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Jul 29, 2017 5:24 PM

Nov 2011
Universe 11 is pretty least some of its members.

This episode also gave some screen time for a few of Universe 7's other members including the androids. Goku had to fight yet another weirdo unfortunately. Best part imo this episode was seeing 17 and 18 fighting together. I almost felt nostologic just seeing him fight.

Gotta give credit to Caulifla from Universe 6 for trying despite the state she's in. Kale also finally managed to control her Super Saiya mode? About time!
Jul 29, 2017 5:32 PM

Jan 2012
And thus female saiyan teamwork and girl power saved the day. XD
Jul 29, 2017 5:33 PM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
Was fun, sadly I thought that the red team was better

Jul 29, 2017 6:28 PM

Jul 2015
Kale learns regular ssj and controls berserk form. Good for her, hopefully she's not annoying from now on. Pride Troopers are fodder lmao. It just hit me after all this time but I find it funny how Freeza adds the -san honorific to peoples names lmao. Probably because of his royal background. 18 tossing that stupid chick out of the ring was hilarious
Jul 29, 2017 6:47 PM

Apr 2014
Episode was fun. Now I just need more Jiren. However next episode won't have that. That is fine. When is freaking Frieza going to fight seriously? So many things I want to happen. But I will wait until then. XD
Jul 29, 2017 7:07 PM

Dec 2014
U7 is clearly the deepest team
every other universe other than U6 is filled with fodder besides maybe like 1 or 2 people.
Jul 29, 2017 7:19 PM

Oct 2008
Best part of the episode is Caulifla and Kale having a nice little moment, and then blowing away the Universe 11 guys. I hope those two aren't just one-offs for this saga.
Jul 29, 2017 7:19 PM

Apr 2014
Surprisingly, it was a really good episode. I expected a cheap one with previous week's episode being a cliffhanger bait
Jul 29, 2017 7:28 PM

Feb 2013
Another good episode. Kale and Caulifla moments were really good, the fight between 17&18 vs Kahseral too.

NEP is hype with Ribriane and U2!
Jul 29, 2017 7:29 PM

Jan 2016
U11 lost 6 members in a short time lol Not even Vermouth could believe that.

Kale controlling her Berserker form was interesting but I'm sure I saw that somewhere, prior to this episode... Hmm.

And I was thinking U2 was too unnoticed at the moment and since The Grand Priest said that now the battles are going to be more intense, I suppose that U2 is filled of tough opponents xD
FloydJul 29, 2017 7:45 PM
Jul 29, 2017 7:30 PM

Sep 2015
She just control Broly Saiyan mode what the hell?
Broly Saiyan mode have like unlimited Ki but her normal form just way too weak to handle it.

And why did that Trooper even make a coment like "she just change hair colour" you don't see her spam shit of energy ball few minute ago?

Next battle with Teletubbies
ZBlastHistoryJul 29, 2017 7:34 PM
Into the Internet!
Jul 29, 2017 7:31 PM

Jul 2013
The fight would be more intense if Caulifla was gold from the start. Like, why did she purposely takes all the damage in her base form?

Cocotte could have used her ability on the whole team with Jiren and Toppo protecting them, but I guess it went against the "Pride" Troopers policy.

U11 lost 6 members already. Kinda expected them to be the "boss" of the tournament, but I guess only Jiren, Toppo, and Beerus 2.0 are the top guys.

My girl Ribrianne next week!
Jul 29, 2017 7:37 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
That was a fun episode. Pride Troopers weren't pushovers, and it took Berserker Kale to actually give the female saiyan girls the power they needed to win. Nice to see 17 and 18 helping out Goku for the first time.

Roshi and Tien teamwork was also worth mentioning, very good to see the U7 group getting some work done. That dude Tien eliminated looked like Cell, could be wrong but them wings looked similar.

So 4 Pride Troopers left, Jiren, Toppo, Bunny and unnamed character?

