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May 28, 2019 2:57 PM

Dec 2013
@scarletcelestial @re @newg @nibio

speaking for others
does not make them aligned, gwen
they just like answers

Scar what worries you
Content little as may be
is better thant not

Time is not of the
essence, so don't worry Scar
we have all the time

in the world to solve
this game, yet your denouncing
early content why?

I don't understand
Re's town lean on scarlet, seems
scar is more focused

the content she deems,
acceptable while throwing
the rest away rip

I agree with nibb
much fluff less content from scar
not sure what to think

the interaction
between nib and re sounds more
like town and town maybe?

Not sure how I feel
about the vote on abu,
a train is a train

May 28, 2019 3:06 PM

Jan 2010
Wading my way through
Haiku hell on mobile is
quite challenging

I do hope that a
Switch to computer will make
All the diference

I was just here to
Answer pings i will give some
More details later
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 28, 2019 3:11 PM

Dec 2013
Jackrito said:
ScarletCelestial said:
Before I go, Jack:
example of something you
liked and disliked from

a single person
of your own choosing, and an
explanation of why.

Please and thank
you, I will be back

Ok I can do
Wheat is the one that I choose
I will expand view

Views are biased seems
entry of Kaitou and logic
great example is

defense of Kaitou
felt very forced to my view
I not like at all

Abu and Gwen same
Push on Gwen feels forced my view
could be wrong here I

Early game good but
A bit too scattered for me
too forceful and wild

Abu view on gwen
screams town abu trying to
tug of war with scum

something that you would expect
from a town mindset

rather set my eyes
logic, scar, and kaitou are
empty husks of meat

Logic has yet to
showcase why he is town, and
kai has only flexed

May 28, 2019 3:12 PM

May 2019
Nibio already-
Has a tinfoil team, but
Won't say anything yet

Newg is in a weird
Spot for us at the moment,
Why we want more time
May 28, 2019 3:44 PM

Dec 2013
Nibio said:
Nibio already-
Has a tinfoil team, but
Won't say anything yet

Newg is in a weird
Spot for us at the moment,
Why we want more time

How strong is that team?
Where do you place kai? Jack? Togs?
Karote died again

May 28, 2019 4:07 PM

Oct 2013
ScarletCelestial said:

Strong opinions that
appear early, tend to be
Town, I find. How do

you find them, on first
impressions (Town or scum) Gwen?

it's the opposite
in my opinion scum wants
to prove themselves

early reads stand for
contribution in the thread
feels too show off
May 28, 2019 4:17 PM

May 2019
Talk to me my dear
I want to hear your thoughts on
Anyone or anything
May 28, 2019 4:25 PM

Oct 2013
I can see
that not everyone
is full bold

to go straight for me
scum wouldnt be that stupid
I question my train

I suspect the third
he jumped on my one statement
which basically

is the same what more
has said but just in a *cough*
different style, *cough*
May 28, 2019 4:30 PM

Oct 2013
Nibio said:
Talk to me my dear
I want to hear your thoughts on
Anyone or anything

I am trying but
style of writing is tiring
I'll get used to it

I have lots to say
yet it is very restricting
bare with me, later
May 28, 2019 4:42 PM

Oct 2013
AbuHumaid said:
NewG said:

Was waiting for followers
Happened to be you
How convenient, ha!
You wait for one to vote you
Then OMGUS then say:

"was waiting for one
to sheep Wheat XD" the fact that
you sell your OMGUS

As "trap" or something
Makes you even more scummy, so

'course I was waiting!
What else should I do if three
formed a train on me

with no chance
of introducing
rather wait

Instead of asking
yourself if I am true scum
you're just attacking

one has left
but then you pair up
high suspect!
May 28, 2019 4:54 PM

Oct 2013
Shinichi-Kun said:
@scarletcelestial @re @newg @nibio

speaking for others
does not make them aligned, gwen
they just like answers

it was the way she
already had an excuse
for him, what I grasped

cause I think no one
seemed bothered about it yet
just my dejavu

May 28, 2019 5:05 PM

Oct 2013

so far I think that
there is one scum on my train
dont think it's Wheat, Togs

Why did you jump off?
Are you being cautious or?
for others, no time

or rather, no chance
to look yet but agreeable
sensible so far

May 28, 2019 5:08 PM

Oct 2013
Ka, Togs, Chris
are the exception
wildcards here
May 28, 2019 5:53 PM

May 2019
vote: Scarlet
Nibio after--
much thinking has decided--
that Scar still best choice

there is also is still--
too many unknowns, only---
confident in Scar

Nibio does not
understand town reads on Wheat--
or Scarlet at all

Nibio does like
jack's recent posts, dont feel forced,
shin is still townie
May 28, 2019 5:58 PM

