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Mar 15, 2017 1:19 AM
Jul 2018
Not going to say much about the contents besides that the "hospital page" made its appearance, looking better. Also to express appreciation for the reappearance of
Mar 16, 2017 8:00 AM

Mar 2013
Upon seeing the raw, I wonder what is happening with Taichi?
Is he turning into the dark side or just trolling around?
Chihaya was injured again, I wonder why does she often get injured in important times? A premonition or something?
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
Mar 16, 2017 8:18 AM

Dec 2015
There are lots of things to be said in this chapter but since it's debatable, I just want to comment on...
What's with Taichi that makes the teacher sneeze? is it because of the Tatami mat or something that's with Taichi that makes him sneeze? haha that was so funny!
Mar 16, 2017 10:25 AM

Nov 2007
I just simply couldn't resist:

I just skimmed through this latest one and noticed that Hayami, the girl who can differentiate each verse through stokes (that's calligraphy lover for you <3), is pitted against Chihaya. But what a time to maintain your posture when having issues with your toes, Chihaya my poor baby <3. Kana-chan would have been so happy to see her wish coming true!

Meanwhile, looks like Mashima the Villain is going to have a landslide victory against Tamaru's older brother!

Anyways, I am still behind a couple of chapters so I will catch up with you guys later since I am a slow reader.
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Mar 18, 2017 3:19 PM

Nov 2015
I don't know what's going on with Taichi but I just really hope that he at least talked to Harada-sensei if he actually plan to join the competition as someone from Toudai instead of Shiranami, because that would be very disrespectful towards his sensei if he didn't. Suetsugu zooming Harada's face after hearing about it, just means something.
MTKN9068Mar 18, 2017 3:25 PM
For salty fans
Mar 21, 2017 9:39 AM
Oct 2016
Nunnally03 said:
There are lots of things to be said in this chapter but since it's debatable, I just want to comment on...
What's with Taichi that makes the teacher sneeze? is it because of the Tatami mat or something that's with Taichi that makes him sneeze? haha that was so funny!

Or maybe the teacher just have a cold?
In my country we have a joke for that kind of situation, whenever someone keep sneezing they will ask "Who didn't take a bath?" lol
Apr 7, 2017 3:48 PM

Dec 2015
Just like from the previous chapters: I still think that Chihaya is still growing and probably learning how to be more independent, to learn to "enjoy" karuta even if she's all alone especially if she's planning to play karuta for the rest of her life - because her friends cannot always be there for her - just like what happened today.

Chihaya: "The time and place for it ,is today, here for our promised match"
I think Chihaya thought of this day as what Taichi really meant by his next time. Athough I don't know what made Chihaya think of it that way, because in that place and time she cannot have a match with Taichi or Arata nor can she have a match with them in the next tournament.

"Today I came here to mess with everyone"
I do not think that Taichi is turning into the dark side now - because you cannot judge a person as someone good or bad just by his way and reason of playing karuta.
However I also wouldn't justify his actions, because I believe that he chose the wrong time and place to mess around. I wouldn't praise him for it but I wouldn't think badly of him either, because again you cannot judge whether a person is good or bad just by that.
Nishida and Rion is doing something similar to what Taichi did before - Nishida wasn't really interested and so is Rion, but they participated in that tournament for those people whom they care about.
Inakuma on the other hand, cannot play but still decided to come to "cheer" for her friend - yes you can still be in a karuta tournament with those people whom you care about even if you are not going to play- I think, if Taichi is not serious for this tournament but still wanted to be with them, he could've done this instead...because the way I see it there might be a different reason for why Taichi decided to participate.

In chapter 178, I posted something about how, Suetusugu may be trying to say not to "judge" easily and to look on things a bit more deeper before making up your judgement and the question on how can a person enjoy something he actually doesn't really like - I couldn't help but to think that it may be connected to this chapter - especially with what's happening with Taichi. She probably knew that Taichi will be judge in this chapter.
Funny enough because that is exactly what his opponent did.

I am not sure if Harada, Tsubogi and Nishida are included in those "everyone"
Because if we are going to remember, they have this motto about how an individual tournament is also like a team tournament.
So who knows, maybe even though Taichi didn't join in to win, there's still that possibility that he may be thinking to beat and mess with as many opponents as he can as a way to help his friends who are now playing around.

