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Feb 5, 2019 12:39 PM
vipergod said: Gnop2 said: praisethevillain said: Also, I noticed Dororo calls Hyakkimaru "Aniki", which, correct me if I'm wrong, means a form of "big brother". But I notice they translate it different ways like he's just saying "hey", "you", or "Hyakkimaru". Is this accurate, or are they taking too many liberties with the translation? No it's not accurate, it only means "big brother". The lengths they went to in order not to translate that word properly was certainly impressive in its own way. Great episode, btw. @praisethevillain we dont have a proper translation for aniki in English(not that i know of), its means "Big brother" in Japaneses but its different from"nii-san" etc its referring to a senior person or a leader that u like alot(something like father in mafia), more like "Bro" but with more respect. i think using his name instead of "big brother" is better or maybe using the word "aniki" without translation even translating some thing like (nee-san, nii-san) is a problem, when a Japanese person call her/his brother-sister "ne-san ,ni-san" its normal! but in English its weird cuz ppl don't call their sibling by their position in eng they usually use their name. its really rare to see someone say "hey brother come over here" , the vibe changes in eng! Interesting. I was wondering what the differences were between those two. So Aniki is used in place of Nii-San when it's not their actual blood relative, but a fellow male they look up to and respect? Kind of like how in English some people call their good friends bro? Makes sense to me. It was just strange that they changed it for this translation because I remember when I first watched Gurren Lagann (at least the version I watched) Simon called Kamina "Aniki" and they translated it to "big bro" or just "bro". So I wondered why they didn't do it here. It doesn't bother me either way, just something I noticed. Thanks for the info! |
Feb 5, 2019 12:43 PM
Those who watch Detective Conan would remember Vodka always addresses to Gin as aniki due to respect mixed with a bit of fear. |
Feb 5, 2019 12:59 PM
when the girl showed up and i watched her singing and protecting those kids and working over night...i guessed that she does these kinds of things and damn it feels awful to realize that you were right at the end :D :| |
Feb 5, 2019 1:04 PM
After checking the wiki I realized that in the old anime adaptation the events of this episode happened before the episode where Hyakkimaru got his sense of pain back. |
Feb 5, 2019 1:13 PM
Feb 5, 2019 1:20 PM
Feb 5, 2019 2:44 PM
praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... |
Feb 5, 2019 4:39 PM
When your child loses his leg again ): |
Feb 5, 2019 5:05 PM
Osamu Tezuka has adapted to manga Crime and punishment by Dostoevsky. Mio reminds me of Sônia Marmeladova and both have a heart of gold and sacrifice for others. In spite of her profession, Mio's heart is pure because it is good, because it has not been corrupted by dark sentiments. Mio deserved a happy end as happened to Sonia at the end of Crime and punishiment. |
Feb 5, 2019 5:18 PM
i knew mio was selling herself from the moment she tried to hide herself from hyakkimaru. it hit deep, especially bc she's doing it for the sake of the children she takes care of. the situation is disturbing in itself, then add dororo finding out the way he did with him being just a child makes me *extremely* uncomfortable. but i signed for a dark story and i got it so i'll just.. deal with it. hyakkimaru got his voice this time! excited to see how he's going to be with it now |
Feb 5, 2019 5:33 PM
Smudy said: In some way, you're still correct though. She is raped by the tragic reality she is living in, which is really saddening and frustrating. :(Bluegerm said: Smudy said: Holy shit, Hyakkimaru lost his lower leg but gained his voice back. Didn't see this coming. Does he like Mio after he heard her voice? It seems like it to me. Mio letting herself get raped for money so kids stay safe, ffs. She tries to keep herself sane, too with humming her song.. Its not rape, if she lets them.... True, definitely worded myself incorrectly here. It really cought me off guard how this series turned out to be this dark. |
electromagnetoFeb 5, 2019 5:47 PM
I just realized that all of my favorite characters, beside being stunningly beautiful, also happen to be exceptionally skilled murder machines. \('-')/ I'm level |
Feb 5, 2019 5:45 PM