May 2019
Karote, Kai, Togs
all unknown, pressure soon, or--
dont vote, as the flip

would be useless, and
Abu is not town lean, but
feel better on him (for now)
May 28, 2019 6:08 PM

May 2019
to be real honest
I love and hate your posts so --
but the issue seems--

to be a cause of
personality, rather
than content so far
May 28, 2019 6:37 PM

Oct 2013
Nibio said:
to be real honest
I love and hate your posts so --
but the issue seems--

to be a cause of
personality, rather
than content so far

I only accept
one or the other, it is
love or hate, decide

it is important
for my future decision
for now a secret
May 28, 2019 6:39 PM

Nov 2012
logic340 said:
Wheat_Grinder said:

"How scumhunt this game??"
Is how I summarize your
Entrance to this game.

This game is like all
You scumhunt like any game...
Why would you say that?

My feeling on you
Is a desire to look good
Bad motivation

Not only that but
You seem to care most about
What I think of you

I didn't feel like
You were hunting me at all
What motivates you?
How many entered
In a similar fashions
I count at least three

Jack RE, gwen, and scar
That makes five including myself
Weak case but early

Want to look good? How
Did i make you feel that way?
Your motive unknown

Nay, RE did not
And Celestial did not
Jack's tone said "Let's hunt"

While yours said "Let's not"
Gwen, I shall not argue that
Because Gwen is scum.


Meanwhile, other posts
one hundred and sixty one
I cannot agree

To me I wonder
What the interaction means
...I'm undecided


I think Jackrito
Is not afraid to stand out
They seem town to me.
May 28, 2019 6:44 PM

May 2019
NewG said:
Nibio said:
to be real honest
I love and hate your posts so --
but the issue seems--

to be a cause of
personality, rather
than content so far

I only accept
one or the other, it is
love or hate, decide

it is important
for my future decision
for now a secret

does thou threaten me?
if not Scar, you would be my--
vote, remember that

there needs to be a
middle, too much and too little
are one of the same
May 28, 2019 6:53 PM

Oct 2013
Nibio said:
NewG said:

I only accept
one or the other, it is
love or hate, decide

it is important
for my future decision
for now a secret

does thou threaten me?
if not Scar, you would be my--
vote, remember that

there needs to be a
middle, too much and too little
are one of the same

same question for you
I am not afraid of death
it sucks but I think

it is my best plan
to hunt scum, too late for half
assed votes, chance is gone
May 28, 2019 6:57 PM

Oct 2013
I have a plan, town
but need to know if claiming
is allowed or not
May 28, 2019 7:57 PM

Sep 2016
AbuHumaid said:
RE said:
A guess on my part,
I thought you were too quiet.
Nope, not RVS.
So what does
your vote serve right now?
Right now? I observe.
You were in a PoE -
I had formed quickly.

Nibio joined me -
But also quickly moved off.
I sense reluctance.

Nibio's scumread
Of Scarlet feels off to me.
A thought for later,

As I can sort of
See a plausible reason
And explanation.

Though I said as much
In my first reply to you -
A guess on my part -

That you were lurking -
And thus scum. For the record,
Kaitou is the same.

Unlike Kaitou, I -
Have just come out of a game -
Where you power-towned.

@NewG , have you yet
Asked whether claiming can be
Done? I'm curious.

edit: Once again,
I have made a mistake. Oops!
Haikus are a pain.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 28, 2019 8:24 PM

May 2019
the one good thing with
haiku's, is that the pace is slow
more time to breathe, but

thoughts are harder to
convey, understand, and leads
to mass confusion

why paranioa?
exactly what do you like,
about Celestial?

we can not hedge on,
all, and wait till day two,
help me understand
May 28, 2019 9:04 PM

Sep 2016
Nibio said:
why paranioa?
exactly what do you like,
about Celestial?

we can not hedge on,
all, and wait till day two,
help me understand
I have explained it -
Several times already. Here -
I will quote those posts:

No paranoia.
You push but rarely listen.
That is a problem.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
However, your confidence
On Scar, I don't share.

