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Jan 29, 2019 11:31 PM
Jan 2015
Storage Hall
The perfect place to store whatever you need.

As the largest building in Abberton Village, the storage hall is used for storing anything the villagers don't leave in their homes. Due to the small size of the village, it lacks a proper fort. Instead, this building also acts as a makeshift garrison in times of danger, where the villagers can evacuate to so the guards can protect them from any threats.
Sho_the_MageJan 30, 2019 1:57 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jan 30, 2019 1:46 AM
Jan 2015

The three guards would continue towards the storage hall along with the SOULs, with Harry opening the large double doors with one hand. "We're back, and we brought the guys from Astraea!" Then he'd walk into the room along with the other guards, inviting the SOULs to follow along.

Once they were inside, they'd find it was quite a large room since it was bigger on the inside, enough to fit the ~60 inhabitants of this village although not without some discomfort in the close quarters. The SOULs would find that most of the villagers were Human with a few exceptions, and had various reactions to the new arrivals. Some seemed unusually cautious of Lucia, and Kurome to a lesser extent. A few superstitious whispers could be heard among the many voices of the villagers talking to each other, so only very perceptive people (none of the SOULs) could pick up what exactly they were saying, but soon they stopped.

"Everyone, please quiet down! We need to discuss our battle plans with Astraea's forces so they can help us protect the village, so give us a moment."

The voice was from an average-looking man who only stood out due to his armor and somewhat fancy sheathed sword. However, the crowd's reaction made it was obvious he was the leader, as they all became quiet enough that it'd be easy for the SOULs to talk to him. The other guards had all gathered nearby, numbering nine total including the ones they'd seen already.

Then he spoke to all the SOULs, introducing himself. "I'm Jack Johnson, captain of this village's guards. Thanks for showing up to help us! After that, he'd get down to business, turning to speak to the other guards.

"We should introduce ourselves, but make it quick. The CS aren't going to wait for us."

After that the other guards spoke up one by one, each giving their name and a short description of what they were capable of.

First was a human girl with a staff who was eager to speak up first. "I'm Jane, and I can use nature magic to heal people!" She was actually a Half-Elf, but due to her hairstyle being one that covered her ears, only perceptive people could tell.

The next one to talk would be hard to see unless one looked down, as he was tiny compared to everyone except Amice. He wore a traditional wizard's hat and carried a spellbook, making it obvious what his role was before he even spoke. "My name is George, and I can use the earth to trap or crush any of those monsters." He seemed to have confidence far exceeding his stature...

Next to him was a red-haired girl with a sheathed sword, who had earlier been one of the people who seemed suspicious of Lucia for some reason. "I'm Helen Flores, and I'm a paladin in training! I can use holy magic to heal my allies, or destroy evil creatures. Not only that, I'm a descendant of the famous paladin Lucas Flo-" She seemed really proud of her heritage, but got cut off by the other boy in their group of three.

"Gosh, the captain said yer supposed to make it quick!" All he got was a "Hmph!" in response...

"Howdy. I'm Jim, and I just fight with a spear."

The teenage boy was a lot more humble than his friends, although it was strange how he had a pot for a helmet. After him, only one guard hadn't introduced herself. It was an Elf, and she had been busy preparing some kind of magic circle that glowed a faint blue, large enough that all the guards and SOULs could fit inside it. Then it activated, releasing a brighter blue light throughout the circle. It faded, but a blue glow remained on everyone's weapons...

"My name is Minerva Lockwood, and as you can see, I can enchant weapons. This spell in particular allows them to harm anything ethereal." Naturally, the other guards were glad to have someone like her around, especially the ones that couldn't use magic and weren't rich enough to buy a fancy weapon.

"We already said our names, so all that remains are our fighting styles. As for me, I train in the way of the Samurai."
"I smash stuff with my muscles and my axe!"
"...I just shoot arrows and power them up with a little magic."

With that, the introductions were over after only around a minute. After that, they'd answer any questions the SOULs had, although only if they were reasonable and not too many in number. They needed to get to discussing battle plans soon now that the SOULs knew what everyone was capable of, and since they only had a few minutes left before the battle.
Sho_the_MageFeb 2, 2019 1:43 PM
Jan 30, 2019 4:08 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck, Tuba

The bunny-beastkind said his name was Leonardo. But he was too far away for a handshake. Too bad, but it was fine since they had to move to the storage hall anyways.

After getting inside, it opened his eyes, showing him once again that, yes. Buildings were bigger on the inside. There were quite a few people here, but not a very large number. It is a small village after all.

They seemed to be mostly humans, and some of them seemed to be cautious towards the group. Whispers could be heard but he couldnt understand what they were saying. As he was about to introduce himself, some ordinary looking guy stepped in and silenced everyone before introducing himself. Jack. Jack Johnson. a very generic name. And the other village guards followed suit, all introducing themselves and explaining their capabilities.

