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May 20, 2017 6:21 AM

Sep 2016

Plains are surrounding Jerrat from all directions and as you walk here, you can feel Ciel energy coming out of the grass. The farther you go into the wilderness, the less Ciel you can feel and the shorter the grass gets until you eventually end up at the desert.
RaioresMay 20, 2017 7:16 AM
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Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
May 20, 2017 7:46 AM

Sep 2016
The bird led Takara to the plains after they left. You were now in the middle of the plains, a distance from Jerrat. It was impossible for someone to reach Jerrat before the sun sets if they were really hurt, which explains why the man had to ask for help, but.... There was no man. It was clear the bird meant the man was here but there was no one around.
((@AceAboody K, cya bro ^^
Also I changed text to pink instead of yellow))
May 22, 2017 5:58 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara went towards the supposed location of the man but didn't find him there. He then looked at the bird with a confused look on his face.

@Raiores (Made time today for rp. So now I can continue.)
AcellahMay 22, 2017 6:40 AM
May 22, 2017 6:39 AM

Sep 2016
The bird landed on the ground and smoke starting coming out of it quickly. It was covering a wide area and you couldn't see a thing. After a moment, the smoke cleared but you couldn't see the bird, you saw a man aiming a knife at your throat, threatening to kill you.

"Glad you fell for it. Now we can do this easy or hard way, your call. I just want your money, no more." He said that aiming the knife at your throat.
Good ^^ also sorry for l8 reply))
May 22, 2017 6:44 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara's instinct made him back away from the man. He then made a fighting pose and said to the man: "If you want my money you have to fight me first.".

@Raiores (It is okay.)
May 22, 2017 6:49 AM

Sep 2016

"Gladly!" The man smirked saying that as he stepped towards takara and attempted to slash him with his knife.
May 22, 2017 6:56 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara, knowing what to do in this situation, used one of his gauntlets to deflect the knife away from him. He then grappled the man, because he knows martial arts. After doing that, he said to the man: "If you don't give up, you will be seriously hurt.".

AcellahMay 22, 2017 7:16 AM
May 22, 2017 7:54 AM

Sep 2016

The man punched Takara in the face with the other hand. Show me what you got, boy! He said smirking after landing the punch but his smile didn't last for long as his punch did little to no damage to Takara. If he had out in effort in it, he wouldn't even flinch by the punch. The man flinched by how weak he was or how strong Takara is, with his fist still in Takara's cheeks. W-what?!
RaioresMay 22, 2017 8:00 AM
May 22, 2017 8:08 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara continues to grapple the man. But this time, the man couldn't move at all. He then said to the man: "Did you think that your weak punch could hurt me? Hah, think again. My master's punch is a lot stronger than yours. Also, you should give up. You can't do anything right now. Do you really want to be hurt?".

May 22, 2017 8:16 AM

Sep 2016

Argh! The man said in pain as Takara grappled him. He then attempted to kick him in the torso but it would have no effect. Takara would feel some pain but it had no more effect. Unless he let it of course. Shut up! He shouted at Takara and tried another kick, which was as weak as the one before. If Takara didn't flinch again the man would look at him shocked and say: "who the hell are you!!!?"
May 22, 2017 8:33 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara felt a little pain from the struggles the man did which annoyed him. He then said to the man: "Alright, looks like I will have to teach you real pain!". He then grappled him with more force than he did before. This would have made the man lose consciousness.

May 22, 2017 8:37 AM

Sep 2016
The man started screaming in pain before he lost consciousness. He was now unconscious on the ground. You could now take him to jail, loot the 20$ in his pockets, both of neither. Seems that job wasn't so useless after all. Besides, you could get some exercise ((+7 points))
((@aceaboody good job bro ;D))
RaioresMay 22, 2017 8:50 AM
May 22, 2017 8:45 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After the man lost consciousness, Takara would have dragged him to jail and took the 20$, because he was so annoyed by him. Besides, he didn't like those type of guys.

