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Aug 26, 2017 1:43 PM

Jun 2016
Comander-07 said:
Also give us Mamika back. PLEASE
Don't worry, Soutas creation will be extremely hax and everything is going to be just fine.
Aug 26, 2017 1:44 PM

May 2016
If the Elimination Chamber Festival was a plane, Altair's pretty much doing what Bane would do:

Crashing it, with no survivors
(presumably, of course)
Aug 26, 2017 1:50 PM

Sep 2014

Zantius said:
Comander-07 said:

Not really an asspull since it was obvious just defeating her in battle wouldnt work. MC guy will probably with the help of magane simple break her existince by some sweet talks about her creator.

I hate how long it's taking for them to have Sota actually step up or have a full interaction between Altair and said MC. It's like...shouldn't this have happened already?
sigh.. dont get me started. YES. Yes it should. Sota is really the most passive MC I know. I dont even mean this in a meme way. He is literally just a side character the cameraman uses to test if the camera is still working. I overall think this anime would be much better if it was shorter. As of now we have 2 options - the MC becoming usefull for the first and last time. Or Altair actually winning. Im sort of rooting for the last option because I feel everything else is too forced.
Noumu said:
Comander-07 said:
Also give us Mamika back. PLEASE
Don't worry, Soutas creation will be extremely hax and everything is going to be just fine.

I want her back with screentime. Not just smiling at the end. (Okay I want that too)
I think she had the most potential, we all should know how great a dark magical girl anime can be. And here we had the chance to see a magical girl developing into a mature character and they take her away. I cry everytime.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Aug 26, 2017 2:00 PM
Jun 2011
HereticHunter said:
all these pointless deaths against an Extremely Broken Villain (how the fuck does Altair gets so many powerups only from fanarts, but the others doesn't?)

This is gonna end in a Dragon Ball level of bullshit battle Godlike vs Godlike, unless Sota somehow creates a "creation" that assembles her friend so she could stop Altair
i think what you said actully going to happen with souta and his freind
Aug 26, 2017 2:05 PM

Apr 2008
But Mamika already fulfilled her role. She may look like Madoka but she was a Mami all along.
Aug 26, 2017 2:10 PM

Aug 2013
Comander-07 said:

Zantius said:

I hate how long it's taking for them to have Sota actually step up or have a full interaction between Altair and said MC. It's like...shouldn't this have happened already?
sigh.. dont get me started. YES. Yes it should. Sota is really the most passive MC I know. I dont even mean this in a meme way. He is literally just a side character the cameraman uses to test if the camera is still working. I overall think this anime would be much better if it was shorter. As of now we have 2 options - the MC becoming usefull for the first and last time. Or Altair actually winning. Im sort of rooting for the last option because I feel everything else is too forced.

Yeah that tends to be a major faultline when you have original anime. You either have too little episodes to really tell the full story without some parts feeling rushed or something where plot holes are guaranteed to exist; or, it's too long where some parts just dragged or felt unnecessary so you miss a lot of opportunity for some key moments to make the plot feel more cohesive. I mean at this point, Sota is nothing but a plot device to be used in the moment, nothing about him is stand out or even memorable. Like I remember all of the other creators more than him and it's a damn shame since he's been there the entire time.
Don't believe the hype.
Aug 26, 2017 2:18 PM

Sep 2014
Zantius said:
Comander-07 said:

sigh.. dont get me started. YES. Yes it should. Sota is really the most passive MC I know. I dont even mean this in a meme way. He is literally just a side character the cameraman uses to test if the camera is still working. I overall think this anime would be much better if it was shorter. As of now we have 2 options - the MC becoming usefull for the first and last time. Or Altair actually winning. Im sort of rooting for the last option because I feel everything else is too forced.

Yeah that tends to be a major faultline when you have original anime. You either have too little episodes to really tell the full story without some parts feeling rushed or something where plot holes are guaranteed to exist; or, it's too long where some parts just dragged or felt unnecessary so you miss a lot of opportunity for some key moments to make the plot feel more cohesive. I mean at this point, Sota is nothing but a plot device to be used in the moment, nothing about him is stand out or even memorable. Like I remember all of the other creators more than him and it's a damn shame since he's been there the entire time.

