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Jan 23, 2019 11:44 AM
Nov 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
FreezePeach said:
Bad translation. Phalanx is a different formation and there is a different word for it. He says "mishuu jinkei" which means "dense military formation". It made sense because it would simplify defense and attack. When they attack they still move in formation.
Or it is just that.
Meh, wall of text. It makes sense though that animators don't know much about tactics used by armored swordsmen. There is no any particular reason for historically accurate formations to be exactly the same in isekai with completely different "rule set" regarding weapons, armor, magic, healing and pretty much everything else battle-related. They are "in the game" after all. It didn't look too weird to me.
Jan 23, 2019 11:45 AM

Dec 2016
Daniel_Naumov said:
You are completely misunderstanding the characters here. The thot one yes she is a bad girl for whatever reason, but the other heroes are not. They honestly believe the shield hero tried to assault the princess, who is playing victim and that spear hero obviously likes his girls protected. Other two heroes don't even show animosity towards the shield hero, they just go with the flow and try to do their part. I am sure later on when the plot by the princess revealed, the spear hero will apologize for tarnishing shield hero's dignity with the rest of the kingdom rednecks.

Then it is terrible writing so far. It was said that the kingdom is a matriarchy, so I can kind of accept that the kingdom's citizens believed the woman's accusation even though there was no definitive proof, but there's no excuse for the heroes, who are from modern society, to go along with that.

Furthermore, when the heroes met again, the girl who accused the Shield Hero of rape was being rude, aggressive, and dominating towards him, which is not typical for a rape victim. Right then and there the other three heroes should have questioned the accusation, along with the fact that the Shield Hero committed no further crimes since the supposed rape. Also, the writers tried to paint the Spear Hero as a bad guy by making him hit on Raphtalia, which is a classic trope of pointing out a sleazy villain.

What's the difference?
Jan 23, 2019 11:46 AM

Jul 2014
Glad I picked this series up, as this was another solid episode, although Raphtalia somehow going from looking like a child to looking like a teenager so quickly is kind of odd. When that firestorm came down in the village, I did initially think it was the Bow Hero, but some knights being responsible for it as an act of not giving a damn about collateral damage works out as having more or less the same effect anyway.

My only complaint so far was the conversation between Naofumi and Raphtalia before the Wave struck: we've not really seen enough of them together for it to hold much meaning just yet (although from her perspective it is understandable why she views him as she does).
Jan 23, 2019 11:52 AM

Oct 2016
Loved the episode, but I gotta say. I'm not a fan of the design choice they made for the actual wave. I liked what they did in the manga where it was literal cracks in the sky and I wish they had used that.

Also noticed that they didn't give Raphtalia her upgraded outfit before the wave.
JakJan 23, 2019 12:05 PM
Jan 23, 2019 11:53 AM

Sep 2014
They sure grow up fast "sniff", Raphtalia is still adorable as ever hnnnggg <3
Naofumi sure can stand up on his own against so many monsters and even saving people, nothing beats having Raphtalia at his side though =w=
Jan 23, 2019 11:54 AM

Oct 2010
The main story with the waves is so generic and boring. So is having MC be the "true hero" of the people while the others focused 100% on killing without caring about the villagers. Making everyone hate Naofumi was a a nice twist but they're just gonna use generic and bland tropes to make everyone like him.

Then they got rid of loli Raph. Shame. But more annoying is that she's still a slave. Why doesn't he free her? She'd clearly stick with him but he won't free her. I can accept slavery in fiction when it's done for a purpose. That purpose was already served. He should've set her free already. At this point it just feels like they're trying to paint slavery as a good thing.

Animation was above average. Not awful but not great. Spell effects were solid though.

