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Feb 2, 2018 5:25 AM

Nov 2011
Dakki kinda scares me now..just really unpredictable for a character and she always tries to manipulate people. I can't take that food cooking sessions seriously at all

Nice to see Nataku back though!

I almost forgot how badass Tenka is from this show. Really hope he gets more moments like that this season. Taikoubou also has such big dreams for the future.
Stark700Feb 2, 2018 7:37 AM
Feb 2, 2018 12:39 PM
May 2017
While this anime itself isn't really anything special I really like the opening and the ending. The best ones of this season.
Feb 2, 2018 4:27 PM

Oct 2012
Them burgers! This was a pretty good episode. I feel like the confusion of the multiple characters and time-skips is all becoming clearer now. Hopefully we'll get some good storytelling from here on out.
Feb 2, 2018 8:57 PM
Apr 2014
I'm shocked with dakki making hamburgers~

its just curious but the final scene after the ending is the 14 episode in the houshin engi first adaptation. (?) I'm still thinking that the chapters go very fast, ah i never reading the
original manga just see the first version. But I'm disappointed because i really want to see raishinshi/thunderbolt.
Feb 3, 2018 1:11 AM

Sep 2016
This just keeps getting better and better. I know I'm one of the few people enjoying this pace since many are complaining on the speed but I love it. Really hyped for the next episode!
Feb 3, 2018 3:14 AM
Aug 2017
I'm only halfway into the episode but the dakkai scene really messed me up, the light heartness of all it just makes it even more disturbing...
But it was a fun episode like usual.
Feb 3, 2018 3:58 AM
Jul 2018
The old series is one of my most favorite anime of all times, really looking forward to this new remake series for quite a long while since it's remake annoucment.
But after watching 4 episodes in, I'm getting the feeling that I still like the old series better then the new one..., and I really miss the old japanese voice cast ALOT!

I really dislike how the new anime is showing...
The rush and loss of story details in ALOT of way compare to the manga, the spoiler and flashback is all over the place where u really hope that it SHOULD only be shown when it reaches that point afterwards, but nope, this isn't going to happen for sure, so pretty much be prepared to be SPOILED almost everywhere in every episodes.

*Sigh* anyway...just kinda wonder now after finish watching episode 4, why must Dakki kill Hakuyuko by the way? Is it only because her 'temptation' doesn't work on him as the base reason!? (LOL)

PS: And yes, I know why Dakki kill him base on the manga, but the anime here doesn't make any sense at all.
PPS: And also, is Raishinshi going to be totally removed from this series? it looks like it though...
Feb 3, 2018 5:03 AM

Aug 2012
So far is just like the older version only worse. Worse characters, worse animation and it skips over crucial parts of the story.
Feb 3, 2018 5:06 AM

Aug 2012
holyfuture said:
The old series is one of my most favorite anime of all times, really looking forward to this new remake series for quite a long while since it's remake annoucment.
But after watching 4 episodes in, I'm getting the feeling that I still like the old series better then the new one..., and I really miss the old japanese voice cast ALOT!

I really dislike how the new anime is showing...
The rush and loss of story details in ALOT of way compare to the manga, the spoiler and flashback is all over the place where u really hope that it SHOULD only be shown when it reaches that point afterwards, but nope, this isn't going to happen for sure, so pretty much be prepared to be SPOILED almost everywhere in every episodes.

*Sigh* anyway...just kinda wonder now after finish watching episode 4, why must Dakki kill Hakuyuko by the way? Is it only because her 'temptation' doesn't work on him as the base reason!? (LOL)

PS: And yes, I know why Dakki kill him base on the manga, but the anime here doesn't make any sense at all.
PPS: And also, is Raishinshi going to be totally removed from this series? it looks like it though...
In the first series they explained it really well. Also I hated it this series does not explain the whole thing about the dinner. In the first anime is heavily implied Dakki cooked his son and offered him as dinner.
Feb 3, 2018 5:07 AM

