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Mar 2016
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Apr 20, 2017 2:22 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
He arrived at the gym with star hoping it'll be better than the auditorium and forest. Here we are. Hope this doesn't turn out as boring as what we tried before. He said as he entered. so, no what? He sided star.
((@star-dazzle if dis sucks 2, we should probs think we'll b4 we go somewhere else :/))
Apr 20, 2017 6:54 PM

Mar 2017
well I'm a big basketball player so u want to play a game of basketball she says as she looks around the gym to see what equipment there is (I am also a basketball lover in real life to)
Apr 21, 2017 12:12 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
ok, anything is fine with me. he said as he looked around for a moment and found a few balls. He walked to where the balls were and picked the best one he could find. well, I found a ball. Let's start this. he said as he passed the ball to her.
((@star-dazzle nice! I play basket ball 2 but I'm not a big fan of it or good at it or anythin. Ma father 4ced me 2 play it so I'm not on ma PC 24/7 :/ ))
Apr 21, 2017 12:48 PM

Mar 2017
alright u ready she says as she is dribbling the ball. She goes in for a layup.
(My mom did the same thing to me I'm terrible at playing it but when I started I liked it so I'm not on my computer/phone/TV a lot either)
Apr 21, 2017 1:14 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Just a little warning before we start, I'M TERRIBLE AT THIS!! he started playing. He did have some knowledge in basket ball but it was little and it was mostly about the offensive so he really sucked at defense but he tried anyway. He stood in her way and attempted to push the ball from her hands when she stopped and held it. He made sure to not touch her so he won't hurt her. If he was able to push it from her hands, it would get out of the zone unless someone stopped it. I reply suck at this, no?
((@star-dazzle I sorta liked it 2 but just a little. I haven't played 4 a few weeks now n I prefer bein on ma phone all day on playin tbh :/))
Apr 21, 2017 2:05 PM

Mar 2017
With her some what ok offensive skills she tries to run passed him and shoots but misses. Rai goes for the rebound and gets it because, just like him, she has very little defensive skills and doesn't want to hurt him either. well since I am terrible at defense and some what okay at offense and so are you, I almost want to see who gets to ten baskets first. Whoever looses gets to buy the winner a lunch. she says as she likes making bets and is laughing at how bad she is.
Apr 22, 2017 3:13 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
He took the ball and went for a layup. fine with me! he said as he rushed towards the basket from the right side. If she stood in his way he'd try to get past her without making any contact with her but she tried get in his way again, he Would stop and attempt to throw it from where he is. If he threw it from a distance, he would miss assuming she doesn't take the ball. If he throws it from a close distance though, he will score unless she blocks that ball
((@star-dazzle sry fo l8 reply, I fell asleep yesterday :/))
RaioresApr 22, 2017 3:34 AM
Apr 22, 2017 9:36 AM

Mar 2017
She tries to block the ball and she failed miserably. She fell down but got right back up. The ball goes in the basket and she says it's 1 to 0. Good job on making it in.
Apr 22, 2017 11:52 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Thanks. So, you suck on the defensive too,huh? He said laughin and passed the ball to her. here, show me what you got! he knew he would most likely suck at this but he just teased her anyway.
((@star-dazzle sry fo l8 reply... Again :/ I did c yo post but was (pretendin) studyin))
Apr 22, 2017 3:18 PM

Mar 2017
She starts laughing as she dribbles the ball. She says in a mocking tone alright I'll show u what I can do. She dribbles the ball toward the net she stops a little bit to far for a layup but takes the shot. It somehow managed to get in the net and she starts cheering yeah I did it. I DID IT! She is surprised because she knows she is terrible at offense as well.
Apr 22, 2017 4:01 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
he stood there for a moment when she scored. I forgot to try stop her, huh? I'm such a fool.. He thought, bothered by how stupid he is but he just forgot about it. Lets continue! I will beat ya! he knew he had no chance but he just kept saying such stuff. He thought it would be funnier the better he claims to be when he loses really badly. While saying that he would rush towards where the ball was, take it and attempt to score again. He tried a lay up and would score it if she didn't get in his way. If she got in his way though, he would miss even if she didn't do anything but stand in front of him.
Apr 22, 2017 7:15 PM

Mar 2017
Trying to boost ur confidence huh well keep dreaming she says thinking man I suck. She ends up not blocking Rai. funny how that works out she thinks almost laughing at how ironic it is that she would say she's good but ended up sucking just like she thought.

