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Apr 13, 2016 6:26 PM
Apr 2016
sujal123 said:
I want an 2nd season of guilty crown as the season 1 ending is not so good and the fans Wat an 2nd season of it as well as me.

Do you have any updates on the 2nd season of it.

However, the first season was quite a thrill tl, they have always an option to continue their series by daat and his utopia world from where Shu can bring back his friends..
But I don't know why there is such a delay in production..??
Apr 15, 2016 11:30 AM

Nov 2012
NipunSinha99 said:
sujal123 said:
I want an 2nd season of guilty crown as the season 1 ending is not so good and the fans Wat an 2nd season of it as well as me.

Do you have any updates on the 2nd season of it.

However, the first season was quite a thrill tl, they have always an option to continue their series by daat and his utopia world from where Shu can bring back his friends..
But I don't know why there is such a delay in production..??

While you wait for a second season, maybe I can interest you in my fanfiction? It's a direct sequel and the longest story in the Guilty Crown section of (nearly 400.000 words and growing). Give it a read if you are curious. My readers so far reacted very positively. (260 reviews)

Link to the story:

The beginning is a little slow, but I promise the plot picks up some speed by the time you reach the fifth chapter.
VoidGenomeApr 15, 2016 11:34 AM

I sing for my people, I sing for my friends
I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends
I sing for my father who rests high above
and also for my mother who I deeply love
But as I sing I wonder, what is it for?
when there is no one who sings for me anymore...
Apr 15, 2016 7:33 PM
Apr 2016
Thanks bro!! Its seems interesting!!
Apr 27, 2016 10:17 PM
Apr 2016
Hope GC Season will come... Damm i cry a lot for Inori ... I heard her voice 3weeks long... That make me so sad 😞😰 Pls Innori show use that u r not dead :(
Jul 6, 2016 4:08 AM
Aug 2014
Well Inori is quite the mystery because at the end of episode 22 we see Shu sitting on a bench alone, but even blind the only thing he can see is Inori in a place that seems to be another dimension with all those blue clouds. So either she's dead and with all the mental tramatization Shu has suffered from, like the love of his life dying, and his hand being chopped off. He just belives he can see her when really he can't, or Inori is trapped in some weird state where only Shu can see and feel her, because Shu is her "King", kinda like Mana. Which means she could be "resurrected" and brought back to the real world. That's from what we know right now, but if they were to make a second season, more information could change some of these facts to make this false. And a different outcome would have come to Inori.
Jul 12, 2016 1:12 PM

Apr 2016
EsPwnage said:
KingYoshi said:
Plus, they already said they wanted to make a two season run. Guarantee there will be another season, sequel, prequel or something similar.

Where did you find out about them wanting to make another season?

It'd be great if there would be a follow to cover up the plot holes. But how long would that take? 2 years at least. I'm just getting this feeling that it might take a while for it to happen.

There is a second season and it is already out. You already watched it as a matter of fact. The first 11 episodes was the first season in Japan and the last 11 was the second season. We call it one season in the states because that's the way it was presented. People in japan waited a decent while in the break between ep 11 and ep 12. There is no confirmed season 2 but hell I want one.
Jul 20, 2016 9:53 AM
Jul 2016
I've been scrolling on the episodes and I've may have found some clues that may lead to S2.But I wouldnt say lead but this is just a theory statement on what would happen for S2.

So starting of,Had u notice that Shu has 2 void genome(King)powers by the ending the fight in the last ep?If u dont,then u really need to watch back the scene where Shu gets the king powers for the second time and also the scene where gai died in the last episode.

So my theory is,when Shu was sucking up all the things related to the virus(including the voids),he sacrificed his right hand.So that means that means he sacrificed his right hand's king powers to save evryone.But right back then,Shu still has his left hand king powers.So that means even 5 years later,he's the only person that still has the king powers in the real world(besides Scrooge).Now u must think that "Ouh he still has his void powers,but that doesnt mean that he could make a comeback since he's blind now",Well my friend,at that time and year we can only hope that there's a cure for blindness since its about 20 years in the future.

And now u must think that "But if Shu really makes a comeback,he couldnt fight bc he already sucked up and destroy evrything related to the void thing)And for that one,I dont think that Shu would fight at the real world but at the "Utopia of the Da'at"(its the crystal world in the last ep where shu got teleported and met gai).But I still dont know how he would go there but I may know why and this is the exciting part,we may see the comeback of Inory too XD.And why do I said that,in the second op song,we could see Inory in that crystal place"Utopia of Da'at".So something tells me that Inory is still alive and also evryone that died of the virus(inclusing Hare).

