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May 29, 2017 10:23 AM

Dec 2012
Not sure if I like the direction where this is going, it's starting to feel like another FMA.

I just wanna go back to the main cast.
May 30, 2017 9:58 AM

Oct 2012
Luthandorius said:

Might lead to some other major powers interfering ... maybe the people behind the walls allying with the other Eldians/Marley against them.

Or Eren eating all the other major titans unifying all the powers to get some super-titan to pwn everyone (or he then somehow is able to return the power to that demon where Ymir Fritz got it from to release all the Eldians so all the mindless titans will turn back human as well).

that were actually some good theories to the ending of snk.
regardless, im hoping for something that could cure the eldians or something because i dont want eren and armin to die at young age T.T

that'd be terrible TTTT.TTTT
May 31, 2017 4:26 AM

Jun 2013
hithummah said:
who would have thought the ugly mule titan was actually a girl!
She had to force herself to walk on two in her human form, otherwise it will be like an open invitation for a doggy-style.

OH MY GOD. That totally went over my head, who would've thought that she was the mule titan, I actually like the titan and thought "he" was cute because "he" walked around like a dog. Man, I was soooo wrong.

I'm kind of bitter that they just killed Ymir off and now that guy who ate her will probably have feelings for Historia due to those memories.

I'm guessing the Ackermans are like compact titans, human-form with the strength and agility of an advanced titan?
May 31, 2017 12:41 PM
May 2017
It was a great chapter even though I don't wanna see the marlyans or Reiner and Zeke as good people , it is strange to see the other side now after time skipping ' really wonder what happened on the island during all those four years and hoping to see Eren and our heroes back again the next chapter
HazarAbdulrahmanMay 31, 2017 4:39 PM
Jun 1, 2017 11:36 AM

Apr 2017
keragamming said:
Its also interesting that Zeke has two sons. I wonder if Eren has any by now? lol

Eren's only 19 years old, I think he's better off fighting than having children lol.
(Anyway, I hope he has none.)
kikusanJun 1, 2017 11:56 AM
Jun 1, 2017 4:51 PM

Oct 2013
kikusan said:
keragamming said:
Its also interesting that Zeke has two sons. I wonder if Eren has any by now? lol

Eren's only 19 years old, I think he's better off fighting than having children lol.
(Anyway, I hope he has none.)

He only has a few years left to live, so yes 19 years old is pretty old for his remaining lifespan.
Jun 2, 2017 5:58 AM

Apr 2017
keragamming said:
kikusan said:

Eren's only 19 years old, I think he's better off fighting than having children lol.
(Anyway, I hope he has none.)

He only has a few years left to live, so yes 19 years old is pretty old for his remaining lifespan.

I know, but I still think he has none. 4 years ago he was far from a mature guy and I don't think it changed thaaaaat much.
Jun 5, 2017 11:02 PM
Mar 2016
nobody199 said:
Its noticiable that most of people here are liking the direction the manga is going right now.
Honestly for me, I personally couldn't give a single fuck about the marleans and their personal stories.
After years of seeing the people behind the walls and their pain,suffering,destruction inflicted by the marleans, there isn't absoulutely NOTHING that could justify these atrocities or change my look about them.
I don't feel bad for any of them, they could die in the worst way possible, for all I care.I really hope the girl dies in the most pathetic way.
Really, its just that I can't stand seeing Reiner actually feeling remorse for sending those kids to war, after killing thousands of people or Zeke having some gentle side. For me, its completely disgusting.

I don't think the point is to side with the Marleyans. It's to side with the Eldians both on and off Paradis Island. Everyone on the island are Eldians capable of titan transformation but were unaware of it until recent events.

Even with switching to the outside world, we're being shown everything from the perspectives of Eldians living in a world that hates and fears them and what they can become. The Marleyans are the oppressors and the Eldians are the oppressed. The Eldians living in the outside world are being treated as indentured servants. They must do what they can to survive. The kids appear to be forced to join the military young.

