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Jul 30, 2017 4:36 AM

Mar 2013
AlliedWishes said:
Shradow115 said:
I was so sad for Iwakuma after last episode, everyone was calling him a huge dick. Glad everyone know's he's just a gentle giant now.

ikr? Though I thought it was pretty obvious that the anime was trying way too hard in portraying him as a prick, which made it more of a sign to me that he's likely not the one that did so.

I didn't expect him to be as adorable as this, though. <3

FinalFlash18 said:
Oh boy, I might seriously die from laughing that much :v
I mean just look at those frames. It literally hurts seeing them haha.

Ya show us what you got lol



* OO Nice boooooty*


I can't comprehend how girls are able to keep up dancing with their body and neck twisted like that all the time. Don't they get headaches? lol

Yup, this scene in the mid-air was majestic.

OMG what's with that look? :v
Hyodo: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

No seriously. Plz.
Hyodo: Hnghh Mm-hmm~

So true (and funny). Anyways, I am honestly rather disappointed with the many still frames lately. Still a good episode, but yeah. I know dancing is tough to animate, but is it tougher to animate compared to those very flashy fighting that are in anime these days? Especially the ones that this studio did before, like in Attack on Titan.

I'm still waiting to see an actual dance for once. There are some moments but that's it :/
And yeah that guy was actually nice. Now I feel bad for insulting him.
Jul 30, 2017 5:32 AM

Dec 2014
ok that was intense..the coach is such a jerk... sometimes
Jul 30, 2017 5:39 AM

Jan 2014
_juno said:
People will hate me but...

This anime is ZERO dance and all about poses. We see much more poses than the movement happening (the worst thing is that the poses are recycled).

We see the crowd sayin' "WOW look at this tango"!
And I was like... TANGO? WHERE? I can't see the tango, just a bunch of poses with long and weird necks.

Straight up. This was kinda bothering me too. The neck thing is fine but I wanted to see more dancing than poses too. First half of the episode's "wow that tango" brought me to a point of laughter.
Jul 30, 2017 5:54 AM
Dec 2015
loving this complete yuri on ice rip. happy to see it might be breaking off a bit next episode. might not be though
Jul 30, 2017 7:12 AM
Nov 2015
Jul 30, 2017 7:38 AM

Aug 2014
FluffyDango said:
Have to vote for just "Liked it" this ep too.
Too much stills.
The intensity from the manga is not there for me. Sure it might be because I've read the manga, but not only. It's just not as intense as the manga is.

Most beautiful girl imo appeared in this ep :D

That's because you already knew what will happen since you already read the manga.
Jul 30, 2017 8:37 AM
Jul 2018
I anticipated the siblings' appearance so much!
Jul 30, 2017 9:45 AM

Oct 2013
Hyodo was intense like the devil. Illuminati confirmed?
Jul 30, 2017 9:47 AM
Dec 2015
Reading all the posts in this discussion makes me feel odd one out. I actually feel as if the tango was really good. Yeah, I thought there was a lot of stills, but I still really enjoyed it. The stills felt intense and they felt right.

To all the people who say some of the stuff looks unnatural, yeah it really does. But, I think at the same time it looks real. While I don't do ballroom dancing, I do dance including ballet. While it's not exactly the same, I think there are several parallels. A lot of unnatural positions, a lot of tilting your neck weird ways and trying to make yourself look like a giraffe, a lot of bending your back. So because of that I could really see this as something normal and cool, despite not actually doing ballroom. (so please correct me if I'm wrong and Ballroom and other dances I do aren't as alike as I think.) The stills managed to capture posses that would stick in the audiences eyes, and in real life would have been accentuated. I think that the stills helped do that instead of having weird pauses in the animation to showcase certain moves. But that is just me.

Jul 30, 2017 10:00 AM
Mar 2012
FinalFlash18 said:
AlliedWishes said:

ikr? Though I thought it was pretty obvious that the anime was trying way too hard in portraying him as a prick, which made it more of a sign to me that he's likely not the one that did so.

I didn't expect him to be as adorable as this, though. <3

So true (and funny). Anyways, I am honestly rather disappointed with the many still frames lately. Still a good episode, but yeah. I know dancing is tough to animate, but is it tougher to animate compared to those very flashy fighting that are in anime these days? Especially the ones that this studio did before, like in Attack on Titan.