Kale/Caulifla's orange/green beam looked so cool, interesting color combination.
Hyped for next week~

Jul 29, 2017 7:38 PM

Jan 2009
btw the official name of female Broly transformation seems to be Super Saiyan Berserker but now she can control it i wonder if that name will change lol

only Jiren and Toppo seems to be the real threat on the Pride Troopers lol

time for Vegeta and Ribriane(?) to fight next week just like in the opening video song
Jul 29, 2017 7:49 PM

Sep 2016
lol ironic that weaklings from U7 works smarter than the pride troopers. RIP 6 warriors from strongest universe, 4 more and the purple guy from beerus race looks weak judging from his latest fight against random mosnter

next episode vegeta vs teletubbies with reused animation from opening scene


Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jul 29, 2017 7:56 PM

Apr 2014
great ep was really nice to see Caulifla and Kale team up and knock out that group not to mention Kale finally has control over her power finally which is awesome am looking forward to seeing more of the 2 later on

with that said am looking forward to the next ep
"one step at a time"
Jul 29, 2017 8:45 PM

Jun 2015
Wow the pride troopers are pretty pathetic, I expected more from them.
Jul 29, 2017 9:57 PM

May 2011
Next episode, Teletubbies use charm

...It's not very effective
Jul 29, 2017 10:07 PM
Sep 2016
Another great episode. But it's time to give some screen-time to Picollo and Gohan. They have hardly fight in this tournament till now.
Jul 29, 2017 10:40 PM

Sep 2011
29 fighters down, 50 to go till the last one standing wins the the tournament of power.

kinda feels a little rushed to lose 29 fighters in only 5 episodes so i'm hoping the pace slows down a little and the fights become more evenly matched and interesting, intsead of so many one shots.
Jul 29, 2017 10:47 PM

Aug 2013
How to format an episode in the tournament of power:
Some enemies attack Goku -> Goku (base form) in a pinch -> some people jump in to help / he finally remember he could transform at the end of the episode -> win

Like seriously, he could take on most of the enemies with only SSJ1, the form he could maintain for days back in Cell arc. Stamina shouldn't be an issue at all even if he stayed SSJ1 for the entire tournament.

And of course, Caulifa forgot about transforming against the pride troopers. All for the reason for Toei to force Kale to control her berserk form (let's be honest here, Caulifa doesn't have the brain capacity to fake getting beaten up to push Kale).

The story writing is getting worse by episodes.
Jul 29, 2017 11:11 PM
Jun 2011
Morcombe said:
29 fighters down, 50 to go till the last one standing wins the the tournament of power.

kinda feels a little rushed to lose 29 fighters in only 5 episodes so i'm hoping the pace slows down a little and the fights become more evenly matched and interesting, intsead of so many one shots.
those 29 were fodders so far so it no suprise
Jul 29, 2017 11:25 PM

Dec 2014
The Pride Troopers are awesome with their Power Ranger poses, heck they even have colored smoke. XDD

I guess it was cool having Kale and Caulifla defeat them with the combined attack.

This arc has it's cool moments but it lacks the necessary story quality to actually make the cool stuff feel meaningful. I'm gonna have to agree with some of the stuff @chunng is pointing out.

Power Rangers first and Teletubbies next, we've been through so much so bring it on. XD
Jul 29, 2017 11:27 PM
Apr 2016
Honestly I feel kinda disappointed in Universe 10 their leader who I thought should at least not be fodder compared to everyone else just got fodderized by Freiza. Seriously I was expecting better from the universe of the current strongest villain of Dragon Ball. Instead it turns out all of them are just fodders except for Zamasu himself.
Jul 30, 2017 12:22 AM

Jan 2016
Peter16373 said:
Honestly I feel kinda disappointed in Universe 10 their leader who I thought should at least not be fodder compared to everyone else just got fodderized by Freiza. Seriously I was expecting better from the universe of the current strongest villain of Dragon Ball. Instead it turns out all of them are just fodders except for Zamasu himself.

