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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Dec 28, 2016 7:00 AM

Nov 2007
Watching this fantastic anime right now for the final time, probably! Will update as I watch it.

Buchou and Fukubuchou confirmed!

Good Job Midori and Hazuki making Kumiko go after Shuuichi and she did! And then she meets Aoi and Asuka but she won't admit that to Asuka-senpai that there is something going on between Shuuichi and her!

[Intermiison was Asuka]

Kumiko replying the letter from Mamiko that she will be going for the Nationals again and get the gold. That showed how determined she has become since she first joined the Brass Band.

And then it's farewell party time and the third years perform for the second and the first years, albeit short.

And then the kouhai return it with a performance with Nozomi conducting. Had fun seeing Yuuko stutter in the last sentence. I know she will become a great prez.

As they perform, Kaori recalling everything that had happened during the trumpet solo selection. Her gentle smile suggested that she doesn't hold any regret and these will be the moments that she will fondly look back many years later. :)

As they perform, moments from Sunfes are also included! And then everything that has happened over the year one after another. It really started to feel like the final episode at this point as all the time they spent together as a brass band, the difficulties they faced and the challenges they overcame as a team came gushing in!

And then it's finally the graduation time. As we see the kouhai wishing farewell to their beloved senpai the cutest moment was Yuuko hugging Kaori and planting her face on her chest in an attempt to not show her tears.

But Kumiko cannot seem to find Asuka as she kept running all over to find her. Amazingly enough, she met her in the same stairways where she first met her, performing there to attract new students with her ever energetic personality. And then Asuka steps out and we get a very emotional farewell. As Kumiko admitted how she used to dislike her but now things are different and she doesn't want to say goodbye. Asuka handed her over the note and tells her that if she doesn't want to then she doesn't need to and steps down the stairs and makes her leave. Kumiko almost had the same feeling yet again when Mamiko left her behind. But that's how life is. People move on and meet new people and make new memories.

The last bit was so beautiful. Asuka's note's title was "Hibike! Euphonium" that gave Kumiko goosebumps the moment see saw it. And at that point Reina shows up to call Kumiko back to the practice session. Kumiko's footsteps full of energy showed that she has turned the leaf of her new chapter. A new story will start from here on.

This was a very fitting epilogue episode. I wasn't really sure how they would conclude this amazing anime but they did it so calmly that it left an impression on me that it truly remained a great coming-of-age story celebrating our very ordinary life the way it should be. All the encounters are special. No matter how short they are. Some will be meaningful and leave a mark on your life. Kumiko's meeting with Asuka was such a meaningful encounter that changed her life.

5/5 for the finale. 10/10 for the anime. One of the best I have seen in my time as an anime fan.
shanimebibDec 28, 2016 7:59 AM
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Dec 28, 2016 7:04 AM

Mar 2014
It's out? What??!
Dec 28, 2016 7:05 AM

Nov 2011
ziggy_Z said:
It's out? What??!

It just started airing right now. shanimebib is apparently "updating his post" as more content from the episode is shown.

shanimebib said:
Watching this fantastic anime right now for the final time, probably! Will update as I watch it.
Dec 28, 2016 7:08 AM

Mar 2014
Stark700 said:
ziggy_Z said:
It's out? What??!

It's airing right now. shanimebib decided to "update the post" as more content from the episode is shown.

shanimebib said:
Watching this fantastic anime right now for the final time, probably! Will update as I watch it.

Oh crap, thanks! I didn't read the actual post, sorry.
Dec 28, 2016 7:26 AM

Nov 2011
Good way to conclude the show overall imo. While I was disappointed by the anticlimatic ending of the Nationals from the previous episode, this one made it up that showcases the talent of the cast even with the recapping. In the meantime, I thought they did a clever job at reflecting all the moments that happened this season. I think their teachers are proud of them.

Asuka and Kumiko's character chemistry even in the finale was interesting to watch even in this finale. Their goodbye felt like it had just enough emotions to get the point across.

