Oct 5, 2018 12:40 PM
Mission Hall Fulfilling a SOUL's duty... The Mission Hall is one of the most vital facilities of Astraea and can be accessed via the elevator in the Eastern Staff Lobby. Ordinary staff members have no access to this location and only key members who possess a COMB are even allowed entry. It is a large, technologically advanced hall containing many high tech computers for common use. At the bottom is a small podium reserved exclusively for the Mission Receptionist and the big screen behind that is often used for special briefings regarding Urgent Missions. [Mission Receptionist] Ciela "... What do you want?" In this special area thread, you can apply for missions. Before you do though, it is important to read through the "Missions & Rank Points" section in the Guidance Thread. If you want to apply, just fill out the Mission Application form below and make a post with your character here in the Mission Hall. Applications made in other area threads do not count. IC Note: You can either fill out the form on a computer/COMB and send it or talk to the cute Mission Receptionist and give all the details (but don't try to flirt with her if you don't want a broken heart~) Available Missions: [RANK] D Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: To be disclosed Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • To be disclosed Requirement: • 50 RP Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • D RANK Ascension Summoning Mission Conductor: Various [RANK] C Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: C Synopsis: To be disclosed Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • To be disclosed Requirement: • 125 RP Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • C RANK Ascension Summoning Mission Conductor: Various Progressing Missions: [NORMAL] Wolf Pack Defense Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: A pack of Garms led by a Fenrir was spotted in the Southeastern Ivalia Plains by the SOULs on the mission "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild". Guards on patrol have reported seeing the same group of CS making its way towards Abberton Village, the village between Yvalia and Valindral to the east. Your objective is to defend the village from this group and any other CS you encounter, ideally preventing military casualties but above all ensuring no civilians are harmed. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Defend Abberton Village from the Fenrir pack and any other CS encountered, and prevent any civilian casualties Side Objectives: • Prevent any soldier casualties Restrictions: • A maximum of 6 people are allowed to sign up for this mission. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 4,500 Yoki On Duty: • Amice Bellamy • Evalye • Guinsoo • Kurome • Lucia Roy • Ryan Collins Mission Conductor: Sho_the_Mage [NORMAL] Recover Government Files [CODENAME: Double Jeopardy] Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: Trinity Incorporated is a small-time government contractor known for their work in security and investigative services. Among their employees is Mr. Isaac Leone, a name most of the public attributes to the primary suspect of a highly-televised murder case. In the trial of his girlfriend's murder, Leone was acquitted of all charges due to a plethora of exonerating evidence; it was later revealed that the evidence was likely doctored. Trinity Inc moved to fire Mr. Isaac, however, he had already stolen heavily-classified government files, threatening to release them should he lose his job. Now under pressure from the government, Trinity Inc is outsourcing to Astraea and our highly competent employees to deal with Leone. Leone has retreated to an unknown location and has not revealed himself since until this morning. According to Trinity's sources, his next destination is a wealthy estate in Yvalia's affluent suburbs where a private party is currently underway. The host: Mr. Christopher Satie, a real-estate mogul many believe to have criminal ties. Trinity believes that Leone intends to utilize Satie's criminal sources to start a new life under a new identity in exchange for the classified government files he has stolen. Your task: to intercept Leone and recover the files. You may deal with Leone and Satie as you see fit. Trinity has provided a safehouse en-route to the site. In it, you will find an invitation to the party under a false identity, a concealable earpiece linked to an highly-trained Trinity consultant (who knows of your status as a SOUL), and a piece of top-of-the-line espionage tech for your use only. Good luck. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Destroy/Recover the government files. • Stay undetected. • If the file transfer has taken place, kill Isaac Leone. Bonus: Frame Leone's death as an accident. • After all objectives have been finished, leave the area successfully. Side Objectives: • (Optional) Kill Christopher Satie. Bonus: Frame Satie's death as an accident. Restrictions: • Solo Mission: Only one person may attend the mission. • A penalty of 1,000 Yoki will be deducted for each non-target killed, up to a minimum reward of 3,500 Yoki. Special Notes: • (OOC: Contact me on discord for more info on the "Stay undetected" mission objective.) • The safehouse will have multiple tools that you may want to pick up. Leave any tools back in the safehouse when you are done. If for some reason you are unable to return them, Trinity will send someone to retrieve them at their earliest possible convenience. Mission Reward: • 25 RP • 17,500 Yoki On Duty: • Hannah Lorken OOC Achievements: • Et tu, Brutus? • Declassification • Free Real Estate • It was Nothing, I Guess • Meet your End • No Soul • Pointing Spiderman • Smoking Hazard • Someone Could Hurt Themselves • Strong, Independent Assassin • To Your Good Health Mission Conductor: Tuba Mission Overseer: 2ba [NORMAL] Clear the River! Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: A strange portal opened up recently near a rural village and something seems to have come out of it! While the portal closed, a number of calamity seeds and one giant calamity seed were spotted leaving. They've taken to occupying the local river and are harassing any fishermen who attempt to come anywhere near it. This is bad news since the village relies upon the river for the steady supply of fish that are in it. A local hunter has submitted a request for four SOULs to accompany him on his job to clear out the seeds who came out of the portal. The hunter is offering additional rewards for any seeds that are killed. Additionally, although the hunter has been informed he is likely not strong enough to fight any of the seeds they are facing, he is determined to accompany the team on their job. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Clear the river of calamity seeds • Kill any smaller calamity seeds you come across • Kill the big calamity seed Side Objectives: • If possible, investigate the source of the portal Restrictions: • The hunter must not die on the hunt • Only 4 applicants are permitted and only one D rank Soul may participate • Once killed, applicants are not permitted to return to the fight • Applicants must select a single SOUL from among themselves to lead the team while on the mission Special Notes: • Failure to listen to the team leader while on the mission may lead to reduced rewards Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 4,500 Yoki • +100 Yoki per smaller calamity seed killed • +1000 Yoki for killing the big calamity seed On Duty: • Victorique • Aoyama Hana • Annabelle Korsakov • Horace Ridgeway • The Savant Mission Conductor: Conman2163 Mission Overseer: Canaas Available Requests: Mission Application FORM: [quote][center] [size=120][b]Mission Application[/b][/size][/center] [b]Applicant:[/b] *Your character's name* [b]Applicant RANK:[/b] [b]Mission:[/b] *Name of the mission* [b]Mission Difficulty:[/b] [/quote] [Information] Keyword: Mission Hall As one of the most important, yet less known facilities, the Mission Hall plays a very invaluable role in a SOUL's duties. Under normal circumstances, the hall is being used by many navigators, each tracking current mission progress of countless missions. They are also responsible for ensuring that no affiliated or un-affiliated SOUL has deviated as well as constantly using the various cameras scattered around Yvalia to detect possible dangers and creating new missions as a result. In general, the Mission Hall acts as a substitute for the common police in order to aid the government in security policies. However, the first and foremost goal is to detect traces of chaos such as deviated SOULs and unnatural monsters that have been on the rise lately. Of course, SOULs are then sent to eliminate all those factors of danger. Every SOUL is only allowed to take up 1 mission at a time. Furthermore, more difficult missions necessitate a higher RANK. In general, the highest mission difficulty one can take is one Rank above your RANK. Sometimes, mission will be sent directly to the COMB (particularly Urgent Missions), which make it easier to gather a large amount of applicants in a short time if the problem needs to be adressed immediately. Missions can always be accepted by speaking with the Mission Receptionist or sending one online by use of a computer/COMB in the Mission Hall which also allows one to check available, progressing and completed missions as well as people on duty. [Password] Mission Hall Access General Password: M15510N5T4RT |
alatartheblue42Feb 24, 2019 11:15 PM
Oct 31, 2018 7:16 PM
Mission Archive Completed Missions: [RANK] C Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: C Synopsis: Several students from a combat institution named the School of Ancestral Power were intending to go on a practical training excursion today. Unfortunately, their present instructor fell gravely ill overnight, and today is the only day in their program they have available for such an excursion before they move on to their next tasks. As such, the School has asked Astraea to provide supplemental instructor(s) so that the students can still gain experience. As instructors, you are responsible not only for escorting the students, but also for nurturing them and facilitating their growth. Said growth also applies to more than just combat feasibility. By the time you are done with the students, they should not only have gained useful experience but also have grown as people. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Assist the students in defeating at least ten foes • Allow the students to witness the defeat of a foe at least as strong as a Fenrir (OOC: individual TL of 70+) Side Objectives: • Have each student deliver a finishing blow to at least one enemy. • Return with all students in relatively good condition. Requirement: • 125 RP Special Notes: • The group must return to Yvalia by 6:00 PM at the latest. • The students were all made well aware of the inherent danger of participating in such an institution prior to joining. Though it is obviously preferable that all come back safely, you should be sure to prioritize the group’s welfare over that of the individuals. Mission Reward: • C RANK Ascension Summoning • 40,000 Yoki Promotion Bonus On Duty: • Londo Sperry • Sho Kazehaya Mission Conductor: alatartheblue42 [NORMAL] Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild Mission Difficulty: D+ Synopsis: A fairly high profile figure, an Unholy businesswoman named Celestia Mayer von Rothschild, requires an escort to take her to a city further land-inwards for an important business deal. Sadly enough, she faces multiple threats from business rivals, vampire hunters, Unholy radicals whom deem her to be too progressive, and last but not least, the calamity seeds. No matter which route to the other city they will take, it is likely that she (and whomever ends up escorting her) will end up running into a few of these dangers. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Get Celestia safely to her destination. Side Objectives: • Make sure Celestia's maid, Asha Roux, also arrives unharmed. • Try not to damage Celestia's reputation, and if possible, show that she is capable of finding reputable and honest people to work with instead. Restrictions: • A maximum of 6 people is allowed to sign up for this mission. • Celestia is decent at fighting on her own, but doing so increases her 'thirst' (a vampire's need for blood). Forcing her her rely too much on her own powers most likely won't end up well. Special Notes: • Thanks to a combined effort from her business rivals and a fair share of outright racism, she was unable to arrange for any normal form of transport. As a result, she decided to simply go to her destination by foot. The same is expected of those whom will escort her, so be ready for some serious hiking. • Being as high profile as she is, Celestia needs to keep her status and reputation in mind at all times. The people she is traveling with will also affect her reputation, so they are encouraged to be on their best behavior. Any situation in which she publicly has to rely on her vampiric abilities will largely decrease her reputation. Having various races (especially a Divine) in her group, will instead be good for her reputation. • Although Celestia has studied the different routes they can take in order to reach the other city, she will leave it up to the SOULs to decide which route to take. She will merely provide them with what little information she has been able to gather, and leave it up to them to decide the final route. Mission Reward: • 25 RP • 7000 Yoki • An additional bonus (up to 20% of the total per Soul) might be given to some Souls based on Celestia's own discretion. On Duty: • Arona • Edward Durand • Lysett Blythe • Eukina Watashi • Alexander Reinhardt • Lucia Flores Mission Conductor: Elvario Mission Overseer: alatartheblue42 [NORMAL] Help clear out the mines! Mission Difficulty: D+ Synopsis: It is nothing too uncommon for CS's to occasionally show up in mines, but as of late, far too many CS's and too many types of CS's that aren't native to the area have been showing up and one particularly powerful CS, which has forced the miners to flee for their lives. There is some suspicion that the main competitors of the mining company are purposely capturing and releasing CS's into their mines. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Defeat the aforementioned powerful CS, there is reason to believe that this Calamity Seed is acting as the "leader" of the other less dangerous CS's. Side Objectives: • Defeat Calamity Seeds. • Find proof of the rival companies involvement in the infestation of CS's. • Protect the miner! Restrictions: • Restriction of 5 Souls total. The mining company does not want to spend too much money to deal with a "mere CS" infestation. • Destruction of property, will be heavily punished. Special Notes: • The miner does need protection, but is capable enough of at least defending himself, somewhat. Mission Reward: • 25 RP • 7,500 Yoki • Chance to obtain an accessory On Duty: • Valencia Ortiz • Alatar Irving • Ryan Zokkendov • Miyu Ogawa • Alastra Nendarnde • Amice Bellamy • Mission Conductor: VertexRozenluxis Mission Overseer: Sho_the_Mage [NORMAL] Missing Children Mission Difficulty: E Synopsis: Sometime last night, four children disappeared from the orphanage. No spare clothes or food were taken, and the room was left in unusual disarray, so foul play is suspected. Due to the events of yesterday, the Yvalian Police Department (YPD) is spread too thin on other tasks to allocate resources to all investigations. As a result, Astraea has been requested to provide some personnel to assist in the investigation. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Locate and retrieve the missing children. Side Objectives: • Deliver justice unto any lawbreakers encountered. Restrictions: • A total of 5 participants are allowed Special Notes: • SOULs on this mission will be appointed as temporary Yvalian Police Officers. As such, they will have access to some YPD resources to assist in their investigation. They will also be expected to convey themselves in a manner appropriate to their position. • Some SOULs may be deemed unsuitable for this mission, due to their physique or typical mannerisms. Mission Reward: • 10 RP • 3,000 Yoki On Duty: • Londo Sperry • Victorique • Annabelle • Noah Allure • Sho Kazehaya [NORMAL] Something smells fishy.. Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: Lately the seaside has seen an increase of threat from the CS in the sea. Not only does that pose a threat to the people wanting to fish deeper in the sea, but this also means that the beach has to be closed for undetermined time. It's become such a problem that fishermen have decided it was too dangerous to keep on fishing, but they couldn't keep it like that for long. They asked Astraea to lend them a hand in getting rid of those fishies so they can make a living again. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Eliminate the Calamity Seeds Side Objectives: • Keep all boats intact • Catch some fish Restrictions: • A maximum of 5 participants, due to limited amount of transport. Special Notes: • Mission is on the sea, experience in sea combat is preferable, but not a must. • Some fishermen have volunteered to give usage of their ships • Because it's a ship, it'll take damage. Once the ship's durability is below 50%, it'll gradually catch water. In which case, some people must keep the ship afloat. • Ships have an amount of water they can hold before sinking. Keep your eyes peeled. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 4,500 Yoki • +Reputation with Fishermen On Duty: • Danolus Ilaesu • Yong Qi • Bao • Zahrah Fiore • Alexander Reinhardt Mission Conductor: Discount66 Mission Overseer: Sho_the_Mage [NORMAL] Escort the Rich guy Mission Difficulty: D+ Synopsis: After the devastation caused from the recent CS attack, a businessman who strangely only sells watches wants to move out of the unsafe city. The human is extremely racist, so he paid extra to not have elves or half-elves escort him. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Escort the businessman to the nearby city, Cvalie Side Objectives: • The carriage he travels in must remain above 60% condition Restrictions: • No half-elves or Full-elves Special Notes: • The area is usually blighted by rain or thunder, bring your raincoats just in case. Mission Reward: • 25 RP • 7,500 Yoki • 10% discounts on any item the businessman owns On Duty: • Valencia Ortiz • Amice Bellamy • Ryan Zokkendov • Miyu Ogawa • Ryan Collins Mission Conductor: cupcakemann95 Mission Overseer: Sho [URGENT] Parliament Ambush Mission Difficulty: Unknown Synopsis: Ambush the Masked Man at the Parliament and ensure the safety of the prime minister as well as retrieve the act of vassalage. Use of surprise as an advantage is highly advised, but execution of the operation is your own responsibility. Beware of possible hostages and ambush outside the parliament. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Retrieve the act of vassalage and ensure the safety of the prime minister. Side Objectives: • None Restrictions: • None Special Notes: • A Regular Health Potion will be given to all participants. Mission Reward: • Rank Up (E Rank only) • 50 RP (D Rank only) • 20,000 Yoki [NORMAL] Revisiting the Village Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: A group of Calamity Seeds have been sighted going towards Greystone Village. While that in itself is no problem, there have been many cases of these sightings and it is unknown whether they are the same Calamity Seeds that have been sighted every time. Still, research department wants to know what is driving them to that uninhabited place. Since Calamity Seeds tend to go to places with food, it is suspected that there is someone or a group of people in the village. Vanibos are waiting outside the City for those who wish to travel to the destroyed village. They are prepared by Astraea. So they are Company owned. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Eliminate any threats Side Objectives: • Look for signs of life and deal with them accordingly Restrictions: • A total of 5 participants are allowed • In case an applicant dies, re-participation is not allowed. Special Notes: • Due to recent Vanibos being injured during another mission, the ones who prepared them this time requested them not being harmed. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 4,500 Yoki On Duty: • Amber • Sho Kazehaya • Miyu Ogawa • Ryan Zokkendov • Bao [NORMAL]Cave Cleaning Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: Two Araneiths and an Aratomi have been sighted in a mountain cave. Eliminate them before they spread and hurt civilians. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Eliminate all CS Side Objectives: • None Restrictions: • A maximum of 5 applicants are permitted Special Notes: • Mission Applications are accepted at any time as long as the mission is not in progress. • One of the Araneiths was heavily injured in a previous battle, and it is likely to be still injured. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 4,500 Yoki On Duty: • Alexander Reinhardt • Guinsoo • Londo Sperry • Lyka • Lysett Blythe Mission Conductor: alatartheblue42 [RANK] D Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: Elves have been going missing from the Slums, presumably kidnapped and killed in the forest according to a witness that had survived. The motive is unclear, but the ones doing the killing is a Human male and his dog. They took a while getting into the forest, according to the witness, so the city guards can not see them head into the forest. The killings had suppsedly occured at around 3 in the afternoon, but your team is to go early to cut off their path and ensure the elves survive. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Ensure the civilians survive Side Objective: • Apprehend or Kill the kidnappers Requirement: • 50 RP Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • D RANK Ascension Summoning • 20,000 Yoki Promotion Bonus On Duty: • Amber • Alatar Irving • Sho Kazehaya Mission Conductor: cupcakemann95 [NORMAL] Temple Investigation Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: A secret and sacred temple containing a precious artefact has been monitored by Astraea for years because of the sensitive nature of the facility and the danger it poses if it is compromised. The temple, on-site staff, and other persons of interest associated with Astraea have stopped reporting for several days now. It has been decided that the Yvalia branch is to send at least 4 SOULs to investigate the temple in case of any potential Calamity Seed infestations are present. Vanibo transportation will be arranged for all members of the mission. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Figure out what happened in the temple Side Objectives: • Eliminate any threats Restrictions: • A total of 5 participants are allowed • In case an applicant dies, re-participation is not allowed. Special Notes: • Further objectives and instructions may be given depending on what happens during the investigation. • Instructions and information about the temple and the artefact will be given on site by site director Hasan ibn Hamid Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 5000 Yoki On Duty: • DiDy • Edward Durand • Lucia Flores • Rei Shirou • Victor Ivanov Mission Conductor: Haruka Mission Overseer: alatartheblue42 [NORMAL][STORY] R&D Rescue Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: A group of scientists from R&D who have been researching Calamity Seeds have gone missing. Their last known location is Mt. Alban, where reports have indicated the presence of several E rank CS. Use caution to rescue any survivors and eliminate any CS encountered. Vanibos are available at the Eastern Outpost for use as transport to Mt. Alban, which is located relatively far to the southwest of the city. The COMBs of all applicants will be updated with the necessary map data. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Search for and rescue any survivors Side Objectives: • Eliminate all CS encountered Restrictions: • A maximum of 6 applicants are permitted • In case an applicant dies, re-participation is not allowed. Special Notes: • Mission Applications are accepted at any time as long as the mission is not in progress. Mission Reward: • 20 RP • 6,000 Yoki On Duty: • Alexis Versailles • Altania Argent • Amber • Londo Sperry • Millicent Pearce • Ryan Collins Mission Conductor: Sho_the_Mage [RANK] D Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: Several terrorists have taken hostages in the Seaside Center mall of the Shopping Distract by arming bombs connected to a remote detonator. They insist that their demands, which include the release of their leader and not being pursued, must be met for them to disarm these bombs. Use the map to locate the building, find a way inside, free the hostages at all costs, and apprehend or kill the terrorists. Caution and stealth are advised. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Ensure the safety of the hostages at all costs Side Objectives: • Kill or apprehend the terrorists Requirement: • 50 RP Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • D RANK Ascension Summoning • 20,000 Yoki Promotion Bonus On Duty: • Eukina Watashi Mission Conductor: Sho_the_Mage [URGENT] Annual Calamity Raid Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: Every year, in the village of Hang Shai, Calamity Seeds attack for an unknown reason. Every year, it's the same. Same time, same place, same day, same CS. Usually the Astraea branch near Hang Shai will gather the number of participants needed for this mission, but a team of mercenaries that had signed up suddenly dropped out last minute, causing this last minute signup to happen. Two teams consisting of 5 SOULs each will be needed to defend two different gates. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Defend the Village of Hang Shai from the Calamity Seed attack. Side Objectives: • None Restrictions: • A total of 10 Applicants are permitted Special Notes: • This mission will commence first thing in the morning: As such, all SOULs are expected to be prepared to be transported immidiately when the next morning arrives. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 4,000 Yoki On Duty: • Team 1 *Alatar Irving *Katsuro Nakamura *Liu Fan *Lucia Flores *Saika Ryu • Team 2 *Kim Beseth *Lysett Blythe *Reiko *Ryan Zokkendov *Sho Kazehaya Mission Conductor: cupcakemann95 [URGENT] Princess Escort Mission Difficulty: E Synopsis: In preparation for the upcoming Spring Festival, the 2nd Royal Princess of the Yvalian Royal Family, Alouette Hoch Edelis, will be touring the city for the sake of the people of Yvalia. Though she will be accompanied by her Royal Guard, we have been asked to provide for additional security on her behalf. As this is a request of high importance, applicants need to demonstrate not only high skill in combat, but also proper mannerism, etiquette and a matching set of values. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Escort the princess safely to all her destinations while paying attention to proper conduct Side Objectives: • None Restrictions: • A total of 2 Applicants are permitted Special Notes: • An interview will be conducted to choose the top 2 applicants • As the mission involves the 2nd Royal Princess, ill mannerism and lack of respect will be severely punished Mission Reward: • 30 RP • 10,000 Yoki On Duty: • Alatar Irving • Sho Kazehaya Mission Conductor: Minarei [NORMAL] Potion Ingredients Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: An unfortunate incident with an angry customer in Atelier Rosé earlier today led to the destruction of a crucial and rare ingredient for potion making: a Sanrabib flower gathered while blooming. Without this ingredient, the proprietor of Atelier Rosé, Rosalia von Blume, cannot make her potions. The flower is, fortunately, in season and Rosalia von Blume implied that it will be blooming today. Unfortunately, it only blooms about once every three weeks and only for about 24 hours. Thus, the flower must be retrieved today. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Retrieve a blooming Sanrabib flower and deliver it directly to Atelier Rosé. Side Objectives: • Eliminate Calamity Seeds if encountered Restrictions: • A total of 6 Applicants are permitted. • In case an applicant dies, re-participation is not allowed. Special Notes: • Directions to the plant’s location can be obtained from Rosalia von Blume. Mission Reward: • 20 RP • 6,000 Yoki On Duty: • Eukina Watashi • Alexander • Amber • Eva Kronos • Otus Athena • Fosse De Clare Mission Conductor: alatartheblue42 Mission Overseer: Sho_the_Mage [RANK] D Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: An illegal arms dealer called "Vulcanus" has been supplying weapons and equipment to various terrorist forces. He has been on the run for a long time and is classified as a very dangerous criminal. However, reports have shown that a man with similar features has been spotted near an abandoned hospital in the northwest section of the city within the 6th District, also known as the "Slums". Use the map to get to him and either apprehend or kill him. However, be sure to limit damage to the environment to a minimum and ensure that the nearby local community does not get panicked as a result of battle. Estimates place him around the strength of a C-Ranked SOUL. Caution is advised. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Kill or apprehend Vulcanus Side Objectives: • Ensure the local community is not harmed Requirement: • 50 RP Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • D RANK Ascension Summoning • 20,000 Yoki Promotion Bonus On Duty: • Londo Sperry • Lucia Flores • Kim Beseth Mission Conductor: Minarei [NORMAL] The Decimated Village Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: A village got overrun by CS and is asking for help. It is unknown how many there are, and the village was well defended. One thing is clear.. the CS must have been quite powerful to have destroyed the village. Investigate the village to find out how the CS destroyed it, and destroy the CS before they can move onto other villages. Vanibos are waiting outside the City for those who wish to travel to the destroyed village. They are prepared by Astraea. So they are Company owned. The village used to be called "Greystone Village", a remote place to the north east. The COMBs of all applicants will be updated with the necessary map data. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Defeat the CS Side Objectives: • Look for any survivors, if any. Restrictions: • A total of 8 Applicants are permitted • In case an applicant dies, re-participation is not allowed. Special Notes: • The survivor that witnessed the attack is still alive, and in the medical bay. Questioning him for further information may prove useless, but it might help you get a clearer picture. Mission Reward: • 20 RP • 6,000 Yoki Mission Conductor: Your_Boi [NORMAL][STORY] Lost Person Continued (Iromi Sakuha) Mission Difficulty: E+ Synopsis: The person we have rescued before from Rinhain Forest, Iromi Sakuha, has vanished from the medical bay. The window has been left open, presumably because it was used as an escape route. Fortunately, the target has not gotten rid of her location tracker and we could determine that she remains near the lake within Rinhain Forest. Enter the forest and retrieve Iromi Sakuha ASAP. Update: Target has become a CS. Codename "Maere". Eliminate it. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Eliminate Maere Side Objectives: • None Restrictions: • A maximum of 4 applicants are permitted Special Notes: • Mission Applications are accepted at any time as long as the mission is not in progress. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 5,000 Yoki Mission Conductor: Minarei [NORMAL] Lost Person (Iromi Sakuha) Mission Difficulty: E Synopsis: We have received a search request for a lost person within Rinhain Forest. The request was placed by the target's daughter who reported that her mother went missing after they intended to search the forest for edible mushrooms. It seems very likely that the target has ventured further into the forest where dangerous creatures can be encountered. Reports have also shown that some E-Rank Calamity Seeds have been encountered in various parts of the forest. Caution is advised for all those embarking on the search. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Retrieve Iromi Sakuha alive Side Objectives: • Eliminate all Calamity Seeds if encountered Restrictions: • None Special Notes: • Mission Applications are accepted at any time as long as the mission is not in progress. Mission Reward: • 10 RP • 3,000 Yoki Mission Conductor: Minarei [NORMAL] Creatures of the Lake Mission Difficulty: E Synopsis: Following the recent incident where Iromi Sakuha went missing, there has been rumors going around. The Lake has been classified as contaminated, due to the large Lepiran that had inhabited it and may cause trouble for those visiting it, or walking around it. Even some parts of the forest could be dangerous, as the Pirans do not reside only on water. R&D has asked to collect water samples from the lake to see what attracted the Lepiran there, or what could've caused such a thing to happen. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Collect Water Sample from the Lake Side Objectives: • Eliminate Calamity Seeds if encountered Restrictions: • None Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • 10 RP • 3,000 Yoki Mission Conductor: Your_Boi [NORMAL] Fenrir Sighted! Mission Difficulty: D Synopsis: We have received a reports that the upper D-Class Calamity Seed called "Fenrir" has been sighted in the northern Ivalia Plains. It seems to be surrounded by a group of E-Class Garms. Total number is unidentified. To avoid attracting too much attention from potential nearby CS, a maximum of 8 applicants may apply. Mission will begin once all applicants have been gathered. Use caution and eliminate the group of CS before they reach the town. Failure will not be tolerated. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Defeat all CS before they reach the city Side Objectives: • Do not sustain more than 3 casualties. Restrictions: • A total of 8 applicants at a time are permitted. • In case an applicant dies, re-participation is not allowed. Special Notes: • None Mission Reward: • 20 RP • 6,000 Yoki Mission Conductor: Minarei [NORMAL] Kitten Capture Mission Difficulty: E Synopsis: Oh dear, my kittens have all seem to have run off again. It's almost dinnertime, but their senses of direction are terrible. I need them home so my babies don't starve! Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Find all five kittens. Side Objectives: • Get all the kittens back to the woman at the same time. Restrictions: • A total of 6 Applicants are permitted, any more and the kittens might get scared by the number of people. Special Notes: • Talk to the Kittens' owner, she may be able to help you locate them. Mission Reward: • 5 RP • 3,000 Yoki Mission Conductor: cupcakemann95 Completed Requests: Investigation: Murder of Zaaz Request Difficulty: Variable Synopsis: Investigate the murder of Zaaz. As there is little data regarding the case available at the HQ, you may use other sources of information. How you proceed is up to you as long as you bring results. Detailed Information: Request Objective: • Solve the murder regarding Zaaz and write a detailed report Side Objectives: • None Restrictions: • None Special Notes: • Access to police records regarding this case has been granted to all SOULs. Request Reward: • 10 RP • 5,000 Yoki [NORMAL] Cailean's Request Request Difficulty: E Synopsis: A young human boy named Cailean Frisk is tasked with gathering supplies for a trip he's supposed to undertake with his master. However, due to the chaos that ensued after calamity seeds were dropped into the city, and due to the ongoing war, the usual stores he visits are either closed or sold-out. Although he managed to gather some of the more basic items, he is still missing a few things. He currently has a list of the remaining items that he's meant to gather, and some places that might offer them. That said, he's too short on time (but mostly too tired) to go to those by himself. In a last ditch attempt to still get everything on his list, he decided to give up on his savings and made a request for Astraea to aid him. The location where you should deliver the items in the Shopping District wiill appear on your COMB once you join the request. Detailed Information: Mission Objective:
Side Objectives: • Bargain to buy items for a cheaper price and thereby increase the rewards. Restrictions: • None Special Notes: • Asterosian Wine is rumored to be sold in an exquisite wine shop in the noble district. It normally costs around 2000 Yoki a bottle. • Dried Red Vanibo Meat is only sold as a snack in shady bars and taverns. It normally costs only a few Yoki a piece, but buying two kilo's of it might require around 3000 Yoki. • Pickled Cauliflower is often sold at the Coliseum as some sort of super-food that, according to rumors, enhances one's strength. It normally costs about 200 Yoki for a jar, but it will probably be sold for much higher prices at the Coliseum. • Whetstones are sold out in the more common stores, but some people in the slums might have one, and would probably sell it for the right price. Normally they only cost 300 Yoki. • Sandals might still be sold at the beach, as most shops selling shoes alone are closed. A good quality pair of sandals can cost around 2200 Yoki. Mission Reward: • 2 RP Per Item • Remaining Yoki Per Item On Duty: Mission Conductor: Elvario Mission Overseer: Whomever is available. |
alatartheblue42Feb 24, 2019 11:15 PM
Nov 8, 2018 1:00 PM
Nov 8, 2018 1:05 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Ciela was mildly surprised when the first mission of the day seemed to originate from a fairly influential Unholy woman, although she didn't show it. It also seemed like this escort mission, unlike the one from yesterday, had a customer that might be valuable to Astraea. That's why she would quickly send it out to all COMBs. [NORMAL] Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild Mission Difficulty: D+ Synopsis: A fairly high profile figure, an Unholy businesswoman named Celestia Mayer von Rothschild, requires an escort to take her to a city further land-inwards for an important business deal. Sadly enough, she faces multiple threats from business rivals, vampire hunters, Unholy radicals whom deem her to be too progressive, and last but not least, the calamity seeds. No matter which route to the other city they will take, it is likely that she (and whomever ends up escorting her) will end up running into a few of these dangers. Detailed Information: Mission Objective: • Get Celestia safely to her destination. Side Objectives: • Make sure Celestia's maid, Asha Roux, also arrives unharmed. • Try not to damage Celestia's reputation, and if possible, show that she is capable of finding reputable and honest people to work with instead. Restrictions: • A maximum of 6 people is allowed to sign up for this mission. • Celestia is decent at fighting on her own, but doing so increases her 'thirst' (a vampire's need for blood). Forcing her her rely too much on her own powers most likely won't end up well. Special Notes: • Thanks to a combined effort from her business rivals and a fair share of outright racism, she was unable to arrange for any normal form of transport. As a result, she decided to simply go to her destination by foot. The same is expected of those whom will escort her, so be ready for some serious hiking. • Being as high profile as she is, Celestia needs to keep her status and reputation in mind at all times. The people she is traveling with will also affect her reputation, so they are encouraged to be on their best behavior. Any situation in which she publicly has to rely on her vampiric abilities will largely decrease her reputation. Having various races (especially a Divine) in her group, will instead be good for her reputation. • Although Celestia has studied the different routes they can take in order to reach the other city, she will leave it up to the SOULs to decide which route to take. She will merely provide them with what little information she has been able to gather, and leave it up to them to decide the final route. Mission Reward: • 25 RP • 7000 Yoki • An additional bonus (up to 20% of the total per Soul) might be given to some Souls based on Celestia's own discretion. On Duty: • Mission Conductor: Elvario Mission Overseer: alatartheblue42 It seemed like Celestia had a fair amount of requests, but they would have to come second to finding SOULs capable to deal with this kind of mission. For now, however, she would simply wait to see whom would show up, hoping for the best, or at least the 'better'. |
