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Jul 8, 2017 5:24 PM

Nov 2011
Wow, it's like Goku has a marked by those guys from Universe 9 as their prey.

Glad to see they gave more screen time to Vegeta. They did spent a significant amount of time on Univerise 9 though including some of its other fighters. (like the girl with the sharp claws) Vegeta impressed me this episode tbh. GG Universe 9!
Stark700Jul 9, 2017 8:13 AM
Jul 8, 2017 5:48 PM

Jul 2015
OK so that mysterious aura that Goku had in the preview was just a barrier lmao. I feel like I got trolled thinking that was a hint towards a transformation. Goku/Vegeta combo is awesome to see. Goku/Vegeta teaming up is always a beautiful thing to witness.

Vegeta: FINAL


Man I had such a fan girl reaction xD
ReguIusJul 8, 2017 6:04 PM
Jul 8, 2017 6:05 PM

Apr 2014

"Angels" .........
Jul 8, 2017 6:25 PM

Jul 2009
Told ya! The Angels are plotting something, the evil smiles from both universe 9 and grand priest after Zeno erased the universe. They are up for something, I guess the grand priest is DBSs "Lucifer" and are planing to ambush Zeno sama or something down that line. Hype!!!
Nothing in this world lasts forever, and it´s time you accept that.
It's better to not cling to these things that you will eventually lose.
Jul 8, 2017 6:36 PM

Jan 2012
To quote Doc Brown:

"'Erased from existence."

Yeah that certainly was unsettling but let's see where it goes from here.
Jul 8, 2017 7:02 PM

Sep 2015
Oh nice erased right after all 10 out don't need to wait till end survival

Heard somewhere DBS will end on 102 or 105
Into the Internet!
Jul 8, 2017 7:22 PM

Jan 2009
so erasure of an entire universe will be done the moment all their fighters knocked out of the ring

bye bye universe 9
Jul 8, 2017 7:24 PM

May 2015
those last 4 minutes were savage as fuck.
did not expect them to actually erase universe 9 tbqh.
Jul 8, 2017 7:28 PM

Jan 2016
i mean it makes sense, but i was hoping to at least be allowed to watch the rest of the royal and watching the winners wish, but bruh

my dreams include goku and vegeta doing fusion dance (will never happen)
still lots of contenders to deal with, we shall see

also on angel plotting thing, i don't know i feel more like the priest is giving the orders and zen-chan is rolling with it, but anything is possible. that once angel was quite happy his universe was gone 0_0

Jul 8, 2017 7:32 PM

Dec 2007
Creepy angels are creepy... And bye-bye universe 9. Loved this episode.
Jul 8, 2017 7:35 PM

Jan 2009
ye that smile of the guardian angel of universe 9 is suspicious his universe just got erased lol
Jul 8, 2017 7:44 PM

Aug 2013
In one scene vegeta was exchanging blows with Lavender without the barrier...

The episode was too dragged out. Goku and Vegeta could have used SSJ much quicker and end the fight in half an episode, but Toei stretched it so they could have uni 9 erasure at the end.

The trailer looks interesting lol 18 with sunglasses outta nowhere
Jul 8, 2017 7:58 PM
Jun 2016
man this is getting good. I wonder about the angels too, wich...actually makes me wonder about something.

These are supposed to be the weakest universes, what if it's actually the reverse, the angels are taking out the strongest, to make it easier for them to take over?
Jul 8, 2017 8:05 PM

Nov 2016
Bye bye universe 9.

They were fodder after all, I'm kinda surprised Goku and Vegeta even needed blue to give them the rest, tho.

Standard SSJ should have been enough imo, but they probably just wanted to make it short .

The grin of universe 9s angel is almost confirming that there is something extremely fishy going on.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 8, 2017 8:12 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
For some reason the whole Angels plotting something reminded me of the Celestial Arc from Fairy Tail.

Very good episode. Lots of action, and Vegeta with the way he turned the battle in their favor. That Final Kamehamha was epic. I wonder if it's as strong as the one vs Fused Zamasu.

