Please not that some CMs aired on TV before being put on the official yt channel. Most are web-exclusive due to their length so it was easiest to represent this MAL entry as an ONA with web airdates of them. きららファンタジア第3弾CM is a prime example, I saw this one on TV back in January 2018.
- 2017.08.11 きららファンタジア第2弾CM
- 2017.11.14 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#1 ~NEW GAME!編~
- 2017.11.14 きららファンタジア 「キルミーベイベー」参戦決定CM
- 2017.11.25 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#2 ~きんいろモザイク編~
- 2017.12.02 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#3 ~ゆゆ式編~
- 2017.12.09 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#4 ~ステラのまほう編~
- 2017.12.16 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#5 ~がっこうぐらし!編~
- 2017.12.23 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#6 ~ひだまりスケッチ編~
- 2018.01.06 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#7 ~うらら迷路帖編~
- 2018.01.13 「ようこそ! きららファンタジア」#8 ~Aチャンネル編~【最終回】
- 2018.02.15 きららファンタジア「夢喰いメリー」参戦決定CM 15秒
- 2018.02.15 きららファンタジア「夢喰いメリー」参戦決定CM 30秒
- 2018.03.12 きららファンタジア第3弾CM
There's a metric ton of CMs that don't qualify as anime (as of me making this thread, 48 by my count with more every month). If you find an episode that you think is anime, but is not in the above list, please post in this thread so it can be gauged. Especially if it means the entry can be re-opened. |
lanbladeOct 8, 2019 8:55 PM