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King's Game
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May 28, 2014 11:32 AM

Jul 2013
What... This had no sense of direction and the ending seemed asspulled. I'd call stupid on this one.
Aug 26, 2014 2:40 PM

Jul 2012
Okay wow that was terrible. Maybe I am just a complete idiot since but what exactly was his final wish there? Either way, it sucks uh.
Nov 8, 2014 2:24 PM

Apr 2010
What a shit ending. Hypnosis setting people aflame, breaking their necks, sending arms and heads flying.
Dec 16, 2014 8:42 AM

Oct 2012
This had so much potential, but at the end it was a f*cking virus killing people via suggestion? That's way to weird. I mean, come on. People dying because of dismemberment and incineration just because they believed that would happen? It doesn't even make sense, because one of the first guys who had to hang himself believed he survived and died later on.

I guess the MC just wished that he would meet his girlfriend again and now he just keeps on dreaming or whatever.

Man, I don't know. The first half was great, but then it was just killing of characters :/
Feb 2, 2015 10:12 PM
May 2013
What was his last wish? Was it to start all over again? Did he wish everything was just a dream?

I agree with the above posts. Everything was great until everybody started to die. And the COD was the power of suggestion? Bleh.
Mar 30, 2015 5:32 AM

May 2014
What is this? Chiemi dies of blood loss only because that idiot stabbed her thigh. And what the heck is the purpose of that last scene. I know it's an artistic stuff to end the way it began but it has no connection with the rest. Ousama's power of suggestion was freaking absurd but it never gave the idea that is powerful enough to rewind time or whatever that was.

Such a disappointment! Except one chapter, this manga went completely downhill after 2nd volume.
Apr 19, 2015 8:17 AM

Jun 2013
the ending could have been better. the story was nice and interesting but its ruined.

Jun 6, 2015 1:52 AM

Nov 2010
If Chiemi died of blood loss, doesn't that mean the main character didn't fulfill the command?

And it feels like maybe a chapter were missing since one chapter goes from the main character screaming Ria's name then the next chapter has the main character and his friend wondering why everyone else is dying.
Jun 25, 2015 6:17 AM

Jan 2015
Worst ending ever. This had a lot of potential.
Jun 29, 2015 10:59 PM

Jun 2008
Yea adding "supernatural" or a new "virus-related retardation" genre wont cause any harm, at least we know the shit we are diving into before we waste hours of our time.
Sep 25, 2015 11:51 AM

Aug 2014
That's not an ending.

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
Apr 3, 2016 6:53 AM

May 2015
It was so good, and then they gave us that BS ending. It makes NO sense whatsoever. You can trick your body into doing things, that's true, but you can't trick it into breaking the laws of science by spontaneously combusting and randomly having your body ripped limb from limb.
So it basically ends with him sitting there all alone until he inevitably gets arrested for being found surrounded by a bunch of dead bodies. WTF.
"It's a tragic misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided if he just finished his sentence in time!"

— Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Apr 3, 2016 6:54 AM

May 2015
Hibiki07 said:
What is this? Chiemi dies of blood loss only because that idiot stabbed her thigh. And what the heck is the purpose of that last scene. I know it's an artistic stuff to end the way it began but it has no connection with the rest. Ousama's power of suggestion was freaking absurd but it never gave the idea that is powerful enough to rewind time or whatever that was.

Such a disappointment! Except one chapter, this manga went completely downhill after 2nd volume.

Actually, Chiemi dying was plausible. He cut her upper thigh. There's a major artery there, and if you cut deep enough you can sever it and will die.
However, I agree with pretty much everything else.
"It's a tragic misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided if he just finished his sentence in time!"

— Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Apr 8, 2016 3:50 PM

Mar 2015
worst ending of all time
its was a virus all along
ZukkaApr 8, 2016 3:54 PM
May 2, 2016 7:54 AM

Jan 2016
What just happened? The rest of the manga was great, but holy shit that ending was rushed. The hell was his wish??
Jul 27, 2016 11:43 AM
Aug 2015
I just wasted 2 hours for this suck ending -_-
Aug 16, 2016 1:45 AM

May 2015
For a computer virus that can control people and even set them on fire, 25 chapters isn't enough.
The author should have slowed down the killing to give more time for the people to find out about the game, or have the story carry on after the game had finished.
Have you finally noticed me, Towel-senpai?
Sep 29, 2016 11:55 PM

Aug 2016
What did he wished for? I thought that he wanted to start over/revert back time or die to be with Chiemi.... but he's in Ou-sama Game Shuukyoku....

This is so confusing 😭 what a crappy ending

Ou-sama Game - Original
Ou-sama Game Kigen - Prequel
Ou-sama Shuukyoku - Sequel of Original
Ou-sama Rinjou - Side Story of Shuukyoku

Am I right? I read the original first then I read Ou-sama Game Kigen and got so confused.