Guinsoo wasn't one to talk business, the only thing that piqued his interest was a girl named Helen Flores. He knew in the back of his head that he heard that last name somewhere before.. as he thought about that in the back of his head, he waved to everyone, including the villagers, "My name is Guinsoo! But you can call me Guinsoo. I like hitting things with my axe as well!", and he turned towadds Harry for a split second, giving him a thumbs up, before turning back to everyone. "Don't be afra-", his eyes widened as he finally remembered, "That's right! You know someone called Lucia right?", Guinsoo turned towards Helen, "Lucia Flores I think!", then he gathered his thoughts again, this girl didnt look like Lucia. Lucia has blonde hair! If people were discussing battle plans, he didn't really care for it too much. He might ask someone for the jist of it later.
Jan 30, 2019 7:44 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Amice nodded in agreement with Evalye, even though she didn't get the entire first sentence. After all, she had no clue what kindling was, or how warmth could echo. Luckily enough, the rest of what Evalye said made more sense.

She didn't really get what the guard was saying. Amice never gave the pixies any names, those names were just their names. “I didn't give them names, they had them before I met them. I think they were given to them by their parents, like with us!”

She had left and entered the storage room shortly afterwards. There were a lot of people in it, and a grand total of 7 of them introduced themselves. Amice didn't know how to remember that many names, already getting lost at Helen. That said, Amice was a well-raised halfling, so if someone introduced themselves to her, she'd return the favour. “I'm Amice, Amice Bellamy. This is Emerald, she heals people. That's Indigo, she gives people prana. That's Tangerine, she makes people act really quickly. That's Chartreuse, she makes barriers.” Amice had to look around a bit, trying to spot the final pixie, so she could point at her. It seemed like the Paladin-trainee had caught the pixies' attention, as Timberwolf was circling around her. “That's Timberwolf, she can make people invisible.” With that, introductions were done. As if that was a sign, the other pixies scattered throughout the room afterwards, finding their own targets to flutter around and observe. Only Emerald choose to stick with Amice.

Pixie Locations
Indigo – Fluttering around Minerva.
Emerald – Sitting atop Amice's head.
Tangerine – Fluttering around Leonardo da Vinci.
Chartreuse – Trying to touch the pan on Jim's head.
Timberwolf – Circling Helen Flores.

Jan 30, 2019 10:04 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Once Ryan followed everyone into the storage hall he found that this was definitely where all the villagers were. It wasn't too big of a village for everyone to be able to fit. Putting everyone in one spot didn't really convince Ryan they were all safe though, since the building itself didn't appear that difficult to break into, but maybe the captain would assuage his concerns with the plan.

At least the crowd was giving them room to move. Meanwhile, Ryan found somewhere to store his pillow and put it safely away. Then he heard the crowd quiet down.

The captain was the straightforward sword fighter who he had seen fight in the tournament. At least he had a guess on how strong the strongest soldiers there would be now.

Now the captain started off a round of introductions. The captain would probably introduce his own powers last since he hadn't started it by saying his powers. Made sense, he was possibly the strongest one there, so saying his own powers last would make it easiest for his to be remembered.

Ryan got a bit distracted when suddenly a magic circle encompassed the room, but tried to pay attention to what everyone said as they introduced themselves.

Ryan paid attention to everyone's self descriptions. She's a healer, but she didn't mention anything as versatile as what Amice can do. He's a halfling earth mage, and he'll probably be vulnerable too. The girl who introduced herself next did have a sword and said she was a paladin, so it seemed like she might be able to deal with getting into melee with the wolves. The same went with the weird potlid helmet guy. Well, Ryan was the one holding a pillow after all. Who knew, maybe one of them would assume it was his weapon of choice?

The showing-off spell then suddenly glowed brighter and enchanted everyone's weapons, not that Ryan had any equipped. Minerva basically was the one who would make a whole lot of these people useless if she went and died, from what he heard, so they'd better protect her.

The last 3 said what their fighting styles were. Overall it seemed like there were probably a decent amount of melee's to handle the enemy numbers so they didn't just tear their supports to shreds.

But Ryan got distracted, as Guinsoo started asking the red haired girl if she knew someone named Lucia Flores. At least he wasn't saying anything stupid like that he knew Lucia Flores as it would be a bad idea to say that in front of all these villagers.

Assuming that didn't go wrong in some way, Ryan would have time to just say what his skills were and ask the important question. There weren't any other Ryan's here, and they were supposed to get to the point, so he just stuck with his first name. "My name's Ryan. I fight by using lightning to speed up and hit hard and fast with my fists! I can paralyze people, and I'm probably faster than even the Fenrir."He didn't really see his ranged attacks as special enough to be worth mentioning, but paralysis might be a big deal if he could use it on the Fenrir(s). The same was true of him most likely being the fastest person there, from what he'd seen of Jack's combat in the tournament.

Then he just waited for everyone else to finish.
Jan 31, 2019 3:26 PM

Nov 2015

100/10080/80100/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

"I am Evalye from Astraea." She would curtsy.

Evalye would march up to Jim. As the introductions would go. She would look at the boy for a moment. She furrowed her brows and then said abruptly on his face: "You..." Evalye would quickly touch out his muscles and do a body check on the teenager to get a general idea of how apt he was for combat. "Too few springs before you."

She would then give him a gentle nudge or push, although -- if he wasn't physically to powerful she might have pushed him quite far or maybe not: "Don't die on me. There are many more seasons for you left to be seen. Support Minerva, don't let her get hurt. Okay?"

