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Jun 26, 2017 5:04 PM

Mar 2016
Sekrine Laebus
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

He would look at her, not flustered, but a bit frozen for a moment. He would then speak. "um thanks. But I would have to say it was much closer than i preferred. This will be tougher than I had thought." He would say that and lean back into the bench. his weapons firmly pierced into the ground. "Ill be ready in an hour after my body processes the nutrients. And no, because I dont have powers. its all in the weapons. I forged them after tracked down a dying legendary creature. These weapons saved my life. He said that, looking at her.
Jun 27, 2017 1:07 PM

Sep 2016
From one of the rooms in the hotel, a really odd energy could be felt. It was familiar to none but Takara, who had felt it once before.

On the second day of the tournament, 4 matches were fought, and 4 competitors were eliminated. On the 3rd day, were the semi-finals and finals matches. It was time for these matches to start, Match 1 of the semi-finals: Arice Dell VS. Eres Nieval! May the competitors proceed to the arena!
((@krop-tor @cuddlyangel15 dry guys, ya have to either skip dat convo or pretend it happened on da 3rd day :/
Jun 27, 2017 1:52 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin went back to the arena from her dorm on the 3rd day, she also watched all the matches on the other days. She settled herself somewhere in the crowd where she had a good view on the fight. She had been carefully looking at all the people and how they fight to use it to improve her own fightskills.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 27, 2017 6:29 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Arice had gotten up early in the morning to make some time for her new novel for her fellow fans. She then headed to the arena for the second day of the tournament with her tome in her hands. She was about to sit down on the bleachers to observe the matches until she heard her own name. Her heart dropped as she heard her own name since she wasn't expecting her fight to be so early. She then stood up straight and walked down to the arena, taking deep breaths as she tries to think of a plan beforehand to prevent the massacre she endured in her last fight. Surely her next opponent will be more civil than the rapist she fought against.

Jun 28, 2017 2:47 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres hadn't done anything too memorable the second day, but something he did remember from the first day was his current opponent. She hadn't been as memorable as her opponent, but he did keep her in mind. He didn't expect to do too well, but nonetheless attempted to attack first, just to get this started, if nothing else. He ran at her, and once she was in his weapon's range, he'd attempt a slash with his weapon. It was a simple move, but hopefully it would get a reaction. It wouldn't be too hard to dodge, but it wasn't half assed either.
Jun 29, 2017 1:12 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As she waited for the announcer to commence the battle to start, she'd look at her tome to see its condition, however she heard her opponent sprinting at her. She looked up to see her opponent strike at her before the battle even commenced. She dashed back to dodge the attack while keeping her tome from getting hit as well. "H-hey! The announcer hasn't even commenced the battle yet!" she told her opponent who tried to end the battle before it even literally started.

Jun 30, 2017 7:24 AM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Arice said that the fight hadn't even been announced as started yet, though he could only remember one time that the announcer had done that, and he didn't seem to have any intentions of doing it again, so he did suspect her of trying to distract him or something, but he would stop and back away, merely giving a slight smile in response, regardless of whether it was true or not. It wasn't apologetic though, that much could be seen.
Jun 30, 2017 7:45 AM

Sep 2016

The announcer was just standing there, watching the battle. He made a mistake here, and realised he made many others earlier. Did I forget to start the match? He didn't use his Mic so only Arice and Eres could hear him. Then he fixed it quickly, So, you cared for the battle to start, huh? I was just testing you haha...yeah, just a test... Anyway, the battle has...BEGUN!! Now it was time for them to start fighting again.
Jun 30, 2017 6:49 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Once the announcer corrected his mistake and commenced the battle, Arice summons her sword from her tome. She then holds the sword made of iron burning with cinders as she puts her tome away on her belt. She then readies her sword for defense as she keeps an eye at her opponent's chest to see how he'll move. Once again, observation over recklessness is always her plan. The man does however use his axe normally, not using it in any special way such as using the hilt to block or holding it backwards. Through further observation he seems to use the advantage of his speed and element of surprise to strike fatal blows. She was going to have to keep a close eye on him. Question is, does he have some sort of power or does he only wield an axe as a weapon. The weapon does seem pretty heavy so she was going to have to keep in mind his recovery time with the weapon and how fatal it would be to take an overhead blow from such a weapon. It does seem unique so breaking such a weapon is hopeless. How will Arice beat such an opponent? She will have to find out through her battle.

