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Oct 4, 2018 10:45 PM
Mar 2016
The Summoning Throne
The beginning of all those who are called forth...

The starting place of every SOUL.
The Summoning Throne is a grand device, capable of calling forth those of otherwordly existence.
Created by combining an ancient relic with modern technology, the Summoning Throne converts
basic procedures of traditional summoning into a readable format and then emulates the ritual.
The final outcome is the summoning of a being drawn from the Throne of Souls.

Aside a lonely throne atop a long stairway, there is nothing of big interest in this empty hall.
With exception to the large gears behind the throne which indicate that some kind of machinery is at work.
The red carpet on the ground seems to be made for VIPs, but only few know who these "VIPs"
who tread upon it actually are. Conveying a solemn, but grand feeling, the Summoning Throne
is a place where few people set foot into and it is almost guaranteed that anyone who does so is "special".

[Password] Summoning Throne Access
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 13, 2018 12:30 AM
Mar 2016
Miyu Ogawa
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Unsummoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Aptitude (Passive)

Miyu drifted aimlessly through a void. There was light, but it didn't have a source. There was something around her, but she couldn't recognize the sensation. She tried to speak, but there was no sound. She tried to shift, but she couldn't feel a change in her position, not that there was an up or down to base such a concept off of. There was just her, and emptiness. Miyu curled up into a fetal position, eyes closed and hands holding her knees to her chest that was as barren as the void as she drifted aimlessly along with her thoughts.

Ah, I died, didn't I? Useless, just like always. I couldn't even protect my friend properly, and then I died, leaving her alone. Well, at least she has the others; they're stronger. So much stronger than me. I'm weak...



Screw this! I shouldn't be weak! I already got this time power. I should be stronger! Why didn't they just give me more power? Its their fault that I died!



No, that's not right. I should be grateful that I got this power. They didn't need to give it to me. I'm not special; just look at all the other SOULs there are. I can't even use the power I do have properly. Even if I had more, I probably would still mess things up. I should just stay here, drifting. I won't be in anyone's way here.



Amice, I'm sorry.

"Oi. You don't get to take the easy way out, not while I'm here." A familiar, yet far from comforting, voice echoed through the void, the sound bathing Miyu in purple light.

Why? Monochrome sound washed away the violet, restoring the void to its previous hue. I just make people suffer when I'm around. I force them to take care of me. I don't give anything back to them.

"Then be better. Don't fail." The violet returned, overwhelming the emptiness. Before Miyu could think her reply, particles of gold appeared before her eyes, drifting from her body in a direction Miyu decided was just as good an up as any other. "Its time to try again. Get up, and fight until the end."

Keep fighting? Yes, that's what Marie would tell me to do. She never gives up. Miyu's eyes closed again, shutting out the view of the endless void...

When Miyu blinked her eyes open again, she was seated on the Throne, like when she had first opened her eyes after her death (well, her first death). The pain from where the bees had pierced her still lingered in her body's memory, but she could tell that there were no wounds there. She felt a little different than she had before, but she couldn't tell in what way.

"So, are you going to sit around there moping all day?" Rinia's snarky voice echoed through the hall from where she stood, leaning against the right side of the throne and facing away from Miyu. "Or are you going to be useful for a change?"

Miyu's face contorted in annoyance, but she decided to just limit the force of her wrath to sticking her tongue out at Rinia's back. A moment after doing so, Miyu stood up for the throne. Annoying and rude as Rinia was, she did have a point. Miyu had to go do things if she wanted to be strong enough to find Marie. And protect Amice! part of her brain shouted, to be grudgingly acknowledged a moment later by the remainder of her brain. Miyu proceeded down the stone steps, having better luck on them than she had the first time she woke up here, and attempted to make her way to the Mission Hall. A second death hadn't remedied her sense of direction, unfortunately, but that's what the purple-cloaked figure behind her was hired for, right?
Nov 13, 2018 12:47 AM

Oct 2014
The Harbinger
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Undying (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

The Harbinger had fallen in a battle with one of the most formidable enemies he had ever faced. He never pictured his death being so graceless. The last thing he saw was the face of the man who killed him, contorted into an expression of rage and strain as he pulled off The Harbinger's head. It was odd though, he felt solid ground beneath him. Was this the afterlife?

He did not open his eyes yet, instead, he composed himself. Letting his mind catch up to the sudden assault on his senses; for before he had felt nothing, and now he felt... everything. He felt alive again. It was a strange thing, to die and be reborn. Slowly, he cracked open his eyes. His right eye, as usual, was covered by the half-mask he wore to cover up his rotted skin. Though, the hole in the mask allowed him to see out from it. His other eye, a piercing blue colour, was completely free of any obstruction.

He looked around at his surroundings. The room was vast, more of a large hall than a room really. He stood at a dais where a great throne rested, he admired the throne for a second before his eyes glanced over the splashes of crimson that gave the hall respite from the greyish gloom of the walls, floors, and ceiling.

He knew this place - this afterlife - to be called Gaea, though the nature of this knowledge was guesswork at best. He felt as he usually did, like an entity that was more than man. However, he could already tell his power was severely lacking. Somewhere along the process of becoming this... soul... he had lost the majority of his strength. He supposed he couldn't complain though, he had always envisioned his soul would gravitate to the realm of the underworld from which his power was gained.

He was grateful this wasn't the case, that was no place for a man.

He looked down at his wrist and found an unfamiliar piece of jewellery there. Curious, he touched the thin band of silver. A blue screen appeared, displaying some words. "No malfunction detected. User permission granted.
Welcome to Astraea."

"Astraea..." he croaked, his voice was a harsh whisper - as normal.

He didn't know what Astraea was but he assumed it was the location he currently stood. He didn't have much time to ponder this, however, as the screen shifted and displayed more words.

"Greetings SOUL.
I hope you find your stay here a pleasant one.
You might wonder about many a thing, but rest assured,
we are here to aid you in your goal to our mutual benefit.
Our name is Astraea and we are an organization that aims
to maintain peace and combat the seeds of chaos.

Within this Communication Bracelet (COMB) you will find
all kinds of information that might be of help in your endeavours
to gather more knowledge. It contains the basic details about Gaea,
our organization in addition to information concerning your existence.
Simply make use of the Encyclopedia App:

[Encyclopedia and other functions available.]

Now then. Enjoy your freedom. You might want to visit us
as soon as you are able or you can take the time to get to know your
surroundings first. You will find the Map function of your COMB
helpful. It will easily lead you to any place you want to visit.