I'm still waiting to see an actual dance for once. There are some moments but that's it :/
And yeah that guy was actually nice. Now I feel bad for insulting him.

Ask Wit Studio to make one maybe, but they seem to like shounen action more.
There's a wonky Morgiana dance in Magi by A1.
Shoukoku no Altair had a few dances already & it's surprisingly good, even the background randoms danced ok.
gophercgJul 30, 2017 10:05 AM
Jul 30, 2017 10:04 AM

Mar 2013
FinalFlash18 said:

Oh boy, I might seriously die from laughing that much :v
I mean just look at those frames. It literally hurts seeing them haha.

YEEESSSS man I laughed a lot too... the dancing part in this show is so poor animated...

FinalFlash18 said:

Hyodo: Hnghh Mm-hmm~

His face is so creepy... OMFG look at this scene.

Jul 30, 2017 11:02 AM

Jun 2015
That tango was the thing I wanted to see the most.

Long necks were overdone this episode. Hyodo looked like the monsters in Berserk with the weird eyes and camera angles.

A grand entrance in the end.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jul 30, 2017 12:54 PM

Feb 2014
Hyodo called it a "Dancer's high", but I think it should be re-named to "Dancer's anger" going by the facial expressions he was making during the dance. O___O

Either way, Hyodo and Shizuku's dance was intense and powerful, but also bloody awesome to watch. It was expected for them to be suspended due to Tatara's cameo sub in the previous episode, but they definitely won the crowd's approval with that performance alone, which would be like a satisfying consolation prize. =)

Iwakuma is simply a big friendly giant after all and witnessed Kyodo slipping down the stairs before rushing him to the medical room. I hope we see him again in future episodes. =)

Although Hyodo's given Tatara his approval to dance with Shizuku, another new guy has set his eyes on her. On first impressions, he looks very cocky, but I'm sure we'll see what he's capable of anyway.

Personally, the animation was pretty good for the dances and the stills shots didn't really annoy me at all, unlike the constant criticisms about that and the necks again. -_-

Anyway, great episode overall. =)
Jul 30, 2017 4:02 PM

Apr 2014
Hyodo is amazing and all but they rarely talk about Shizuku. he couldn't have done an intense tango dance like that if his partner wasn't good. why don't they talk about her at all?

also, this might be an unpopular opinion but i'm rooting for Shizuku to end up with Hyodo. i feel like the fact that they've been partners for so long, it isn't just a bond you can take away easily. i hope there's gonna be someone else for MC
belovingJul 30, 2017 4:06 PM
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Jul 30, 2017 5:18 PM

Nov 2016
Hyodos performance was strong.

And well, since I already read that part in the manga I knew that Gori didn't throw him off the stairs, but even while reading the chapter it was pretty obvious that Iwakuma wasn't responsible for it.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 30, 2017 7:09 PM

Oct 2008
Very nice intense episode!
even the OST is intensely perfect and fitting! then Hyodo fiercely danced! he even shouted in the middle of dancing!
Sengoku was correct! Fujita lit a fire in him!
so Iwakuma did nothing wrong there and it's Hyodo's own fault that he was injured.
2 more new characters appeared!

Jul 31, 2017 3:46 AM

Jan 2015
Nice episode. I'm glad the gorilla guy didn't push Hyodo down the stairs after all..
Jul 31, 2017 11:50 AM

Jul 2009
Seems that the necks were longer this episode LOL
Iwakuma is not a bad guy! The way they showed it looked like he was the one that hurt Hyodo.
Jul 31, 2017 5:26 PM

May 2014
Such a passionate Tango...too bad Hyodo is staring at Tatara the entire time lmao

All jokes aside, the whole Tango routine gave me goosebumps- the music, atmosphere and animation were pretty damn godly. I much prefer seeing Hyodo be a little freer and fiercer as opposed to the more complacent, textbook style we've seen from him so far.

Maybe witnessing a complete novice stealing his suit, his partner and his choreography was a bit of a wake-up call for him. Complacency is never a good can pretty much destroy drive and passion.