Jul 1, 2017 2:08 PM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

"oh right.. since it is a tournament, you are gonna have to eventually face of with another one of the winners. I wouldn't worry too much, you have a pretty good chance of winning this whole tournament. Sakura looked around making sure that none of the other contestants heard her, as they would probably have something to say about her previous statement. She then looked at him and smiled. "its ok, you should conserve your energy. when this is over then you can help me get stronger or at least more cunning with my moves. BTW, have you ever been away from Jerrat?"
Jul 1, 2017 4:21 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

After the announcer officially started the match, Eres noticed his opponent observing him, not an unusual thing, considering they were in a fight. He noticed her weapon more than that though, a sword, and a burning one at that. At least this opponent was a close range fighter, though that could also be a bad thing for him. He'd also ready his weapon, and this time he'd see if she wanted to attack first. It wasn't likely, at least he didn't think so, but him attacking immediately would be too predictable, and Arice seemed to be the type that would see it coming miles away.
Jul 1, 2017 8:15 PM

Mar 2016
Sekrine Laebus
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

"Thank you for the faith. I will try not to disappoint." he says with a chuckle. He would then hear her question, and he would immediately nod. "I have. Was born far away. Before the cataclysm. I have spent most of my life outside the city actually. And you? Have you been outside?" He asks, looking at her.

Jul 2, 2017 2:57 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Her opponent wasn't moving giving her a bad observation of him, however she could observe his stance. She needed to find a weakness and exploit that. She has seen how axe fighters do their business. Mostly from strategy games such as Fire Emblem (how meta). She definitely had the triangle advantage over him, but of course this wasn't a game, this was a real fight. She needed to be with her moves or it could prove fatal in battle. She starts circling him as if she is about ready to strike at any moment, but in reality she is just trying to get better looks at his stance, his feet positioning, his posture, his handle on the axe, anything she could observe. A taunt wouldn't work since this man knew what he was doing on his first strike. She also kept in mind that she had an audience watching her fight and they should know very well if they paid attention that she had taunted before. Of course that taunt backfired and she doesn't plan on using it on someone as calm as her opponent now. She decides to dedicate this time on observing his stance, his posture and his face to see if he plans on attacking or just going to stand there. She was definitely ready for his attack considering their distance from each other.

Jul 2, 2017 6:56 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Seeing her continue her observation, making no attempt to attack, Eres decided that he'd make the first attack once more, however predictable it may be. He had been in a stance more suited for defense before, having thought that Arice would've attacked, but that changed almost instantly as he realized she wasn't going to. He changed the way he was holding the halberd and moving a bit closer to her, using his weapon's reach to his advantage and trying not to get within arm's reach of her, and slashed it, aiming for Arice, nothing in particular though. This was all done in a matter of seconds, and he wasn't actually thinking of all of this, but she could certainly observe it. She could see it coming, but wouldn't have too much time to react, as he didn't do much before it, though it was definitely avoidable.
Jul 3, 2017 1:31 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As she observes his new stance, she kept in mind how he held the halberd. She also kept circling him in the same distance despite him moving a bit closer to her. He definitely had the advantage of the reach, but with a heavy weapon like that, it will take a while to recover for another attack, leaving him open to an attack. As she finished her observation and seeing how far he can reach, she will be able to react being able to see his handle of his weapon and his intent to attack with how he is moving closer. A slash would be her best bet due to his handle and the real nature of a halberd's reach. A smash would be too slow which would allow Arice to react to such an attack. Though she cannot jump so high to jump over or onto the axe, but she does have the advantage of ducking under the axe. She would have to place her blade on her back to let the halberd glide off her. Still, there are many more attacks she needs to keep in mind. She does need to know how he fights before she goes in for an attack. She is more of a strategist than an actual fighter.

Jul 3, 2017 2:19 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

As Rai was sitting on the table, eating as much of the free food as he could, he saw someone in the crowds. It was the girl Takara had beaten up. He thought it wouldn't hurt if he asked if she was fun. Besides, he was bored anyway. This fight didn't entertain him much. And so, he walked towards her and approached her from behind. He lowered his back so his mouth was right next to her ears and quickly talked. Hey there! It was an attempt to scare her, one of his jokes. If she was scared, he would laugh at her. However, if she didn't, he would just give a, Dang! for his failure.
Jul 3, 2017 2:38 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin felt the voice at her ear, she first freaked out but then tried to grab his head to make him fly over her shoulder. She tought she reconigzed the voice, it wasn't really familiar just a long lost something she had just found back, such a feeling was it. She really wanted to find out who was behind her and didn't hesitate.
onepieceofweedJul 6, 2017 11:46 AM

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 3, 2017 2:42 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

Rai's joke worked well. Shin grabbed his cheek and tried to push him away, but she failed. It actually worked! I'm Raiores, I just wanted to see if you're alright after your fight and maybe spend some time with you. He said while laughing.
Jul 3, 2017 2:51 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Ohw, right, do you always approach people this way? But sure i mean i have nothing better to do why not spend time with a total stranger?

