Sep 27, 2018 7:27 PM
◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ ◇ Character Creation ◇ ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ In this thread you will be able to create your Summoned Original Unique Life alias SOUL. If you possess any questions regarding Character Creation, please refer to the Guidance Thread for further and more detailed information. The start of a new life: The Summoning Throne... A great, yet empty hall only bearing a lone throne that rests atop a wide stairway. A place forbidden for those who are mortal. A place that bears a great secret. However, it is also a place of birth and rebirth for those of otherwordly descent. Though this devoid building is naught but an ephemeral copy of the original throne, it is still the place of a ritual so ancient that it precedes even the genesis of man. And as the sound of silence is being disrupted by an abrupt noise and as the grey environment is being painted over by shades of crimson, a large, blue circle appeared around the throne... A circle of summoning... Magic that ranks among the most mighty. A summon only performed by great power. Sparks of electricity are generated and create a sparking noise that reverberates through the hall. Spinning and spinning, the circle gradually turns the atmosphere into a cold and heavy one. Illuminating anything from the pinnacle of the stairway, the gateway to the world opens. And thusly, with a bright flash that ends everything, there rests a figure upon the throne... Opening your eyes, you immediately recognize this world to be called Gaea. A world that is home to countless races and mysteries. And perhaps even yours. You are aware that you are not a mere mortal, but something of a higher plane. And instinctively, you know very well the mission given to you: "Eradicate all traces of Chaos." A vague order. You cannot help but wonder what exactly might be defined as "Chaos" as well as how should go about fulfilling your mission. You also have no clue as to where you are and what you should do from now on. But just as you contemplate in your ordeal, you recognize something "unfamiliar". A small, silver bracelet embedded with a red gemstone on your left wrist. As you curiously touch the gemstone, a blue screen is being projected into the air. It reads the following words: "No malfunction detected. User permission granted. Welcome to Astraea." Soon after, the screen shifts and a new page is being displayed: "Greetings SOUL. I hope you find your stay here a pleasant one. You might wonder about many a thing, but rest assured, we are here to aid you in your goal to our mutual benefit. Our name is Astraea and we are an organization that aims to maintain peace and combat the seeds of chaos. Within this Communication Bracelet (COMB) you will find all kinds of information that might be of help in your endeavors to gather more knowledge. It contains the basic details about Gaea, our organization in addition to information concerning your existence. Simply make use of the Encyclopedia App: [Encyclopedia and other functions available.] Now then. Enjoy your freedom. You might want to visit us as soon as you are able or you can take the time to get to know your surroundings first. You will find the Map function of your COMB helpful. It will easily lead you to any place you want to visit. Once again, we welcome you to Gaea. - Astraea Board of Directors Chairman Lucien Noxis." Every new character will be created according to the "Character Points System". Click the spoiler below to see how it works: Character Points System: The "Character Points System" allows you to create your character individually. Every starting character will be given 10 Character Points (CP) which can be distributed to several categories depending on your preference. Every combination is allowed. Also, you don't have to use all points, though can certainly do so. The following categories are available: 1. Talent:
- Definition: Talents are the speciality of your character and the area in which your character has the potential to excel. They are described as "unique powers that man can only dream of yet never reach". Unfortunately, as a stand-alone, talents do not have much impact in combat. However, talents enable your character to use Skills related to them and you may only choose 1 talent at the beginning, so make your decision wisely. - Rules: 2. Skill:
2 CP - Rank E 4 CP - Rank D (Unavailable at beginning) 6 CP - Rank C (Unavailable at beginning) 8 CP - Rank B (Unavailable at beginning) 10 CP - Rank A (Unavailable at beginning) - Definition: Skills are manifestations of your Talent that come in various shapes and forms. They can be special attacks, abilities or amplifications with various effects that can be both beneficial and harmful. As of now, only E-Ranked skills can be created, but as your character grows stronger, so will their skills. - Rules: 3. Attributes:
2 CP - Rank D 4 CP - Rank C 8 CP - Rank B (Unavailable at beginning) 12 CP - Rank A (Unavailable at beginning) 18 CP - Rank A+ (Unavailable at beginning) 24 CP - Rank A++ (Unavailable at beginning) - Definition: Attributes constitute your character's body. They are defined by average SOUL standards. By investing points into attributes, your character can exceed these standards by a multiple without any relation to powers or abilities. Refer to the section "Character Attributes" in the Guidance Thread to see how great the multiple is. (Example: C-Ranked Strength costs 4 CP and makes your character twice as strong as an average SOUL.) - Available Attributes: Astral Gear Guide: Every character possesses an unique weapon called "Astral Gear". In general, they are like ordinary weapons at the start with no distinct features. They simply act the same as they ordinarily would. They do have some rules that govern their creation:
Firearms are, broadly, any weapon that launches a physical object without a significant use of Strength (Bows) or Willpower (Magic AGs). The most obvious and common examples are the various forms of guns used in real life, though thanks to the differences between real life and Aeternia, some more... unusual weapons could appear if someone desired them. P:D = Prana to Damage Ratio of one Bullet (Use this much Prana to create the bullet : has this much base damage) SPP = Shots per Phase (The maximum number of times you can pull the trigger in one phase) Dmg = Maximum Damage per Phase (Some Letter) = Base Bullet Speed. Line/Cone/Arc = Projectile path type (whether it can arc, only flies straight, spreads like a cone) Pierce/Blunt = The manner in which the damage is delivered. Below is a list of types (If you do not see a firearm you wish to use, please contact the administration so we can add it ^_^): - Firearm Types: Pistol | P:D 1:3 | SPP 4 | Dmg 12 | C | Line | Pierce Revolver | P:D 1:4 | SPP 3 | Dmg 12 | C | Line | Pierce Shotgun | P:D 8:16 | SPP 2 | Dmg 32 | C | Cone (Immediate) | Pierce Bolt Action Rifle | P:D 1:12 | SPP 2 | Dmg 24 | B | Line | Pierce Sniper Rifle | P:D 5:30 | SPP 1 | Dmg 30 | B | Line | Pierce Submachine Gun | P:D 1:4 | SPP 7 | Dmg 24 | C | Line | Pierce Assault Rifle | P:D 1:3 | SPP 9 | Dmg 27 | C | Line | Pierce Machine Gun | P:D 1:3 | SPP 12 | Dmg 36 | C | Cone | Pierce Minigun | P:D 1:3 | SPP 15 | Dmg 45 | C | Cone | Pierce Railgun | P:D 5:30 | SPP 1 | Dmg 30 | B | Line | Blunt Cannon | P:D 5:30 | SPP 1 | Dmg 30 | C | Arc | Blunt Antique Rifle | P:D 4:20 | SPP 1 | Dmg 20 | C | Line | Pierce + Pierce Melee (w/ Bayonet) Magic Staff
Magic Staff AGs (Wands, Rods, Scepters etc.) can also fire projectiles, similar to firearms. The difference is that firearms cause Physical Damage, whereas magic staves cause Magical Damage. Each basic attack costs 5 prana to use, and each projectile deals 10 base magical damage per hit, with an additional 5 magical damage for each rank in Willpower, and travels at base C rank speed. Hitrate is fixed as well: 1-2 per phase. Bows
Bow AGs can, naturally, fire projectiles. Standard AG arrows deal Physical Damage. Each basic attack costs 5 prana to use, and each arrow deals 15 base damage, with +5 bonus damage for each SOUL rank past E. Projectile speed scales with strength, and attack speed scales as usual (user speed & rec vs enemy speed & rec) Skill Value Guide: As you know (or should know), all skills have a base value depending on Rank. It is possible to increase the value by adding costs, prerequisites and limitations. However, you might be uncertain how much something may cost such as a 1 Phase Buff. For this reason, we have compiled a Skill Value List so it becomes easier to make your skills balanced. Do note that these values are not absolute and can be subject to change. Skill Value:
Status Condition Cost:
Statistics Value: Determines how much value you gain when listed as cost.
Prerequisite Value: Determines how much value you gain when listed as prerequisites.
Limitation Value: Determines how much value you gain when listed as limitations.