I'm curious if there's an ulterior motive from Zeke. Being Eren's older half brother, im curious if he's just trying to follow his own path to lead his people to freedom, even if it means siding with the oppressors. I'm not sure what his end game is but it's clearly for his people.

We see the Eldians being treated like crap both on and off the island. That's who the mangaka is trying to get us to sympathize with. Notice how we're always seeing things from their perspective and not the Marleyans. It doesn't excuse Reiner's and Zeke's actions while on the island their first go around. It at least shows us that they weren't just some evil a holes that just wanted to eff stuff up. They were doing what they could to keep themselves alive but for the betterment of their people.

I like that there's no black and white when it comes to good vs evil. It's way more grey than anything. Because most people believe they're doing what's right even if the masses consensus is that they're doing bad. It actually rationalizes the actions of the shifter titans even if they were messed up with how they screwed with a generally peaceful place.

The change of location was a little jarring for me at first. Now after a few chapters I'm growing to appreciate the direction the manga is going. Nice change of pace and calm before the storm, which is clearly going to be the battle for Paradis Island
Jun 6, 2017 1:11 PM
Jan 2012
I'm calling it: The Eldians here and the ones on Paradis Island will become allies.
Now on the chapter. I don't really care about Gaby and whoever-those-other-guys-were. Zeke and Rainer are interesting, though. Rainer still having nightmares and he basically lost all his friends. I wonder if he cares about the ones n the island too. They did kill Bert, so, probably not... Zeke has kids. What are they to Eren? Nephews? I still wanna see Levi or Eren making a salad out of him. Seriously, with all his stupid words about war being bad, that monkey seems to enjoy it a bit too much.
The chapters heavily imply the oppression of Eldians, as they are basically used as bombs among other things, and now it seems even Rainer disagrees with the "honor of passing the titan power"
Ymir being off screened after all the buildup of her importance was surprising... In a bad way. I thought Ymir will turn out to be the most important character in the series at some point. It might be my own mistake but it is still disappointing.
So the Ackerman are some science achievement. It makes sense now that Annie told Mikasa in the flashback, that she is a monster. I wonder if Mikasa took the female titan... But if Annie was offed off screen too, I'd be pissed!
I know they try to make me feel something towards Rainer and make a build up to that possible alliance, but to be honest I just wanna see what's happening on the island. I expect to see technology there, as I am almost sure they actually captured the ships and interrogated the people to learn what they can. It's just Hange's way.
I do like the change in the manga, I just hope it won't lose it's "Survival" atmosphere. The only actual problem I have right now is all the exposition and info-dumps. Especially when people talking about them are supposed to know them. But nothing is perfect, I guess...
AntenorAJun 6, 2017 1:25 PM
Jun 7, 2017 5:36 AM

Jul 2015
1.I'm curious to know if eren has matured since the time gap or if he's still hot headed as ever.

2. Reiner says dark times are coming so is marley going to exterminate the eldians or does he suspect the the paradise team is going to attack.

3. Reiner also asks falco to essentially save gabi from inherenting the armored titan. So he'll probably steal a titan. Maybe colt inherents the beast titan and transforms into a horse or falco takes it and transforms into a falcon.

4. The paradise team has been stealing technology from the marleyans.
Jun 7, 2017 1:39 PM

Apr 2017
The only thing I can say is that my OTP was ruined. Not that I didn't see Ymir's death coming but remaining hopes got mercilessly crushed. I found it sad since she was one of my favourite characters.
Jun 23, 2017 8:52 PM

May 2013
Tsk Tsk Tsk. They should plan to kill or capture Levi to have some chance in their plan. He is more scary than their titans after all...
Feb 3, 2018 1:30 PM

Apr 2016
The Reiner´s words to the kid were beautiful, but the question is, Why did not he change that future?!!!
Sep 27, 2018 5:52 PM

Dec 2015
wow nice chapter, a lot of important infomation.
Aug 28, 2019 1:16 PM

Mar 2014
I knew Ymir got offscreened, but it still hurts :( I hope Isayama writes some flashback that will give more details about this, I can't see Ymir succumbing to this fate of being eaten unless there was a reason.