So yeah, after this finale, I thought the second season was pretty interesting overall. 8/10.
Stark700Dec 28, 2016 10:06 AM
Dec 28, 2016 7:27 AM
Mar 2016
So, no actual ships happened? Because that would be pretty great.
Dec 28, 2016 7:31 AM

Sep 2013
Recap ep? Wtf kyoani, are you Musashino??

Too underwhelming, season 2 was a mistake.
It finally ended and so is my suffering.
7/10 because this anime has Reina.

Erika___Dec 28, 2016 7:51 AM
Dec 28, 2016 8:22 AM

Nov 2007
Saragas said:
So, no actual ships happened? Because that would be pretty great.

No. They left the ship for the fans to ponder because ultimately this was not supposed to be a romance anime. Although the hints were already there and a definite ship almost set sail.

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Dec 28, 2016 8:30 AM

Apr 2009
it was a fine episode.
Dec 28, 2016 8:48 AM
Mar 2016
shanimebib said:
Saragas said:
So, no actual ships happened? Because that would be pretty great.

No. They left the ship for the fans to ponder because ultimately this was not supposed to be a romance anime. Although the hints were already there and a definite ship almost set sail.

Ah well, I can't wait to see yurishippers on reddit being all disheartened.
Dec 28, 2016 9:43 AM

Sep 2010
shanimebib said: truly remained a great coming-of-age story celebrating our very ordinary life the way it should be. All the encounters are special. No matter how short they are. Some will be meaningful and leave a mark on your life. Kumiko's meeting with Asuka was such a meaningful encounter that changed her life.

5/5 for the finale. 10/10 for the anime. One of the best I have seen in my time as an anime fan.

I can't even add any words. This is all I thought from the second season. I might go back and watch the first season again though.

"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Dec 28, 2016 9:59 AM

Mar 2016
going to miss this so so so so much
Dec 28, 2016 10:08 AM

Sep 2015

I just couldn't help crying
Hibike Euphonium is exactly what I search when I watch an anime : a great development AND a proper ending to the story. Even if that last episode was a sort of recap, it was the best way to end the show imo.
I actually prefered this season over the first one (because of Hazuki principally, Asuka-Kumiko is a great combo)

Anyway, I'm glad I watched it, 10/10 for me
Dec 28, 2016 10:08 AM

Apr 2014
even in the end Asuka is best girl honestly the only part in this final ep that i really liked was the end part with Asuka x Kumiko was the perfect way to end this series

all in all it was a good watch
"one step at a time"
Dec 28, 2016 10:16 AM

Aug 2013
This is why I love KyoAni. Great series!
Dec 28, 2016 10:18 AM

May 2015
Season 2 completed.

I don't know why, but i like s1 more. Even if music and art were top-notch, the story was nothing speical to me.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 28, 2016 10:19 AM

May 2012
I'm conflicted on whether to give it a 8 or 9 >_<
The drama with Mizore and the 2nd year incident turned how to be kinda silly, but then again, I enjoyed every other second of the anime

Oh screw it, just like the first season, 9/10 from me just cause I enjoyed the series so much. May end up going into my favorites

Dat title drop

Dec 28, 2016 10:20 AM

Feb 2015
Anticlimactic ending but at least we got to see the band play, though I wanted to see that last ep.
And female Shuuichi x Kumiko for best yuri pairing.
SchwingBonerDec 28, 2016 10:45 AM
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Dec 28, 2016 10:27 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Well I guess that's a wrap. Ultimately I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be getting out of this anime. Some episodes are stacked with less than impressive drama, and others showcase the musical side of it, but as someone who listens to instrumental music a lot I guess I'm just used to higher standards of it because Hibike's performances have never really impressed me. So in the end I'm left with a show which tries to do a number of different things but doesn't really do anything for me in either category

5/10 overall. Think I liked S1 a bit better, albeit not a whole lot
Dec 28, 2016 10:32 AM

Dec 2014
A very fitting finale to this tale.