Pretty sad that they ended up getting disqualified after that standing ovation, but they won in their own right, I guess. With his parting words and condition, it doesn't look like Hyodo's gonna be around for a while leaving Shizuku alone. Plus there's now another dancer vying for her affections partnership.

Also, that girl at the end was adorable *o*


Oh yeah, and Gorilla isn't a bad guy...he's actually a cinnamon roll. Welp.
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Jul 31, 2017 5:31 PM

May 2014
BlueEclispe said:
loving this complete yuri on ice rip. happy to see it might be breaking off a bit next episode. might not be though

Wait, isn't this based off a manga that started a few years back?
If anything, wouldn't Yuri on Ice be the rip?

Actually scrap that...they're basically nothing alike. Homosexuals Ice-skating vs. Heterosexuals ballroom dancing lol

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Jul 31, 2017 5:39 PM

May 2014
bibi-fan said:
Reading all the posts in this discussion makes me feel odd one out. I actually feel as if the tango was really good. Yeah, I thought there was a lot of stills, but I still really enjoyed it. The stills felt intense and they felt right.

To all the people who say some of the stuff looks unnatural, yeah it really does. But, I think at the same time it looks real. While I don't do ballroom dancing, I do dance including ballet. While it's not exactly the same, I think there are several parallels. A lot of unnatural positions, a lot of tilting your neck weird ways and trying to make yourself look like a giraffe, a lot of bending your back. So because of that I could really see this as something normal and cool, despite not actually doing ballroom. (so please correct me if I'm wrong and Ballroom and other dances I do aren't as alike as I think.) The stills managed to capture posses that would stick in the audiences eyes, and in real life would have been accentuated. I think that the stills helped do that instead of having weird pauses in the animation to showcase certain moves. But that is just me.

I actually loved the Tango scene as well- it's the best dance so far imo. It's actually a lot better than many of the skating scenes in Yuri on Ice (I use that for a comparison since there aren't any dance-ish anime I can think of- there aren't many).

Also, it's like people forget this is a sports anime. And what to sports anime usually do? They use hyperbolic expression to make a particular sport look like the absolute bees knees; the be all and end all of the entire story where losing is the end of the world as we know it.
So of course the dance scenes, facial expressions & monologues are gonna be over the top and melodramatic. Saying that, there is an element of realism to the fluidity of the characters' movements as well.

If I wanted a super realistic portrayal of Ballroom dancing though, I'd go watch it on TV or something. But I don't because I find them extremely boring! This adds an interesting twist on dancing, and the whole dance thing is pretty rare in I'm gonna eat this up whilst it lasts ;)
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Jul 31, 2017 5:49 PM
Dec 2015
Strawberrycake48 said:
BlueEclispe said:
loving this complete yuri on ice rip. happy to see it might be breaking off a bit next episode. might not be though

Wait, isn't this based off a manga that started a few years back?
If anything, wouldn't Yuri on Ice be the rip?

Actually scrap that...they're basically nothing alike. Homosexuals Ice-skating vs. Heterosexuals ballroom dancing lol

even if it came first the story is essentially the same. main character that is really good at copying what he sees finds champions and legends of his respective sport (figure skating is just dancing on ice anyway) and they help he get really good

Strawberrycake48 said:
BlueEclispe said:
loving this complete yuri on ice rip. happy to see it might be breaking off a bit next episode. might not be though

Wait, isn't this based off a manga that started a few years back?
If anything, wouldn't Yuri on Ice be the rip?

Actually scrap that...they're basically nothing alike. Homosexuals Ice-skating vs. Heterosexuals ballroom dancing lol

even if it came first the story is essentially the same. main character that is really good at copying what he sees finds champions and legends of his respective sport (figure skating is just dancing on ice anyway) and they help he get really good

Jul 31, 2017 7:38 PM
Dec 2015
[quote=BlueEclispe message=51748202]
Strawberrycake48 said:
BlueEclispe said:
loving this complete yuri on ice rip. happy to see it might be breaking off a bit next episode. might not be though

Wait, isn't this based off a manga that started a few years back?
If anything, wouldn't Yuri on Ice be the rip?