Anyways for me, what's happening lately is still part of their character development - especially with Taichi and Chihaya.
For them to learn the importance of the right time and place - which I've been saying since chapter 175 lol
For them to learn how to "enjoy" and have "fun" in karuta even though the situation may be different - for Chihaya to learn to cope alone, to still have fun and enjoy karuta even if she's all alone.
And for Taichi to learn how to have fun even though he doesn't really like what he's doing - despite all of the pressure - if he still want to stay in that world. - "Giving your best effort into doing things that you don't wanna do in order to do what you really want to do"
Apr 8, 2017 2:22 PM

Oct 2009
omg taichi is so badass :D
Apr 8, 2017 5:37 PM

Jul 2008
Taichi being a villain feels a million times better and more natural for his character. He's gotten on my nerves a lot over the years but seeing where his character has gone in recent months has done wonders, and now this? Perfect. I'm totally into him crushing everyone's hopes and dreams.

Apr 8, 2017 11:16 PM

Oct 2012
So winning is crushing everyone's hopes and dreams? That doesn't work for anyone else though? Someone will win, and become Queen or Meijin. They shouldn't play sports if they aren't up to losing.......and all those high expectations from the karuta society, lol, maybe they should change their attitude a bit. They haven't been very nice to Suou who has been their Meijin for 5 years already. He has been a thorn in their eye and are looking at someone else who seems more "worthy" for that title. Maybe that just won't happen, fufufu

BTW our mangaka sure likes "messing around" as well.
chiakimagotoApr 8, 2017 11:54 PM
Apr 12, 2017 4:07 AM

Dec 2015
Yeah..I do not really think it is that bad - That he went there with the intention of crushing everyone's dream and passion. I mean, for what reason? It's not like he bear any deep hatred towards them.
And it's not like he dislike the times that he shared with them. It wasn't fun for him but it still made him happy - hence he followed Sou for the reason that he doesn't want those memories to turned into a curse.
If this happened back before he talked to Sou, reunited with his team and went to karaoke with them, then it might be - but that wasn't the case, right?

I think the only problem that Taichi have right now is "reason"
He do not have that strong reason that will give him that strong desire not to lose.

Back when he was playing with the team, it is important for him not to lose for the sake of the team.
And when he's not playing for the team, his biggest reason was Chihaya (and Arata)

But right now, he's no longer playing for the team.
And we all know what happened between him and Chihaya.
And it's not like he wanted to become a Meijin either.
He still want to defeat Arata but, I do not think he's in a hurry to do that - I think he's patient enough to take it slowly.
And it's not like he love karuta that much either.

Although I still don't know what his reason is for joining in that tournament, I also don't think it's really that bad.
To me, it's more like...where does someone like him stand? - in that place where everyone is fighting for a reason.

Apr 12, 2017 2:54 PM

Nov 2007
I think Taichi does have a reason and he wants to improve and who knows, while he keeps on improving, he might as well find himself wanting to fight for the Meijin title later on. This definitely makes the reason plausible as to why he has been following Suou around and copying everything that he does.

The greatest incentive in the story is that he might as well catch up with Arata or even surpass him although the latter seem a bit far-fetched given the fact that Arata won't just sit there waiting to be caught up as he's also evolving as a player himself but not entirely impossible at some point as we know that Suou himself reached the height he is at right now much later, only starting playing Karuta when he was in college. Of course, Suou's got the talent but so does Taichi. He just doesn't realize the things that he is already blessed with. Suou's comment that Taichi should be grateful for things that he already has (like monetary help from parents, a stable future etc.) had more than one meaning in my opinion.
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Apr 12, 2017 3:31 PM

Mar 2013
I actually think that "talent" is not included with what Sou said to Taichi, for the reason that...what was the purpose of him talking about the difference between people with talent? And how Shinobu is just a hard worker and when he and Shinobu was on the TV station, his and Shinobu's eye movements and all were basically at the same level. And Taichi's story has been on how he can beat "talent" his insecurities with "talent" and how he can beat that insecurity, if it turned out that he has talent in karuta at all then that would be disappointing and a bit more contracting about what his character is about.

Taichi have exceptional memory but if you will compare it to the Arata's photographic memory it will seem nothing.

There were some symblic pages in this chapter, especially that page where Taichi is not included in those players with autumn leaves falling on them, with the word "sensivity to karuta"
And the cards that were talking about passion, were dead.
Those flowers that symbolizes something turned into dark and whirlwind images.

