When I look at a film... whether is normal, movie, anime or hentai that is non-fiction... I do not look at the characters... I look at people who actually do the things they do in those films in real life.
This is one of them...
I can't believe that people around the world (Specially in japan, a society on shame), let themselves be submitted to these things.
This film began good but ended up in ruin as time follow.
How is it possible that women let themselves be filmed during intercourse knowing that those videos will be shown to other people and will ruin their reputation? They will be marked as whores instead of normal women.
How can they submit themselves so easily and be used as sex toys without thinking of the consequences that could happen with those things.
I began to dislike this film for it. I was told this film was ok and that it showed some bondage play for fun and romance between a couple.
I was deceived... this is bullshit.
And now another girl fell victim by a scumbag...
Japanese people has a wrogn concept of what BDSM play is, and this shows that. These things are volunteered, not forced, and there is respect and limits believe it or not.
If you start forcing your sub to do things out of consent or doesn't respect when the sub ask to stop then you are not a dominatrix, you're just an asshole tyrant. And People of the BDSM community doesn't approve of that. (I know because I do have acquaintances).
True, it all depends on how the sub permits the dom/domme go far... this is why safe words/pass words are made...
for control and respect.
But letting one selves be filmed and ruin their lives in the future? That is just harassment and ruin of personal reputation.
The heroine now will be used as a sex object and tarnish for the rest of her life because those videos will never disappear.
I always been saying: Sex is not a game. It is a weapon, a dual bladed weapon that WILL HARM YOU if you use it irresponsibly.
Again, I am not just looking at the characters in this film... I am looking beyond that, people who gets trapped in these things by scumbags and gets blackmailed and used for.
If things was between them as a couple then i would not had minded... but now he brought a friend and forced her into do these things without respect and then filmed.
If you want to know what would really happen to people who goes into this without thinking of the consequences and gets their lives ruined I suggest for you to read "Uwa-Koi". That is one fine sample that shows how free irresponsible sex, cheating and sex games could lead for your life to be ruin and even death by crazy people who follows. |