@Raiores (Yeah. My character did a great job. Good for him.)
May 22, 2017 1:55 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera[/color=darkslateblue]

Type-3 lance and combat bracers


1A sat on a rock as she went through her current situation, she was confused as to where she had ended up but she could see earth still had met its fate after she had her support pod hack into what records she could find. So earth still met its fate even here huh, humans are such weird creatures...pod hack into the satellite and pin point our location I want to know where we are and find out what you can and let me know what day month and year this is also, we must learn all we can before we do anything." affirmative, hacking all records and dates with location proceeding, proposal being out in the open could prove to be dangerous for unit1A. Proposal unit 1A should seek shelter for hiding." Pod don't patronize me.

ZyphkinMay 22, 2017 2:39 PM
May 22, 2017 2:12 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

After leaving the classroom, he arrived here to train a little at the wilderness, where he prefers to do that. After all, they'll be holding it sometime soon, he had to be strong for when it comes. As he was walking, he saw someone sitting on a rock. It was unusual for someone to be sitting on rock there, they usually continue till they're deeper into the wilderness and take a rest befir continuing exploring or enter Jerrat. He approached her to ask her why she was sitting there. Hey there, are you lost? He asked the woman who was sitting on the rock.
May 22, 2017 2:35 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 combat bracers

1A slightly turned her head where a glimpse of her blueish grey eyes could be seen, " proposal engage in safety messeasures not imminent. Pod I said shut...Up!! Pod instead of chatting you have work to be doing. 1A grabs her combat bracers from her back which just seemed to float/hover in place as she jumped from the rock she would slam Her fist into the ground causing the ground to split toward the guy who had just appeared. She was fast as she left her spear sticking in the ground she immediately equipped her combat bracers and would appear in his face ready to throw her punch. She wasn't normally this aggressive but this was a delicate situation and time to be found. How he would react was unclear but if he dodged she would punch the ground causing a destructive hit making the ground split and wave as if a meteorite had hit the soil, this would make it hard for him to keep his balance but not much more.

ZyphkinMay 22, 2017 3:42 PM
May 22, 2017 4:22 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Huh? Is something wrong? He asked as she did that. She then attempted to hit him, which he reacted to by dodging backwards. She then hit the ground, causing an explosion. He was sent a few metres backwards by it but he kept his stance and his feet didn't leave the ground. Hey, what was that for?! He asked her. He wasn't really mad at what she had done but he wanted to know why she did it.
Sry fo l8 reply bro but I didn't note yo edit or dat "done" ya posted XD))
May 22, 2017 4:43 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 combat bracers

1A wasn't finished with her assault by a long shot, she immediately stood up but she wasn't visible to the guy due to all the dust. She emerged like a phantom from the dust ready to swing again, but this time she didn't intend to miss. As she emerged she made eye contact with the guy, it was obvious she had the intent to kill and wouldn't stop so easily. As he asked her why she did that she gave a vague answer, because you are in my way, no die. "proposal unit 1A should cease assault for questioning purposes."
May 22, 2017 5:17 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

He kicked her bracers from the side to avoid these spikes the moment he saw her, making it explode and sending himself backwards a few metres. He fell on the ground as he was sent backwards but he quickly got up and took a stance to fight her. He felt a little weird due to her answer when he got up. Eh... What way? You were sitting on a rock and didn't seem to be going any where. He said that as he prepared for her next attack.
((@zyphkin sry co l8 reply again >.<
Can ya tag me next times?))
May 22, 2017 5:36 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 combat bracers

You are still in my way, so for my safety I'll end this but before I do tell me where am I and what is the date? What happened to all the machines on earth that destroyed all human life? she would continue her assault but this time she would throw a combination of punches and kickes sending shockwaves of pressurized air with a blueish color tinted in.