Once again, we welcome you to Gaea.

- Astraea Board of Directors
Chairman Lucien Noxis."

It seemed that, even in the afterlife, The Harbinger was unable to escape his destiny of being a mercenary. For what else could the message mean? Clearly, this organisation planned on using his talents for their agenda. Whether or not that agenda truly was to "maintain peace and combat the seeds of chaos" - whatever that meant.

The Harbinger briefly flicked through a couple of the other functions on the COMB, reading up a few bits and pieces. He gained enough knowledge to know that he could sign up for missions, he supposed the best way to learn information about this world and Astraea would be to talk to other SOULs.

He pulled up his map and looked over the various location, deciding on which would be the most populated. The Mission Hall would surely be a gathering place, but the Dormitories were also a safe bet. Regardless, The Harbinger needed information before he made a judgement.

He didn't trust this world and he certainly didn't trust Astraea, his cynicism had earned him many a beneficial outcome and he relied on it now because of this. He closed his COMB and began to make his way down the steps, pulling his hood up over his head and adjusting his half-mask. He kept his appearance shadowed and barely visible, his one blue eye shining brightly from the darkness.

He made his way down the steps and out the door, leaving the area and heading to the Mission Hall.
Nov 13, 2018 10:24 AM

Mar 2016
Aoyama Hana

Health: 100
Prana: 100
Stamina: 100
Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned.
Resist: Dark | Weak: Light
Current Status: None.

It had been some minutes since she last said something, sat on the magnificent stairs of the summoning throne, slowly digesting the grandeur of her situation. In her mind it all replayed once more, her death due to a particularly grave case of infection, and the sudden yet seemingly eternal transition to this world, was it a second chance? Or the afterlife? The answer to this question came quite quickly. "Eradicate all traces of chaos."

Hana would throw her hands in the air in an exaggerated, fake act of ovation and mumble to herself, tiredly. "I have been given a great task by the Gods themselves... Who is more worthy than Me than carry the standard of our Noblest House..." She would return to her relaxed stance, and let her mind wander through the memories of her past life, and just how lucky she was to be sent forwards in time, somewhere she would have nothing to do with politics or royalty, it seemed she achieved paradise.

It had been some time since she was summoned, and the rude awakening from death made her question why she had pledged eternal and undying service to the world. It came to her that it was a noble, good act, her thoughts wandered for what seemed to be countless minutes before she scoffed at herself. "I would not wish suffering or pain upon any soul in this world. I can only hope to help and heal these wounds left from so many things. Am I fit for this mission?" Her small prayer had no answer from the skies, and as such, she sighed deeply, expecting something extraordinary to happen.

"If I have to take something from this COMB device, it is that the world has changed drastically. Maybe I was a girl ahead of my time indeed." Standing erect, she would gleefully descend the long stairway that brought her to the empty hall of the summoning throne. "For some strange reason, I wish I had my sympathetic vampire friend with me... Maybe she is still alive? I can only hope for the best. Now, I should get myself more acquainted with this new world."

With slow steps, she once again activated the COMB device that laid on her wrist, and began to browse the encyclopedia once more, she would constantly shift tabs and quickly get the hang on how the device worked. The necessary knowledge imbued to SOULs was truly something to marvel upon, she would then open the map application, and give a look at the town's layout.

She had read about Astraea, and how she was in a way affiliated with them, in what to seemed to be a loose relationship of a vassal and their suzerain. Hana hung her head sideways for some seconds, her posture loosening up at the thought of her being a pawn of fate, rather an an independent agent. But in what seemed to be an instant, those thoughts dissipated, and gave room to optimism and brightness. "If my mission is one of action, I should take action." The girl would adjust her clothes, tap the dust our of her hakama and checking her hair and posture before heading off to the Mission Hall.
Nov 20, 2018 4:32 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 50/100
Prana: 80/100
Stamina: 90/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

The Entrance to the Underworld, 2021

Amphion's ethereal form floated towards Charon, the ferryman who took dead souls across the river into the underworld. Amphion looked around at this bleak and miserable place, he had not missed it at all. He supposed that he would at least get to see Cerebus on his way in, he had missed his old friend. He wondered if his father would come to see him, he doubted Persephone would. He knew Lucia and Dragan's souls were also both down here, though Dragan would probably be in Eternal Punishment for his crimes.

He hoped that his son and daughter were here as well, what he wouldn't give to see Avius again or to hold his daughter. Charon looked like the stereotypical representation of Death, minus the scythe. "Hello Charon..." Amphion said as he approached the deity. Charon's ugly face sneered at Amphion, "Amphion Roy, the kind-hearted child of Hades. You didn't live very long..."

Amphion sighed, he had forgotten how calloused Charon was. "51 ain't too shabby, I don't know if I would have wanted to live longer. Better I die younger while I was still had my quality of life intact" he replied. Charon snorted, "Nobody really wants to die, many people use that excuse but no one believes it." Amphion didn't bother responding, it was no use. "I have an obolus, will you ferry me across the rivers?"

Charon smiled, revealing a nasty set of rotten, yellow teeth. The deity shook his head, "Normally I would, but I've received word from Hades that I'm too offer you a contract." Amphion frowned, "A contract..? What kind of contract?" Charon stopped smiling and lifted his hand, lazily making some sort of gesture and summoning a piece of parchment. He grabbed it from mid-air and held it up, reading it to Amphion.

"Greetings Amphion Roy, we would like to extend to you the offer of becoming a SOUL and use your abilities for the greater good of Gaea. Your notable power and magical ability would be a welcome addition to our cause, please consider carefully." Charon read out the contract in a mocking sing-song voice.

"So... I would be reborn in another dimension?" Charon nodded in response, "Hades also told me to tell you that should you accept this contract, Hest- your daughter, Sara will come to you." Amphion's heart began to pound at that, he snapped to attention at the deity's words. "S- S- Sara..? She's there..? He stuttered shakily, he couldn't believe it, did he have the chance to see his daughter again?

Charon sniggered, "Apparently. Would you like to sign it?" Amphion nodded hurriedly, "Yes, of course, I will, give it here please," he asked, reaching out for the contract and signing his name down the bottom. As soon as he did, he felt himself slowly sinking into the black sands of the river bank, he slowly lost consciousness and the last thing he saw was Charon's ugly face grinning sadistically down at him.

Amphion opened his eyes, he sat upon a large throne. The room was vast, more of a large hall than a room really. The throne he sat on rested on a dais that stood prominent and tall. His eyes glanced over the splashes of crimson that gave the hall respite from the greyish gloom of the walls, floors, and ceiling. He looked down at his hands and noticed they looked younger. He then noticed that his hair was black, he frowned. Had he been reincarnated into a younger body?