Overall it's getting more dull as it goes on. I blame this mostly on the main Wave plot. It doesn't leave a lot to work with. They need really strong character writing to really make this good and so far we have 3 heros we've barely seen anything from but seen douchey. We have traitorous bitch. She's boring.Then we have Naofumi who got fucked over but even then he's still mostly an asshole when he doesn't need to be so it's hard to like him. Even before he was accused, every time a woman showed up he monologued about their appearance so at worst all he seemed to care about was lust. So before and after the accusion he's not a likeable main character. The only thing he has going for him is pity. I can feel pity for him because he got falsely accused of rape but that's it. Almost everything else he does or says makes him an asshole. Not freeing Raph is a major part of this. Then Raph too. I had hopes for her but now she just feels like a mindless drone that does whatever Naofumi needs her to do. Hopefully she'll grow as a character some more pretty soon.

TLDR: it's feeling again like yet another author self-insert Isekai except instead of being super OP (though he no doubt is), he has slaves attack for him. Just feels like a lazy self-insert story like most Isekai light novels. All the hype seemed to have got my expectations too high.
Jan 23, 2019 11:55 AM

Oct 2016
ACornelis said:
Wow, this episode was so garbage. It was on the same level as Sword art Online when it comes to incompetent writing and directing.

If you enjoyed this episode i really need you to watch it again and pay attention to what's going on because you clearly missed how poor and dumb it was.
Or maybe you just have bad taste.
Jan 23, 2019 11:56 AM
Apr 2016
Daemon said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
You are completely misunderstanding the characters here. The thot one yes she is a bad girl for whatever reason, but the other heroes are not. They honestly believe the shield hero tried to assault the princess, who is playing victim and that spear hero obviously likes his girls protected. Other two heroes don't even show animosity towards the shield hero, they just go with the flow and try to do their part. I am sure later on when the plot by the princess revealed, the spear hero will apologize for tarnishing shield hero's dignity with the rest of the kingdom rednecks.

Then it is terrible writing so far. It was said that the kingdom is a matriarchy, so I can kind of accept that the kingdom's citizens believed the woman's accusation even though there was no definitive proof, but there's no excuse for the heroes, who are from modern society, to go along with that.

Furthermore, when the heroes met again, the girl who accused the Shield Hero of rape was being rude, aggressive, and dominating towards him, which is not typical for a rape victim. Right then and there the other three heroes should have questioned the accusation, along with the fact that the Shield Hero committed no further crimes since the supposed rape. Also, the writers tried to paint the Spear Hero as a bad guy by making him hit on Raphtalia, which is a classic trope of pointing out a sleazy villain.

Heroes from modern societies (they are from different Japans, maybe even ones where female are actually respected) are supposed to bear modern values - protecting females from male predators, which is statistically more frequent than the false accusations. They are new to this world and they don't know how things work, then there is a manipulative thot who played one nice guy like fiddle. And I personally do not remember anywhere in the series that it has been stated for kingdom to be a matriarchy. It is something I have heard from those lesser users who tried to use that as an argument against the series.
I am not going to argue the writing level of this series, as it is THE THIRD EPISODE OUT OF 12+. I will repeat, however, that your perception of the characters is flawed. You are instead trying to come up with some psychological games of why they keep on going with the flow. Whether this is a bad writing or not, what you are doing is asking why some scenes are not written up to your liking.
...And complementing sweet girls while trying to protect them from a known, even if unproven offender is now a villain trait... I am out.
Jan 23, 2019 11:56 AM
Apr 2016
Atavistic said:
Glad I picked this series up, as this was another solid episode, although Raphtalia somehow going from looking like a child to looking like a teenager so quickly is kind of odd. When that firestorm came down in the village, I did initially think it was the Bow Hero, but some knights being responsible for it as an act of not giving a damn about collateral damage works out as having more or less the same effect anyway.

My only complaint so far was the conversation between Naofumi and Raphtalia before the Wave struck: we've not really seen enough of them together for it to hold much meaning just yet (although from her perspective it is understandable why she views him as she does).

An chan you don't know nothing about demi-humans do you?
Jan 23, 2019 11:57 AM

Jun 2015
Dang raphtalia grew like 10 years older in the span of however long is in between episode 2 and 3
Jan 23, 2019 11:58 AM
Apr 2016
Kougeru said:
The main story with the waves is so generic and boring. So is having MC be the "true hero" of the people while the others focused 100% on killing without caring about the villagers. Making everyone hate Naofumi was a a nice twist but they're just gonna use generic and bland tropes to make everyone like him.

