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Jan 21, 2018 4:29 PM

Dec 2013
Within the high peaks of the central mountains, lies the fortress of Kareth, home to the Order of Rezvali, the original Hunters. It is from here that the Order prepares newcomers for the perils of the job, as well as where all members come to in order to meet with fellow brethren. It is located in a neutral zone where no other nation has control, keeping the Order out of any political mess.

Shitsuji-CartyJan 23, 2018 10:03 AM
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Jan 31, 2018 6:07 PM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Anna tugged at the collar of her coat, trying to shield as much of her neck as she could from the biting cold. Glad to have heeded the warning of Kareth's colder climate, she approached the gates of Fortress Kareth. The stomping of boots on rock as patrols were made, the machine guns lining the sturdy walls, and the generally imposing defenses that Kareth displayed brought Anna a sense of familiarity she appreciated. However, unsure if she should wait for someone to get her or to head in to the fortress, Anna decided to stand next to the gate. Besides, this gave her the chance to admire the fortress more. At least until she gets tired of the cold.
Jan 31, 2018 7:48 PM

Nov 2015
Eris Lilith

Eris sighed as she stood on the wall with some soldiers inspecting the defenses, watching as they checked the gun while she smoked a cigarette. This was generally her least favorite part. Sure, everything had to be fine, but unless these idiots misused the equipment, there was a pretty high probability that nothing would happen. And if she could just continue testing things more, they could have better defenses perhaps. Or she could have fun out in the field. But instead she was stuck here.
Eris groaned a bit as she leaned on the battlement, looking out over the view. At least the view was something that didn't quite get old. And with her coming from Ironhaven, Eris generally had her uniform open, with only a thin white blouse underneath. She looked down as she smoked when she saw a new scout group arriving once more, before seeing the woman standing at the gate. She kept watching for a small moment before groaning as she saw how the girl was basically just not entering because she was either A. indecisive, or B. scared to enter.

"Either you walk in or you leave, there's no use for people that can't even push through with a choice they made"
Eris called out to the woman, some other soldiers hanging over the crenelation as well to look for a bit, before they got back to work, Eris turning to the cannons as well to see how things were going and getting her hands dirty a bit too as she realized they would start to mess up everything the way they were doing things.
Jan 31, 2018 8:09 PM

Feb 2010
Kaden was wrong. So wrong. Sure the distance was about what he expected, but it was almost all up a mountain, with all his gear and clothes. He was a very fit teenager, but his stomach was what was really getting to him. Not that he wasn't tired as well. And the cold! By the port it had been warmer and more humid, but as he went up the air got thinner and colder. He regretted everything. With a slow pace he trudged up towards the gate, catching sight of another person for the first time in a while. Moving his wrist up to wipe his brow, the weight of his suitcase made him want to collapse right there. Luckily the climate helped him not sweat too much. Taking a deep breath, the brown hair teen moved to a normal pace to approach the woman, giving her a smile and a wave. She was attractive, put together, and her outfit looked comfortable, warm enough, and ready for battle. She seemed practical, and capable. By comparison he looked more rough around the edges, but ungroomed eyebrows and shaggy hair, an older outfit, but warm and somewhat loose.

"Hey, are-" Before he could finish, another woman called out to her. Kaden came to a stop and looked up at the other woman, repeating his greeting of wave and smile, but not saying more as he wanted to give the first comer a chance to respond.
CrogLatteJan 31, 2018 8:13 PM
Jan 31, 2018 8:34 PM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Quickly turning towards the source of the voice that called out to her, Anna nodded towards Eris and began a brisk walk into the fortress. All the while, she felt the many stares received from her being called boring into her even long after their interest had ceased. After several minutes of receiving directions from various people, Anna finally made her way up to the section of the wall Eris was in. Before making her way up the final flight of stairs that would lead her into the wall, Anna breathed deeply, pushing away the last remnants of embarrassment she had experienced at the gate.

