Now as much as we do not want to do this. The former User x Waifu Pokemon Adoption! Pokemon you obtained will not carry over. But there is no need for points, members taking part will have weekly allowances. To which I will explain now.
Kittokatsu will be the generator and delivery master.
Every member who requests a Pokemon will have part of your weekly allowance removed. Here's how it works.
Everyone has equal rights to request type based eggs and even Generation type eggs. Here is each members allowance, which will refresh every Monday at 00:00 PST. So everyone right now has a full allowance. There is no limit as to how you spend your allowance per week, but benefits will become those who do not spend it all on one day. Everyone is welcome to their own choices. And to further add, every first weekly order comes with a free Random Egg.
Further events will have temporary eggs released, like an Easter Egg. Or a Halloween Egg ect~
Allowance Details Members begin the week with 15 points.
Points do carry over from week to week, but only if members have ordered something the previous week.
Adoption Details
This is for those who are giving up a Pokemon they own, you will receive the mentioned numbers below.
Single stage - 3 points
Second stage - 4 Points
Third Stage or Final Evolution - 6 Points
Legendary - 5 Points and 1 Ultra Egg
Shiny stage 1 - 3 Points and 1 Sparkling Egg
Shiny stage 2 - 4 Points and 1 Sparkling Egg
Shiny Final Stage(1,2,3 can't evolve) - 5 Points and 1 Type Egg and 1 Sparkling Egg
Shiny Legendary - 10 points and 1 Ultra Sparkling Egg
Event Pokemon - 3 points and 1 Ultra Egg, 1 Sparkling Egg, and 1 Type Egg OR 10 points and 2 Type Eggs
All event Pokemon are Pokemon that have hats, or cosplay stuff. Including hyper day exclusive pokemon.
Note: Event pokemon traded in are deleted and do not appear in the adoption center.
Now here is your options.
Pokemon Evolution - 3 Points(One free every week)
Random Egg - 3 points(One comes free every week)
Generation Egg - 5 points
Type Egg - 5 Points
Ultra Egg - 8 Points
Sparkling Egg - 8 Points
Ultra Sparkling Egg - Cannot be purchased.
Mega Evolution - 5 Points
Member A: I request 1 Ultra Egg please
Kittokatsu: Coming up! You have 2 points remaining, this was also your first weekly order you get a free random egg too.
Random Eggs are the most basic of eggs, they have the lowest chances for Shiny or Legendary Pokemon. There is roughly a 0.5% chance at Shiny and 3% chance for Legendary. Generation Eggs are a little more specific, which allow members to specify which Generation of Pokemon will pop out. There is roughly a 1% chance at Shiny and 5% chance for Legendary. Type Eggs are a little more specific, which allow members to specify which type of Pokemon will pop out. There is roughly a 1% chance at Shiny and 5% chance for Legendary. Ultra Eggs are a very unique egg. Ultra eggs have a larger chance for a Legendary but lower chance for shiny. There is roughly a 1% chance at Shiny and 12% chance for Legendary. Sparkling Eggs are a special egg for Shiny Hunters. Sparkling eggs have in comparison a vastly larger chance at a Shiny than it's counterparts, but the chance at a Legendary is fairly low. There is roughly a 12% chance at Shiny and 1% chance for Legendary. Ultra Sparkling Eggs are a special egg for Shiny Legendary give ups. Ultra Sparkling eggs have a 100% chance at Legendary as well as a 50% chance at Shiny.
Current Event is the Starter Pack
Members requesting get your own Starter Pokemon, 100% of your choice, in a Sparkling egg. So it may come Shiny.
Plus 2 random eggs for free!
On top of that you get 50% off your first order, including the free random egg.
But remember consecutive days restore points!
I request a starter pack with the starter being a froakie.
I am also gonna purchase 3 sparkling eggs for 12 points. Leaving me with three points remaining :3
Cinna1 said: I request a starter pack, with Chikorita as our prize.
