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Sep 28, 2018 1:13 AM
Mar 2016
Skill Creation

Welcome to the Skill Creation Thread!
Here you can allocate any Character Points (CP) that your character has earned to create & upgrade Skills.
After approval, your character's CP will be deducted from his/her Character Profile and the additional CP value of your Skill will be added to your Character Form. Meanwhile, Overskills can be created here while Union Skills can be created here.

Skill Levels:

Skill Value Guide:

Things to keep in mind:
  • Do not forget you can have a maximum of 5 Skills related to a Talent. 10 for an Awakened Talent.
  • Also, Skills need to be linked to the talent. If you control fire, you cannot shoot ice.
  • Don't go over your Maximum CP Limit. For E-ranked characters, its 20 CP.
  • When upgrading Skills, you only need to pay the difference from the current level to the next.
  • In regards to power, the base value in the table above indicates the general strength of a skill
    without any cost or higher cost/prerequisites/limitations etc.
  • The Max Value cannot be exceeded. Max Value refers to set numbers only. (Like 30 Damage)
  • The general value added by Stamina/Prana/Health costs is a ratio of 0.5/1/1.5(when measuring damage dealt).
To create/upgrade skills simply copy&paste&edit the form provided below and wait for approval:

Skill Creation FORM:

Skill Upgrade FORM:

After the FORM has been approved by the administration, your Character Form & Profile will be updated automatically.
alatartheblue42Jan 16, 2019 8:00 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 8, 2018 7:59 PM

May 2015

Skill Creation

    Affected Character: Annabelle Korsakov

    Character RANK: E

    Character Talent: Flagbearer
    As a standard-bearer for one of the squadrons of an ancient country, Annabelle has learned proper flagwork technique fit for large-scale communication on the battlefield. Combined with her newfound magical prowess and heightened determination as a SOUL, she rallies her allies to do battle.

    Total CP Cost: 4

    New Skill(s):
  • [Rank E] Firebird (Spell)

      - Description: With a simple flag move, Annabelle sends a buff out in a cone within her field of vision, granting the ability to strike harder or the ability to cast greater potency by sacrificing an attribute the affected does not need.

      - Effect: Grants a 2 rank Strength or Willpower buff and a 1 rank Willpower or Strength debuff (respective) to any Marked characters in a 25m radius within Annabelle's field of vision (mid-peripheral, 120 degrees).

      The buff's attribute depends on which attribute is higher at the time of casting: If the individual being buffed has a higher attribute in Strength, the skill buffs Strength and debuffs Willpower and vice versa. If the individual's Strength and Willpower are equal in level, then the skill buffs based on whether the last action used: Techniques and Attacks (Physical) buffs Strength, Spells and Attacks (Magical) buffs Willpower.

      - Attribute Modifier: None
      - Cost: 13 Stamina, 30 Prana
      - Type: Active
      - Duration: 3 Phases
      - Affinity: Support
      - Prerequisites:
      • One of Annabelle's AGs must be active
      - Limitations:
      • Effect does not stack with itself
    Value Calculation: (5*2*3(Strength Buff) - 5*1*3(Willpower Debuff)) * 2(Vice Versa) * (1.75 (25m AOE 120 Degree Multiplier)) - 1 (Algorithm Faults) = 51.5 - 15 BV = 36.5 Value

  • [Rank E] Moldau (Spell)

      - Description: With a simple flag move, Annabelle sends out a buff in a cone within her field of vision, granting allies the capability of acting faster in a certain period of time.