In the last chapter of Kigen, a time skip of 32 years meaning it's the timeline of Ou-sama Game Original, but I thought Chiemi's mother is Natsuo Honda who disappeared when she was just a yr old? because now it seems that Natsuo is just her twin sister 😭 please help...

too bad Shuukyoku is not fully scanlated and translated yet :'(
Mar 22, 2017 6:18 AM

Mar 2015
EHHH THAT SUCKS SO BAD. So he wished for a dream? Or did he wish to be with the girl he love? And that's it? Bahhhh

Apr 14, 2017 3:31 AM

Aug 2013
What a kind of shit was that? This ending.. woah.. i expected really any better ending... and the virus of suggestion xD I'm done... i really liked this but this chapter xD This tome... lol
Aug 2, 2017 4:08 AM
Mar 2016
The first half was pretty good, and then that 'you died if you cried' game started and things became mess
Aug 6, 2017 11:52 PM

Aug 2016
Premise: Cool
Start: Great
Ending: What the fuck. The worst plot twist of all time. M Night Shyamalan wouldn't even dare a twist that awful. It made no sense and did not fit the story at all. It was a waste of time to get that as a conclusion.

Aug 16, 2017 12:09 PM
Mar 2014
Aritan said:
If Chiemi died of blood loss, doesn't that mean the main character didn't fulfill the command?

And it feels like maybe a chapter were missing since one chapter goes from the main character screaming Ria's name then the next chapter has the main character and his friend wondering why everyone else is dying.

Sorry for touching this very old thread.

However ending was a pure s*hit.

MC could think that he was the reason that Chemi died (he caused or something) as such he killed her. Which is why I would let that slide as it's a controversial topic.

D-A-W said:
Premise: Cool
Start: Great
Ending: What the fuck. The worst plot twist of all time. M Night Shyamalan wouldn't even dare a twist that awful. It made no sense and did not fit the story at all. It was a waste of time to get that as a conclusion.

Completely agree.
Aug 27, 2017 6:51 PM

Mar 2017
..... this was horrible.
Sep 30, 2017 9:40 AM
Jul 2007
So it's some kind of virus that hides in the host and then the person is introduced to a extreme situation activates itself with capability to make changes to a body within cellular level. Set yourself on fire, decapitating, split in half etc... In other words a parasite that overloads your body's defensive mechanism to its own destruction. Like opossum when threatened they play dead for a long period of time.

I need to read prequel and somehow sequel (Not translated yet) maybe everything will be more clearer. Now its a total mess.

So in the end MC wishes to be in comma like state dreaming where he is with his lover forever?

snakeriSep 30, 2017 4:35 PM
Oct 6, 2017 9:18 AM
Oct 2017
I honestly enjoyed the ending, he wished for none of this to ever happen. and to go back to the begining before anyone died, which began with him asking Chemi out. It wasnt rushed, or bad, or anything you kids just have no imagination.
Oct 12, 2017 10:27 AM

Jul 2012
Hmm. Okay. It wasn't good but still entertaining to read, regardless. The characters are dumb as fuck, not gonna lie. This lowkey reminds me of Death Note x Liar Game x Battle Royale but nowhere near as good. Gonna keep watching the Animu ofc. 5/10
Oct 12, 2017 12:43 PM

Dec 2012
At the end Nobuaki is the last one alive and is told he can make any wish he wants and after that it flashes to where he asks Chiemi out. This is not a flashback but is actually the power of the wish turning time back to when he asks Chiemi out before the ousama game happened. Nobuaki is the real ousama but he does not realize as he time has reversed and therefore everything that unfolds is as a result of the power of suggestion from Nobuaki. He simply thinks it and it happens. The dream right at the start is his vague memory of the events that occur

Oct 13, 2017 5:45 AM

Mar 2014
Weird and rushed ending. It was obvious from the beginning that the story had supernatural elements, you can't set yourself on fire or be decapitated like that. I think it was odd and anticlimactic though that the author tried to explain the game's origin while incorporating logical things such as the power of suggestion along with the supernatural stuff. He should have gone all out with a supernatural explanation instead of this unconvincing mixture.

I find it very weird and idiotic that Chiemi died because of her wounded thigh tbh. I'm not entirely sure what the hell happened in the end. I'm leaning towards Nobuaki being the new Ousama, wishing to go back in time to be with Chiemi and his friends. Time is reversed and he's the Ousama unbeknownst to him because of the previous timeline, but he hasn't retained his memories. Maybe he's stuck in this loop..? I dunno lol. I hope the sequel explains that cause I'm a bit at a loss.