May 22, 2017 6:17 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

we're in the middle of the plains and the year is 350. He answered her first question as he hit one of her bracers from the side, making it explode and sending himself backwards again. He knew it wasn't smart to hit them but all he cared for now was not getting hit by those spike, They looked worse than the explosion. He kept his stance as he was being sent backwards and dodged her next attacks while answering her second question:"Machines on earth that destroyed humanity"? What are you talking about? Humans are alive and fine. He said that as he kept dodging her attacks.
May 22, 2017 6:29 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

She kept attacking as she stayed on him not giving him much choice but to keep dodging, don't lie to me this has to be the year 11942 C.E. What happened in the 14th machine war where is doctor yoko, answer me. her movements had seemed to be getting faster and faster as the strikes she threw got more and more powerful. She didn't appear to be going all out this would seem to come into view as the confrontation continued to draw out that she was still holding back quite a lot.

May 22, 2017 6:39 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

11942? Dr. Yoko? Machine war? What are you talking about sis? He said as he kept dodging. He didn't have to go all out while dodging but what he was holding back wasn't as much as what she was holding back. However, it wasn't much less.
May 22, 2017 7:17 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

She just looked at him as she stopped momentarily and just looked at him, then it seems I don't need to hold back anymore if you know nothing, pod release full restraints of Torah unit1A requested limiter release. "affirmative limiters of unit1A no longer available, proposal unit 1A is in full combat mode any increase detected further will cause damage to unit1A. pod cease all logic till I say otherwise or you deam my life nonexistent that is an order B-mode activate.. ,affermative", as she enters b-mode her body becomes shrouded in a redish black misty aura that leaves a streak of her past movements as if stuck in time. As she dashes faster than she had before she had appeared instantly behind himas she threw a downward punch on top of him, this punch had more power than her others at exactly double to her enhanced abilities of 1.5x that of a human being her speed had also increased along with her reflexes. If he dodged he would be caught in the impact of the shockwave from the impact from the ground. The ground would form an expanding crater as the shockwave ripped the ground apart.

ZyphkinMay 23, 2017 4:09 PM
May 23, 2017 5:30 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

W-what?! He said as she said that. He had no idea what was going on but it didn't sound like something nice. She then quickly got behind him and attempted to attack him. He instinctively dodged but was thrown away by the explosion, which also damaged her slightly. He was thrown in the ground but he tried stand up again. Damn! She's strong. But... I can't give up! He said in a voice filled with pain as he was standing up. After all that fighting and getting beaten, he was sweating a lot, which he could use for his benefit. He created a sword out of his sweat and prepared for her next attack.
Sry fo late reply :/))
May 23, 2017 5:46 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

Dont resist and just stay down it will be easier, I promise to make this painless for you machines. she appeared from the dust still shrouded in the misty radiated aura. As she appeared in front of him again she would continue attacking in 8 combination attacks of 5 punches and 3 kicks sending bursts of shockwaves from each. Her strikes where fast and precise. As the shockwaves ripped through the air she would keep up her relentless attacks.

May 23, 2017 5:54 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Yeah, as if! He answered her. She came out of the dust and attempted to attack him, which he used for his advantage by jumping backwards and blocking her attack with his blade, which created an explosion that helped him jump further backwards instead of hurting him. The sword he created was destroyed but it was made out of water so he just made it again and prepared for her next attack.
May 23, 2017 7:36 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

As he countered her attacks then causing an explosion knocking them both back she had slide across the ground only to launch back at him."Alert unit 1A has damage to her core filter halting combat is required please confirm" she was becoming more exhausted the longer she stayed in B-mode, however she could still fight till the end at least that was her plan.I don't care pod 002, I'm not dead yet so I will keep fighting till the last of my strength is exhausted and I shut down. As she gave it one last burst of determination she had appeared in front of him once more as his sword had broken she never smiled as her seriousness halted all her other emotions she would give her last punch all she had and would follow it up immediately with one last powerful kick. One of these was bound to hit while the other missed and hit the ground causing yet another explosion that would also rip the ground apart. As the dust cleared she would stand there exhausted as the aura around her faded and she fell to one knee. Damn it did I get him this time?