Looks like Yuko is now the president and Natsuki the Vice President, Their little skit in the beginning was really amusing. xD

Lovely flashback montage along with one final performance by the band to the 3rd years, Really enjoyed that, Had a huge smile on my face. :)

Asuka and Kumiko farewell at the end was very heartfelt.
That moment when she learns the name of the song, "Hibike Euphonium" gave me chills. Best moment of the episode for me.

Not enough Reina screen-time this episode. :(

Overall, Despite being a fairly drama heavy season I really enjoyed it. Emotions ran high this season but the resolution to everything was ultimately worth it leading to a heartfelt satisfying ending. Every character had their spotlight and were developed well over the course of the season and I enjoyed watching them grow along with each through the wind ensemble. If I had to pick something, I'm gonna say that Midori deserved way more screentime than see got over the course of these two season. Her cheery optimistic attitude is something that I always love seeing and I believe it could have been showcased better (not saying it was bad).
That said, Reina will probably be one of my favorite characters of all time, I have no idea why I love her so much ( Though I'm gonna say it's might be along the lines of relating to her a lot XD). Really wished she had more screentime. XD Also I really wanted that performance last episode. T.T
The themes of Working for your Passion, Hard work, Leaving no regrets, Family and Friendship were presented really well and I love how Kumiko grew from being someone who was very indifferent towards everything into a person who understood the value of all the things I mentioned above.

9/10 , I wanted more Reina. XD
Lelouch0202Dec 28, 2016 10:39 AM
Dec 28, 2016 10:34 AM

Mar 2013
I refuse it that this should be the end...*cry*T_T I feel me so empty now without Hibike!, this show was a masterwork!!! Please dear author, make please a continuation about the LN: this has dammit still very much potential (I can't stop to cry, because I loved very this wonderful piece...>_>) for at least still few arcs... I wanna Kumiko and her friends till their 3rd year see at least... Please make it...T_T
Dec 28, 2016 10:39 AM

Jul 2012
That was much more like wrap-up/summary episode, quite a lot of music this time, pretty nice, but on the other hand quite strange that the final performance was the sacrifice.
Yuuko and Natsuki, the comedy duo now as pres and vice-pres, they need to work hard, but pretty sure they would be fine.
That last searching for Asuka and Kumiko's speech after was very interesting and strange, and now i think that it's most likely because of that the OP scene in the end is with Kumiko and Asuka, precisely the two of them. And the title drop in the end had a very good timing and want to say that Kumiko's VA did such a great job, i think her voice is such a fit for Kumiko so pretty interesting how will her career progress.
2016 was not a good year overall and for anime also, but i'm glad that the waiting for Hibike! Euphonium 2 was not for nothing and obv quite the opposite it was amazing. Really will miss that show and soon will rewatch it.
Dec 28, 2016 10:40 AM

Sep 2016
welp, that was really bad. i really liked season 1, i can't believe season 2 would be this bad. as a musician myself, I got hooked because of unfamiliar wind instrument music theme, which is pretty rare, and it's really good. in season 2, the music theme is just disappear completely, it becomes shitty long-ass melodramatic drama with music club as a setting. 4 episode for misunderstanding of 2 characters that nobody cares about and 5 episode for pointless family drama. tsukamoto-kumiko is really forced, and turned out it isn't even happening anyway! so what's the point? reina and the gang feels irrelevant and non-existent in season 2. the end result (fucking bronze!) it's really disappointing and anti-climatic! and i blame those time-wasting drama for that!

latest anime about 'music' is really disappointing lately. I hope there will be anime that's actually about music like Shigatsu, Nodame and La Corda D'oro (a fricking reverse-harem otome-game anime!!!)

Season 1 - 8/10
Season 2 - 3/10

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Dec 28, 2016 10:41 AM

Oct 2010
shanimebib said:

Thanks for sharing this. I was really sad that didn't confirm it, just because I wanted to shut up the people that have been complaining all season that Reina and Kumiko won't make it official. The anime is about relationships that are stronger than romance. That's why the canon pairing of Kumiko and Shuichi was skipped in the anime but definitely is still canon.

