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Boarding School Juliet
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Dec 7, 2018 8:50 AM

Nov 2011
Damn it, this Airu guy is pretty tough and has an authorative type of personality. Definitely not a fan of his character.

Poor Romio, now he is under watch because of being suspected to be in a relationship. I think perhaps the most complex part is how it just happens to be on the week of Persia's birthday. Quite a bit of drama as expected :o

Really cool to see Romio taking a stand against Airu although I think he shouldn't of used his fists to do the work. Sadly, he's not as good as fighter as he Airu.
Dec 7, 2018 9:15 AM

Jun 2015
Interesting episode that did well in introducing Inuzuka's brother as well as the tense nature of the schools two factions. Impressive in that he's both student leader and family head. Airu's interrogation of Romio though sure was intense. If the twin's hadn't stepped in things could have got worst. Its that Persia's diligent practice actually produced results. Airu's training sure was harsh though. Inuzuka managing to come up with a plan that deceived her brother though was quite the surprise as was success in managing to convince the twins to help. Its nice seeing Teria's personality get some development. Juliet is starting to see the gravity of the threat that she's placing Romio in huh. Curious to see where this goes. That fist fight between the two though brief was pretty cool.
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Dec 7, 2018 10:38 AM
Aug 2018
It was heart breaking to see Persia crying at the end. I am guessing she have decided to end the relationship to save Inuzuka. Damn everything about this series is so good, can we have a second season please?!
Dec 7, 2018 10:38 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Fucking hell, that hurt me.
Dec 7, 2018 10:46 AM

Jan 2018
I was wondering what is going to happen to their relationship with only 3 episodes I wasn't expecting this scenario of almost breakup
Persia crying and Inuzuka in that condition looking forward to next episode to see how it's going to be turned out
Airu that dude has some issues and he is strong
Dec 7, 2018 11:29 AM

Mar 2016
This was probably the biggest obstacle in Persia and Romio's relationship yet.
Also, I honestly do not think Airu has ANY sort of love or respect deep down for his younger brother whatsoever. The "tough love" explanation would be just a complete excuse.
Dec 7, 2018 12:11 PM

Dec 2014
well I was not expecting that all of a sudden for them to breakout like that.... I hope everything works out
Dec 7, 2018 12:39 PM
Mar 2017
Today was a very hard episode to watch.
Airu discovers the rosary that Persia gave to Inuzuka, in addition to the bra that Char gave him so he could give it to Persia.
Airu puts Inuzuka under surveillance and Persia quickly notices that something is wrong. Finally Inuzuka survives the hard punishment that his older brother put him for a whole week, where the beatings and discipline were intense, but Inuzuka manages to outwit his brother, but Airu was waiting for him and he beats him and then locks him up.
Teria and Kochou earned my respect, even though they inadvertently caused this disaster, Teria sees that Inuzuka is in trouble and her duty as a prefect is to help the students in toubles, so both sisters deecide to help Inuzuka to flee, but he is so beaten that he loses his strength and falls, but Persia receives him and she is very sorry and she apologizes for feeling that asking him to spend her birthday together was a selfish desire and that caused him to end up in that state, so Persia decides not to celebrate her birthday while she cries for the guilt she feels.
Very intense today's episode, but some of the girls had good moments, Hazuki is very loyal to Inuzuka, she stayed close to him all the time to support him, Teria was very adorable when she try to separate the fight between the brothers and Persia can finally cook something that can be eaten.
Dec 7, 2018 2:32 PM

Mar 2015
It was a very intense episode. Romio had to resist a fairly strict surveillance, I could only wish Romio the best. I hope everything ends well >.<
My Candies 2024:

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Dec 7, 2018 2:44 PM

Jan 2016
Damn, this was better done than the manga. Kudos to the whole team who worked on this episode, especially the VAs. They did a terrific job in recreating the characters pain, sorrow and determination

Dec 7, 2018 2:56 PM

Aug 2017
Airu is pretty brutal, that spanking scene lmao.

Also, the last scene was sad.

Funny that I didn't like Persia in the early episodes and now she is a decent character. Indeed, I had a negative opinion before the last couple of episodes.

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Dec 7, 2018 3:19 PM

Jul 2017
Great and kinda melancholic episode for Romio. Poor lad.
Dec 7, 2018 3:34 PM

Apr 2015
Airu is tough, no wonder Romio is afraid of him.

Respect to Teria and Kochou for breaking him out of that shed again so he could meet up with Persia. Final scene was pretty sad.

Dec 7, 2018 4:05 PM

Apr 2018
Teria is so fucking cute💕
Dec 7, 2018 4:07 PM

Nov 2010
Teria is adorable
Dec 7, 2018 5:10 PM
Aug 2017
A fantastic episode, from the ost, animation and great job of the VAs. I was so immerse with the situations that I didn't notice the 23 mins.

Feel bad for Inuzuka tho. He doesn't deserve that suffering and pain.