Jan 31, 2019 4:31 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. She has three piercings through each one of her ears. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Lucia followed the others into the Storage Hall, upon entering she immediately felt uncomfortable. She didn't particularly like being the centre of attention, especially with a group this large. She also noticed some murmurs and sideways glances, a lot of them directed towards herself. She supposed her face tattoos and her attire might be cause for superstitious people to be wary of her. She chose to largely ignore these people or at least put on the show that she was. She kept her chin held high and her eyes roamed over the crowd, she looked over everyone with a neutral expression, trying not to seem hostile.

A relatively good-looking, armour-clad man stepped forward and introduced himself as Jack Johnson, it was apparent by the way the villagers responded to him that he was the leader. Something he confirmed when he stated that he was the captain of the guard. Lucia crossed her arms and listened to what he had to say, shortly after, the rest of the guards introduced themselves and let everyone know what they could do in terms of combat. One of the guards had activated a magic circle which enchanted everyone's weapons, which she explained made them capable of hitting ethereal beings.

Lucia rubbed her chin thoughtfully, these people were not SOULs like Lucia and her companions, if they died they wouldn't be coming back. This meant they were at severe risk compared to the SOULs. Even so, they had chosen to be guards and they all obviously knew the dangers of their profession - or at least, Lucia hoped they did. Lucia noticed now that Kurome hadn't entered the Storage Hall with them, she looked around trying to spot the assassin but couldn't find her. Lucia frowned, it was unprofessional to not join in when making the battleplans. Not only that, but it put the rest of the team in danger. Lucia would have a few stern words with the assassin after the mission was over. Such behaviour left a sour taste in Lucia's mouth. These people were risking their lives and the cat-girl seemed to just ignore that fact and put them in further danger.

Completely unacceptable.

Lucia stepped forward and approached Jack Johnson. She held out her hand and, if the man accepted, would give him a firm handshake while nodding her head in respect. "A pleasure to meet you, Jack, my name's Lucia Roy. I understand we're short on time so I'll quickly run you through the strategy that my companions and I had discussed before coming here. Obviously, some things are subject to change considering the village's layout and the addition of your guards, plus whatever strategy you had in mind yourself.

Our two strongest are Ryan and Guinsoo, we initially planned for them to be the front liners. Evayle is able to fit the role of both front liner and healing support, although since both Amice and Jane are healers we most likely will need her to help the frontlines with dealing with the Garms. Myself and Kurome can act as supports, Kurome is an assassin and I specialise in decreasing physical capabilities of my opponents, so I'll be able to lower the Garms' speed.

Since you guys have quite a few supports it looks like we're going to need to protect our flanks as well, unless we can occupy the rooftops. In any case, these are my thoughts so far. Our main priority is to keep you all safe, we're SOULs so there is little risk for us. If you die it's a different story, we've got to focus on keeping you from entering the main fray if possible,"
she finished, she spoke soft enough that only the captain and those closest to her - the other SOULs - would be able to hear what she was saying. She had taken the initiative and let the captain know what their current plan was, that way he'd be able to know exactly what they were capable of and what roles each SOUL could perform. She spoke quickly but clearly, recognising that they were short on time.
WymsicalJan 31, 2019 5:15 PM
Feb 2, 2019 2:28 AM
Jan 2015
Helen Flores
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Heirloom Sword: ???/??? Durability
Wooden Shield: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Antagonism (Passive), Master Guard (Passive)

Jim Jones
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Iron Spear: ???/??? Durability
Pot Helmet: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive), Proficiency (Passive)

George Atlas
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Terra Tome: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Magic Burst (Passive/Inactive), Conservation (Passive)

The three new recruits listened as the SOULs made their own introductions after the other guards were done. One of them felt like talking to Helen while another approached Jim, leaving George the only one ignored. At least there was someone shorter than him for once...

Jim saw a tiny fairy-like thing approach him, trying to touch his pot/helmet since he was a pothead. He didn't see any harm in it, so he let the pixie poke his helmet. However it wasn't the only thing that wanted to touch him, since the girl with weird red eyes named "Evalye" also did so after approaching him. She touched his arm, pushing him back a little, but mostly because of him stumbling back on his own. "Wha...Er..." He had no idea how to respond as his face went red at a girl being so forward with him. Upon touching his muscles Evalye would find that while he wasn't that muscular, he wasn't a weakling either. Then she found a weird way to say he was too young to die and asked him to stay out of danger, even though they were the same age. Was she really hitting on him?

"Uh...thanks, but I'll be fine. I've trained for this for months, so I've gotta help somehow!"

It was also his way of turning Evalye down, since they'd only just met after all. It was clear he was tired of being kept in reserve, not wanting to be a burden anymore. Meanwhile, Evalye got a few stares for her unusual touchiness, including from the half-elf healer and some of the villagers.

Meanwhile, Helen was talking to the wolf-man who asked if she knew someone named Lucia. For a moment, she thought he meant someone else, but she was surprised it was actually the famous Lucia who she was related to. She couldn't help but be a little proud as she answered him. "Yes, she's my ancestor..! Well, sort of. I'm descended from her brother Lucas, but they were both famous heroes in the Grey War 300 years ago. Someday, I'll be a paladin as great as either of them!" She may not have been born with wings or blonde hair like them, that didn't mean she couldn't be as great...even if some Divines thought otherwise. Someday she'd laugh in the faces of those smug bastards...