Later by time,Shu may get to know of this information and also Yu's(Daath)plan to start the 5th or maybe just contineuing the 4th apocolypse.Since Shu's the only one that still hàs the void powers besides Scrooge,he may get recruited again to stop the apocolypse from happening.

Ps: just sayin,I dont think that Scrooge is a human but a beeing of Da'at just like Yu.And I also think that if the creators is doing s2 project,they may take on the Scrooge storyline.Evn though,im fine with that.

Well thats it from me.Feel free to disagree or correct any of my statement.
Hopes for S2πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Jul 21, 2016 11:13 AM
Jul 2016
I honestly think that shu was put in a coma or something but it seemed to continue like a dream but the ending was one of the worst ones I've ever seen I had thought that they would both die
Aug 4, 2016 9:00 AM

Aug 2016
yes please bring season 2 of GC and please please please bring back Inori to life...... i just can't get over her dead.... please
Always believe in yourself. Never give up.
Sep 10, 2016 6:35 AM
Aug 2016
mostly they would !! Something is not right still that bad guy endlave guy with the huge cyborg is still alive ?!
Sep 14, 2016 8:05 AM
Sep 2016
the director should continue from the ending part of last episode of season 1, where Shuu is listening to Inori's song & imagining that he's hugging Inori. he should add how shuu came out of the building that was collapsing the moment inori died, & what happened to his power after that, how he got a replacement arm that works perfectly. Then in the present in the garden where shuu was listening to music and his imagination,then Inori suddenly stands in front of shuu and tells,"I'm back Shuu. It sure has been a long time" or something else but, shuu doesn't believe at first, then he believes that she really is standing in front of him. then he spends a lot of days with her and with their friends happily ever after. last season's ending was a bit tragic, sad and hurt me too much, so the last/ 2nd season should have a happy ending. hope that this can be a nice plot for season 2 after all, I'm really in love with INORI. I thank the director & his team for making inori the most beautiful girl in the anime.
Nov 24, 2016 6:12 AM
Nov 2016
I Want Season 2 In The End of last Episode I Was too Crying Why Inori is Die and shu is live without inori im loving this series please make season 2 i want I Love This Series Im Watch This Serise 5 times but my life is stuck on this series please make the series season 2 my love is also died in two months ago this series is like me please i beg u Please make season 2
ShuInoriNov 24, 2016 6:17 AM
Nov 28, 2016 11:47 AM
Nov 2016
justpooky said:
I'm not sure but somewhere I heard Guilty Crown will be a 2 season project??

I'm kinda hoping that somewhere, all the people didn't really die..... I hope,

the ending kinda made me feel unsatisfied. =(

Come back inori!!!
I hope so too! Inori has to come back! Shu cant be alone. Lost Christmas was unbelievable.
Nov 28, 2016 12:29 PM
Aug 2013
Inori is dead so no
Jan 7, 2017 8:37 PM
Aug 2016
As much as I would love a second season, it would ruin the whole point of the show. They're not afraid to kill off characters, and a second season would suck without inori, ruining the whole premise of her sacrifice.
Jan 8, 2017 11:29 AM

Nov 2012
Labmonkey said:
As much as I would love a second season, it would ruin the whole point of the show. They're not afraid to kill off characters, and a second season would suck without inori, ruining the whole premise of her sacrifice.

Considering how Mana was previously dead, then revived, then Gai was dead and also revived, I fail to see how reviving Inori wouldn't be possible.

And since it would be possible, it would also create an interesting plot opportunity with the first half of the second season dealing with Shu finding out the opportunity exists and spending 12 episodes to actually get there.

Then, second half kicks in and, after succeeding, it gets revealed that this was all but a setup by Da'ath and actually something that would totally play into their hands. Maybe it would bring back Mana as well. Maybe it would lead to them being able to somehow transfer Mana's Eve status over to Inori (which would put Shu into the troubling situation of bringing the apocalypse with her or actually killing his love he so very desperately worked towards to revive her in the first place.)