Nov 8, 2018 3:15 PM
Nov 8, 2018 10:14 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela As Ciela put up the new mission from Celestia, she heard the familiar clanking of a certain Automaton approaching. Suppressing the urge to sigh, she listened to Londo's speech, detecting the distinct sound of rattling screws in his voice. "A suitable Rank Up Mission will be prepared for you shortly; you shall be notified via COMB message when one has been chosen. Please remember that, should Sho choose for some reason to not apply for a Rank Up Mission today, you will be sent on a solo mission instead." With that said, Ciela added Londo's name to a registry of people for whom a Rank-Up Mission was required. Now, she merely had to wait for the verdicts of her higher ups on what to send him (and Sho, should Sho choose to apply) on. After that was done, there was a new notification on her computer to tend to. One of the recent transfers, Arona, had sent in an application to join Celestia's mission via one of the empty computers located in the hall. Silently grateful for not needing to waste time speaking directly, Ciela quickly took care of the application and sent a premade text response to the computer Arona was using. "Your application has been processed. Arona on duty for "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild" confirmed." With that done, Ciela returned to her other work until her next inevitable interrupted... |
Nov 9, 2018 5:01 PM
Lysett Blythe Health: 150/150 Prana: 200/200 Stamina: 100/100 Astral Gear: 0 STR: E VIT: E WIL: C RES: E SPD: E AGL: E PER: D REC: E Status Effects:
Lysett's wearing Charisma's hat Wearing a violet t-shirt and black shorts, alongside a pair of slippers. Lysett walked towards the Mission Hall, recalling her conversation with Sho along the way. They'd talked about a few topics for before calling it a day, mostly about her doubts about Eden and Senza's claims. There was no reason for her to believe them, but there weren't any immediate contradictions or things that seemed out of place either. In the end, all they could achieve with that possibly fake story were a few SOULs aligning with their goals and switching sides, but she doubted they'd aim for that. In the end, all she could do was admit that Senza's story could very well be true and keep her eyes open for any hint that might help them unveil the truth and maybe find another solution to the problem should it prove to be true. Lysett entered the Mission Hall and found Ciela inside as usual, talking with Londo. Approaching the counter, Lysett greeted both Londo and Ciela, smiling at her despite expecting the receptionist's usual cold treatment. "Good morning, Londo. Nice fight yesterday! Good morning, Ciela. I'd like to apply for the escort mission, please." Mission Application Applicant: Lysett Blythe Applicant RANK: D Mission: Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild Mission Difficulty: D+ |
Nov 9, 2018 6:05 PM
Nov 9, 2018 11:45 PM
Sho Kazehaya Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 150/150 Air Saber: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: B • AGL: B • PER: E • REC: B Current Status: +1 Strength Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive) Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength) Sho made his way to the mission hall, stopping by the dining hall offscreen on his way there to get something to eat quickly. Despite all the differences of being a SOUL, he still felt hunger, and it would be bad to be distracted by it in a mission. After that, he headed over to the mission hall, going inside to find a few people there already, including Lysett, Londo, Eukina, and that one lightning mage from earlier. Since Ciela didn't seem to like talking, he submitted his application for the rank up mission with the COMB to try to not bother her as much. Mission Application Applicant: Sho Kazehaya Applicant RANK: D Mission: C Rank Examination Mission Difficulty: C Then Sho walked near the receptionist's desk, which was also where Eukina and Lysett were waiting. He didn't think they were ranking up since they didn't mention it earlier, so that meant they were on the escort mission. "Lysett, you're going on the escort mission, right? Sorry, I wish I could help, but I'm supposed to go on the rank up mission..." It bugged him just how often this happened..but then, an idea came to him. "I know, how about you take this? Your mission seems really dangerous, so you might need it." He took off the revival bracelet and offered it to Lysett, hoping she would accept it. He felt kind of bad about not being able to join the mission, so this was to make up for that, and now that he had the strength bracelet it would make up for missing the revival bracelet anyways. |
Nov 10, 2018 12:12 AM
Edward Durand Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: C • VIT: B • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: D • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: +1 Vitality Skills Active: Knight Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality) Edward headed over to the mission hall and was relieved to find that not every spot for the mission was taken just yet. A total of five people were there, but since the mission allowed up to six to join he was just in time. So, he got in line and would fill out the application form once it was his turn. "I wish to apply for the mission 'Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild'." Mission Application Applicant: Edward Durand Applicant RANK: D Mission: Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild Mission Difficulty: D+ Then he moved away from the receptionist's desk to not bother her, turning to face the other applicants while greeting them. "Good morning." There was the spatial mage from the parliament mission, the speedy Elf boy he remembered from the city square battle, Arona, Eukina, and a red-haired Automaton. Overall, it seemed what their group lacked the most was a healer, which would be essential to keep themselves and the person they were escorting alive. |
Nov 10, 2018 4:47 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Naturally, Ciela didn't receive that much time in which to continue her work before the next SOUL applied. First up was the Elf girl whose portal magic had been so invaluable when rescuing the Prime Rib Minister. While Ciela was happy to meet Lysett's expectations, she was glad Lysett didn't meet hers; very little unnecessary conversation was added in the submission of her application. "Your application has been processed. Lysett Blythe on duty for "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild confirmed." Shortly after, Ciela received another notification of an application via COMB. This one was from Sho Kazehaya, the one Londo had mentioned going on a rank up mission with. True to Londo's expectation, the application was for a C Rank Examination. Ciela's fingers flew across her keyboard as she wrote and sent a reply to Sho's COMB almost immediately. "Your application has been processed. A suitable Rank Up Mission will be prepared for you shortly; you shall be notified via COMB message when one has been chosen." Finally, a bland brick another guy approached, this one being the one with the knight shield and barriers. He, too, wished to speak to Ciela directly, but at least he, too, kept his conversation to a minimum. "Your application has been processed. Edward Durand on duty for "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild confirmed." Then, Ciela returned her attention to her other tasks. |
Nov 10, 2018 7:41 PM
Lysett Blythe Health: 150/150 Prana: 200/200 Stamina: 100/100 Astral Gear: 0 STR: E VIT: E WIL: C RES: E SPD: E AGL: E PER: D REC: E Status Effects:
Lysett's wearing Charisma's hat Wearing a violet t-shirt and black shorts, alongside a pair of slippers. Ciela's reply had been less aggressive than usual this time, most likely due to Lysett's short sentence not leaving enough room for a colder response; even so, Lysett was glad for that small change. "Thanks, Ciela." Londo's reply was full of his usual narcissism, but it was still amusing in Lysett opinion. His weird wink got a laugh off Lysett as she went along with his 'joke'. "Alright then, I'll see if I can make it there after this mission's over!" The next one to enter the hall was Eukina, whom she greeted back with a wave of her own. She was considering joining the mission, and Lysett was quick to urge her to do just that. "Oh, are you joining too, Eukie? We could always use someone with your skills there! Besides, we didn't get in the last escort mission, so we just gotta do it this time, right?" Sho also reached the mission hall, although he didn't intend to join the escort mission; instead, Sho was about to depart on a rank up mission and once again leave Lysett behind. "Good morning, Sho. Don't worry about it: Eukie is gonna be there too, right? I'm sure things will be okay. Besides, it's not like you can steal all the cool escort missions all for yourself!" However, Sho's next sentence didn't sit well with her.... Lysett shook her head at his offer, lightly pushing his hand back. "No, I don't think that's fair, Sho. I'm sure your rank up mission will be far more difficult than escorting some noble around, so you should keep it. Besides, this was your share of the prize for that tournament, so it totally isn't fair for me to take it." The last one to enter was a vaguely familiar young man; Lysett was sure she'd seen him around before, but couldn't recall his name. Either way, she returned his greeting to the group standing near Ciela's desk. "Good morning!" |
Nov 10, 2018 7:56 PM
LondotheGreatNov 10, 2018 10:01 PM
Nov 10, 2018 8:01 PM
Nov 11, 2018 12:21 AM
Sho Kazehaya Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 150/150 Air Saber: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: B • AGL: B • PER: E • REC: B Current Status: +1 Strength Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive) Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength) Lysett didn't accept the bracelet, pushing it back when he tried to give it to her. He was confused as Lysett started saying how she thought it wasn't fair. She thought he'd probably have a harder mission than the escort mission, and that she shouldn't have what he got from the tournament earlier. He understood what she meant, but there was another thing bothering him. "I don't know, I don't really need it...And a lot of people have just been disappearing out of nowhere lately, so I don't want you to disappear too." Sho responded with a worried tone, bringing up what he hadn't mentioned until now but had been bothering him for a while. So many of the SOULs he'd met had just vanished without a trace, and he couldn't even remember an exact number of how was especially bad with the people he'd met in his first day as a SOUL, with Lysett being one of the few ones left from back then, other than that angel lady and Londo who was too crazy to call a friend. If Lysett didn't change her mind about refusing the gift, he'd put the bracelet back on his left wrist. Eukina had tried reassuring him that Lysett could handle herself."Thanks, just be careful out there." He'd just have to leave it up to them to handle that escort mission, since he couldn't join it himself. He already had a lot to worry about anyways with the rank up mission. Right after that, Londo tried to suddenly put an arm around him and then give some egocentric speech about their upcoming mission. "Eh?" Sho backed away this time to avoid it, being almost used to Londo not respecting personal space. "Could you not do that..?" It didn't look like Londo cared though since he kept on rambling about his own previous rank up mission, where he had to capture some guy named Vulcanus but had accidentally killed him- Sho went silent for a little while, shocked at how Londo had gone through the exact same thing as him. Then once he was back to normal, Londo had finally stopped talking, and he hadn't really heard the last of what he said. "Sorry, what was that last part?" If Londo asked him about how his own first rank up had gone, he'd think about it for a little bit before responding. His own rank up mission hadn't been fun to say the least, since he'd had to fight kidnappers in that one too, and only one of their victims had still been alive when they showed up...They'd had to kill one of them too while the other blew himself up, although Sho hadn't had to do it himself. "In that mission I teamed up with Alatar and Amber, and we had to fight some kidnappers...It was pretty tough, but we managed to save the kid they'd taken." He explained briefly what happened, not happy to look back on what had happened back then. Now he'd had to deal with kidnappers twice, and missions with potential hostage situations three times...He left out the part with all the other victims who were already dead by the time they got there along with the deaths of the guys who did it, not wanting to bother Londo or anyone else. |
