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Who did you want to end up with Makoto?
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Mar 8, 2016 3:00 PM
Mar 2016

Makoto is at fault here and so is Sekai. Both of them deserved to die. They were both selfish and secretive. But in reality, no one deserves Makoto because look at him! He's a jerk and he's the manifestation of a complete asshole. And what was so special about Sekai? Those types of girls are shady to me.
May 11, 2016 7:50 PM
May 2016
Kotonoha because she cannot live without him, like when she lost Makoto after receiving ignorance from him, she turned into yandere.
May 11, 2016 8:05 PM

Feb 2015
Off the top of my head, from the main cast of School/Shiny Days, probably something like:

Setsuna > Youko > Karen > Sekai > Kotonoha > Hikari >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otome

Sekai is the more approachable and lively one out of her and Kotonoha, but she also has this weird penchant for actively and constantly sabotaging her own love life that really throws me off. Kotonoha is very frigid, but at least becomes a stable and relatively normal girlfriend by the end of it.

Now to ruin everyone's day: Sekai is Makoto's double half-niece.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
May 12, 2016 8:18 AM

Sep 2012
Neither, Setuna and especially Otome were a lot better.
Jun 10, 2016 5:57 AM
Jun 2016

Sekai is a bitch.
Nov 19, 2016 1:18 PM

Nov 2016
Kotonoha obviously. Sekai is a bitch that "destroyed" their relationship.
Nov 19, 2016 1:25 PM

Jun 2015
FaviBlaze said:
Kotonoha obviously. Sekai is a bitch that "destroyed" their relationship.

True, I'd choose Katsura over Sekai any time.

but Sekai loved him too..... It's sad for her, she supported them all the way through their relationship.
She just wanted some love from makoto..

That's all she wanted..
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jun 17, 2017 6:40 PM

Feb 2016
In the beginning, I was rooting for Kotonoha. But as Makoto showed his true colours, in all honesty, I switched to hoping he'd end up with Sekai instead.

Not because I had come to prefer Sekai, if anything I hated her more than I did when she first led Makoto astray as it became apparent that she was the catalyst for the vast majority of Makoto's subsequent actions. I just felt that kind, pure and innocent Kotonoha was too good for him and had suffered enough.

Kotonoha is best girl, but Sekai is better suited for a character like Makoto.
--- + ---
"Random quotes in signatures are like friends. Everyone seems to have them, except me."
Sun Tzu, probably

Jun 22, 2017 4:07 AM

Dec 2013
Kotonoha is the victim, like Sekai promised her the world, gave it to her gracefuly then betrayed her. Sekai is a bitch, even more so in the game, I still cant forget how bitch pushed Kotonoha in front of a train.
Aug 22, 2017 6:46 AM

Jun 2014
Kotonoha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Rest is garbage, the whole characters
Aug 24, 2017 10:45 AM

Jan 2017
he deserve no one

but sekai>kotonoha
Aug 24, 2017 11:14 AM

Jun 2016
Hated Sekai in the anime. I don't know, but something about her just bothered me...

Kotonoha is the only likable character that made this anime enjoyable for me.
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Noragami is the best anime ever.
Aug 25, 2017 11:13 AM

Jul 2017
At the end of the day I liked Kotonoha and she was the one who needed Makoto more then Sekai but, Sekai was more of an interesting Person with Makoto. In all honesty if this was not some NTR fucked up anime I would want Makoto and Saka and Kotonoha and Taisuke. Taisuke needed some love to man.
Sep 12, 2017 3:15 PM

May 2017
nigga they are both trash

edit: all these niggas are trash
Sep 21, 2017 2:17 AM

Jun 2012
kikyo1hinamora said:
he deserve no one

but sekai>kotonoha

pretty much this
played the visual novel for the better endings
Sep 21, 2017 2:20 AM

Apr 2017
ofc it's katsura;-;

still life: pink roses
Sep 21, 2017 4:39 PM

Oct 2014
cute but psycho. but cute !
Nov 1, 2017 11:10 PM
Jul 2018
By the looks, I'd say it's Sekai

But in the show, Sekai is a big mess

So NO VOTE for me
Nov 2, 2017 6:05 AM
Jul 2018
kotonoha but with the pervy personality of sekai = everymans dream
May 11, 2018 12:02 AM
Jul 2018
funkotaku said:
I actually liked Sekai... iono why everyone hated her.

I know everyone has their own opinion, but here's why I hate Sekai with a burning passion,

She seduced her friend's boyfriend and is the reason all of this happened in the first place. At first, she was the one who got them together and supported their relationship but at the end, she took Makoto away from Kotonoha and used "special training" as an excuse. She's a slut who shouldn't ruin someone's relationship, especially since It's her friend's relationship. It's a shame people like her exist in real life
May 11, 2018 12:08 AM
Jul 2018
Takamura-sama said:
FaviBlaze said:
Kotonoha obviously. Sekai is a bitch that "destroyed" their relationship.