From outside, the fortress had seems impressive. But actually being on the wall allowed Anna to take in the scale of the place much better. Deciding to not waste more time on idle admiration, Anna approached Eris and introduced herself. "Hello. I am Anna. Thanks for calling me. Was unsure if I had to wait for someone or just go right in. I guess now I know what I should have done." She ended the introduction with a light chuckle, hoping to get a better idea of what was next.
Jan 31, 2018 9:09 PM

Nov 2015
Eris Lilith

She continued working with the people at the cannon, frowning at some of their actions every now and then. They were a new group that had been placed to defend the fortress, but they seemed to neglect everything that they were taught, or at least most of it. She sighed a bit and was about to give them an earful before she heard someone approaching from behind her, making her look back, only to see the woman from the gate from earlier, and if Kaden had followed her, him too. She stood up again and listened as Anna introduced herself, and if he was there, would look at Kaden as well if he were to introduce himself too. She'd remain silent for a moment, scratching the back of her head a little before sighing.

"So, why exactly are you up here? I told you to enter the gates or leave, I didn't quite call you to come here" She said, before looking out over the view and shaking her head "there's dark days ahead if this is the kind of recruits we're getting" She mumbled to herself before looking over again
"But at least you managed to walk in, so that's a start. Where you should have been going though, would be the buildings in front of you when you enter, go see the headmaster and all that, it's in your invitation after all, to come here and go see him" She said, before looking back at the cannon crew and frowning. She grabbed the cigarette from her mouth and lit the fuse of the cannon, after which it quickly fired, knocking the back of the cannon into the stomach of a soldier standing behind it, making him groan on the ground with his hands at his stomach, Eris starting to squat over him.
"One of the first things you learn is that you secure a cannon before you load it. And even if it's not secured you NEVER stand behind a loaded cannon" She said, almost yelling the word into his face "Now if you understand that, you can go see the medical bay. The rest of you, continue further inspections of the wall... and I trust I won't see the same thing again, right?" She said, getting a quick salute while the men walked on to the next cannon.

Eris turned back to the new ones in front of her, suddenly thinking of something "Wait, you are new recruits right? Or are you here as cannon fodder, like some of these guys?" She said, looking at the soldier that was slowly getting back on his feet again, then walking over the wall to go down.
"Either way, you have to go over to.....ah screw it, follow me" She mumbled, lighting a new cigarette after tossing her old one over the wall and starting to guide them down the wall and to a new building.
"If you got any questions while we walk there... just keep them in your head, maybe ask the headmaster or something" She commented.
MisnaJan 31, 2018 9:14 PM
Jan 31, 2018 9:31 PM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

"I suppose that was pretty obvious," Anna thought as Eris mentioned going to the headmaster. Although her somewhat dismissive comment before that managed to irritate Anna a little, she kept it to herself. If dark days were indeed ahead, then the last thing Anna wanted to deal with was some pissy commander.

Anna's attention had been caught by Eris' lit cigarette, which her eyes followed as it moved around with her talking. As soon as she saw it leave Eris' lips and towards the cannon, Anna instinctively covered her ears, muffling the sound of the cannon's shot. And the groans of the unfortunate soldier caught behind it. As Eris lectured the poor man, Anna looked aside, cracks forming on the impression the fortress had first made on her. "Perhaps dark days are ahead," she mused.

At this point, Anna still had not noticed Kaden, assuming he followed her. Having her attention caught by Eris' question, Anna quickly answered. "I am a recruit." As Eris began going down the wall, Anna stole a quick glance at the soldier that had been knocked out by the cannon, and followed Eris.
Countenance_ArcJan 31, 2018 9:45 PM
Jan 31, 2018 9:40 PM

Feb 2010
Kaden obviously wasn't going to stand around at the entrance after hearing Eris criticize Anna for that very behavior. He headed inside after her, but rather than following, he went to ask a guard where he could put down his stuff while he went to get his orders and most likely be assigned to a room, or well, some barracks. He would probably end up sleeping with a ton of other soldiers in the same room. Certainly not something he was used to, but he could handle it. Luckily the guard was nice enough to tell him a good location to put down his bags, telling him that he would watch them. At least he had someone to report now if his stuff went missing. Taking off his pack as well, he placed them all down and sat down for a few seconds to catch his breath before heading out.