Did that girl who eye winked Seedra even fight? I didn't even notice her tbh.
The harsh reality of a universe being wiped out, and then the Angel smirks like it's nothing. There's more to this than what is being presented. Who knows, maybe the Angel was happy to finally not have to babysit a God of Destruction and a universe. Who knows, I just felt creeped out towards the end, Zeno's laughing, Great Priest having a sinister look.
Can't wait for next week.

Jul 8, 2017 8:22 PM

May 2015

Delish! I’m very pleased with the start of this arc... I’m savoring every battle every talk...

On a side note:
I was jumping like a kid wen Vegeta-sama & Goku teamed up with their special attack to knock down the three brothers but as soon as I saw Zenou & Zenou do their thing I got back to reality... man, one universe gone.

I seriously think that later on they are going to merge the defeated people/universe into the surviving universe or something will negate the erasing because I can’t fathom all of the Goods & characters that they introduce in this show to be gone like that (Trio De Dangers, Cabba, Caulifla, Champa, Hitto, Gowasu, Toppo, etc.) so much story potential to be thrown away like that...
Jul 8, 2017 8:27 PM

Apr 2014
great ep but wow erased just like that though i can already tell every universe will come back in some way not to mention im having a feeling the angels may be the next big enemies in this series which is gonna be crazy

but will see what happens for now just enjoying every bit of the tournament
"one step at a time"
Jul 8, 2017 8:31 PM

Oct 2011
Quite dragged out... with all that trash talk from U9's Kaioh ^^' .... Goku and Vegeta could had ended U9 way faster as SSJ (come on! only 48 min... I'm pretty sure at this point they are able to fight as SSJ for this long ^^' )

anyway, some moments in the fight are good... but the end with the erase of U9 (the tension of the scene, the mysterious grin of the angel) make the episode worth
Jul 8, 2017 8:46 PM
Jun 2017
That was insane! Rest in peace Universe 9 (Although no one really cared for them. Not even their angel liked them)

Also the Grand Priest looked really sinister at the end.

Seeing Goku and Vegeta work together and do that Final Flash and Kamehameha combo at the end was really satisfying.
Jul 8, 2017 9:55 PM
Mar 2010
Oh the Cute furry bunny is gone.
Jul 8, 2017 9:58 PM

Mar 2014
lol wtf, both Zeno-samas were very happy about deleting universe 9. Literally all this torunament and universes are just a game for them. I like it!

FINAL KAMEHAME HA!!! It was so coool both doing a Vegito's technique without need to fuse.

So at the end the elimination of universe 9 was just the penultimate example of the tournament rules (I believe that is just missing the teammates couting thing when the 100 taks is done, so is until the end).
Jul 8, 2017 10:05 PM

Jan 2016
RIP U9, no one will miss you. I'm surprised it was required the SSJ Blue to give them the final blow when SSJ was clearly enough. But the combination of Final Flash and Kamehameha was glorious, a reference to Vegito's strongest attack :P

The end was VERY creepy to be honest xD I mean... U9 was erased, their Angel and the Grand Priest just smiled lol It seems it was planned for other unknown purposes... Maybe that was to foreshadow something greater in the future???

Now, the next one to face U7 seems to be U4. Krillin will get some screentime, hopefully not a deadly one xD
Jul 8, 2017 10:18 PM

Dec 2011
Amazing episode.
A miracle happen to finally see Goku and Vegeta fighting side by side and that combination of Final Flash and Kamehameha was a feast xD
Now everyone is going to be on guard or else they will get erase.
Really good animation and fight choreography this episode and next week Krillin to shine may be.
Jul 8, 2017 10:22 PM

Jan 2013
well of all times they introduce a cat girl and POOF! bye bye. at least the shitty Universe jobbed first

oh boy...evil grins, evil death stare...something big is gonna go down after this battle royal and its gonna be CRAZY GOOD!!!
Jul 8, 2017 10:39 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode, the final quarter was absolutely glorious.