      - Effect: Grants a one rank Quickness (Extra Skill Use) buff to any Marked characters in a 25m radius within Annabelle's field of vision (mid-peripheral, 120 degrees). Allies affected by the buff automatically understand the effect, and can wait up to 3 phases before consuming the buff.
      - Attribute Modifier: None
      - Cost: 18 Stamina, 30 Prana
      - Type: Active
      - Duration: 1 Phase (Activation), 3 Phase (Preactivation Period)
      - Affinity: Support
      - Prerequisites:
      • One of Annabelle's AG's must be active
      - Limitations:
      • Three phase cooldown

alatartheblue42Nov 11, 2018 11:42 PM
Nov 9, 2018 9:01 AM

Aug 2013

Skill Upgrade

    Affected Character: Lysett Blythe

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Talent: Space Royale
    Lysett can use spatial thaumaturgy, being able to manipulate space, measures and distances at her will.

    Total CP Cost: 4

    Base Skill:

  • Upgraded Skill:

  • Base Skill:

  • Upgraded Skill:

Sho_the_MageNov 10, 2018 6:28 PM
Nov 13, 2018 6:19 PM
Jan 2015

Skill Creation

    Affected Character: Sho Kazehaya

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Wind Swordsman
    Sho uses the element of Air, but not in the way a typical mage would. Instead of just casting spells, Sho uses his air magic to enhance his physical fighting, combining magical spells with physical techniques to heighten his offensive power. By enhancing his movement with wind and powering up his attacks, Sho can deal great amounts of damage, although at the cost of not having as much in defensive spells. Instead, he evades and dodges to avoid injury and counterattacks using his combination of magical and physical combat.

    Total CP Cost: 2
    New Skill(s):
  • [Rank E] Air Blast (SPELL)

      - Description:
      Sho creates a spinning sphere of wind in his hand and launches it at a target to send them flying.

      - Effect: Deals 5 wind-elemental magic damage and +30 meters knockback
      - Attribute Modifier: Willpower
      - Cost: 10 Prana, 10 Stamina
      - Affinity: Offensive
      - Prerequisites:
      • None
      - Limitations:
      • Resistance and wind-elemental resistance reduce knockback (but wind-elemental weakness increases it)
      • Can't be used if paralyzed

alatartheblue42Nov 14, 2018 7:08 PM
Nov 17, 2018 1:45 PM
Aug 2014

[Rank E] Paralysing Round (Spell)

    - Description:
    For those that try to run.

    - Effect: Victoriques summons and loads a paralysing round, taking up a phase.
    After this, her next attack (skill or normal projectile) will inflict one phase of paralyse.
    - Attribute Modifier: None
    - Cost: 30 prana & 10 stamina
    - Affinity: Support
    - Limitations:
    • The round must be summoned and loaded during a (charge-up) phase.

alatartheblue42Nov 17, 2018 2:06 PM
Nov 17, 2018 2:01 PM
Jan 2015

Skill Upgrade

    Affected Character: Lucia Flores

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Holy Priestess
    Lucia's talent has awakened to bring out the true power of her light affinity, allowing her to use a wider variety of powerful light and holy spells for mainly healing and curing any ailments whether natural or magical. She can also assist her allies offensively and is especially effective against darkness and dark-aligned beings.

    Total CP Cost: 2

    Base Skill:
  • [Rank E] Healing Hands (SPELL)

      - Description:
      Healing Hands allows Lucia to heal an ally very effectively at close range via direct contact. Touching a wounded ally allows Lucia to quickly heal them by emitting healing light from herself and into their body, restoring them as well as stopping bleeding. Only a brief touch is needed for the healing to take place, but maintaining contact for longer makes it possible to also cure illnesses and conditions. (Currently, this only includes Poison and Burn) Although this spell is more swift in its effect than healing at a distance, it also costs more Prana to be used. Due to its holy nature, this spell is ineffective at healing Unholy and actually harms them instead.

      - Effect: Heals 30 HP. Cures Poison or Burn if maintained for more than one turn. Inflicts an equivalent amount of magical damage instead of healing if the target is Unholy. Can be cancelled at any time(meaning curing a condition is optional).
      - Attribute Modifier: Willpower
      - Cost: 5 Stamina and 25 Prana, 10 prana to cure a condition/poison.
      - Type: Active Continuous
      - Turn Duration: 2 Turns
      - Affinity: Recovery
      - Prerequisites:
      • Must be touching the intended recipient to heal them(or harm them if they are unholy).
      - Limitations:
      • None

    Upgraded Skill:
  • [Rank D] Dispel (SPELL)

      - Description:
      Lucia's hands glow as she touches an ally, using holy magic to remove any ailments and exorcise any curses.