I've also explained
Why I would be hesitant
In pushing Scarlet.

I want to ask this -
Who are your townreads and why?
If you are hasty -

Give me your reads list.
You are eager to lynch, but -
I need the big pic.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 28, 2019 9:04 PM

Oct 2013
NewG said:
Shinichi-Kun said:
@scarletcelestial @re @newg @nibio

speaking for others
does not make them aligned, gwen
they just like answers

it was the way she
already had an excuse
for him, what I grasped

cause I think no one
seemed bothered about it yet
just my dejavu

I am saying "yet"
Cause I know it will happen
And so does Scarlet

no, not yet
But I see a flaw
Will rethink
May 28, 2019 9:19 PM

May 2019
so tone and meta?
one is hard to read and the
other may lead to

false positives, and
unnecessary hedging,
Nib needs deeper thoughts

Our town leans are
Nib, Jack, RE, Shin
intent that I like

Nibs neutral, null leans
Togs, Logic, Kaitou, Karote
and NewG follows next

Our Scum leans are
as follows, Scarlet, Wheat, and Abu
won't explain further

whether these scum leans
work as one, means naught, I look at (8 syllables, I tried)
May 28, 2019 9:23 PM

Sep 2016
@Jackrito , you have
Given three scumreads, correct?
Do you think they are

Part of the same team?
Just to clarify - they are
Logic, Wheat, Kaitou?

Also - what did you
Initially like about -
Scarlet? Did you say?

Abu's read of Gwen -
Why was it interesting?
Wheat's was similar?

@Kaitou , this is a
Obligatory ping. Can
You say something? Please?

edit: I should triple check
My haikus before I post.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 28, 2019 9:23 PM

May 2019
of course, I can be
wrong, but its day 1, and Nib
lynches who she wants to

like We said before,
lots of unknowns, but it is
somewhere to begin
May 28, 2019 9:35 PM

Sep 2016
Nibio said:
so tone and meta?
one is hard to read and the
other may lead to

false positives, and
unnecessary hedging,
Nib needs deeper thoughts

Our town leans are
Nib, Jack, RE, Shin
intent that I like

Nibs neutral, null leans
Togs, Logic, Kaitou, Karote
and NewG follows next

Our Scum leans are
as follows, Scarlet, Wheat, and Abu
won't explain further

whether these scum leans
work as one, means naught, I look at (8 syllables, I tried)
Okay, thanks. Can you
Help me with understanding
Why Jack is townie?

Specific comments
Jack has made, as examples,
Would be helpful, please.

Also - you said that
You do not get the town reads
On Wheat, yet before -

You had a townread
On Wheat, no? Sooner or now -
Could you explain more?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 28, 2019 9:45 PM

Jun 2015
Gwen-o Bugging Out
Too Hostile, No Bueno Ay
Early Too, I say

Going on Mija
While Conversation Making
Which Looks Good On A

Face value perspec-
tive, it's a lot of nothing
Mija is Scarlet

Where's Kakarotte?
He Confirmed, But A No Show
Is This Usual?

Oh But Let's move on
Oh ya, My post count is low
But inactives are

Not scumreads, I feel
Usually just null Til
More info rises

Oh, I don't like Jack
May seem defensive, I feel.
He used easy picks

But we still got Time
To go, so those are my lil
Thoughts. I like Abu,

Nib, RE, so far, ya
Sadly, Gweno No Bueno
And Jack Less Extend

Togs has Low Post Logs
Along with Kakarotte
So It's all null, ya

Gonna deuces now
Maybe Ill have time on the
morrow. Deuces, ya
May 28, 2019 9:45 PM

May 2019
maybe at one point,
but I switched it to a "would
not lynch today" read

There really isn't
much to talk about, jacks posts
just feel real
May 28, 2019 9:55 PM

May 2019
Though Jack is one of
the weakest of my town reads,
not set and stone yet