All that said, it was a fantastic ending. Got a little mad at the flashbacks but the very end was freaking perfect. Even the credit roll was S-Rank. It felt like finishing a really long top-tier motion picture. Normally I have 1 10/10 anime of the year. I was worried it wasn't gonna happen but here it is.God Blses KyoAni and the original creator for giving us this wonderful work of art.
Dec 28, 2016 10:47 AM

Dec 2012
anyone knows the instrumental title song from the third-years performance?
Dec 28, 2016 10:50 AM

Nov 2007
Kecoaganteng said:
anyone knows the instrumental title song from the third-years performance?

The title is called "Starting the project".
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Dec 28, 2016 10:57 AM

Dec 2012
shanimebib said:
Kecoaganteng said:
anyone knows the instrumental title song from the third-years performance?

The title is called "Starting the project".

Nice, thanks a lot. i really hope that they make new single or album later
Dec 28, 2016 11:07 AM

Apr 2013
Well holy shit. There definitely was some build up between these two but i did not expect that. You got me kyoani

Thank you for not doing the shuuichi bullshit.

Overall 8/10 for season 2. Found it too loaded with drama without much normal everyday life in between. But given the ending i appreciate askua's arc more. Might bump it to 9 at some point.

S1 + S2 is definitely a 9.

Visually the series was always a treat and kumiko's va was incredible.

Now i want more of asuka x kumiko
Dec 28, 2016 11:08 AM

Sep 2014
Couldn't ask for a better finale pretty much. The last scene with Asuka was absolutely incredible, probably my favorite scene this year and one of my top 3 in the whole series (along with Kumiko bridge scene S1E12 and Kumiko-Reina mountain hike S1E8). A special mention has to go to Kumiko's VA for delivering one of the best roles I have heard in anime, she's a prime example of how excellent voice acting can fully texturize a character and bring it to life.

Overall, while I loved the second season and found it to be a very satisfying sequel, I can't say it's as good as the first (which isn't surprising or disappointing since I consider the latter to be a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece). It simply wasn't quite as beautiful and wasn't nearly as consistent and tightly focused. The material also suffered a bit from the flaws in the narrative structure.
NeromonDec 28, 2016 11:15 AM
Dec 28, 2016 11:16 AM

Jan 2015
Saragas said:
So, no actual ships happened? Because that would be pretty great.

Both sink since Kumiko confess her love to Asuka.
Dec 28, 2016 11:31 AM

Sep 2014
Riveon said:
Saragas said:
So, no actual ships happened? Because that would be pretty great.

Both sink since Kumiko confess her love to Asuka.

This is the correct answer.
Dec 28, 2016 11:32 AM

Jun 2012
Kyoani sure knows how to make feel a way I dont want to feel.

I wasnt a huge fan of the first season but damn I really loved this. Shuuichi won best girl.
Dec 28, 2016 11:34 AM

Nov 2013
Decent episode, however it doesn't do the novel justice. I knew they didn't have the balls to keep it faithful till the end, also the recap was unnecessary. Sigh...such a shame, anyway 8/10 for me.
Dec 28, 2016 11:40 AM

Nov 2011
A beautiful series. I will sure miss watching this.
Hate Keeps me warm
Dec 28, 2016 11:53 AM

Jul 2015
Idk all this Asuka business was superflous even if she is graduating, what about Reina and what about Kumiko herself no introspection, no monologue?

I think I'll downgrade my rating to a 7 even if I really did like the show. This season had a lack of focus tbh, I never did care that much about either Asuka or Mizore and why would I? We were told to care, we weren't seduced like with Reina.

Anyway, Kyoani really knocked their production out of the park with this one: great visuals, great audio, great directing, great everything. Def looking forward to the maid-dragon next season (the PV kinda charmed me when it was uploaded tbh) and I as always I'm dangerously, foolishly excited about Evergarden even though I hardly know anything about it.