And I do not think that Taichi's mind is on "how can I beat Chihaya and Arata" right now.
Because to me it's more like he's still finding himself, trying to improve himself, trying to remove all of his insecurities. But I think he knew that he's still far from that or that Taichi isn't ready yet to be able to face them with the same passion that they have.
The way he ran away after seeing Chihaya because he's afraid he will reverted back to his old self.
I think Taichi is still wants his insecurity about talent to be gone before he can really get into it and insecurities is something that you can't just remove for few months. He may not feel insecure right now but he still can get insecure...if he ended up facing the opponents that may cause him insecurities and if that happens, his hard work will all be for nothing. I just think this is still not the right time for Taichi and Taichi probably knew about it that's why he's only taking things easy.

And if you will look carefully at how Suetsugu drew Taichi in recent chapters? from chapter 174 t0 179. His eyes are dead, it doesn't have that same shine on them and I doubt Suetsugu didn't do that on purpose.

I think Taichi's main focus is not the Meijin or how to beat anyone, that's why he said that he's not really in there to win but more like about himself.
I just don't understand the point of him copying Sou in almost everything, maybe he just wanted to understand "talent"
CuebeeApr 12, 2017 3:46 PM
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
Apr 12, 2017 10:29 PM

Nov 2007
I didn't notice the lack of shine on his eyes. I will take a closer look next time. I didn't think his eyes were dead. I saw determination and willpower in his face in these recent chapters. Well, it becomes how one wants to interpret them. But maybe you are right.

As for his talent, I think his memorization skill is indeed one even if it may not be as amazing as Arata's photographic memory. But his ability to observe his surroundings which I think someone with the talent of a natural born leader possesses is his real talent. Given that, he might be able to influence the surroundings unlike others as we saw him doing something completely unorthodox when he was pitted against Chihaya. Taichi's talents are not anything like Suou's listening ability or Arata's photographic memory and that is what I think makes it really intriguing. I maybe reading too much into it, but that's how I see it.

As for Arata, I remember Murao-san once said that Arata is a true culmination of talent and hard-work. Which is why it always seems that Arata is the true heir to Suou's throne. But given how everyone, karuta societies included and not to mention Chihaya, are putting all their hopes in him to dethrone the current meijin, I think the real twist will come in the shape of Taichi. But it could be entirely different as well. Maybe Arata will become Meijin but the person to dethrone Arata will be Taichi. All of these are mere speculations but I think one of these two events will be happening in the final few chapters in this manga, with the latter having much higher chance imo.
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Apr 12, 2017 11:03 PM

Mar 2013
I do not think what Taichi have is not talent but abilities that he earned through hard work, this is the difference that makes Taichi lose his composure sometimes, thinking that people with talent doesn't need to work as hard as he does . He is smart and even tho his mother pressured him a lot, he learned a lot from her. Taichi being aware of his surrounding is something usual. A lot of people pay more attention their surroundings and people around them, some people are even good at reading people, some younger children do that too...especially if they grew up fearing to make a mistake. Because they get scolded by their mistakes, they tend to be more aware of their surroundings.

I will definitely be disappointed and drop this manga right away and forget it even exist if Arata will become a Meijin, only fkr for him to get dethroned. That would be really unfair for him and his fans. Him not getting the Meijin title until the end of this manga would be better than him getting dethroned in the end. Despite everything that's happening and even if it seemed that he doesn't get the same amount of attention from the author...Arata is still the main lead, not Taichi.
Taichi's story is mostly about him redeeming himself, to be his own person or whatever but him dethroning Arata? That would make Arata almost like the antagonist, the hinder on his dream and goal etc.
CuebeeApr 12, 2017 11:32 PM
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
Apr 13, 2017 1:26 AM

Nov 2007
Drop the manga from like 2 pages shy of the ending? I am just mere speculating.

As a huge Taichi fan, I wanted to explore Chiahayafuru more so I paid more attention when I re-watched the anime for the second time. But then I started to doubt myself; and then confirming where my true loyalty would rest by re-watching the anime for the third time and finally making it completely irreversible after having started reading the manga from the first chapter and catching up with the latest chapters (evidence is here). Yet I don't think Arata is the only main lead. But he is definitely the more important one between the two. Somehow, Arata reminds me of Muraski-bara no Hito form Garasu no Kamen.