      - Effect: Cures Poison, Blind, Curse, and any other Dark-elemental status
      - Attribute Modifier: Willpower
      - Cost: 15 Prana, 10 Stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Recovery
      - Prerequisites:
      • None
      - Limitations:
      • Doesn't work on Unholy

alatartheblue42Dec 20, 2018 11:14 PM
Nov 17, 2018 3:41 PM
Jan 2015

Skill Creation

    Affected Character: Lucia Flores

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Holy Priestess
    Lucia's talent has awakened to bring out the true power of her light affinity, allowing her to use a wider variety of powerful light and holy spells for mainly healing and curing any ailments whether natural or magical. She can also assist her allies offensively and is especially effective against darkness and dark-aligned beings.

    Total CP Cost: 2

    New Skill(s):
  • [Rank E] Blessing (SPELL/Free Action)

      - Description:
      Lucia bestows a holy blessing onto an ally after saying a brief incantation/prayer (this part is optional), allowing them to receive the benefits of her light magic while being protected from its harmful effects.
      - Effect: "Blesses" an ally, giving them +1 light resistance/-1 dark resistance and allows them to receive positive effects and not negative effects of Lucia's spells
      - Attribute Modifier: None
      - Cost: 5 Prana
      - Type: Active Continuous
      - Duration: Permanent
      - Affinity: Support
      - Prerequisites:
      • Target must not have Light elemental weakness
      - Limitations:
      • None

CanaasDec 19, 2018 11:10 PM
Nov 17, 2018 8:57 PM
Jan 2015

Skill Creation

    Affected Character: Lucia Flores

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Holy Priestess
    Lucia's talent has awakened to bring out the true power of her light affinity, allowing her to use a wider variety of powerful light and holy spells for mainly healing and curing any ailments whether natural or magical. She can also assist her allies offensively and is especially effective against darkness and dark-aligned beings.

    Total CP Cost: 4

    New Skill(s):
  • [Rank D] Morning Sun (SPELL)

      - Description:
      Lucia focuses light into her staff, which glows very brightly and illuminates a wide area around her, healing everyone within it as long as they have her blessing.
      - Effect: Restores 20 Health to everyone in 10 meters who has the "Blessed" effect
      - Attribute Modifier: Willpower
      - Cost: 20 Prana, 10 Stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Recovery
      - Prerequisites:
      • Requires AG
      - Limitations:
      • Effect is halved in dark areas (i.e caves or unlit rooms)

CanaasDec 21, 2018 1:14 AM
Dec 19, 2018 1:23 PM
Aug 2014

Skill Creation

    Affected Character:

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Book of Pixies
    Amice has the ability to summon her loyal pixie friends from her Book of Pixies to support her allies. Pixies are small creatures, being between 10 and 15 cm tall. Their wingspan is equal to their height.

    Total CP Cost: 4 CP

    New Skill(s):
  • [Rank D] Tangerine (Spell)

      - Description: Tangerine is a Pixie that makes people quick enough to use an extra skill during a phase.

      - Effect: Upon touching someone (it can pass through clothing and armour), the pixie can give someone Quickness for two phases.
      - Attribute Modifier: None.
      - Cost: 20 prana & 10 stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Duration:
      - Affinity: Support

      - Prerequisites:
      • Amice needs to be holding the Book of Pixies.
      • The Pixie needs to have touched someone in order for them to be affected by her power.