BOOM! The cannon fired and Kaden grabbed his smaller hammer, his hand on his utility belt as he faced the direction of the noise. "Is the enemy here?!" The guard nearby laughed at his anxious behavior, explaining the cannons were being maintenanced and prepared. Sighing and placing his hammer down, he thanked the man with a slight blush and walked further in. Catching sight of Anna, who smiled at him, he figured it would be easiest to follow after them, smiling back at her.
Jan 31, 2018 9:44 PM

Dec 2013
(Not sure how posting order is going here.. but just be mindful of that. )
Jan 31, 2018 9:53 PM

Feb 2010
(Sometimes posting order is important, especially when waiting for a response, but I feel like it's no big deal if people post when they want. I've been paid enough respect in their posts on whether or not I followed them and all)
Jan 31, 2018 9:56 PM

Nov 2015
(Went on to the headmasters office btw guys, fyi ^-^ )
Feb 3, 2018 5:44 PM

May 2013
Jace Tenebrae

Kareth had a large library, and it was only growing larger by the day thanks to all the Hunters efforts. One man in particular would stand out from the rest as he stood over a table with a map of the local region, he was giving out orders to some of the guards about where to find certain herbs and what they do. After he would finish his explanation, the guards would walk off leaving Jace to himself for a moment, or so he thought. Just as he was about to open a book, another man approached him and asked how to get back to his post at the nearby quarry. Jace would sigh wondering how the man got separated from his group, but never the less told him directions on how to get there and even showed him on map.
Once Jace was finished he would get up from his chair and start to wander through the bookshelves looking for something. He would keep his tome under his arm even as he searched.
Feb 4, 2018 5:55 PM

Nov 2015
Eris Lilith

She came walking out of the Head Master's building, stretching her arms a bit while making some stretching noises too, before just standing there for a moment. She scratched the back of her head, before she headed towards the regular barracks in the Fortress, going inside of it, randomly picking a bit she'd find and just having a lay down for now, resting a bit while staring at the ceiling. Or well, it might look like she was just resting, but her head was going at rapid speed trying to think of new things, mostly trying to think up solutions of existing problems, before something suddenly came to her, making her stand up again, the soldier that had been waiting at his bed finally able to get to his stuff now, and she made her way out of the barracks again, standing just outside of the doorway while looking over the common grounds in front of her.
Feb 5, 2018 7:08 AM

May 2013
Arthur Wellington

The Journey to Kareth, had many firsts for Arthur, like riding on an airship, or just leaving Wheldrake in general. He was in awe as he saw the how different the world was from his home, and just how much tempatures and other things would vary. As the ship landed, he would take a second to take in the view of the fort and all the people moving about it, before finally moving forward to enter, with the rest of the people who got off the ship. As he approached the gates, he would feel a cool breeze push past him, giving him a quick chill, something he was surely going to have to get used to. As he looked around the fort he would see the battlements with soilders and the like, while others were wizards and other things. He was getting a little distracted, but that was when he remembed what the letter had told him, he was supposed to go and see the headmaster of the order once they arrived. Nodding to himself as he remembered what to do he would make his way for the office, stopping some random guard at one point to ask for directions when he got turned around.
Feb 5, 2018 10:07 AM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Anna left the Headmaster's office quite quickly, not even looking at the guards besides the door, or the newcomer that had just gone past her to enter the office. She stood in Kareth's courtyard for several seconds before spotting a stone bench near one of the walls. Weaving past several wandering soldiers on her way to it, Anna sat down on the hard, cold stone. Too distracted by her thoughts, she would not notice anyone unless they spoke up loudly. "Okay, so this day is free, and I need to familiarize myself with the head guardians." Running all that Wulfard had told them in his office, Anna was attempting to organize her next actions. "But first, the barracks..." she thought as she rose from the stone bench. Asking for directions from a nearby soldier, she then headed towards the barracks.
Countenance_ArcFeb 5, 2018 4:31 PM
Feb 8, 2018 3:36 PM