Either way, plenty of opportunities to create more drama/tragedy/suspense, which is what this series was especially good at. All one really had to do is make use of them. *shrug*

I sing for my people, I sing for my friends
I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends
I sing for my father who rests high above
and also for my mother who I deeply love
But as I sing I wonder, what is it for?
when there is no one who sings for me anymore...
Feb 8, 2017 3:10 AM
Feb 2017
I don't think that there will be a second season cuz yea the can twist the story a littel bit and maybe say shu saves inori but thats all he has damaged vision and no arm and i don't think that he will use the void genom again
But if they do something like fight daath or idk the could make a second season but idk
Im hoping for it
Feb 14, 2017 11:28 AM

Nov 2012
Euphemisc said:

I'm currently reading fanfics and absolutely am enticed by a particular writer by the name of VoidGenome/GuiltyKingOumaShu. Thanks for giving me such a great reveling view of my first ever read fanfic. Cheers!

Wow, would have never guessed to find some praise here of all places. What a pleasant surprise. I am happy you enjoy my work and humbly hope you will stick around to see the story reach its conclusion. *bows respectfully*

(How do people make the connection that this and my account are connected, though? I never linked those two as far as I know. Oh well... *shrugs*)

I sing for my people, I sing for my friends
I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends
I sing for my father who rests high above
and also for my mother who I deeply love
But as I sing I wonder, what is it for?
when there is no one who sings for me anymore...
Apr 29, 2017 1:41 AM
Jul 2015
Rachmaninow said:
If that's really true then the second season needs three things to be enjoyable for me. Actually it's four now that I think about it:
- Bring back Inori (it worked x times with Mana so I won't accept any bullshit excuses)
- Bring back badass Shu and let him be able to see again for fuck's sake
- Rewrite the void rule regarding the age of 17 (fuck that rule; it's unnecessary)

Yeah that's about it. Gimme that and we're cool.

You understand my plight! THANK YOU
Apr 29, 2017 1:53 AM
Jul 2015
I do not understand a lot of these comments. Guilty Crown was a phenomenal Anime. Action sequences were quite wonderful, Animation was some of the best I have ever seen, there was actual character development (with multiple characters), story was not perfect but was still great. The way they sprinkled in just enough of the past to get you interested in knowing the rest of the story was far above average. Yes, this premise has been used before but they managed, for me anyway, to do it in a way that kept me wanting more more more. I will be honest, this Anime WRECKED my emotions. Literally at every turn. I need more. I would support a season 2 100%. I agree wholeheartedly with what @Rachmaninow said: bring back Inori (would be cake to do for Shu); Give Shu a way to realize 17yr old rule can be worked around; have Shu use his abilities to restore his arm and eyesight (which is dumb, but I get it, he used his void to take Inori's blindness-whatevs); and give us a happier ending. We deserve that after all of the heartbreak and emotional turmoil. Gosh, I thought I would get some uplifting stuff after Aldnoah Zero (also good). Anyway, SEASON 2!
May 1, 2017 12:16 AM

Nov 2012
ericmatrix1 said:
Give Shu a way to realize 17yr old rule can be worked around

It was already worked around in canon because it was stated in the VN that the 17y rule isn't "hard-coded" but is linked to Shu's birthday. Basically, when Shu was born, everyone who was born after him was born with voids as well. Everyone else lacks one.

And, I know self-advertisement sucks, but: Season 2:
VoidGenomeMay 1, 2017 12:20 AM

I sing for my people, I sing for my friends
I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends
I sing for my father who rests high above
and also for my mother who I deeply love
But as I sing I wonder, what is it for?
when there is no one who sings for me anymore...
May 12, 2017 12:26 PM
May 2017
come back inori i love you
May 22, 2017 3:20 PM
Jul 2015
VoidGenome said:
ericmatrix1 said:
Give Shu a way to realize 17yr old rule can be worked around

It was already worked around in canon because it was stated in the VN that the 17y rule isn't "hard-coded" but is linked to Shu's birthday. Basically, when Shu was born, everyone who was born after him was born with voids as well. Everyone else lacks one.

Was this actually stated in the manga?
May 22, 2017 3:44 PM

May 2015
Highly unlikely. Creators wanted to make another but it's not going to happen

May 22, 2017 11:21 PM

Nov 2012
ericmatrix1 said:
VoidGenome said:

It was already worked around in canon because it was stated in the VN that the 17y rule isn't "hard-coded" but is linked to Shu's birthday. Basically, when Shu was born, everyone who was born after him was born with voids as well. Everyone else lacks one.

Was this actually stated in the manga?

Beats me. Never read it. It's irrelevant tho since Guilty Crown is an original anime which isn't based on any manga. The manga was produced after the anime was released. Furthermore, Shu never learned of that fact in the anime, so why would it be mentioned in the manga?