It was disturbing and grotesque so I guess it achieved its purpose. I can't help but find the characters and some situations very weak though. 5/10
Oct 13, 2017 11:55 AM

Dec 2013
Xallorev said:
The first half was pretty good, and then that 'you died if you cried' game started and things became mess

Yeah I agree and the same goes for Kigen. It went a downhill once the "Do not do any unnecessary things" plot device was dropped.
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Oct 13, 2017 3:53 PM

Nov 2016
dropping stuff isnt my style, i knew things were going downhill during that 'you cry you die' stunt. never wouldve imagined itd get this bad. 2 days of reading down the gutter -.-
oh look, chars are dying, introduced, and dying all over again. they should drop the 'supernatural' tag, as an android/iphone virus causing people to insta combust/decap/limbs flying off is completely legit.

the other thread was fun though. i was also pointing at nami since yeah, blind people can wander around, call people on their phones, write stuff conveniently in sand where only nabu would see. hmm, they probably should keep the supernatural tag.

all in all, i hate 'its all a dream, you readers figure out what happened' type endings. much like eden no ori, a WTF ending to an overall promising story ;'(
anime/manga version of steam would be awesome -
Oct 27, 2017 7:52 AM

Dec 2014
ok BS... what has happened here don't tell me the Mc is satisfied like totally blown by the ending...kinda pisses me off
Oct 27, 2017 3:15 PM

Sep 2017
I might be wront but Chiemie's stupi death is explained (not in this manga tho), she didn't die because of that ridiculously small stab but because the virus apparently doesn't let women win. Where does this come from? The Ousama game the MC took part in wasn't the first one, it all originated before in a village years ago (prob the one the MC visited) and there's actually a manga showing how it went (prob not well :D, you follow the story of 2 cousins who geniunly love each other), I didn't read it yet but saw the comments and I believe someone said that women can't survive it.

Not sure about it but if it's right it would explain why Chiemie died and prob also why her mother died, the virus prob isn't even aware of it itself so that's why it kept giving order to women as if they had a chance of winning. I'm reading it right now so don't fully trust what I said but keep it in mind.

Found the manga: Ou-sama Game-Kigen what I said before might be pur garbage so read it to be sure.

Edit: And yeah the ending sucks.
Nov 15, 2017 2:48 PM

May 2015
The bad ending and awful explanation are really just a product of the terrible pacing of this manga. The death of one student per round could've given the MC enough time to figure out what's going on and put an end to all of it before it's his (or his girlfriend's) turn. By killing off 2+ people from a limited cast the author drove himself into a corner.
Have you finally noticed me, Towel-senpai?
Jan 22, 2018 6:44 PM
Nov 2015
I see that most of the people did not like Ousama Game because they found the ending "terrible". The main character lost all of his friends one by one, gone through a lot of things and in the and he wishes to turn everything back and *PUFF*

...It's just a guess but I think when the game said "You are the king, what do you wish for?" it was just a symbolic phrase. It probably meant that he was the king and could do what he would like to do. He wasn't given a wish. He was now "free." He was on his own. He would wish to turn everything back if he could, but he was not able to demand something from the game. Thus, his wish is never going to become true... Do you get my point?.

But I agree about the "virus stuff" there should have been more explanation and less death for a period if time so that we could get what was going on...
AborrAug 10, 2020 3:41 PM
Nov 5, 2019 2:24 PM
May 2019
That ending, okay. Despite the problems this had, it was still an enjoyable read nonetheless.
Jan 11, 2020 7:56 PM
Mar 2019
Marloges said:
This had so much potential, but at the end it was a f*cking virus killing people via suggestion? That's way to weird. I mean, come on. People dying because of dismemberment and incineration just because they believed that would happen? It doesn't even make sense, because one of the first guys who had to hang himself believed he survived and died later on.

I guess the MC just wished that he would meet his girlfriend again and now he just keeps on dreaming or whatever.

Man, I don't know. The first half was great, but then it was just killing of characters :/
What people aren't getting about this is the fact that it isn't supposed to make sense. The point of this is to show how messed up people can be when placed in a messed up situation, for example: The Ousama Game. It also shows how out of all the hatred and disgust most people have, it also shows how some people have compassion and are willing to help the ones they care about no matter the cost. It also shows us that we should never take our lives for granted and live our lives to the fullest each day and every day.
Mar 28, 2020 3:28 AM

May 2018
Kuro_Kaen said:
Marloges said:
This had so much potential, but at the end it was a f*cking virus killing people via suggestion? That's way to weird. I mean, come on. People dying because of dismemberment and incineration just because they believed that would happen? It doesn't even make sense, because one of the first guys who had to hang himself believed he survived and died later on.

I guess the MC just wished that he would meet his girlfriend again and now he just keeps on dreaming or whatever.

Man, I don't know. The first half was great, but then it was just killing of characters :/
What people aren't getting about this is the fact that it isn't supposed to make sense. The point of this is to show how messed up people can be when placed in a messed up situation, for example: The Ousama Game. It also shows how out of all the hatred and disgust most people have, it also shows how some people have compassion and are willing to help the ones they care about no matter the cost. It also shows us that we should never take our lives for granted and live our lives to the fullest each day and every day.

no. Hamfisting the virus thing into the last 2 chapters is called bad writing.
May 21, 2021 11:23 PM
May 2021
Honestly loved it the i watched adaption was pretty good also got me to watch Darwins game
Jul 3, 2022 9:58 PM

Jan 2016
What??? I do not get it??? Can anyone tell me how you your head and arms fly away and you set yourself on fire due to suggestion???
Feb 19, 2023 11:56 AM
Sep 2021
One of the worst fucking mangas I have ever read
Sep 18, 2023 12:42 PM
Sep 2020
I hoped for better ending, this one was not what i expected.

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