May 23, 2017 7:58 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

The water that was split by the explosion formed again in front of him as another blade, which he used to block her attack and jump backwards like last time. However, he was hit by her kick this time, which dealt him a lot of damage because of her b-mode. He fell to his knees put his arms on his stomach because of the pain he felt. He needed to rest for at least a few minutes before he could fight again, which made him think it was over for him. So, is that the end,.Killed by an android for a little misunderstanding? I'm such a loser! He said as he looked at her, awaiting an end for his life. However, his life wasn't over. Not yet. Her position did seem much better than his as she was on a knee, exhausted. What do you know? I get to live a little longer, huh? He smiled saying that as he saw that his life was spared. After a moment of sitting there, he eventually gathered enough stamina to stand up again and so he did. If she stood up and attempted to attack him again, he would be ready to react to her.
May 23, 2017 8:24 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

She stood once more but barely, b-mode had taken a lot out of her as she stood there it was clear she was more exhausted than she would let on to be. " Support unit oo2 assigned to unit 1A, this unit is very exhausted and can no longer fight, further fighting will just be a waste of further energy resources." pod...shut.......up................I.......must........finish....this..... as she tries to walk she staggers heavily and stumbles with each step but has no strength to do more than what she is doing now to stay up and try to walk.

May 24, 2017 3:26 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

He, pitying her, watched as she was trying to walk. He didn't want to fight anymore, especially that it was useless with her like that. Hey, we can stop this if you want, you are in no shape to fight. He offered her, hoping she would accept so he wouldn't have to watch her like that anymore.
May 24, 2017 2:45 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers' me,.......I ca......n.......sti.....I' she continued to walk towards him, she would soon reach him with barely any strength left... she would raise up her fist as high as she could still persistent to fight.

May 24, 2017 2:53 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

He sighed and grabbed her arm gently as she did that. If she tried to hit him, he would put more force into his arm to prevent her from doing that. Not much though, just what's enough to be slightly stronger than her. Hey, enough of that, you can't fight. Even if you could hit me, do you think you can take the explosion caused by that thing? Give up already, I really don't want to hurt you. He told her that, still holding her arm.
May 24, 2017 3:05 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

dieing here is better than you giving my location to Yorha to retrieve at this point......I choose death.....she dropped her fist down as hard as she could muster at that point making contact again with him, only this time she would be sent flying as she would skid,flip, and roll hard across the ground. Afterwards she wouldn't move as her body would cease all function as it went in to reservation mode to preserve her life and memories. "Proposal, unit 1A has lost, winner should cease all violence at this point as it would be a waste of energy resources to continue a pointless fight. Please give confirmation ".

May 24, 2017 3:39 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Can you at least thin- He said but got interrupted by the explosion, which knocked him a few metres backwards, but he could keep his stance as the explosion wasn't very strong due to the weapon not hitting him hard enough. He looked at her just to find her unconscious on the ground. Damn this. He said sighing before he approached her pod slowly. Hey there, will she wake up eventually or do I need someone to fix her? He asked it.
((+12 point for Avera, +24 Points for Rai))
May 24, 2017 3:46 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

I am support pod 002 assigned to unit A1 also know as Avera- type1 combat unit, unit A1 is in reservation mode being an android she is equipped with a self recovery unit and radioactive core. By mixing these chemicals in side she will recover in an approximately 5-6hours due to the strain of Berserker mode, confirmation of information is further needed to support unit 1A needed will you comply?

May 24, 2017 4:03 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

He was stunned by what it had just said. He hardly understood anything it said but it seemed to have sown questions to ask. Eh...ok, you want to ask some questions, right? I think I can answer you. He answered it, hoping this answer was for the right question.
May 24, 2017 4:17 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

"Affirmative, what is this spectrum timeline, what time frame did we appear? Is this past present or future, maybe an alternative reality that could have happened, you seem to be a human correct? Your biological,are up seems that of my data references."