Hearing Whis talk about Goku and Vegeta coordination gets me wondering if we might see a Gogeta appearance sometime during the tournament. it's definitely not against the rules and Gogeta would be epic as hell. xD

Final Flash + Kamehameha FTW. XD

Universe 9 erased now, well we always have the Super Dragonballs to wish them back, at least I think so.

Also, does SSJ Blue really take that much stamina? Both Goku and Vegeta have used it very lavishly in the past and they don't seem to struggle at all while transforming. I find it hard to believe that it uses so much stamina in comparison to something like SSJ3 from DBZ where Goku struggled to both transform and maintain the form. So it kinda felt a little weird to hear Whis say that Goku was pacing himself by not going Blue when ultimately both he and Vegeta did go Blue to finish off their opponents in which case they could've done it from the start ans wiped their opponents in seconds. The logic is questionable but the entertainment value is top notch so I guess I'll just let this fly over my head as usual.
Jul 8, 2017 10:55 PM
Jun 2011
chunng said:
In one scene vegeta was exchanging blows with Lavender without the barrier...

The episode was too dragged out. Goku and Vegeta could have used SSJ much quicker and end the fight in half an episode, but Toei stretched it so they could have uni 9 erasure at the end.

The trailer looks interesting lol 18 with sunglasses outta nowhere
whis said in that episode that super syian blue can drain too much stamia and they trying to pace themself to last until the end
Jul 8, 2017 10:57 PM
Jun 2017
Yeah I agree with you
Jul 8, 2017 11:09 PM

Jan 2016
Lelouch0202 said:
Also, does SSJ Blue really take that much stamina? Both Goku and Vegeta have used it very lavishly in the past and they don't seem to struggle at all while transforming. I find it hard to believe that it uses so much stamina in comparison to something like SSJ3 from DBZ where Goku struggled to both transform and maintain the form. So it kinda felt a little weird to hear Whis say that Goku was pacing himself by not going Blue when ultimately both he and Vegeta did go Blue to finish off their opponents in which case they could've done it from the start ans wiped their opponents in seconds. The logic is questionable but the entertainment value is top notch so I guess I'll just let this fly over my head as usual.

It was better explained in the manga (where instead of a SSJBKK it's a fully mastered form of the SSJB so the stamina drain is avoided) but obviously there's no way to fit that logic here because the SSG (necessary to reach that point) only appeared in the battle with Beerus... Honestly, Toei tries too hard to give certain explanations xD
Jul 8, 2017 11:43 PM
Feb 2017
Angels are dicks they dont give a fuck. U9's angel was smiling after his universe got erased and Daishinkan too.
Jul 8, 2017 11:49 PM
May 2015
That erasure was depressing to watch. Considering the dark end to the previous arc, looks like what's gone stays gone. Not that I'm sad, but this is too dark for Dragon Ball. Hope it stays dark.
Jul 9, 2017 12:32 AM

Dec 2014
Floyd said:
Lelouch0202 said:
Also, does SSJ Blue really take that much stamina? Both Goku and Vegeta have used it very lavishly in the past and they don't seem to struggle at all while transforming. I find it hard to believe that it uses so much stamina in comparison to something like SSJ3 from DBZ where Goku struggled to both transform and maintain the form. So it kinda felt a little weird to hear Whis say that Goku was pacing himself by not going Blue when ultimately both he and Vegeta did go Blue to finish off their opponents in which case they could've done it from the start ans wiped their opponents in seconds. The logic is questionable but the entertainment value is top notch so I guess I'll just let this fly over my head as usual.

