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Apr 22, 2017 10:03 PM
Jun 2011
matias067 said:
There's so many to discuss if this show would happen IRL...
What about non-believers of gods?
Infinite energy huh? if Japan goes greedy with it then war starts...this could get messy.
What's in it for Yaha-kui zaShunina? I doubt that's his ulterior motive...
if he comes from different universe? why not ask him if there are other lifeform planets on other universe? and why chose earth? Has be also done this to other planets before earth?
too many question to ask if this happened IRL.
he explained why he came to earth in this episode
Apr 23, 2017 8:36 AM

Jan 2014
Each episode is slow paced but I'm so absorbed in each episode that it does feel like it lasts for 5 minutes! I'm glad I got excited about this show way back when. I want to see how political, philological and psychological it can get cause if it keeps this up, this show will stomp other shows this season.
Apr 23, 2017 10:34 AM

Apr 2009
The series continues to be very intriguing and handles it with a great realistic tone and a pace that's taking its time but is still very exciting.

Plenty of humans don't share spare bread and wouldn't even if they had an infinite amount. Curious to see where this is all going. Advancement in technology doesn't necessarily mean advancement in attitudes. There are no shortage of countries that are far more technologically advanced than they were decades and decades ago but their society, culture, and tolerance have regressed.
Apr 23, 2017 12:18 PM
Apr 2017
"I know what suits humanity... extinction" XD Jokes aside there are a lot of great shows this season. I mean literally a lot of good ones to watch and that keep you interested. This one however seems to be the most intriguing to me so far. 🤔 So an advanced form from a higher dimension universe has come to help the advancement of the human race. I got somewhat lost in his explanation of his universe. So he lives in another dimension called "Novo." And he travels using Kado between his dimension and our universe? I believe he mentioned something that was in between the two as well. This is where I was most confused on that matter. Second, he's offering infinte energy in the form of marbles called Wam for free of charge, at least as we know of currently. I am most intrigued by this premise because if this was to actually happen today, then I am not entirely sure humanity would survive. I would like to think it would but the idea of every nation on Earth having an infinite energy source to power whatever they want seems a little utopian to me. Even if all humans have Wam I am still of the mindset that it wouldn't be enough for 1st world countries such as the U.S. and China. I have my reasons for thinking this but I will get to those another time. The main questions I have however refer to Wam. What is the source of their energy? Solar, Nuclear and so forth? I would assume that if they are infinite then they are also stable. How then is that they accomplish this stability? Why are they in the shape of marbles? What are their properties, hence what are they made of? How many things can they power and still hold their infinite capability and stability? I would assume that they can handle as many as we want, from the demonstration the alien provided. But if that is the case then why did he make more than one marble? I believe to distribute to different contries. But if thats the case then there must be a limit to Wams power because why not just give one that could power the whole world? Finally this concept of Unocle eludes me as well. Apparently he chose to go to Japan because of the Unocle that resides there. This must mean Unocle there are different degrees of Unocle in different places of the world. What exactly is it and how is it similar to the "heart"? I'm not sure if all of these questions will be answered in the show, but I do hope at least some of them are. I'm also waiting to see where the real conflict will come into the plot. So far what's keeping us is the mystique and mystery from everything that's happening. But will the alien really turn out to be a foe? Will the worlds powers fight over Wam. I'm very interested in how that will be introduced, if at all. All these questions I have will certainly keep me watching. I'm not sure if I've ever seen an anime presented in this manner with this particular plot. I'm sure there's one out there, but I have not encountered it. I just wish the show's characters were drawn instead of CGI. 😩 I love the graphics of the cube and everything else, but CGI characters just always put me off. Lol Oh well this show is great so far and really has me thinking critically so I'm good. Can't wait for the next ep!
DrDre20392Apr 23, 2017 12:22 PM
Apr 23, 2017 2:35 PM

Apr 2016
The concept of the show is interesting even though highly idealistic and seems unrealistic (as for human behavior (politics)) in its approach.

As for infinitie energy, that's one thing.
To distribute it (a service that needs work, infrastructure, investment, maintenance and ultimately costs money) is another thing and to use it (technology) is also another (work related) costly thing.

Anathor said:
Someone tell zaShunina that humans don't like to split things as much as he thinks..

Ha ha ha! So true! Like all people wealthy enough to eat plenty would give the rest of their money to save the hungry ones on the planet. That's not the human nature we know, obviously.
Apr 23, 2017 3:30 PM

Feb 2015
Yaha-kui zaShunina is so cute when he smiles.