In order to make it easier for you to create your character, here is a form you can simply copy & paste and then edit: Please only fill in and replace the italicised words with the appropriate information. Character Creation FORM: [quote] [list][*][b]Name:[/b] *First Name, Last Name if possible* [*][b]Age:[/b] *Any number that is reasonable* [*][b]Gender:[/b] *Male, Female* [*][b]Race:[/b] *Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Beastkind, Halfling, Automaton, Unholy, Divine* [*][b]Elemental Affinities:[/b] *Default based on your race unless you can justify it with your chara's physique/talent* [b][color=blue]Resist:[/color][/b] *Resistances here * [b][color=yellow]Weak:[/color][/b] *Weaknesses here * [*][b]Racial Skill:[/b] *Select 1 Racial Skill from your chosen Race. You can find a list in the Guidance Thread* [*][b]Class:[/b] *Warrior, Knight, Mage, Cleric, Rogue, Duelist, Archer or Fighter* [*][color=#0000A0][b]Total Character Points:[/b][/color] *count all points you have spend and list it here (ex. 7/20, 10/20...)* [*][b][color=#808080]Overall Statistics:[/color][/b][list] [*][b][color=#C11B17]Health:[/color][/b] 100 [*][b][color=#2554C7]Prana:[/color][/b] 100 [*][b][color=#4CC417]Stamina:[/color][/b] 100[/list] [*][b][color=#990012]Talent:[/color] *Enter Talent Name here*[/b] *Enter Talent Description here, Reminder: Costs 4 CP* [list][b][color=#4CC417]Skill List:[/color][/b] [spoiler="Skill List"] [*][quote][size=110][b][center][Rank E] *Enter Skill Name here, Reminder: 2 CP per E rank Skill* (*TECHNIQUE or SPELL*)[/center][/b][/size] [list]- [b]Description:[/b] *In the Skill Description you should explain about the general outline of the skill as we as how your character uses it. Is it a combo attack where he charges at the opponent from a distance and slashes him 7 times? Is it a powerful punch that knocks the enemy back? Or perhaps a special gun shot that can light the target ablaze? Choose what you desire.* - [b]Effect:[/b] *Here you should put only sentences such as "Deals 10 Physical Damage." or "Renders target immobile for 1 Turn" or "Heals 25 Health". Note that if you are using an offensive skill, you should either state whether or not the damage inflicted is physical or magical. Please make the effect description as short and as concise as possible.* - [b]Attribute Modifier:[/b] *Choose among any of the available attributes as long as they are reasonable. You can also put in None.* - [b]Cost:[/b] *Put cost of the skill here (like "10 Prana + 5 Prana per person, 10 Prana & 5 Stamina per Turn etc."). Your character will mainly use Stamina if he is using Techniques and Prana if using Spells. Skills can also have no cost.* - [b]Type:[/b] *Active, Active Continous or Passive.* - [b]Duration:[/b] *Either in Phases or Turns. If your skill has a continuous effect, please put the duration here. If not, delete this section. If its permanent (often in case of passive skills), put in Permanent* - [b]Affinity:[/b] *Offensive, Defensive, Support or Recovery.* - [b]Prerequisites:[/b][list][*]*Any conditions your character needs satisfy before activation of the skill. More/difficult conditions can increase the power of your skill. Note that after effects of skill usage (such as loss of Health) need to be listed in the Effect section. (Copy [*] if you want to use more Prerequisites)* [/list]- [b]Limitations:[/b][list][*]*Any restrictions your character has when or after using the skill. More/severe restrictions can increase the power of your skill. Note that this only concerns restrictions placed on your character, not penalties (such as reduced attributes). (Copy [*] if you want to use more Limitations)* [/list][/list][/quote] [/spoiler][/list] [*][b][color=#348017]Attributes:[/color][/b][list] [*][b]STRENGTH:[/b] *E-C, Reminder: Costs 2 CP per Rank. Also put an appropriate Rank for all attributes below. Don't forget your innate class attributes!* [*][b]VITALITY:[/b] [*][b]WILLPOWER:[/b] [*][b]RESISTANCE:[/b] [*][b]SPEED:[/b] [*][b]AGILITY:[/b] [*][b]PERCEPTION:[/b] [*][b]RECOVERY:[/b] [/list] [*][b][color=#FDD017]Astral Gear:[/color][/b] *Enter name here if applicable* [u]Type:[/u] *Sword, Lance, Shield, Bow etc.