Curiously, it happened with U3 as well. Nigrisshi was the strongest of that verse and Narirama was the ace fighter, yet they were the first ones to be eliminated, by Cabba in his base form xD
Jul 30, 2017 12:28 AM

May 2016
I hope the tournament will become serious in the next episodes
Jul 30, 2017 1:03 AM
Jun 2017
Android 18 is brutal and it's beautiful. Real cool fight with the ultra super saiyan lol. Playtime's over, now time for the warm up to see if frieza > love.
Jul 30, 2017 1:10 AM
Feb 2009
Seems C-18 is the only one who understood that the quickest way to win was to literraly "throw" your opponent out of the ring :)

The combo with Master Roshi and Tien was interesting, even though I'm still wondering how it's possible for Master Roshi to participate in this tournament (did he power-up ?). Regarding Tien, it really seems since the Cell Arc, that he is only good at using kikoho attack (you know, the attack he was not supposed to use except as a last resort).

Jul 30, 2017 1:42 AM

May 2016
17 and 18 brought back such nostalgic feelings damn this episode was great, and not to forget about Kale controlling her power.
Jul 30, 2017 1:47 AM

Dec 2015
Lame group intros and Toriyama go hand to hand xD

Hey look, Kale apparently can now control her Legendary form, how convenient.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jul 30, 2017 2:12 AM

Nov 2010
I really enjoyed this episode. Finally, Tien is doing something even for few seconds with Roshi.
Caulifla and Kale combined attacked is so cool.
18 tossing Cocotte is so funny.
Jul 30, 2017 3:40 AM
Oct 2015
Really wanted a clash between Jiren and Goku, time to wait for another 3weeks or so for it.
Heckle was here...
Jul 30, 2017 4:03 AM

Feb 2013
Kale is really awesome.
Lol, I loved the last part when 18 threw that girl together with her dimension.
Jul 30, 2017 4:48 AM

Sep 2014
Highlight this episode for me was seeing C17 and C18 together again. Their cold style gave me flashbacks of the Cell arc. Really nice to see they are not useless.
Also Kale has a little control over her LSSJ form now. I wonder when finally Gohan will do something special, as of now he spared his stamina which would mean in the end he could potentially own everyone else with his regained mystic status. Also Muten Roshi does his thing, will be interesting to see who they can defeat with the combo.

Also from the pv it looks like next week will be filler character vs goku again. Sigh.. When will we finally get a freeza episode? Or a vegeta episode where he doesnt fight filler characters?

PS: Glad the pride troopers are falling so quick. They are annoying and a disgrace to the glory of the ginyu force!
Comander-07Jul 30, 2017 4:54 AM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 30, 2017 4:49 AM
Jan 2010
LeMasta said:
U7 is clearly the deepest team
every other universe other than U6 is filled with fodder besides maybe like 1 or 2 people.

Technically U7 is pretty much all small fries as well but this is dragon ball writing better not expect too much.
Jul 30, 2017 4:52 AM

May 2015
Light-Yagami-God said:
the pride troopers are pretty pathetic, I expected more from them.

joe_g7 said:
Hey look, Kale apparently can now control her Legendary form, how convenient.

so much this.


anyhow fun episode, the only let down was the pride troopers being this weak expected more tbh but oh well.
Jul 30, 2017 4:55 AM

Nov 2016
This episode went too fast!

Those Pride Troopers or whatever they are called are a joke! (Besides Jiren and Toppo).

I enjoyed watching C-17 and C-18 fight. I was wondering why Caulifla won't transform. Maybe she was really tired and was saving her stamina for the final attack? I'm sorry, but I still find Kale annoying as heck.

Argh, still another week until I can see my Vegeta!
Jul 30, 2017 5:29 AM

Aug 2011
sigh I was hoping for more OMG moments >3<
Jul 30, 2017 5:36 AM

Sep 2007
Damned, the ending of this episode was pretty good.
I was really happy to see the "new form" of Kale.
Jul 30, 2017 5:50 AM

Aug 2014
For a moment there I felt like watching some Naruto episode or something, with the melodramatic music, the Sakura-"I don't wanna be a hinderance"-monologue and the nakama power up at the end (though that one's not really much of a thing in Naruto). I really fail to care for the saiyan girls enough for it to matter to me.

On the other hand, some member berries with Roshi's Thunderschock Surprise, Tien's Tribeam and the Pride Troopers being just like the Ginyu force.

Fair enough though, the Pride Troopers are a colourful bunch. Kahserals technique's make him seem like a player created alien-race character in the game Dragon Ball Fusions.
Jul 30, 2017 6:19 AM

Oct 2015
Great episode for me!