Jul 2011
Matt Oliver

Matt also entered the building and looked around to see it's impressive structure. It felt kind of like a hidden base which he assumed was intentional. It would be hard for someone to raid this place unless they knew the layout. Perfect for a time period of war. He walked around the sides of the place to get an overall layout of the area. Wanting to see more of the area he headed to the barracks. From what he gathered they'd be residing in this place.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Feb 8, 2018 5:58 PM

Feb 2010
Kaden returned from his informative meeting with the headmaster. His task today was simple, so the first thing to do was get his stuff from the helpful solider who was willing to watch it for him and get his dorm set up. Walking around and finding his way back, he found the man looking over his curious equipment. Totally understandable, as odd as it all looked. "Hey man! Thanks!" The man seemed a bit startled and nodded to him, saying it was no problem. Smiling, Kaden shook his hand and exchanged names before taking all his stuff. The headmaster had said the barracks for them were marked, so he asked the man if he had a map and found his bearings before hauling his stuff off.
Feb 9, 2018 9:30 AM

Nov 2015
Eris Lilith

She had walked in and out of a few buildings, making her way through the Fort, until she entered the library, walking around it before seeing the person she was looking for.
"Wizard boy! I was looking for you" She let out, making her way towards him, her cigarette still in her mouth as she arrived in front of him "Okay, so, I've been working on this new thing for a while, a new type of rifle to shoot from a distance, but I felt something with it was lacking, it didn't quite have the umpf I was looking for, but obviously there is one answer to that, and that's magic! So, You are going to help me with this. What I need you to do is infuse some magic into my prototypes, or maybe some crystal infused magic or something, do your magic stuff, and then we got a weapon that can shoot elements! Fire, water, thunder, it'll be amazing!"
She said, having started talking without giving him a chance to talk.
"And it'll be great for your studies too, you can safely see if those creatures would be able to withstand those elements from a good distance, what works best and all" She said, finally pausing while she looked at the books, releasing some smoke for a bit before she smoked more of her cigarette.
Feb 9, 2018 10:18 PM

May 2013
Jace Tenebrae

Jace was standing next to a bookshelf, reading one he had just picked up when he heard someone refer to him as wizard boy. Nevertheless he would turn around as she walked over to him and began to speak, telling him that she was working on some new prototype and wanted his help making some magic infused bullets or something along those lines. When she finished explaining he would put his hand to his chin as he thought for a moment before snapping his fingers. "I remember the right one now." was all he would say before moving past her back to the desk he was at before, looking at the bottom of the stack he would grab the book and crack it open. Turning to a certain page he would read to himself before closing it again, "hmmm I have two ideas on how that might work, we could change out the lead in the bullet for a crystal, to make a small sort of magic explosion. Or we could crush the crystals into a powder and mix it in the gunpowder to augment the bullet's damage. Which would you prefer?" he asked looking almost excited as he waited for her decision.
He would then remember the silly name she called him earlier, "and its not wizard boy, my name is Jace Tenebrae, and I won't have you sticking me with some silly nickname." he would say with a bit of determination to show he was serious.
Feb 11, 2018 6:52 PM
Nov 2017
-William had adjusted his scarf as the window was blowing fierce, as he entered the fortress returning his Identifcation to his pockets after showing the guard, He looked around in amazement having never been in such a big building before mostly lying in caves and trees-
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