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Sep 30, 2018 9:38 PM
Mar 2016
Deeper in the Forest
As the leaves turn dark...

No area data available.

Area Theme:

From here, there are a few possible ways to go.
The by-far most well-beaten trail takes one to the Forest Lake.
A faint trail can be found leading into the depths of the forest, should one take the effort to look.
Those who feel brave enough to try their hand at trailblazing might abandon a previously carved path entirely, leaving behind any real trail and setting off into the unknown Impassable Forest.
Of course, one can also always turn back towards the Forest Entrance
alatartheblue42Jan 30, 2019 12:26 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Dec 10, 2018 9:41 AM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

The path that the creature had set had lead them deeper into the forest, leaving a clear trail behind them for an exit route, but also pulling them far off the beaten path, into a place that was lush with growth and so obviously ripe for life, and yet, strangely gloomy and silent. Thick mist lay upon the path, limiting visibility all around them into the forest, and lending the place an eerie air. The combination of the silence, gloom, and oddly dark forest combined to make the setting quite fit for one of the horror stories his nursemaid had told Carolus as a child whenever he had asked. Even the map seemed to have issues in this area, with this place appearing largely close to the unmapped area of the forest. Occasionally as they walked the hammer of a musket would offer a click as it's bearer cocked it into the firing position, evidence of an increasinly nervous troop of soldiers. Chu's sword and shield were drawn and held in a tight grip, as the man looked around. Comparatively Carolus looked rather non-chalant, just walking with his sword held loosely at his side as if he was going for no more then a sunday stroll while following the path. The leader had been under fire plenty of times. From the Danish, Russians, Polish, Norwegians, Saxons, and Prussians, his attitude towards danger then was much the same as it was now, facing it upright with a casual disregard towards the creature that had so easily snatched the rabbit. But such was the way of Carolus.
Dec 10, 2018 11:36 AM

Nov 2015

The trail of sounds had gone quiet a long time ago. However, Carolus and his group would find pieces of the animal scattered, far far away from the initial place where they had made contact. It was finely shredded but not a piece of meat had been touched.

As they moved deeper into the woods, the forest became thicker and darker, they would see shredded leaves and branches, all on the path of this easy trail. It was clear that this trail had not been a road to the woods. Rather something cleared the way. Thinking that they couldn't hear anything anymore, it was either done a long time ago or very recently. But the unnerving part was that some of the cut branches were leaking fresh sap on the ground. And no matter how deep they'd continue this phenomena would continue.


If they'd continue to follow this freshly made path, they'd come to realize that it would curve first a little to the left and then a little to the right. Like a snake. It wasn't a welcoming road, everything about it felt just wrong. Like bad things were simply expected to happen.

After 20 minutes or so, they'd stumble upon something curious. There was a path that had been taken not so long ago. Maybe few days ago. However it hadn't aligned with the main path. Depending on the perception; they'd eventually stumble upon dried blood. And this dried blood was leading from the divergent path. Whatever had came from there was injured and under haste.

And there were some old clawmarks on the trees, except these ones were much higher than the trail you were currently following. The fresh trail appears to go parallel with the old trail that was followed by someone. And it wouldn't be long until you'd find the remains of whoever took this trail. Unlike the shredded rabbit, this one had been ... eaten. Before an untrained stomach, gagging reflex would certainly take place, but not for a SOUL.

And as it would stand out, the main trail was still taking deeper into the forest.

Dec 10, 2018 1:34 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Carolus and Chu managed to spot the divergent path, and decided to quickly investigate the side path that seemed to parallel the other. Nervous men at their heels, the pair marched down the animal path exuding confidence, and stumbled upon dried blood. They had already found the bits of rabbit and the cut branches along the path, that much they had been prepared for. As they had done so, Carolus and Chu both had been developing silent suspicions about where this path lead, and what was at it's end. Both suspected that perhaps this creature was actually a calamity seed, as the bits of rabbit they had found were untouched and uneaten. As if it was a warning. What they found at the end of the trail of blood was what confirmed their suspicions though. A body of some poor sod who had gone down the path and died, likely killed, and their body consumed. So eaten they had been that it was impossible to determine the sex or identity of the person. All present turned away from the sight, and Carolus quietly pledged to come back and give them a proper burial. Now to kill the seed that had brought them to the grisly demise. The group of fourteen made their way back to the path. Carolus sent a message to Astrea as they walked on the trail. It detailed their coordinates, the claw marks they had seen, the speed of the Calamity Seed, and the fact that Chu and Carolus planned to engage as soon as they met the creature. Additionally, they requested reinforcements. So, the group of men walked deeper into the forest.
conman2163Dec 10, 2018 1:38 PM
Dec 10, 2018 2:20 PM

Nov 2015

Upon sending out the contact request, the two could have probably easily made it further out however shortly afterwards, a red light was illuminated on their COMBs. Typically an indicator of an available mission. It wouldn't take long until a message would play out:

"Chu Omori and Carolus Rex. I'm Annie and I am working in Astraea as a mission operator. I'm parsing up a picture of what has happened. I am afraid that you are likely dealing with a CS... Your mission, should you accept - would be to follow the creature to the best of your ability. We would at least like to identify what it is. It will not be easy to send out a rescue party on such a short notice, so you will be on your own... And be careful out there. Unfortunately due to the nature of the task, I have to classify this as a request... As a mission would entail eliminating that CS. I will need some time to put up together what you have found out but be very careful."

[REQUEST] Wild Goose Hunt

Mission Difficulty: ??

Synopsis: An unknown Calamity Seed has been spotted by Chu Omori and Carolus Rex. They have decided to follow the trail left behind by it, until they decided to contact Astraea. It is up to them should they accept the request.

Detailed Information:
Mission Objective:
• Follow the Trail
• Identify the CS.

Side Objectives:
• Unavailable at this point

• Can only be accepted by the people present in this area.

Dec 10, 2018 2:47 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

The response from Astraea didn't take long. A small red indicator popped up on their combs, and what followed happened as they walked and followed the path. It was Annie, a mission operator from Astraea that spoke to them, telling them of a request that was being put out, given the current area they were in. It basically told them what they knew, basically fuck all, and offered them a request which they could accept. Chu didn't say anything and neither did Carolus, the pair of them sent of their acceptance of the quest. They were already here, so there was no point in backing off now.

With that information and the grisly image of the dead person on their minds, the fourteen men marched on silently. No longer did they exude the confidence or nervousness of before. Rather, all fourteen gave off an air of grim determination. This creature, whatever it was, was dangerous and had to be killed. No time could be wasted in waiting for more SOULs to arrive to help, they would have to strike out on their own. The twelve men who followed Carolus and Chu spread out into a spearhead formation, with Carolus and Chu at the front. This was so that their muskets could easily engage anything they came across upon the path.
Dec 10, 2018 3:37 PM

Nov 2015

"Your applications have been processed. Chu Omori and Carolus Rex on duty for Wild Goose Chase."

It wouldn't take for very long until the forest would get too thick to navigate. Up ahead they could hear the occasional woodpecker trying to get a worm from a hollow tree trunk. Or the sinister call of a crow. The clawmarks were leading to the only place where you really did not want them to lead into.

And the trees were so close next to each other that the pattern had changed. The party of 14 men, would now have to walk in a single file. Unlike previously, this area was closer to a primeval forest. With rotten trees resting on the ground, forcing the group to climb over them or crawl underneath the fallen trunks.

While navigation became significantly harder, at least the air would now be nice and fresh. A sweet scent of moss and dew was constantly present, with occasional stinging scent of sap from the clawmarks in the trees. At this point, the resin was becoming coagulated to protect the tree, although the damage of the bark would undoubtedly be a base for a wood-decay fungus.