I thought Roshi was going to use Mafuba, and just simply throw out some opponents. That would be quite convenient, but this solution was fine too.
I'm glad the weaklings get thrown out so fast. 80 warriors are obviously way too much to see decent fights from each of them, so I'd say it's okay if most of them are just getting wiped out so fast.

Finally we're going to see universe 2 as well. I wonder if there's going to be anyone there who's going to give a really hard time to universe 7.

I'm also curious which universe'sgetting erased next.

Some random (somewhat) interesting stuff:

-Universe 2 and 6 are still full. Noone was thrown out the ring from those universes.
-So far universe 6, and 7 were the only universes dropping out opponents from the ring, except from the first opponent from universe 10 was eliminated by some random dude from universe 9, and a guy from universe 9 jumped out himself cuz of Frieza.
-29 fighters are down, 51 left.

Jul 30, 2017 7:15 AM

Apr 2015

It was ok :)

I hope the tournament will become serious in the next episodes!
Jul 30, 2017 7:22 AM

Aug 2014
Slim_Lamie said:
Great episode for me!

I thought Roshi was going to use Mafuba, and just simply throw out some opponents. That would be quite convenient, but this solution was fine too.

I don't think so. Mafuba requires life force to work. Maybe it worked just fine for Trunks, but when an old man like Roshi uses it, he dies. He already killed himself once using it.
Jul 30, 2017 7:42 AM

May 2015
NIce Master Roshi-Tien combo.

Also these 5 pride troopers= ginyou force 100%.

Yea Goku just let your possible opponents to escape.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 30, 2017 8:21 AM

May 2017
This episode was really really good compared to what we had last week!

loved the scene with caulifla and kale

Jul 30, 2017 10:03 AM

Dec 2014
StardustReverie said:
LeMasta said:
U7 is clearly the deepest team
every other universe other than U6 is filled with fodder besides maybe like 1 or 2 people.

Technically U7 is pretty much all small fries as well but this is dragon ball writing better not expect too much.

Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Frieza and even 17 are stronger than probably like 90% of the other fighters. Those 5 are half of their team

Jul 30, 2017 11:15 AM

Feb 2015
This episode was embarrassingly bad.

Goku, again, gets himself locked into a tight spot for refusing to spend a drop of energy on Super Saiyan transformation and needs to get his ass saved by 18. Goku, supposed to be martial arts wonder talent, needs to be told by 18 to attack the enemy because he's spacing out? Goku doesn't even bother to protect 18 who's standing right next to him from the enemy's dual attack? Are you kidding me?

I can kind of understand Goku letting the 2 Saiyan girls go, but 18? Why does she have a reason to let them go when they're vulnerable? They have all the chances to finish them off right there and then, but I suppose that'd be inconvenient for the plot. Even if 18 didn't, suddenly not a single other combatant is to be found to do the job for them, because how else are they going to have their Saiyan rematches in a later episode? They just get to wander off without anybody noticing the 2 vulnerable Saiyan girls on the flat and tiny arena platform for maximum convenience.
MilenninJul 30, 2017 11:20 AM
Jul 30, 2017 11:32 AM

Jun 2017
Glad most of the Justice idiots are out, they are not funny at all. Now if only that stupid Toppo would get owned this tournament would be more enjoyable.
Jul 30, 2017 12:08 PM

May 2015
So, the Mahō Shōjo are stronger than the 5 Pride troopers that got eliminated...? I want to see some crazy techniques, never before seen in Dragon Ball (like when I saw Hitto techniques for the first time)…
Jul 30, 2017 12:09 PM
Apr 2014
U3 is such a joke, bunch of robot fodders to be tossed out. Their so called strongest fighter was casually tossed out by freaking Cabba, what a garbage universe.
Goku keeps dicking around lmao and saving his entire power for Jiren.
U11 lost their their discount Ginyu forces, but who cares, they still have the most hyped fighter in Jiren as well as Toppo and the Beerus looking guy.
I hope to see U2 toss some bodies from U6 and U7 and some more Frieza focus.
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