The throne was slightly reflective so he stood up and turned around, studying his appearance. "Yep, look exactly like I did when I was thirty." he thought to himself. He grinned, always a good thing to feel and look younger. Especially after having lived as what was practically an old man - in his eyes anyway.

What was more peculiar than his younger appearance, however, was the fact that he could sense his magic was different. For some reason, the contract had taken away his Bone Manipulation power and replaced it with...

Amphion's eyes widened and he grew excited. He splayed his hand and activated Man's Best Friend, his palm seemed to be growing outwards into a shape and in a brief instant his constant companion and friend, Sara, stood beside him. The hellhound was exactly as he had remembered, her sleek dark grey coat caught the light of the room and shined beautifully.

She shook herself, as dogs did when they just come out of water, she turned around and looked at Amphion. Her one blue eye and one yellow eye were alight with intelligence. "By the gods Amphion, you weren't too shabby looking when you were younger," Sara said telepathically. Amphion grinned and knelt down, scratching his friend behind the ears. She licked at his face and he grinned even more. "Are you trying to say that I was ugly?" he accused, though his tone was clearly playful.

Sara nuzzled her head into his hand as he continued to give her a good scratch. "Well you weren't exactly a spring chicken..." Amphion laughed heartily at that, "But seriously, you could have taken up modelling with a face like that." Amphion shook his head, "No way, that industry is way too ruthless. They'd tear me apart," he said with a grin.

Amphion gave Sara one final scratch behind the ears before standing up and putting his hands on his hips. He looked around and said, "So, Gaea eh? Apparently, my daughter is here somewhere." Sara trotted down the stairs of the dais and Amphion followed her as they continued their conversation. "Are you going to try and look for her?" she asked. Amphion hesitated before responding, exhaling from his nose. "Charon told me that she would come to me, I suppose that means it would be no good actively searching. You know how the gods are, they'll drive you mad with their prophecies and predictions. No, we'll ask around but for the most part, we'll just do whatever it is we were brought here for."

Sara stopped when they reached the bottom of the stairs and tilted her head at Amphion. "What is that on your wrist?" Amphion glanced down and saw the COMB. He frowned, "I don't rightly know..." he said as he reached out with his other hand and touched the bracelet. A blue screen projected itself into the air and displaying the following message.

"No malfunction detected. User permission granted.
Welcome to Astraea."
Shortly after, it changed. "Greetings SOUL.
I hope you find your stay here a pleasant one.
You might wonder about many a thing, but rest assured,
we are here to aid you in your goal to our mutual benefit.
Our name is Astraea and we are an organization that aims
to maintain peace and combat the seeds of chaos.

Within this Communication Bracelet (COMB) you will find
all kinds of information that might be of help in your endeavours
to gather more knowledge. It contains the basic details about Gaea,
our organization in addition to information concerning your existence.
Simply make use of the Encyclopedia App:

[Encyclopedia and other functions available.]

Now then. Enjoy your freedom. You might want to visit us
as soon as you are able or you can take the time to get to know your
surroundings first. You will find the Map function of your COMB
helpful. It will easily lead you to any place you want to visit.

Once again, we welcome you to Gaea.

- Astraea Board of Directors
Chairman Lucien Noxis."

Amphion quickly flicked through a view of the functions, reading up on a couple of topics, such as SOULs and Calamity Seeds. "So I suppose we're to be employed by "Astraea", this is all very convoluted... Though I suppose we've now been given a purpose," he says. "To eradicate all traces of Chaos?" Amphion grinned, "A rather benevolent goal, even if it's a bit vague." He continued to read, "Interesting... It looks like we'll be mostly tasked with eradicating these strange creatures. This world seems a fair bit different to ours as well, magic seems to be very prominent," he says to Sara. "Sounds very exciting, I wonder what the people are like?" Amphion shrugged, "I would guess that there's some bad and some good, people are always going to be people, I don't think that would ever change."

Sara seemed to nod in silence to the statement. Amphion decided that he would continue to peruse the information on the COMB, he wanted to find out as much information as he could about Gaea before going outside. Sara laid down on the floor and crossed her front paws, resting her head on them. She looked rather elegant laying there and Amphion smiled down at his companion briefly before returning his attention to the blue screen in front of him.
WymsicalNov 21, 2018 3:11 PM
Nov 24, 2018 4:58 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 50/100
Prana: 80/100
Stamina: 90/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Amphion continued to browse the information on the COMB, it was all very interesting. He found himself wanting to see what these calamity seeds were like in real life, it seemed they were one of the bigger threats to this world. If he was tasked with taking them out and protecting people then he would be satisfied with that - unlike if he was contracted to fight in wars, since Amphion had seen enough of that in his previous life.

Eventually, he closed all the tabs on his COMB but left the map, he looked over it, contemplating where most SOULs would be. He decided the Mission Hall would most likely have SOULs considering its importance as a location. A SOULs main job was to go on missions, after all, to defeat calamity seeds and keeping the peace. Amphion looked down at Sara, who was still lying down.

"Alright, I'm done. Let's get a move on, time to meet the other SOULs here," he said with an excited tone. "Are you going to ask around about your daughter?" Sara asked him. Amphion hesitated a second before answering, "Thing is, I don't know what she looks like here. She could have been put into a younger or older body like I was. Asking if anyone has seen a blonde girl is probably not going to get me very far."

Amphion and Sara walked to the door as they continued their conversation. "She would have the same name though, wouldn't she?" Amphion thought about it before he answered, "I suppose there's a good chance of that, but we also have to keep in mind that they may not be the case. If no one has met anyone with the name Sara Roy, it doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't here, she could be using an alias..." Amphion and Sara continued to talk as they left the Summoning Throne Room and went to the Mission Hall.
Dec 5, 2018 10:25 PM

Dec 2015

Health: 100/100
Prana: 250/250
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: J - VIT: E - WIL: C - RES: D
- SPD: E - AGL: E - PER: E - REC: E

Skills: Morpher Body(Passive), Blessing(Passive)
Status: Normal
Equipment: None

"Aaaaaaaaaaaand... There we go!"