There was also some silver fairy flying around her, which must've been from that tiny girl. She tried poking it, wondering if she'd really turn invisible like the Halfling said. If it worked, she'd be surprised if she could still see herself. On the other hand, if even poking it was lethal, that would be unfortunate. "I didn't mean to...sorry." It looked almost painful for her to apologize, but she would have to if it happened that way.

Either way, she didn't approve of how the witch-looking lady was acting like the leader of the Astraea mercenaries, saying way more than the others and mentioning she could reduce people's physical capabilities...she knew that was a pretty common power among dark mages. Her name was even Lucia which ended up offending Helen even more. A witch has no right to that name..! She never got a chance to talk to Lucia since she was talking to the captain the whole time, so all she could do was glare...

Jack Johnson
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Ether Edge: ???/??? Durability
Armor: ???/??? Durability

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: ???

Jack listened as the others made their introductions one by one, smiling a little as the new recruits got in a little argument about Helen's long explanation of herself and her heritage. In difficult times like these, it was nice to have a little humor...

The others got to business after that, with Minerva finishing her ethereal enchantment while the rest of the guards and the SOULs introduced themselves briefly. The last one wasn't so brief though, saying a lot more as if she was their leader. According to Lucia, the Astraea team had a few supports, a few close-range types who were the group's strongest, and some who could fit multiple roles. She also said that they were SOULs and weren't at risk, which wasn't a surprise to him.

"Thanks for all the information, but I already knew that part." To the SOULs, it'd be obvious what he meant unless they were dense like Edward. Then he went on to his own battle plans, which were made easier knowing the SOULs had a perfectly balanced team.

Taking a few moments to think and looking at the SOUL group again, he decided what seemed like the best strategy to him.

"From what I've heard, your team should be strong enough to handle the Fenrir pack already. We could go with you, but other CS might attack as well, so we can't leave the village defenseless." Although having every guard go out and attack would make it relatively easy to destroy the Fenrir pack, it'd just leave the village vulnerable to any other CS groups that might get drawn in by the battle or just attack on their own. Plus, the SOULs would probably work better as a team among themselves rather than trying to coordinate with people they just met.

"The Garms are coming from the northeast, so you should be able to find them in the fields there. I recommend using the terrain to your advantage so that they can't surround you as easily. If they end up too strong for you to kill them all, then fall back here so we can support you."

Jack was certain the SOULs would understand why they were chosen for this considering how they were immortal and the guards were not. Even if they risked a few losses with their group against the Fenrir's, that didn't mean much when they couldn't die. After that, he addressed the rest of the guards, giving them more specific orders.

"Everyone else, listen up! Astraea's going to fight the Garms, but we need to deal with anything else that gets past or around them. Makoto, Harry, and Leonardo, you're with me: We'll defend the eastern gate and deal with the wolves or anything else that gets here." Since the wolf pack was coming from the northeast, the eastern gate would be most likely to be attacked first if the SOULs were defeated or had to fall back here, so that's why he went there himself.

Next up was the western gate. "Jim, George, and Helen; you three can defend the western gate. Nathan should be back from his scouting mission soon, so he can help you out if anything shows up there. Just be careful, and don't hesitate to fall back inside if there are too many!" Jack wasn't sure if they were ready for a real fight yet, so he intentionally put them on the side least likely to be attacked.

"What? We don't need his help, we can handle ourselves!" Helen was clearly offended, tired of her competence being doubted even after all the training she'd gone through.
"Doesn't Astraea's team need help more than us? There's only the six of them against all those nasty wolves...Gosh, it'd be awful if some of them died for us." Jim seemed worried instead about the idea of only six people being outnumbered against six wolves and one enormous wolf based on the last scouting report.
"I should've stayed in Valindral...they don't look down on me there..." George just mumbled to himself, something only people with very good hearing (C+ Perception) would notice.

Jack could tell they weren't satisfied and even heard George's mumbling, but he wouldn't change his mind. "I'm glad you're all eager to help, but your job is important too! It's possible other CS could come from the west, and it'd be bad if we aren't prepared for them. Don't worry about Astraea's team: they're stronger than they look, and they're better equipped to fight CS than we are, so they won't die." It was partly a lie as the SOULs could be killed, they just wouldn't stay dead...Even so, it was enough to get the trio to listen to him albeit with a disappointed look.

That left only two guards left, whose role was obvious enough. "Minerva and Jane, you can stay here and support us." It'd also be up to Jane to heal any civilians who got hurt although he'd prefer if no CS got a chance to injure anyone in the first place. With that, the preparations were mostly complete. With the remaining time, he'd answer any more questions or objections the SOULs had.

Harry Martin
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Steel Axe: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive), Force (Passive)

The rest of the guards didn't complain like the rookies and would prepare for the upcoming battle, but before that due to some time-bending, other things would happen.

Harry heard the cute Halfling explain how she didn't name the pixies herself even though her bio said she did but instead they had their own names which their parents must have given them. "So they can talk..? Huh, neat!" Otherwise it wouldn't make sense why she knew their names.

