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Dec 21, 2016 9:56 PM

Jan 2008
Gruffin said:
I have been reincarnated. From a communist soldier to an anime character~
Sorry Kit. xD
It's ok I did the same :b
I'll try to keep up with this one until Haruhi starts though, at least

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 21, 2016 10:19 PM

Jan 2008
Gruffin said:
The trio unites yet again! xD
omg i didn't realize until you said this but we became the CCL-newb-trio in dead chat too... the first 3 to die in this game were us three XD

commenting here since it's ongoing-game related

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 21, 2016 10:21 PM

May 2012
Kit said:
Gruffin said:
The trio unites yet again! xD
omg i didn't realize until you said this but we became the CCL-newb-trio in dead chat too... the first 3 to die in this game were us three XD

commenting here since it's ongoing-game related
Oh my god. :'D Amazing.
Next thing you know it'll be us three on the scum team.
Dec 21, 2016 10:22 PM

Oct 2011
another game xD
Dec 21, 2016 10:24 PM

May 2012
Phraze said:
another game xD
The mafia obsession...It demands we join. >:)
Dec 21, 2016 10:28 PM

Jan 2008
Gruffin said:
Kit said:
omg i didn't realize until you said this but we became the CCL-newb-trio in dead chat too... the first 3 to die in this game were us three XD

commenting here since it's ongoing-game related
Oh my god. :'D Amazing.
Next thing you know it'll be us three on the scum team.
that would be way too funny XD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 21, 2016 10:48 PM

Oct 2011
CCL best mafia game in history >w<
Dec 21, 2016 10:50 PM

Oct 2011
btw can I ask how interaction analysis works? and what suspects did u get out of that my interactions? I'm kinda curious. didn't even know how to manipulate interactions o.o'
Dec 21, 2016 11:00 PM

May 2012
Phraze said:
btw can I ask how interaction analysis works? and what suspects did u get out of that my interactions? I'm kinda curious. didn't even know how to manipulate interactions o.o'
Crossbell may be a better one to ask about that since he's done it longer. This game's only the second time I've used it. ^^;;

Edit: Also, I didn't get any good suspects out of yours because you are not confirmed scum. T-T I think I pointed out who might be your scumbuddy if you were scum, but at this point it's mostly speculation.
GruffinDec 21, 2016 11:06 PM
Dec 22, 2016 1:58 AM

Apr 2014
I hate when games are this inactive, most of the votings reason are petty and biased. Which will only lead to a town failure because when a game is this inactive mafia just need to be active enough to and pocket actives to win, which is how the Christmas game was won. Scum are not overall playing that great atm but issues are making it hard to see them. One of them is doing really well though.
Dec 22, 2016 3:58 AM

Aug 2012
Yeah :(

Dec 22, 2016 8:54 AM

May 2012
I feel so sorry for Logic right now in #1375. :( I'm surprised he's able to keep up motivation in this town, poor guy.

I am sorry I am trying not to let your deaths be in vain I really am.
It's fine, this game is really tough.
Dec 22, 2016 9:18 AM

May 2012
Jackrito said:
I hate when games are this inactive, most of the votings reason are petty and biased. Which will only lead to a town failure because when a game is this inactive mafia just need to be active enough to and pocket actives to win, which is how the Christmas game was won. Scum are not overall playing that great atm but issues are making it hard to see them. One of them is doing really well though.
I'm not a big fan of using lurking and killing off actives as a scum strategy. It seems kinda...boring. (Sorry mafia) I've never been in an inactive town as scum, but still seems like there's better ways to win. Like trying to act as if you want to get town active and getting townread that way? That would be an interesting twist in the end. I guess I just like putting on a good show for town, I feel like the win is really earned that way.
Dec 22, 2016 9:45 AM

May 2012
@aa-dono You tagged me in that post. :P Dead men give no attention so neither should I.
Dec 22, 2016 9:52 AM

Aug 2012
Gruffin said:
@aa-dono You tagged me in that post. :P Dead men give no attention and neither should I.