Legit show, prob the best this year, only Mob Psycho can really come close.
Dec 28, 2016 11:54 AM

Sep 2014
I loved how Natsuki got more screentime this season. She was always my favorite girl with Reina coming in a close second.

Also, I find it funny how my friends are calling this series dramatic for a slice-of-life series when it's classified as Drama in the first place. .-.

Dec 28, 2016 11:59 AM

Mar 2015
HaXXspetten said:
Well I guess that's a wrap. Ultimately I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be getting out of this anime. Some episodes are stacked with less than impressive drama, and others showcase the musical side of it, but as someone who listens to instrumental music a lot I guess I'm just used to higher standards of it because Hibike's performances have never really impressed me. So in the end I'm left with a show which tries to do a number of different things but doesn't really do anything for me in either category

5/10 overall. Think I liked S1 a bit better, albeit not a whole lot

I feel the same way tbh, it just felt really underwhelming overall...the art was nice though
Dec 28, 2016 12:01 PM
Aug 2014
good season, but unlike season 1 this was a soap opera. the story goes like this; Kumiko stumbles across a conflict, dose basically nothing then it gets resolves in with a big hug, full house style. Reina didn't even have enough screen time not to mention the other two girls in the group.

Natsuki-Yuuko are more exciting than Kumiko-Reina
Dec 28, 2016 12:08 PM

Aug 2011
can't believe i didn't get to hear "and the next piece begins" ;-;

i'm glad the recap wasn't literally the whole episode, and that they played music through it. and then asuka, i wasn't expecting that at ALL. im glad we didnt get stuck with the straight manga ending though.

i don't think i'll ever find a drama with such realistic and human-like characters again, while also paying homage to band geeks while being blessed with kyoani's godly animation touch. reaaaaally going to miss this show.
Dec 28, 2016 12:11 PM

Aug 2015
Final score: 10/10

In detail

This anime was a real enjoyment. I miss all these characters...

I can't say how much I admire Kumiko and that character is entering my top 5 favorites. A surprising and realistic evolution of the character.

Then they actually removed the scene where Asuka asked Kumiko who offered the hairpin. Maybe it was not appropriate, in any case it doesn't matter although the romance between Shuuichi and Kumiko remains unresolved, no one has declared his love.

I really enjoyed the final performance full of nostalgia and good memories. (And bad too?)
I didn't know that Shuuichi liked to disguise himself, it is an interesting point to note. XD

And this end is splendid, because we end by the prologue we see in episode 1.
I understand better why Kumiko smiles when she reads the book. I don't know if she discovers the title in the same way ...

In conclusion, a masterpiece.
Dec 28, 2016 12:11 PM

Jul 2007

THE END KILLED ME. And by that I mean the "END" before the credits. Near the end of the episode all I could think of was " Please give it another season" again and again and again. I don't really know what to say I loved both seasons equally. Last episode definitely 5/5. I don't think they could wrap it up better.

As uxie said:

i don't think i'll ever find a drama with such realistic and human-like characters again, while also paying homage to band geeks while being blessed with kyoani's godly animation touch. reaaaaally going to miss this show.
Dec 28, 2016 12:18 PM
Mar 2010
Fuck. So pissed that Kumiko didn't kiss/go out with Shuichi, you can't imagine how pissed I am about that.
If nothing was going to happen, then why dick-tease us in the first place.
Dec 28, 2016 12:22 PM

Apr 2016
disappointed, for this lastt episode, when the tears shining of their absence next to the dramatics!!! leastways we can ear more music that in the nationals finals!!!!

Disapointed for this second season, very flat and simple, without pretensions!!!! And when it can shinning, it sank in the misery, and lost in a omnolent plot....

Dec 28, 2016 12:22 PM

Jun 2008
Cloudy said:

THE END KILLED ME. And by that I mean the "END" before the credits. Near the end of the episode all I could think of was " Please give it another season" again and again and again. I don't really know what to say I loved both seasons equally. Last episode definitely 5/5. I don't think they could wrap it up better.
I would have loved it if the author had written this all the way to the end with Kimiko's graduation. I would love to see her grow as a leader. Alas it was only written for the one year. :(
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Dec 28, 2016 12:28 PM

Dec 2014
Feelsy ending episode. Wish there could be a movie or something about them going to nationals, but I'm fine with this. RIP Asuka.