That is so true, I had to look up his name XD I usually like to support original animes because they arent just manga/LN teasers like 90% of everything else.. But they wasted so much potential. I didnt even care about the three deaths this episode. I just cant take it serious anymore.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Aug 26, 2017 2:25 PM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
They had 22 episodes. They wasted 1 in a recap, some in building the characters in a very slow pace and finally they had 3 specials that were part of the main budget. It will be disappointing seeing Sota's creation fixing all because that is very predictable.

Aug 26, 2017 2:29 PM

Aug 2013
Comander-07 said:
Zantius said:

Yeah that tends to be a major faultline when you have original anime. You either have too little episodes to really tell the full story without some parts feeling rushed or something where plot holes are guaranteed to exist; or, it's too long where some parts just dragged or felt unnecessary so you miss a lot of opportunity for some key moments to make the plot feel more cohesive. I mean at this point, Sota is nothing but a plot device to be used in the moment, nothing about him is stand out or even memorable. Like I remember all of the other creators more than him and it's a damn shame since he's been there the entire time.

That is so true, I had to look up his name XD I usually like to support original animes because they arent just manga/LN teasers like 90% of everything else.. But they wasted so much potential. I didnt even care about the three deaths this episode. I just cant take it serious anymore.

It's pretty much slowly trekking down to yet another series that has a great concept but a questionable method of execution. I'm just hoping that it doesn't get a crappy ending like Aldnoah.Zero. Original shows tend to really challenge the writing capacity of the people working on it which is why I often see them as the "real" anime or the grit of the industry as opposed to adaptations of already established material. I try to get into a lot of original stuff but I just hate the same pattern over and over again when writing quality dips.
Don't believe the hype.
Aug 26, 2017 2:45 PM

Jun 2015
Didn't expect to loose two characters in one episode. It hit me hard. Alice's creator crying out was heart wrenching. She fought until the end. Altair calling her a supporting character was cruel. Selestia's story is finished. That ending was brutal. Her sacrifice was sad. Rui did pretty good fighting against Charon. Altair is still OP. She's having a lot of fun.
Aug 26, 2017 2:49 PM

Feb 2009


Aug 26, 2017 3:08 PM

Nov 2014
Still waiting patiently for best girl Magane to wreak Altair.
Aug 26, 2017 3:12 PM

Sep 2014
Zantius said:
Comander-07 said:

That is so true, I had to look up his name XD I usually like to support original animes because they arent just manga/LN teasers like 90% of everything else.. But they wasted so much potential. I didnt even care about the three deaths this episode. I just cant take it serious anymore.

It's pretty much slowly trekking down to yet another series that has a great concept but a questionable method of execution. I'm just hoping that it doesn't get a crappy ending like Aldnoah.Zero. Original shows tend to really challenge the writing capacity of the people working on it which is why I often see them as the "real" anime or the grit of the industry as opposed to adaptations of already established material. I try to get into a lot of original stuff but I just hate the same pattern over and over again when writing quality dips.
yes sometimes it looks like the studio takes viewers preferences into account when they produce a series and do little changes to the source or change original content in that way (thats the benefit of producing anime on demand and not beforehand I guess). But here it appears like they did not know how to fill 22 episodes.
And oh boy A0 yes.. I remember. Slaine pretty much was the Magneto of anime, except friendlier.
I really hate how people bitch about changes from the source or how an adaption is not faithfull. But since the source is not perfect I dont think changing things is bad. I always say this is my anime list and not my adaption list. So it saddens me when original animes turn like this one.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Aug 26, 2017 3:22 PM

Aug 2013
Comander-07 said:
Zantius said:

It's pretty much slowly trekking down to yet another series that has a great concept but a questionable method of execution. I'm just hoping that it doesn't get a crappy ending like Aldnoah.Zero. Original shows tend to really challenge the writing capacity of the people working on it which is why I often see them as the "real" anime or the grit of the industry as opposed to adaptations of already established material. I try to get into a lot of original stuff but I just hate the same pattern over and over again when writing quality dips.
yes sometimes it looks like the studio takes viewers preferences into account when they produce a series and do little changes to the source or change original content in that way (thats the benefit of producing anime on demand and not beforehand I guess). But here it appears like they did not know how to fill 22 episodes.
And oh boy A0 yes.. I remember. Slaine pretty much was the Magneto of anime, except friendlier.
I really hate how people bitch about changes from the source or how an adaption is not faithfull. But since the source is not perfect I dont think changing things is bad. I always say this is my anime list and not my adaption list. So it saddens me when original animes turn like this one.