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 3, 2017 2:55 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

Yeah, sometimes. He answered her before she let him sit with her. That's the spirit! He said as he sat, then he tried to started a conversation. So, do you like the fight so far?
Jul 3, 2017 3:21 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Yeah the fight is okay so far, some real talented people participate this year. She looked at him with a blanc expression trying to figure out what's wrong whit the guy that was just randomly sitting next to her talking about the fight.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 3, 2017 3:31 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

That's great! He stared back at her. She didn't seem to be trying to keep the conversation going, but he was too stubborn to just sit next to her and stay quite. He thought of another topic that could interest her, but it was a little hard for him to come up with one... Until he realised he had forgotten to ask something important. I forgot to ask. So, Uhh.... What's your name? I'm Rai as I told ya earlier.
Jul 3, 2017 3:36 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

My name is Shin, what's your opinion over the fight, you also did pretty well i saw. She said trying to come over interested. She had the feeling that if she didn't show interest it would have the same effect on this guy. She tried to figure out where that feeling of familiarness came from, maybe it wasn't from him then.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 3, 2017 4:18 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

As she ducked the attack, Eres realized that she was probably trying to observe his style of fighting, and possibly powers, before attacking. This slightly annoyed him, though not enough to show. He'd then swing the halberd down, where Arice had ducked, in an "attempt" to hit her, though it was simple and relatively easy to dodge, it would appear as if he was actually giving his best effort. This was actually in an effort to make her think this was how he fought, and possibly take action sooner. He wasn't much of a strategist himself, but his unplanned attacks would be useless if they were expected.
Jul 3, 2017 8:52 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Her dodge was successful, letting the halberd glide off her back. She then saw an overhead attack coming, so she dodged to the right and slashed upwards as she tried to cut his arm. In her attempt to attack, whether she managed to cut him or not, she'd jump back and readied herself for the next attack. Since she was focused on dodging and trying to put in a bit of damage, she was not able to see how much effort he was putting in. She had no chance to get a glimpse of his face to even know. He was unable to move as fast due to the big weapon. With the sword, she has the added benefit of more agility than someone holding a large weapon. With distance from her opponent, she lets him set up in a stance before she decides to attack. The thing is, she would hold her sword like a rapier, exposing the point of the blade, to make it seem like she will handle the sword like a fencer rather than a knight with the hack and slash technique.

Jul 4, 2017 4:01 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

Shin, huh? Sounds familiar... He said before she asked about the fight. Well, it doesn't entertain me. But I guess it's just starting. He answered her. Then she started talking about his fight. What?! No I wasn't. I lost it. And I didn't even look good while losing.
Jul 4, 2017 9:53 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Though his weapon was certainly slowing him down, speed was also his greatest skill, though admittedly it wasn't much, so he wouldn't be quite as slow as one might guess, and he managed to avoid the attack by moving back. He didn't know much about swords in general, so he couldn't guess too much from the way she was holding the sword, aside from not really knowing what type it was in the first place, but he could guess that she would attack soon. He readied himself for an attack, and was seemingly thinking of using the shaft of his weapon to block or deflect, though that was a basic observation, he didn't seem to plan on stopping the attack from afar nor did he plan to try and counterattack. He didn't actually have a plan, Arice could probably see more about what he would do than he could at the moment.
Jul 5, 2017 2:10 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Are you sure, you did a better job then me.... I think you losed with coolness. She said while smiling. But how does my name sound familiar, i never met you before. She started looking at him with a doubting expression, she was thinking that maybe the familiar feeling came from him....

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 5, 2017 3:23 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As she circled him once, she went in for an attack as she lunged and ran to him, dragging her sword through the floor. She would then angle her body to look like she was going to slash up, but instead she'd just switch hands and strike her opponent to the left. From right hand to left hand, she hoped that she'd be able to hit her opponent. This was to test how he'd react to feints. She also needed to test his reaction time against said attacks and any attacks she will dish out in the future. Though this seems like a long process and battle, it was necessary to secure her win if she knows everything about her opponent. Unless her opponent starts attacking though, she'll just have to fight with the information she has.