I like how Reiner has a main role in this arc, I find his character and his internal conflict really intiguing.
Feb 23, 2020 10:35 AM

Jan 2016
It seems that Eren and Armin have been killing all the scouting ships, fucking awesome!

RIP Reiner will be confirmed dead in 2 years,
and Erens brother in one year..

And I'm so sad Ymir actually died.
Dec 28, 2020 2:06 PM

Sep 2011
Nice to see the life of the people outside of the wall. Ymir is confirmed as dead. I will miss her. The chapter also hints that the Ackerman were a experiment titan science, that's why they are so special.

Eren and Armin were busy these last years, sinking all the ships sent to the island. I wonder if Annie is still trapped inside the crystal.
Jan 19, 2022 1:43 AM
Dec 2016
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
HalibelTheEspada said:

I'm done with this discussion, because you obviously don't want to admit that you're wrong despite all the evidence to the contrary. Clearly you're only capable of saying "You're wrong." and "Ymir's irrational and suicidal, and this is bad writing."... you don't even have a real argument, just a baseless statement.

I was just stating the obvious but I'll admit it's interesting (I'm almost delighted) seeing people like you painfully trying to think up arguments against the obvious. The denial is strong. I'm amazed every time I can witness something like that. The human brain is surely a fascinating thing.

Your a straight up dumbass. You ignored their entire argument and insulted them to hide not having a rebuttal. That’s grifter dumbass 101
Mar 7, 2022 12:28 PM
Sep 2020
in the anime xxxx was on top of a building , in this chapter he was on the street?, is the anime and manga different ?
Aug 8, 2023 9:44 AM
Nov 2019
To people being surprised and angry about Ymir’s death, it was directly announced by Reiner or Berthold during their conversation with Ymir on top of the wall after she helped them. They said that she won’t make it if she keeps going with them, and that if she wants to run, she should do it immediately but she didn’t. She likely knew she was going to die when she said “sorry” and turned away from Historia. Then she wrote that she is about to die in her letter.
It is indeed sad, as in the end she abandoned her new lifestyle of living for oneself and came back to her old, self-sacrificial ways. She died for Reiner and Berthold who she understood, pitied and was thankful to for coming, which allowed her to be freed from her “unending nightmare” and live again, differently then before. She also probably felt guilt for killing their friend Marcel and wanted to make up for that.
She may have also wanted to maximize the chances of Historia surviving in the long term, as she made Reiner to promise he will do all he can to save Historia (in case Marley takes over Paradis).
Edit: I guess she could have also thought something along the lines of “I have a maximum of 7 years left to live, so Historia will be better off with someone else”.
lordJahooAug 8, 2023 9:50 AM
Aug 8, 2023 9:46 AM
Nov 2019
Mack_Yeager said:
in the anime xxxx was on top of a building , in this chapter he was on the street?, is the anime and manga different ?

Yes, I encourage you to read the manga as well, there are differences and some interesting information missing from the anime.
Feb 25, 1:54 PM

Apr 2018
Since it was confirmed in this chapter that the memories of previous shifter are inherited by the person who devours them and becomes the new shifter i can't stop but wonder about one thing...
How does this inheritance work? Do they inherit only the memories of the last few titan owners? Or all of them who came before? It bothers me so much.. Ofc we haven't been shown any proof that anyone except Galliard has clear memory from the previous shifters, but i guess it should be true for all of them. Eren inherited the memories of Grisha, the Owl, Frieda, but what about the shifters that went before them?

If the inheritance runs deep to the very first titan powers owners - than the current shifters should also inherit the true history of the world through those memories, no? Maybe it takes some time to unlock them all (like we see is true for Eren), but still.. If Eldians who come from the Marley-brainwashed-side truly inherited the memories of some shifters from before the Marley have captured those titans powers, they should know the true Eldia history, no? At least somebody of them.. How did it come that all the brainwashed Eldians who inherited the titan powers (Zeke, RBA and others), and thus must inherited the memories of previous titan powers owners, still remained loyal to the Marley and their plotting against Eldians on the Paradise Island?
victoria00000000Feb 26, 8:32 AM
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