praisethevillain said: I think it's because cultural difference.vipergod said: Gnop2 said: praisethevillain said: Also, I noticed Dororo calls Hyakkimaru "Aniki", which, correct me if I'm wrong, means a form of "big brother". But I notice they translate it different ways like he's just saying "hey", "you", or "Hyakkimaru". Is this accurate, or are they taking too many liberties with the translation? No it's not accurate, it only means "big brother". The lengths they went to in order not to translate that word properly was certainly impressive in its own way. Great episode, btw. @praisethevillain we dont have a proper translation for aniki in English(not that i know of), its means "Big brother" in Japaneses but its different from"nii-san" etc its referring to a senior person or a leader that u like alot(something like father in mafia), more like "Bro" but with more respect. i think using his name instead of "big brother" is better or maybe using the word "aniki" without translation even translating some thing like (nee-san, nii-san) is a problem, when a Japanese person call her/his brother-sister "ne-san ,ni-san" its normal! but in English its weird cuz ppl don't call their sibling by their position in eng they usually use their name. its really rare to see someone say "hey brother come over here" , the vibe changes in eng! Interesting. I was wondering what the differences were between those two. So Aniki is used in place of Nii-San when it's not their actual blood relative, but a fellow male they look up to and respect? Kind of like how in English some people call their good friends bro? Makes sense to me. It was just strange that they changed it for this translation because I remember when I first watched Gurren Lagann (at least the version I watched) Simon called Kamina "Aniki" and they translated it to "big bro" or just "bro". So I wondered why they didn't do it here. It doesn't bother me either way, just something I noticed. Thanks for the info! In our culture, it's considered disrespectful to call someone older than you directly by their name, or even with a "hey" or "you". I think this is also the case with Japanese and many other Asian countries, while the opposite does with English and Western nations. Hence, the alteration in translation. Also, the word "aniki" Dororo uses indeed literally means 'big brother' as in a blood-related siblings. It's a different form of the (today's) usual "o-nii-san". The same goes for "aneki" and "o-nee-san" for older sister. |
I just realized that all of my favorite characters, beside being stunningly beautiful, also happen to be exceptionally skilled murder machines. \('-')/ I'm level |
Feb 5, 2019 5:59 PM
So far this series has done what the likes of Mob Psycho 100 II recently achieved. Letting Hyakkimaru come from being an unstoppable mad lad to a man who makes MISTAKES! I have no idea why this concept is hard to wrap around in genres like this, but Dororo shows that Hyakkimaru still has a long way to go before becoming a good swordsman. Losing his new leg because he got careless was shocking, you would never see this in an Isekai show like *cough* *Tensei Slime Datta Ken* *cough* where the character IS GOD, or is friends with him. This is why this episode may be a standard setting one for all episodes to come, even if it is framework for the next episode |
Feb 5, 2019 6:19 PM
Pretty good episode! I am really starting to like the world of the show and I am excited to see what ends up happening with the dad and the brother once he comes back to them. I knew what Mio's job was pretty much immediately, since it wasn't too likely she was a nurse before the war even started. Surprise favorite, but the old priest is really growing on me. I enjoy watching his character and I think he does the wise old man archetype quite well. I'm certain he knows more than he's letting on. Very interested to see where it goes from here. |
Feb 5, 2019 6:26 PM
Dororo just aired the episode of the year so far. So much plot twist. She's a sex doll which I predicted when she said she was looking for a job to those guys. And I'm pretty sure every job was the same. The music probably helps her forget. Hyakkimaru gets his voice but loses a leg that he is never getting back. Boy. This show know what risking your life means. 5/5 |
Feb 5, 2019 7:36 PM
I think it's pretty funny when looking at the comment thread how many people were blindsided by Mio's profession or think that she got raped. The 10-20 hints they gave during this episode wasn't enough for some. |
Feb 5, 2019 8:09 PM