One might even say that pushing through with 14 men might become a liability if navigating through these parts of the forest.

You may now post in the Impassable Forest

Jan 5, 2019 11:21 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 110/110
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

Sho continued moving through the forest, going from tree to tree while trying to stay hidden from any CS. Now he was in the part of the forest where the leaves had turned dark, giving the place an ominous feeling instead of a serene one. It didn't help that this place led to an area further in the forest where his last rank up mission had taken place. If there were any monsters here, he'd try to find them rather than them finding him.
Jan 6, 2019 1:36 PM

Nov 2015

As Carolus was devoured by garms that waited their prey in [Rinhain Forest - Deeper in the Forest]; one of them managed to get a bigger bite than the rest, devouring the essence from the poor soul. As it evolved it let out a single blood-freezing howl. However as it howled, it perfectly masked away the deathrattle of the poor knight who was lost much deeper into the woods...

Jan 6, 2019 2:22 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 105/110
Stamina: 134/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Agility
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive), (Whirlwind: 5/6 Phases remaining)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

Londo suggested searching the caves instead, since then Harumi would be able to use her fire breath while that obviously wasn't an option in the forest. However, it seemed like there were some downsides to the caves too, since it was harder to see in the darkness, and it'd be harder to defend against the spider's lasers, especially the giant one. "It'd be hard to see in a cave, but you're right about her fire breath...I'll try searching there next!" There were some downsides to both areas, but Londo left it up to him, and he preferred the forest.

Londo also had something else to say though. He thought it wasn't much of a real training experience if they were prepared for everything and didn't risk being ambushed. "I know we have to train them, but it's way more important to keep them safe! They're not like us, they could actually die..." Then he realized he needed to add a bit more. "...since they're not as experienced, there might be stuff out there that's too much for them to handle. It's normal to scout ahead anyways, and I'm sure not all the battles will be as easy as the last one." He didn't think they were supposed to mention being immortal after all, not if they could avoid it.

Then as Sho was searching through the deep forest, he heard a terrifying howl coming from the distance. He'd heard it before, so there was no mistaking it...this was definitely a Fenrir. He had to investigate and find out if it was by itself or with others, and depending on how many they might be able to fight this group. So, Sho kept moving further into the forest towards the sound, trying to stay hidden and try to spot the group of wolves without being noticed first. However that probably wouldn't work very well due to their super smell. Either way he'd call Londo once he saw them, and presumably they would try to run after him and eat him. "I found a Fenrir and two Garms in the forest, and they're chasing me!" As usual, he then used his wind aura to speed up and run away, trying to outrun the group of mutated wolves.

(Whirlwind activation: -10 Stamina, -3 Prana)
(Whirlwind: -6 Stamina, -2 Prana)
Jan 10, 2019 11:47 PM
Mar 2016

After having heard the howl reverberate through the forest, Sho opted to go investigate the source. Leaving behind the path, Sho would trust in his memory of the direction the sound had originated from and proceed through the underbrush.

After a few moments of traveling, Sho found himself peering out from behind a tree towards a small wolf-pack. A single Fenrir and two Garms wandered about in a small clearing, resting for a short while after having completed their previous meal and finding said clearing. As the Elf began to consider passing along his intel, he felt a slight breeze pass through, flowing from behind him towards the clearing. In rapid succession, the three wolf CS raised their snouts, sniffing the air intently before as one turning towards Sho's location and letting loose low growls.

Moments later, the chase was on. Thanks to both Sho's wind aura increasing his Speed and the Fenrir's considerably larger size making it somewhat more difficult to get through some of the openings between trees Sho could pass through, Sho would find himself gaining a decent lead on the wolf pack. As such, Sho will have ample opportunity to decide a course and lead the wolves to a general terrain setting of his choice, be it back out onto the NE Plains, any other existing Rinhain Forest section, a generic clearing, the main trail, or simply somewhere in the underbrush.

If Sho chooses either of the first two options, he and Londo may post in the corresponding thread immediately. For the final three options, they should post in this thread. Any pre-battle strategizing/actions should be done in said post, as the battle proper will begin when the wolf pack catches up and initiates combat.
Jan 11, 2019 12:28 AM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 106/110
Stamina: 138/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Agility
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive), (Whirlwind: 3/6 Phases remaining)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

Sho's attempt to stay hidden didn't work so well as the angry doggos easily sniffed out his location, leaving him to do what he did best: Run away. Unlike the last time he ran for his life in the forest, this time he was pretty successful as he continued to gain ground on the Garms and especially the Fenrir, which was too big to get in Smash through some choke points. Sho couldn't rest easy yet though, since he needed to lead them somewhere where the others could fight effectively. As he ran through the forest and gained distance, he found a perfect place for that: A clearing.

He didn't slow down for a second as he talked, making his way to the clearing where he'd arrive at about the same time as the others. Using that time he'd get into position at the edge of the group, hopefully in the same formation he mentioned earlier (Londo at the front as the tank, Harumi/Myles to his sides as off-tanks, Sho/Harumi at the edges as flanking units, Timothy behind as the healer). No matter what, he'd give them some important advice.

"Leave the big one to me and Londo!"

Then he took a stance ready to move at any moment, waiting for the wolves to catch up to him. He may have been faster now, but he couldn't run from this fight...
Jan 11, 2019 6:48 AM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 50 / 500
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: 25 / 25 - 25 / 25
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Finally, Londo and the children arrived at the area Sho had messaged him on the COMB, the clearing in the forest. Londo made his way to the front of the pack, smashing his fists together and striking a battle stance, "Yes! Leave the Fenrir to us! If it's even still alive after you're done, then you can see how Sho and I work as a team! If you're having trouble with the Garms, just say it, I'll take care of the Fenrir myself and Sho will come to help out!"

He then prepared for battle, striking another battle pose, "You ready for this Sho? Last time we fought this thing I wasn't even half as strong as now, but now it'll be cake!" He said nodding to himself and bouncing back and forth on his two feet, preparing for battle.
Jan 12, 2019 7:54 PM
Mar 2016
Harumi Ryuuko
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Harumi’s Stone: 150/150
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Flight (Passive), Conservation (Passive)
Current Equipment: Harumi’s Stone

Naomi Eklund
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Ethereal Knife: 100/100
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Hidden Presence (Passive)
Current Equipment: Ethereal Knife

Myles Burton
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Ethereal Longsword: 90/100
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: D
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Ethereal Longsword
Regular Health Potion x1

Timothy Norton
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Norton Staff: 150/150
SPD: F • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Turbine (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Fairy Levitation (Passive)
Current Equipment: Norton Staff
Regular Health Potion x1

Londo and the students finally found their way to Sho after a fair bit of running. As before, Timothy dropped his backpack on the ground out of the way and pulled out his staff before getting into position. It seemed like Sho and Londo wanted the students to stick to the smaller foes and leave the bigger one for the two of them. While Myles wanted to object, even he wasn't stubborn enough upon hearing the rapidly approaching growls and snarls. "Harumi, try to hold off one. Naomi, we'll try to take the other like last time!"

"Got it!" "Hai hai!"

"I'll try to watch everyone's back, but be sure to call out if you get hurt, and come back to me if its serious." Timothy's voice was steady despite the bit of wobble in his knees, much like Naomi's voice was clearly working to contain her nerves. Harumi was, well, Harumi.