Actually scrap that...they're basically nothing alike. Homosexuals Ice-skating vs. Heterosexuals ballroom dancing lol

even if it came first the story is essentially the same. main character that is really good at copying what he sees finds champions and legends of his respective sport (figure skating is just dancing on ice anyway) and they help he get really good

I mean I find it to be different since the people that he is copying are at a much lower level. And people have kinda called Fujita awful, there was a whole scene where they compared him to animals. I think that is much different from the level Yuri on Ice is at. And even if they both seem to be series that focus on characters growing, I think the same can be said for most sports anime. Also Fujita seems to be finding a purpose and something he actually enjoys while Yuri was reinventing himself and trying to push himself farther than before, to reach the goals he always wanted.

Jul 31, 2017 9:25 PM

Jul 2012
This is the only ED song this season that I have to listen to the ED every episode. It's so good!
The OST is amazing too. I love Hayashi.

Iwakuma is actually a really cool guy.
Seems like we'll have some new characters are introduced next episode. Should be fun!
Jul 31, 2017 11:29 PM

Mar 2009
Crazy intense episode.

Had a feeling Iwakuma didn't push Hyodo down the stairs. He seemed like a decent guy from the beginning. What's up with Hyodo? Is he quitting? Felt bad for him when he told Tatara to take take care of Shizuku.
Aug 1, 2017 2:24 AM
Mar 2017
Damn Hyoudou was trying to kill Tatara with his dance moves
Aug 1, 2017 4:42 AM
Oct 2007
I think I'm liking this show more than Yuri on Ice if I were to just compare widely (dance category)!
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Aug 1, 2017 5:41 AM

Jun 2016
Hyodo sometimes he looks like Bakugou from Boku no Hero Academia and sometimes he looks like Todoroki. Is it just me? Hahaha. He's so handsome.

Holy shit. I thought that guy pushed Hyodo, I'm so sorry, I misjudged you. *slaps myself* He's a nice guy after all. *slaps myself again*

Ugh. I love this anime now. It honestly got better. But I hope they start showing their full performance, and not just the bits of it. It's annoying the heck outta me. Like I came for their whole dance performance, not every few seconds of it, and the emphasis of their faces and poses like damn.

And oh my god that new character. Looks like he's gonna be a hella fun character.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Aug 1, 2017 6:35 AM

Dec 2016
Intentence episode! :o Hoping that Hyoudou gets well soon :( He's amazing!

Am I the only one who sees that Tatara Fujita have some similarities to Yuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice?? Like the way they freak out pretty easily for example? o.o

[*]My Completed List
[*]♪Listen ►
Aug 1, 2017 7:13 PM

Feb 2015
Hyoudou's dance was spectacular, but now he is in rehabilitation so he can't dance. Shizuku is available but a new dance has arrived.
Aug 2, 2017 7:19 AM

Jun 2008
I love how it's the male dancers who gets the attention in this anime. Cause usually the attention is on the female in ballroom dancing since the female is wearing the flashiest outfit and the attention is supposed to be on the female.
But the male is the one leading the female around and deserves so much of the attention as well.

Also, i have also experienced what Hyodo referred to as "dancer's high."
Aug 8, 2017 8:52 PM

Mar 2015
Yikes, Orange-Hair-kun's mullet makes his neck look even longer

Aug 14, 2017 10:08 AM

Nov 2007
My rotten self sure enjoyed the Hyodo and Fujita moments....please doujinshi gods, bless me

anyway,ya all were trashing poor Iwakuma last week, glad to see you repenting!
Aug 18, 2017 9:12 PM

Feb 2008
If they were really that worried about Hyoda, then they would have just told Shizuka like the MC tried to do originally. There's no way she'd step onto the dance floor with him if she knew he was injured. She cares far more about him than any dance competition.

They really do just treat the female lead as an accessory. The guys aren't out there alone you know.

I don't know much about ballroom dancing, but I assume that its like most competitions, where you have to inform the competition of your choreography beforehand. That being the case, they should have lost points like crazy in both dances.

Its really not much of a punishment. His doctor would likely have banned him from competitions for at least that long anyway.

So, how does he plan to get on the stage when he doesn't have a partner? Even if Shizuku were willing to be his partner, she's banned for six months too.