It was better explained in the manga (where instead of a SSJBKK it's a fully mastered form of the SSJB so the stamina drain is avoided) but obviously there's no way to fit that logic here because the SSG (necessary to reach that point) only appeared in the battle with Beerus... Honestly, Toei tries too hard to give certain explanations xD

I see, I haven't read the manga so from an anime only viewpoint, the logic and power scaling has always been questionable. If you ask me Toei might do better if they avoided explanations. XD
Jul 9, 2017 1:10 AM

Nov 2010
Great action throughout made more interesting with the powers of poison and blizzard from university 9 and the danger wolves trio was entertaining enough and finally the regular super saiyan forms were used for once and my only problems with this episode goku and vegeta could have won instantly by going super saiyan blue so very forced drama there and that the warriors of univer 9 were eliinated in a single episode which means you won't learned any more about them because they're obviously fodder lmao.also,I hardly doubt that universe 9 was erased.they were more relocated by xen

I rate this ep a 4/5
The_Nut_CrackerJul 9, 2017 1:18 AM
Jul 9, 2017 1:32 AM

Mar 2014
I wasnt expecting much out of that universe anyway. The only universes im interested in are 2,6,7 and 11. Here i was thinking that zeno would atleast wait until after the tourny to erase everyone at once.
Jul 9, 2017 1:49 AM
May 2017
awesome fight vegeta and goku
Jul 9, 2017 2:22 AM
Jun 2014
L0bsterman said:
I wasnt expecting much out of that universe anyway. The only universes im interested in are 2,6,7 and 11. Here i was thinking that zeno would atleast wait until after the tourny to erase everyone at once.

There's no point to wait. Because I know that if my Universe just got eliminated I would be too worried and panicking about my universe about to be erased that I wouldn't pay attention to the battle anyways! Plus it leaves room for people trying to sabotage the fight from the stands or trying to run away or kill Zen-Oh, etc.
Jul 9, 2017 3:01 AM

Sep 2016
well they will definitely fight the angels in the upcoming arc, probably after fighting against other top universes.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jul 9, 2017 4:17 AM

Feb 2013
Wtf, I thought that Zen-oh was joking when he said he will erase the losing universes, it's too cruel.
Jul 9, 2017 4:41 AM

Jun 2017
Apparently in this episode, Vegeta was made fun for having a huge forehead. I know he's drawn that way but that is the first time the anime acknowledges it! haha!

Anyhoo, that gave me goosebumps the moment Zen-Oh erased Universe 9. I didn't see that coming. Like most of us concluded, we thought that Zen-Oh didn't really mean to erase universes. But I guess I was wrong.

I can't help feeling sympathetic for Universe 9. They did their best to survive after all.

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Jul 9, 2017 4:47 AM

Jun 2015
Dayum universe 9 really got erased, shit just got real :O
Jul 9, 2017 5:37 AM

Oct 2015
I might seem a little weird, but I do not feel any sympathy for any universes that get erased. My enjoyment is keeping track on how many participants lose, how many universes get erased, so that I can feel how long it is until the climax, the final battle(s). I always liked this aspect, like how many "small fries" are left until the big fish.

If anyone else wants to keep track, on the wikipedia the number, and names of participants and universes that are erased are listed:
It might be useful later, since I'm not sure if universes get destroyed right after another. Anyways, it's interesting.

By the way, I could foresee that something's weird with the angels. Perhaps the climax of this arc is not going to be Goku vs Jiren, but an assassination attempt by the Grand Priest and the other angels against Zen-oh, just to throw in some chaos, or possible further arcs. Although if Goku would have to face the Grand Priest and the angels, I'm not sure if fighting against the other 4 (strongest) universes would make any sense later on, since I'm sure the Grand Priest would be a much stronger opponent than the 4 strongest universes. Also I don't know how would Goku evade erasure, since I'm sure the angels are somewhat omnipotent. Somewhat..
Another important thing: Before the Boogie Back ending (or even before that) there was an ending about righteous devils and evil angels, or something like that. It was right before this arc, so perhaps that ending was foreshadowing something.
I'm really sure something will happen because of those evil grins, and this much foreshadowing, but for now the tournament itself is cool enough.