Then they got rid of loli Raph. Shame. But more annoying is that she's still a slave. Why doesn't he free her? She'd clearly stick with him but he won't free her. I can accept slavery in fiction when it's done for a purpose. That purpose was already served. He should've set her free already. At this point it just feels like they're trying to paint slavery as a good thing.

Animation was above average. Not awful but not great. Spell effects were solid though.

Overall it's getting more dull as it goes on. I blame this mostly on the main Wave plot. It doesn't leave a lot to work with. They need really strong character writing to really make this good and so far we have 3 heros we've barely seen anything from but seen douchey. We have traitorous bitch. She's boring.Then we have Naofumi who got fucked over but even then he's still mostly an asshole when he doesn't need to be so it's hard to like him. Even before he was accused, every time a woman showed up he monologued about their appearance so at worst all he seemed to care about was lust. So before and after the accusion he's not a likeable main character. The only thing he has going for him is pity. I can feel pity for him because he got falsely accused of rape but that's it. Almost everything else he does or says makes him an asshole. Not freeing Raph is a major part of this. Then Raph too. I had hopes for her but now she just feels like a mindless drone that does whatever Naofumi needs her to do. Hopefully she'll grow as a character some more pretty soon.

TLDR: it's feeling again like yet another author self-insert Isekai except instead of being super OP (though he no doubt is), he has slaves attack for him. Just feels like a lazy self-insert story like most Isekai light novels. All the hype seemed to have got my expectations too high.

What do you mean by "self-insert"? If you mean "a story where authors projects himself as a good guy against a bad society and tries to justify his real self who is laughed upon in Japan", then do not bother answering, I am immune to that.
Jan 23, 2019 11:59 AM

Oct 2016
Kougeru said:

Then they got rid of loli Raph. Shame. But more annoying is that she's still a slave. Why doesn't he free her? She'd clearly stick with him but he won't free her. I can accept slavery in fiction when it's done for a purpose. That purpose was already served. He should've set her free already. At this point it just feels like they're trying to paint slavery as a good thing.

Jan 23, 2019 12:03 PM

Mar 2011
Very good and exciting episode! Naofumi proved to be a true hero by protecting the people, unlike those disgusting knights.
Jan 23, 2019 12:03 PM

Sep 2017
I´m liking more the MC personality here than in the manga. In the latter it comes across as being constantly whining about everything. Here in the anime looks more balanced.

However, as pointed out, the fight scenes were garbage. Waaaaaaaay too static. I hope that improves at some point. Also disappointed that we did not get to see any new shield aspect. IIRC in the manga it changes for defending against the knights barrage.
Jan 23, 2019 12:05 PM
Apr 2016
Kougeru said:

Then they got rid of loli Raph. Shame. But more annoying is that she's still a slave. Why doesn't he free her? She'd clearly stick with him but he won't free her. I can accept slavery in fiction when it's done for a purpose. That purpose was already served. He should've set her free already. At this point it just feels like they're trying to paint slavery as a good thing.

Define the receptors of such "feelings". In the episode there was not a single allusion to slavery, she was not called a slave, no means of oppression in slavery were used. This is but your twisted perception of the setting, and if you feel like this is somehow painting slavery AT ALL SUPPOSEDLY PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT REDNECKS KNOW IT IS BAD then you should rather check for values integrity inside your own self.
Jan 23, 2019 12:07 PM
Apr 2016
red4scare said:
I´m liking more the MC personality here than in the manga. In the latter it comes across as being constantly whining about everything. Here in the anime looks more balanced.

However, as pointed out, the fight scenes were garbage. Waaaaaaaay too static. I hope that improves at some point. Also disappointed that we did not get to see any new shield aspect. IIRC in the manga it changes for defending against the knights barrage.