The SOULs and the students relegated themselves to preparing both wills and weapons as they moved and prepared for battle. Timothy remained some distance behind the rest of the group, Naomi and Myles stepped off to the right side, and Harumi moved up the left flank of the tiny squad. All they could do now was attendre, espérer wait and hope that Alatar would finish the CS post and map tonight that the battle wouldn't be too tough.
alatartheblue42Jan 12, 2019 8:15 PM
Jan 13, 2019 10:45 PM
Mar 2016

And as in wary poses the group stood, the Fenrir and Garms, with howls of rage, came running from the thicker wood, and growled as they came. Can I at least get an A for Affort?


Overall Statistics:
Health: 250
Prana: 100
Stamina: 150
Armour: 50

STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B • AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Action Phase:
Coming out of its forest, the Fenrir was doing just fine. Its prey had evidently been joined by others. All the better; there was never a time when a larger lunch was undesirable.

Well, the Fenrir had little siblings now too; it had to be responsible and share a little with them. Thus, the Fenrir decided to leave the meals on the side for the younger ones, while it took the two up front for itself.

With great bounding strides, the Fenrir closed the distance between it and its targets. Small chunks of earth and grass were sometimes torn up by the beast’s great claws, just as Londo would be in just a moment when the Fenrir bent its head lower and scooped up Londo between mighty fangs, shaking him a little bit before hurling him off to the right.

(Giant Fang Rush: -30 Stamina)

Garm 1 & 2

Overall Statistics:
Health: 100
Prana: 50
Stamina: 150

STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Action Phase:
The Garms had managed to mostly stay abreast of their leader during the chase. While their top speed was lower, the Fenrir itself had been slowed somewhat by the occasional dense patch of trees it needed to circumvent and in relatively open stretches had slowed a little so that they didn’t fall too far behind.

Now they had caught up to their prey, only to see that more victims had invited themselves over for lunch. As their onii-chan leader rushed the front line, the Garms took the opportunity to bolster their own spirits with a synchronized howl before also charging forward. Garm #1 would move off to its right to chase down the lone winged girl, while Garm #2 would turn its gaze on the defenseless Tohsaka bunny.

(Rage Howl: -25 Prana, -10 Stamina)

Jan 13, 2019 11:09 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 96/110
Stamina: 99/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Agility
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive), (Whirlwind: 1/6 Phases remaining)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

The trainees got ready for battle as the wolf pack closed the distance, and Londo commented to him, asking if he was ready for the battle. Londo himself was as confident as always, saying it'd be cake. "Yeah, I think so..." It'd be nice to have it easy for once, but he'd have to be careful in case it wasn't.

Reaction Phase:

It wasn't long before the wolves reached the clearing, keeping up with the giant wolf thanks to it taking more detours. Hoping the kids would be able to handle the small ones, Sho got ready as the big one charged at Londo...

And rushed to flank it at incredible speeds, going around to its right side and slashing a crescent of razor wind that would cut into the Fenrir's armor.

(Wind Cutter: -10 Prana, -24 Stamina)
(Whirlwind: -2 Prana, -6 Stamina)

Action Phase:

Then while it was busy with Londo, Sho quickly closed the distance and slashed away at its armored back legs, first horizontally from right to left, then diagonally from upper left to bottom right, and then diagonally again from upper right to bottom left. He had to try and do as much damage as he could and take it out as quickly as possible while Londo held it off.

(Attack x3: -15 Stamina)
(Whirlwind: -2 Prana, -6 Stamina)
Sho_the_MageJan 13, 2019 11:22 PM
Jan 13, 2019 11:36 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 50 / 500
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: 25 / 25 - 25 / 25
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +15 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

Londo smirked. The Fenrir was finally here. He could fight in a REAL fight! Not a spar, not some rescue mission where he couldn't fight, a REAL fight! It had been quite a long time since Londo had fought a Calmity Seed before, and he was absolutely itching to fight another. The Fenrir seemed to want to enjoy Londo first, as it was heading straight towards him. Londo smirked even harder, "Eager for your defeat?" He smugly said, then stepped foward from his battle stance as the Fenrir got close, uppercutting the Fenrir's jaw with a Snap Punch, using the fact that the Fenrir was aiming for Londo to know where his jaw would be. Of course, if Londo couldn't hit it, he still had his other arm to guard against the Fenrir, and would resist the urge to fly away Fenrir's attempts to launch him away.

Action Phase:

If the Fenrir had been staggered backwards due to Londo's attack, Londo would rush forwards with another Snap Punch, slamming his other fist onto the Fenrir's skull, making it submit fall to the ground in awe of his strength.

If the Fenrir had been launched over Londo from the momentum, then Londo would chase it, grabbing its back leg before it could recover and starting to drag it backwards towards Sho, "You aren't getting away THAT easily!" He shouted to it, hoping the kids would be able to focus on two battles at once and see how the two powerful SOULs fought in unison. While attempting to drag it, Londo would kick its other leg with a free leg three times, trying to get it off balance after Londo's attack.

If the Fenrir had not been hit at all, and instead grabbed Londo, but was unable to send him flying, Londo would take the arm that wasn't being grabbed by the Fenrir, reel it back, and punch the Fenrir with a Snap Punch right in the schnozz.

If Londo had been launched, he would do the same as the second scenario.

Londo's Battle Theme Been a while since this, eh?

Jan 17, 2019 1:28 AM
Mar 2016
Harumi Ryuuko
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Harumi’s Stone: 150/150
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Flight (Passive), Conservation (Passive)
Current Equipment: Harumi’s Stone

Naomi Eklund
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Ethereal Knife: 100/100
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Hidden Presence (Passive)
Current Equipment: Ethereal Knife

Myles Burton
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Ethereal Longsword: 90/100
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: D
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Ethereal Longsword
Regular Health Potion x1

Timothy Norton
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Norton Staff: 150/150
SPD: F • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Turbine (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Fairy Levitation (Passive)
Current Equipment: Norton Staff
Regular Health Potion x1

The time had come a marine mammal from near the poles claimed, to fight their new foes. Two of the wolf monsters from before had appeared, accompanied by an adult a far larger wolf. This most certainly wouldn't be as easy of a fight as last time. Timothy not being on the map for whatever reason didn't really help either.

(Start of Turn (Harumi): +5 Prana, +20 Stamina)
(Start of Turn (Naomi): +5 Prana, +15 Stamina)
(Start of Turn (Myles): +5 Prana, +15 Stamina)
(Start of Turn (Timothy): +9 Prana, +20 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Harumi):
Harumi saw Garm #1 sprinting towards her, but that was ok. It would be good to have something to play with that could actually wrestle with Harumi's dragon form.

Harumi raised her magical stone up high, causing light and wind to gush forth. A moment later, the young girl had been replaced by a dragon (albeit a little one). Golden scales glistened in the midday sun shining into the clearing; the resulting tranquility a far cry from the roar Harumi’s new body let loose.


Action Phase (Harumi):
(Formshift: -10 Prana, -10 Stamina)

Evidently, it was time to practice cooking. That being said, Harumi’s forte was roasting, and even in that she only had two settings: charcoal and extra charcoal.

After taking a deep breath, Harumi released a torrent of flame that rushed forth to engulf the pitiful Garm who had chosen to oppose her. Immediately afterwards, though, Harumi herself would begin running forward, using her feet and tail to stomp out as much of the fire as she could. One of the first lessons she had been taught was to always be careful breathing fire in a forest, after all.

(Flametongue: -10 Health, -20 Prana, -28 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Myles):
As Garm #2 began to rush towards Myles and Naomi, Myles decided to try his own hand at assaulting his foe. After all, he was a bit tougher than Naomi, so it was his role to draw the enemy’s attention. Not that he didn’t intend to do his own fair share of hacking away.

”You’re quite the mangy cur. I bet that your mother must’ve been quite a sight if she could produce something as ugly as you.” Myles had no idea whether CS were capable of understanding speech, but it was always worth a shot.