Sho_the_MageNov 11, 2018 1:16 PM
Nov 11, 2018 1:52 PM
Lysett Blythe Health: 150/150 Prana: 200/200 Stamina: 100/100 Astral Gear: 0 STR: E VIT: E WIL: C RES: E SPD: E AGL: E PER: D REC: E Status Effects:
Lysett's wearing Charisma's hat Wearing a violet t-shirt and black shorts, alongside a pair of slippers. Sho's argument brought back something that had indeed been happening a lot. Even if there were many new SOULs coming to Yvalia every day, there were many of them suddenly going missing as well. Lysett could easily name a few of them off the top of her head, and those were bound to be only a portion of the ones that vanished. Even so, she couldn't bring herself to accept his gift and once again refused while trying to not hurt Sho. "See? Even Eukina thinks I'm a capable and grown up lady. I need no puny bracelet to keep myself alive out there, haha! No, but seriously, you should keep it for your mission. Thanks for worrying about me, Sho." She smiled at him, sincerely glad for his concern and blushing slightly. Amice's reply came in shortly afterwards, and she seemed confused as if that was her first break ever. It was sort of unsettling that it could very well be the case given how old she was, but Lysett set that aside for the moment being. @Elvario "I'd usually look to do fun things when on a break, especially with friends. What about hanging out with April? Grab a bite with the money you got from last mission, maybe? Or buy new clothes! Those are usually great ways to unwind and relax. There's nothing stopping you from training a bit if you feel like it, though. In the end, it's all about what you feel like doing! I'll probably depart soon, so I'll send you another message once I wrap things up there. Good luck on your day off!" The first healer that came to mind was a perfect fit for the mission, but there was one single problem... "It says here that having a Divine in the party could help Celestia's reputation, and I happen to know one Divine healer, but her relationship with Unholy is a bit troubled..." She recalled Lucia's last encounter with an Unholy and how ugly things got, and started to go over other options. A mention to pixies caught Lysett's attention, and Lysett noticed the dragon lady Amice had mentioned later. She replied after making a mental note to ask about the whole kamikaze thing later. "Yeah, that's Amice. I invited her earlier today, but she just sent me a message saying that she doesn't feel like joining this one... I guess I'll send Lucia a message after all; simply asking shouldn't hurt, right?" "Good morning, Lucia. How have you been doing? I'm sorry for all that went on back there, really... I didn't expect neither of you to react the way you did. Sorry! In any case, do you think you could meet me up in the dorm lobby right now?" "I'll go check if Lucia wants to team up with us, then I'll be back! Send me a message if anything comes up." After that, Lysett left the area and went back to the dorm building. |
HeiJNov 11, 2018 1:59 PM
Nov 11, 2018 2:16 PM
Edward Durand Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: C • VIT: B • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: D • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: +1 Vitality Skills Active: Knight Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality) The teleporter elf girl responded to his greeting while the others kept talking. The red-haired automaton was talking to the elf boy about an upcoming rank up mission, which meant they were going on that instead of the escort mission. Eukina had the same thought as Edward and said how they needed a healer, and also a close-range fighter. He could also fight up close, but him alone wouldn't be enough for a team of six. Even two close range fighters didn't seem that good with a team of six, and right now he was the only one. The others continued the conversation without him for now, bringing up the two candidates they thought of for their team's healer. One was Amice, a girl who could summon pixies which could heal, and the other was Lucia, the Divine he'd met on his first mission. Lysett went off to try to recruit her, but it seemed very unrealistic to expect a Divine to help a vampire... Everyone else here already had met him before, so he didn't need to introduce himself again. Instead, he brought up the obvious issue with Lysett's plan after she left to go find Lucia. "I doubt a Divine would be willing to help escort a vampire, so we should think of a backup plan in case she refuses to join. Are there any other healers who could join our group besides Amice and Lucia?" He didn't know what everyone was capable of, so he asked in case the others knew about anyone else who had healing powers. They also needed another who could fight up close besides him, but overall people who could do that were more common than healers, so it wouldn't be an issue finding someone for that. |
Nov 11, 2018 2:35 PM
Nov 11, 2018 9:06 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Evidently, Eukina had finally decided to apply for the mission that was available. Though she did so wordless, thankfully, she still submitted a paper application, which meant that Ciela had to reply verbally. "Your application has been processed. Eukina Watashi on duty for "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild confirmed." With Eukina, there were now four of the six people that were allowed to join the mission. So far, though, there were only two races included, the four of them being made up of two Humans and two Elves. Ciela couldn't help but wonder whether they would be able to get enough diversity to satisfy Celestia's desires. Then again, it was only a request; diversity wouldn't matter if Celestia didn't make it safely to her destination. |
Nov 11, 2018 11:03 PM
Sho Kazehaya Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 150/150 Air Saber: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: B • AGL: B • PER: E • REC: B Current Status: +1 Strength Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive) Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength) Lysett reassured him about the mission and said she'd be fine even without the revival bracelet, and thanked him for worrying about her. "Ah, it's nothing really...I'd better get ready for my own mission. Good luck out there!" He wished Lysett good luck and then left the area, heading away from the mission hall to get ready for his rank up mission. Based on the last time, he'd have at least half an hour to get ready, which was enough to train a little without tiring himself out. He'd need any advantage he could get if it ended up as tough as the last rank up. |
Nov 12, 2018 1:48 AM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Ciela returned to her work after confirming Eukina's application, ignoring the conversation they were having. But before long, another mission showed up already, this time from a mining company that had a CS infestation to deal with. What was unusual however was that they suspected foul play from another company having gone as far as releasing CS to damage their competitor...There was no confirmation of this, but it was definitely something the applicants would need to investigate while eradicating the CS present. They also needed to protect the miner there at the same time, so hopefully this team would be at least somewhat competent. So, Ciela sent out the notification to all available SOULs, waiting to see who would arrive this time. |
Nov 12, 2018 3:49 AM
Alexander Reinhardt (Armor unsummoned) It hadn't taken long for him to figure out Lysett was probably trying to recruit that Divine for this mission, based on the mission's details. But it wasn't anything for him to be concerned about right now, so he just focused on his main goal, properly planning out this escort. Along the way, he had started thinking over a strategy, and the roles of the members. They were in an unfortunate situation, as apparently, Astraea could not spare them some Vanibos. But nonetheless, she had already bought and paid for this vehicle-less and mount-less service, so they had no choice but to adapt to the situation. Alex thought back again to the roles of the members, starting with his own. He and Edward would be best suited for direct defense of the escort and her maid. He would still be capable of launching ranged attacks at any attackers as he body-blocked for one or the other. Of course, they would preferably not ever have to fight with her being in a vulnerable, attackable position in the first place, but they had to be ready for this scenario. He remembered Arona, because of her speech to Senza, but not her powers precisely. He remembered Eukina's name vaguely and eventually her face after thinking a bit. Regardless, he knew Lysett's abilties. But it would not be so easy to plan out an escape to rapidly hide their escorts this time without foreknowledge. He would need to have information on what their potential routes were. Having thought about it for a bit, Alex arrived at the mission hall and saw who was there. Edward, Eukina, and Arona were there. Meanwhile, he filled out the mission form on his COMB and sent it to Ciela. Mission Application Applicant: Alexander Reinhardt Applicant RANK: D Mission: Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild Mission Difficulty: D+ With that out of the way, he moved to talk to the rest of the group. All of them had been on the parliament mission, but he didn't really know the abilities of two of them. "Good morning, everyone. My abilities are based primarily on defense, and repairing my armor and sword. I'll likely be focusing on guarding our escorts directly. What abilities do you all have?" He didn't actually know edward's abilities fully, just that he had seen him use a defensive shield to bodyblock against the masked man. The reason he didn't remember Eukina and Arona's powers was because he'd only seen arrows and lightning as distant projectiles aimed at the masked man and not actually seen the senders directly while he was focused on the masked man. And he did not instantly remember everyone based on all the people that had introduced their powers at that time. |
Nov 12, 2018 4:39 AM
Valencia Ortiz Health: 150/150 Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 150/150 Peleg - Astral Gear: Not Summoned Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: E Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive) It was pretty busy in the mission hall, which seemed to be normal in the mornings. Valencia recognized the red-haired automaton, the dragon-attired elf with the lesser plot, the blue-haired archer, Edward, and a stern looking man whom she couldn't quite recall. She wasn't sure which mission they were all here for, and she wasn't eager to go around and ask about it. She also recalled the automaton behind the desk, Ciela, to prefer keeping any social interaction to a bare minimum, so Valencia figured she'd try to sign up through her COMB. After all, she had gained some experience in using the device. Mission Application Applicant: Valencia Ortiz Applicant RANK: D Mission: Help clear out the mines! Mission Difficulty: D+ |
Nov 12, 2018 8:39 AM
Nov 12, 2018 3:37 PM
Edward Durand Prana: 150/150 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: C • VIT: B • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: D • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: +1 Vitality Skills Active: Knight Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality) No one could think of any healers besides Lucia and Amice, leaving them little choice but to either hope Lysett could persuade a Divine to help Unholy, or find some way to get by without a healer. Some new people also showed up, including Alexander, the armor knight from the parliament battle, and Valencia. Alexander said his power was to repair his equipment and asked them all to explain what they could do. Valencia didn't say anything for now while Eukina and Arona reminded Edward of what he already knew: Eukina was an archer with various magic arrows while Arona was a typical lightning mage who attacked from afar. Eukina spoke more about their possible strategy, which had Edward and Alexander on defense while Arona and Eukina attacked from farther back, with Lysett and Lucia (if she could be persuaded somehow) supporting them with spatial and healing magic respectively. Now that everyone else in their group spoke up, it was Edward's turn. He knew they might not all remember what he could do, so he explained his powers again since Alexander had asked. "My name is Edward Durand, and my power is to create barriers. Like Eukina said, I can defend the front lines for our group." It seemed like Eukina had mostly the same idea as him, since he would go with a similar strategy of having the most defensive at the front, with ranged attackers behind them, and the most vulnerable supports and the person they were escorting in the safest possible area of the group. Lysett still hadn't returned, so he wondered just how that attempt to recruit Lucia was going...probably not very well knowing how much Divines and Unholy hated each other generally. Even so, they could use any chance to have a healer since it would be a lot more difficult without one unless they could afford enough potions to make up for it. |
Nov 12, 2018 4:07 PM