Was what the cheery voice coming out of the bright light show known as summoning said as it materialized back into existence.
Once the light dissipated, GU took a good look around, poking out from the armrests as it admired the immense room it was in. "Expected from the main HQ... This makes Northern Septima's branch look like an ugly doll house!" GU's interest in the room quickly died down though, as he knew there was way more to see than this fancy room, and more importantly, new people! "I hope they don't hate me here too..."
With that lingering thought on his doubly-nonexistent brain, GU slid his way out of the throne room
Dec 30, 2018 1:27 PM

Nov 2015

A reverberating thunderous sound boomed in the Summoning Throne as the circle of summoning blazed to life. Like a cesspool of magical energy the air became cold and heavy. Almost to the point of stagnation. And as it had begun an abrupt flash of bright light; one stood in the middle of the circle.

Steadfast but lonely, Evalye opened her eyes and blinked twice. She knew the world, though this place in itself was of an unknown to her. Confused and feeling lonely, she had no idea of what to do. Where was she exactly at? It was not where she had expected to find herself. And this state was not one that she could have anticipated. Taking a few steps around to observe, walking in her perfect body -- yet weakened. Instinctively she knew that she was no mere mortal. But the more she thought about it the less it made sense. Exasperated by the situation she would casually press on the gem on her COMB however what she would make her frown.

No malfunction detected. User permission granted.
Welcome to Astraea.

"Great, it's broken." The girl in her school uniform would say trying to get the COMB functional. However it wouldn't take long when the text would change.

"Greetings SOUL.
I hope you find your stay here a pleasant one.
You might wonder about many a thing, but rest assured,
we are here to aid you in your goal to our mutual benefit.
Our name is Astraea and we are an organization that aims
to maintain peace and combat the seeds of chaos.

Within this Communication Bracelet (COMB) you will find
all kinds of information that might be of help in your endeavors
to gather more knowledge. It contains the basic details about Gaea,
our organization in addition to information concerning your existence.
Simply make use of the Encyclopedia App:

[Encyclopedia and other functions available.]

Now then. Enjoy your freedom. You might want to visit us
as soon as you are able or you can take the time to get to know your
surroundings first. You will find the Map function of your COMB
helpful. It will easily lead you to any place you want to visit.

Once again, we welcome you to Gaea.

- Astraea Board of Directors
Chairman Lucien Noxis."

Evalye could feel a cold shiver running down her spine, was it really going to realize this fear. She was now elsewhere, the last thing she could remember was that she was ... last two things? How could she remember two things.

"Wait I... We died? And I am a SOUL now. How? Why? Who?" Evalye would say out with a struggling voice. "So that's it. How long time has passed since..." Evalye would quickly access through with her COMB only to find out an -access denied- message.

"Understandable. It's not like... There is trust or anything like that. I never imagined that I could become an asset like this without any human rights." Evalye would slowly walk next to the closest wall and crash down on her bum. She would take her long tail and sink her nose into the fur while she was thinking about the situation.

She would look at her COMB and start browsing through some cute pictures from online, while collecting her thoughts. After a few brief moments, she would notice that her profile was now an amalgamation. Apparently Astraea had figured it out. An anomaly, they were expecting to summon two SOULs should they day to summon either of them. But instead they would ever get only one or none. However it was no mistake. It was only a mistake to expect two.

Maybe I should just sue Astraea.
Inaru-samaDec 30, 2018 1:41 PM
Dec 30, 2018 3:24 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 95/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

The Summoning Throne once again came to life. The circle glowed crimson and a flash of bright light briefly shone to be replaced by a figure sitting upon the throne. Lucia cracked open her eyes and took in her surroundings. Memories flooded into her mind and she suddenly leapt off the throne, she spun around, her eyes wild. When she saw the girl with the cat ears she immediately went for her firearm. Her Glock 26 wasn't on her hip as it usually was but Lucia's will to have it in her hand resulted in her AG being summoned. [-5 Prana]

She aimed the Glock at the girl, her eyes hard and unyielding, the way they usually got when she was threatened. "Who are you and where am I?" For the time being, she was entirely focused on dealing with any threats of danger. Her instincts and training had rigorously enforced a mindset of suspicion and constant awareness.

She could feel that her power was severely lacking, more than that, it felt like entirely different altogether. She could also no longer feel the wounds that she had sustained at the hands of her brother. In fact, she felt much better than she had in a long time. She was confused by this but kept her gun aimed at the girl. Her expression was one of confusion though and that would be plain to see. Her thoughts raced through the various theories on what was happening to her. Had Dragan's man saved her before she could die and took her back to be saved? For what purpose? Who was this woman? Why was there a throne? So many questions and no answers.
Dec 30, 2018 3:56 PM

Nov 2015

100/100100/10080/80Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

The girl who was just now watching for cute little videos, would see a glimpse to the gun being pulled out at her face. Her eyes blazed red and she pounced backwards only to see that her back was hitting the wall. The beastkind's face was furrowed into wrinkles and she bared her fangs at the threat. Her hands and feet would get a faint rose glow and despite of having her back against the wall she wasn't going to surrender it easily.

"Who ... Are you!" She would shout out the question right back at Lucia. And only at this point she would collect her thoughts and focus at the threat, her main focus was at the gun, if she could only somehow get a little closer and disarm the woman of her firearm...
Inaru-samaDec 30, 2018 5:35 PM
Dec 30, 2018 6:10 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 95/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

The weird beast lady backed up against the wall, her eyes blazed red and her hands and feet seem to glow as well. Lucia's eyes narrowed and she took a step back, evaluating her opponent. The beast lady answered Lucia's question by... asking the same question? Lucia frowned, confused even more by the girl's response.

She eased slightly, the girl's reaction spoke more for her innocence in Lucia's situation than any explanation could have given. However, Lucia was far from naive and her cynical judgement prevented her from completely backing down - for now at least. She decided that the best course of action would be to answer the girl's question, hopefully, that would lead to Lucia getting some answers herself. "I'm Lucia Roy, Mortal Agent of Persephone. Now I'll ask again, who are you? And while you're at it, I'd like to know where I am as well."
WymsicalDec 30, 2018 6:43 PM
Dec 30, 2018 6:27 PM

Nov 2015

100/100100/10080/80Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Evalye looked as Lucia tensed down she did so too a little. Of course she was also considering about the best method of disarming the woman. Then again she did not feel like it was all that necessary.

"Eva~lye" She started off strong but her voice got quiet. Evalye looked around after the inquiry to make sure the two of them were alone. Not that it mattered as much.

"I used to be ... I used to ... Okay. Thing is that we are SOULs. Both of us. We are somewhere in Gaea. I have not seen this place before but with everything going on around there are only a very few places where we can be at. What you should do is to just look at the thing by your wrist and press the small gem on it. Meanwhile let me look up where we are."