Man this episode was brutal. Knew she was a prostitute, the signs are clear but the reveal is still shocking all the same. Man it seems like now every time Hyakkimaru gains something he's gonna experience something horrible in return. The first sound he heard was a woman crying and now his first sound are cry's of unbearable agony as his leg was torn off. Miss-Grindet said: 4/5 for this episode ... wished that Hyakkimaru got his sight instead of his voice For people who say mio got raped,it isn't rape when you're giving yourself voluntary ..... she is a prostitute and they re soldiers in war .... what i don't understand is how can a girl prostitute herself for kids she just met in war?? she makes me puke and sry but can't feel sad for her. here is a fact: at least one of your ancestors got raped :D (for the 1/5 guys) She's just a kind and empathetic woman, most likely orphaned herself who desires to give these kids who have nothing a home & family. Jesus its not that hard to understand & wow that rape comment was not funny. |
I used to be a watchmaker. |
Feb 5, 2019 9:49 PM
I'm glad that this isn't a story of him just getting everything back. You win some, you lose some. The point is to be on top in the end. Not only was Mio's "work" blatantly clear throughout this episode, it makes sense historically as well. |
Feb 5, 2019 9:52 PM
God damn it, I knew what was coming at the end, since the beginning, but I still wasn't ready. I imagine next episode they're going to show more of her getting raped, maybe tied up and constantly used throughout the entire episode. I know they'll make it even darker, the enemy soldiers will find out she's also working for the other soldiers and that's the end for her. Gonna be a tough watch for me. Fuck, I can't do rape scenes in anime. |
AoiYuukiHusbandoFeb 5, 2019 9:57 PM
Feb 5, 2019 10:54 PM
Biwamaru was so badass bringing down that bigass bird ghoul! Seems like Hyakkimaru is having a hard time adapting all the sound he has never heard before! for sure that girl is voiced by VA goddess Nana Mizuki! Doroo's a lot of help for Hyakkimaru & others! but damn! Dororo has seen quite an unpleasant shocking scene from the girl selling her body. DAMN! next is Hyakkimaru regained voice back! dis gonna be good! but it was brutal his legs got decapitated again! 5/5. |
Feb 5, 2019 11:11 PM
matias067 said: Biwamaru was so badass bringing down that bigass bird ghoul! Seems like Hyakkimaru is having a hard time adapting all the sound he has never heard before! for sure that girl is voiced by VA goddess Nana Mizuki! Doroo's a lot of help for Hyakkimaru & others! but damn! Dororo has seen quite an unpleasant shocking scene from the girl selling her body. DAMN! next is Hyakkimaru regained voice back! dis gonna be good! but it was brutal his legs got decapitated again! 5/5. The word "decapitation" is only used for heads, you genius. |
Feb 5, 2019 11:25 PM
Well that's fucked up, I'm starting to adore this series, one of bleak and depressing arc of the story as I remember |
ReeeiFeb 5, 2019 11:30 PM
Feb 6, 2019 1:53 AM
Miss-Grindet said: Slimcoder said: She's just a kind and empathetic woman, most likely orphaned herself who desires to give these kids who have nothing a home & family. Jesus its not that hard to understand & wow that rape comment was not funny. LOL, so you will give yourself to prostitution for people you don't even know or need ?? Jesus is just in your imagination, there is no empathetic person in war, because i lived it and i know how it works... Watching the Iraq War or any other war from TV doesn't count, girl. For the record, Mio knows the children, so your argument of "give yourself to prostitution for people you don't even know" is invalid and "there is no empathic person in war" is one of the most stupid bs I have ever heard. War doesn't change if you are an empathic person or not, it's either a characteristic of you or not. Besides, she doesn't have any means to find food or medicine in the war time either for herself or others, so she does the only thing she can think of, which is to exchange her body for food or medicine. |
ananizkimFeb 6, 2019 2:03 AM
Feb 6, 2019 2:52 AM
haydee82 said: Osamu Tezuka has adapted to manga Crime and punishment by Dostoevsky. Mio reminds me of Sônia Marmeladova and both have a heart of gold and sacrifice for others. In spite of her profession, Mio's heart is pure because it is good, because it has not been corrupted by dark sentiments. Mio deserved a happy end as happened to Sonia at the end of Crime and punishiment. When you said that, Mio is really similar to Sonia. I didn't think of that. Sonia and Mio are both girls that deserved better. From the start I had suspicion what was Mio job but I still hoped that I was wrong. And I'm really worried about Hyakkimaru's leg. He only Just got it! I hope that his leg will regenerate like some people wrote. |