18 wore sunglasses in the preview. Probably Krillin will use Taiyoken(Solar Flare), and that's the reason for it.
I'd prefer if they beat thee universes one by one to be honest. Universe four should be the next.
Jul 9, 2017 6:26 AM

Sep 2014
I can toally understand the smile of universe 9s angel. They where cringy and annoying!
Sort of anticlimactic. Was expecting something special from bergamo. They teased us multiple times.. Also while the final kamehameha was fanservice, them going blue for it was stupid. They handled them on normal and now with 2 vs 3 they could have easily avoided going blue.
Next episode dedicated to 18 and krillin. Nice! (I always like to see 18 wearing sunglasses when krillin does his solar thing. Shes like " Idgaf")

I hope we will see more frieza. He did not need gold so everything so far was weak. Also what is 17 doing? Cant wait for Gohan showing off his new/old powers +__+

PS: Everyone expected that goku was playing the universe and nothing gets erased. See how that worked out XD (yeah end will probably be him using SDBs to undo everything)
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 9, 2017 7:50 AM

Aug 2013
elior1 said:
chunng said:
In one scene vegeta was exchanging blows with Lavender without the barrier...

The episode was too dragged out. Goku and Vegeta could have used SSJ much quicker and end the fight in half an episode, but Toei stretched it so they could have uni 9 erasure at the end.

The trailer looks interesting lol 18 with sunglasses outta nowhere
whis said in that episode that super syian blue can drain too much stamia and they trying to pace themself to last until the end

I said normal SSJ, not blue...
They could easily take out all of uni 9 outside of the trio with it. Goku was able to stay in normal SSJ for days during cell arc so stamina shouldn't be a problem.
Jul 9, 2017 8:10 AM

Mar 2016
This episode was bad... From the beginning to end... -.-
Like, it took one f*cking episode to get rid of Trio of Dangers? Like, now is when they start streching the episodes? The Future Trunks Arc was rushed like hell when should've been strechted but now is when they strecht it? Wtf?
Then, you have Goku, who trains like hell since kid and by now should have a base form of 582498989283571 Quadripentillions or wtf and can't handle one, two or even three guys? C'mon...

Then, you have this guy...

Who's skin is made of Iron and Goku can't even brake it, so is like Iron > Goku

And I didn't know Spider-man was participating in the tournament too... Why didn't they said earlier?

But what really bothered me the most was Whis saying that Blue no burns energy really fast after they pass 4 entire arcs turning it on and off like it was a light bulb...

And the final kamehameha... Really? This show is pure fan service and can't even make it in the right way...

The only thing I think it is worth mention is Sidra accepting his death without saying a word...

azertz99Jul 9, 2017 5:31 PM
Jul 9, 2017 8:27 AM

Dec 2014
wow a whole universe got erased just like is kinda scary if you think about how many universes will survive.... hmmm
Jul 9, 2017 8:57 AM

Jun 2016
That spin Goku did (at 18:40) was badass. My man spinned throwing two ki bullets with ease lol.
Jul 9, 2017 9:02 AM
May 2017
What if the grand priest is Zamasu. Remember Zamasu destroyed everyone in the future
Jul 9, 2017 9:52 AM

Dec 2015
They should've just gone SS from the beginning, stretching out the fight like that smh.

Universe 9 Kai was so freaking cocky and annoying, I'm glad he's gone.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jul 9, 2017 10:08 AM

Jan 2014
So this is how this arc will end by my opinion. 7TH universe will win , Angels and other universes that are not taking participation Have pact and will get rid off zen, and take control and they will attack 7th universe since zen's gone they can't erase it, Goku will make a wish that Erased fighters would be ressurected in his universe so they can take on Angels and Universes that are taking their sides.

Angels being bad guys was seen from miles ahead.
Jul 9, 2017 10:40 AM

Nov 2010
One thing I didn't know for the longest time was that there was angels in super.does anyone which episode where whis is revealed to be part of the angel race?
Jul 9, 2017 11:27 AM
Jun 2014
valkyrus said:
those last 4 minutes were savage as fuck.
did not expect them to actually erase universe 9 tbqh.

Hasn't been a sad/shocking moment in Dragon Ball for a while. I thought Zenoh was just bluffing to get everyone pumped.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
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