* [u]Rate of Fire:[/u] *Only if using firearms* [u]Projectile Speed:[/u] *Only if using firearms/magical staves* [u]Pattern:[/u] *Only if using firearms* [u]Summon Cost:[/u] [b][color=#2554C7]*Any amount of Prana you wish to use, the more Prana, the more durable your Astral Gear may be* Prana[/color][/b] [u]Description:[/u] *Simply describe your Astral Gear here. Avoid using terms such as "sharper/lighter/stronger than normal blades" and anything that increases its power. Only durability can be increased and is directly related to Prana.* [*][b]Biography:[/b] *The biography should be the longest section. Unless you like your character to be boring and uninteresting. You know, scratch that, you can make short bios, but still have an interesting character if you roleplay well ;)* [*][b]Personality:[/b] *Should complement your biography. Let your character show his/her individuality.* [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler="Appearance"][img]*Put your picture or description here*[/img][/spoiler] [*][b]100x100p Picture:[/b] [spoiler="100x100p Picture"][img]*If possible, please put a 100x100px picture here. If you want to have a fancy Character Profile that is. Also, it is preferred if you focus on the face.*[/img][/spoiler] [/list][/quote] Some Things to Note:
alatartheblue42Jan 18, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 28, 2018 8:39 PM
Post reserved for an Example Character that will be made in the future. |
Oct 28, 2018 8:41 PM
Contract Established The contractor "Example Character" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Oct 28, 2018 9:19 PM
Chu Omari "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
Change Notes Change Notes: -Updated skill list to use the remaining two CP -Added new character sheet format to character sheet -Updated to remove confusing wording in skills |
Nov 4, 2018 2:07 PM
Londo (The GREAT!) "Your Gloriousness returns!" Character Information
Sho_the_MageDec 20, 2018 11:07 PM
Nov 4, 2018 2:07 PM
Eukina Watashi "I don't have a brother complex, it's just your imagination." Character Information
Sho_the_MageJan 29, 2019 9:16 PM
Nov 4, 2018 2:08 PM
Arona "Yes, I'm a dragon, why do you ask?" Character Information
Sho_the_MageFeb 1, 2019 6:37 PM
Nov 5, 2018 5:56 AM
Cilka Abrielle ''Congrats if you win, and I will try and make it different next time.''
Nov 7, 2018 8:56 AM
Alatar Irving “There is no need for fear. My ice will stop them.” Character Information
Nov 7, 2018 8:57 AM
Hannah Lorken ”In both battle and business, it's important to emerge victorious.”
Nov 7, 2018 8:58 AM
Miyu Ogawa ”Um- Excuse me? Have you seen my sister around here?”
Nov 8, 2018 1:55 PM
Carolus Rex "I have resolved never to start an unjust war but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies"
-Updated cost of first skill to be sixty per discussions -Removed charge phase and added +5 to cost to reflect this -Changed C Rank bullet speed to E rank and updated costs to reflect new changes to multisummons -Changed Carolus's Image to something less old looking |
conman2163Nov 8, 2018 2:16 PM
Nov 10, 2018 9:17 AM
Ireena Mayer von Rothschild
ByakugaranNov 18, 2018 5:29 AM
Nov 10, 2018 4:03 PM
Aoyama Hana "I wonder who wrote that poem? By the spirits he did not do me justice." Character Sheet:
AshusikildigirNov 13, 2018 10:42 AM
Nov 11, 2018 10:00 AM
Ryan Zokkendov "My fighting spirit burns"
ValkanJan 4, 2019 9:19 AM
Nov 11, 2018 12:09 PM
Contract Established The contractor "Aoyama Hana" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Nov 12, 2018 11:55 PM
Contract Established The contractor "The Harbinger" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Nov 14, 2018 12:32 AM
Valencia Ortiz “I strive to maintain tranquillity of mind and soul.”
Sho_the_MageDec 19, 2018 1:10 PM
Nov 14, 2018 12:33 AM
Amice Bellamy “Do you want to meet the Pixies?”
Sho_the_MageDec 29, 2018 1:33 PM
Nov 14, 2018 12:34 AM
Victorique “Whomever came up with no-smoking area's was clearly delusional.”