Dec 22, 2016 10:02 AM

Apr 2014
Gruffin said:
Jackrito said:
I hate when games are this inactive, most of the votings reason are petty and biased. Which will only lead to a town failure because when a game is this inactive mafia just need to be active enough to and pocket actives to win, which is how the Christmas game was won. Scum are not overall playing that great atm but issues are making it hard to see them. One of them is doing really well though.
I'm not a big fan of using lurking and killing off actives as a scum strategy. It seems kinda...boring. (Sorry mafia) I've never been in an inactive town as scum, but still seems like there's better ways to win. Like trying to act as if you want to get town active and getting townread that way? That would be an interesting twist in the end. I guess I just like putting on a good show for town, I feel like the win is really earned that way.

I agree with this 100% that is how I always play scum, Im more about the challenge then the easy win, since it is more fun that way for everyone. I find going for the inactive win a bit boring and cheap. But scum can do whatever they want to win. It is up to town to do thier part which has been lacking a lot lately sad to say.
Dec 22, 2016 2:11 PM

Jan 2008
I feel like this game is at least more active than Tis the Season, but maybe it just seems that way to me because I'm always behind in this one.

Moar votes on Penta pls... I think he is scum (regardless of his amt of activity)
And Lucian but ppl town read him too much
/opinions from someone who hasn't fully read everything

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 22, 2016 2:23 PM

May 2012
Kit said:
I feel like this game is at least more active than Tis the Season, but maybe it just seems that way to me because I'm always behind in this one.

Moar votes on Penta pls... I think he is scum (regardless of his amt of activity)
And Lucian but ppl town read him too much
/opinions from someone who hasn't fully read everything
If Penta ends up scum, I'm going to be so annoyed with myself for giving him a pass for catching up. >.> Jeez.

Also complete wild guess: Penta/Karote/Chione?
Don't ask, I'm just drawing lines between the three. :')
Dec 22, 2016 3:28 PM

Dec 2013
Gruffin said:
@aa-dono You tagged me in that post. :P Dead men give no attention so neither should I.
That was my doing.
Dec 22, 2016 4:20 PM

Jan 2008
Kota 1304: "N1 , kit got killed after being active at night , he was pointed as the most active "

I hardly posted at night at all... Just a few to encourage a search, iirc

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 22, 2016 5:02 PM

Jan 2008
Am I the only one who's not a part of this "yeah I understand what Denja is on about" cult? Is it really only me who's being blind? Still don't get any kind of this message Denja is supposedly telegraphing to everyone but me, and it's only getting increasingly frustrating when people give me that "yeah, look at the words in the words" hippy shit.
lol if lucian is town i feel bad for him. I wonder, i think scum would be more inclined to sort of pretend they understand the message rather than making it obvious they don't know, so maybe lucian really is town. He's also been seeming townie to me the more I read. plus he's grilling kota, though that could still be scum theater, unless kota isn't scum.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the townies that don't get it just never read their role pm flavor

hmm... penta/kota/togs maybe, though i'm not really feeling scum togs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 22, 2016 6:09 PM

May 2012
[3] KOtA || Chione, LucianRoy, Karote
[1] Karote || KOtA
[2] PentaFlare || logic340, Rinto,
[1] No Lynch || DenjaX

Not Voting: Togs, Sodalicious_, PentaFlare, -shad-
This vote count, though. Karote sheeping the KOtA train no reason given isn't making me feel any better about them. Idk, after my case against KOtA it's all too easy for him to get lynched today. I'm starting to think he may be town based on meta and how easy this train is building. Ah well, at least I can say my pressure on KOtA got him to talk. I apologize for being so aggressive towards you if you're town, KOtA.

Penta/Karote/Chione theory lives! Even if it's just a gut feeling...
Dec 22, 2016 6:12 PM

May 2012
Actually...Since we've got plenty of conf town, I'm going to try my hand at VCA for once. More of a VC Overview since we don't have flips. Someday I'll be able to use VCA...Someday...

End of Day 1
[4] Karote ✖ Ruu, Gruffin, KOtA, DenjaX
[4] KOtA ✖ Karote, Chione, Kit, Rinto-kun
[2] -shad-callmeLuna, Phraze
[1] Chione ✖ Shinichi-Kun
[1] Gruffin-shad-
[1] Tingle ✖ logic340

Neglect of Duty || Tingle, PentaFlare, Togs
-Shad's, Luna's, and Shinichi's votes are all from RVS
-Rinto's was a last minute vote
-Phraze changed from KOtA to Shad last minute
-Ended in a tie (no lynch)

End of Day 2
[5] Phraze ✖ Togs, DenjaX, Gruffin, logic340, Chione
[4] -shad- ✖ Karote, PentaFlare, Phraze, LucianRoy
[1] Togs ✖ -shad-
[1] Karote ✖ Rinto-kun

Neglect of Duty || Ruu, Sodalicious_, KOtA, callmeLuna
-Chione voted Phraze last minute after Shad flavor claimed
-Karote, Penta, Phraze, and Lucian are all on a confirmed townie.