I feel like the characters (except Reina) improved quite a bit this season, especially in the department of relationships. The good qualities do still stand though, and this show at least is worth watching for that alone. (Or just view random GIFs on the internet, either way works)

On a final note, Kumiko's "You keep talking out of your ass" is going to be reaction image gold.
Dec 28, 2016 12:29 PM

Jun 2014
Props to the studio for focusing on the self-development of the characters (bonus props for not going down the so-called Shuichi/Kumiko "romance" route).

The way things developed between Kumiko and Asuka surprised me. I wasn't expecting them to have, in effect, what was one of the strongest bonds in the series. The combination of junior-senior not-quite-a-friend pseudo-sister relationship is an awkward one, but at the same time I can't help but like it.

It's good to see interactions that are neither typical friendship nor romance.

I think I would've been happy with just Season 1, but at least there was Asuka for this. Glad I watched till the end.
Dec 28, 2016 12:31 PM

Jan 2013
j-l said:
Fuck. So pissed that Kumiko didn't kiss/go out with Shuichi, you can't imagine how pissed I am about that.
If nothing was going to happen, then why dick-tease us in the first place.

You win the troll award. It shall be mailed post-haste.
Dec 28, 2016 12:34 PM

Apr 2009
This season was vastly different from the prequel in terms of story-focusing, spotlight conducting and plot progression. Was it better or worse? Neither, perhaps. They were both unique and had their own share of strengths and flaws. This show is by far not the best show to ever come out, and not even the best one to air the last 2-3 seasons, but what it did right will forever set it apart from the ragtag.

First and foremost:
uxie said:
i don't think i'll ever find a drama with such realistic and human-like characters again

This one here is a spot-on point that alone composes a fair chunk of Hibike Euphonium's greatness. It was one of the extremely few anime that did the social aspect of character growth and characters' relationships right. I'm not a fan of the argument: "not enough realism" and I can enjoy a cast of over-the-top characters and their equally ridiculous milieux, but when I see a show nail this topic so flawlessly---well, it's easy to be impressed.

Talking about milieux: Hibike did this thing impeccably as well. The social environment and its inner workings were portrayed unerringly for the duration of both seasons. The sheer scale of realism in this anime is absolutely splendid. In this aspect it's truly unique.

Those can be paired with a great music score, Key-quality animation, and - what will be lost and remain unappreciated - one of the most notable cases of direction in anime. Rigorously paced at an even tempo, well-thought shots, great camera panning, and meaningful key scenes. Hardly anything to point at and criticize.

I'm no Key fan, I don't normally like shows from the hs sol genre, and tolerating drama blown out of proportion is not my habit---but! I do have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed Hibike Euphonium. It was one the best shows I watched in the last few seasons.

Dec 28, 2016 12:40 PM

Jan 2013
ramenshoujo said:
Props to the studio for focusing on the self-development of the characters (bonus props for not going down the so-called Shuichi/Kumiko "romance" route).

The way things developed between Kumiko and Asuka surprised me. I wasn't expecting them to have, in effect, what was one of the strongest bonds in the series. The combination of junior-senior not-quite-a-friend pseudo-sister relationship is an awkward one, but at the same time I can't help but like it.

It's good to see interactions that are neither typical friendship nor romance.

I think I would've been happy with just Season 1, but at least there was Asuka for this. Glad I watched till the end.

To be honest, that progression kind of surprised me. It reminds me of LN's in general even though Euphonium is a Novel. The format of one girl per volume anyway.

Since Light Novels are long as fuck and rushed when getting produced the impact of each girl is lessened in them, but here it's different since there's not that much material.
Dec 28, 2016 12:47 PM
Sep 2015
Very good!
I really want to see the Kumiko x Shuichi happen it is canon after all.
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