Nov 27, 2017 12:19 PM
Excited for this show! Let's hope it'll be super enjoyable. For now let's try a pace of 2 eps per day or so. I think you have to join the club to be able to reply to the threads, though I'm not 100% sure @KannoSugako |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
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Nov 27, 2017 2:02 PM
I kinda have high expectations for this show! Just the premise alone is promising. give me some Space, personal and interpersonal development and the human race for the conquest of space resources and i'm in. Episode 1 So this series is not playing around, it starts packed with action and excitement. The first 4 minutes are quite nerve-racking; the despair and sudden death of a character just leave you a quite strong impression. Then the op; i have to admit that for a moment i felt like i was watching a movie; the dark atmosphere and the theatrical music really drive you in. The crude moments and hardships faced with that Everest climb are quite shocking, it shows that both our MCs are really strong minded and and determined when it comes to reaching their goals. Overall, the characters look interesting enough and we got some insight on Gorou's background, the wild side of the party. That said i have to point out that i loved the music in this episode, and i found the viola piece to be super moving mixed with the dying scenes of Snow white. The only thing i didn't enjoy was the CGI, i've never been able to appreciate it Episode 2 I have to get this out of the way: this is the first series i've seen where the sex and nude scenes don't feel like fanservice but actual 'part' of the overall story. This episode in particular gave us more insight on Gorou, what are his motivations, and even why he never accepted the office job. Riyoko might become a possible partner, lol. The tension while he was trying to save that man's life reminded me of Planetes. So far, i'm really interested. |
Vzla-IT |
Nov 29, 2017 11:01 AM
Episode 1 Production value is less polished than I expected, but that might be one of the reasons why this show is obscure. It's doesn't really bother me too much, but it'd be nice if some stuff looked better. That aside, very intriguing start with cool characters and a setting with a lot of potential. Episode 2 Yeah, I agree that the way Riyoko and Gorou's met and dealt with each other might be a hint that they could become partners in the future, he's definitely interested in her, I'd say. I'm looking forward to seeing him interact with other members of the organization as well and also how his buddy will climb up the ranks in the navy. For me it's not the first show with nudity and sex not used as fanservice, but they're definitely rare. Episode 3 One thing that confuses me about this show is that it's not obvious to me how much time has happened in between parts haha. Well, it's not the end of the world though, I'm just picky about timelines. Either way, another step on Goro's road to space. His connection to Riyoko was hinted again in this ep, even if he was seeing another woman. Episode 4 Lostman's ep did not disappoint! It's great to see realistic consequences of the Nexus plan and how they affect the population. I'm looking forward to finding out if the war is still an important aspect later on |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Nov 29, 2017 1:45 PM
Episode 3 Now that was a major time leap. Totally agree with you on how confusing it can be, its obvious some time has passed since he was chosen but like, he even got to develop a serious relationship with that woman xD. About this episode, i felt the CGI was terrible, the pool scenes had me cringing hard haha. And i felt the drama, since it all happened so fast, was a bit too rushed. Episode 4 Finally, some development for Lostman. That superior of his is such a lacra keeping the letter from him. Really liked this episode, i was shocked when he was kidnapped and then the whole introspective journey through the dessert was quite good. Oh and the sacrifice was super moving. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 3, 2017 3:36 PM
Episode 5 This poor show, going to the back burner because of mainstream stuff. Anyway, this ep also seemed to have jumped a bit into the future. We also meet another of Goro's conquests, Tanya. I liked her! It was a little funny how she told him her touching backstory with the ballet and he was like 'your dance at the bar was great'. Like dudeee, she's a stripper now :( Well, they both seemed okay with it though, so no biggie. Goro is very stoic, I don't dislike it, but I think it makes the show a bit superficial. It sort of sells him as a strong masculine guy with some cool skills but little intellect (so far), so we'll see if they'll give him more dimension as time goes on. Episode 6 Well, now I'm convinced of Goro's intellect, his planning skills in dire situations are impressive, but I don't know, I still feel nitpicky about this anime. Like there's something missing. I find the events interesting and I like the characters, but I don't feel any sort of connection with the show. That probably sounds dumb, but although I enjoy it and it makes me smile, I don't get any blood-pumping excitement from it when I should since it theoretically has a lot of stuff I like. Do you feel differently @KannoSugako ? |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 4, 2017 12:49 PM