The concept of power-consuming shield is quite a big power scaling problem conceptually. In theory, if author wishes so, he could just make the shield absorb some top-tier demon's part or an artifact and just make the whole finale a steamrolling. Which of course sucks and had better not happen, but the conceptual value of such an idea is quite... unappreciated.
Jan 23, 2019 12:07 PM
Mar 2015
Both of them fought well He found something to fight for
Jan 23, 2019 12:10 PM

Nov 2018
I feel cheated after the first couple of episodes set me up to expect an edgy adventure with these two characters.. only for one of the characters to have fully grown up in a week and for the main character to keep helping everyone who hates him, even whilst they're in the middle of attacking him (the royal knights). So much for "screw this world why should I help them".
Jan 23, 2019 12:12 PM

Mar 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Esquirtit said:
Animation and direction arent bad, it's just weak especially when they show like hundreds of monsters spawning that end up flying/standing around it would be cool if they did a better job at showing what's actually happening on the battlefield. AoT and Kingdom do a great job at this by telling the viewer what strategies are being used and what the battlefield looks like on a map which makes the experience immersive, if future battles in this show continue to be bland there's not much to enjoy imo because the plot and characters arent that interesting I could just play some RPG game

And they will, because in AoT there are tactics, and here is magic and friendship.
I guess so but I wonder if this shit even has a combat system with any thought put into it because a whole horde got killed by fire. The other heroes said it's exactly like a VR game they played but maybe it's all just ass writing, idk man I should stop thinking about this show
Jan 23, 2019 12:13 PM
Apr 2018
The Spear Hero is a total jerk and doesn't deserve the title of HERO!
Jan 23, 2019 12:14 PM

Sep 2017
Daniel_Naumov said:

The concept of power-consuming shield is quite a big power scaling problem conceptually. In theory, if author wishes so, he could just make the shield absorb some top-tier demon's part or an artifact and just make the whole finale a steamrolling. Which of course sucks and had better not happen, but the conceptual value of such an idea is quite... unappreciated.

No idea if the manga explains that in detail cos I´ve not read it all. But the way I like to look at it is that the crafting materials unlock new shield modes and skills, but the power level of said skills is still tied to his level. I´m also assuming that some skills require not just some specific materials to unlock but also a min level.
Jan 23, 2019 12:16 PM

Nov 2018
Esquirtit said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

And they will, because in AoT there are tactics, and here is magic and friendship.
I guess so but I wonder if this shit even has a combat system with any thought put into it because a whole horde got killed by fire. The other heroes said it's exactly like a VR game they played but maybe it's all just ass writing, idk man I should stop thinking about this show

No they don't, 1 of them does. The others say *the world* is just like an MMO and a console RPG they've played, and in Naofumi's case it's the book from epi 1, they weren't teleported to a VRMMO just because people (at least the MC + parties) have levels.
Jan 23, 2019 12:20 PM
Apr 2016
red4scare said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

The concept of power-consuming shield is quite a big power scaling problem conceptually. In theory, if author wishes so, he could just make the shield absorb some top-tier demon's part or an artifact and just make the whole finale a steamrolling. Which of course sucks and had better not happen, but the conceptual value of such an idea is quite... unappreciated.

No idea if the manga explains that in detail cos I´ve not read it all. But the way I like to look at it is that the crafting materials unlock new shield modes and skills, but the power level of said skills is still tied to his level. I´m also assuming that some skills require not just some specific materials to unlock but also a min level.

There is unfortunately a lot that could go wrong with that concept unless the boundaries are well specified. It could be like you say, it could be not. So far he had no access to anything powerful, but who knows what happens next...
Jan 23, 2019 12:21 PM
Apr 2016
kysmongo said:
I just find it wierd that demihumans are supposed to be harshly descriminated against in their society, but now all of a sudden all the merchandisers seems to like her.