So, not only is she an accessory on the dance floor, but she's also an object they can trade around without her consent off the dance floor? What champions of women's rights these writers are.
Sep 6, 2017 8:28 AM

Apr 2016
What? new characgters? a blonde girl? a redhead boy? the cousins? kekeke
Sep 8, 2017 2:33 AM

Jun 2013
Tatara lit a fire in Hyodo and Hyodo became possessive over his dance, partner and suit. Loving Hyodo's fierce look, the passion in his eyes and that impossibly LOOOONG neck that made me snort at every bitch look he gave everyone in the ballroom.

Hyodo's passionate, fierce and long-necked dance has everyone chanting the long-neck god's name! :D He has a neck like a giraffe and he falls down gracefully like a giraffe too... ouch.

Too bad they got suspended for violating the rules.

Iwakuma is so nice, he's a big cinnamon roll. He and his ham are too pure for this world.

Hyodo visited Tatara and granny used him as a guest commentator.

Noooooo!!! Hyodo don't abandon Shizuku! D: You're my OTP aside from Banba Karen and Jimbo! He was so shocked that he went on the wrong train! TT__TT

The siblings are here! :D They're also my favorite.
Sep 14, 2017 2:28 AM

Jan 2017
Hyoudo was really scary during his tango dance. In the end that big man who always was second ended second and he wasn't so bad like it seemed. He didn't push hyoudo downstairs.
Karasuno Fight!!!
Sep 21, 2017 10:35 AM

May 2010
I feel bad for doubting the Kuma guy. Hes actually really nice...
Sep 21, 2017 10:35 AM

May 2010
I feel bad for doubting the Kuma guy. Hes actually really nice...
Sep 30, 2017 8:46 AM

Nov 2011
Hyodo seemed like a devil during his dancing performance. XD
Very intense at certain points the narration, now that the anime series comes alive. Now also the gorilla, I'm nice, LOL. The scene of Mako falling on Tatara, is too overused, oh well!
Oct 4, 2017 11:44 AM

Aug 2016
Starting to notice how good the OP and ED are!
Nanika ga Okashii
Oct 7, 2017 10:36 AM
Aug 2012
Hyodo's face expression fired me up! What a passionate performance aafter which you can become dead to the world! Just wow!
Dec 17, 2017 11:48 PM

May 2013
MetaThPr4h said:

Laughed hard with this.

It's him. He has returned.

Dec 21, 2017 4:12 PM
Jun 2014
Am i the only one laughing at how incredibly forced and stupid this entire series is? Giraffes, Protagonist, while being treated as a boy, really has the personality of a girl. Protagonist can't even stand on his own, just copying others moves....... Terrible and completely uninteresting character trait. It was especially bad when the rival appeared out of the blue. Typical shoujo shit.
Jan 19, 2018 5:53 AM

Jul 2016
I wonder who the guy at the end was, mabye Hyodo's rival?
Jun 17, 2019 4:30 PM
Jul 2014
The INTENSITY omfg and his cracking KNEE the standing ovation and chanting BITCH the dramatic collapse I--
This anime really depicts dancing on a whole other level

LMAO Iwakuma is a teddy bear UWU his sweater and the fact that he brought some food for Hyoudou :') I feel bad for calling him a dirty gorilla in the previous episode's forum lol i take it back
His reaction to Tatara bursting into tears lmaooooo Iwakuma is so cute ^^

the grandma is so cute too lol

Hyoudou just casually watching sumo wrestling with the fam XD I'm glad him and Tatara had that moment of recognizing each other. But that whole line at the train station was kind of weird 'take care of Shizuku for me' lmao you're not DEAD Hyoudou lmao but getting permission to dance with Shizuku is good I guess

Oop another crazy guy appears
Oct 13, 2019 4:00 AM

Mar 2015
Lel that shounen-y bit with Hyoudou awakening and all!

Looks like now the spotlight's gonna be on our main dude!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Oct 21, 2019 12:45 AM

Sep 2018
I'm distracted whenever I saw their necks, the bending is so exaggerated lol

Ouch!! Wahhh he's worried about Shizuku!! I really ship them ❤
New characters!! I hope Tatara have his own partner! Shizuku is for Hyodo only..
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Dec 17, 2021 8:51 PM

Mar 2021
great episode, I thought that gorilla guy is bad nut nope hahaha. This show so far is really enjoyable :D

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