Episode 5 So basically there's something that has been bothering consistently with this series, and that is how those, i presume huge, time leaps mess with the pacing of the story. It's not only that it ends up being confusing, since you can't quite grasp nor understand the timeline or how much time it has effectively passed but it also contributes and creates a bigger problem: It just doesn't let me fully connect with the story and characters. Since everything happens so fast, and people just come and go with no real introduction or development whatsoever, it's just imposible for me to create the kind of connection that i always do with anime; although presented in a very decent way, even interesting, since it's all so frugal, so temporary, nothing really clicks with me. This episode was another example of this. We got to see Gorou in a complete different context -yet again, different place -yet again, involved 'deeply' with different people -yet again, and facing quite fast-pacing problems -yet again. I get that it's only 12 episodes, so there's not much time to fully develop, i also understand that this is a choice, but i think it's a poor one, cause in my opinion i think it's fundamental to create this link with the story and characters to fully engage, it's not an episodic thing, it's a story that is progressively building up, so it's really hard for me at this point to engage 'cause i just feel like till now i've just watch various random moments, instead of feeling the story building up and that way, having an impact on me when something important happens. Episode 6 Goro's already in space and yet i just didn't feel it was that transcendental, at this point everything feels too easy. There seriously were some life-changing moments and yet again nothing. Him almost dying in space and even saving a woman doesn't really feel like much. If anything, i'm feeling a bit more connection with Lostman, episode 4 was really good from this standpoint. Anyways, i think that girl is really gonna get with Goro. She has even been behind almost everything that he has done at this point xD. @tsuyokunaru OH MY GOD YOU FEELING THE SAME GIRL!?!?! LOOOL.. You complaining about this on this episode and i just wrote a rant complaining about this exact same thing about episode 5!! I agree 100% i think this is were the show is truly lacking. A shame really, cause that aside i think it's pretty good so far. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 4, 2017 6:57 PM
@KannoSugako I snickered to myself when I read your rant for ep 5 because it answered my question before you read it, probably! But I felt the issues in ep 5, the thing is that in ep 6 they include a bit of Lostman's side again and I realized that I care more about his side (probably because of ep 4) than about Goro's side by now. Doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the show, but it's 'nice' not 'great'. |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 7, 2017 6:51 AM
Ahem, way to stick to the 2 eps rule us... > . < Episode 7 Finally the friends meet again on the ISS! Nice ep with cute character interactions and some touching moments. The plot seems to thicken a bit with the involvement of the military space development. I'm guessing they will connect it to the soldiers seen in ep 1 at some point soon. I'm expecting the execution could be a bit clumsy considering the pace things have been going on at so far, but well, I'm also open to being pleasantly surprised. Episode 8 Very tense episode and my favorite so far. I definitely think the combination of Goro and Lostman is pretty strong and it seems now things will continue to go into a less slice of life-y and more serious direction. |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 7, 2017 11:37 AM
@tsuyokunaru totally, shame on us! hard week thou, hard week. And i swear on Chavez's dead body i wrote that rant before reading your comment about it, since i write my impressions right after watching that episode, that way i can control better and don't mess up or miss anything ahha. Episode 7 Finally Lostman could catch up to the never resting Goro. And of course, Lostman had to have his drama before arriving to the ISS himself. I'm also enjoying it, but as i said before, everything feels kinda too rushed for me, so i can't really connect, besides, i love drama, but they drown us in it, almost in every episode someone is dying xD i kinda losses the effect. Episode 8 Was your favorite? this is my second favorite after Lostman's kidnapping one. Thou i really, really liked it, mostly cause we got to see the overpowered Goro and Lostman working together to save not only a comrade's life, but an entire city! I'm really triggered with the whole military involvement, i hope it doesn't end up biting our guys! |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 7, 2017 1:20 PM