Sho_the_MageJan 30, 2019 1:42 PM
Nov 14, 2018 12:34 AM
Zahrah Fiore “When even the most beautiful of flowers pales in comparison to your beauty, I shall take it upon myself to plant a thousand of them, just to accentuate it.”
Nov 14, 2018 5:57 PM
Sho Kazehaya "You'll never catch me!" Character Information
alatartheblue42Nov 14, 2018 7:05 PM
Nov 14, 2018 11:14 PM
Amphion Roy "I just want to find my family." Character Sheet
WymsicalJan 31, 2019 6:12 PM
Nov 14, 2018 11:18 PM
The Savant “You’re saying it’s my fight? Sure, I’ll make an app for that.”
Nov 14, 2018 11:19 PM
Hey, have you ever heard this creepy story about Kurome?
3.9 - Fixed unicode symbol for projectile speed to be more consistent: (↑) 4.9 - Clarification on passive: changed from dealing 5 damage -> immediately dealing 5 damage. Did not change the context. 4.9 - Typo fix in Hail of Rust 4.9 - Umbral Blade, fixed an exploit in limitations. |
alatartheblue42Jan 16, 2019 8:35 AM
Nov 14, 2018 11:19 PM
Nov 17, 2018 2:25 PM
Lucia Flores "I won't let you die..!" Character Information
CanaasDec 21, 2018 2:52 PM
Nov 18, 2018 1:51 PM
@Byakugaran Your character seems mostly fine, there are just a few things that need to change. For the "Life Infusion" skill, the description says she "saps away her life energy and through physical contract infuses it into another person", but it doesn't actually cost Health so it doesn't match up. You might want to change it to either saying she saps away her magic energy, or instead make the skill cost some HP. Also the Occult Symbol AG is kind of useless since it can't be used for guarding or attack. I think it would be fine if you made it able to fire basic magic blasts like most staff/wand AGs can, otherwise it might be underpowered. |
Nov 19, 2018 8:47 AM
GU-801 “Hello there!”
ValkanDec 2, 2018 11:58 AM
Nov 19, 2018 5:38 PM
Contract Established The contractor "Amphion Roy" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Dec 2, 2018 11:27 PM
Contract Established The contractor "GU-801" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Dec 4, 2018 11:34 PM
Alexander Reinhardt "..."
Sho_the_MageJan 9, 2019 9:48 PM
Dec 4, 2018 11:36 PM
Ryan Collins "An endless horde of monsters? Well, this is going to be pretty tough."
Dec 5, 2018 1:53 AM
Inaru-samaFeb 11, 2019 3:58 PM
Dec 7, 2018 7:21 AM
Lucia Roy "Regret is one of the most painful emotions..." Character Sheet
WymsicalJan 31, 2019 6:10 PM
Dec 25, 2018 12:12 PM
@Wymsical: Infection seems fine. Might be hard to use due to the vulnerability it inflicts on her though, leaving her open to be reduced below 50 hp before she can use it, so you could possibly justify a bit more of an effect on the buff. And it should have at least some kind of range limit due to its AOE like nature. Maybe 20 meter radius. Blackfyre Sight should be a active single target skill like Keen Discernment that only can read attributes of C and below, i think 15 Prana cost should work. Restriction should give a warning sign that it will hit the enemy from below so it is not undodgable. The effective attack range needs to be limited because it's like an enhanced AOE which hits only enemies not allies, so the projectiles should only be able to go outwards up to a 5 or 10 meter radius. @Inaru-sama: Evalye seems fine, she'll be approved soon. @Byakugaran: As far as i remember your chara was fine last I checked in her powers. But Elv PMed you about her Bio connection with his Rothschild chara and you didn't respond so it would help if you got that resolved with him. |
Dec 26, 2018 4:39 PM
@Wymsical: 1 phase more seems fine. The reason is because Keen Discernment is similar but is an A rank skill, or is at least supposed to be around that range of effectiveness. It's not supposed to be too easy to copy a racial. For example Halfling enhanced prana regen at E rank is better than a normal regen skill with no cost could be at E rank. Edit:Never mind, I forgot about the prana regen being back to normal, so yes the Halfling racial is basically equal to an E rank prana regen passive. You could say that a skillslot is needed for your skill and it'll cost more CP to match up over time so I suppose the limits i proposed for Blackfyre Sight might be too much. Maybe it can just be 5 Prana cost. I haven't really thought about Restriction's AOE speed yet. Edit:I calculated it a bit, but basically, you need to change it in some way so it's less powerful if you want to be able to use it reliably. If you want it to work D speed seems like a good idea but right now you're over the limit and to get it to D speed you'd need it to be at least 