'Berto' - The Savant Prana: 80/80 Stamina: 100/100 Astral Gear: Summoned • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E Current Status: Normal Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Overdrive (Passive/Inactive), Tactical Monitoring (Passive/Active), Loop-Cast (Passive/Inacitve), Absolute Defense Territory (Passive) Savant would note that the hall was full of D ranks as he arrived. He did not mind the people and instead walked to a computer, opened it up and started using it. Studying the local politics and history. Things that regular people would just find boring. He considered that being an E rank, he would not necessarily try out a D+ Rank mission again. Despite of the last time being a success. He really tried his best to not be noticed by the people who were doing introductions, and kept on being standby, waiting for a suitable mission to be posted up. |
Nov 12, 2018 5:25 PM
Alexander Reinhardt (Armor unsummoned) The red haired girl with the dragon tail was sticking her tongue out at him. Apparently, she didn't remember his name, even though she remembered hers. Before Eukina would go on to respond he would respond to Arona. Being a pretty calm person, he was difficult to phase, even if he was slightly irked by this."... I thought you also remembered my name from the parliament mission, Arona. I'm Alexander Reinhardt."Hopefully she would get the context, that he had recognized all of them and thus saw no need to ask their names. Eukina was being pretty rude too. Rolling her eyes, really? These youngsters nowadays. But her plan wasn't horrible, so he'd just focus on responding to the plan. "That defensive formation could work. But if we find ourselves in a terrain filled with dense cover, like a forest, Lysett should be a few hundred meters from the rest of us, in a covered position where she won't be detected at the same time as us. There she'll be ready to set up her portal to a location the enemy won't be able to see, if possible. This way, if the enemy group is far too powerful to fight directly, she can secretly evacuate the VIPs by approaching us in a covert way before launching her portal. While if the enemies are not too powerful for us to face, it will still be fine, as she can just join in the battle quite quickly either way, and our defensive forces around our escorts will still be mostly just as strong for the moment of any ambush. Meanwhile, if we encounter any clear high ground like trees in a forest, or hills, Eukina, your eyesight should make it possible for us to see any CS or others approaching from the horizon far before we normally could, and make better preparations that way." Of course, the same went the other way around, the CS would be able to see her earlier, but as far as they knew that was just 1 enemy, and many of them were not that smart. Only the wolf-type CS would be able to easily detect them if they found a good hiding spot for the VIPs, so scouting was pretty vital. No matter how strong their enemies were, it didn't matter if they lacked the knowledge of where they were to attack them. Naturally it would be a lot better if they were strong enough to fight the enemies head on, but preparing for a hidden escape seemed reasonable either way. The unfortunate bit was they simply did not have any Vanibos to run away with effectively, even if they could temporarily hide the VIPs against a stronger enemy force. That made direct combat the most likely scenario, but they'd just have to deal with it. Hiding them still had value even if the enemies had to be defeated in direct combat by the main force, as it still meant they weren't in the line of fire. They just had to be careful they didn't accidentally expose the VIPs to attack by separating them from allied protection in some way. It would be ideal if they had a Half-Elf Archer, but unfortunately they could not use the keen eyes of half-elves to determine enemy power levels far before combat by viewing them in a far distant horizon from high ground. It probably wasn't going to matter though, this was not an urban mission, they did not have much cover to take advantage of for any possible escapes, and no mounts either. So it was decently likely they could not fully evade combat altogether. |
CanaasNov 12, 2018 6:13 PM
Nov 12, 2018 8:52 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Soon after Ciela released the message about the mine mission, another SOUL entered the room and filled an application on his COMB. Rather than being here for the mine mission, though, he too wanted to join the escort mission. A third human joining the mission left only one more spot for the group to try for diversity, but it was highly debatable whether three of eight races would be sufficient for Celestia's special request. Ciela chose to be optimistic and assume they'd be able to make her happy by finding a willing Divine, unlikely as it might be, as she sent out the confirmation message. "Your application has been processed. Alexander Reinhardt on duty for "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild" confirmed." Then, another COMB application arrived on her computer; this one from Valencia applying for the mine mission. Ciela couldn't help but wonder why Valencia chose to not sign up for the Escort mission, but it wasn't up to Ciela to decide who went where for missions such as these. A flurry of metal fingers on the keyboard led to the sending of a message similar to the one Alexander received to Valencia. "Your application has been processed. Valencia Ortiz on duty for "Help Clear out the Mines!" confirmed." |
Nov 12, 2018 10:00 PM
Nov 12, 2018 11:11 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Another mission was available for Ciela's approval. This one was an eyebrow-raiser, although Ciela had neither an eyebrow muscle nor the emotional aptitude to raise it. CS coming through portals was certainly a new one, though. It was in a rural area, but it looked like only CS had shown up through the portals. A hunter was the one to submit the request and wanted to accompany the SOULs he had hired in hunting the CS. Well, no matter how stupid the client, if there was a request to kill CS, Astraean SOULs would respond. Ciela sent the message out to all SOULs available. |
Nov 13, 2018 1:13 AM
The Harbinger Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: None Skills Active: Undying (Passive) Current Equipment: None The Harbinger swung open the door to the Mission Hall and stepped inside. He was immediately caught off-guard by the room's interior. It looked so different from what he was used to. From the white-grey colour palette, to the high tech computers, to the strange architecture - everything was entirely foreign to him. It was all very off-putting. Not to mention the various assortment of people inside. He had been right in guessing this place would be populated, he quickly scanned the room and counted 7 of them. Most of them were quite normal looking but a couple caught his attention, one was the girl who appeared to be trying to emulate the appearance of a dragon and the other was a pretty woman with ears and a tail. He also saw an elf with light blue hair wearing a white cloak and tunic, who he had failed to see the first time around. That made 8 in the room, 9 if The Harbinger included himself. At the desk, on what looked to be a stage, stood a strange looking woman with a helmet of some kind on her head. She looked to be like someone who was in charge, or at least a staff member of some kind. The blue haired elf was at the desk, presumably in conversation with the helmet-wearing woman. Four of the SOULs stood together talking, another one was at a computer by himself, and the woman with the ears was interacting with her COMB. The Harbinger guessed that she was a "beastkind", one of the races that he had briefly read about. He made his way over to the beastkind woman, his gait relaxed and smooth. He kept his hood up covering most of his features, the half-mask he wore also helping to maintain his anonymity. His bluish-pale skin was barely visible under the shadow of his hood, his blue eye shined brightly, and his grey hair flowed out onto his chest. He made it to the woman and cleared his throat to get her attention. When/If she noticed him, he would begin to speak in a harsh whisper that was only just audible. "I have questions that you will answer," was all he said. The statement could have been interpreted as rude, but The Harbinger was used to getting his way and never really asked for things - instead, he expected them. He put his hands behind his back as he waited for an answer, gloves covered his hands, his clothes keeping most of his skin unseen. |
Nov 13, 2018 2:25 AM
Valencia Ortiz Health: 150/150 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 Peleg - Astral Gear: Summoned 50/50 Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: E Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive) Valencia just silently stood in a corner being all edgy and stuff, listening to the others and wondering whom else would end up signing up for the mission in the mines. She didn't like the idea of Amice being forced into another mission, let alone another escort mission, after what she knew the halfling girl must've gone through yesterday. That said, she didn't dare to ask her to join the mines mission either, as Valencia still felt guilty about dying. After all, if she hadn't died, maybe the mission would've been less dramatic for the halfling girl. That said, if Amice did end up joining the mission in the mines, maybe Valencia could try to redeem herself..? The thought stuck. However, she was approached by one of the ugliest creatures she had even had to witness. The half-mask wasn't enough, as it didn't cover the other grotesque part of his face, clearly showing his Unholy nature. After what she had gone through thanks to the Unholy during her life, and with how the two Unholy she had met in her afterlife being barely an improvement, she truly wasn't eager to deal with another one of them. Making things worse was that he had gone straight to her and demanded her to answer a question. Her sole reaction was summoning her weapon to start leaning a bit on it. She didn't even want to look at the gross figure in front of her more than needed. |
Nov 13, 2018 3:16 AM
The Harbinger Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: None Skills Active: Undying (Passive) Current Equipment: None The woman summoned a lance and leant on it, she only glanced at him, not even looking at him now. Annoyance flared but he didn't show it, keeping his expression stoic. This woman clearly didn't relish the opportunity to talk to The Harbinger, he wasn't the most pleasing to look at and he certainly didn't approach her in a friendly way. However, he wanted answers, he would persist. He briefly contemplated summoning his mother's wand and blasting the woman in the face with a spell but thought better of it. He did not know how much power he had lost in being reborn, nor did he know how strong these people here were. Attacking her for her insolence would be foolish. He thought it would perhaps be better to try a more... tactful approach. He knew people didn't trust those who hid their identities so he supposed a good start was to lower his hood. Slowly, so as not to alarm the beastkind, he moved his hands upwards and pulled the hood back from his face. His features were now visible in the light and illuminated the ugliness of his face. His skin was a bluish-purple colour and the veins were dark red, crisscrossing his face like scars just beneath the skin. His eye was bright blue, shining unnaturally and giving him a surreal look. The half-mask he left untouched, what lay beneath was worse than the already menacing look that the mask gave him. The eye beneath the mask seemed to glow red through the eyehole. The mask covered most of one side of his face but the ear was visible, protruding through his long grey hair. It was rotten and black, almost as if it belonged to a corpse. It hinted at the possibility of what could lie behind the mask. He outstretched his right hand to be shaken, bowing his head slightly - his one visible eye remained locked in an intense stare on the woman. "Forgive me, I have only just been reborn. My manners are not exactly on par with what is customary. My name is The Ha- Lorenzo... I have some questions regarding Astraea and SOULs. I was hoping you could help me," he said, in the same harsh whisper he had used before. Unfortunately, that was his voice and no matter how he tried, he couldn't make it sound hospitable. It pained him to speak so politely, but for now, there was no other option. |
Nov 13, 2018 7:44 AM
Valencia Ortiz Health: 150/150 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 Peleg - Astral Gear: Summoned 50/50 Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: E Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive) Sadly enough, the creature in front of her forced more of its ugliness to be on display by removing its hood. It even went so far as to stretch out a hand to be shaken, but no matter how much Valencia wished to stay calm and collected, that wasn't going to happen. She didn't want to touch this creature with anything other than her weapon. That said, it seemed to barely manage an act of courtesy, so she figured the least she could do was stay calm enough to brush him off. “You should be able to find most answers through the device on your wrist. If not, the blue automaton behind the desk over there is in charge here, she'll have the answers, provided she'll want to give them.” Considering his entire introduction, and even his name, felt about as forced and fake as it could get, she didn't bother giving him her name either. She just hoped he'd move on, and out of her sight. |