Oh yeah I agree. Really the only time I ever gripe about an adaptation not being source accurate is when you know the source has plenty of material for it warrant a faithful adaptation and be serious but then again as you said, sometimes changes are made because the source itself isn't perfect. But yeah, I hate how originals wind up suffering when it shows so much potential.
Don't believe the hype.
Aug 26, 2017 3:23 PM

Jul 2012
Does anyone know the name of the soundtrack in the final that plays in the end?
Aug 26, 2017 3:25 PM
Jul 2018
'Tis saddening to have lost three(?) characters in simply one episode (Alice, Selesia, Charon), but - alas - the show must go on.

That being said, however, I'm still enjoying the ride, even though there has been some slow spots to contend with, so...hopefully the finale won't let me down.
Aug 26, 2017 3:32 PM

Feb 2016
This episode is so satisfactory. Finally, they let Altair shine like a megami. From this point, Altair is getting the viewers' acceptance power maxed out and having a killing spree, but Sota and Magane are cooking something about 'acceptance not needed twist'.
Aug 26, 2017 3:36 PM
Aug 2015
Watanukii said:
Does anyone know the name of the soundtrack in the final that plays in the end?

it's a song called oldToday by Sawano Hiroyuki
Aug 26, 2017 3:38 PM
Aug 2015
kotobukis said:
Mugi__nZk said:

it's oldToday by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki
Sawano never disappoints.

couldn't agree more
Aug 26, 2017 3:44 PM
Jul 2016
Mfw when your favorite character gets killed by your second favorite.

And Selesia, shit, I didn't expect this. I loved her fight with Charon though.

Alice's death is one of the saddest I have ever had the displeasure of watching. She should have gotten revenge for Mamika :(
Aug 26, 2017 3:54 PM

May 2015
No words can express how badass yet saddening this episode was.

Aug 26, 2017 4:05 PM

Dec 2016
Oh damn, we lost Aliceteria & Selesia, not a good episode for out heroes.

On top of that Kanoyo is badly hurt and Altair looks stronger than ever.

Altair's personality in this episode was that of a great villain.
Aug 26, 2017 4:54 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Lelouch0202 said:
Tokoya said:
I'm damn near speechless.......

This was such a great character driven episode with tons of respectable moments from Yuya, Alicetaria, Kanoya and even Selesia but I didn't expect any of this to happen

I figured that Alice would eventually die, but not like this....Not without being able to see Mamika's death get avenged....Heck, I feel like if anyone deserved their world to be saved after all that they've been through both there and in the real world, it would be her TwT

RIP Brave and Honourable Valkyrie....Sucks that you had to be killed like that

But most of all.....The poster girl of the series.....If there was anyone that I felt would have made it all the way to the end alive it would have been Selesia, and so for her freaking die and die now of all times came as a complete shock to me

I was expecting her to get a powerup in order to defeat Charon but this was just something else entirely.....I can't get mad because this was the most realistic way for her to beat him and because this gave her character good growth (And like she said herself, it makes up for her fuck ups in this episode) but I'm legit salty since apart from Best Girl Meteora, she was my favorite :(

RIP my beautiful red head hero......You will be dearly missed....I'm scared shitless for best boys Kanoya and Yuya now (Especially Kanoya because I had no idea that whatever happened to his mech happens to him too)

Just gonna second all of this, this episode completely surprised me with how it played out and I've gotta say, both of the deaths made me pretty emotional.
It was really sad to see Aliceteria go out the way she did, mocked and destroyed by her own power. Her creator's reaction was the one that me really sad. She totally didn't deserve to go out like that.

Yuya was the man this episode, I loved how he talked the other guy out of his rage against the creators. It's like Blitz says, he's a young but wise guy. Huge props to Kanoya as well.

Altair is way too OP to the extent I don't see how they can beat her.