I feel like we mind-
melded on Wheat's slot, but I
would never vote there

since Wheat has produced
enough thoughts that show intent,
to find scum today

and lynching him would
just be bad at this point, with
others in this game
May 28, 2019 9:58 PM

Sep 2016
Nibio said:
Though Jack is one of
the weakest of my town reads,
not set and stone yet

I feel like we mind-
melded on Wheat's slot, but I
would never vote there

since Wheat has produced
enough thoughts that show intent,
to find scum today

and lynching him would
just be bad at this point, with
others in this game
That's fair. While Gwen has
Yet to claim, I feel she may
Be self-resolving?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 28, 2019 10:39 PM

Sep 2016
Kaitou said:
Oh, I don't like Jack
May seem defensive, I feel.
He used easy picks
Truth be told, this is
The only original
Read you have given.

I also would not
Use "defensive" to describe
Jack? Could you explain?

Why are you, logic,
And Wheat, easy picks? And why
Are Gwen and Scar, not?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 28, 2019 11:41 PM

Sep 2016
Shinichi-Kun said:
Scar what worries you
Content little as may be
is better thant not

Time is not of the
essence, so don't worry Scar
we have all the time

in the world to solve
this game, yet your denouncing
early content why?
About this - I too
Was confused on why Scarlet
Denounced said content.

After some thinking,
I think she means the comments
On those with few posts.

Since we were early
In the day, lack of content
Could still have been NAI.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 29, 2019 12:11 AM

Oct 2013
RE said:
Nibio said:
Though Jack is one of
the weakest of my town reads,
not set and stone yet

I feel like we mind-
melded on Wheat's slot, but I
would never vote there

since Wheat has produced
enough thoughts that show intent,
to find scum today

and lynching him would
just be bad at this point, with
others in this game
That's fair. While Gwen has
Yet to claim, I feel she may
Be self-resolving?

Why expect a claim?
I will claim if no way out
I want to see more

Fake or not
Reads in general
And of me

Full claims are allowed
But through para phrasing, yup
May 29, 2019 12:14 AM

Oct 2013

Have you voted yet?
Does hostile have to mean bad?
Joining low posters?

As they are null
In your eyes, but tell me more
About Scarlet please
May 29, 2019 12:42 AM

Oct 2013
Gun to head:
Abu, Scarlet, Chris
Crazy much?
May 29, 2019 3:50 AM
Jul 2018
RE said:
AbuHumaid said:
So what does
your vote serve right now?
Right now? I observe.
You were in a PoE -
I had formed quickly.

Nibio joined me -
But also quickly moved off.
I sense reluctance.

Nibio's scumread
Of Scarlet feels off to me.
A thought for later,

As I can sort of
See a plausible reason
And explanation.

Though I said as much
In my first reply to you -
A guess on my part -

That you were lurking -
And thus scum. For the record,
Kaitou is the same.

Unlike Kaitou, I -
Have just come out of a game -
Where you power-towned.

@NewG , have you yet
Asked whether claiming can be
Done? I'm curious.

edit: Once again,
I have made a mistake. Oops!
Haikus are a pain.
I can't power town
every single game, I get
burned out, I am in

another game and
haikus are very restricting
May 29, 2019 3:54 AM
Jul 2018
NewG said:
Gun to head:
Abu, Scarlet, Chris
Crazy much?
You are just picking
people that argued with you
or scumread you, yes

you are crazy, so
you should play the game, please
May 29, 2019 3:57 AM

Dec 2016
Jackrito said:
ScarletCelestial said:
Before I go, Jack:
example of something you
liked and disliked from

a single person
of your own choosing, and an
explanation of why.

Please and thank
you, I will be back

Ok I can do
Wheat is the one that I choose
I will expand view

Views are biased seems
entry of Kaitou and logic
great example is

defense of Kaitou
felt very forced to my view
I not like at all

Abu and Gwen same
Push on Gwen feels forced my view
could be wrong here I

Early game good but
A bit too scattered for me
too forceful and wild

Why is Wheat
worse than Abu and
Gwen? Filler.