They like the cute girl with animal ears. The thot-princess stil discriminates against her, and the male predators are just that, trying to stuff her mouth with their sandwiches coughs-coughs.
Jan 23, 2019 12:21 PM

Jul 2014
I sympathize with manga and LN readers here, there was no anger nor can I sense any impact of emotions on Naofumi this episode, and because of that, his development in the future wont feel as rewarding/satisfying as it should be.
Jan 23, 2019 12:22 PM
Sep 2016
Jak said:
Kougeru said:

Then they got rid of loli Raph. Shame. But more annoying is that she's still a slave. Why doesn't he free her? She'd clearly stick with him but he won't free her. I can accept slavery in fiction when it's done for a purpose. That purpose was already served. He should've set her free already. At this point it just feels like they're trying to paint slavery as a good thing.

it seems the erotic dream of an otaku to have slaves who want to remain his slaves, if it is true that the author is a woman, she must know well the tastes of her audience
Jan 23, 2019 12:24 PM

Aug 2018
Esquirtit said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

And they will, because in AoT there are tactics, and here is magic and friendship.
I guess so but I wonder if this shit even has a combat system with any thought put into it because a whole horde got killed by fire. The other heroes said it's exactly like a VR game they played but maybe it's all just ass writing, idk man I should stop thinking about this show
Yes, you should. Neverland is beckoning, or better yet Domestic no Kanojo. No thinking required.
Jan 23, 2019 12:26 PM

Mar 2018
@hifutakiko oh well, it's not just that they have levels ,sometimes they also show his pov for a few seconds which looks like some interface but I really dont understand what's it all about lol
Jan 23, 2019 12:28 PM

Apr 2015
Great episode!

Raphtalia is slowly growing up and I like it, she's such a cute character. Glad to see that she is speaking up for herself now. Really loved how she was interacting with Elhart (Armour shop dude). Can't wait to see her fully grown! Good contender of best girl of the season.

I want to see that Spear Hero die... Just can't stand the guy.

Action was really nice, Naofumi choose well to protect the village first instead of going for the "boss". People's lives matter! Naofumi & Raphtalia makes such a great team, also nice to see that eventhough Naofumi is limited to what he can do with his shield, he tries his best with hand to hand combat defeating those monsters.
Jan 23, 2019 12:29 PM

Aug 2018
zamployer said:
The Spear Hero is a total jerk and doesn't deserve the title of HERO!
Arguably the same could be said of Naofumi, I thought he was something of a jackass this episode. I wish Naofumi would lop Spear Hero and Malty’s heads off. I’d respect him more if he did this rather than his moping around.
Jan 23, 2019 12:29 PM
Apr 2016
NoviSun said:
Esquirtit said:
I guess so but I wonder if this shit even has a combat system with any thought put into it because a whole horde got killed by fire. The other heroes said it's exactly like a VR game they played but maybe it's all just ass writing, idk man I should stop thinking about this show
Yes, you should. Neverland is beckoning, or better yet Domestic no Kanojo. No thinking required.

Trying to defend "another world" series with a "thinking" argument.
From bottom it calls.
Jan 23, 2019 12:33 PM
Nov 2011
Kougeru said:
The main story with the waves is so generic and boring. So is having MC be the "true hero" of the people while the others focused 100% on killing without caring about the villagers. Making everyone hate Naofumi was a a nice twist but they're just gonna use generic and bland tropes to make everyone like him.

Then they got rid of loli Raph. Shame. But more annoying is that she's still a slave. Why doesn't he free her? She'd clearly stick with him but he won't free her. I can accept slavery in fiction when it's done for a purpose. That purpose was already served. He should've set her free already. At this point it just feels like they're trying to paint slavery as a good thing.

Animation was above average. Not awful but not great. Spell effects were solid though.

Overall it's getting more dull as it goes on. I blame this mostly on the main Wave plot. It doesn't leave a lot to work with. They need really strong character writing to really make this good and so far we have 3 heros we've barely seen anything from but seen douchey. We have traitorous bitch. She's boring.Then we have Naofumi who got fucked over but even then he's still mostly an asshole when he doesn't need to be so it's hard to like him. Even before he was accused, every time a woman showed up he monologued about their appearance so at worst all he seemed to care about was lust. So before and after the accusion he's not a likeable main character. The only thing he has going for him is pity. I can feel pity for him because he got falsely accused of rape but that's it. Almost everything else he does or says makes him an asshole. Not freeing Raph is a major part of this. Then Raph too. I had hopes for her but now she just feels like a mindless drone that does whatever Naofumi needs her to do. Hopefully she'll grow as a character some more pretty soon.