I nominate him the most precious anime character of 2017.
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
Apr 23, 2017 3:40 PM

Oct 2015
there is just a few shows that the all episode just fly away, its like it was 5 minutes its great and enjoyable so far, Toei don't ruin it
Apr 23, 2017 8:33 PM
Nov 2010
Leo_10 said:
A Wam has unlimited energy? I want one so I don't need to pay my eletiricity bills every month. Well some country will go and make a bomb out of it. Who knows one could go an invade Japan since they will have a monopoly.

The whole point of explaining what Unocole was that Japan would most likely give this "infinite bread" to others because their Unocole or 'heart' was the most stable.

Honestly I'm just curious what the implications of giving infinite energy would do? Like most change, it would kill certain industries and that change might not be desirable even if ultimately beneficial cuz they'd be out of a job or way of making money. In the end though, since Wam is what is of value, then it's the people and organizations that exploit it for practical use that suddenly become more valuable.

What's most interesting is seeing what Japan, and humankind would do with unlimited energy. Will they advance? In what way? And will it be in the way he expects?

Of course, what is the anime focusing on? The answers to those philosophical questions or just the tension because of the questions themselves?

The preview and Leo suggests make it seem like Japan vs the World will be the focus.
yngtadpoleApr 23, 2017 8:39 PM
Apr 25, 2017 2:59 AM
Jan 2011
Is the guy a God? Limitless energy. Next they are going to tell me that reviving the dead is possible.
Apr 25, 2017 11:20 AM

Mar 2013
Big contender for AOTY 2017
Apr 25, 2017 2:58 PM
Jul 2018
Really don't know how to think about this anime. There was of course this "oh Japan is so great, let's do it here"-eyeroll-part. But I won't blame them for it.
Imagine how this story would have been told, if Hollywood had made it. XD They always treat the often generic, nameless American president like he would be the representation the whole world. lol

Maybe his intentions are good, but this can't end well. Doesn't he know anything about our history? Yeah, what could go wrong. Riiight. XD
Maybe he also came with some other intentions, but I don't expect him to be some kind of an evil alien. I would be very disappointed.

So, I'm confused about the art style. The CGI doesn't fit humans very well. It looks good or okayish in the environment, but it's terrible on humans...
removed-userApr 25, 2017 3:02 PM
Apr 26, 2017 1:47 AM

Aug 2013
The atmosphere is so tense...
Looking at Shindo and zaShunina walking under the spotlight only to notice half the episode is over lol.
I really don't really understand the concept behind this but get the gist of it.
I always lose grasp of the time while watching this anime, wish it was 2 cours.
Apr 26, 2017 11:00 AM

Apr 2015
The cutie returns!

Episode flew by for me because I was really interested in that god lol.

Can't wait for next episode.
Apr 28, 2017 5:58 AM
Aug 2008
Doomroar said:
Instead of releasing them all at the same time, he could be releasing one of the passengers each 2 hours and minimizing the grief caused, how come this has the right answer for a subtitle if they can't even address that, that's basic hostage negotiation!

EfiChan said:
Well, this anime is... how people say it? Meh. I liked Hanamori better.

Anyway, I'll try to see what's going on, but I surely has questions (except for who is the werd guy with the long name and where he came from):

1) He said there's a need for 30 days to get all the people out of the big cube (Can't remember if Koda was the small or the big cube). But, he said he can let Shindo alone go in 2.74 hours (Why couldn't they make it 2.75? For caculations, I'll use 2.75). There are 251 passangers (except for Shindo). If you think about it, it will take 8 hours to bring 7 people out. Which means 21 per day. It's going to take 12 days to let them all out if only one can go at the time. Even if we double it as the hell, he has a long name, needs to come back to take each one, it's still 24. days. Still, 6 days extra. So... he has a reason to keep them there. He must have. or someone needs to get back to high school. If the problem was the plane, it could be delivered later. In one word: Fishy.

Because the dumbass alian is also thinking of bringing the plane too, which increases the processing that Kado has to do, but i don't think he is evil or has ulterior motives, the writers are just not thinking about it, because no one else has brought in this point in the entire series either. They just went with, so Kado can give them food, and that solves them all their problems, ALL OF THEM!! lets forget the passengers and move on, let them shit in the planes toilet and waste away for a month.... i bet that didn't even crossed the directors mind.

EfiChan said:
Well, this anime is... how people say it? Meh. I liked Hanamori better.

2) Okay, let's call him an alian for now (cause his name is too long and I don't know what he is). The alian offers them something which is not far from endless energy. Okay.... What's the catch? If it was all he would want, there wouldn't be need for negotiations. He gave them that bread story. He said he chose Earth because most would say they share it. How does he know it at all? Did he see it among the people on the plane? Let's pretend that's the reason, or there's some other logical explnation. Okay... and? So? Who says he doesn't want to lead them to act the other way around for some odd reason? He himself said that they can never trust him as friend or foe. Did I say fishy already?

I was too lazy, I put my 2nd and 3rd questions togather, so I ended up with 2.