Then Harry saw Guinsoo give him a thumbs up and grinned back, glad to meet a man of culture someone else who saw the art in smashing stuff with an axe. He wasn't surprised to hear the edgy girl mention Guinsoo was the strongest in Astraea's team. Maybe he was like Harry, who was even stronger than the captain..! least in raw physical strength. Unfortunately, Guinsoo felt like talking to the redhead instead, so Harry talked to Leonardo instead of Guinsoo.

"Hey Leo, ready to kick some ass? We could compete over who gets more kills!"

Leonardo Coelho
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Wooden Bow: ???/??? Durability, 20/20 Arrows
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Animal Instinct (Passive/Inactive), Enhanced Hearing (Passive), Eagle Eye (Passive)

The bunny boy wasn't as eager to fight, though. "We probably won't get any, you know...Astraea's team is going to fight the wolves, and they're supposed to be very reliable." He didn't look forward to the idea of having to fight the wolf pack if they ended up being so strong that even Astraea failed to stop them...

"Come on, don't be a wimp..! If you keep avoiding fights, you'll never get better...You know what they say: No pain, no gain!
"I'm an archer; I doubt pain would teach me anything..."

He didn't manage to help, though, as Leo clearly still wasn't eager to fight, and soon afterwards the captain gave them their orders to get going and guard the east gate. Harry said "All right, let's go!", while Leo just nodded in agreement. One of the pixies kept fluttering around him, which he could tell by the sound alone. It was kind of cute, but he had to get going so he left it alone.

Minerva Lockwood
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Ironwood Staff: ???/??? Durability
Ritual Dagger: ???/??? Durability

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive)

Meanwhile, Minerva noticed another of the cute pixies fluttering around her, specifically the blue one that Amice said could restore people's prana. Since she'd just used a powerful (and expensive) spell to enchant everyone's weapons, it was pretty convenient. "You said this pixie can restore Prana, so would you mind giving me some?" Unlike some others she spoke to Amice like an adult, since she was from Valindral where Elves and Halflings were the majority. If Amice refused, she wouldn't mind, but if she did have the pixie restore Minerva's prana she would thank her. "Thank you." However, she also didn't want to be in anyone's debt either. Among the group of SOULs, two were said to be the strongest, and only one of those two used a weapon while the other was a martial artist.

She spoke to Guinsoo, offering her assistance to repay Amice's favor by helping her team. "If you don't mind, I can enchant your weapon with sealing power." If he agreed, a white light would come from Minerva's staff and flow into the weapon, giving it a faint glow. "This will seal away the enemy's fighting techniques and muscle memory, so try using it on the Fenrir. Just be careful, it won't last forever~" After that she'd save the rest of her energy, not wanting to spend it all on Astraea's team since she needed to save some for the other guards too.

(Sealing Enchant: -27 Prana)

Jane Green
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Wooden Staff: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Keen Discernment (Active/Free Action), Blessing (Passive)

Jane spent a little while staring at the Astraea group, trying to analyze their power levels capabilities one at a time. Half of them weren't that hard to read and were around the same level as her, but the other half stood out and took a while longer to scan fully. It turned out two of them were really strong physical fighters, while the Halfling had a lot of magic power and was surprisingly tough for her short (even by Halfling standards) height. Overall, it was a really strong group, so she tried reassuring Jim who was worried about them. "Don't worry Jim, they look pretty strong to me, so I'm sure they'll be fine!" It didn't look like he was entirely convinced they'd be fine, but it made him feel a little better to hear her say that. She couldn't blame him for being worried though, since even if Astraea's team was strong, the Fenrir was among the strongest of its rank.

Makoto Oshiro
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Steel Katanas: ???/??? Durability each

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive), Aptitude (Passive)

Makoto wasn't as talkative and simply listened to the others while mentally preparing for the upcoming battle, imagining numerous ways the fight could go. Some were less pleasant than others, but a samurai always needed to be ready for anything in times of danger. Once the captain gave his orders and responded to any other questions/objections, she would go with him, Harry, and Leonardo to defend the eastern gate while Astraea's team would head out to fight the wolf pack.
Sho_the_MageFeb 3, 2019 1:18 PM
Feb 2, 2019 4:25 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck, Tuba

Guinsoo put away his tuba somewhere, which he found out he was still holding! Magnificent! After everyone introduced themselves again, Guinsoo talked to Helen. She mentioned that Lucia was her ancestor, a famous hero from the grey war! "Woah! That sounds like a great deal! Definitely asking her about it when we get back.", Guinsoo sounded pretty hyped for some reason. Maybe war was just something that had a great feeling to it for him. "Don't worry, Helen! You've got the spirit of a warrior and I'm sure you'll be a great p-pa... paladin someday!", Guinsoo smiled. Maybe his positive attitude could one day cause an epidemic.

Hearing the battle plans, Guinsoo was not disappointed at all. After all, he'd be in the frontlines! Thats the way he liked it. He heard the potboi's concerns and walked over to him to pat him on the back, "Don't worry, Jimbo!game was rigged from the beginning I can't die!", he tried to reassure the young man.

(If Minerva got some prana regeneration. )Minerva came towards him, he didnt really pay too much attention on what happened. She offered her assistance by somehow enchanting his weapon! "Certainly! Anything that makes him hit harder is welcome!". Now Ornn had magical powers! You could see it by the faint glow it had. It got a different buff than Guinsoo expected, but it was fine! This way, he could hit hard, but the wolf couldn't, which meant he would hit harder compared to the wolf! Quick maths. "Thank you, green-haired lady!"