TLDR: it's feeling again like yet another author self-insert Isekai except instead of being super OP (though he no doubt is), he has slaves attack for him. Just feels like a lazy self-insert story like most Isekai light novels. All the hype seemed to have got my expectations too high.

He doesn't free her because without a slave seal he can't trust people, especially females. That trauma of his lasts for a long time, though it should be healed partially by the next 2 episodes.
Jan 23, 2019 12:34 PM

Jun 2017
Man the animation was underwhelming, there was no emotion whatsoever in what the protagonists did and the villains are cartoonishly evil. I don't get the combat system, how does it work?Why don't they explain exactly how the Shield and Raphtalia actually work? Lazy writing 101, have the main character act heroic while foolishly portraying the other characters as selfish and egomaniacs. I really don't understand why this show is popular, a good first episode doesn't mean it will be good for its entire run(Watch FranXX or Akame ga Kill for example)

Man the animation was pretty good, the music continues to be top notch, i actually felt what the main characters are going through, from Naofumi's doubts about his thoughts and the fact that he's not a bad guy at heart, indicating how much he forced upon himself his "sudden" change; to Raphtalia's brain scars. I love how the other heroes think they know everything while missing the most important part of being a hero, they do not understand because they want to fulfill their fantasies, they want to be "heroes" for once in their lives but they never knew what to do
May our sweet and Merciful Madoka be with you
Jan 23, 2019 12:37 PM
May 2015
Swagernator said:
So this is how it will be always ? MC doing "hero's" work, while heroes doing just ... stuff, but getting all the credits for it ?

Kinda meh.

I mean, while I don't particularly think of the other Heroes as actual heroes, they did stop the invasion. And it's not like Naofumi isn't treated as a hero, he's just not treated as a hero by the government. As you could see in this episode, the villagers treated him like an actual hero.
Jan 23, 2019 12:37 PM
Apr 2016
kysmongo said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

They like the cute girl with animal ears.

doesnt change the fact that its wierd that they change their opinions of demi-humans for no reason

I would not lose sleep over several peddlers trying to impress her. The knights from elite still behave themselves like scum to her. They do so to everyone but stil...
Jan 23, 2019 12:38 PM
Apr 2016
Chailles said:
Swagernator said:
So this is how it will be always ? MC doing "hero's" work, while heroes doing just ... stuff, but getting all the credits for it ?

Kinda meh.

I mean, while I don't particularly think of the other Heroes as actual heroes, they did stop the invasion. And it's not like Naofumi isn't treated as a hero, he's just not treated as a hero by the government. As you could see in this episode, the villagers treated him like an actual hero.

It has to be extremely hard to understand that Shield Hero is the hero for the common folk. It just has to be... the truth is near...
Jan 23, 2019 12:44 PM

Jan 2017
Jak said:
ACornelis said:
Wow, this episode was so garbage. It was on the same level as Sword art Online when it comes to incompetent writing and directing.

If you enjoyed this episode i really need you to watch it again and pay attention to what's going on because you clearly missed how poor and dumb it was.
Or maybe you just have bad taste.

Hah, what a joker. Right back at you bud.

If you can't pick up on the fact that this episode was poor and had horrendously lazy animation you're just too used to watching trash (which you are).
Jan 23, 2019 12:44 PM

Mar 2014
Solid episode. Can't believe we already hit the first wave at episode 3.
Jan 23, 2019 12:44 PM

Dec 2010
Did they really have to age her up? Just so she can become age appropriate/romance potential? Sigh.
Jan 23, 2019 12:47 PM
Sep 2018
Just got to finishing the episode. Am really glad of the fair amounts of action and character developments raphtalia is getting so far. Idk how I feel of a wave happening on the 3rd episode but it's meh, I can accept that much. Some of the action shots felt a little too close and stuffed but still enjoyed the rest of episode. Looking forward to the next couple episodes from building up the different heroes.
Jan 23, 2019 12:48 PM

Aug 2018
kysmongo said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

They like the cute girl with animal ears.