I will get your 3 random eggs and 1 Chikorita Sparkling egg ready, for now I will extend your 50% off point expenses to your next order if you misunderstood and have gone off for the night :)
DarkStarHarry said: I request a starter pack with the starter being a froakie.
I am also gonna purchase 3 sparkling eggs for 12 points. Leaving me with three points remaining :3
1 Froakie Sparkling Egg coming up, with 3 Randoms and 3 Sparklings!
I use 3 Points to Evolve into Kirlia, then trade in these things for 16 points and 1 Sparkling eggo then use 3 more Points to evolve Kirlia into Gardevoir and buy 1 Sparkling Eggo and 1 Random Eggo
AlterKnightKing said: I use 3 Points to Evolve into Kirlia, then trade in these things for 16 points and 1 Sparkling eggo then use 3 more Points to evolve Kirlia into Gardevoir and buy 1 Sparkling Eggo and 1 Random Eggo
Gonna trade in these pokes for for 15 points in total.
Next I'm gonna evolve this for 6 points and then I'm gonna ask for 1 sparkling egg for 8 points :3
DarkStarHarry said: Gonna trade in these pokes for for 15 points in total.
Next I'm gonna evolve this for 6 points and then I'm gonna ask for 1 sparkling egg for 8 points :3
Coming right up
Everyone else points are updated from here.
@AlterKnightKing your not doing your job mate my order is 3 days old...
Kittokatsu said: I offer up my anorath so I have 7 points. With the 1 point for consecutive days I will purchase 1 Ultra Egg
I add to that order and trade in Heatran. Addin 5 points to my 7 giving me 12. I will order one extra Ultra Egg. Giving me an order of.
3x Ultra Eggs
moissi said: Starter Pack
- 1 Charmander; 2 free eggs
+ 6 dragon type eggs; 1 free random egg (should be -15 for the 50% off discount if I got everything right)
AlterKnightKing said: I send my to the Adoption/gulag and get 6 points then use 24 points for 3 Sparkling Eggos.
DarkStarHarry said: Gonna trade in these for for 9 points
gonna trade this in for 5 points + plus 1 ultra egg
I get ya asap.
Harry +14 and 1 Ultra Knight 3 Sparkling
As well I place my order now too.
I send to adoption center giving me +7 points.
total = 27 points.
And I purchase myself 2 Sparkling eggs and 1 fairy and 2 Random egg leaving me with 0 points.
I use my free day, and trade in these two things for 6 points to bring my total to 8 then use those 8 points to evolve my Ralts twice and Mega Evolve Gardevoir. Evolving this :3
Going to spend 16 points to get myself 2 sparkling eggs
I have 6 points remaining now
2 eggs and points updated from here
AlterKnightKing said: I use my free day, and trade in these two things for 6 points to bring my total to 8 then use those 8 points to evolve my Ralts twice and Mega Evolve Gardevoir. Evolving this :3
Event: Starter Pack
1 Charmander in a Sparkling Egg | 2 Random Free Eggies
----------------------- 50% off - first order
3 Random Eggs - 1 weekly free egg + 2 eggs (6 points)
Evolve Charmander into Charmeleon (1 weekly free evolution)
Evolve Charmeleon into Charizard (3 points)
Mega Evolve Charizard into Charizard Y (5 points)
SeireiTenshi said: Event: Starter Pack
1 Charmander in a Sparkling Egg | 2 Random Free Eggies
----------------------- 50% off - first order
3 Random Eggs - 1 weekly free egg + 2 eggs (6 points)
Evolve Charmander into Charmeleon (1 weekly free evolution)
Evolve Charmeleon into Charizard (3 points)
Mega Evolve Charizard into Charizard Y (5 points)
1 Sparkling Charmander Egg > Charmeleon > Charizard > Mega Y
5 Random Eggs
With 50% total spent = 7 points. 8 remaining.