After the conversations kept for the storage hall were over and everyone was ready, Guinsoo would just head out with the rest. Not forgetting to send Alexander a message:
"Hey, Alex! You know someone called Lucia Flores? Got her contact details? I'll get back to you when I'm finished with this mission!"
Discount66Feb 2, 2019 2:22 PM
Feb 2, 2019 10:51 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Lucia was saying to the captain all the details about their group. A lot of other stuff was going on but he couldn't pay attention to everything at once.

The gist of Jack's plan was that they were supposed to go out and fight the CS while the others got ready for other possible CS attacks or to help them. Once Jack was done with his big speech, since Guinsoo was busy saying something Ryan didn't hear and Lucia seemed like the one interested in making the strategy anyways,he would just tell Lucia his thought. "I think we should probably try to stay close enough to the village that we can reach the captain's group if the group of Garms we spot turns out to be too many. Even if it means we're closer to the village, it'd be hard for a normal sized Fenrir group to slip past us anyways, and that'd just leave the few that might get past to get killed by the captain. What do you think, Lucia?"

He wasn't really sure how to use the terrain here, or all of what exactly they should do for combat tactics against these Garms. But it at least seemed like a good idea to stay near enough to join up with Captain Jack's group if they saw 2 different Fenrir packs rushing from the distance.

If they would all be leaving as they discussed their plans, Ryan would leave the area with everyone else.

CanaasFeb 2, 2019 10:54 PM
Feb 3, 2019 5:19 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

With so many people talking about so much stuff, Amice didn't get half of it. Probably even less. From what she did gather, people didn't expect anything from her that she wasn't already familiar with. She did get somewhat confused, as apparently one of people here also knew Lucia. Not the scary-Lucia, but the winged Lucia. For some reason, this was due to them having the same last name, even though Amice had forgotten Lucia's, at least until she was just now reminded of it. It was weird how having the same last name made it likely to know someone. At least, it was weird to someone whom didn't get the concept of last names due to living under a rock for most of her life.

Luckily enough, Timberwolf didn't take damage from a poke that wasn't intended to do damage. Instead, the pixie felt like showing off for a bit, fist-bumping the finger that was trying to poke her, and turning herself and Helen invisible for a bit.

Meanwhile, Chartreuse had studied up on the pothead's pot. She was sooooo high. Sadly enough for Tangerine, she got mostly ignored by Leonardo. In either case, having inspected their persons of interest, they ended up returning to Amice. Timberwolf, by now satisfied with having shown her amazing talents and powers, returned to Amice as well. That left only Indigo, whom seemed to be put at work. “Yes, show her what you can do, Indigo!”

Having done her part; poking Minerva's cheek and restoring her prana, Indigo also returned to Amice. With all that out of the way, Amice would end up doing what she was told do. Probably leaving the area and that kind off shizzle.

Pixie Locations
Indigo – Fluttering around Amice.
Emerald – Sitting atop Amice's head.
Tangerine – Fluttering around Amice.
Chartreuse – Fluttering around Amice.
Timberwolf – Fluttering around Amice.
ElvarioFeb 3, 2019 12:30 PM
Feb 3, 2019 8:53 PM

Oct 2014

Lucia Roy

Stats and Stuff

It seemed like the guards would not be accompanying the SOULs on the frontlines, this was good news. It meant they wouldn't have to worry about protecting the lives of these mortal people. While Lucia didn't exactly think of herself as better than them as a result of her immortality, she still realised that it meant they were at more risk. A few of the guards expressed their desire to fight alongside the SOULs but other, apparently more seasoned, guards shut them up quick enough.

Additionally, Jack revealed that the SOULs would be engaging with the Garms outside of the village. While this was not what Lucia had exactly in mind, it was understandable why the captain wanted the battle to be outside his home. She could respect his decision, even if it meant that the SOULs wouldn't be able to use the rooftops of the buildings. Nonetheless, Lucia had confidence they would be able to deal with the Garms. In any case, Lucia would respond to Jack, "Alright, sounds like you've got everything figured out. We'll move into position without delay if there's nothing else." Lucia also took this opportunity to use her [Blackfyre Sight] on a few people. She would look at Jack Johnson, Guinsoo, Evalye, Amice, Makato, Leonardo, and Harry.

[-35 Prana]

She had already seen Ryan's physical capabilities before with the Blackfyre Sight so she didn't need to reuse it on him again. She wouldn't have been able to remember everyone's physical attributes so she opted to only use her Blackfyre Sight on the other SOULs as well as the captain and the guards in his squad - who would be on the eastern gate. Guinsoo had unreadable strength which meant that he was incredibly strong, he was also very fast and an equally as good level of fitness. His other attributes were average but he was still one of the stronger fighters here in terms of pure physical prowess.

Evalye had exceptionally good strength and vitality, which would definitely be an asset in the fight to come. However, her magical capabilities were below average, which was some cause for concern. Hopefully, the girl didn't rely on magic to power her physical moves. Her resistance to magical attacks was disappointing as well, although Lucia had not seen any magical attacks in her brief perusal of the Garms' information so that was probably not so important.