@Raiores srry for the l8 response
Apr 23, 2017 9:26 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
boost myself? More like make a joke of myself. he laughed saying that. He then scored because she didn't block him. You forgot to stand in my way again, huh? It's funny how we both suck. He said laughing again. He then gave her the ball and stood in the defensive. This time he gave it his all so he had a chance at blocking her.
Apr 23, 2017 7:26 PM

Mar 2017
You know in a way it's kind of surprising how you are all of a sudden starting to actually play she says laughing and trying to get out of his way. He somehow manages to make her stop in tracks and take a far shot. It obviously misses but that was all she could think of doing because of him being in the way of her. Rai gets the rebound and tries to make it passed her but since he stepped up his game she had to step up hers. She tries to block it this time making more of an effort but still manages to let him find his way to the basket.
Apr 24, 2017 10:24 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
thanks! he said as he was standing in her way. She then stopped and attempted a far shot which missed. I did that?!! he was surprised he was able to do such a thing. He then quickly went to where the ball rebounded and attempted to score but she blocked the ball. He wasn't in a good position to attempt and take it so it would be easy for her to get past him and try a near shot. oh damn
Apr 25, 2017 4:39 AM

Mar 2017
She got the ball and went for the bear shot. She made it and it was 2 to 2. Well we are now officially tied. Well don't get your hopes up I could still win but so can you. She says that surprisingly because she had no idea she could do that. She passes the ball over to Rai.
Apr 25, 2017 9:06 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
He rushed towards the basket. Careful, here come! He would try a lay,up because it's what he did best. If he could do the layup, he would score, but if he tried to shoot it any other way, he would miss.
Apr 26, 2017 2:07 PM

Mar 2017
Well that me see what you can do she says in a sassy voice because she's getting pumped. She follows him around the court to see what he does. He ends up going faster and she can't seem to catch up. She tries to get in front of him but instead runs into a wall because she wasn't paying attention. She gets up and keeps going. Well that was unexpected she says in shock as she is getting up because she never ran into a wall before like that.

@Raiores sorry for the l8 post. Busy with school and sleeping.
Apr 26, 2017 10:19 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
That was weird... You ok?. He asked looking at her. He then looked back in front of him. Damn! He had missed the basket and the ball was out of the court. will go get it. He went, brought the ball and passed it to star. here, yo turn!
Apr 28, 2017 1:21 PM

Mar 2017
Your right that was weird, and yes I'm ok she says as she starts the play. She decides to to do something different. She tries to do a far shot. Well somewhat long shot. She gets to the point where she wants to through the ball. She angels it right where she wants. The only thing she had problems with was the distance. Somehow the distance was pretty good. It rolled around the brim of the net and it finally went in. She had no idea how she could have done it but she managed it and she was really shocked. Really shocked. She so shocked that she almost forgets she is playing until Rai runs passed her.
Apr 28, 2017 2:08 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
you're... good? Eh... Never mind. He realised it was just a lucky shot when he say star shocked. He then caught the ball and ran towards the other basket. He stopped when he ran passed her and tried get her attention. Eh... Star, you ok? Don't score like that. It's not good for your health.
Apr 30, 2017 6:55 PM

Mar 2017
It's not good for my health. Wht could you possibly mean by that. she says laughing and sarcastically because she knew she was acting crazy. She was watching Rai run passed her and she finally came to her senses and started to play again. She almost feels a little embarrassed by the way she was cheering but she tossed that aside and followed Rai with the ball.

@Raiores srry for the really l8 response
May 1, 2017 12:58 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Not really sure. He started running again and star was behind him but couldn't catch him. He tried a layup against and scored. Then he passed the ball to her. star! He shouted her name to make sure she was looking at him when he threw the ball even though he had neither looked at her nor passed the ball yet. He then walked a few steps forwards to prepare for her next shot.
May 1, 2017 12:41 PM

Mar 2017
Well pass the ball. Or are you too focused on me. Haha. She says this because she likes the competition. She is very competitive and likes a challenge. Rai passes her the ball and goes instantly for a layup. (She may like competitions but she is terrible at literally everything she does.) Reacting to slow Rai falls behind and tries to catch up. He can't. She gets the layup and she had no idea she could do that either but instead of acting like a total retard she gives Rai the ball and thinks yeah I did it and gets back the game instantly
May 1, 2017 5:15 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Did you count how many we've scored so far? 'cause I'm too lazy to count. He rushed to where star was, even though she was away from the basket and he had the ball, and then did a layup after looking he run the eyes for a moment. He didn't give her a chance to take the ball from him as he did that quickly and was careful and then she was behind him so she couldn't get in his way. He did the layup successfully and scored giving her no chance to do anything against it. How was that?
May 1, 2017 7:10 PM

Mar 2017
Well I think that since you made a successful layup the score is 4 to 5. You are winning. I will catch up though. she says very unconvincingly and laughing. Its on. She starts to get the ball and is waiting to she what her will do she tries to think of a good plan but as always she can't think of anything. She goes off of whatever she can and doesn't have to think. In her mind she just plays to play and goes her competitive side shows and she goes with the ball. She wants to get a good glimpse at the net and shoot. She misses but she thought she would and she goes after the ball. She gets it's because she is probably more competitive than Rai is and goes. Haha. Told you I might catch up.
May 2, 2017 2:13 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Show me what ya got! He followed he to do anything about the ball she was scoring but couldn't do anything. She missed though. But before he could celebrate that, she tried again and scored. Well, was I underestimating you? He said and continued in his mind, Nah, just making a joke outta myself. He then took the ball and tried score from where she was standing. He wasn't trying to confuse her again, just give her a chance to see what she's got.
May 2, 2017 1:43 PM