May 24, 2017 4:31 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Huh? We're in year 350, is that good enough? I can't really tell what time frame that is. Not unless I know relative to what. And yes, in human.
RaioresMay 24, 2017 5:10 PM
May 24, 2017 5:16 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

"According to analyze data humans were exstinct in the year 5081C.E, hypothesis this anomaly must have been caused by time travel when unit 1A jumped through an u ready portal due to extreme outnumbered fighting.. This was caused by that storing hypothesis data in memory banks."
May 24, 2017 5:46 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Humans were extinct in year 5081? So, you come from the future? Well, it would be year 2400 now but that's still a long while before year 5081 so you're probably too many years in the past. Did humans have some sort of power named "Ciel" in that time? 'Cause if no you either come from the past, or from a different timeline. He told it ((answer with no unless ya wanna mess things up :/)). Anyway, I wouldn't mind staying here and giving you information but it's not easy to understand you. You're... Smart. I will talk with her when she wakes up. He would say referring to Avera after it answers his question from earlier. He would then go, pick Avera up and start heading towards Jerrat while answering any questions the pod would ask him in the way.
Make the next post here btw))
May 24, 2017 6:00 PM

Aug 2013
1A or Avera

Type-3 lance and combat bracers

"Ciel? I have no recollection of this particular word note I will add it to my data of this converstion. Humans before 5081 lived peaceful civil lives till an anomaly called the black scrowl started infecting them. This was not any diesels but it was related to project gestalt. The humans wanted to separate their souls from their existent bodies which intern succeeded however, putting them back is what would cause the humans to die off. Humans in the year4098 had made a twin android system to over see this project however, when the project failed the twin androids launched the replicant data and the project to a base on the moon along with unit1A who had ceased function during that time. Unit 1A is a fugitive to the program for she found the program would not work and she slaughtered the human souls known as gestalts. The were suffering, unit1A is a prototype long since before project Torah was created 300 years from human extinction. Androids here don't seem to expire ace this free will from the data I have already collected from the servers. Unit 1A should terminate these immediately."

May 24, 2017 6:12 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

W-what? I can't really understand you bro. He had said before picking up Avera and heading towards Jerrat with the pod. He would lead them to his dorm where they can stay till Avera wakes up if neither of them interrupted him on the way.
Jun 4, 2017 10:38 AM

Sep 2016

Aihara led Takara to the middle of plains, where there was nothing to see. Then a laboratory appeared out of thin air in front of you. "I'll start working but can you stay outside? Your Ciel can be sensed, which would lead in Them finding this place. Oh and by the way, only the 2 of us can see it." Then he took the unconscious man who attacked you earlier and entered the lab, where he started working on his project.
Jun 4, 2017 11:05 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara: "Okay then. I will stay outside." Takara then stood outside of the lab looking out for enemies that are nearby.

Jun 4, 2017 11:16 AM

Sep 2016

As you stayed for a while and guarded the invisible laboratory, another man arrived. So, you're the one who beat my brother, huh?
RaioresJun 5, 2017 1:19 AM
Jun 5, 2017 1:17 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to the man that approached him: "Huh..? Brother? What are you talking about? Also... What if I happened to be the one who defeated your brother? What will happen to me then?" Takara acted innocently in front of the man trying to fool him into thinking that he is not the one who defeated the other man.

@Raiores (It says 'Show Aihara' in your last post. You should probably change that.)
Jun 5, 2017 1:24 AM

Sep 2016

The man sighed hear in Takara say that and his body turned into a bean if energy which moved towards you at a very high speed. Next thing you saw, he was standing in front of you and attempted to punch you in the abdomen. His attack wasn't as fast, but if Takara was shocked by his speed earlier or just flinched for any reason, it would hit. Tell No lies, I watched the fight as if I was there.
((@AceAboody edited XD))
Jun 5, 2017 1:49 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara felt the man moving very fast towards him. So, before the man could punch him... He quickly defended himself. He then said to the man as he backed away from him: "You saw me fight him? Really? Well, even if I did fight him... What are you going to do about it?" Takara acted tough in front of the man. In reality, he thinks that this man is stronger than the man he defeated.

Jun 5, 2017 1:56 AM

Sep 2016

He smirked looking at Takara after hearing his question. Stall You while he destroys everything inside and kills the old man. He answered, no more than bluffing, but Takara had no way of knowing that. Then he attempted to punch you again. He wasn't as strong or fast as his brother or Takara but he had a power that could make up for that.
((@AceAboody ))
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