Contaminated said:
Highly unlikely. Creators wanted to make another but it's not going to happen


I sing for my people, I sing for my friends
I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends
I sing for my father who rests high above
and also for my mother who I deeply love
But as I sing I wonder, what is it for?
when there is no one who sings for me anymore...
Jul 1, 2017 6:54 PM
Jul 2017
Hey guys check out this sick Amv on guilty crown I loved how he used brave shine from fate/stay night.
Sep 2, 2017 6:41 AM
Aug 2017
I'm not sure but somewhere I heard Guilty Crown will be a 2 season project??
The creators (I think) during an interview said that they wanted to make 2 seasons for GC. Maybe there won't be a second season for GC but the possibilities for the GC franchise are still there. Plus the wiki page says only her physical body was destroyed but her soul still lives maybe that was inori's soul that shu was embracing in the end.
kira525Sep 2, 2017 6:55 AM
Oct 13, 2017 2:59 PM
Oct 2017
My opinion...

Make a season 2! How can they do it? Here's my idea's

*Say that Shu and his friends never gave up on trying to make Inori come back to life
*Make them be able to go to a different dimension where Inori is at and is ALIVE still
*Make them have to fight and blah blah blah.... Save Inori and bring her back to Earth
*Only problem is Shu's vision. Make them be testing on the minerals and found something to help
*The eye's are created from the mineral's and he is able to see Inori again.
*Both Inori and Shu hug and kiss but however, the next day, something tragic happens
*Inori brought back some of the Creatures that cured them before!
*Shu somehow regains his powers but only has his and Inori's powers
*They fight and blah blah blah... They capture Shu! Oh no!
*They do experiments on Shu since he has powers and has his eyes from the minerals
*People go to save him and blah blah blah... Inori is the only on that can save Shu
*Shu has part of the minerals in her and is able to access the system but only allows her to pass
*Inori see's Shu screaming due to all the pain hes going through
*Inori starts to cry but then hears Shu's voice that says " I'm alright. Come save me"
*Inori gets up and runs to Shu and fights the creatures and blah blah blah...
*Shu is unable to see Inori due to him loosing his vision
*Inori grabs Shu and runs off with him
*Inori, Shu, And the others make it through and come back home with no problemo
*Only thing is Shu can't be able to see
*2 months pass and shu still isn't able to see
*However, one of his friends passes away and leaves a note
*Note says ' Use my eyes and put them in Shu's place '
*They do so and blah blah blah... He's able to see again!
*Shu asks where Inori is and they say waiting for you
*Shu walks out and sees Inori crying
*Shu walks to Inori and hugs her
*Inori says 'I missed you so much. I love you'
*Shu pulls her away to look at her. He then starts to cry because hes able to see her again
*Both Inori and Shu start to cry and blah blah blah... They kiss!
*A couple of days pass and Shu wants Inori to meet up where they first encountered each other
*Shu then explains his love for her and then................
*Says want's t be a family
*Inori starts to cry then says "I do too" and runs to Shu and hugs him
*Both hug and blah blah blah... they now become a family
*Both Inori and Shu tell everyone the news and PARTY TIME!!!
*(happy/sad music playing) the end.

Dec 29, 2017 8:21 AM
Dec 2017
Gai has not intension to fight Shu and destroy the world 🌎.
He just want to be with Mana.
He just lured Shu to let Mana decide her Adam but since Mana choose Shu again and Shu pissed her off he let Shu kill him.
Feb 6, 2018 3:15 PM
Feb 2018
zannett said:
myusername said:
I don't believe they can progress much further with how the S1 ended; though, that's pretty obvious by now. Even explaining the innumerable loopholes and questions the show left would result in being, needless to say, pointless.

They should either: Whip out a new story and a new protagonist; or not do anything at all.

I agree. With the plot holes they left behind, they can create an entirely new arc with entirely new characters. Bringing Shu back will just add unnecessary twists...(e.g. "How did his sight recover?" and "Who is he going to end up with?" among others)

I'd really look forward to GC S2 if they are making one, but who knows.