doesnt change the fact that its wierd that they change their opinions of demi-humans for no reason
Why, maybe they saw the light. Maybe their libidos kicked in. Never rule out the allure of hot Racoon sex, those tails come in handy in a most delectable way.
NoviSunJan 23, 2019 12:51 PM
Jan 23, 2019 12:50 PM

Mar 2018
NoviSun said:
Esquirtit said:
I guess so but I wonder if this shit even has a combat system with any thought put into it because a whole horde got killed by fire. The other heroes said it's exactly like a VR game they played but maybe it's all just ass writing, idk man I should stop thinking about this show
Yes, you should. Neverland is beckoning, or better yet Domestic no Kanojo. No thinking required.
I mean every time I question the plot and characters the only answer I can give myself so far ends up in a WHY, if it really all ends up being his destiny I dont like it
Jan 23, 2019 12:54 PM
Feb 2017
haoody said:
Are you in trouble at developing a character? Use the secret card >TimeSkip< and give him a completely different personality!

I couldn't say it better.
Jan 23, 2019 12:57 PM

Aug 2018
Esquirtit said:
NoviSun said:
Yes, you should. Neverland is beckoning, or better yet Domestic no Kanojo. No thinking required.
I mean every time I question the plot and characters the only answer I can give myself so far ends up in a WHY, if it really all ends up being his destiny I dont like it
I have no clue which way the plot will go. The only thing I know is if Naofumi doesn’t quit his pouting act, I’m going to drop this. I can put up with hoards of nonsensical monsters, but there’s no way in hell I’m putting up with a sour pouter.
Jan 23, 2019 12:58 PM

Dec 2018
This show is just fun. It's not a masterpiece or anything but it's an actually enjoyable isekai with a protagonist that doesn't make me want to stomp his head in every 10 seconds so I can't complain.
Jan 23, 2019 1:00 PM
Aug 2017
The OST shined a bit in this episode

Raphtalia's adult design (lvl. 18 lol) is cool and remains being cute, her voice is still miles better than your orgasm-of-the-mill seiyuu. I really liked Raphtalia and Naofumi's chemistry, which made itself clear in the battles.

Speaking of the battles, they were well-animated for isekai/medieval standards.

The only think that irked me is that the Lance dude is way more of a douche than the others, probably Bitch had something to do with it.

Great chapter overall
No I don't understand! You snap at people, you're scary, you tried to eat me, but you're also kind and you're filled with life!
You gave me a name when I was a number, you gave me that compass, you taught me what it means to be alive!
That's why I care about you Velvet! I'll protect you for my own sake. I don't care if you're malevolent, or if it was pointless! If it's a mistake to love you, then I"ll fight the whole world! A world without you, Velvet, is the one thing I couldn't bear!
Eat my arm, just leave me the other one! I need it to clobber the jerk who made my Velvet cry!
-Laphicet, Tales of Berseria

Jan 23, 2019 1:01 PM
Feb 2018
Next EP we will WHY the Spear hero is a stupid one
Jan 23, 2019 1:10 PM

Aug 2018
Monchete99 said:
The OST shined a bit in this episode
i was impressed too. I really liked the bgm when Raph started to raise hell, it was a riff on The Cold Song from Purcell’s Opera King Arthur.
Jan 23, 2019 1:14 PM

Nov 2017
NoviSun said:
Why, maybe they saw the light. Maybe their libidos kicked in. Never rule out the allure of hot Racoon sex, those tails come in handy in a most delectable way.

I was going to report you to the HLRP(Hot Loli Racoon Police),but I was too busy looking at pics of Raphtalia as an adult.
Honestly :)
StarhammerJan 23, 2019 1:21 PM
Jan 23, 2019 1:16 PM

Aug 2018
Starhammer said:
kysmongo said:
Why, maybe they saw the light. Maybe their libidos kicked in. Never rule out the allure of hot Racoon sex, those tails come in handy in a most delectable way.

I was going to report you to the HLRP(Hot Loli Racoon Police),but I was too busy looking at pics of Raphtalia as an adult.
Honestly :)
Hahahaha, I got no comeback to that. Carry on!
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