Evalye would press her COMB, look up at the calendar app and then she brought up the map. Somehow looking at it gave her a mellow smile to her face. Was she really accepting all of it. Just because this stranger came in and roused the fighter inside her, did it really mean that she was willing to accept all of it.
Inaru-samaDec 30, 2018 6:34 PM
Dec 30, 2018 6:40 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 95/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

The girl said her name was Evelye, she seemed wary of her surroundings as she said her name. Evelye explained that they were SOULs and that they were somewhere in Gaea, she said that she had not seen this place before and that Lucia should press the gem on the bracelet that she only now noticed.

Lucia relaxed, deeming the girl harmless - well maybe not harmless, but not a direct threat to Lucia's safety. Lucia lowered her gun, taking the opportunity to look at it. It was the same one that she had always had, the question was why it was summonable now. Lucia unsummoned the firearm and pressed the gem, following the girl's advice.

Lucia had no idea what a SOUL was or where Gaea was located. A screen popped up as Lucia pressed the gem and she read through the information that appeared quickly. She glanced up at Evelye, her expression pensive. Looked like Evelye had spoken the truth. Lucia flicked her eyes back down to the screen and browsed through some of the information, her heart began to pound faster as she realised she wasn't even on Earth anymore. She had died and been reincarnated here, for whatever reason.

That didn't make any sense though, why hadn't she been sent to the Underworld like all the other dead souls? Why had she been sent here? Lucia suspected it had something to do with her patron goddess, Persephone. She scratched her head thoughtfully and closed the screen. Waiting for Evelye to finish determining their location. Once she had, she would ask, "Are you from this world? Is it normal for SOULs to come from other... worlds?"
Dec 30, 2018 7:13 PM

Nov 2015

100/100100/10080/80Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

As the situation defused, Evalye's eyes turned blue. And the air around her became more 'trustworthy', with the regular first impression that she was someone who would always adopt a lost puppy without saying a no. She spoke but her voice was softer. Definitely the same voice but it was very kind.

"That can be difficult to divulge. If I came from an another world, I could say. Even, if it was the same world. It's not easy..." Evalye kept using her COMB to look up a few things, pictures. And it wasn't long until she head tears in her eyes. Tears that she quickly wiped away.

"I used to be Lye and Eva. I gave my life to protect this world once. It looks like that it was not enough. It's not even confusing. I would have pictured that it would have been harder. To accept things. So if you want to talk. I can listen. And, if you want to cry - I can be your shoulder."

Evalye approached closer to Lucia, if she didn't resist, Evalye would place her hands gently against Lucia's palm and hold her hand.
Dec 30, 2018 11:13 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

The girl seemed to shift slightly in personality, too abrupt to be normal in Lucia's opinion. The girl became quite kind, offering words of support and sympathising with the fact that reincarnation isn't easy. Lucia thought about that for a second, Evalye's words prompted interesting questions: How long would it take to make the place feel like home? Would she even miss her old home?

She would certainly miss some things, like Hestia and Amphion. She didn't know if she'd be able to connect with people here on the same level of deepness she shared with Hestia. She had raised the girl, even if she wasn't her real mother, Lucia still felt her maternal instincts.

Thinking about Hestia made her eyes tear up as Evalye held her hand, pressing against the Mark of Persephone tattoo. Lucia looked at the girl's eyes for a brief moment, her own eyes full of regret and melancholy. She shook her head and stepped back, gently removing her own hand from Evalye's. She rarely let herself get emotional or vulnerable in front of strangers - especially under such peculiar circumstances.

Lucia didn't want to be rude and respected the fact that Evalye was offering emotional comfort, even if it was a little too strange for Lucia. "Thank you... It is... hard," she paused and met the girl's eyes. "Sorry I reacted like that before, I was just confused and didn't know if you were an ally or not."

Evalye's words had also revealed that she had once been two people before she was reincarnated - or summoned, whichever was a more accurate description. Lucia noted this and wondered if this piece of information had anything to do with the subtle switch in personality that Lucia had noticed. She would note this as important, as well the information that Evalye had sacrificed her life for Gaea, there would be importance and a story behind those words.
WymsicalDec 30, 2018 11:17 PM
Dec 31, 2018 10:10 PM

Nov 2015

100/100100/100100/100Astralfire: -/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

Evalye followed Lucia's body language and speech without batting an eye. She realized that there were secrets, probably secrets that she really wanted to keep away. She could have tried to pry out for them. However after everything that had transpired, she felt like there was no need for her to push Lucia any further. Evalye had already made her first impression of Lucia, and she didn't consider her as a bad person.

"I am not an enemy. So it is up to you to decide, if I am a friend. So cheer up love." Evalye allowed her Astral Gear to slip into nothingness, her hands no longer had a rose glow to them.
Dec 31, 2018 11:49 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Evalye thankfully didn't pursue her offer, she must have been able to tell that Lucia was reluctant to share much about herself. Lucia wasn't necessarily cold towards strangers, but she was guarded, that much was true. She straightened up when Evalye accepted her apology, "Thank you. I'm glad the first person I met here is a friend and not a foe."

Though Lucia didn't consider the girl a friend yet, she certainly saw her as friendly and not a threat. Despite the misunderstanding at the start, Evalye had made a good first impression on Lucia. Not many would have been so quick to forget about Lucia's original hostility. "So as... SOULs... what should be the first thing we do? The COMB said that we're free to go where we like..." Lucia trailed off as she opened up the screen of her COMB again, opening the map function and having a look at the various locations.

She looked up at the exit that led out of the Summoning Throne for a couple of seconds, biting her lower lip in thought - a habit she had never quite been able to give up. She then glanced at Evalye, her expression curious. "Any ideas? You were looking at the map before, the Dormitory or Astraea HQ seem like two good options. Other SOULs would probably be willing to show us the ropes."
Jan 1, 2019 7:51 AM

Nov 2015

100/100100/100100/100Astralfire: - /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Evalye's eyes shifted however nothing else appeared to have changed. The tells were not really easy to come by. "While no one is here to tell us what to do, we should still do the right thing."

Evalye crossed her hands: "People are suffering out there and we should help them. I would like to pay a closer visit on the HQ. If you still need time to get around and with this era... explore. Sure we can do that but first I would like to set my mind at ease and see that there is nothing urgent going on."
Jan 1, 2019 2:57 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Evalye seemed to want to make sure that there weren't any missions of importance happening. She said she wanted to go to the HQ, while Lucia herself didn't feel that same urge, she understood that this was Evalye's world and she obviously had a stronger connection to it. Also, the fact that she had given her life to save Gaea probably meant that Evalye was determined to protect this place and the people here.