Nov 13, 2018 10:05 AM
Nov 13, 2018 1:08 PM
Carolus Rex Health: 100/100 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100 Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10 Status Effects: None Soldiers: 8 Health: 1 Prana: 5 Stamina: 5 Summon Weapon: Carolean Musket, Active 1/1 Attributes:
Carolus strode into the area purposefully, the men who he had summoned back from death walking in formation in a way that clearly demonstrated hours of practise in marching formations. The uniforms, guns, and unanimous movement of the train of men eliminated any doubts of what they were. A well trained force of troops from some military or another. Carolus leading the column would likely lead other to the conclusion that he was at the head of this army as well. Similar to the way they had done before in the sparring hall, the squad of eight men moved off to the side of the hall and stood at attention in formation. They awaited instruction from Carolus with absolute obedience, and not even their eyes swerved around to look at those in the hall, instead just looking straight ahead. Carolus gave the men a simple wave, and the man on the front row in the left most position spoke a sharp command in his hoarse, raspy voice. "Avslappnad!" All men in the formation went to ease, letting their muskets down from the shoulder position and resting it in front of them, taking up a more comfortable standing position. A few removed the tricorne hats that they so commonly wore and held them at their sides. Carolus glanced down briefly at his bracelet, looking at a notification for a new mission posting. Unfortunately, there was a small message that notified him that he was barred from joining this mission, though it didn't provide the basis as to why he was not allowed to do so. For now, he'd wait and see if any good E rank missions would appear, and additionally began browsing information on the missions posted. |
Nov 13, 2018 1:52 PM
Aoyama Hana Health: 100 Prana: 100 Stamina: 100 Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned. Attributes: •STR: E •VIT: E •WIL: E •RES: E •SPE: C •AGI: C •PER: C •REC: E Resist: Dark | Weak: Light Current Status: None. "A fair young woman of toned build, alabaster white skin and shining silver irises, defined features and sharp glare, Hana is a glance at the beauty of the past. Her long lustrous black hair is usually secured in a tight bun, commonly adorned with flowers or other such trinkets. Hana usually dons her traditional clothing: an over sized uwagi that is red on the inside, but is colored a deep blue on the outside, she also wears an umamori hakama that is colored red and that sports a fish pattern. Her clothing is noticeably woven of fine material, giving a hint of her origins for those of sharp eyes. And though she will in casual situations let her feet bare, Hana would don in other occasions low geta sandals, as well as red tabi." The first thing that Hana would notice once she entered the Mission Hall was just how extremely antiquated her choice of clothing was. Not that she was to blame, it was, after all, her cultural attire, an attire commonly used at her time, a time that was long gone for at least some centuries, that train of thought did not help. Hana would raise her head to take some quick glances at those who currently stood at the mission hall, only paying attention to some of those present at the moment. A woman with animal ears who leaned against her lance, and a man close to her, his visage half-covered by a mask, an ominous figure for sure. A man who seemed to be the leader of his own retinue of soldiers, he emanated a taciturn and noble aura, one of times ancient and foggy, she also took a quick look at others at the hall, young ones who seemed to be around her age, Hana instantly felt more comfortable, but not enough to break her shell. "Oh please Aoyama Hana, take a hold of yourself and be more! Be better!" The girl inhaled deeply, and raised her head... Some few degrees upwards, an improvement nonetheless. As evidenced by the COMB and everything else that now surrounded her, technology progressed tremendously since her time, it was all too fascinating, even spawning a new species as she had read from the Encyclopedia. It took her mind to a brainstorm, imagining the capabilities of the now novelty of technology (A novelty to her antique mind). She was snapped from her tiny little world when she recalled what she came to do. "Be active!" She would look at what seemed to be the head of this area, a woman donning a metallic crown, she would also notice that the balcony where she stood was filled with people, enough to keep her away from that place. Hana would bring herself to the less populated area of the Hall, leaning against the wall as she fidgeted through the COMB, her expression focused and stern. "There must be a way for me to accept these quests remotely!" And with some considerable delay, she would finally crack the technological disparity barrier! Filling the form and submitting it. Mission Application Applicant: Aoyama Hana Applicant RANK: E Mission: "Clear the River!" Mission Difficulty: E+ Hana was satisfied with herself, she managed to successfully interact with technology and it was a fulfilling experience, the girl smiled and her posture relaxed, conjoining her hands and letting them rest on her chest. She would await for any orders emitted by Astraea, and would not interact with anyone unless approached. |
Nov 13, 2018 2:47 PM
Nov 13, 2018 3:51 PM
Lucia Flores Prana: 200/200 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: C • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Status: Normal Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive) Current Equipment: None Lysett asked her to give her a chance to prove her wrong, saying it would be nice to make friends with a former enemy..."You may be asking a little too much there...and please don't ask me to heal her, light magic is not healthy for vampires." She hoped Lysett wouldn't expect her to be friends with a vampire, when she'd basically seen vampires as an enemy her entire life. Even joining this mission was already difficult enough. After Lysett went to drop off her hat and returned, Lucia walked with her to the mission hall, wondering why she was so attached to the hat. Once she was there, she walked into the mission hall and headed to Ciela's desk to fill out the form and apply for the mission once it was her turn in line. Mission Application Applicant: Lucia Flores Applicant RANK: D Mission: Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild Mission Difficulty: D+ "Since Lysett asked for my help, I am here to apply for the escort mission." It was clear she wasn't exactly eager to join, but she still felt a debt to Lysett from the incident a week ago, and this was how she would make up for it. After filling out the form, she moved away from the desk to not bother Ciela and found somewhere to sit down. Lucia didn't have much to say for now, since she was still wondering if she'd made the right choice in signing up. She also did her best to look away from the very repulsive zombie-looking thing, since it was almost painful to make eye contact. It helped that there was someone else in the room with a more handsome face (Alatar), but she tried not to stare... |
Nov 13, 2018 4:21 PM
Lysett Blythe Health: 150/150 Prana: 200/200 Stamina: 100/100 Astral Gear: 0 STR: E VIT: E WIL: C RES: E SPD: E AGL: E PER: D REC: E Status Effects:
Lysett's wearing Charisma's hat Wearing a violet t-shirt and black shorts, alongside a pair of slippers. Another one of Amice's messages reached Lysett shortly after she left the lobby, reminding her that the girl was from the past and that she should speak more clearly as to not leave her even more confused. @Elvario "It means getting something to eat, Amice. You could go out and try to find something suuuper tasty to eat, and maybe invite someone as well! As for clothes, there's never enough clothes for a girl... Wait, no, I don't mean it literally! Like, there are, but you can always find some new cute clothes to wear, right? Sometimes I just feel like wearing something different, and it's nice to be able to do so. Why don't you try making a list of things you want to do, and then put them in order of what you want really, really feel like doing to what you want to do the least? Ah, I forgot to mention! I'll be borrowing Lucia to help us on the mission, so she won't be there for a while. Sorry for that! I'll be going for now, so good luck with that!" Reading the message before hitting the send button made her realize that she'd been slowly picking up on Amice's habits of writing her thoughts on her messages... She sighed, making yet another mental note to keep that in check before it got out of control. After a short walk to the Mission Hall, Lysett noticed it'd become even more crowded than before. Not only did the amount of people inside grow substantially but two new missions showed up while she was gone, which seemed to explain the former fact. Once again Lysett could notice various new faces around, including the old man who led a small army, an extremely beautiful and elegant lady and a man whose face showed clear signs of exposed flesh. Despite being the most unusual one around, the last one couldn't compete with the lady's sheer beauty, or at least it worked like that for Lysett. She poked Lucia before whispering to her. "That lady is soooo pretty! I wonder where she came from... Have you seen her before, Lucia? People like you two... you're so unfair, you know?" After waiting for Lucia to sign up, Lysett looked around for the mission's squad and went towards them, seemingly triumphant. "I'm back! Lucia agreed to join, but on one condition: she said she won't be helping if Celestia turns out to be a bloodlust obsessed vampire. Assuming everyone is alright with that, we've got out healer right here." |
Nov 13, 2018 4:47 PM
LondotheGreatNov 13, 2018 6:44 PM
Nov 13, 2018 5:36 PM
The Harbinger Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: None Skills Active: Undying (Passive) Current Equipment: None The beastkind opted not to shake his hand, The Harbinger stifled his impulse to shove his fingers into her eye sockets and simply put his hands back behind his back instead. She told him that he would get answers from his bracelet and from the automaton behind the desk. He glanced over at the automaton when she was mentioned, so that's what that particular species looked like. Strange, he had never encountered such a creature before. This world's technology was still foreign to him, and the existence of a robotic entity even more so. The Harbinger turned his attention back to the beastkind but as he did more people began to enter the Mission Hall, he turned his attention briefly as they flooded in. He noticed he was getting a lot of stares, a smaller girl with grey hair lingered a little longer than The Harbinger liked. He made note of the girl and kept his predatory gaze on her for a few more seconds before turning back to the beastkind. The stares he got convinced him to put his hood back up, shadowing his grotesque features once more. He didn't look forward to the reaction these people would have if they saw him in combat, half-mask removed and all. He was used to people staring at him, but it didn't mean he enjoyed the attention. He would much prefer to be in the shadows, watching from the sideline with anonymity intact. He knew this beastkind would not be any help to him, clearly, her prejudice against him was already strong. "Tha-" he started to say 'thank you', but decided against it and simply walked away without another word. He noticed a newcomer with red hair who seemed to be looking at The Harbinger and the beastkind, the boy looked ready to draw his sword. The Harbinger paused mid-step and locked his gaze on him, his hand twitched, ready to summon his wand. However, his self-control - which wasn't very good - stepped in and he managed to continue on his way. He made note of the red-haired boy as he did the grey-haired girl. Potential enemies were people he kept a close eye on. He glanced around, looking for someone who would be of more help than the beastkind. Amongst the newcomers was a man who led a squadron of soldiers, well-trained ones at that. The Harbinger had led a similar force in his previous life, he knew from experience that military men were not easy to intimidate or get answers from. That one would be of no use to The Harbinger. A blonde-haired angel and her friend had also arrived, they went straight to the group of SOULs, however, and The Harbinger had no intentions of approaching those people. That left... the small grey-haired girl and a pretty woman in strange attire. Either one looked like they could give him answers, judging by the prolonged look that the grey-haired girl had given him and the beastkind, he guessed the two were acquainted. He supposed that approaching the girl could incite even more tension between him and the beastkind, that would not be wise. Yet. That left the pretty one. He turned to her and walked over. He noticed her relaxed demeanour, the way her hands conjoined on her chest, and the smile on her face. This one was kind, perhaps she would be more helpful than the beastkind. He stopped in front of the woman, not too close so he didn't encroach on her personal space. He would have to be civil here, it was the only way to get what he wanted. "Sorry to disturb, I was wondering if you could answer some questions that I have," he said in a harsh whisper. |