...Didn't get very much from this. :\ It's the same problem I had with the interaction analysis I used for Phraze, flips are necessary in order to use this effectively.
GruffinDec 22, 2016 7:22 PM
Dec 22, 2016 7:54 PM

Jan 2008
^ @gruffin
do you think Chione gets the flavor claim plan but is avoiding drawing attention to herself in regards to it? iirc she has not directly mentioned it or tried calling denja out about it (like penta and lucian have).. I think.

And yeah it's hard to analyze anything without confirm flips like i've been saying this whole time while promoting early searches hahaha haha

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 22, 2016 8:13 PM

May 2012
Kit said:
^ @gruffin
do you think Chione gets the flavor claim plan but is avoiding drawing attention to herself in regards to it? iirc she has not directly mentioned it or tried calling denja out about it (like penta and lucian have).. I think.

And yeah it's hard to analyze anything without confirm flips like i've been saying this whole time while promoting early searches hahaha haha
Yeah, as soon as I figured Denja out I went through everyone's opinions on him up until then to see who else picked up on it and Chione seemed to hint at knowing what he was doing.
Denja... oh geez. I could imagine his intentions on the vote but I'll refrain from judging it unless I really know. Just gonna say though that it doesn't strike to me as odd yet, if my theory is right.
Dec 22, 2016 9:09 PM

Oct 2011
Jackrito said:
Gruffin said:
I'm not a big fan of using lurking and killing off actives as a scum strategy. It seems kinda...boring. (Sorry mafia) I've never been in an inactive town as scum, but still seems like there's better ways to win. Like trying to act as if you want to get town active and getting townread that way? That would be an interesting twist in the end. I guess I just like putting on a good show for town, I feel like the win is really earned that way.

I agree with this 100% that is how I always play scum, Im more about the challenge then the easy win, since it is more fun that way for everyone. I find going for the inactive win a bit boring and cheap. But scum can do whatever they want to win. It is up to town to do thier part which has been lacking a lot lately sad to say.

I think town is lacking here cuz of the beginning stages. Denja's plan created longterm confusion and it's too late to revert. my answer would've been to shoot Denja N1, if we had a vig.. scum is using him all the way, just like Claire in Nanatsu /facepalm/ anyways, now that we got 2 modkills...I think it would be fair for scum to kill another inactive and give town a chance... the little push downhill is rly accelerating >.>;

[edit: oh yeah..I think Tis the Season wasn't as bad as this tho. nobody was modkilled]
Dec 22, 2016 9:22 PM

Oct 2011
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the townies that don't get it just never read their role pm flavor
lul ikr~

...Didn't get very much from this. :\ It's the same problem I had with the interaction analysis I used for Phraze, flips are necessary in order to use this effectively.
one answer is to use an assumed flip. this is why u should try confirm who among the dead guys are scum. and if there's no scum, look for the link in the ppl still alive.
Yeah, as soon as I figured Denja out I went through everyone's opinions on him up until then to see who else picked up on it
at what point exactly did u figure this out? I think u were hardcore questioning me and then said "now I understand"? was wondering why we didn't understand each other when search came around.
Dec 22, 2016 9:42 PM

May 2012
Phraze said:
one answer is to use an assumed flip. this is why u should try confirm who among the dead guys are scum. and if there's no scum, look for the link in the ppl still alive.
Enh. I prefer concrete evidence when using these things. There's just too many scenarios that I could run with which would take up waaay too much time and effort to sort through. But as for the link in the people still alive, that's kind of what I'm basing my Penta/Karote/Chione scumteam on with them defending each other/voting similarly. It's all speculation since I haven't actually looked deeper into this, but I'm dead anyway. xD (I don't think I'd do this outside of deadclub)
at what point exactly did u figure this out? I think u were hardcore questioning me and then said "now I understand"? was wondering why we didn't understand each other when search came around.
When I was questioning you, I was also thinking about providing myself some insurance at the time. You'll notice in this post that I say something about paranoia being our downfall, which was me rephrasing a line from the role pm. I was planning to have that in my back pocket to flavour claim with in case I became a lynch target. Then I connected the dots on Denja and notified him that I knew he was town. Did you do something similar that I missed?
GruffinDec 22, 2016 9:53 PM
Dec 22, 2016 10:26 PM