Lucia would have preferred relaxing and getting accommodated with her new environment, but Evalye was the only person that Lucia knew here and she seemed to have a good heart. Besides, what harm could come from going to see if there were any missions or events of importance? Lucia doubted anything urgent was happening currently, she felt like the COMBs would have alerted them if that was the case.

Nonetheless, she decided to go along with Evalye and accompany her to the HQ. She nodded in response to Evalye's words, "Alright if that's what you want to do I've got no problem in coming with. Lead the way," she said. If Evalye left the Summoning Throne then Lucia would follow and leave for the HQ.
Jan 1, 2019 7:02 PM

Nov 2015

100/100100/100100/100Astralfire: -/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

With her eyes set forward, Evalye's eyes flickered. "Good that settles it. I'll just look up on the map..." Evalye has a focused stare as she started walking with brisk steps. "To tell the truth... After everything that has happened. I think I need just something to do distract my thoughts for a while. I'm sorry to drag you into this."

Evalye would say, leaving the area.
Jan 9, 2019 1:07 PM

Nov 2015
'Berto' - The Savant
Health: 100/100
Prana: 80/80
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Overdrive (Passive/Inactive), Tactical Monitoring (Passive/Active), Loop-Cast (Passive/Inactive), Absolute Defense Territory (Passive)

Summoned shortly after his death, Savant would stand still for a moment before starting to walk: "Full diagnostic, restore latest snapshot. Evaluate combat log." He'd walk forward, opening multiple holographic panels with his computer, looking at the moments that resulted in his death: "Tch... I'm already at peak specs and utilizing all of my processing power. Was there really nothing that I could do... The force of those jaws. How terrifying. And I thought that Ryan struck hard."

"And that's where reactor failure occurred. The defensive matrix projection failed. The power output was not enough, and that was already at peak limits of computational power. Reading through these logs would take a while. If I only had more capacity I could correct the technical limitations."

Savant would look at a radar built image of his final moments, of when the creature slashed him after he had been incapacitated. "Structural integrity was already critical at that point. Power supply was at zero. Prana supply had dwindled down."

"Reactor needs a stronger output. Although prana pool was not high, recovery measures were successful. Current recharging of physical output is insufficient."

Savant would then look through at each of the cases where the creature bit through his barrier until just swiping to them to a side and condensing the holographic display as a tiny cube. He'd look through at each of his attacks, which miraculously all were successful hits.

"Targeting system - Check. Impeccable performance. Energy output functional. Using a memory partition to store spell-sequences -- success."

The automaton would then collapse almost all of the display, except for one which calculated a numerical value: "Performance rating: 99th percentile of current assets... Performance peak of current iteration reached. Requirement: technical upgrade."

The automaton would appear to have ephemeral emotion of feeling frustration and failure. Although there was nothing he could've done better there, that was the issue for him. He was already at the peak of the power that he could reach and he had done everything that his system could output. He'd press himself against the wall and observe on the COMB on the status of the mission, trying to see whether Victorique would manage to successfully clear the mission. After the mission would be over, he'd get a move and he'd start walking towards the mission hall. < Leaving the area ... (pending)>
Jan 18, 2019 8:15 PM

Dec 2011
Jake Parker

Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???

STR: ? • VIT: ? • WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ? • AGL: ? • PER: ? • REC: ?

Current Status: Normal

Skills Active: ???
Appearence: Not wearing a shirt.

Jake walked into the Throne Room, a group of other SOULs behind him. They all were currently A-rank, but had not been for long. The mission he had gotten off of a few hours prior had been his final rank up mission. He was going to join the elite few that would allow the utmost of responsiblity. He would become an S-Rank SOUL.

Not that he was the only one, of course, but for his little group of friends here, he was the best in their eyes. They had all ranked up and become what Jake was, but they all had been waiting for this: The Final Ascension of a SOUL.

Jake swallowed nervously, walking towards the base of the throne. He had never seen a SOUL be resummoned as an S-Rank, and he didn't know what was in store for him. He didn't know what it would feel like, what it would sound like, or what it would look like. He just wish that one of his buddeis brought along a camera so he could see it for himself.

But before Jake could bring that up, a rumble shook him. It was a slight rumble. Very slight. So slight that Jake only felt it due to his higher than normal sense of perception. Some of his friends felt it too, and Jake wondered if it were an Earthquake, or if it was an attack, but something deep in his own soul he felt it was nothing to worry about.

And worry about it Jake did not, as the air also filled with very small, very faint lights. They were as if fireflies were crowding the area. The lights grew brighter, and more frequent as the rumbling continued...

Faint whispering reached Jake's ears as the lights glimmered and flickered. Jake looked around wildly trying to see who was whispering, but saw nothing, and his friends looked at him like he was crazy. They apparently couldn't hear the voices, from what Jake could tell by looking at their faces. He then decided to stare straight forward and take the voices in stride. He couldn't tell exactly what they were saying, as they sounded like gibberish, but he could somewhat understand it. He felt like the world itself was telling him something, like it wanted to grant him his wish...

My wish?... Jake thought, but he couldn't recall it. It was as if the world had erased the memory of his wish, but was replacing it with a new one, a better one. Jake knew what he wanted. He smiled at the throne, opening his mouth to speak-

But then he disappeared, the room suddenly filled with a blinding light, and Jake disappeared. Feathers of light drifted gently down onto the ground, but Jake was still nowhere to be seen.

But then suddenly, A bright light flashed at the top of the throne, creating a torrent of wind. The winds buffeted everyone in the room back a few feet as the winds raged on.

Then the winds cleared, along with the smoke from the lightning strike, and when the haze finally lifted, there sat Jake, upon the throne.

He smirked at his friends, who then all cheered and clapped, while Jake himself got off the throne and walked down to the group, "So? How did I do?" He said, leaving the area with his group of friends clammering around him asking questions...
LondotheGreatJan 18, 2019 8:20 PM
Feb 4, 2019 10:37 PM
Oct 2014
Alexander Reinhardt


Sometime soon after getting killed in the swamp, Alex was ressurected at the Summoning Throne. Looked like it had at least worked this time. Checking his COMB, he saw Lysett wasn't resummoned yet. But he did have a message from Guinsoo. Seeing how the mission had fully succeeded and some of the people on the mission, based on where they were on the map, were already heading back to base, there was nothing more to worry about there. So, he would just answer Guinsoo's message. He wasn't sure why Guinsoo was asking about Lucia. But it turned out to be a SOUL he knew, both from this mission and the Ressurection magic she'd used in the parliament mission. He had her COMB ID too.