If insults failed to keep the puppy’s attention, he’d just add injury to the insult. Once within two meters of the Garm, Myles would thrust his longsword forward, attempting to skewer as much of the Garm as possible with his crimson-glowing blade.

(Goring Fang: -10 Prana, -10 Stamina)

Action Phase (Myles):

Myles would, of course, hope that his blow connected, but he wasn’t so naive as to mentally lock himself into a specific course of action unless absolutely necessary. Mustering as much patience as possible in the short time in which the Garm reacted, Myles would wait for a clear indication of what the Garm was doing before taking action himself.

Regardless of what the Garm did, Myles would attempt to reach a favorable distance from it (approximately 1.5 meters). Even if this were impossible, such as it being too close to him already, Myles would then attempt to create an X pattern on the Garm with two slashes of his blade.

The only exceptions to the above action would be if trying to do so took him within 4 meters of either the Fenrir or the edge of the clearing, in which case he’d cease his momentum and simply remain on guard for the next actions of the CS.

(Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Naomi):
With Myles rushing the Garm, trying to distract it with his own methods, Naomi took the opportunity to attempt to strike the Garm from the rear. Naturally, doing so would first require her to be in the rear, though. She would move in a relatively wide circle around the Garm so as to minimize the attention it paid her as she ran with all her speed to get around back, maintaining her distance for now even as she approached its rear in her circular path.


Action Phase (Naomi):
Knife gripped firmly in an icepick grip in her right hand, Naomi did her best to wait some ways back from the Garm. While remaining at a distance wasn’t very practical for actually inflicting wounds, she was hoping to wait for an opportunity such as after the Garm had evaded or moved to attack. Should such an opportunity present itself, she would seize it, otherwise she’d simply just hope for the best.

Immediately taking off into a sprint from her relative stationary position, Naomi would try to close the distance as swiftly as possible in order to maintain the element of surprise. Once within striking range, Naomi would quickly slash diagonally upwards and left across her body. With another step to reposition herself, Naomi would then swing her arm back again, using the momentum to drive her knife point-first into the Garm’s body. A quick tug would hopefully be enough to dislodge the knife again, else she would be forced to take her leap back for distance without her weapon.

(Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Timothy):
What does a healer do when he has nobody to heal and lacks notable offensive options? The answer is generally one of two things: use some other form of support magic, or simply loiter.

Timothy started out with the first option. Unfortunately, he couldn’t deploy his wind barriers at range, else he would try to protect Londo from the Fenrir. Thus, Timothy spent a moment recollecting to the various lectures he’d received on how a Cleric ought to operate in a fight.

”Listen, Timothy. A Cleric’s job is to support his teammates however they need him. They’re the backbone of the team; they keep everyone healthy and, ironically, motivate them to work harder to protect weak little you. But in a busy fight, where everyone’s off fighting and you’re watching from the back, you also need to take care to watch your own back. Everyone else is too busy looking forward, so you need to try and cover your own blind spots as best you can.”

Professor, you may be crazy and eccentric, but I realize a little more of what you meant now.

Turning around, Timothy quickly chanted a simple, familiar spell. The air in front of him warped, changing as the magic Timothy produced forced it into a thin-yet-sturdy defensive barrier. With that in place, Timothy turned back front. Hopefully, anything that tried to strike from behind would at least be slowed by the wall.

(Wind’s Shield: -5 Prana, -20 Stamina)

Action Phase (Timothy):

Of course, now having covered his rear, Timothy was actually out of things to do off the top of his head. Guess there was no helping it; he’d just have to wait for someone to get hurt so he could try healing them.

(Standby: +20 Stamina)

alatartheblue42Jan 18, 2019 10:20 AM
Jan 18, 2019 10:36 PM
Mar 2016

Overall Statistics:
Health: 250
Prana: 100
Stamina: 150
Armour: 50

STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B • AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None

Garm 1 & 2

Overall Statistics:
Health: 100
Prana: 50
Stamina: 150

STR: D+1 • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C+1 • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: Rage Howl (Turn 1/2)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:
As the Fenrir went in for a bite to eat, Londo delivered a powerful uppercut to the Fenrir’s lower jaw. The sheer kinetic force of the impact sent the Fenrir up into the air as it was propelled backwards a ways (also naturally cancelling its attack as a result). Thanks to said lupine launching, Sho’s Wind Cutter would largely miss its mark, having been aimed at a Fenrir presumed to be on the ground.

(Fenrir’s Armor: -6 Durability
(Fenrir: -48, -5 Health)

Londo and Sho both chased after the Fenrir in their respective ways as the wolf traveled through the air. Having regained its focus fairly quickly after the impact, the Fenrir was more than aware enough to remember to absorb the shock of landing properly, even while watching the robot approach from the front. As Londo leapt into the air to deliver a crushing overhead blow to the Fenrir's noggin, the Fenrir mustered its energy and surged itself slightly up and backwards as swiftly as it possibly could, leaving Londo naught but earth and air to connect with.

Naturally, retreating thusly meant that there was once again even more unexpected distance Sho would need to traverse in order to get truly behind the Fenrir. Feeling a little opportunistic, though, Sho would deliver a quick slash to the Fenrir's right leg as he passed by it again. Once he was actually behind, he would begin his slasher sequence, completing the first and starting the second during the Fenrir's next paragraph action.

(Fenrir: -14, -18 Health)

It didn't take a three-digit IQ to realize that Sho had snuck around the side to strike from the rear. With attacks on both sides, it was a less than ideal situation. For now, the Fenrir just needed to find a way to get things back under control. Taking a deep breath, the Fenrir would then let loose a booming howl that ripped across the clearing. Even as far away as he was, Timothy would be just within the edge of the sound, as would everyone else involved in the fight.

(Fenrir: Counter + Howling Cry: -70 Stamina)

Garm #1 would find itself having bitten off far more than it could chew, despite having yet to touch anything with its teeth. The poor defenseless child it wanted to devour turned into an overgrown lizard even larger than the Garm itself. To make matters worse, it seemed to be breathing a large quantity of fire - a Garm’s worst nightmare. The Garm attempted to leap to its right in order to escape the rapidly approaching flames, but it still found itself engulfed a moment later.

(Garm #1: -68 Health)

The one saving grace was that the lizard seemed more concerned with actually putting out the fires it set than finishing off the Garm it had inflicted third-degree burns on. That in itself gave the Garm ample opportunity to launch its own counterattack, rushing back in to chomp furiously down on Harumi’s tail.

(Counter + Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)

Garm #2 snarled as it rushed in to attack Myles. How dare he speak that way about its mother? Seeing the sword ready to be thrust forward, the Garm leapt up to bite Myles's head. Fortunately, though it wasn't enough to keep the Garm off, Myles's thrust scraped along and into the belly of the beast, slowing it enough that it could not knock him over or twist around to pass him.

(Garm #2: -22 Health)
(Myles: -35 Health)

Gasping in pain, Myles tried (ineffectually) to strike at the Garm currently latched on to him. Needless to say, longswords aren’t very useful in wrestling range. Combined with the Garm's tougher than average hide and fur, Myles's two slashes barely broke skin.

(Garm #2: -4, -4 Health)

Were Myles alone, this situation might've been a death sentence. Thankfully, Naomi was there to provide support. Myles's distraction might not have gone entirely as intended, but at least the Garm wasn't watching its rear. The Garm whimpered from the searing pain of Naomi's knife striking deep into its body, releasing its hold on Myles as Naomi withdrew her knife and the Garm backed away towards the Fenrir, trying to keep an eye on both of its foes at once.