True, I'd choose Katsura over Sekai any time.

but Sekai loved him too..... It's sad for her, she supported them all the way through their relationship.
She just wanted some love from makoto..

That's all she wanted..

Then if Sekai just wanted some love from Makoto, she shouldn't have brought Kotonoha and Makoto together at the first place, she could've just took him for herself, or she shouldn't have even cared to begin with. It irritates me when people supported others' relationships but at the end is the reason the couple broke up because they loved the guy/girl in the couple. It's like they can't make up their own mind or make up what they actually want.
May 11, 2018 7:32 AM

Jun 2015
SeraglionX said:
Takamura-sama said:

True, I'd choose Katsura over Sekai any time.

but Sekai loved him too..... It's sad for her, she supported them all the way through their relationship.
She just wanted some love from makoto..

That's all she wanted..

Then if Sekai just wanted some love from Makoto, she shouldn't have brought Kotonoha and Makoto together at the first place, she could've just took him for herself, or she shouldn't have even cared to begin with. It irritates me when people supported others' relationships but at the end is the reason the couple broke up because they loved the guy/girl in the couple. It's like they can't make up their own mind or make up what they actually want.

She wanted for them to be happy. but loved him too much. More than she imagined
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
May 16, 2018 11:53 AM

Mar 2018
The Makoto we saw in the anime deserved neither girl. He was scum. He deserved to be alone at best.

But if he had been a better man? If he had remained the kind boy who once helped Setsuna when she was being bullied? Then I would say Kotonoha. She is very sweet and nice, and she can be sexy.

Sekai will be fine. She can land some other dude.
Aug 15, 2018 3:20 PM

Aug 2018
Sekai because she’s quite a bit feistier than Kotonoha, even though Kotonoha has money. Warning though, if Sekai cooks dinner, eat it!
Oct 13, 2018 2:24 PM

Sep 2013
Kotonoha. When I played the visual novel, I went Full Kotonoha all the way for my first playthrough.
I am a thunder dragon! Hear me roar thunder and breathe lightning.
Nov 17, 2018 7:43 AM

May 2017
Sekai, just because Kotonaha doesn't deserve this piece of shit human being
Mar 23, 2019 1:38 PM
Mar 2019
I would prefer Kotonoha cause she got whatever it really takes to be a good waifu. Her body is like top class and she got the money. She even tries her best to make Makoto to love her despite all of the suffering he caused for her and in the end it would have worked out if it wasn’t for Sekai.( Kotonoha >>Sekai) Her cooking skills can improve however LOL. Legit I played the school days hq with full Kotonoha path and it was like my dream come true.
Chimotofu_IkariMar 23, 2019 1:43 PM
Apr 11, 2019 2:04 PM

Dec 2017
As far as the anime goes Makoto is a piece of shit, although I kinda enjoyed this trainwreck of a character for a harem anime. It was kinda fresh to see a character who was turned off by shyness and not acting in the "right" way of thinking stuff like "Oh I like her so I'll just stay with her until she gets over it."

I was sympathetic to Kotonoha in the beginning, but after she kept pining after someone like Makoto it left a bad taste in my mouth. So I really disliked her by the end of the anime. I also felt her wrath was very misplaced on top of that.

I prefer Sekai, thought she was more interesting and despite failing essentially to be a good friend and self-less in my opinion it was Makoto's responsibility to inform Kotonoha of his loss of interest and he kept avoiding if I remember right.
Apr 19, 2019 4:38 AM

Mar 2017
Kotonoha the babe deserved better.






2018年1月3日3:50 pm

May 16, 2019 4:00 PM

Jan 2016
Kotonoha. ( ⸝⸝⸝⁼̴́⌄⁼̴̀⸝⸝⸝)
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Jun 7, 2019 2:47 PM

Jul 2014
Shicchi said:
Mokoto deserve to die. OR he with Sekai, and Kotonoha deserve guy much better than Makoto. Makoto don't deserve Kotonoha, he is trash. I don't mind if he go out with Sekai. they are trash.

I hate Kotonoha with Makoto.
This. Pretty much.
Dec 19, 2019 6:25 AM

Sep 2017
ends up with makoto? hell no

i would like kotonoha for myself or some decent person in there

makoto doesnt deserve a girl like kotonoha, she is too precious for some fucker like him
Jan 2, 2020 10:51 PM

Nov 2018
Nobody needs a piece of shit bf like this.Both girls are nice though.
I hate everyone equally
Mar 19, 2020 8:07 AM
Mar 2020
Because I think makoto didn’t deserve to kotonoha
Apr 26, 2021 5:06 PM
Jul 2018
Sekai was the most manipulative bitch in this anime...