Jul 5, 2017 11:45 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

Lost with coolness? Is that even a thing? Hahaha. He responded to her. Hmmm.... Oh, you're that girl from school, aren't ya? Was his answer to her question.
RaioresJul 6, 2017 11:33 AM
Jul 5, 2017 12:44 PM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

"I don't really know, to be honest. I lost my memory in an accident a while ago. I am on a journey to figure out what happened and hopefully get my memory back. There is something that is telling me that I need to get stronger so that's my first goal. Well, either way, I think I should get going. Any way we can stay in touch?"
Jul 5, 2017 3:10 PM

Mar 2016
Sekrine Laebus
•STR: 20 •SPD: 20 •CON: 20 •AGI: 20 •PWR: 20 •INT: 20

"Hm I see. Well, if you are going, then i suppose I could try and meet my fellow contestants. I suppose I could just give you the address of where I sleep. You could drop by at any time if im there and leave a note if im not? I dont know. You have any ideas?" He would ask, waiting for her suggestions.
Jul 5, 2017 7:13 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres hadn't been expecting Arice's feint, and so it hit him, causing not only a cut, but also a burn. He'd kinda forgotten about the whole "burning sword" thing until it hit him, quite literally. Though painful, it didn't hit any organs, and didn't bleed, being burned. Despite his surprise and injury, he seemed calm as before, and wouldn't be tricked so easily next time, if there was one. He didn't stop to think all of this however, immediately attempting to strike Arice with the head of his weapon, regardless of her distance, trying an attack right after her own.
Jul 6, 2017 12:49 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Her strike was successful and she witnesses her opponent ready to retaliate. However he didn't compensate for the distance she was in for him to even try to strike with his halberd. Since she was pretty close due to her last attack, she'd strike again, not using her blade, but kneeing him on the stomach as she uses her right hand to lean towards her knee as well. This will allow her knee to dish out damage to his stomach using the hard bone and the momentum using her arm to pull him into it. If Arice was him, she would've retreated from the attack she did to reset the momentum. Since Arice got close and linked up an attack against him, it allowed her to make any follow up attacks as long as he continued to expose his body for an attack. She was sure to make the next attack fatal if she does get the chance.

Jul 6, 2017 11:52 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Ofcourse you can lose with coolness! She said while grinning. But I don't if I'm 'that girl' from school....even though I go to school I doubt we are in the same class... She wasn't planning on telling him in which class she was, because she didn't trust him yet. It was also weird that he could recognize her even though she couldn't, or maybe she was just not sure about his familiar feeling.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 6, 2017 12:01 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

Nah, you're that girl from school. No one cares for classes. He smiled back at her as he was saying that. Anyway,...uhh, what were we saying?
Jul 6, 2017 12:35 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Okay if you say so.She said it with a half doubtful and a half smiling face. We were talking about the tournament..I think. She said smiling.
onepieceofweedJul 7, 2017 1:15 AM

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jul 6, 2017 12:58 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

STR: 12 - AGL: 11 - SPD: 12 - CONS: 12 - PWR: 12 - INT: 11

Oh yeah, right. Let's uhh.... Talk about something else. He couldn't really understand how she felt by looking at her face, but he could notice she was sort of smiling, so he just smiled back. So, uhh... What would ya do if you won?
Jul 6, 2017 9:28 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres was once more hit, this time immediately moving away, as fighting in such close proximity, especially without weapons, was most certainly not his forte, being weaker than many. However, the attack wasn't strong enough to cause damage that was serious, as Arice didn't seem to have extraordinary strength. Trying to keep his distance, he wouldn't attack, seeing as she seemed pretty willing to attack now.
Jul 7, 2017 1:44 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Her opponent had retreated, but she didn't let her guard down as she handled her sword in the same position. This was to make him believe she was going to try the same move. She then begins to circle him again just in case he decides to try to attack. If he doesn't, she'll act as if she let her guard down and have her weapon hang by her side, walking slowly towards him. She was definitely ready for his movements as she looks at his chest to see if his arms would move. It also lets her peripheral go to work allowing her to react to what he might do. She needed to make him believe he had an opportunity to strike, reason for letting her sword hang by her side while walking closer to him.

Jul 7, 2017 7:24 AM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

He may have been fooled once, but this one was too obvious to miss, at least he though so. Perhaps it was part of a greater plan, but he would not approach, much less attack, Arice now that she had seemingly left her guard down, what he assumed was just a trick. If she got too close, he'd move away, though he didn't plan to keep doing that forever, allowing her to make the next move if she wished.
Jul 8, 2017 3:17 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As she gets close, she notices that he moves back if she got too close. It seems that he was too focused on trying to keep distance from me, leading Arice to believe that he was being more careful due to the last attack she did to him. She then stops and backs up, sticking her sword in the ground and crossing her arms. Of course they would be in a good distance away from each other since she was letting herself be so wide open. She then waits for her opponent to go after her. The only way for a coward to attack is to let thus coward attack you while you look defenseless. She had no disrespect for her opponent however, he was a good foe. She just had the time to analyze him allowing her the opportunity to take this game on her side.