(Garm #2: -15, -16 Health)

(Counter + Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)

Action Phase:

With its foes hopefully out of commission for at least a moment, the Fenrir decided to reposition for its next attack. In a manner similar in concept to how it had evaded Londo's strike a moment before, the Fenrir would gather its muscles and spring off the ground. While the first time had been a frantic retreat primarily backwards, though, this was a planned jump that would take it both high enough and far enough back that it wouldn't collide with the Sho behind it.

Once it had landed again, Sho would ideally still be stunned in front of it. In such a case, it would step forward, its huge, fanged mouth dropping open above and around Sho's head in its attempt to take a literal interpretation of the idiom “biting off someone's head”. In the event of the stun having failed to take effect, the Fenrir would just retreat a little more with backward steps, warily keeping an eye on its foes as it recovered its energy.

(Fenrir: Giant Fang Rush or Standby: -30 or +10 Stamina)

Garm #1 would continue to try to eat through Harumi’s dragon form. It was frustrating that its fangs had such trouble piercing her scales, but c’est la vie. All it could do was continue chomping away, preferably at her tail, since her neck was a little too close to the fire for its liking.

(Garm #1: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)

Garm #2 would rush forward again, this time going for the bunny girl who had struck it from behind. It would dash in low, biting her leg and then using its strength to pull her off balance. From there, it would climb atop her and ravage her throat with its fangs.

(Garm #2: Attack x3: -15 Stamina)

The rustling of things approaching can be heard from the forest off to the right side of the map. Due to the trees, light difference, minor distraction of the wolves, etc, the things in question cannot be seen yet.

alatartheblue42Jan 19, 2019 11:42 AM
Jan 19, 2019 5:13 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 94-??/110
Stamina: 102-??/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Agility
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive), (Whirlwind: 1/6 Phases remaining)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

Sho was surprised that Londo not only stopped the giant wolf in its tracks but even sent it flying backwards. He was only a little annoyed that it ended up making his own attack miss, and just took the opportunity to slash its legs a few times. However, after the second time he hit it it started taking a deep breath...

Reaction Phase:

Knowing what that meant, Sho immediately covered his ears while warning the others to do the same. Just to be sure he covered them fully, he dropped his sword for a moment as he covered his ears, but he'd pick it up again the instant it was done howling. "Cover your ears!" He really hoped they'd listen, knowing how disorienting it was to hear the obnoxiously loud howl. Since covering his ears would keep him from being stunned, the big bad wolf didn't do much except glare after that, trying to keep both him and Londo in its sight. Meanwhile, he heard some rustling sounds coming from the east...

Deciding Londo could handle it on his own for now, Sho ran back towards the trainees, mainly Naomi and Myles since they were closest to the incoming sounds which were probably more CS. "Watch out, I think there's more coming from the east!" If Naomi was getting hurt a lot, he'd intervene immediately by slashing at the Garm's neck to decapitate it while it was distracted, slashing at its torso continuously until it died if that wasn't enough. If she and Myles seemed to be holding their own well enough, he'd instead send another blade of wind at the Fenrir, trying to hit it while it was distracted by whatever attacks Londo used and this time he was ready to adjust if Londo ended up sending it flying.

(Attack x?: -? Stamina) or (Wind Cutter: -10 Prana, -24 Stamina)
(Whirlwind: -2 Prana, -6 Stamina)

Action Phase:

By now Sho's wind aura was fading away, dispersing into the air and disappearing. To keep it going, he channeled more prana into the air around him again, causing it to return to being the miniature whirlwind it was before. If the trainees were still having a lot of trouble and he somehow hadn't killed the Garm the previous phase, he'd slash it even more, but otherwise he'd move to a spot where he could see where the incoming sounds were coming from while still being able to see the Fenrir.

(Attack x3: -15 Stamina) or (Standby: +25 Stamina)
(Whirlwind activation: -3 Prana, -10 Stamina)
(Whirlwind: -2 Prana, -6 Stamina)
Jan 19, 2019 7:16 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 50 / 50
Stamina: 105 / 150
Gauntlets: 25 / 25 - 25 / 25
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Londo's attack clearly had the upper hand, as it completely stopped the Fenrir in its tracks, and even lifted it up into the air from the sheer force of it. Londo could tell Sho was jealous he couldn't do something like that, as Londo clearly was much stronger! However, Londo's second attack missed completely, leaving Londo with nothing to show for it but a handful of air.

(Snap Punches: -60 Stamina)

(Start of Turn: +6 Health, +5 Prana, +15 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

Londo ran towards the Fenrir, as he saw it taking a deep breath. Londo covered his own ears, jumping while turning, and driving his foot into the side of the Fenrir's head, roundhouse kicking it. Even if it didn't stop the blow, Sho and hopefully the kids were prepared for it and wouldn't be stunned.

Landing back on the ground, Londo landed with a crouch, then immediately sprung back upwards, his strength propelling his body upwards as he drove his right knee into the fenrir's chin, and if he missed Londo would twist his body in air to turn and hit the Fenrir in the head with his other foot.

Action Phase:

The Fenrir would now have tried to jump back already, and Londo would chase after it, lowering his right hand as he closed in on the Fenrir, then Snap Punched the Fenrir with his left hand, trying to trick the Fenrir into thinking he was going to punch with the other hand.

However, while Snap Punching, Londo's hand crackled with Electricity, and his Snap Punch was now infused with Lightning as he hooked the Fenrir with it.

Londo's Battle Theme

LondotheGreatJan 19, 2019 10:58 PM
Jan 24, 2019 10:27 AM
Mar 2016
Harumi Ryuuko
Health: 140/150
Prana: 125/150
Stamina: 132/150
Harumi’s Stone: 150/150
STR: D +2VIT: C +1+1WIL: DRES: C +2
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Flight (Passive, Inactive), Conservation (Passive), Formshift (1/6 phases used), Dragonscale (Passive, Activated)
Current Equipment: Harumi’s Stone

Naomi Eklund
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Ethereal Knife: 100/100
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Hidden Presence (Passive)
Current Equipment: Ethereal Knife

Myles Burton
Health: 65/100
Prana: 95/100
Stamina: 95/100
Ethereal Longsword: 90/100
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: D
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Ethereal Longsword
Regular Health Potion x1

Timothy Norton
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Norton Staff: 150/150
SPD: F • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Turbine (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Fairy Levitation (Passive), Wind Shield #1 (30/30, behind Timothy's current location)
Current Equipment: Norton Staff
Regular Health Potion x1

(Start of Turn (Harumi): +5 Prana, +20 Stamina)
(Start of Turn (Naomi): +5 Prana, +15 Stamina)
(Start of Turn (Myles): +5 Prana, +15 Stamina)
(Start of Turn (Timothy): +9 Prana, +20 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Harumi):
(Formshift: -10 Prana, -10 Stamina)

Harumi heard Sho call out for everyone to cover their ears. Far easier said than done, at least in Harumi’s case. With no effective means to do so, Harumi resigned herself to receiving whatever sort of blow or issue that would result for those who didn’t cover their ears. She had to make sure she put out the last of these fires before they spread. It had been fun, using her breath attack, but perhaps it hadn’t been the smartest move. Maybe Granpapa could teach me to breathe ice, or something easier to use in more places.

As Harumi continued to stamp out flames as best she could, the Fenrir’s roar filled the clearing. The harsh, booming sound was hardly pleasant to listen to, but it didn’t really seem to do much of anything. Was it supposed to, or was the wolf just getting mad?

Right as Harumi was about to put out the last of the flames with her mass, she felt a stinging pain in her tail. Well, perhaps that was an exaggeration. It wasn’t really that bad of a wound, but it was still seriously annoying, and it didn’t seem like the Garm wanted to let go.