Oct 2011
Enh. I prefer concrete evidence when using these things. There's just too many scenarios that I could run with which would take up waaay too much time and effort to sort through. But as for the link in the people still alive, that's kind of what I'm basing my Penta/Karote/Chione scumteam on with them defending each other/voting similarly. It's so presumptuous since I haven't actually looked deeper into this, but I'm dead anyway. xD (I don't think I'd do this outside of deadclub)
ohhh hahaha. running various scenarios and backup plans is me ayyy~ I honestly don't trust Denja..
When I was questioning you, I was also thinking about providing myself some insurance at the time. You'll notice in this post that I say something about paranoia being our downfall, which was me rephrasing a line from the role pm. I was planning to have that in my back pocket to flavour claim with in case I became a lynch target. Then I connected the dots on Denja and notified him that I knew he was town. Did you do something similar that I missed?
I see xD guess it didn't follow my plans exactly, but still got my results.
Denja's plan was how to organize our search parties. he purposely suggested N3 since he wanted to fish scum who will suggest earlier to use up our shots. few suggested N2, but his answer was after our first lynch. this was why he disagreed with N1 search, since we didn't lynch anyone. the idea was to determine scum on a leading train. u prob gave him the idea of flavor claiming...or he thought that up on the side O.o but so far, the way I saw it, his idea was how to plan search parties. flavor questions only happened during N1, so it could've been a later thought.

hmmm so Denja has 2 ideas. I distrusted him mainly for asking tricky questions regarding mechanics...about the search party. if flavor claiming then pfft I doubt most ppl will agree with or even looked up their pm for backup. this game is communism(all about fairness) so most are playing by that. or that is what I would like to believe...
Dec 23, 2016 1:01 AM

Apr 2014
Phraze said:
Jackrito said:

I agree with this 100% that is how I always play scum, Im more about the challenge then the easy win, since it is more fun that way for everyone. I find going for the inactive win a bit boring and cheap. But scum can do whatever they want to win. It is up to town to do thier part which has been lacking a lot lately sad to say.

I think town is lacking here cuz of the beginning stages. Denja's plan created longterm confusion and it's too late to revert. my answer would've been to shoot Denja N1, if we had a vig.. scum is using him all the way, just like Claire in Nanatsu /facepalm/ anyways, now that we got 2 modkills...I think it would be fair for scum to kill another inactive and give town a chance... the little push downhill is rly accelerating >.>;

[edit: oh yeah..I think Tis the Season wasn't as bad as this tho. nobody was modkilled]

Denja has done nothing wrong this game, and should never of been vig shot. He cleared people well not his fault people are blind, his tactic would really put scum under pressure so much it is unfair. The people who think he is scum are either bad town or scared scum. They is a maassive differeance between him and Claire.
Dec 23, 2016 2:19 AM

Aug 2012
Phraze said:
hmmm so Denja has 2 ideas. I distrusted him mainly for asking tricky questions regarding mechanics...about the search party. if flavor claiming then pfft I doubt most ppl will agree with or even looked up their pm for backup. this game is communism(all about fairness) so most are playing by that. or that is what I would like to believe...
I thought making the questions tricky was kind of him.

He could have outed his plan and asked everyone to join in from Day 1 itself, and scum would be in a really tricky spot but he went the roundabout way of making his question vague and only using it on those almost lynched.

Dec 23, 2016 2:48 AM

Apr 2014
aa-dono said:
Phraze said:
hmmm so Denja has 2 ideas. I distrusted him mainly for asking tricky questions regarding mechanics...about the search party. if flavor claiming then pfft I doubt most ppl will agree with or even looked up their pm for backup. this game is communism(all about fairness) so most are playing by that. or that is what I would like to believe...
I thought making the questions tricky was kind of him.

He could have outed his plan and asked everyone to join in from Day 1 itself, and scum would be in a really tricky spot but he went the roundabout way of making his question vague and only using it on those almost lynched.