Overall she'd been a great help to the team in all the missions he'd fought with her in so far. But he wasn't sure why Guinsoo was asking about her right now.

Guinsoo said in the message he would be getting back to him later, so for now nothing was happening. But he didn't just want to leave Lysett to respawn alone. Even if it'd been in vain, she'd made a noble effort to try to save him, and had done a good job helping out Celestia and Asha escape. Nobody else had gotten back yet, so she'd be the only one he could thank in person right now. But since she hadn't respawned yet, there wasn't much he could do.

This got him to thinking about others who just hadn't respawned yet. He had no way to know if Lyka would be resummoned, and the same went for others who had gone missing after the parliament mission. Including some names disappearing from the list like an Altania Argent, a Rei Shirou, and The Abberation, only one of whom he knew. With that one he knew surprisingly being the red monster-ish thing. Oddly, Lyka's name remained on the list, last he had checked, even though she currently was nowhere on the map. Did that mean the missing names marked those who could no longer be resummoned? Astraea wasn't going to give him a straight answer, and there were alternative explanations. Like that people were only removed from the list once it became convenient to put someone else in their place as a roomate to someone else there.

Either way, there was no point over-thinking this too much, so Alex just thought of what to say in thanks to Lysett. Moving away from the Throne so that he would not be sitting on it and in the way when she respawned.
Feb 6, 2019 4:40 PM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation (Active)
  • Blissful about having wings

It seemed like she wouldn't make it in time, but she kept trying anyway... until she found herself back at the summoning throne. "Eh, what?" It took her a moment to recall what happened back there: tons of CS on the area coupled with a Freeze Ocurrence at the worst possible moment. "I guess there's no helping it after all... Well, at least there was no pain since I was already Frozen by the time I was killed..." Sighing, Lysett approached Alexander after noticing his presence in the room. "Sorry, it seems I wasn't able to save you after all... I guess my luck ran out sometime during the mission, haha! Well, at least we managed to get Celestia safe and sound to her destination, although I wish I could've talked with her a little bit more; I didn't even manage to say proper goodbyes in the end... I wonder if we'll end up meeting again sometime..."

Noticing there was an unread message, Lysett sat down by the staircase to read it. Surprisingly, it was a message from a seemingly angry Eukina, and for once Lysett was glad she wasn't around and thus unable to scold her personally. It was even worse once she noticed the absence of the items Eukina had lent to Celestia, causing her to feel guilty for losing them in such a selfish way.

"Sorry, sorry! I know I shouldn't have done that, but it was also hard on me, you know? I didn't like the idea of leaving someone behind, especially after you guys acted as a bait so we could escape... Also, I'm sorry for your items! Celestia and Asha lent me them so I could use in the rescue (but it isn't their fault, so don't be angry at them!) and they're nowhere to be found... I must've lost it back there on the swamp, but I promise to pay you back eventually! Once again, I'm sorry, Eukie!"
Feb 9, 2019 7:25 PM
Oct 2014
Alexander Reinhardt


As the gears of the Throne started turning again Alex wondered if it'd be Lysett or maybe someone on Guinsoo's mission. It turned out it was Lysett. She was sorry she couldn't save him, but he didn't really mind. As long as everyone had made it back in one piece. "If anything, it is my fault. I should have assumed there'd be more of them and that we had no way to be sure to eliminate the main threat, since there were plenty more rocks in the area that could have been CS of the same type as it. But thank you very much for helping Celestia and Asha get away." She really had done a pretty good job getting them out of there, although it definitely helped that the monster hadn't known what a portal was. But Alex couldn't help but think of something else. "Are you sure you can't talk to her now? My COMB map says some of us still haven't left Valindral yet. One of them might still be with Celestia." It would probably be a good idea for him to say some goodbyes too.
Feb 14, 2019 6:48 PM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation (Active)
  • Blissful about having wings

Alexander didn't seem too concerned about his own demise, and Lysett figured the outcome was set from the moment she decided to help him at that situation. "I guess we were both reckless back there, haha! Well, all's well that ends well; Celestia's safe and we're back to duty! Thanks for protecting us all back there, Alexander!" She considered his suggestion, and decided it was worth a try. "Hmmm, that might work... Eukina's still mad at me, but I guess I won't have another chance if I let this slip by!" Picking up her COMB again, Lysett sent Eukina another message:

"Eukina, can you get me Celestia's contact info? You're probably still mad, but I'd be glad if you could! Pretty please?"

After sending the message, Lysett thought about what to do next... "I think I'll step by the cafeteria and get something to eat now that the mission's over. See you around, Alexander!" After saying that, Lysett left the area.
Feb 16, 2019 12:39 AM
Oct 2014
Alexander Reinhardt


Lysett seemed pretty happy about the situation, but it wasn't like he couldn't relate. Eventually he was probably going to get more used to dying like this. It was nice that Lysett thanked him for protecting them. And since he'd just given her the info to try to talk to Celestia, he wouldn't say too much in response, other than to show his gratitude for her helping out."Thank you as well."

It seemed like she was cheery enough to go right on to doing something new while she waited for a response to that text message she'd just been typing, but he had to make sure to say one more thing before she would head off to the cafeteria. "You too. But if you do get a response from whoever is talking to Celestia or Asha, could you send me a message and tell me who it was?" He still wanted to talk to them, so he'd just wait for Lysett to get an answer so he knew which SOUL to message.

He didn't have any reason to stick around near the Throne either, so he'd leave the area after Lysett did, heading back to his dormitory room.
Mar 3, 2019 12:32 AM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Desummoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

Sho went back to the city with Londo after convincing him to say goodbye to Lucia in person. He was glad to be done with the mission, and now had something to look forward to: another rank up! Sho ran back through the city and to Astraea HQ, wondering how strong he'd become this time. After a few minutes, he'd arrive in the Summoning Throne room once more.

It was empty again, like it usually was. Sho sighed, bored that there was no one to talk to, and sat on the throne waiting for Londo to show up. He realized it'd probably take some time for Londo to find and talk to Lucia, so while he was waiting, he used his COMB to check a few things. It turned out the other mission had been a success too, so he sent a message with his COMB now that he knew it wouldn't distract from an ongoing mission.