My speculative dethronement of Arata is borne from something entirely different and it actually goes beyond his dethronement. And I believe it won't make him an antagonist. It will make him a down to earth human character, in the eyes of Chihaya who considers Arata to be a heavenly being. So, where does it leave Arata? If he were to lose immediately after becoming the Meijin, knowing how fascinating his character is, he would have already won his Meijin title back the following year and fast forwarding 6 years after his dethronement, he makes an appearance as the current Eternal Meijin just like Wataya Hajime once was.

I don't know where this manga will take me, but somewhere down the line, I find it hard for Suetsugu-sensei to pass up the chance to show us Arata as an Eternal Meijin. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.
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Apr 13, 2017 4:25 AM

Mar 2013
I am Arata fan but I am not really much into shipping (Although I have couples that I like of course)

But to make Arata more of a human? for Chihaya? That can happen if he will lose in the qualifiers and will fail to become a Meijin. That is much better than him being the Meijin only to get dethroned. That will be the greatest insult that I can ever receive as a fan. He is the main character but Suetsugu gave more attention to Taichi, that I can take...but for him to get dethroned.

Ah...btw is this out of topic? I have received warnings before,for getting on a discussion that doesn't have anything to do with the topic....I do not want to get banned so,..
CuebeeApr 13, 2017 4:31 AM
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
May 6, 2017 6:43 AM
Jul 2018
"The time and place for it is today, here ...
for our promised match"

The panel used with that text is framed by cherry blossoms and includes a flashback image to the Wataya apartment in Tokyo. It shows the final time they played karuta there together. Right before that moment depicted, Chihaya says "Because we have karuta, I'm sure we'll be able to see each other again." Then in the echoed panel she continues "If we continue playing we'll meet again, I know we will", while holding both their hands.

There are thought bubbles on the next page with the following text. "I myself ... Taichi and Arata ... I never thought we'd change in the future. We were like cherry blossoms before they bloomed."
Bilingual Vol 1, Ch. 6, pp. 208-210 - Corresponds with Japanese Vol 2, Ch. 6, pp. 34-36

I don't think the re-unification necessarily means as opponents, in Chihaya's mind, in the "current" timeline either. Chiahaya may well hold onto the sentiment exactly as expressed right before they were separated - upon graduation from elementary school - when Arata had to return to Fukui and Chihaya and Taichi enrolled in different junior-high/middle schools ...
Sep 26, 2019 9:56 AM

Feb 2019
I like this new development of taichi on how he is trying to copy suoh. Battle between arata's flow and taichi's trickery will be awesome considering they both have eternal meijins as their mentor.
Nov 25, 2020 1:51 PM
Nov 2020
dammit how come chihaya gets injuries in literally every match she plays, now it's her foot? also taichi being a 'villain' is bittersweet. i like it more than everyone pretending he's some angel when he has a twisted side of him that results from his pride. but i also hope he learns to enjoy karuta. even if karuta itself was a way to stay beside his desired environment, that still means he enjoys karuta, but just doesn't love karuta by itself which is normal. i feel like he compares himself to arata and chihaya and suo who are talented ppl who love just karuta even if it were to be played with just them and so he puts himself down for being different. idk, i wanna see him grow to love karuta and learn to face chihaya again :/
Jan 12, 2021 4:01 PM

Jan 2019
I'm in both sides about this Villain Taichi thing.

In one side, I like that he's letting his angel persona behind and starting to show fangs, it even makes sense considering his personality. I also like how he isn't here to win the Meijin title, but to defeat everyone else who is trying to. I also wouldn't mind if he defeats Arata once and for all tbh.

On the other hand, I feel bad for him. I already forgot the last time we've seen Taichi "innocenlty" happy. I just want him to be a normal teenager enjoying his teenager years, yet he's always focusing on karuta, Chihaya or Arata in a unhealthy way.
Jul 12, 2024 8:55 AM

Nov 2018
Taichi going villain mode.
Best thing ever.
"When they're alive, you can enjoy watching them struggle. When they're dead, you can enjoy tearing out their guts. Tales are things you get to enjoy twice."
Aug 29, 2024 2:48 AM

Jul 2015
With how Taichi has been copying Suou's movement, it was inevitable to see him also copy Suou's playstyle of making their opponents foul

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