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Jul 26, 2017 3:51 PM

Nov 2015

The very heart of Nompoint, the entire city has been built around the tower which is it's source of prosperity. People are constantly buzzing around the clock, trying to make a living. There are also a few market stalls selling pretty much everything an adventurer may have forgotten to take with them. The entrance to the Tower is a large closed door, by putting your hand on it and pressing against it as if opening it you are able to enter the Tower before you are teleported inside.
ByakugaranNov 1, 2017 9:30 AM
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Oct 20, 2017 3:49 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20
STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♥

After having left leaving the Hallion of the Cult she would begin to walk towards the Tower as a guiding point, as she looked at the Tower she would have a happy smile of joy on her face as she wondered what was in there waiting for her. As she looked around a few people were looking at her in the clown outfit. Oh yeah, I spent so much time with those circus guys I almost forgot this was weird to wear most of the time. ♠ Thinking that she would go into an alleyway real quick. Lets see, what do I want to look like, staying human is a safe bet so lets do a cool and composed girl, with a fashion sense shall we not. ♥ Saying that she activated her power Lust for Color, as aura surrounded her body her appearance would seem to change as it would be used to make her look like a different person, although in order to not be found out easily she would stay close to her real body.

As she walked further she looks around a bit, she knows of the dangers of the Tower, so it would not be a bad idea to get someone to team up with, you never know after all. The problem is where is she gonna find someone, who can assist her. Ah what a problem ♠. As she walked further she thought deeper how she could find someone useful, then she came upon a idea what if she waited at the entrance after all people who wished to go into the Tower need to all enter there.
ByakugaranOct 29, 2017 7:25 AM
Oct 21, 2017 5:17 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E

Status: Normal.

As they walked towards the entrance of the tower, Nissa had mentioned stopping for a den, but as usual, she quickly forgot about it. Destin sighed, "We haven't had the need for a den before, and we won't need it now either.", Destin would answer her question but they seemed to have arrived to the entrance already. It took a little while, but it wasn't anything special. Especially after he had wandered around from the far north towards the south, this was more like a walk in the park. If this city had a park, then it would've been a pun.

Looking closely at the tower, it was pretty huge. From far away you could see that it's top was high up already, but being this close made it feel even bigger. Perspective. Destin looked around, he was sure that they weren't the only ones out to get their goals fulfilled.

There was someone at the entrance, seemingly waiting for someone. But that didn't really matter to Destin, he didn't want to increase his party size more than need be. He would just walk past, unless he was stopped, "Since you're hungry, we should get you something to eat soon.", he would say to Nissa, although it wasn't really a shopping district, even monsters were on Nissa's menu.
Oct 21, 2017 6:08 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20
STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♥

She would be standing nearby the entrance of the Tower with a slight smile and making some movement, as she was doing this she looked around the place, citizens all talking to each other, most of them were humans but some were inhumans. The people whom she saw going into the Tower as time passed looked of little interest to her.

There were not many people who were waiting either as most who go into the Tower would prepare beforehand, but after some time passed a pair could be seen walking towards the Tower which she looked at with interest. Its my lucky day. ♥

Since suddenly stopping them would be suspicious on her part she would not stop them, she would simply let them by pass her, patience is the key to victory, she would continue to stand there observing them as they walked to the Tower for now.
Oct 21, 2017 11:20 AM

Mar 2016
Health: 20/20

STR: A (130%) • END: D (85%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: A (130%)
MIN: E (70%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: More Hungry

Nissa, being reminded of her earlier inquiry, she would return to the topic. But! That is because we didnt ssstop moving! Isnt this our destination? Dont we need a Den to ssstay at? Nissa wants to plant seeds in a safe place here." She says this as she walks towards the Tower. He took a moment to look at the tower, and then continued towards it. At this close proximity, you couldnt really see the top. Though from the distance you could see it had one. Or was this top only on the outside. And that was about as far as her thoughts went.

Destin only continued forward, an she followed. He mentioned food, and she would quickly chirp back. Time for food? That wasss quick! When? She would ask this, and follow Destin as he walks.
Oct 21, 2017 11:26 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E

Status: Normal.