Feb 6, 2019 2:55 AM
SeoRan said: And I'm really worried about Hyakkimaru's leg. He only Just got it! I hope that his leg will regenerate like some people wrote. As I said before, we don't know exactly how much time has passed since he got the leg , we only saw the flashback which the leg grew after he killed the first demon. It could have been over a year since that time. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:35 AM
DeeAngel said: I don't think it will be a 24 episode series. It might me a short 12 or 13 episode series.praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... |
Feb 6, 2019 3:46 AM
Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: I don't think it will be a 24 episode series. It might me a short 12 or 13 episode series.praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... It's been already confirmed it will be 24 episodes, duh. And just because you think it feels rushed doesn't mean it actually is. The pacing is just fine so far imo. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:49 AM
ananizkim said: From where did you get that information?Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... It's been already confirmed it will be 24 episodes, duh. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:51 AM
Sushantbro said: ananizkim said: From where did you get that information?Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: I don't think it will be a 24 episode series. It might me a short 12 or 13 episode series.praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... It's been already confirmed it will be 24 episodes, duh. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:53 AM
ananizkim said: That's good more episodes=more funSushantbro said: ananizkim said: Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: I don't think it will be a 24 episode series. It might me a short 12 or 13 episode series.praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... It's been already confirmed it will be 24 episodes, duh. |
Feb 6, 2019 5:06 AM
It would be quite a twist if Mio survives till the end as everybody is expecting her to die. |
Feb 6, 2019 5:38 AM
I feel sad for Mio Looking forward to the next episode |
Feb 6, 2019 7:10 AM
Poor Mio that sucks she is having to do that to get money for the kids . Hyakkimaru real ball's that guy has I love this a lot. I'm also dying in the inside. |
Feb 6, 2019 7:36 AM
Ratio20 said: Poor Mio that sucks she is having to do that to get money for the kids . Hyakkimaru real ball's that guy has I love this a lot. I'm also dying in the inside. Seriously, are you even watching the show? She is obviously selling herself to get food and medicine in return, and maybe some other daily necessities, for both herself and the children. She is not doing it for money since there is no place for her to spend the money during war time, in other words, she has no use for money. |
ananizkimFeb 6, 2019 7:45 AM
Feb 6, 2019 7:45 AM
I was still In shock not used to seeing stuff like. I still feel sorry |
Feb 6, 2019 8:42 AM
Miss-Grindet said: Slimcoder said: She's just a kind and empathetic woman, most likely orphaned herself who desires to give these kids who have nothing a home & family. Jesus its not that hard to understand & wow that rape comment was not funny. LOL, so you will give yourself to prostitution for people you don't even know or need ?? Jesus is just in your imagination, there is no empathetic person in war, because i lived it and i know how it works... Wow you are just a cynical & pessimistic individual. |
I used to be a watchmaker. |
Feb 6, 2019 8:50 AM
Pretty great episode, but holy fuck dude |
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy |
Feb 6, 2019 10:50 AM
Hyakkimaru regain his nervous system, immediately feel pain Hyakkimaru regain his hearing, immediately hear someone cry Hyakkimaru regain his voice, immediately start to scream Poor guy can't catch a break |
Feb 6, 2019 11:26 AM
Damn! Getting your voice back at the cost of your leg. Also, Hyakkimaru getting his original body parts back seems to make him go weaker each time. ;__; |
L-roFeb 6, 2019 12:12 PM
Feb 6, 2019 11:40 AM