May 29, 2019 4:02 AM

Dec 2016
logic340 said:
ScarletCelestial said:

Can you expand on
your view of Togs? It would be
of help to me. ~Scar
He feels genuine to
Me so far tho it hasn't
Been much....also know

That i need to keep
An eye and a prod due to
His lurking nature

This sounds weird
to me: his posts are
all fluff, see

This means that
your deduction is

it makes me
think that you want a

read on Togs
for some reason or
other. ~Scar
May 29, 2019 4:05 AM

Dec 2016
Shinichi-Kun said:
@scarletcelestial @re @newg @nibio

speaking for others
does not make them aligned, gwen
they just like answers

Scar what worries you
Content little as may be
is better thant not

Time is not of the
essence, so don't worry Scar
we have all the time

in the world to solve
this game, yet your denouncing
early content why?

I don't understand
Re's town lean on scarlet, seems
scar is more focused

the content she deems,
acceptable while throwing
the rest away rip

I agree with nibb
much fluff less content from scar
not sure what to think

the interaction
between nib and re sounds more
like town and town maybe?

Not sure how I feel
about the vote on abu,
a train is a train

I'm sorry
but I don't know what
you're asking?
May 29, 2019 4:09 AM

Dec 2016
NewG said:
Gun to head:
Abu, Scarlet, Chris
Crazy much?

Two out of
three, at best: I think
less. ~Scarlet
May 29, 2019 4:16 AM
Jul 2018
Vote: Nibio

Tunneling Scarlet
for not so good reasons, and
awkward vote change to

me without reason
when I call them out on it
they change their vote back

to Scarlet, says they
feel better about me, again with
no reason, this scum

flailing, follow me
everyone, I caught a scum
May 29, 2019 7:07 AM

Jul 2016
Votecount 1.3

Current votes are as follows:

NewG(2) - Wheat_Grinder , Togs,
Abu (2) - RE, gwen
Scarlet (2) - shinichi, Nibio

nibio(1) - Abu
logic (1) - Jackrito

Not voting right now:
@ScarletCelestial @logic340 @Kaitou @Karote

Day 1 lynch deadline's
Thursday, 9 AM
May the Thirtieth.

Mountain Standard Time
Is the applicable zone.
As it is to me.

Having twelve players
Means that during the first Day
Seven's Majority.

But at the same time
At the end of the day phase
Plurality's checked.
AlbertinoDiasMay 29, 2019 11:34 AM
May 29, 2019 8:09 AM

Apr 2014
Shinichi-Kun said:
Jackrito said:

Ok I can do
Wheat is the one that I choose
I will expand view

Views are biased seems
entry of Kaitou and logic
great example is

defense of Kaitou
felt very forced to my view
I not like at all

Abu and Gwen same
Push on Gwen feels forced my view
could be wrong here I

Early game good but
A bit too scattered for me
too forceful and wild

Abu view on gwen
screams town abu trying to
tug of war with scum

something that you would expect
from a town mindset

rather set my eyes
logic, scar, and kaitou are
empty husks of meat

Logic has yet to
showcase why he is town, and
kai has only flexed

in agreement with
You seem on point in game far
Slot good look for now
May 29, 2019 8:24 AM

Apr 2014
RE said:
@Jackrito , you have
Given three scumreads, correct?
Do you think they are

Part of the same team?
Just to clarify - they are
Logic, Wheat, Kaitou?

Also - what did you
Initially like about -
Scarlet? Did you say?

Abu's read of Gwen -
Why was it interesting?
Wheat's was similar?

@Kaitou , this is a
Obligatory ping. Can
You say something? Please?

edit: I should triple check
My haikus before I post.
Fuckity fuck fuck.

same team maybe 2 are
Kai and wheat early though is
Look deeper I will

Scar good start for me
Intent looked clear to hunt scum
Less so now defensive

Abu push hard is
Very strong for start weird is
why Gwen not other

On review Gwen is
Far too defensive for a
small push doubt here I

May 29, 2019 9:44 AM

May 2019
my vote change was not
because of you, you are hard
to read, its hard to

distinguish real thoughts
from forced thoughts, and you seem to
be reactive and

not proactive, but
you still have intent to hunt
so will not vote here

No tunnel, just no
other options, with Scarlet
being the best choice

she is the one that
is talking just for the sake
of, these are my feels
May 29, 2019 9:46 AM

May 2019
why you no place vote
thoughts but no vote placement is
one I do not like

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