(Harumi: -17, -19 Health)

Kukuku, perhaps the Garm wanted to go for a ride. Using her greater Strength, Harumi would hoist the Garm off the ground with her tail muscles. After a couple small test movements, Harumi would raise her tail up and then snap it down, in turn causing the attached Garm to float up and then be slammed into the ground.

Hopefully the Garm was dislodged, but if it wasn’t, she’d deal with that predicament in another moment. For now, Harumi had to take another couple steps forward to crush out the last of the fire.

(Attack x1: -5 Stamina)

Action Phase (Harumi):
(Formshift: -10 Prana, -10 Stamina)

With the fire finally extinguished (for now, at least), Harumi could take the time to finish off the Garm that had been attacking her. If it were still attached to her tail, she’d swing her tail again, this time attempting to yeet that shit fling the Garm off to her left.

Were the Garm no longer attached, though, Harumi would turn around to face down her foe. It’d be silly to fight someone you can’t see, after all. Much like the Fenrir and Garms themselves, Harumi would kick off the ground and rush forward, trying to catch the Garm in her maw and shred it with her fangs before it had the chance to react. Well, that was how she hoped it would go. The Garm was faster than her, though, so she wasn’t sure how well this offensive would turn out.

(Attack x1: -5 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Myles):

Being bitten on the head was not fun. Not that it was expected to be, but Myles still had confirmation now. The accursed Garm didn’t seem to be attacking just yet, instead just retreating for a moment after Naomi helped drive it off of Myles. ”Thanks,” was all he said for now; he could always be more expressive of gratitude later when they weren’t fighting.

Sho had shouted to cover their ears, but really, who had time for something like that? You can’t fight when covering your ears, and the precious moments lost in dropping your weapon and picking it up a moment later could-

The wave of sound washed over Myles, causing him to fall addled to the ground. There he remained for another moment or two, unable to muster his thoughts into any sort of action.


Action Phase (Myles):

As Myles refocused and climbed back to his feet, he saw that the Garm had chosen to start attacking Naomi instead. Was the Garm brain-dead? Why would you not finish off a downed opponent?

Well, moving on, Naomi could probably use some help now. While the Garm's attention was on her, Myles would approach from another angle. Myles would stop abruptly, using the momentum of his running to amplify the force he could deliver with his final step into a largely horizontal swing from left to right. Naturally, he'd take care to not hit Naomi; that would kind of defeat the point of his assisting.

(Attack x1: -5 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Naomi):

Naomi wasn’t nearly as stubborn as Myles. When Sho shouted for them to cover their ears, she immediately sheathed her knife and raised her palms to the side of her head to cover her ears. Because animal girls have human ears too. I don’t care what you say, they’d just look too weird when bald if they didn’t. Thanks to her flesh and hair muting the sound, she managed to avoid being Stunned, though it was quite the impressive and awesome (in the more classic sense) all the same.

She would’ve tried to go help Myles up after the roar subsided, but she found herself being assaulted by the same Garm that had just struck at Myles a moment before. Though it was a relief that it didn’t attack her downed teammate, she couldn’t entirely suppress the part of her brain wishing that the monster would attack him and leave her be.

Naomi would leap backwards and to her right, trying to escape the Garm’s rush for her leg. She wasn’t as tough or as strong as Myles, and even he had trouble receiving the Garm’s attack. If she couldn’t escape this, it likely wouldn’t be pleasant.

(Evasion Guard: -30 Stamina)

Action Phase (Naomi):

There were really two options to be had here; either Naomi would have escaped, or the Garm would be doing a good job of murdering her.

In the much preferred first option, Naomi would rush back in towards the Garm. Taking advantage of its momentary need to turn and recover, Naomi would get up close and personal to slash it twice with nimble dagger work in a forward grip.

Of course, if it was already eating her, she'd be more than a little panicked. In that case, she'd just stab the Garm as many times as possible, trying to kill it before it killed her.

(Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase (Timothy):

Timothy knew not why Sho had ordered them to cover their ears, but since he wasn’t doing anything else pressingly urgent, he might as well follow said instructions. The wooden staff in his hands clattered to the ground as he hastily raised both palms to press them against his ears. A moment later, he heard a muted but still terrifying roar produced from the Fenrir. Surely, that was what Sho had been warning about, and it was likely the reason why Myles had just collapsed over there. Seriously, that guy was supposed to be the oldest of the group; shouldn’t he be more responsible by now?

Having seen Myles both be bitten and fall to the ground, Timothy decided it was a safe bet that he was in need of healing. Picking up his staff and raising its tip towards Myles, Timothy chanted a short verse to create a ball of green energy at the tip of his staff. The magic orb would fly forth towards Myles, albeit not all that quickly. Still, when it did reach Myles a moment later, he would be briefly surrounded by magic winds that would facilitate the healing of his damaged body.

(Parry + Wind’s Caress: -20 Prana, -35 Stamina)

Action Phase (Timothy):

Timothy tried to assess the battlefield, checking up on his allies as best he could. It looked like Harumi’s tail was bleeding somewhat, but for the moment, she was still engaged with the Garm and Timothy was unsure if he’d be accurate enough to hit Harumi while she was in direct combat. Similarly for Naomi; she may not have been obviously bleeding yet, but even if she was, she might well move before his orb reached her. Thus, Timothy decided to just remain ready for now, keeping an eye on his surroundings and the fight in case anyone turned out to be in desperate need.

(Standby: +20 Stamina)
Feb 24, 2019 11:14 PM
Mar 2016

Overall Statistics:
Health: 165
Prana: 100
Stamina: 80
Armour: 44

STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B • AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None

Garm 1

Overall Statistics:
Health: 32
Prana: 35
Stamina: 90

STR: D+1 • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C+1 • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: Rage Howl (Turn 2/2)

Garm 2

Overall Statistics:
Health: 39
Prana: 35
Stamina: 90

STR: D+1 • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C+1 • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: Rage Howl (Turn 2/2)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

Seeing the Fenrir begin to inhale deeply, Sho immediately canceled his final slash, opting instead to protect his ears from the expected howl. Londo likewise shielded his ears, but also chose to try to deal a bit of damage to the wolf while it was busy with its howling. His jump took him into the air in order to deliver an aerial roundhouse kick to the Fenrir’s face a feat that Alatar didn’t know was possible until he googled it. Unfortunately, between the Fenrir’s toughness, Londo’s lack of useful foot equipment, and the slightly more awkward positioning of his arms, Londo wasn’t able to deliver anywhere near as much force to the Fenrir as he might’ve hoped for. Nor was the kick sufficient to prevent the howl that reverberated out from the Fenrir’s throat but a split second later.

(Fenrir: -9 Health)

The Fenrir then leapt backwards as mentioned in its previous AP. As Sho had escaped being stunned, the Fenrir chose to take a breather instead of attacking him. During said breather, Sho moved slightly away to speak to the kids, while Londo closed in on the Fenrir. Seeing the rapidly approaching robot cocking his right fist back, the Fenrir prepared its left leg to receive the predicted incoming blow.

To its surprise, though, the right arm being drawn back was a feint, as Londo actually chose to strike out with his left fist. But in a way, Londo’s trickery was actually fortuitous to the Fenrir. With his right arm drawn back like that, it was more difficult for Londo to muster his full force into the punch, and the Fenrir’s greater size and Speed still meant it was able to partially interpose its armored leg. The combination of all these factors and others still also meant that the Fenrir didn’t get knocked back nearly as far as before from the impact, even if it did provide an extra little jolt this time.