Aug 2012
RatioSkywalker94 said:
I'm shocked with dakki making hamburgers~

its just curious but the final scene after the ending is the 14 episode in the houshin engi first adaptation. (?) I'm still thinking that the chapters go very fast, ah i never reading the
original manga just see the first version. But I'm disappointed because i really want to see raishinshi/thunderbolt.
human meat hamburgers. That was the point.
Feb 3, 2018 5:08 AM

Aug 2012
modboy said:
Them burgers! This was a pretty good episode. I feel like the confusion of the multiple characters and time-skips is all becoming clearer now. Hopefully we'll get some good storytelling from here on out.
doubt it. they compressed 12+ episodes of content from the first series in 4 episodes
Feb 3, 2018 9:14 AM
Oct 2012
RatioSkywalker94 said:
I'm shocked with dakki making hamburgers~

its just curious but the final scene after the ending is the 14 episode in the houshin engi first adaptation. (?) I'm still thinking that the chapters go very fast, ah i never reading the
original manga just see the first version. But I'm disappointed because i really want to see raishinshi/thunderbolt.

I too was disappointed they skipped Raishinshi's introduction.. I really wanted to see how they handled these 2 panels from the manga:

At least they included the chapter where Dakki makes hamburgers and they didn't change how she uses modern technology and stuff like that (breaking the 4th wall)
holyfuture said:
The old series is one of my most favorite anime of all times, really looking forward to this new remake series for quite a long while since it's remake annoucment.
But after watching 4 episodes in, I'm getting the feeling that I still like the old series better then the new one..., and I really miss the old japanese voice cast ALOT!

I really dislike how the new anime is showing...
The rush and loss of story details in ALOT of way compare to the manga, the spoiler and flashback is all over the place where u really hope that it SHOULD only be shown when it reaches that point afterwards, but nope, this isn't going to happen for sure, so pretty much be prepared to be SPOILED almost everywhere in every episodes.

*Sigh* anyway...just kinda wonder now after finish watching episode 4, why must Dakki kill Hakuyuko by the way? Is it only because her 'temptation' doesn't work on him as the base reason!? (LOL)

PS: And yes, I know why Dakki kill him base on the manga, but the anime here doesn't make any sense at all.
PPS: And also, is Raishinshi going to be totally removed from this series? it looks like it though...

Raishinshi can just randomly appear and then Taikoubou can get a random flashback about how he convinced him to join them.. Or something like that, I don't think they will skip Raishinshi altogether..

And yeah seriously the way they handled the start of the episodes is beyond stupid.. Like why would you put spoilers just at the start of every episode? The spoiler in episode 4 was huge for someone that hadn't read the manga..

On the bright side I think maybe, just maybe they are trying to rush to where the first anime covered which is basically next episode.. Hopefully my theory is true and after that the pacing slows down.
Feb 3, 2018 2:14 PM

May 2013
Why are they showing this spoilers? I'm sad for the anime-only people...
Feb 3, 2018 10:52 PM
Jul 2018
perroloco said:

Raishinshi can just randomly appear and then Taikoubou can get a random flashback about how he convinced him to join them.. Or something like that, I don't think they will skip Raishinshi altogether..

And yeah seriously the way they handled the start of the episodes is beyond stupid.. Like why would you put spoilers just at the start of every episode? The spoiler in episode 4 was huge for someone that hadn't read the manga..

On the bright side I think maybe, just maybe they are trying to rush to where the first anime covered which is basically next episode.. Hopefully my theory is true and after that the pacing slows down.

Yes that's true. They can still make Raishinshi appear like this.
But on the other way u look at how the animation goes and how much things it kept skipping through per episodes, I really doubt that Raishinshi would be included in this series already... (but still keep my fingers cross for now.)

On the bright side..., even if they were really just rushing to get to where the first anime covered, they should still AT LEAST kept abit of details rather then removing them altogether...
Like what I mention in my post above: "Why did Dakki kill Hakuyoko by the way??"
Cos the anime basically just show no reason for that since the details were all loss, all I see is Dakki knows that her 'Temptation' somehow doesn't work on him, so she get's near him for some 'other reason', and that's it.
Then the making hamburger scene appear out of nowhere, makes u wonder what is going on only.