Nissa mentioned them not stopping before, which is why they didn't have a den. She thought that this was their destination and would once again request a Den to stay at. She wanted to plant her seeds in a safe place. Destin sighed, and since he wasn't stopped, he would enter the dungeon with Nissa, "We'll make one later, I don't feel like staying in this town for too long. Let's just try to finish this quickly.", Destin dragged her with him. And his earlier mention about food got her excited again. She really couldn't stay away from food for too long, "Inside the tower. There should be something to nibble on for you.".
Oct 24, 2017 7:52 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♥

You simply let the two pass as they continued onwards into the Tower, but before they had gone in she heard the inhuman say something about seeds. It sounded important, however due to her not knowing what it meant she could not really do much with it, as they left she simply returned to looking around to see if anybody was going to be entering was interesting.

As she was about to go she observed as the man and inhuman from before came out of the Tower again as they began walking off. Why are they coming out? Does it have something to do with that ''den'' thing she talked about or is it fear? ♠
Oct 25, 2017 9:42 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

Having had convinced his father it was a trip with some friends, Rai left his house with Kuriboh to explore the tower. He had heard a little about it, not enough to have any idea what was inside, but enough to want to explore it. So, that's it? I think it will be fun, don't you? He asked Kuriboh as he started approaching the tower, which he((or it)) replied to by nodding in agreement.

As Rai was approaching the tower, he could see many walking around. He was going to just enter, but before doing so, it came up his mind that it wouldn't hurt to talk to somebody. He randomly chose someone and approached them. It was an adult woman or teenager, he wasn't really good at guessing ages, but he could tell she was older than him. He tried to start a conversation with her, Hey there, how is it going? If she agreed to continue the conversation with him, he would continue and introduce himself. I'm Raiores and this here is my friend Kuriboh! He would say and point some attention towards Kuriboh, expecting her to introduce herself too after that.
Oct 25, 2017 10:23 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♥

As she would be standing there looking around waiting for anybody interesting to pass by she would see a young boy starting to move towards her strangely enough, she was not very sure why he did so. What was stranger than that was what was with him, together with him was an peculiar inhuman. As he stood close to her, but far enough as he probably at least understood the meaning of personal he began to speak to her. This is quite peculiar, I did not expect someone to approach me. ♠ She would look down at the boy who was a bit smaller than her, responding in a different speech pattern then normal. ''What do you want kid?''

ByakugaranOct 26, 2017 12:19 PM
Oct 25, 2017 8:51 PM

Dec 2015
Finn Samzas
Health: 20/20

- STR: B - END: C
- SPE: C - AGI: C
- MIN: B - MAG: E

Status: Normal

"So this is it, huh?" was pretty much all Finn was thinking at the moment. After hearing tons of different stories, that he heard all the way from his home to right here, which were what inspired him to come here himself and see what was true and what was fake when it came to the so called "Tower". He walked up near the entrance after a long trip, as he had just arrived to Nompoint. He held his staff on his right hand as some sort of cane, while chewing on an apple that he was holding in his other hand.
He looked around, where the only remarkable thing he saw was a very big walking ball of hair a couple of meters away from him, which he stared at for a while, trying to figure out what exactly was it. After a few minutes, he shrugged it off and turned his attention back to the Tower, slowly looking upwards, trying to se how much would he be able to see from here. He held his sight up for a while, as he took another bite of the apple.
ValkanOct 25, 2017 8:55 PM
Oct 26, 2017 12:52 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

Rai started smiling at the situation he walked himself into as if that would help, but man if only it was so easy. The woman he chose to talk to didn't seem as a friendly person who would just talk to him normally. N-nothing really. How are you? Rai asked, leaving names for a little later as he decided to let Kuriboh to choose next time. Now he just wanted to get rid of this conversation with as little mistakes as possible, they could become pretty awkward if that woman makes them.
((@byakugaran Sorry, slept before your post and was out with some friends. Couldn't post but now))
Oct 26, 2017 1:17 PM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♦

Looking down on the boy to meet eyes she noticed that he started to smile, but it seemed forced. How interesting, so the boy wants to ease the situation, for now playing my role in my own theater would be fun. ♥ ''I see.'' She turned her head around to look at the Tower behind her before looking back down at the him. ''I am doing pretty well, I am just waiting currently, thinking about entering the Tower. What are you doing here kid?'' She had noticed someone who was standing there, looking up at the Tower which he would not be able to see the top of.