23 prana per target. Right now it is like you are using the same spell three times at once, just on three different people. That makes it really expensive. The reason AOEs work is they have a chance of hitting allies and are not essentially multiple single target attacks. And if you used this as a single target attack every time(AKA refusing to target more than one) it's essentially a better spell than normal spells if it gets the option of being used on multiple enemies whenever you want without any drawback. Compare to let's say a normal damage spell which does not have a button allowing it to be used a second time for the same prana cost. That's basically a Quickness effect for free, just not usable on the same target, and only for that spell. So you should probably just nerf the spell to make it viable, as right now, if you ever use this for 2 or more targets you'll run out of prana extremely quickly. Even if it was 15 prana cost, when it'd probably be more than that for each enemy, 30 prana is already practically a third of her reserves, while 45 would be half. Some possible nerf routes include making it single target or making it an AOE that has some kind of limits, or if it must remain multitarget, limiting it to 2 targets max. To give you some detailed information on what my calcs have been: 7.5 Value for reducing an attribute of choice by 1 for 1 phase. This is due to you getting to choose. Alatar suggested the cost just being the same as using the spell 3 times, for when you go after 3, which is how i came up with the total value cost when used on 3 targets. The cost per target is 22.5 value. The speed being D adds another 5 total cost. So when you use it on 3 enemies at once it's quite a bit of value cost, at least 23 prana per enemy, although the speed cost wouldn't be multiplied by the number of targets to make it not overly expensive. IMO, just going single target would be the easiest way, if there are warning signs it's probably possible to cancel out the cost of having it go underground, so all that remains besides 22.5 value for the spell effects is 5 for D speed, 27 value cost total, 15 covered by base value, then it'd be a far more usable 12 Prana cost each use. You could try making it a normal AOE, if it was 5m radius it would be about 25 prana cost. Or if you're going to go multi target, 3 is a bit much to pay for, but maybe you could try something like a double target skill which you always have to pay the full cost of for both attacks, but can choose to use both blackfyre attacks on either one enemy or two different ones. The drawback being that you don't shoot both at once and if someone gets hit by one they might dodge the other one, and if you shoot at two enemies you'd need a little bit of time to aim at the other one. Maybe that would need bonus cost for the flexibility compared to a skill that just always unleashes one attack, but I don't know. Might be limited enough by the natural limits of having to aim and fire twice, giving people more time to react. Although that brings up questions about just how much Blackfyre homes in on its own, I'm not so sure what you're intending there, and how much she consciously is having to control it and aim. |
CanaasDec 27, 2018 2:24 AM
Dec 28, 2018 2:20 AM
Contract Established The contractor "Evalye" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Dec 28, 2018 9:41 PM
@Wymsical: The powers she has are fine. The problem is that Divine doesn't mean what you think it does. Divines are not gods, they are basically just winged people. I looked at your character's bio. Her race would be Human not Divine, unless she is in some way related to these bird-like people from Gaea or the same race on a parallel world. |
Dec 29, 2018 9:09 PM
Contract Established The contractor "Lucia Roy" is hereby officially recognized as a SOUL affiliated with Astraea. You will be summoned shortly. We welcome you to Gaea and are looking forward to working with you. |
Jan 15, 2019 12:27 PM
Alastra Nendarnde ”Give me a minute, a lot could happen in a minute.” Character Information
Zen💀 |
Jan 27, 2019 4:31 AM
Edward Durand "I will be your shield."
Jan 27, 2019 4:35 AM
Guinsoo "Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry."
Jan 29, 2019 8:56 PM
Lysett Blythe "I'm the one who laughs last!"
Jan 29, 2019 9:01 PM
Amber "Target acquired: Initializing Oblivion protocol..."
Jan 31, 2019 6:04 PM
Ksenia Mithras "May Time forever be unbound." Character Sheet
WymsicalFeb 3, 2019 8:57 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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