I did not in the least expect Selesia's story to turn out this way and my thoughts were the exact same as what you said but once again like you say, this seems a more grounded plausible direction and makes up for her past mistakes. Her goodbye along with Matsubara's reaction was just... :(
"Please give my world stories and coffee." T.T
I still can't believed this stuff happened tbh
Aug 26, 2017 4:54 PM

Feb 2016
I forgot to add this; Will Meteora pay the price? That bubble was her idea and the others accepted it. I hope she doesn't have to sacrifice herself. Otherwise, it will be most painful; such innocent look ;)
Aug 26, 2017 5:00 PM

Nov 2016
WOW. What an episode. That was absolutely amazing. The tears were real. And also, AN AWESOME NEW SONG THAT I WANT RIGHT NOW. I can't believe there are only three episodes left.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 26, 2017 5:00 PM

Jul 2016
RIP Saber :(

More people are going to die next episode :o

Aug 26, 2017 5:27 PM

Jun 2017
Wow...I didn't think the creation we got introduced to first would actually die... On the other hand, I thought Kanoya would be lame along with Hoshikawa but they turned out badass xD.
Aug 26, 2017 5:32 PM

Dec 2015
Maybe Magane will save everyone in the end.
Aug 26, 2017 5:35 PM
May 2017
Waw, what an Unpredictable episode. Altair is OP, Aliceteria died, and Selesia sacrifice with Her beloved one .... Too much an Unpredictable events.

First i think only Mamika Disappeared. But now, too many sacrifice ....
I cry when Selesia say her last words and the song it's very suitable with that event.
This episode is a combination of Unpredictable and Sad story ....

3 Episode more !
Can be this story a Good Ending or Bad Ending in just 3 episode.

*sorry if my english is bad ....
Aug 26, 2017 5:38 PM

May 2015
Best episode so far.. At least in my opinion
I doubt selesia died tho. Maybe some kind of magic happened lol

Rip Alice. She deserves better.

Aug 26, 2017 5:43 PM

Mar 2013
Is it wrong I laughed when Selesia's last request was for stories and coffee, I had to fight back against wet eyes though

With 3 episodes left, I actually want to see Sota doing something like confronting Altair after the Elimination Chamber Festival is over, because at this rate all the creations minus Altair and Magane will be dead by the end
Aug 26, 2017 5:49 PM

May 2014
Give them back! Give them back! Give them back!
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Aug 26, 2017 6:29 PM
Aug 2017
the end is, that idiot Sota will create Setsuna live again to push altair go away, isiot sota has gain power to create anything without require approval right ? cause magane power. sota can make everything he want, why he so freaking idiot to reallize that power, shit that Altair bitch
Aug 26, 2017 6:30 PM

Jan 2016
For me the reason for them to fight is pretty meh especially Altair's reason it's just so stupid. It's not the world fault at all.
(It'd be better if she just tried to assassinate all the users who made fun of her creator. Just my opinion though)

Selesia is also a little bit annoying in this episode, but I'm glad to see her recover in the end.

And it turned out into Altair vs all creations which is not really interesting at all. Altair is just too OP *sigh. It makes all development from episode 1 until 18 really pointless imo.

On this episode we have Alice , Selesia , and probably Charon died too. 3 characters on one episode. I wonder how many will die in the next episode~ ( I can already see a death flag popping everywhere from Hikayu)

But I'm still curious at how this series will turned out in just 3 episodes left. Hopefully the ending is not disappointing.
Aug 26, 2017 6:43 PM
Nov 2015
wow just wow you cannot hurt altair at all she is legit immortal god level + evil yandere higurashi girl.

this plot i did not prepare for this at all.........i hope alice and selecia still alive somehow, this is totally big surprise.
Aug 26, 2017 6:44 PM

Jan 2011
This was a pretty solid episode if it wasn't for all the other delays and what not this story might've ended sooner not sure what the next 3 episodes will be.

still altair being broken as hell kinda makes me find it hard to believe them not twisting this with some sorta of deus ex machina, she is the embodiment of memes only memes can kill memes
Aug 26, 2017 6:54 PM

Mar 2012
What an amazing yet sad episode.
Aug 26, 2017 7:00 PM
Jun 2014
Here's a way how he can fix this entire thing : prevent Setsuna's death by TALKING TO HER BEFORE SHE KILLS HERSELF DUE TO DEPRESSION

essentially this entire plot was caused by god damn beta male not talking to a girl who wanted to talk to him
Aug 26, 2017 8:13 PM
Sep 2016
RIP Alicetaria and Selesia :(((( Alice's death was so tragic and hard to watch T.T

I totally did not expect Selesia to be gone this early :(

Gotta say Altair was one amazing villain and that Hikayu is so freakin op xD
Aug 26, 2017 8:16 PM

Sep 2016
katsu044 said:
This was a pretty solid episode if it wasn't for all the other delays and what not this story might've ended sooner not sure what the next 3 episodes will be.

still altair being broken as hell kinda makes me find it hard to believe them not twisting this with some sorta of deus ex machina, she is the embodiment of memes only memes can kill memes
Kemono Friends, Donald Trump, and Altair. overpowered beings carried by memes.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Aug 26, 2017 8:17 PM

Nov 2016
damn that Alice die is fucked me up

what is song in last minute? so much feel in there
Aug 26, 2017 8:33 PM

Jul 2016
Potential ending:

Sota creates Setsuna. He doesn't "revive" her, he creates her as a creation and link her story with Altair.