And another thing, why the hell the animation itself is like every anime, but the movement it clearly like a game? That's totally annoying.

Is propaganda, he supposedly wants to advance this universe, so out of all the places in the universe he came to planet earth in which the awesome Japanese with their higher morals, kindness, and sympathy will help him achieve his goals leading the world into a new era.

For your last question, because overall this is a lazy production, in all regards, so the animation is CG so they can lower cost.

This show is from NHK right? So a propaganda is no surprise
Apr 28, 2017 6:32 AM

Jan 2013
Woah, this anime seems to be complicated but it's the best this season so far <with Boruto>.

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
Apr 28, 2017 10:56 PM

Jul 2014
I see, so zaShunina's Universe or World is so advanced, that he wants to share the "wams" with the Human world. If just one ball of the wam can literally hold up an infinite amount of energy, just think about how humanity could benefit with all those wams.
Apr 30, 2017 12:43 AM

Dec 2015
Wow, the technology should be brought to Japan because they're the most susceptible to share it? Did he plan them to share it for free? Talk about making yourself look good...

I was expecting things to get more tense inside too: 251 individuals would not be able to stay calm while confined inside something as restricting as a plane. Some are doomed to break mentally.
Not even talking about the dejections since they're being fed...

4/5 I liked it because of the communication approximations.

When he talked about bringing Wam to the whole world, I could only think about WHAM.
May 6, 2017 5:33 AM

Jul 2013
Vinyet said:
Slow-paced and yet it seems like it lasted 5 minutes. Most interesting and intriguing anime of the season by far.

Agree! I was watching with the stars in my eyes! And yet I was really close to dropping this show after trying to watch ep 0 which bored me to death... Glad I didn't. Since ep 1 it's totally diffferent story.
May 6, 2017 5:22 PM

Feb 2013
I have come from another dimension to give you.... electric marbles?

This entire anime could end up being about mankind overreacting (or panic) and blowing stuff up.
May 7, 2017 3:45 AM

Jun 2016
Suspicions confirmed - well, 51% confirmed. zaShunina is definitely from a higher dimension (Novo*, was it?) and Kado is the interface that can exist in both worlds at the same time and can act as a bridge, so to speak.

*It was interesting to hear it described as 'anisotropic'. Our 3D world is classed as isotropic - all three directions are equivalent in terms of the laws of nature. An anisotropic space is something quite, quite alien to our daily experience. I wonder if this will be explored later.

I LOVE the first issue that is being brought up - free infinite source of energy! So this 'suits' mankind, does it? Is the species really mature enough for this yet? There will be a lot to ponder upon in the next episode.

Man, this show has been exceeding every expectation so far.
May 11, 2017 6:14 AM

Jan 2011
I thought this before, but why the hell does her tablet look like one of those magnetic pen drawing things? My theory, she's not actually a scientist but just some spaz that they're humouring.

May 12, 2017 9:57 PM

Jan 2013
Nice job laying the groundwork, but still could go much deeper. Too early to tell how well thought out the world building will be.
May 17, 2017 4:12 PM

May 2014
So many things I want to talk about.
The blue haired girl looked to be very irritating but when I saw her blush I thought she was actually really cute. Why'd she even blush though. The scientist, for real though, she needs to shut up. Couldn't they have got a VA with a slightly less high pitched voice for her.
So this Yashasuinn person lmoa(getting Arslan Senki vibes from this because of the soundtrack) wants this world/universe to advance, and OFCOURSE we see America being all greedy becuase they want some of that too. But surely this anime isn't going to be about advancing the world, I wonder how they can get this to stay interesting.
Jun 5, 2017 10:38 AM

Jun 2013
So, we finally start the negotiations proper. Theme of imperfect translations. What are the implications of unlimited energy supply?

So what is anisotropy?

I appreciated that little moment where Tsukai stifled a laugh, it gave the outlandish scenario a bit more credibility.

So the Japanese are the most generous people on Earth? I have nothing against the Japanese, it's just kind of funny that this is the explanation we got to the "why Japan" question.
Jul 10, 2017 11:15 AM

Jan 2014
this "wam" could lead to more problems.
Jul 15, 2017 1:33 AM
Mar 2012
Yes japan has the most Uniqlo, but not sure about sympathy & bread lol.
Unlimited energy a good way to cause ww3.
The high dimension Novo & all this info interesting, feels slow but depends how it plays out.
Aug 8, 2017 2:33 PM

May 2012
Really love this development! You might just thing this is plain boring discussions but in general it's really amazing thought out character and story development!

Really a huge fan of this kind of development, looking forwards to see what's next.
Jan 11, 2018 3:10 AM

Mar 2015
I like how an almighty being like this fella still doesn't know what a folding chair is for lel
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
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