So here i am, making up for the wasted time! Episode 9 Nice episode. Kinda going into the dirty side of things a bit more, how development and enterprises trying to push their projects can even disregard human life. I felt bad both for Kousuke and Goro on this one, i don't think it was necessarily their fault but the poor manage is making things more complicated. This episode felt a bit more 'real' and was paced out in a very nice fashion. Also, we are seeing more bonding between Riyoko and Goro Episode 10 Ok gotta admit, Riyoko is such a handy woman to have around, i know she's doing it for herself but she's a monster nonetheless. AND FINALLY THEY GOT TOGETHER, everyone saw that coming Chisa, not just you hhaha. Interesting development for Lostman, and here i was thinking the whole paparazzi thing was just a joke. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 11, 2017 12:42 PM
I had a busy weekend myself u.u Episode 9 I also thought it was nice. It also felt like a bit of an improvement in things that we had criticised before and it really shows the dark side of project rallying as well as the animosity of people from different fields in the same industry. Goro is becoming more likable and tridimensional to me now. Episode 10 Really liked this episode too. I'm happy for Riyoko and Goro, they really seem like a great match. I also thought that paparazzi following astronauts around was unlikely, but well, this show seems to be doing it seriously XD |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 12, 2017 2:24 PM
Was totally waiting for you to catch up to finish this! *big supportive hug during the busy week* Episode 11 So we got to see some nice conclusion for Kousuke , becoming an astronaut and all! Good for him. Some pay time for the bastard chief, and Riyoko useful as ever. Lostman is deep in some secret sheet, felt bad for the paparazzi thou. Is he gonna be like Goro's enemy?! So far, this series is a 6.5 maybe 7 for me, let's see. Episode 12 Favorite episode no doubt. Wow, what a ride, I can't believe his down into that thing, things can only get interesting from now on. I seriously regret the paparazzi, but they had it coming, messing with the US military force is no joke. I loved the whole concept of a reusable plane and the launching was pretty exciting. I ended up giving it 6/10, which may seem a bit harsh but it's just for some things i wasn't really fond of, first of all as i have already mentioned before CGI, not only that, but some inconsistencies with drawings, a times both Goro and Lostman looked bigger, other times, smaller. Same with the faces. Another major flaw is how rushed things felt, thing that got fix a bit by the end but i still felt the story was too rushed and as such, no real character development was felt. Like, yes many things happened indeed, and they accomplished so much, but it didn't felt that relatable since it all felt rushed to me. Still, the overall story is quite promising so i hope season 2 will be better!! I can't wait to know if things are gonna get complicated with this two and to know more about the further development of both Nexus and the US military conquest of space. One thing is for sure, even if at times i felt a bit bored, the series as a whole is pretty exciting and the plot is just great. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 12, 2017 4:48 PM
Episode 11 Nice to see justice done on that asshole who just took advantage of the project to make himself richer. Truly despicable. That arc was pretty nice and it actually made me like Goro more. Definitely nice touch to have Kousuke also take a step forward in his career. Episode 12 Very exciting episode. Gave a nice conclusion to S1 and prepared my expectations for S2. Now they're really in road to the moon. I was also shocked about the paparazzi, but it shows the kind of danger that comes with trying to find a scoop and the power of the military. Overall is was pretty nice. I'll be going with a 7 since the last 4 episodes really improved pacing for me since they were a bit more focused on an arc instead of being standalone eps that connected on a timeline. I'll start S2 tomorrow! |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 14, 2017 11:24 AM
Little old slow me is reporting in for S2! Episode 1 (s2) Very cool way to start off s2! I really enjoyed watching Lostman earn his men's respects and explaining the strategy behind his battle tactics and how he could overpower them. I got 720p resolution for s2 and wow, the cgi looks so different! Episode 2 (s2) I really enjoyed this episode! It was nice to go back to the ISS and get a second look at some of the characters and even learn more about a couple of them. Paulo and Miguel's stories were very touching and it was interesting to see a character which such a combative personality like Miguel get far in life. |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 16, 2017 5:30 PM