(Ah I see, no problem man.)
Oct 26, 2017 1:31 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

Oh I see! I was going to enter too, but thought it would be better if I didn't go alone. Wanna go with me? He asked, hoping if she agreed that she would stop talking like that soon. Kuriboh seemed happy, standing on his shoulder. Watching Rai in such a situation was quiet a pleasure for him, what a good friend he was.
Oct 27, 2017 8:31 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♦

She looked at the boy she heard what he said, and as much as she wanted to make a small smile she did not do so, she had to stop herself. Ah, what a problem, what should I do, should I accept. ♠ After seeming to think some more for a bit on the matter replied. ''Sure, its good to have someone else for safety. The name is Shōgō Nise, nice to meet you. What is your name kid?''

(@Raiores Also Rai I don't know what you mean by talking like that, but as your character has not ever heard her real voice he can't really know how she regularly talks or sounds like.)
Oct 27, 2017 2:06 PM

Dec 2015
Finn Samzas
Health: 20/20

- STR: B - END: C
- SPE: C - AGI: C
- MIN: B - MAG: E

Status: Normal

"Screw it! I'm won't go anywhere by staring. Let's go!" Finn thought as he threw the core of the apple to a nearby trash can scoring a sick three pointer. He then twirled his staff around with his hand, bringing it to the middle of the staff with a tight grip due to the excitement. With a grin on his face, he walked inside the tower.
ValkanOct 27, 2017 2:11 PM
Oct 28, 2017 2:13 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

Oh, great! I'm Raiores and-... Dragryder, I'm Raiores Dragryder and this is Kuriboh! Rai said, giving his second name like Shugo did and introducing Kuriboh. So, what are you waiting? Rai asked as he waited with her. He was starting to feel more relaxed now, as the conversation was less awkward than before.

((@byakugaran well, I just went off assuming she talked in a way that wasn't pretty friendly because she replied by asking what he wanted. Well, it would probably not be friendly to say so regardless of how it was said, don't you think?))
Oct 28, 2017 3:12 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Normal ♥

After asking for his name the boy introduced himself as Raiores Dragryder, the name was a bit long, but she knew longer ones so it was not that bad. He also introduced what she presumed was his pet, he called it Kuriboh, it was a bit weird to see a big ball of hair was which alive. Afterwards he asked why she was waiting. ''That is not important, I am finished waiting now after all.'' Saying that she turned around to look at the entrance behind her, before walking into the entrance ''Are you coming kid?'' If he had nothing more to do here and did not try to stop her she would enter the Tower.

(@Raiores She is talking cold and disconnected yeah, I assumed you meant something different.)
Oct 28, 2017 10:05 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

I see, let's go now! Rai followed Shugo as they entered the tower, but before they did, she turned around and asked if he was coming for some reason. Uh... Yes! He replied as he entered the tower with her. He wanted to do so for a while. He had heard very little about it and had no idea what to expect so he was hyped to enter. He wasn't prepared if it would get dangerous with any equipment but a lighter and and a knife, but he was good at using them.
((@byakugaran Was wondering, why did your character say her name was Shugo? Isn't it Yuu Pazuru like in the quote?
You post in the dungeon next btw :P))
Oct 29, 2017 4:40 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E

Status: Normal.

Getting towards the entrance again, Destin noticed something slightly off. He couldn't put his mind around it at first, but then it clicked. It was the person who was standing at the entrance before.. she was gone. It was just something not that important, so he nearly didn't notice it. Maybe they left because they got stood up by their date. Maybe they found the person they were waiting for and stepped into the dungeon. Destin didn't really care either way, as long as they didn't attempt to stand in his way of curing this world from an ancient curse, held at his side. "If you want to eat, Nissa, we'll find something nice inside the tower. I'm sure the tower isn't just rumors. I hope..", Destin said as he walked inside the tower.
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