The scene with Persia and Romio was pretty well done, way better than the manga in this case.

Hoping big things for next episode.
Dec 7, 2018 5:29 PM

Jun 2017
Teria must be protected at all costs!

Poor Romio just can't get some peace. (but judging from the PV next ep will fix things on a good note)
Dec 7, 2018 5:42 PM

Nov 2009
An excellent episode. Yokohama Masaru's music is just awesome. The visuals were great too (mainly Persia's scenes).
Dec 7, 2018 6:31 PM

Dec 2018
Great episode. Didn’t expect it to be somewhat serious. Persia crying at the end got me.
Dec 7, 2018 6:35 PM

Aug 2015
If this is a 1 cour anime, the the show is going in a pretty linear fashion. Most 12 epi anime showcase the "major" conflict right around episode 8 so that by the end of the episode it gets resolved.

This is just a guess though based on my previous experience with 12 episode, romance shows.
Dec 7, 2018 6:57 PM
Jun 2017
Love this episode, in this series we knew that romio is one of the stongest black dog but as said all people have their own fears and one of which is Ainu (or his elder brother). He is an authoritative type making people fear him a lot. And it just shown on todays episode how powerful he is..

In terms of romeo he might have pulled off some motivation in defying his brother and that leads them to where persia went to romio and say "sorry". Its a sad part in the end, As persia's wish is to be with him on that day but it became a sad moment. Few more episodea left, what will happen to this story... cant wait for it
Dec 7, 2018 7:38 PM

Jan 2013
i woulda lost my cool if i had my brother watch me poop
Dec 7, 2018 9:24 PM

Jun 2014
Airu really doesn't fuck around, and he made sure he got that message across to Romio.

It was nice that Romio and Persia got to see each other after that complex ordeal, but that scene was still pretty sad to watch.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 7, 2018 11:42 PM

Apr 2016
Romio's brother really has that indimidating aura on him.
From this episode, it seems that he's only that strict to Romio, as we can see how he dealt with the twins and the two little boys (maybe he's soft to little kids? XD).

The scene when Juliet met a wounded Romio was sad to watch. :(
But that's the Romeo and Juliet thing that I want to watch.

Great end card made by Ken Akamatsu, the creator of Negima!

Dec 7, 2018 11:44 PM

Jun 2017
Great, tense and emotional episode!

Romio is having a really hard time around his elder brother and it’s no wonder why. What a strict elder brother Airu is, condolences to poor Romio. It’s amazing how he’s never showed any signs of kindness towards his brother but is normally kind with others! Even his ‘disciplinary’ methods are relentless, damn! That final fight there was equally crude and Inuzuka was beaten to the core, but it’s nice to see the twins helping him out however they can. I’m pretty sure things will get really messy sometime, but I hope Airu comes to accept their relationship at some point nevertheless.

Meanwhile, Hasuki and Persia are also taking a lot of damage from all of this. Hasuki’s heartfelt conversation with Persia there was really emotional and so was the final scene when Persia approached Inuzuka and let out her tears and sorrows. I hope she’s not thinking of breaking up to protect Romio or anything, though, but since she was weeping, I’d say it’s very likely. Persia baking those cakes at the start of the episode was really heartwarming and all, but the direction sure took a steep turn afterwards.

I’m looking forward to seeing how things go from here next week!
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Dec 8, 2018 12:19 AM

Nov 2016
Dang, this was a tough episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 8, 2018 1:20 AM

Mar 2017
Boy I hate Inuzuka's brother so much. Anyway it was a touching episode. Specially the last scene with Persia was great.
Dec 8, 2018 2:47 AM
Nov 2018
Great episode! Last scene with Persia was really good and has set up the next ep to be even better. Can't wait for next week!
Dec 8, 2018 3:06 AM

May 2018
As a head of school prefect, it's not surprised that Airu would strict about everything, which is okay. But, how he act to his brother is the one I hate from him.

The Wang sisters really helpful this week. But that's only because they didn't know about Romio and Juliet's relationship behind. Damn, Teria is too cute. And that's clearly show that she has little feeling for romio.

Of course, Juliet must take an action for Romio's goodness. Hasuki's choice to tell everything to Juliette is right, too. She must know what really happen.
Dec 8, 2018 4:50 AM

May 2015
That was intense. I like how dramatic it was in the end, if they rewarded Romio with cute birthday celebration it would have been so cheap and dumb. But now I hope they'll face their problems for real.
Dec 8, 2018 5:29 AM

Oct 2007
What a sad way to greet someone's birthday. Romio really worked hard and paid the price. It's the fault of the lolis because they messed with his rosary.. which led to these things happening.