      - Limitations:
      • As the one whom summoned them, Amice herself cannot be affected by the Pixie.
      • The Pixie can be 'banished' by taking damage.
      • In combat, the Pixie cannot do anything outside of what is described in her skill.
      • The Pixie needs to stay in the same area as Amice.
      • If at any point, Amice isn't holding the Book of Pixies, the Pixie vanishes.

Sho_the_MageDec 29, 2018 1:32 PM
Dec 19, 2018 5:42 PM

Dec 2011

Skill Creation

    Affected Character: Londo

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Eternal Glory
    A style passed down by Monks through the generations, without the narcissism of course. Using techniques only unarmed individuals are able to execute, Londo's Talent involves him using unarmed attacks and techniques to gain the upper hand in fights. His robotic nature also helps him with more defensive moves not taught by Monks.

    Total CP Cost: 4 CP

    New Skill(s):
  • [Rank D] Snap Punch (TECH)

      - Description:
      The monks of old perfected an Ancient Technique, which allowed them to channel their life energy and stamina through their fists, to allow a stronger punch. This Technique could only be used by the monks with Strength twice as great as normal people, meaning only the strong can use it. More powerful Monks could channel their chakra into their strikes, allowing them to punch with an shocking addition.

      - Effect: Londo punches his target, dealing 40 physical damage and knocking them back 10-meters. Can also deal Lightning damage with an additional 5 Prana.
      - Attribute Modifier: Strength
      - Cost: 30 Stamina or 30 Stamina & 5 Prana
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Offensive
      - Prerequisites:
      • Requires a minimum of C-Rank Strength
      - Limitations:
      • Can only be used when using Fists or Fist-type weapon

Sho_the_MageDec 20, 2018 11:07 PM
Jan 9, 2019 8:49 PM
Oct 2014

Skill Upgrade

    Affected Character: Alexander Reinhardt

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Knight of Order
    Alexander is a Knight whose powers are derived from order. He can use defensive, self-restorative, and offensive techniques and spells, although his focus is mostly defensive, with one way he augments his defense being harnessing his own Health for defensive spells.

    Total CP Cost: 2

    Base Skill:
  • [Rank E] Heavy Strike (TECH)

      - Description:
      A low level technique where Alex swings the flat of his greatsword into an opponent, hitting them with great force and stunning them.
      - Effect: Stuns the enemy for 1 phase and deals 5 physical damage.
      - Attribute Modifier:Strength
      - Cost: 20 Stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Offensive
      - Prerequisites:
      • None
      - Limitations:
      • None

    Upgraded Skill:
  • [Rank D] Crushing Strike (TECH)

      - Description:
      Alex unleashes a powerful blunt strike with his weapon that hits enemies with great force and stuns them.

      - Effect: Deals 25 damage and inflicts 1 phase of Stun.
      - Attribute Modifier: Strength
      - Cost: 30 Stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Offensive
      - Prerequisites:
      • -Alex must use a weapon of some kind that is compatible with a blunt kinetic strike, for his sword he must use the flat of the blade.
      - Limitations:
      • -None

Sho_the_MageJan 9, 2019 9:48 PM
Jan 13, 2019 1:59 PM

Dec 2011

Skill Upgrade

    Affected Character: Guinsoo

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: The Raging Executioner
    Years of executing criminals hardened not only his mind to emotional breakdowns, but also his muscled body. His abs, triceps, BICEPS! Guinsoo is especially good at taking down weakened opponents, hitting vitals for a quick and easy kill. This is also called.. "Mercy", by putting the opponent out of their misery. Guinsoo takes most of his strength from his iron will and steel biceps. ...And his rage.

    Total CP Cost: 2

    Base Skill:
    • [Rank E] Battle Cry (TECHNIQUE)

        - Description:
        Guinsoo yells loudly to motivate himself and becomes harder, better, faster, stronger.