(Fenrir’s Armor: -10 Durability)
(Fenrir: -31 Health)

Having determined that Naomi and Myles weren’t in immediate mortal peril, Sho turned back towards the Fenrir and launched a Wind Cutter towards the great wolf. To his frustration, though, he had yet to learn how to adjust a projectile’s course after it had been launched. Though it didn’t get sent flying this time, the blade of wind wasn’t perfectly on its mark (not that a mark was specified anyway). Rather than striking a defenseless Tohsaka section of the Fenrir’s body, it caught the edge of some of its armor.

(Fenrir’s Armor: -12 Durability)
(Fenrir: -37 Health)

Coming to a halt from its involuntary backwards momentum, the Fenrir knew that these were not foes to be underestimated any longer. It was time to pull out the metaphorical big guns. How a Fenrir knows said metaphor is a question that will baffle scholars for decades to come. Releasing its stored-up Prana in a burst of power, the Fenrir felt itself being surrounded by powerful magic. Its form grew considerably larger, its wounds partially healed, and it even felt its body restoring some of its lost energy. Now these humans would receive what was coming to them. What was coming, you ask? An easier fight, since having a considerably larger body is actually usually hugely detrimental in this combat system.

(Parry + Ragnaform: -100 Prana, -15 Stamina)
(Ragnaform activation: +40 Health, +60 Stamina)

Garm #1 furiously clung to the giant lizard’s tail, determined to eventually get a chunk ripped free. It stubbornly refused to let go, even after being hoisted up and slammed into the ground. The fangs continued to sink deeper into Harumi, even as their owner got dragged along behind in the process of stamping out the last couple fires.

(Garm #1: -22 Health)
(Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)
(Harumi: -17 Health)

However, even the Garm’s tenacity had its limits. It had endured Harumi’s first attempt to dislodge it, but the second time she swung her tail it felt itself losing its grip. Its landing was slightly more gentle than the first slam had been, but the combination of this new impact and all the previous damage accumulated finally proved too much for the Garm’s form to endure. The exhalation from pain and impact was the last breath the Garm’s lungs or whatever they have moved.

(Garm #1: -15 Health + Defeated)

Naomi attempted to escape the Garm’s charge with her own frantic leap backwards. Though she managed to escape some of the chomp to her leg, she was not quite swift enough to entirely avoid it. The only upside of the fangs tearing through sinew and flesh was that they only took out a chunk of the front of her left leg rather than the entire leg being gripped and damaged.

(Naomi: -11 Health)

Suffice to say, Naomi was less than pleased by this result. She landed from her hop slightly awkwardly due to the searing pain both from the actual wound infliction and from the stress of putting weight on it. Fortunately, the considerable rise in human durability allowed her to stay standing all the same.
All the same, Naomi wanted to finish the Garm before it managed to take another bite. As she slashed her knife forward to dig through its fur, Myles’s longsword also cut deep. In a dramatic finishing combo attack, the two blades left a trail in the air as the Garm exploded into particles that were shifted by the small breeze generated from the swings.

(Garm #2: -28, -14 Health + Defeated)

Back when he had still been getting back to his feet, Myles had received the gift from Timothy. The winds that burst from the orb swirled around him, their Prana flowing into his body gradually and set to work restoring his damaged flesh.

(Myles: +16 Health)

Action Phase:

Now in its new, weaker and somewhat unfitting larger, and stronger form, the Fenrir was prepared to once again engage its foes. It would take revenge on the filthy murderers that had taken its younger siblings’ lives. Understanding hypocrisy was never a wolf’s strong suit.

Anyway, all that was left now was to consume those before it. With that in mind, the Fenrir once again stepped forth to chomp down on the robot’s form. With its much larger size to aid it and some knowledge of Londo’s punches, it was determined to not let this go as it had the first attempt. (Fenrir: Giant Fang Rush: -30 Stamina) But as the wolf rushed forward, something happened…


Meanwhile, the rustling of bushes reached a climax as the sources of the noise emerged from the forest into the clearing. Four men stepped forth: a tall bald man with a long mustache, a man in a red military uniform with a sword that looked like it would more than give Schwarz’s a run for its money, a medium-length blonde-haired man in an aviator-esque outfit, and another blond man in a suit carrying a flute.

The appearance of these men resulted in an immediate change in the students’ demeanor. Practically as one, they sheathed their weapons (or in Harumi’s case untransformed) and gave deep bows that seemed directed towards the bald man in front.

”Raise your heads, young ones, and come hither” the bald man called out. It wasn’t a particularly loud declaration, nor was it particularly forceful, but a certain weight could be felt behind the words. Being obeyed wasn’t just expected; defiance was simply unthinkable. The response to this was just as immediate as it had been on the newcomers’ arrival; all four of the students rushed over and halted a couple meters away from the newcomers.

”H-Headmaster? What brings you all the way out here?” Naomi asked, anxiety clear in her voice.

”I had business to tend to in Yvalia,” “Headmaster” replied. ”However, the School is facing some issues at the moment, so we are recalling all current students and instructors. We are here to retrieve you so that we can return. Grab your backpack, young Norton.”

”Yes, right away Headmaster!” As Timothy ran off to retrieve his backpack, the man with the oversized sword moved over towards Londo and Sho.

”You two are the Astraeans in charge of these students, right?” As long as the two of them didn’t deny it, he would continue: ”I’m Laos Zonbard, their current teacher. Thanks for taking care of them while I couldn’t. I’ve informed Astraea that we would be retrieving the students early, so there shouldn’t be any issues on your end. Well, see you around.”

Meanwhile, Myles appeared to be having some sort of silent interaction with the flute-toting man. At the very least, Myles had something he wanted to communicate to the man, but for whatever reason, the two spoke no words and the non-verbal answer the flautist provided didn’t appear to be satisfactory.

Harumi remained in front of the Headmaster, staring up at the much taller man. Um, Gram-” A piercingly sharp gaze was directed at her, and she seemed to wilt a little from the pressure. ”Headmaster? What’s the issue? Did we do something wrong?”

”No, it is not any of your faults. There was an attempt on the lives of Classes 3-B and 7-F yesterday. We are withdrawing to a more secure location until we can determine and eradicate the source of the incidents.”

”3-B?” Harumi’s question was as much a gasp as it was words. ”Are-”

”There were no casualties among either class, fortunately. However, we have reason to believe they were targeted because they are from the School. The sooner we return, the better.”

”Indeed, time is of the essence.” The aviator(?) joined in the conversation, theme music overriding anything else that might’ve been going on. ”Fortunately, we have transportation waiting outside the forest, so we shall make good time once out. Ah, that naturally includes you too, Sir Kerangka.” This last part was directed off to his right, towards empty space.

But right as people might have started to think he was a lunatic, a distortion in the air appeared, revealing a tall skeleton in an ebon cloak. ”I thank you for your consideration, Ser Smakosz, but I will not require transportation. I have another assignment from Lord Sorajyrn to tend to before I return.”

With Timothy having retrieved his backpack already, and the others not having brought anything other than their weapons to the forest, the students were ready to depart. Turning to address Londo and Sho, they each began to speak. ”Mister Kazehaya, Mister Londo, thank you again for assisting us. I’m sorry our time was cut short, but I hope we’ll get the chance to meet again one day.”

”Yes, thank you. Next time, I’d like the chance to cook for you!”

”Hmph, we would’ve been fine on our own. Though at least you saved us some effort in searching for enemies.”

”Come see us at the School sometime!”

With that, the students and their entourage began to depart. The skeleton named Kerangka strode off to the north, while the Headmaster’s entourage and the students left to the East giving the SOULs no chance to formulate actual replies.