ananizkim said: Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... It's been already confirmed it will be 24 episodes, duh. And just because you think it feels rushed doesn't mean it actually is. The pacing is just fine so far imo. I know it was confirmed on those websites however we get surprises time to time. As I said, "It is just me or?" that means I'm solely giving my opinion, so accept that as well I accept your opinion. For me the pacing could be a bit slower to be a bit better. If for you is ok, then good for you. :) However this doesn't mean I dislike the series, otherwise I wouldn't give a note of 9. Sushantbro said: ananizkim said: That's good more episodes=more funSushantbro said: ananizkim said: From where did you get that information?Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: I don't think it will be a 24 episode series. It might me a short 12 or 13 episode series.praisethevillain said: DeeAngel said: praisethevillain said: Hyakkimau still hasn't gotten used to his hearing, and it makes me wonder how he can understand spoken language if he's never heard it before? Exactly my question... Though remember in episode 2 hen he understood that Dororo wanted to know his name? Thus he wrote it in the the ground. Maybe he has some talent to understand? Or there was some method that Jukai taught him though we don't know how... Because when he told him that "Hyakkimaru" was his name he understood that. xD That's probably the case. I'm guessing Jukai taught him somehow or that's just part of his special abilities. Perhaps we will find out in the next episode when he speaks? Yeah...or it will be another detail that won't be explained because they're rushing this... If Hyakkimaru starts speaking out of nowhere it will be a a sudden surprise if without any explanation... Sushantbro said: DeeAngel said: Yea this adaptation is rushed instead of 25 demons there will be 12 demons.It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Yes I know that fact, but what I don't understand is why they're making 24 episodes and are rushing so much when there are only 12 demons. I know there's more than just the demons but I think they didn't need that. Unless the informations I took from 3 places about having 24 episodes are fake. x'D CCC47 said: DeeAngel said: Sushantbro said: Haxr57 said: I didn't expect that too. I think we are only the innocent ones around here.Looks like I'm the only one who didn't guess mio's job. 3 to the boat...xD I didn't expect that coming as well though I found strange when she said she was "working to the soldiers at night", but I thought it could be just helping them with wounds or so...since she knew very well how to take care of Hyakkimaru. (the covering part I thought she was just embarrassed that he could "see" something lol) But oh well...though it wasn't a big surprise seeing her in the end doing that, it was still something I wasn't expecting. The one that really shocked me was the right leg of Hyakkimaru... It is just me or I felt this episode quite rushed? Not so many actions in battle, the sudden voice recovering and many things happening at the same time? Sounded like episode 4 somehow... But overall it was a great episode as always! Love how they make detailed the adaptations of Hyakkimaru to the world of humanity! Make that 4 people who didn't see it coming lol! I thought that maybe she was doing watch duty at the border or something, but I was clearly wrong. I agree @DeeAngel that it did feel a little rushed in this episode... Yes! Exactly! And yes, the first 3 episodes looked pretty balanced while the last 2 were too many things happening without pauses or meaning for them to happen, principally the sudden appearances and disappearances of the monk... It's been already confirmed it will be 24 episodes, duh. This one and the two he gave were the 3 websites I saw that information. And this way I can also say the same as you. More fun coming. :D |
DeeAngelFeb 6, 2019 11:52 AM
Feb 6, 2019 11:48 AM
Ratio20 said: I was still In shock not used to seeing stuff like. I still feel sorry Go back to One Piece. |
Feb 6, 2019 12:37 PM
Feb 6, 2019 1:11 PM