Amice was the one who surprised Lucia the most, the child had a high capability for magic, which made sense given her combat role. The girl could prove to be one of the more important members of the SOUL's team. Jack Johnson also proved to be quite a surprise, he was (most likely) the strongest one here in terms of physical ability. He possessed a high standard in most attributes which would make him quite the fighter and a valuable teammate to fall back on if things went sour with their initial encounter with the Garms. (Reactions to the other guards will be mentioned later, Sho told me the captain's attributes earlier since I made my intentions of using the Blackfyre Sight clear to him).

After Lucia analysed the selected people and their attributes, Ryan approached her and gave his input regarding the team's positioning. Lucia seemed thoughtful but nodded her agreement. "Good idea, we should let the others know once we're outside. Your earlier plan for our formation is solid as well. I'm concerned about Kurome's absence though, I would have expected her to take part in our discussion of the battle. Most likely ignorance on her part, but unacceptable as far as I'm concerned," she said, keeping her tone low when mentioning Kurome, not wanting to alert the captain or the other guards to Kurome's apparent foolishness.

"Then again, she might have her reasons, no use jumping to conclusions. We'll chat after the fight is over." Ryan had proven to be tactically minded and while Lucia didn't immediately trust people, she had a feeling Ryan wasn't going to be vocal about Lucia's misgivings regarding the assassin. Lucia would leave with the rest and continue her conversation with Ryan outside if there was nothing keeping them from leaving the Storage Hall.
WymsicalFeb 3, 2019 9:04 PM
Feb 4, 2019 2:43 AM
Jan 2015
Helen Flores
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Heirloom Sword: ???/??? Durability
Wooden Shield: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Antagonism (Passive), Master Guard (Passive)

Jim Jones
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Iron Spear: ???/??? Durability
Pot Helmet: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive), Proficiency (Passive)

George Atlas
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Terra Tome: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Magic Burst (Passive/Inactive), Conservation (Passive)

Guinsoo responded to what Helen said about Lucia by joking that he'd ask her when he got back...even though she'd been dead for 300 years. "H-hey, that's not funny! She died a long time ago..." Helen pouted a little, annoyed someone would joke about her ancestor like that. At least he believed she could become a great paladin, but he seemed kind of dumb since he stuttered on the word 'paladin', like he didn't know it. He was basically Astraea's version of Harry...

He ignored Helen after that, so she ended up poking the silver pixie, which tried fist-bumping her finger with its tiny fist. Not that she thought it was cute or anything. To her surprise, the pixie also turned invisible after using its magic on her, and Helen found that she could still see herself for some reason. Had it not worked..?

"So it really can turn people invisible..." Unlike some humans, George paid attention to other Halflings, so he realized it was the pixie Amice mentioned. He was actually a little jealous that someone who looked younger than him had so many spells...It didn't last very long before Helen reappeared, though.
"Wow...that's a neat trick! It's like the spell Nathan does, but on someone else..." Jim was just impressed, since he'd never seen someone make another person invisible like that probably because he lived under a rock like Amice.

"It's not that special, it only lasts a few seconds anyways..." Helen didn't like someone so tiny being praised more than her, so she didn't want to keep talking about it. Instead she went back to looking at the edgy girl with the witch-like outfit. Her eyes kept glowing red as she stared at the captain and the others heading to the right gate, which was really creepy and suspicious. Helen wasn't experienced enough to detect and cure dark magic and curses yet, so all she could do was question Lucia about it.

"What was that? Your eyes keep glowing's really creepy."

Depending on the answer (Which Wym can say in his next post/in the Abberton Village thread), it might make her more or less suspicious of Lucia, but either way she'd leave the area and go outside to guard the western entrance with George and Jim after she got a response.

The girl from Astraea had stopped hitting on him, thankfully. Then Jim heard Jane try to reassure him that Astraea's team was strong enough to win, and although it made him feel better to hear her talk, he was still worried about them. The axe guy from Astraea even joined in, patting him on the back with abnormal strength, almost knocking him over before joking that he couldn't die. "Hahaha, I hope yer right about that!" Jim was pretty sure these guys could beat the wolves, but doing all that without losing anyone was another story when it was only six against at least seven. Even so, he'd have to leave the area and head to the western entrance with the others, since the captain didn't think they were ready to fight...It was kind of disappointing.

Once again, George didn't have as much to respond to since none of the SOULs talked to him. He just mumbled a little to himself again, something none of the SOULs would hear, as he left the area with the other two, annoyed at being kept on the sidelines.

Jack Johnson
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Ether Edge: ???/??? Durability
Armor: ???/??? Durability


Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: ???

With her Blackfyre Sight, Lucia would find that Jack's physical and magical capabilities were unusually average. More accurately, they were all considerably above the average person, but to the exact same degree.

Jack was relieved to hear none of the SOULs had any complaints, and all were ready to move out and eliminate the CS threat. All that bothered him was how upset the three rookies were, but they'd understand in time. There was also the issue of only five SOULs showing up when he was told six would be sent here. "There is one thing: I heard there would be six of you. Are you missing someone, or did Astraea change their plan?" He hoped it was the second, since their team might have trouble if they weren't at full strength against CS this dangerous. Once he was informed Kurome was just waiting outside and missing out on everything they said (you can make this response in another thread), he'd say something else. "That's unfortunate...You'll have to find her and fill her in about what we said, but we're short on time." It wouldn't be very long before the pack of wolf CS got close enough to the village for the SOULs to fight them, so there wasn't a lot of time to explain things. He would leave the area alongside the more experience guards, preparing to guard the eastern entrance of the storage hall from any threats.