The silence that fell across the clearing after their departure was broken by the sound of an incoming call on both Londo and Sho’s COMBs. ”Good day Londo, Sho. I’m Neri, the Mission Navigator in charge of monitoring your mission. Though it didn’t quite go as expected, I’m happy to inform you that it is still considered complete. The monetary reward will be distributed to your COMBs as usual, so please proceed to the Summoning Throne for your Rank Summon soon.”

The call would then end, leaving Sho and Londo to do as they pleased.


The mission "C Rank Examination" has now been completed.

Individual Mission Rewards:
• Londo: 40,000 Yoki
• Sho Kazehaya: 40,000 Yoki

Individual CP Rewards:
• Londo: 2 CP
• Sho Kazehaya: 2 CP

Feb 24, 2019 11:42 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 50 / 50
Stamina: 105 / 150
Gauntlets: 25 / 25 - 25 / 25
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Londo gave a thumbs up to the kids, "Of course I'll come!" Then waved to the skeleton, "Seeya, Gramps!" Londo said, letting the cool skeleton guy leave with his posse.

After all that had happened, Londo felt the battle ended... Anti-climactically... After all this time, he didn't even get a proper fight... What a way to end the mission.

Oh well! At least Londo was now going to be a C rank!

"About that, Londo..." Londo heard, a voice from Alice calling to him.

"Eh, what is it?" He asked with a confused look on his face, to which Alice said, "You know how it goes Londo. Your time is up in this world."

Londo's shoulders slumped, and he looked dejected, "Oh... It is?..." Londo simply said, then turned to Sho, "Well! Good job today Sho! You go on ahead. I don't think I'll be able to rank up to C. My time in this world is up, and I gotta finish off a few things here before I go." Londo said, giving Sho the thumbs up, "You gave me a fun time though!"
Feb 25, 2019 2:05 AM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Desummoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

Luckily, there didn't seem to be any enemies coming from the bushes, and the trainees managed to take out both the Garms without too much trouble. That left only the Fenrir, which now turned giant after his air slash and Londo's punch hit it, charging at Londo. Sho tried to not let fear get to him, knowing they couldn't afford to lose. He ran in around the sides of the Fenrir while Londo kept it busy, getting ready to slash its now larger blind spot...

Until the Fenrir's head was suddenly no longer attached. "What just died?! What happened?" It wasn't clear how its head fell off, as he didn't see anyone cut it, just the bushes rustling some more. Some guys appeared from there, including Saitama a bald guy, some dude with a giant sword who was compensating for something, and two blonde guys, one who had a flute while the other didn't have any weapons. They must have been insanely strong to take out the Fenrir so gave him a feeling of deja vu. Just what kind of luck did he have to have overpowered strangers randomly save him twice in one week?

"Wow, you guys took that monster out so easily...thanks for the help!"

The fight was obviously over, so he let his wind aura fade away and desummoned his sword. There was something that bothered him, though...seeing the guy with the flute reminded him of the kidnapper who'd mind-controlled those poor kids, and was still out there...could this be the same person?

He thought about it as the headmaster talked to the students, explaining how there was some trouble in the school that led him to show up here and bring them back. It'd be really rude to outright accuse someone of kidnapping, but it bothered him too much to say nothing...So he thought about what to say while the others kept talking, including a skeleton who showed up out of nowhere. So he did it..? He must have been ridiculously strong, and sneaky too...

Unfortunately, in all the conversation, the suspicious flute man was the only one to never speak up, so Sho didn't know his name, which made it even more awkward. Even so, he had to speak up before they left. "Hey mister, I didn't catch your name, but there's something I've gotta ask. You're a bard, right? I've been helping Astraea investigate a guy who's been kidnapping kids by using his magic flute to control them in their sleep...We rescued the kids, but we couldn't find the guy. Do you know about any bards around here who might be able to do that? I'm not trying to accuse you, but it'd really help if you knew anything...Sorry to bother you!" He doubted that he'd run into the one in a million chance of actually meeting the perpetrator, as that only happened in mystery movies. Still, this guy was a bard, so hopefully he'd be able to give them some clues about what other bards might be capable of that kind of magic. Even so he'd wait to see how the guy reacted in the one in a million chance that he actually was the one who did it...

At some point in the future due to time-bending, the kids would leave, and he'd then say "I hope I'll see you again too!" as they left.

Londo said something weird after they left, that he didn't have much time left in this world. But he couldn't be terminally ill as a SOUL, and he didn't seem like he'd want to end his own least Sho hoped so. "Your time in this world is up..? What are you talking about?" Londo said a lot of weird things, so he wasn't sure what to think of it.
Feb 25, 2019 7:39 AM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 50 / 50
Stamina: 105 / 150
Gauntlets: 25 / 25 - 25 / 25
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Londo scratched his head, wondering where to begin, "Well, it may be hard to believe, but I can be reborn in different worlds. It's happened twice already: I was reborn into Shiroku's world, now this one! It's been a long journey for me so far, but it was fun! Anyways, I can't stay in a world for long, only the amount of time that's necessary. Sometimes the connection to these worlds just falls apart you know?" Londo said, smiling, but he did feel sad. Sho wouldn't know it, but this world was going to collapse soon, nowhere to go. Sho wouldn't live here much longer.

Londo gave him a thumbs up, "But you know what? This world is the best I've spent in, and it's thanks to you." Londo said, glancing slightly past Sho, towards the sky. Londo then turned away, "Not much to do in this world, but I still gotta finish everything. Can I ask you a favor?" Londo asked, pulling a small pendant out of his pocket, the same pendant he got from Maryn a week ago. The same girl who died in his first rank up, "Can you give this to Lucia? She's probably still travelling to this city according to my COMB, and I won't be able to give this to her myself. Tell her that I'm sorry I didn't tell her this before. I shouldn't have been able to rank up the first time, because I let her die." Londo scratched his head afterwards.

Then he turned away from Sho, wondering what to do, "Well this is a hard one for me. Some people would think I don't care, but I do, and it's kinda sad that I won't be able to stay. Hopefully you can understand, right?" Londo said, shrugging to Sho.
Feb 25, 2019 1:46 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Desummoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

After more time-bending Londo said even more weird stuff when Sho asked what he meant, explaining that he could apparently be reborn in different worlds, which he claimed had already happened in this world and "Shiroku", and now he had to leave to yet another world. "Really? Uh...sure...." He had a hard time believing most of Londo's crazy claims, so he didn't bother saying how that was impossible. He guessed Londo was probably moving to some other city, but had to make it more weird in his usual way...

Even though he hadn't known Londo for that long, it was actually kind of sad that he was leaving. He was crazy and narcissistic, but from the missions they'd gone on together, he didn't really seem like that bad of a guy. That's why Sho didn't like the favor Londo asked him to do. Apparently, he felt bad about some poor girl dying in his rank up mission, and he'd lied to Lucia saying she was still alive.

"That's too bad...but why can't you tell her yourself? If she's somewhere in the city, you should go find her! You could at least go rank up before you leave..."

He wasn't sure how much of a friend Lucia was to Londo, but he knew it was probably a bad idea to let someone else say your goodbyes for you. He would then leave the area with Londo, heading back to the city.
Mar 2, 2019 11:46 AM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 50 / 50
Stamina: 105 / 150
Gauntlets: 25 / 25 - 25 / 25
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Londo went to counter Sho's argument, saying he didn't really have the time, but Alice interuppted him, "You have some time. At least say your goodbyes before everything is gone." To which Londo nodded, then went into the city with Sho.

Along the way, Londo waved a hand to Sho, "Alright then. I'm gonna go see Lucia, you take care until the summoning alright?" Londo said, leaving Sho to look for Lucia.
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