Apr 30, 2021 9:51 PM

Jan 2021
Honestly Makoto deserves to die alone, naked in a dumpster full of used condoms and worn out sex toys in a dark alleyway behind a strip club. Now THAT would’ve been hilarious.
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Nov 16, 2021 11:49 AM
Mar 2016
This is what makes this such a challenging debate.
Reasons Sekai Saionji is better

Sekai has more things in common with Makoto

Makoto is far more comfortable around Sekai and has an easier time speaking to Sekai as he stated multiple times to Sekai and Setsuna that he has an easier time speaking to Sekai and feels more comfortable around her

Sekai and Makoto have the same humor, in a sense that they can make jokes with each other and laugh as well as relate, Kotonoha
What you might not have had known or might not have had remembered about Sekai

Sekai's movie tickets for Makoto that he used to take Kotonoha out on a date were originally meant for Sekai to take Makoto out on a date

Setsuna was originally supposed to sit next to Makoto except Sekai traded her ticket with Setsuna so she could sit next to Makoto

Sekai and Makoto danced at the fire together, the reason why it's so significant is supposedly that whoever dances together will stay together, and love each other
Reasons Kotonoha Katsura is better

Kotonoha put more effort to be with Makoto than Sekai

Kotonoha killed Sekai after Sekai killed Makoto

Kotonoha went criminally insane after Makoto broke up with her

Makoto stood up for her even if it meant he would look like a jerk

The only person that actually cared about Kotonoha was Makoto

Kotonoha was willing to change for the sole purpose of finding ways to relate with Makoto

The idea of leaving Makoto alone was enough to bother her, and anyone who would even think they are not together or never together triggers her big time
What you may not of had known or may of had forgotten about Kotonoha

Kotonoha Katsura met Makoto long before Makoto knew Sekai, even if you do not want to count the interaction Makoto meeting Kotonoha on the boardwalk at the very beginning of Shiny Days cannon, they also met on the train before Makoto met Sekai

Even after everybody turned on him after discovering his affair at the Break Room, Kotonoha stuck by his side
Problems with Makoto x Sekai

People saying Makoto was dating Sekai made both Sekai, and Makoto uncomfortable.

Sekai originally annoyed Makoto and Makoto just viewed her as very nosey, it was not until she began helping Makoto with Kotonoha and started spending time together that they began to "click" and Makoto was no longer annoyed by Sekai

Sekai was more or less the cause of Makoto's stress, as Makoto frequently was manipulated by Sekai, and ended up doing things he really did not want to do thanks to Sekai toying with Makoto's emotions

Sekai frequently confused the living hell out of Makoto as Sekai offered "practice" for Makoto, then would say, no practice is over, or then would allow him to "practice", and would keep repeating this cycle over and over again which is most likely one of the huge reasons Makoto cheated on Kotonoha
Problems with Kotonoha x Makoto

Kotonoha was not ready for a relationship, and really had no idea what it is like to expect when interacting with a boy in general, leading her into feeling uncomfortable and over

Like Sekai, Kotonoha had a habit of confusing Makoto as he didn't exactly understand the things bothering her, this is because of the cryptic messages given to Makoto

She didn't understand Makoto's feelings, and were frequently misinterpreted as a false consensus that led to her feeling uncomfortable

SO, who do you think is better for Makoto, Sekai Saionji or Kotonoha Katsura?

Personally I prefer Sekai x Makoto, but I could see why you would prefer Kotonoha x Makoto

Nov 30, 2023 8:47 AM
Mar 2016
Reply to Caelidesu
Off the top of my head, from the main cast of School/Shiny Days, probably something like:

Setsuna > Youko > Karen > Sekai > Kotonoha > Hikari >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otome

Sekai is the more approachable and lively one out of her and Kotonoha, but she also has this weird penchant for actively and constantly sabotaging her own love life that really throws me off. Kotonoha is very frigid, but at least becomes a stable and relatively normal girlfriend by the end of it.

Now to ruin everyone's day: Sekai is Makoto's double half-niece.
@Caelidesu I think their referring to the anime. If your talking about Shiny Days omg the poll would be different, I would say either Setsuna or Kotonoha. Just curious, why Youko? I like her alot tbh but I feel like there is not enough interaction between the two. Also no, if you want to freak everyone out you could point out that almost everyone in School Days is unknowingly related and Makoto had sex with all of them XD
Nov 30, 2023 8:58 AM
Mar 2016
Reply to dfsafsaf
I rooted for a threesome between them :/
@dfsafsaf Tbh I think that a threesome might of had worked out better than him dating just Kotonoha or Sekai. The three of them vibe together great and solve each others problems. That concept I feel would actually last, and Sekai x Kotonoha x Makoto would work as a couple.
Nov 30, 2023 9:00 AM
Mar 2016
@Loakkola lol hey hey let me have my fun XD
Mar 7, 12:44 AM
Dec 2014
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