away from the stair and the book disappeared. "It doesn't like to show itself in normal light, only that of my lanterns"
Oct 4, 2009 3:02 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan contemplated on this, then responded. "Maybe the book has a spell on it so only by the light of your lanterns it will reveal itself? Or maybe the reverse is true and your lanterns have a spell on them to reveal invisible things?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 3:13 PM

May 2009
"Possibly, but I suppose it doesn't want me to know at the moment so I'll leave it at that."
The bells in the clocktower struck high noon.

"Oh...? I have to get going to 'work' on something." She ran outside and through the woods, and reached an old abandoned shed. She looked around her and seeing nobody she walked inside locking the door behind her.

"Sorry I'm late guys..."

Taki and Clive look up at her.
"Don't worry about it" Taki said.

Clive didn't answer her nor look up. He kept writing the blueprint.

"Awh come on Clive cut me some slack."

"I will not" He said still focused on his work.

"Fine...How's the clockwork doll coming along?"

Taki answered.
"It's coming along great! A few more tweaks and it should be running in time for winter..Did you bring the book??"

"Well yeah, I'll read it to him."

She read elaborate details and details on the directions on making this and Clive wrote everything down.

"It's really looking great, I'll be sure to get us plenty of warm outfits and blankets before we head off for our 'journey'."
She said that anf finally sat down.

(I'll be sure to add Clive and Taki to the registrations list.)
Oct 4, 2009 3:18 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan had been using his powers over air to listen in on their conversation by detecting the sound waves traveling through the air. After hearing there conversation he suddenly appeared inside the room and spoke. "So that book is an instruction manual on how to build something is it? And what is this about a journey?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 3:21 PM

May 2009
Mei looked at Clive worried.

"Please leave" Mei said.

"This has nothing to do with you." Said Taki.
Oct 4, 2009 3:33 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan looked amused at his statement, and replied with a smile. "Oh but it does. The princess is secretly plotting something and is preparing for a journey without anyone knowing. I'm sure the king would pay a pretty penny to the person that brought that information to him." With this said he smiled, knowing they would either have to listen to him or kill him. "But I would be willing to keep my mouth shut if you tell me about this journey of yours." Nathan waited for their response, ready to defend himself if it came down to that.

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 3:45 PM

May 2009
Mei started to look annoyed with this guy.
"You wouldn't be telling him anything that he didn't already know; But, if you truly want to know ask them, it is not my journey to tell..."
Oct 4, 2009 3:48 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan looked at the peasants, from one to the other and understanding seemed to dawn in his eyes. "They're the ones that came up with the idea to run away and to escape your position as princess you plan to join them. Is that it?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 4:01 PM

May 2009
Clive stood up.
"Like my sister said, this has nothing to do with you whatsoever. You wanna tell the king? Like hell he'll believe you, he doesn't even know you"
Taki restrained him.

Mei looked at Nathan questioningly.
"How did you find us here? Were you following me?"

Clive looked at him enraged. And gripped something in his pocket then sat back down.

"I think it's best that you leave now. Why we want to run away is our own business, same goes for Mei. Goodbye." Taki said and got back to the machine.
Oct 4, 2009 4:04 PM

May 2009
Mei sat back and continued working on her machine and Adlai appeared knocking Nathan outside. Adlai then put a barrier spell on the door and sat by Mei.
Oct 4, 2009 4:17 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan suddenly closed his eyes and seemed to concentrate from his place outside. Meanwhile inside Mei suddenly froze and then she started to speak. "Having your guardian kick me out like that was quite rude of you Mei." It was Mei's voice that spoke but from the expression on her face it was obvious she wasn't the one speaking. "I'm sorry to just use you like this but I needed someone to speak through. I don't really care what happens to Clive and Taki but you didn't fear me when I told you what I was. I'm grateful for that so I would like to return the favor. If you'll let me I'll help you in anyway I can." With that said Mei unfroze and Nathan waited outside for the response from the three.

(I have to go but I'll be back in about 5 to 15 minutes)

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 4:23 PM

May 2009

Mei froze and looked around. She was sure it wasn't her who said that.