        - Effect: Increases Strength and Speed by 1 Rank.
        - Attribute Modifier: N/A
        - Cost: 10 Prana & 30 Stamina
        - Type: Active Continuous
        - Phase Duration: 4 Phases
        - Affinity: Supportive
        - Prerequisites:
        • N/A
        - Limitations:
        • N/A

    Upgraded Skill:
    • [Rank D] War Cry (TECH/Free Action)

        - Description:
        Guinsoo yells loudly to motivate himself and becomes harder, better, faster, stronger.

        - Effect: Increases Strength and Speed by 1 Rank.
        - Attribute Modifier: N/A
        - Cost: 10 Prana & 30 Stamina
        - Type: Active Continuous
        - Phase Duration: 4 Phases
        - Affinity: Supportive
        - Prerequisites:
        • N/A
        - Limitations:
        • N/A

Sho_the_MageJan 13, 2019 2:55 PM
Jan 14, 2019 8:17 PM

Nov 2015

Fixing the knockback value.

Character: Kurome
[Rank E] Hail of Rust [Technique]

    - Description:
    Shadows sprawl from Malice, transforming it into a shotgun. The weapon spews out rusty scrap and corruption that makes one shortly more susceptible to elemental darkness for brief window.

    - Effect: Astral Gear: [Malice] briefly transforms into a shotgun, firing multiple projectiles in a cone spread. 10 Projectiles for 1 damage each, using base projectile speed of Malice. In addition to damage, projectiles apply a Knockback of 0.333 [1] meters. Getting hit by Hail of rust debuffs targets resistance to darkness by 1 rank for a duration of the current phase.

    - Attribute Modifier: Perception
    - Cost: 10 Prana, 10 Stamina
    - Type: Active
    - Duration: None
    - Affinity: Offensive
    - Prerequisites:
    • Astral Gear [Malice]
    - Limitations:
    • None

alatartheblue42Jan 16, 2019 8:38 AM
Jan 16, 2019 6:48 AM
Aug 2014

Skill Upgrade

    Affected Character: Victorique

    Character RANK: D

    Character Talent: Shoot First Policy
    Despite her size and appearance, Victorique doesn't shy away from using violence to get what she wants. Whenever she needs to utilize violence, she relies on her handgun. Due to this, she has become known for using a rather infamous 'shoot first policy'.

    Total CP Cost: 2 CP

    Base Skill:
    [Rank E] Precision Shot (Spell)

      - Description:
      Victorique focusses on a single shot, increasing her perception for this particular shot.

      - Effect: Increases perception by one rank whilst aiming this shot. Deals 30 damage.
      - Attribute Modifier: Willpower
      - Cost: 15 prana & 10 stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Offensive

    Upgraded Skill:
    [Rank D] Precision Shot (Spell)

      - Description:
      Victorique focusses on a single shot, increasing her perception by one rank for this particular shot.

      - Effect: Increases perception by one rank whilst aiming this shot. Deals 50 damage.
      - Attribute Modifier: Willpower
      - Cost: 20 prana & 10 stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Offensive
alatartheblue42Jan 16, 2019 8:21 AM
Jan 16, 2019 3:07 PM

Dec 2011

Skill Upgrade

Affected Character: Guinsoo

Character RANK: D

Character Talent: The Raging Executioner
Years of executing criminals hardened not only his mind to emotional breakdowns, but also his muscled body. His abs, triceps, BICEPS! Guinsoo is especially good at taking down weakened opponents, hitting vitals for a quick and easy kill. This is also called.. "Mercy", by putting the opponent out of their misery. Guinsoo takes most of his strength from his iron will and steel biceps. ...And his rage.

Total CP Cost: 2

New Skill:
  • [Rank E] Unwavering (TECHNIQUE)

      - Description: Guinsoo's steel will allows him to shake off anything that makes him hesitate or slow down his charge.

      - Effect: Removes stun/paralyze.
      - Attribute Modifier: N/A
      - Cost: 30 Stamina
      - Type: Active
      - Affinity: Recovery
      - Prerequisites:
      • Needs to be stunned or paralyzed

Sho_the_MageJan 26, 2019 2:29 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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