Mar 2017
Fine i'll show you what I can do she says as she is toward Rai since he has the ball. She did an unexpected move at least by Rai's part. She didn't try to stay in front of him to block but she went behind him instead. She followed Rai as though she was waiting for the perfect moment. Right as Rai was about to take a shot she jumped in front and blocked it. She thought yeah that's right. I did that. She gets the ball takes the shot a gets it in. She was very happy that she could do that but she still played and tried not to get to cocky.
May 2, 2017 2:11 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
You did, huh? He got the ball after she scored it and attempted to score again. He would most likely miss though because she was in his way unless she didn't do a thing about it or sucked enough to let him get past her. He would pass the ball to her if he somehow scored but if he didn't the ball wouldn't be with him so he wouldn't pass it to her.
May 2, 2017 2:33 PM

Mar 2017
She tries to block the ball but he still makes it passed her. He gets it in. The score is now 6 to 6. She says well we're tied again. She is given the ball but she was not in a good spot because Rai was directly in front of her and she is having a hard time getting out of the way. If she can only manage to get away from him she could possibly make it in.
May 3, 2017 7:54 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Sure are! He walked towards her and pretended to try take the ball but he then let her get past him, pretending he failed to take the ball. How did ya...?! He followed her in a pace slightly slower than hers so she can score without knowing he let her.
May 5, 2017 3:03 PM

Mar 2017
Ok. It's either you are getting tired or your just letting me win she says thinking that he is probably letting her win because he doesn't look tired at all. Are you going to play for real now or are you just going to let me win she says as she gives him the ball.
May 5, 2017 3:26 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Ya caught me, huh? Thought I was a good pretender... Damn! He said as he caught the ball and ran towards the basket. Will play for real now! He would try get past her and throw the ball. In both cases he would miss but he wasn't holding back, it was really his best.
May 10, 2017 2:30 PM

Mar 2017
Well I see you are actually starting to play again and I might want to up my anti since you uped yours she says getting the ball and runs toward the net. Rai tries to run up to her and gets there too late since she already took a shot. No surprise to her it missed but she got it again in the rebound and made it in. She passed it to Rai getting ready for the next play.

@Raiores srry for the really l8 post but got caught up in stuff
May 10, 2017 2:53 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
He caught the ball and ran towards the basket to try a lay up from the side she wasn't standing in. Hey, ya still counting? 'cause I'm not. He asked her while running towards the basket without losing attention. Unless she moves and stands in his way, he would score.

Quit bein sry every time you post l8 XD
May 10, 2017 3:08 PM

Mar 2017
She moved and she blocked the ball but blocked it so it bounced back at him. unintentionally she pushed the ball back toward Rai. Luckily he has good reflects so he caught the ball just in time. Man. I'm a cluts. Sorry for almost hitting you with the ball she says smiling trying to lighten the mood. Well you have the ball. Start the play. she says still smiling but in a competitive way.

@Raiores I'll try not to be so sry all the time XD but it's the way I am. I apologize for everything :)
May 10, 2017 3:26 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
That was dumb. Don't worry though, you're bit the first one to make such mistake. He said jokingly before he ran towards the basket and attempted to shot it. He didn't remember making such mistake but he was sure he had done it before, he just doesn't remember his every last mistake, they're so many. He would score if she doesn't get in his way or just make him lose attention while throwing this.
RaioresMay 10, 2017 3:51 PM
May 11, 2017 2:20 PM

Mar 2017
Wow. Thanks a lot she says sarcastically and laughing a little because she knows that it's the truth. She knew no one who made a mistake like that. Rai throws her off by shifting the ball over to the right and she followed the ball. Rai goes for the shot.

May 11, 2017 2:32 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
You're welcome. He answered her sarcastically as he scored a basket and passed the ball to her. How many did I score so far? You still counting?
May 11, 2017 4:49 PM

Mar 2017
I'm pretty sure that the score is 8 to 7 and you are winning she says as she gets the ball. She runs toward the net but Rai gets in her way and she has to go around so she does a switch move and that stalls Rai just enough for her to get around him. She goes to the basket and takes a shot. It goes in and she is pretty happy. Well no the score is 8 to 8. Haha she says in a sassy way to get the game a little bit more intense since they both only need 2 more baskets.

May 12, 2017 3:24 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
Seems Were almost done. Good, no? I was starting to get bored to be honest. He caught the ball and started to run towards the basket. He would do a layup if she didn't get in his way. If she got in his way after he had already started the layup though, he would just keep going, try avoid her not to hurt her and score. However, if she stood in his way before he started the layup, he would fail to do it right and would miss the ball.
May 14, 2017 11:06 AM

Mar 2017
Yeah I'm getting a little bored myself she says starting to not really try. She didn't get in the way of Rai though even though she was bored she did try to block it. It was 9 to 8. She was loosing but she almost wanted him to win so they would get the game over with. She gave the ball over to Rai so he could finish the game.
May 15, 2017 1:05 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores dragryder
I see. He said while throwing the ball. Glad it's over. The ball got into the basket and the match was over. so, now what? He asked her, preparing to leave the gym.
May 17, 2017 2:31 PM

Mar 2017
I don't know. Don't have any ideas. You have any she asks looking for something to do. She was ready to leave the gym as well so they walked out.
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