Pretty much this he could easily of broke the game if he did it straightfoward, and I respect him for not doing it that way, makes it more fair sadly the inactives means he is not getting the same fairness.
Dec 23, 2016 7:16 AM

May 2012
I'm still surprised that mafia hasn't killed Denja yet for his plan because he poses a major threat to them if he tests them at any point. He's done major stuff for town this game by making the pool of possible scum smaller when clearing people as well. Why kill off the most active people instead?
Dec 23, 2016 7:36 AM

May 2012
This game is getting... :(

RIP town, and apologies Logic for not listening to you earlier.
Dec 23, 2016 7:59 AM

Apr 2014
Gruffin said:
This game is getting... :(

RIP town, and apologies Logic for not listening to you earlier.

This town has no unity denjax and logic telling someone not to vote is going to annoy the person, and denies the point of the game. They need to start working as a team more
Dec 23, 2016 8:06 AM

May 2012
Jackrito said:
Gruffin said:
This game is getting... :(

RIP town, and apologies Logic for not listening to you earlier.

This town has no unity denjax and logic telling someone not to vote is going to annoy the person, and denies the point of the game. They need to start working as a team more
Well with half their teammates MIA, how are they supposed to accomplish that? :\ Where's Soda, Togs, and Shad? (But yeah, asking Penta to not vote wasn't right)
Dec 23, 2016 8:12 AM

Apr 2014
Penta does not help himself though. Logic is right in trying to put his views across if he thinks they are right. It is others job to give reasons why they are wrong not complain on them doing so. If you don't come to a consensus town will never win. The inactives and just general play in this has been pretty bad.

As I said scum team are not doing great imo but town are doing worse
Dec 23, 2016 8:52 AM

May 2012
Jackrito said:
As I said scum team are not doing great imo but town are doing worse
I'm pretty disappointed in this town, definitely. Well at least I can say I learned what /not/ to do this game. Which is a plus.

Did pretty bad when I commented on everything and basically killed any pressure on the scum, and my actual pressuring needs some work as well. Giving people so many passes was just a bad move on my part.

I think next town game I'm going to be a little more reserved about what I post, probably less obviously townie as well to keep me alive longer. I'll still generate conversation and scumhunt, but yeah, this game showed that I can't really get people to post no matter how hard I try.

(I know you're not talking specifically about me, but I like self-reflecting to improve)
Dec 23, 2016 9:41 AM

Jan 2008
Wow, Penta actually got lynched. I influenced the game from the grave! haha.

Well, welcome Penta, whenever you get here.

Hope the search party gets thru tonight. Not that it's going to be very helpful for analysis since so many have died (lynches + modkills) but we need a starting number to confirm the next lynch @_@

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 23, 2016 9:55 AM

Jan 2008
oh the game is on hold til the 26th (so i'm guessing that means night phase til then) well.. if it's that long then we should have plenty of time to get enough votes for a search

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 23, 2016 10:12 AM

May 2012
Lookit Karote showing up after phase change. -_- Karote, why?
Dec 23, 2016 10:56 AM

May 2012
Alright. Since you are going to lynch me anyway. I am town.
There is no rule against red text of truth, so I'll leave that for you when you lynch me.
What is red text of truth?
Dec 23, 2016 11:02 AM

Jan 2008
Gruffin said:
Alright. Since you are going to lynch me anyway. I am town.
There is no rule against red text of truth, so I'll leave that for you when you lynch me.
What is red text of truth?
Oh yeah, I was wondering that too. Probably just another way of claiming, is my guess

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 23, 2016 11:21 AM

May 2012
Kit said:
Oh yeah, I was wondering that too. Probably just another way of claiming, is my guess
But couldn't it still be a lie just like any other claim? Like are we supposed to trust it because it's red? If so, that sounds like a way to instantly confirm yourself as town at any point, which defeats the purpose of analysis...I've never seen this used before.
Dec 23, 2016 11:25 AM

May 2012
^ Though I suppose I could say the same with our flavor claiming.
Dec 23, 2016 11:28 AM

Jan 2008
Gruffin said:
But couldn't it still be a lie just like any other claim?
Yes, that's what I'm saying. "claim" =/= confirm

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 23, 2016 11:31 AM

Apr 2014
Gruffin said:
Alright. Since you are going to lynch me anyway. I am town.
There is no rule against red text of truth, so I'll leave that for you when you lynch me.
What is red text of truth?
I believe that is off umineko where red text us used to define sone thing as true, the only thing higher is the golden truth. This is the only place I have seen the red text of truth it could be off something else else.
Dec 23, 2016 11:41 AM

May 2012
Huh. I guess we'll have to ask Penta once he gets here then.