Jul 9, 2017 5:00 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

He was not going to go after her like that, she had to have some sort of plan, or at least that's what he thought. She seemed to be quite the "strategist" so far, and he had no doubt that she would not leave herself open for attack without some way to turn it in her favor. He was clearly in a defensive position, expecting Arice to attack if he didn't. However, he didn't want this to take too long, whatever the outcome may be, so he probably wouldn't wait too long, even if it meant falling in an obvious trap.
Jul 10, 2017 1:44 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

From her observation, it seems that he isn't attacking. She was going to have to go on the defensive. The question is, how will she attack? A head on attack will only expose her to his halberd, a weapon with a long reach. She was going to have to find another way to attack. She pulls her sword out of the ground as she starts walking towards him, then transitioning to a jog. She then runs towards him straight ahead, but stops to spin left and run towards him from there. She'd then raise her sword upwards to give the impression that she was going for an overhead attack. She knows he was going to block seeing how he was being a defensive opponent for most of the fight. When he blocks, she wouldn't slash downwards, rather she'd grab the halberd from where he expects to block it and push it upwards as she brings her sword down under her. This will allow her to stab him straight into the gut if this manages to work.

Jul 10, 2017 5:45 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres fell for Arice's trick once more, and though he realized what she was doing quickly, he didn't have the strength to stop it, and her attack landed, causing a lot of damage. In fact, it probably would've killed him if he hadn't used his power right then, which he did. He created his healing salt in his hand, and painfully applied it to the wound, healing it completely, but also using up all of it. At this point, he had pretty much accepted that he would lose, especially now that he'd used his power, and he wouldn't mind that, though he wouldn't just give up either. Instead, he quickly swung his weapon at Arice, attempting to hit her with either the blade, or the shaft of it, which was made of metal after all, and would likely hurt quite a bit, aiming for her legs.
Jul 10, 2017 11:31 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

She had successfully stabbed him with her sword. The twist though was that he managed to heal the fatal wound. With Arice shocked by the result, she had no time to dodge the halberd which he quickly swung at her. She was then hit by the halberd and fell on her back with a bruise on both of her thighs. On the floor, she focused more on how she took that fatal hit than actually trying to get away. She never expected him to pull out a healing factor on her. Once she had opened her eyes, it'd probably be too late for her anyways. Even so she would still attempt to get away from him. She wanted to win this battle she had a big advantage over, but at the same time that little misconception of him not having any sort of magical power throws her off and might have possibly lead to her defeat.

Jul 11, 2017 5:42 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

After she fell to the floor, Eres swung his halberd at Arice while she was down, and this time he was at the distance to attempt to strike using the bladed part, aiming for her chest. This was an unexpected development, but he wouldn't waste any time being shocked by it, though he wouldn't get his hopes up either, being more or less emotionally unaffected by this. Arice's surprise would probably wear off soon enough, so he was aware that this probably wouldn't be the end of it, and that if she avoided his attack, she'd have the upper hand once more.
Jul 11, 2017 9:01 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

On the floor she rolls towards him, but the blade made it before she could roll out as a cut through her back was made with the tip of the end of the axe. She yells in pain as she holds her body to try to sooth the pain, but none of it worked. She had suffered a big injury, one that will ultimately hinder her performance overall. Could she fight? Barely. Could she win? Not likely. That blow most likely sealed the deal, all because she wasn't expecting a healing factor to kick in and ruin her plans. The fight probably won't stop, but already having a grieving pain on her back and the acceptance that she has lost leaves her on the floor until he finishes her off.

Jul 11, 2017 10:01 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Seeing Arice as seemingly helpless, or at least defeated, as she was now made him think that it was a trap at first, but he realized it wasn't after just a few seconds. He'd swing his halberd down at her once more, this time aiming for the gut, still putting effort into it, as he wasn't about to get overconfident, even in this situation. He had no qualms about attacking while she was down, so long as it wasn't breaking any rules.
Jul 11, 2017 11:09 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

She was left on the floor, waiting to be executed as she has sustained to much damage to even consider moving, losing blood quickly from the giant cut on her back. She wonders if death was inevitable. She wonders if this battle will end with her death. What a disappointment she thought. She did all that observing, all that planning for a loss. Well, at least she gave the man a good fight.

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