Persia really sad that Inuzuka got hurt bad...
Dec 8, 2018 6:33 AM
Nov 2015
Airu is not to be f*cked with!
I'm so glad that Romio and Persia's relationship didn't crumble; this episode just further solidifies how real their relationship is.
Dec 8, 2018 9:16 AM
Mar 2015
Big bro is a formidable obstacle
Dec 8, 2018 7:32 PM

Feb 2012
I thought for sure the episode was gonna end with Persia saying that she is breaking up with him.
Dec 8, 2018 11:54 PM

Feb 2018
Wow in this episode I watched a very solid drama. Romio's struggle only to meet Persia was like reaching Heaven Lol.
Dec 9, 2018 3:17 AM
Jan 2016
Now i understand why Romio is affraid of is brother, Airu is too tough!

Wang sisters did a good work helping, Romio know how avoid his brother, he expected get catched by Airu and made a plan B!

Teria is to much adorable!

Last part was intense and well made, Persia crying touch me, hope they dont finish their relationship!

i am affraid what will happen next, Airu is being a hard obstacle, for sure!
Dec 9, 2018 4:00 AM

Oct 2007
Limaolc said:

Wang sisters did a good work helping, Romio know how avoid his brother, he expected get catched by Airu and made a plan B!

I think the Plan B is probably the Plan A. Romio know he can't beat Airu in a fist fight, so his only hope is to outsmart his brother.

Persia is so broken by seeing Romio really hurt. I hope they can survive this problam.

Dec 9, 2018 1:37 PM

Jun 2017
Airu is too overpowered and Persia is too kind..
Best episode so far
Dec 9, 2018 7:22 PM

Dec 2016
This episode was a roller coaster of emotion that's for sure
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Dec 9, 2018 7:48 PM

Nov 2017

- Just grab it like you did to persia on the festival, come on romio, its bigger and softer
bondtuxDec 9, 2018 9:07 PM
Now Loading.....
Dec 9, 2018 9:46 PM

Oct 2014
I'm so nervous at the end.

I thought Persia will says let's break up because she is felt so guilty about Inuzuka suffering.

Still, I'm amaze how Hasuki loves cares for Inuzuka. Best girl of the series no doubt. I hope she have her own OVA where Inuzuka liked her.
Dec 10, 2018 11:33 AM
Sep 2018
Lol, if they give us later the "I may be a total despot, but reaaaally deep down in my heart I like you brother and it's all for your good" lame excuse, it's a big no no for me!
Dec 11, 2018 2:17 AM

Oct 2008
What have you done Romio?
You've made Persia cry because she's blaming herself on to what happened to you! damn!
hope next episode would not get worse situations...

Dec 11, 2018 8:01 AM

Jun 2017
A rift between our two lovers, it's so sad to see that. Persia crying, damn it, mein heart. Two episodes left, I sure do hope that the ending will be wholesome. He really had to be monitored in the week of Persia's birthday huh, what a coincidence. Airu really is tough, Inuzuka, who's a known troublemaker is no match for him, in strenght and maybe tactics too. I hope things get better between Inuzuka and Persia. I also hope that he makes up with his big brother, I think his brother can be kind to him.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Dec 14, 2018 8:22 PM

Mar 2009
footmaster said:
Romio's brother really has that indimidating aura on him.
From this episode, it seems that he's only that strict to Romio, as we can see how he dealt with the twins and the two little boys (maybe he's soft to little kids? XD).

The scene when Juliet met a wounded Romio was sad to watch. :(
But that's the Romeo and Juliet thing that I want to watch.

Great end card made by Ken Akamatsu, the creator of Negima!

Thank you. I came in here wondering who did the wonderful end card for this episode. I really need to read Negima one day.

Good episode. Big brother is a scary guy. Hasuki is such a good girl. And I'm quite fond of the twins.
Dec 18, 2018 9:55 AM

Mar 2012
Whenever an older sibling shows up, I end up cheering for them and can't even feel sorry for the younger one. I wish anime would just make the older one the MC and the younger one being an attention seeking meddlesome brat or something.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Dec 22, 2018 4:59 PM

May 2013
/CRIES Q_________Q JUST DON'T BREAK UP PLS </3333333333
Jan 18, 2019 4:24 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Havent read the manga, but knew this arc was coming, I have given this anime alot of critic some episodes ago, but this was definitly well done, bravo.

Now I need to see ep11 ASAP.

(btw, probably is brother just has too high of expecations on Romeo, and is that kind of person that loves but cant show his love to him, dunno how, and has just lost himself on what to do, but at least wants to prepare Romeo for what is ahead in his path, by being as strict as possible, that you are still not ready, was more than enough to hint to that, cant really dislike his older brother here...)
Mar 4, 2019 7:01 PM
Apr 2016
Sad to see Romio so inferior to his brother, he was completely screwed up by him... Good episode regardless.
Mar 14, 2019 7:09 AM

Apr 2011
Sad that it has to happen. I really don't like wha Airu did even if that's the way he cares about Romio. Because of that it made Persia sad. If I was Romio I'd make myself stronger and beat the crap out of him in return.

Hasuki best girl. He should've just dated both.
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