Harry Martin
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Steel Axe: ???/??? Durability
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive), Force (Passive)

Leonardo Coelho
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Wooden Bow: ???/??? Durability, 20/20 Arrows
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Animal Instinct (Passive/Inactive), Enhanced Hearing (Passive), Eagle Eye (Passive)

Makoto Oshiro
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Steel Katanas: ???/??? Durability each


Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive), Aptitude (Passive)

Lucia analyzed the other guards that went with Jack as well, finding their attributes to be more varied. Makoto wasn't as strong or tough but was faster than Lucia could analyze, while Harry surpassed the captain in raw strength instead since it was also too high for Lucia to see. Leonardo's specialty seemed to be his senses, fitting for an archer.

Harry, Leonardo, and Makoto had already almost left by the end of the last post, so they would all leave the area and go outside the eastern entrance to the building, ready to defend the village.

Minerva Lockwood
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Ironwood Staff: ???/??? Durability
Ritual Dagger: ???/??? Durability

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive)

Jane Green
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Wooden Staff: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Blessing (Passive)

Minerva didn't mind being poked in the cheek by the cute pixie, which restored her prana a surprisingly high amount. This was definitely not novice level magecraft, enough to restore mostly all the energy she'd used on her area ethereal enchantment. Naturally she repaid the favor by giving Guinsoo's weapon a sealing enchantment which he was grateful for, for some reason even calling his weapon 'he'. As good as Minerva was at enchanting weapons, she wasn't crazy enough to think of one like a person...Even so, she said "You're welcome." to be polite in response to Guinsoo's thanks.

With everyone else defending the two entrances while the SOULs went out to fight, Minerva and Jane would be the only ones who remained inside with the villagers. With the battle preparations over, the villagers went back to their conversations while the two of them talked a little.

"Miss Minerva, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, but just call me Minerva."
"You seem really smart, so I was you know if the monsters will ever stop coming? More just keep showing up even if they's so unfair! Where do they even come from anyways?" It was a little depressing, reminding Jane how ever since she was only a toddler the adults had been worrying about the monsters, and a lot of places weren't safe anymore. And more than a few people got eaten by them since then.
"I wish I knew...Flint managed to discover more about how they grow stronger, but even the wisest Elves I know don't know what force turns animals into these monsters. Perhaps once we discover that, we could find some way to put an end to them once and for all." Minerva had to stay optimistic, even with the setbacks they'd received recently. She remembered how the lab her husband had been working in got demolished by the same icy monkey CS that he'd studied the 'evolution'/transformation of, and how a lot of his coworkers had unfortunately been killed before Astraea's forces showed up to rescue him. Even so, what they'd learned would help put them one step closer to ending this crisis.
"They'd better find out soon! I don't want anyone else to die..." Even though most of the guards weren't native to the village (due to its small population) other than Jack, Harry, and now Jim, she'd grown to like the place and the people in it in her time helping out as a healer. At least they didn't have to deal with some of the more powerful CS that she'd heard were in the swamp and forest near Valindral.
Sho_the_MageFeb 5, 2019 4:50 PM
Feb 6, 2019 2:19 PM

Nov 2015


100/100100/10080/80 Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

Evalye was wavering. She couldn't help but to think of the boy, that was too young to be out there. A memory mingled together; she couldn't decide which one of the two memories was the correct one. One where she was failed to protect a person or the other one where she failed to save that person. There may have been something odd with Evalye as she was observed but then again, Lucia perhaps learned of her red side. Not that it would tell anything of her Blue side.

After everything had been discussed, she would depart with the group but being silent for the moment being. Leaving the area. Despite of the reaction given by Jim, he'd realize it very quick that she was not interested in him.
Feb 11, 2019 4:54 PM
Jan 2015

Minerva and Jane continued to wait for any calls for help from the guards at either gate, only to hear from someone else knocking on the door, entering the room in a hurry once Jane opened it. He was using some kind of communication device to speak with the captain.

"Cap, we've got trouble! There's at least eight Vencris flying in from the west, and a big one leading them."

Their scout had finally returned, and something seemed off to him. There wasn't anyone defending the western entrance when he arrived...

"Wait, weren't the newbies supposed to be watching the west side?"

Jack Johnson
Health: ???/???
Prana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Ether Edge: ???/??? Durability
Armor: ???/??? Durability


Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: ???

"Yes, they we-" Saying that led him to an obvious conclusion, one he felt like he should have expected in hindsight.

"They must have run off to help Astraea...I should have known better than to leave them alone! I'll have to go rescue them. Everyone, hold off the rest of the CS until I get back!"

It was really frustrating to deal with, but he had to do something about it now. He wasn't going to let them die before they even know how to handle a real fight. So, Jack quickly made his way towards the battlefield at a rather fast speed, hoping he would get there in time...

Meanwhile, the rest of the guards gathered near the western doorway, preparing to face off against the swarm of bugs approaching the building.
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