I personally think the whole Assasin job thing is used more to be a metaphor for trusting someone. It works better with Katsu and Kyoko's relationship but for Kurumi I think the author is much more involved with telling a story of a pretty broken girl who is looking to enjoy what little time she has left on this earth with a boy she knows more about than she probably intended to.
Overall I felt that I hated her too in the beginning, that she was using the Aiba and that he was simply letting her because he felt he wasn't worth much anyway, but by the point you figure out everything, you can't help but fall in love with the girl yourself.
I mean I like to put myself in the shoes of these types of manga because in all honesty I do get the perversion to a point and find it's much more easy to poke fun of than anything else and while it's the same here. It's also handled in some sick way as a form of showing love can grow beyond perversion.
In the end I actually started to want to comprehend life itself and if I even matter and what's the point. Looking at Kurumi's tale I see how it matters. You won't get a second chance at life so enjoy it and spend it with someone you feel loves you back.
She is shrouded in mystery which is such a good thing for a character of this nature to have and to put you through the waves of emotions she does, I can't help but feel an attachment to her like that I've never felt before.
Is the story 10/10 masterpiece. No I wouldn't say that, I think there are a lot of silly things the series does that becomes quite repetative and even boring at some stages, but the romance aspect of this manga touched me so deeply I don't think I've felt this way in a long time if ever.
Sahana Kurumi is to me a girl that you thought you could only exist to be a punchline in a comedy series like this. But never would I have ever thought I'd find myself begging for meaning in life at the end of this manga series and yet I am and I've found many great answers, some spiritual, some plain and simple and they all help me feel like I'm accepting a part of life.
So thank you Kazuto Okada for making a character like her to help me. And thank you Sahana Kurumi for existing, even if it's just in a fictional world, it helped my reality. |