Edit: Nvm, I looked it up on MafiaWiki and found this:
GruffinDec 23, 2016 11:47 AM
Dec 23, 2016 2:54 PM

Oct 2011
looks like the game thread caught fire in a bad way in my absence.. AND another person got modkilled.... geez Denja's fault

Denja has done nothing wrong this game, and should never of been vig shot. He cleared people well not his fault people are blind, his tactic would really put scum under pressure so much it is unfair. The people who think he is scum are either bad town or scared scum. They is a maassive differeance between him and Claire.
kinda see ur point there... tho I was genuinely upset he said my posts were awful, who cares if I'm town or not, I'm just in it for laughs, etc etc, in just 1 post. srsly..even if this is strategy, it's not very kind. it could be to see town/scum at its weakest...tho if it is, guess I find it more antitown than not. he enforces his mechanics on others and calls them scum if they don't follow, first me and now Penta. wut. his play might be suited to a rolemadness but not this. it ruins this game's analytical potential overall

I'm pretty disappointed in this town, definitely. Well at least I can say I learned what /not/ to do this game. Which is a plus.

Did pretty bad when I commented on everything and basically killed any pressure on the scum, and my actual pressuring needs some work as well. Giving people so many passes was just a bad move on my part.

I think next town game I'm going to be a little more reserved about what I post, probably less obviously townie as well to keep me alive longer. I'll still generate conversation and scumhunt, but yeah, this game showed that I can't really get people to post no matter how hard I try.
it's always good to be more reserved, maybe focus on a couple of ppl, but never the whole picture. which is why I said "Ruu is my target, it's bs but better than nothing". u can be focused without distracting anyone else. this is ultimately teamwork, everyone should have their targets and work from there.
I remember an article how a movie set have each person pair up for mass battle should work the same here. without a focus u will ruin the whole picture. scum play similar, this is something town should learn as well.
Dec 23, 2016 3:39 PM

Apr 2014
Phraze said:
looks like the game thread caught fire in a bad way in my absence.. AND another person got modkilled.... geez Denja's fault

Denja has done nothing wrong this game, and should never of been vig shot. He cleared people well not his fault people are blind, his tactic would really put scum under pressure so much it is unfair. The people who think he is scum are either bad town or scared scum. They is a maassive differeance between him and Claire.
kinda see ur point there... tho I was genuinely upset he said my posts were awful, who cares if I'm town or not, I'm just in it for laughs, etc etc, in just 1 post. srsly..even if this is strategy, it's not very kind. it could be to see town/scum at its weakest...tho if it is, guess I find it more antitown than not. he enforces his mechanics on others and calls them scum if they don't follow, first me and now Penta. wut. his play might be suited to a rolemadness but not this. it ruins this game's analytical potential overall

I'm pretty disappointed in this town, definitely. Well at least I can say I learned what /not/ to do this game. Which is a plus.

Did pretty bad when I commented on everything and basically killed any pressure on the scum, and my actual pressuring needs some work as well. Giving people so many passes was just a bad move on my part.

I think next town game I'm going to be a little more reserved about what I post, probably less obviously townie as well to keep me alive longer. I'll still generate conversation and scumhunt, but yeah, this game showed that I can't really get people to post no matter how hard I try.
it's always good to be more reserved, maybe focus on a couple of ppl, but never the whole picture. which is why I said "Ruu is my target, it's bs but better than nothing". u can be focused without distracting anyone else. this is ultimately teamwork, everyone should have their targets and work from there.
I remember an article how a movie set have each person pair up for mass battle should work the same here. without a focus u will ruin the whole picture. scum play similar, this is something town should learn as well.

Saying who cares if I'm town or not should and will get you killed tbf, since it shows a clear lack of town motive. His play is really not that bad and is not anti town his mechanic test is only used on people who look scummy to begin with Chione and Lucian for example did not pass the test and he does not want to lynch them. You and Penta were lynched for more reasons then that. His tactic is pretty good analysis as well and is creative, a lot more then most are doing that game. When you don't know who the scum are even after lynch the normal tactics are less effective. His tactic used here will only work in this setup as well it would not be able to be used in RM so not sure your point
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