Now that Setsuna's existence is in the equation, Altair might not be so eager to destroy all worlds. Basically, it's what they did to Blitz.

Since Sota's stories/creation does not require acceptance, he can just leave it open, so that Altair and Setsuna aren't bound to any fate.


Also, if Sota is able to create things without requiring acceptance, he could... revive creations, I guess? He's basically a God!

Aug 26, 2017 8:45 PM

May 2012
GangsterCat said:
RIP 3 characters, and there is no way dudes with Persona, gag character and blitz gonna carry this team. Aizen is just way too OP here with her kyoka suigetsu xd'

don't tell me our godawful 'protaognist' souta-chan gonna bring ridiculously overpowered deus ex machina creation to conveniently get rid of altair like final getsuga tenshou or that plot device girl from sekaisuru KADO... I think he will. fuck.


Intense episodes. 5/5
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Aug 26, 2017 9:59 PM

Dec 2013
Poor Alice got destroyed. Altair needs some serious nerfing!

I don't think Selestia actually died but the feels at the end were still strong ;_;
Aug 26, 2017 10:28 PM
Jun 2011
Zantius said:
Comander-07 said:
yes sometimes it looks like the studio takes viewers preferences into account when they produce a series and do little changes to the source or change original content in that way (thats the benefit of producing anime on demand and not beforehand I guess). But here it appears like they did not know how to fill 22 episodes.
And oh boy A0 yes.. I remember. Slaine pretty much was the Magneto of anime, except friendlier.
I really hate how people bitch about changes from the source or how an adaption is not faithfull. But since the source is not perfect I dont think changing things is bad. I always say this is my anime list and not my adaption list. So it saddens me when original animes turn like this one.

Oh yeah I agree. Really the only time I ever gripe about an adaptation not being source accurate is when you know the source has plenty of material for it warrant a faithful adaptation and be serious but then again as you said, sometimes changes are made because the source itself isn't perfect. But yeah, I hate how originals wind up suffering when it shows so much potential.
isnt it possible for them to to simply turn the crowd against them so they will deny her powers?
Aug 26, 2017 10:29 PM

Jan 2011
GangsterCat said:
katsu044 said:
This was a pretty solid episode if it wasn't for all the other delays and what not this story might've ended sooner not sure what the next 3 episodes will be.

still altair being broken as hell kinda makes me find it hard to believe them not twisting this with some sorta of deus ex machina, she is the embodiment of memes only memes can kill memes
Kemono Friends, Donald Trump, and Altair. overpowered beings carried by memes.
As much as we joke about this it's the sad truth lol
Aug 26, 2017 10:32 PM
Dec 2013
These final few episodes are turning out to be fantastic. Great character development and high stakes.
Aug 26, 2017 10:49 PM

Mar 2016
This episode showed why so many including myself had such high expectations for this anime! WOW! Just Wow! The action was not only intense but stunningly animated and the whole episode had me on the edge of my seat...I'm just sad that two of my favorite characters meet such tragic ends...RIP Selesia and Alicetaria

If ever episode of this anime was more like this one this would be a 10/10 anime! Unfortunately there has been some lackluster episodes throughout...but it will all be worth it in the end if the anime continues to put out quality episodes with great animation/writing/and visual storytelling!!! I can't wait to see what's next and how the crew can recover from such a massive loss!
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Aug 26, 2017 11:24 PM
Apr 2015
Wow I didn't think they'd kill off Selesia. That scene was emotional.

At this point, I'm beginning to get annoyed by how overpowered altair is. What was the point of hyping up all the Creations new powers and Alicetaria's betaryal if it wasn't going to put even a dent on Altair or give her any slight disadvantage at all? This is like Bleach all over again with OP Aizen and a certain someone's anticlimatic betrayal.
Aug 26, 2017 11:37 PM

Mar 2014
Charon was Daisuke Ono, and they made oldToday relevant. This anime is officially perfect.
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