Episode 3 (s2) I've been a little impressed by how different the show feels to me now. I wonder if it's because I lowered my expectations? Either way I also liked this episode a lot. It had a bit too much exposition in regards to the Russian accident bit, but it was very emotional and touching. Episode 4 (s2) Another episode with female characters being explored a bit more. It also had the big reveal of what China thinks of ISA's plans. Very bold declaration and it made things politically interesting as well. |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 18, 2017 12:11 PM
Woooow! Reporting on 6 episodes cause i was behind by two days and counting this one is three, lol. Watched the first four yesterday but was too sleepy to write anything so here i go: Episode 1 (s2) totally loved this beginning of the season, nicely paced, animation better, story good as usual. In this episode we get to see our man Lostman trying to earn his place as a captain. As expected he's super overpowered and outbeated them all. Episode 2 (s2) "He's as bad as ever". Such a charming episode, i liked Miguel as a character, and also the patience Goro and the rest of the crew showed with him. Episode 3 (s2) Man, what's up with the levels of tragedy in this series!?!?! This is my favorite episode so far, Elizabeta is such a strong woman and seeing ryoko in love is quite cute. Lovely one, really, the ending was really especial. Episode 4 So exciting for what's to come, trouble between China and EEUU is coming big time. I really liked when Goro's sister told her dad her piece of word, she's totally right, he should be with her some more. Also, we got to see a more confident Miguel. Episode 5 HOLY MOTHER WHAT!!?!?!? Finally some space battle. it was obvious the freaking inventor knew that wasn't a simple anti-satellite he just wanted some data the crazy he avenged Caroline and it's gonna get Lostman killed!?!?!? Episode 6 Oh my god, seriously the politics in this series are just in point. In this episode we get to see once again our Ali, he has changed so much and he has grown to be a freak of rockets, he has been through a lot, being an arab in the States trying to be a scientist while considered a mere terrorist. I was so so moved with his story. The episode was already good enough as it was and then we got the introduction of two other ostracized kids, a poor american and a chinese one, also left beside by society. They reached their dream, and it was certainly beautiful to watch. Best episode ever. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Episode 7 "Orion...liftoff!!" This was a very relaxing episode when compared to the last one, we finally got to see a preparation for an expedition, but it couldn't be otherwise, it's finally the one to the moon. We got to see more on Goro's life and the people that surround him. The interesting thing about this series is that the two that started as equals with the same goal on their minds are accomplishing it but with veeery different methods; Goro is the main stage of the story, meanwhile Lostman is on the backstage, or dark side of it. Episode 8 Solar flare...ringing any bells @omakase? haha :( this was such a nicely paced episode. We got to see Paulo and Miguel again, the guys preparing for going to the moon and suddenly hit with this huge problem. I feel so bad for Steve, after coming so far and so close to landing on the moon he had to sacrifice himself for the sake of the others...such a nice character and such a good leader. Hope Miguel can appreciate and grow thanks to this opportunity. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 20, 2017 1:31 PM
Episode 5 Intense fighting with the Chinese. I really enjoyed the casual camaraderie between Li and Lostman even though they both admitted they're destined to be enemies. It was an interesting class of opposing ideologies. Episode 6 Touching episode! I was surprised to see Ali so grown up, but it's good the show didn't forget about him. I agree that this has been the best episode and it was made more powerful by referencing a great ep from season 1 too. Episode 7 Very friendly vibe this episode, it was really nice to see some characters that have been around Goro for a while. I was also pretty happy to see him and Riyoko together again, they really make a nice couple! Episode 8 LMAO, solar flare... well I guess that's an expected development in lunar exploration stories? xD Definitely hope Miguel will learn to work with others better, he already seems humbled by Steve giving his spot to him after appointing Chris the new leader. Definitely worked out for them! But you're right that it's too bad Steve couldn't make it. He still has the will to train more astronauts though, so there's some fire left in him. |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Dec 26, 2017 11:23 AM
Episode 9 LOL Maggy arriving at the ISS, hahaha it was brilliant when they showed the astronauts total indifferent reaction, lol. Man, things got pretty scary for maggy on this one. It didn't look like debris to me thou Episode 10 HOLY SHEET MAN I CAN'T BELIEVE THE ISS WAS ALMOST DESTROYED WTF Man, what an episode!! Like i thought the biggest breakthrough will be Goro cheating on Ryoko but then this and the also the Guardian!!! U need to transfer your consciousness to operate it!?!? i'm flipping. |