Taki looked at her.
"What do we do now?"

Clive looked lovingly at Mei for a moment, then snapped back to reality.
"We bring him along."

Mei signaled for Adlai to open the door. She hesitated then opened it and the half demon walked in.
Oct 4, 2009 4:35 PM

Dec 2008
The young half-demon walked in and spoke to the three in the room. "Thank you for allowing me to help you. Now what would you have me do?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 4:39 PM

May 2009
"Sit down and be quiet, I almost have it finished. Next week is the start of winter, we should have it done by then" Clive said.
Oct 4, 2009 4:43 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan looked at clive when he finished speaking then responded to his comments. "If I'm going to help you don't you think you should fill me in as to what this machine is and your plan of escape? If I have no idea what is going on I won't be able to effectively help you."

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 4:47 PM

May 2009
"This Machine is called a clockwork doll" Taki said. "It will help us pass through rocky and other dangerous terrain."

"It folds and unfolds, we have been working on this for over 2 years now, and had it planned since we were little. We plan to sneak out through the forest to the next kingdom." Clive said.
Oct 4, 2009 4:49 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan thought on this then responded. "It seems like a solid plan. But how does the clockwork doll help you move through dangerous terrain? How does it make the terrain safe to travel?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 4:58 PM

May 2009
"It rides smoother. And faster than it would if we were to go on foot." Taki said politely.
Oct 4, 2009 5:05 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan considered this then seemed to have an idea. "That sounds good but you'll need a distraction to slip out of the palace unseen. I'll provide the distraction then meet up with you a few days later. Does that sounds like a good idea?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 4, 2009 5:14 PM

May 2009
"Why would we need a distraction?" Mei asked. "It folds and unfolds with a button, and we can get to the next kingdom through these woods."
Oct 4, 2009 5:20 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan responded to her question in an explanatory tone. "You'll need a distraction to get past the guards. If you try and leave the castle the guards will take note of the direction you leave in and when people realize your not coming back they'll ask the guards and find out the direction you traveled in. Not only that but they'll know you left with these two and have search parties out not just searching for you but for them as well. Even if you don't leave together someone will probably take note of the fact that you both left on the same day. They may even think that these two somehow kidnapped you and put a price on their heads. But if I was to say fly in and start causing a mass panic then many people would flee the castle at once and it would be less likely that the guards will notice the direction you left or connect these two's disappearance with yours. Does that make sense?"

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 10, 2009 3:29 PM

May 2009
Everyone stopped talking and listened.

Clive spoke up.
"Do what you think just don't get in our way."
Oct 10, 2009 3:32 PM

Dec 2008
At Clive's response Nathan looked at him and said "Don't worry I was planning to no matter what you said. But If I'm to meet up with you later I'll need to know which path specifically that you'll be taking. That way I'll also be able to divert the guards from that path as well."

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 10, 2009 3:39 PM

May 2009
Taki looked at him and replied.
"Oh! We'll be in the next town before we reach any paths..." She replied cheerfully
Oct 10, 2009 3:46 PM

Dec 2008
"then I'll meet you in the next town. when you see a pillar of smoke rising in the shape of a sword go to the town entrance. I'll be waiting there." instructed the boy

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Oct 10, 2009 3:50 PM

May 2009
"Whatever.." Clive replied.
Oct 10, 2009 3:56 PM

Dec 2008
Nathan ignored Clive's comment and continues "So what shall we do now."

~Signature made by Dea37s~

Night Academy I.D.
Dec 2, 2009 5:44 AM

Jul 2009
*come to the palace* hi everyone^^

signature set credited to Bunnyama

「No human has ever been whole. 」
Jan 1, 2010 3:08 PM

May 2009
Mei sat staring out the window...
She was thinking about their clockwork piece.
'Will it even work?' She sighed and laid her head on the sill when she heard a voice.

"Hi everyone' Said the voice.
She ignored it and went back to her pillow

((Sorry I haven't been here in awhile.!!!))
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