WymsicalNov 13, 2018 5:42 PM
Nov 13, 2018 6:53 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela With the addition of the mission to the river, there were now three missions available for SOULs to take. Naturally, that meant that even more SOULs continued to pour into the Mission Hall, filling it far higher than its usual population. And, with more SOULs, there were more applications to approve. Ciela would take the applications as they came in, assigning the SOULs to their respective missions and sorting the names by mission so that she could announce their completion once she had a batch to do. Fortunately, three of the five who applied were all physical applications and for the mine mission, while the one for the river mission was a COMB application and thus even easier to process. Ciela gave her usual brief reply to those joining the mine mission, sending off an almost identical message to Hana as she spoke. "Your applications have been processed. Alatar Irving, Ryan Zokkendov, and Miyu Ogawa on duty for "Help Clear out the Mines!" confirmed" "Your application has been processed. Aoyama Hana on duty for "Clear the River!" confirmed." Finally, there was the final applicant for the escort mission. To Ciela's surprise (not that she showed any physical indication), Lysett had managed to recruit Lucia to join. Lucia added the caveat that she was here at Lysett's behest, but in the end that was irrelevant to Ciela. All that mattered was the eventual success of the mission, so if Lucia was willing to help there was no reason to question the decision any further. Ciela processed the application, reviewing the details she had been provided about the mission so that she could instruct the SOULs as to their next move. As she skimmed, something in the instructions caught her eye. It wasn't major, just something that felt a little off in the assignment. But, her superiors had approved the mission, so it wasn't her place to question. Ciela nodded to herself before turning from her computer to face the SOULs gathered. "Your application has been processed. Lucia Flores on duty for "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild" confirmed. Attention, all applicants for the mission "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild"! You are to meet Celestia Mayer von Rothschild at the Eastern Outpost; please make your way there after this. As noted in the mission description, everyone involved will be proceeding to Valindral on foot. Celestia has researched three possible routes to be chosen from, but is leaving the decision as to which up to you all. While Celestia may have included a variety of requests about things she would prefer to happen, be sure to remember that the mission objective is only to get her to Valindral safely. Mission failure because you were attempting to protect her maid, because you were concerned about her reputation, and so forth is unacceptable. That is all." After that brief speech, Ciela sat down again, hoping she would have sufficient time to finish another task before any more applications or missions were submitted, only to be interrupted by a beeping message on her console. The lower ranks were getting their fair share of missions today. Not that it mattered to Ciela, as long as the missions were completed successfully. The next one was a unique one, only asking for a single SOUL. It looked like Trinity Inc. needed some help from an outside source to deal with internal matters. Based on the restrictions of the mission, Ciela would only allow specific people to apply for the mission. People with no sense of volume or secrecy (Somehow, Ciela managed not to think about at a certain redhead) wouldn't be able to join. Ciela sent the message out to all SOULs available. |
TubaNov 13, 2018 7:16 PM
Nov 13, 2018 7:14 PM
alatartheblue42Nov 13, 2018 8:19 PM
Nov 13, 2018 7:58 PM
Aoyama Hana Health: 100 Prana: 100 Stamina: 100 Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned. Attributes: •STR: E •VIT: E •WIL: E •RES: E •SPE: C •AGI: C •PER: C •REC: E Resist: Dark | Weak: Light Current Status: None. "A fair young woman of toned build, alabaster white skin and shining silver irises, defined features and sharp glare, Hana is a glance at the beauty of the past. Her long lustrous black hair is usually secured in a tight bun, commonly adorned with flowers or other such trinkets. Hana usually dons her traditional clothing: an over sized uwagi that is red on the inside, but is colored a deep blue on the outside, she also wears an umamori hakama that is colored red and that sports a fish pattern. Her clothing is noticeably woven of fine material, giving a hint of her origins for those of sharp eyes. And though she will in casual situations let her feet bare, Hana would don in other occasions low geta sandals, as well as red tabi." "I wonder how the mission will play out. I hope I will not be a disgrace to our group..." Hana's thoughts wandered through the empty plains of her mind, constantly shifting and changing. Memories of yore came to surface, and the image of the cloudy mountains of Aoyama flashed through her eyes, bittersweet memories those were. Hana was snapped out of her dream world when the notification that her application had been processed came, she was now 'On Duty', that made her heart skip a beat in excitement. "This is making me anxious, weirdly enough. New things make me anxious, I should take note of that." Once again her thoughts would drift away, her eyes wandering through the room, focused on nothing in particular. She seemed not to pay attention to her surroundings, and as such, the ones that recently came to the Mission Hall passed by unnoticed. This state of daydreaming would come with an abrupt end once the stern whispers of the ominous hooded man took Hana's mind back to reality. Her silver eyes now directed to the visage partially hidden by the mask and hood. Firstly, he stood at a distance the girl considered comfortable enough to not deem invasive, then he would apologize for his interruption, educated enough it seemed. He would then inquire if Hana could answer some questions he had, the man had unfortunately chosen the least qualified person to do that. "I shall try my best to answer these questions of yours. Please, do continue." The girl did not seem phased, if anything, her expression told the observer she most likely had the genuine intent to help, if that would be called kindness or naiveté was up to the beholder to decide. |
Nov 13, 2018 9:17 PM
The Harbinger Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100 AG: Not Summoned • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E Current Status: None Skills Active: Undying (Passive) Current Equipment: None The pretty woman appeared to have a far-away look in her eyes as The Harbinger approached, he saw this as a weakness. He was always perspicacious and thought little of those who were not aware of what happened around them. Reading a room and seeing where trouble was potentially brewing was a skill The Harbinger had honed extensively. She turned her attention to him as he greeted her, she responded in a way that The Harbinger deemed adequate. So far, he had no reason to dislike the woman. He would continue to be civil with the woman, for now, she had earned that at least. Another arrival entered the Mission Hall, one who seemed infatuated with the colour red. He paid her little mind though and focused his attention on the pretty woman. At this close distance, he noticed just how pale her skin was. More peculiar than that, however, was the silver colouring of her eyes. The Harbinger was not one to judge appearances, he cared little for what a person looked like, only how they acted. Even so, he noted these unique features, perhaps it had something to do with the supernatural, not many had silver eyes. This woman could be a wight or a demon of some kind for all he knew. He was wary of her but did not let this show, instead, maintaining his usual stoic expression. "Firstly, I suppose introductions are in order. I am Lorenzo, I was only just... reborn here, I'm a little more than curious about this place, Astraea especially." If she responded with her own name then he would bow his head slightly in acknowledgement. He would outstretch his hand and shake hers if she took it. His grip was firm but not too tight, the glove he wore covered up the skin but the sleeve pulled away briefly, displaying the same black rotten skin that his ear had. Once the handshake was over he would put his hands behind his back. |
WymsicalNov 13, 2018 9:21 PM
Nov 13, 2018 10:03 PM
TubaNov 15, 2018 12:22 PM
Nov 13, 2018 10:48 PM
Nov 14, 2018 1:18 AM
Valencia Ortiz Health: 150/150 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 Peleg - Astral Gear: Summoned 50/50 Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: E Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive) It seemed like Valencia wasn't the only one whom was put on edge by the thing that was facing her, as Ryan seemed about ready to slay it, while Miyu seemed to steer clear of it. Meanwhile, more people entered the Mission Hall, getting it crowded once more. Luckily enough, the grotesque appearance soon stopped blocking her view and wandered off. Soon enough, Alatar, Agam and Miyu were also on duty for the mines mission. It meant they were waiting on only one more person. That said, it seemed like Agam had his mind set on something else... As he challenged the creature Valencia was glad to to see gone. 'What is that idiot doing? The thing finally turned away from us, and now he risks calling it back...' That said, his comment towards her didn't help much. “Good morning.” She wasn't sure how to interpreted the second part. Was he joking? “Ehm, no. I'm just glad he's out of my face.” Probably not, he didn't seem the type to make jokes like that. That said, with that grotesque creature gone, Valencia would call out to Miyu. “Miyu, good morning. Did you want something?” She still felt a tingle of discomfort talking to her, the same as she'd feel talking to Amice. After all, being a fair bit older than both Miyu and Amice, she had felt a bit responsible for them, meaning she felt bad about how yesterdays mission treated them. That said, there was another concern. If Miyu would also come over, it meant most of their 'team' was at the ready, so she'd bring it up. “We've almost got a full team, but we might need someone with a strong focus on supportive magic if we want to keep that miner safe... The only ones I can think off are Lucia and Amice, but it seems like Lucia has already joined another mission, and I'm hesitant to ask Amice, after, well... how yesterday went.” |
Nov 14, 2018 4:29 AM
Aoyama Hana Health: 100 Prana: 100 Stamina: 100 Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned. Attributes: •STR: E •VIT: E •WIL: E •RES: E •SPE: C •AGI: C •PER: C •REC: E Resist: Dark | Weak: Light Current Status: None. "A fair young woman of toned build, alabaster white skin and shining silver irises, defined features and sharp glare, Hana is a glance at the beauty of the past. Her long lustrous black hair is usually secured in a tight bun, commonly adorned with flowers or other such trinkets. Hana usually dons her traditional clothing: an over sized uwagi that is red on the inside, but is colored a deep blue on the outside, she also wears an umamori hakama that is colored red and that sports a fish pattern. Her clothing is noticeably woven of fine material, giving a hint of her origins for those of sharp eyes. And though she will in casual situations let her feet bare, Hana would don in other occasions low geta sandals, as well as red tabi." "I am named Aoyama Hana, and like you, I was recently brought to this world." She would politely bow as it was customary of her people when acquainting themselves to others, noticeably her relaxed demeanor would be replaced by one more withdrawn and polite. The girl would lock her gaze to the man's eyes, one crimson and the other azure, the disparity in color gave him a supernatural aura, an unnerving oddity that made his figure all the more ominous. "I assume you are a SOUL as well, like the rest of those in this room, if my guesses are correct." Lorenzo would offer a handshake, stretching his arm and revealing a glimpse of the putrid skin which seemed to sprawl and take over that side of his body. "Skin akin to cadavers, this brings back memories to surface." Now that he was closer, Hana could take a closer look at his visage, and Lorenzo was clearly a man over his 40s, it was either that or he had aged particularly fast. His outfit and demeanor gave a hint of his past occupation, but Hana preferred not to question the man about such frivolities. "Astraea is a so called technological firm, so I've read, but apparently they are also keen about summoning SOULs." She would grasp Lorenzo's hand and accept his handshake, her grip was gentle and her form regal. After such formalities, Hana would once again conjoin her hands and now rest them on top her abdomen. She would pause for some moments, Hana would glance over to the other SOULs that continued to enter the mission hall, her gaze drifting back to Lorenzo. "If anything, you should further check the device on your wrist, the communication bracelet. It did help me with some things, maybe you will find it useful too." |
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