Vzla-IT |
Dec 27, 2017 5:23 PM
Episode 9 Haha I was really amused by Maggy's age thing. Well, she's a fun addition to the cast, I wonder how it'll change the interactions. You're right that it looked like she was shot down. Episode 10 I was definitely impressed by how casual this show was about cheating lmao. Is it weird that it really bothers me??? Oh well, I still like Maggy a lot and the Guardian is really a cool reveal. They did say that it's a prototype for a robot that will eventually replace humans, but if it has to be operated by someone, does it really count as replacing?? Episode 11 Very tense ep again. I really liked how they portrayed this mission and the team rapport. It does seem like Maggy is a bit misguided in her feelings for Goro? But well, he's not discouraging her either, sigh. Either way, they're going to the moon now! Excitement. I really liked how the Galileo take off/ignition bit looked. |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Jan 3, 2018 1:50 PM
Episode 11 Indeed it was a tense episode. Luckily, they all managed to survive. Seems like Lostman is getting on the moon first. And well, i don't know, i feel bad for Ryoko i guess. BTW, now that i think about it, here are some MEGA spoilers COULD IT BE, that the black woman on the Galileo crew is the one we see dying at the beginning of the first season!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And the one that killed her was Lostman. |
Vzla-IT |
Jan 7, 2018 12:25 PM
Episode 12 Talk about bad luck, Maggy almost died for the third time xD. This military men are so fishy, i mean, not helping or anything and in their view, i bet she better be off dead. Anyways, things are getting darker each time. I fear for them clashing those people. Episode 13 I'm so glad maggy found out about the gun once she was outside the moon, otherwise i'm pretty sure she would got herself in trouble again. As for "Let's go to a date when i'm back to earth maggy" i was like wth, i seriously don't understand goro and riyoko's relationship. Now, that death was surely unexpected, it was so harsh too. Feel so sorry for Goro being up there. It looks like trouble it's finally starting between the USA and China and that's when the ISA crew will inevitably get involved. Episode 14 This is our last episode, finally. Whaaaaat it's over and i feel like i need to know more, there are so many things left without a conclusion >_< the hopes of another season are close to zero! Anyways, good last episode; i feel many in this season were better than the ending but it was good enough. We finally got to see the not so superhuman side of Goro, Fatima's story was so compelling i feel so freaking sorry for her locked there, i mean for christ sake they even have a prison! How much more sinister can this get!? I think Lostman's way is super wrong i mean, i know he wanted to get to the moon but even threatening people that it's not attacking them it's just not right. Oh another thing, i really dislike the passivity of both Riyoko and Goro's mom, it's sad cause in Riyoko's case she's a superwoman, super capable and yet to hold such views of leaving it all for the guy that is banging others, i don't agree. Yes, he's incredible but so are you Riyoko. Anyways, i really liked the whole plot of this series and it's something that you could totally see happening, which makes it more frightening. 7/10. |
Vzla-IT |
Jan 7, 2018 1:51 PM
Episode 12 Maggy keeps getting into accidents lol I'm not sure if there will be a clash between the two factions on the moon, but there might be. I'm definitely wondering if the military doesn't fear they will be found by the new crew? Episode 13 I was wondering the same about the relationship!! Like Goro is still a dog! I wonder what Maggy will do with the information, it seems there's too much left to cram it on just one ep. Goro's mom's death was harsh, but I was touched by the sister's concerns. Episode 14 I was definitely angry at those comments Riyoko made about living for the foolish man you love, but well, this is a Japanese work, this kind of passive role is common there. The funny thing is that she was different before she fell in love! It's definitely sad that it ended there, I expected a bit more as well, but unfortunately that's all we get. I'm not satisfied at all! It was still definitely interesting, entertaining and worth the watch. It was touching at times and it had several lines that I agreed with and found inspiring. It's a shame that when it got a bit more profound and the characters had more depth it had to end. 7/10 as well! @KannoSugako Thanks for joining me and sorry we took so long xD |
密室殺人はなぜ美しいのか。 |
Jan 8, 2018 7:04 AM
Don't mind, don't mind. I was too, quite busy at some moments. Always a pleasure dear, let me know when you wanna repeat the experience! |
Vzla-IT |
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