SkyLETV said: Damn, since she appeared, she seemed like a living death flag to me but I didn't expect her story to go that way. I didn't suspect anything until she told H "it's like you can see deep inside me" right after covering herself, it was only there that the idea came to my mind and I started to join the dots. Then it was practically confirmed when Dororo said H could see the color of the soul and she covered herself again, and I say practically confirmed because I still had the slightest hope that it wasn't true or rather I didn't want it to be true. So, when Dororo said that (s)he would go with her, I started to feel fear, (s)he was following her and the feeling increased, I knew what (s)he would find... and it happened, I knew it but it still hit me hard. Man, this was fucking depressing. I didn't quite understand the part of he could see her soul color. I mean... Her soul has nothing to wih selling herself. Her intent is very pure for doing what she's doing (raising those orphans). |
Signature Removed. Please read the General Forum Guidelines regarding signature size. |
Feb 6, 2019 1:44 PM
kater_tot said: My thoughts exactly T-TI was so fucking shocked wen Hyakkimaru started yelling... like, omfg he can speak now?! I'm really sad that he lost his leg though... why couldn't that demon take the wooden leg god damn it?! Also i have a really bad feeling wen it comes to Mio... i feel like that particular story is going to end in tragedy |
Feb 6, 2019 2:49 PM
Lol predicted she was a prostitute when she was washing herself in the river and saying she works at night for the army gave it away too. Decent episode tho I'm not really feeling these episodic stories, have to forgive it because it's an old ass manga |
TenmaFeb 8, 2019 8:14 AM
poop |
Feb 6, 2019 2:55 PM
Everything is annoying, but not the beautiful voice of a woman. xD It really must be hard and at the end of the episode the first his voice does is screaming, because he is a battle and got wounded. Everything with his new senses has a bad connotation for him. That's awful. That poor girl is selling her body to give the kids a home. She's a great person :( and then she thought he could see through her and knowing her secret. And poor Dororo had to witnessed that scene. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:07 PM
That's not why she is selling her body. The ruined place they are staying is already abandoned. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:08 PM
Janssonn said: SkyLETV said: Damn, since she appeared, she seemed like a living death flag to me but I didn't expect her story to go that way. I didn't suspect anything until she told H "it's like you can see deep inside me" right after covering herself, it was only there that the idea came to my mind and I started to join the dots. Then it was practically confirmed when Dororo said H could see the color of the soul and she covered herself again, and I say practically confirmed because I still had the slightest hope that it wasn't true or rather I didn't want it to be true. So, when Dororo said that (s)he would go with her, I started to feel fear, (s)he was following her and the feeling increased, I knew what (s)he would find... and it happened, I knew it but it still hit me hard. Man, this was fucking depressing. I didn't quite understand the part of he could see her soul color. I mean... Her soul has nothing to wih selling herself. Her intent is very pure for doing what she's doing (raising those orphans). It's not like she wouldn't feel impure and corrupted, be the intentions good or not. Poor girl tried helping them the way she could, and now feel dirty even to be gazed at, she obviously must feel horrible. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:23 PM
ananizkim said: That's not why she is selling her body. The ruined place they are staying is already abandoned. But she called it work and will get money or some other offers for it. I mean everything they need to survive with the word home. |
Feb 6, 2019 3:44 PM
Paul said: Sucks when you actually guess right about something that you don't want to happen. When the kid says she only works at night, first thing that to mind was selling herself. The part where she was trying to cover herself up when Dororo said he could see the color of her soul only added more to it. Same. I also thought the same thing, I don't think she had any useful skills so I had a feeling she was selling herself. Turns out we were correct and I had a strong hunch when she approached those men in a sexy pose and Dororo finding her :( I feel sorry for those kids at Mio's makeshift orphanage. I hope they'll be alright. They already suffered because of the war, losing limbs, etc. and now they have a small family. I hope they can survive. Anyway, the good part is that Hyakkimaru has his voice back and I like it. Can't wait until he finally meets his biological family, especially his little bro. |
臭い- |
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