And I forgot to addin, for people who didn't watch the 1st anime and also didn't read the manga to begin with, u would wonder why Kisho was crying when he look at the hamburger.
U would end up thinking "Was he just acting to be too overjoyed for some reason? and why is it?? Then if it is, why he ended up crying in the end when looking at the hamburger?? What's so special that make him cried in the end??? What's wrong with that meat????" (LOL)

In the 1st anime, at least it mention why Hakuyuko came to Chouka to begin with, that is he want to save his father: Kisho, who got imprison by Dakki.
But for this series, he just appear in Chouka for no reason and die for no reason as well.

Also, I think there is a part where Kisho was kinda being 'watched' to be forced to eat the meat, and he somehow figured it out what 'meat' it is, so he ended up crying in the end.
But for this new series, all u get is ????? in the head and not sure what in the world actually happen...
Feb 3, 2018 11:15 PM
Jul 2018
nightcrawlercyp said:

In the first series they explained it really well. Also I hated it this series does not explain the whole thing about the dinner. In the first anime is heavily implied Dakki cooked his son and offered him as dinner.

In the first series, most of the things were explained really well without any details being lost since it follow the manga closely too. (although there's still some changes and it started drifting away here and there with it's own storyline, but overall still not bad.)

But for this, it's just not the same Houshin Engi we all knew about base on the manga.
Things being spoiled too early, things being skipped overall and things being CUT OFF ended up loss of details almost in every single episodes!
For episode 1, I can still accept it cos it's just a very minor skip,
but for episode 2 onwards, it just doesn't feel right when watching it...
It can still be played pretty nicely's just doesn't feel the same like it SHOULD be as the scene jump all over the place. (this moment is reality and that moment is flashback then next moment is instant spoiler flashback...etc)

I would still watch this till the end and not drop it, but really not liking it till the end for sure (unless the anime stop to skip details and totally follow how the manga story goes)

Addin: Rewatching the first anime again right now after years pass by, and I still like the old Taikoubou much more if compare to the new one right now.
specially in episode 1, Taikoubou is just so funny and silly when he played with his Dashinben and strike Genshitenson back with it! XD
I still love his ORIGINAL japanese voice cast for this character!
removed-userFeb 4, 2018 8:23 AM
Feb 4, 2018 4:32 PM

Nov 2009
Glad Nataku is going to be back in action with new paopei too so hopefully he is fighting next episode.
Feb 4, 2018 8:42 PM

Dec 2015
Not gonna lie, I'm actually really enjoying this anime right now, its still rushed and the pacing is complete ass but it kinda has a cool cheesy charm to it, Even though I'm an anime only guy. Plus if they're rushing to the point where the old anime left off (even though never watched the old anime) theory is true then the rating I gave it (7/10) would provably go up. Also this able needs a recap episode or an episode 00 that gives us an explanation of everything that's happening right now because even though I'm enjoying this anime right now, it is fucking confusing!!!!

Also i kinda get the dakki hamburger steak scene since I predicted that the steak was
His son.

And still the op is the best this season
Feb 4, 2018 8:44 PM

Dec 2015
janiwolf said:
While this anime itself isn't really anything special I really like the opening and the ending. The best ones of this season.

Fear and loathing in las vegas in general makes great music and imo is the best anime band in the industry, also llld and the full version of this op are fucking great
Feb 4, 2018 11:26 PM

Oct 2008
okay! let the clash begin...
anywayz i'm still confused of the fast pacing and because of that there's so many characters and groups that I don't even comprehend!

Feb 8, 2018 2:06 PM

Jan 2010
When I begun watching this episode I paused and re-checked the number. I was sure I started to watch episode 5 by accident... but nope, it's really episode 4. I bet this rush is confusing as much for both anime-only people and manga readers.

Speaking of Raishinshi, it's totally fine to leave him out. After all he existed only for Nentou Doujin to show him his place in the final battle. :)
Feb 25, 2018 12:15 PM

Apr 2016
The son with the cigarette was hilarious!!! Between the cigarette, the clothes and the style, this kid remember me too much to the 80´s style!!! kekeke
Apr 6, 2019 8:09 AM

Apr 2009
how fun
a segment of cooking burgers
undoubtedly made out of the son..
.......thanks for all the gore.
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