Excuse me , if they can make the entire new bodies , they can surely restore his eyesight or make him a new pair of them , you're forgetting that the year is 2039 and if they can revive mana so easily they can revive Inori too. (ik this post of yours is old but anyways)
Dec 22, 2019 12:32 PM
Dec 2019
I dont mind season 2 if Inori is revived in the end. Tsugumi x Daryl is possible. Shu can act as secondary character this time.
But I got one question that I didnt understand, Hare was able to heal someone then why didnt she heal Ayase's legs? Its the most strange thing I saw in the whole anime.
Feb 2, 2020 5:10 AM
Feb 2020
tuhinbhatt92 said:
I dont mind season 2 if Inori is revived in the end. Tsugumi x Daryl is possible. Shu can act as secondary character this time.
But I got one question that I didnt understand, Hare was able to heal someone then why didnt she heal Ayase's legs? Its the most strange thing I saw in the whole anime.

But Inori is not dead. Her soul and Shu's soul have merged.Only her physical body is destroyed. Take a look at the final scene,where Shu embraces Inori in some kind of "spiritual lobby"
Feb 2, 2020 5:26 AM
Dec 2019
Lotrixx said:
tuhinbhatt92 said:
I dont mind season 2 if Inori is revived in the end. Tsugumi x Daryl is possible. Shu can act as secondary character this time.
But I got one question that I didnt understand, Hare was able to heal someone then why didnt she heal Ayase's legs? Its the most strange thing I saw in the whole anime.

But Inori is not dead. Her soul and Shu's soul have merged.Only her physical body is destroyed. Take a look at the final scene,where Shu embraces Inori in some kind of "spiritual lobby"

I know but its still sad to see blind Shu and spirit Inori. They did something similar with C2 and Lelouch in code geass series.
Feb 17, 2020 10:59 PM
Feb 2020
Well, I'm not sure if this is true but I found a website written in Chinese to explain a HIDDEN ENDING. It seems like Inori is alive in this hidden ending.
Check this out, guys. If it is true that the author had hidden an Easter Egg, it might explain the reason why Season 2 won't be released due to a happy ending unseen by most viewers:
Mar 15, 2020 6:21 PM
Oct 2016
It's almost 8 years since Guilty Crown ended.....and all those years I've been visiting this page EVERY SINGLE YEAR right after I watched Guilty Crown...To my disappointment, there has been no single news about the release of a new season of Guilty Crown. I've seen on some other websites stating that the creators had been planning on making a new season and it will be released somewhere around 2021, Im not entirely sure if that is true but I hope it is true. I know the anime had finished with a 'perfect ending' but I can't get over the fact that Inori have to die, leaving Shuu alone and suffer blindness. All i wish for the creator is to make a reconstruction of the plot in the anime and improvise the character development too or to put it in simple word, 'Remake' the anime while keeping the theme 'Guilty Crown'.
FrostSnow27Mar 15, 2020 6:26 PM
Jun 17, 2020 1:31 PM

Aug 2018
I want a season 2 so badly even though the ending of season 1 was bad. I mean its been like 9 years since the anime ended so I doubt there ever will be a second season.

Feb 2, 2021 1:41 AM
Jan 2021
Amatniki said:
I want a season 2 so badly even though the ending of season 1 was bad. I mean its been like 9 years since the anime ended so I doubt there ever will be a second season.

They can, code geass was finished long years ago and they do a movie on 2019, Lelouch was alived. It's possible to have a movie, OAV or a S2 let's Hope. Sorry for bad english.
May 2, 2021 12:46 AM
Mar 2021
Maxpoel said:
Amatniki said:
I want a season 2 so badly even though the ending of season 1 was bad. I mean its been like 9 years since the anime ended so I doubt there ever will be a second season.

They can, code geass was finished long years ago and they do a movie on 2019, Lelouch was alived. It's possible to have a movie, OAV or a S2 let's Hope. Sorry for bad english.
yes thats why u can see so many fans ar complaining for it, look i do happy to see lelouch alive again but bcs of that the s2 mean nothing to us anymore if they just stop making the movie as a s3 , then code geass would remained as a masterpiece anime, but sadly they dont wanna to end it like that and try so hard to make a sequel and they flopped it btw, not saying that the movie is trash or something but it doesnt as good as the s1 and s2 anymore
May 12, 2021 9:32 PM
Jul 2019
Maybe yes, we dont know if shu still have the void genome or not, but daath still alive
Oct 6, 2021 11:36 PM
Mar 2021
Cirrius said:
Maybe yes, we dont know if shu still have the void genome or not, but daath still alive

Hopefully in future we will see something
Oct 7, 2021 12:18 PM
Jul 2020
No chance for 2nd season. The story is compliated
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