He asked Lysett about the escort mission she went on, wondering if she had a harder time. Hopefully she hadn't had to die yet again...
Jun 27, 2019 1:37 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: Desummoned
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Londo smiled at the sudden character change in Lucia. She was determined to avenge this girl as well. Londo appreciated the sentiment, even if it would not amount to much, "I'll try." He said, making his way through the city.

Once they were relatively close to their destination, Londo said out loud to Lucia, "I told you this already, but Sho and I did our rank up mission already. I just wanted you to be there for it. I wanted to rank up one last time..." He said, a hint of sadness in his voice, but he face was filled with conviction.

Finally, the two of them arrived at the Summoning Throne. Sho was already there, looking at his COMB. Londo chuckled to himself, at least they wouldn't have to wait long. Londo raised his hand in greeting, "Yo Sho. You ready to do this?" He said, looking up at the mighty throne.
Jun 28, 2019 7:31 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

The two of them left the lobby, making their way to the place Londo wanted to visit. It turned out that place was actually the Summoning Throne, because he wanted to rank up one last time before he left this world.

"I don't want to leave anything unfinished." Even though his power would be reset anyways, she could understand the sentimental value.

Lucia sighed as they approached the Summoning Throne room, sad to have to say goodbye to him soon. As strange as Londo was, she could rely on him to do the right thing when it really mattered...she was even starting to think of him as a friend. A slightly insane friend, but still a friend.

"It's strange, isn't it? Only days ago I thought you were a madman, but now you've already gotten ahead of me...Are you sure you have to leave?

If you must go, then I wish you luck in whatever land you visit next. May Lumina's blessing light your path..."

Lucia could only pray for Londo's success as they reached the Summoning Throne room. It was unfortunate he had to leave, but she would make sure to keep this world safe and bring Maron's killer to justice.

Then as Londo showed up in the room, he greeted someone else.

Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Desummoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

That someone was tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for a response to his COMB message, or for the Throne to hurry up and do its thing already. Neither of those happened for a while...Then he heard Londo's voice and looked down the staircase at him, waving hello in return.

"Hey Londo! Believe me, I've been ready, but this thing sure is taking its sweet time..."

All he could do was keep waiting as the Throne remained inactive, as if it was mocking him. Not that it could, since it was just a magic machine. He wondered if there was someone waiting to flip a switch to turn it on who took some joy out of seeing his boredom, as the next few minutes started to feel like hours as they waited...and waited...and waited. "Forget it, it must be brok-Eh?!" Just as he talked, the throne finally activated its magic circle, which pushed Lucia outside of it as it crackled with magic lightning and spun faster and faster...

And then in a flash, they were gone. Sho and Londo would lose consciousness for a little while as the Summoning Throne worked on resummoning them, the circle now spinning in the opposite direction until finally the two SOULs were reborn better than ever. Londo was sitting on the throne while Sho was on the armrest next to it, regaining his consciousness like waking up from a dream, but not. He stood up again and tried to recover from how disorienting it was.

"Whoa...that was weird."

Being 'ranked up' wasn't an experience Sho could really describe to someone who hadn't been through it themselves. The most he could say was that he felt full of energy and in better shape than ever. He just hoped this new power would make him finally at least competent at magic for once...
Jun 29, 2019 3:53 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 300 / 300
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: Desummoned
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

After the summoning, Londo stood up from the throne, looking down at Lucia, "Well. That's it I guess..." He said, walking down the steps towards Lucia, "Sho, it's been fun, it really has."

Londo looked back up towards the throne, towards Sho. The best moments he had in this world were when Sho was there. The fights, the teamwork, everything. Londo sighed before staring at the entrance to the room. Guess it was now time...

"Londo, you still have some time." A voice from in front of him said, Alice suddenly appearing in front of him. Londo tilted his head questioningly, "Are you sure?" He asked, not even explaining it to Sho for the moment.

"Yea, you can say your goodbyes at least."

Londo smirked, then turned back towards Sho, "Alright then! Sho. I challenge you to one last duel. Lucia can explain everything, but my time in this world is up, and I want to spend it fighting you! One last battle before I go." He said, walking further away from the throne and turning back towards Sho, "Right here. Let's fight. Just the two of us."
Jun 29, 2019 4:37 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 200/200
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 200/200
Air Saber: Desummoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

Sho tilted his head in confusion as Londo started saying some weird things. "Eh? 'It's been fun'? You're making it sound like you're dying or something..." He only got more confused when a girl appeared out of nowhere like a ghost, telling Londo 'he still had time'. "What the..?! Who's that?" The ghost girl kept talking weirdly, saying Londo could still say his goodbyes. Londo didn't bother explaining and instead challenged him to a duel...right in this very room. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Ahahaha..! That was a good one. Ciela would kill us if we fought in here of all places!"

Then he stopped laughing, going back to being confused. "But seriously, what do you mean your time is up? You know we're immortal, right? Wait..." Sho's jaw then dropped in surprise as he remembered the crazy ramblings he'd dismissed as fake a while ago, realizing they might not be so crazy after all. "So you really do travel between worlds, and she's the Alice girl you talked about? Wow...she must be like a way stronger version of Lysett if she can send you to other dimensions." He was more than a little jealous. If he had that kind of crazy strong magic, no one would have ever mocked him...

"Do you really have to go?" Sho thought back to the missions they'd gone on together, including the most recent one. Londo was kind of crazy, but it had still been fun having him around. He always kept things interesting in one way or another. If Londo insisted he had to leave, then he would agree to the duel.

"Ok, I'll do it...just not here, please. We're dead if we hit anything in this room."

This room was bound to have security cameras considering how important it was, and there were surely some really powerful guards ready to intervene if anyone so much as glared at the Summoning Throne. Unless the plot decided otherwise, of course. So Sho would hurry to the Sparring Hall with Londo if he agreed, leaving the area at a faster speed than before...
Jun 29, 2019 4:45 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 300 / 300
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: Desummoned
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Sho seemed way smarter than he looked and appeared from talking in discord, as he seemed to figure out the reason why Londo needed to go, to which Londo simply nodded. Sho sounded like he didn't want Londo to go. It was understandable, as... As Londo did not want to go either. Londo just nodded his head in response, "Yea, my time's almost up."

Londo then nodded to Sho, after a quick glance to Alice who also nodded, "Yea, let's go. I'll meet you at the Sparring Hall."

After Sho left, Londo glanced at Lucia, "Wanna watch? This is the last time you'll be able to see me in action. I wasn't strong back in our first rank up mission, but I sure I could take Vulcanus on myself now."

Whether or not Lucia accepted, Londo would leave the area.
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